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Name : Naufal Nibrosul Mamduh

Student Number : 1906356304
Faculty & Class : Teknik & Bahasa Inggris-04
1. Title of the Article: Clean, green machines : the truth about electric vehicle emissions
2. Author(s): Jake Whitehead

3. Explain in two or three sentences why you have chosen this article.

I chosen this article because I think electric vehicle will be our future in automotive industry, but
some people stiil doubt whether this technology can give more emission from traditional vehicle or
not. This article can persuade the readers that electric vehicle is more greener, so people will
understand it and change their mindset.

4. Explain briefly in four or five sentences what the article is about.

The article discuss about why electric vehicle is more greener than traditional vehicle. In fact, battery
electric vehicles have no exhaust emissions, their emissions come from upstream emissions.
Although electric vehicle still have emissions, but their emissions depending on how dirty region’s
electricity is. Despite that, Victoria who has the most emissions intensive in Australia still has lower
emissions than petrol vehicle equivalent.

5. What is the writer‟s message or purpose in writing this article?

The writer‟s purpose in writing this article is to inform the reader that electric car is more greener
than petrol and diesel vehicles.

6. Give your personal comment on the article as a conclusion of your article review.

I think this is a good article, the writer make this article well organize. This article use some point of
view to explain why electric vehicle is less emision than petral and diesel vehicles, so the reader can
understand it easily.

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