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Submitted by-
1. Prem Kumar Reddy, 164262, Mechanical.
2. Samarth Vishal Srivastava, 164250, mechanical.
3. Saurabh atulkar,164251, mechanical
4. Dharmendra kumar, 164267, Mechanical.

Under supervision of-

Prof. Sanjay Kumar Srivastava
Mechanical department.
Table of contents
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Literature review
4. Methodology
5. Electromyography
6. Biopack
7. Conclusion

The common causes of low back pain (LBP) among occupational workers are lifting a heavy
object, twisting action, a sudden movement etc. A wide variety of exercises have been
utilized for progressive strengthening of the low back. Rehabilitation exercise is systematic
and planned performance of bodily movements, posture and physical activities intended to
remediate or prevent impairments, improve, restore or enhance physical functions, prevent
and reduce health related risk factors, optimize overall health status, fitness or sense of well-
being. Health practitioners and ergonomists strongly suggest use of rehabilitation exercises to
alleviate LBP.In low back rehabilitation, there are two main muscles involved namely
lliocostalis lumborum and external oblique, which work together to support the spine, help
hold the body upright and allow the trunk of the body to move, twist and bend in many
directions. Electromyography (EMG) is widely used to analyse human movements in
occupational biomechanics. EMG provides a measure of muscles activation during
rehabilitation exercises and thus gives information about the effect of such exercises on the
activation of concerning muscles.

This study focuses on examining various rehabilitation exercises using electromyography.

EMG provides a means by which the back muscles activation levels can be analysed during
exercises which can assist a therapist in selecting appropriate exercises and finding suitable
rehabilitation exercise to reduce low back pain of workers.


Low back pain (LBP) is n universal human experience, almost everyone has it at some point.
LBP is common disorder involving the muscles,nervesn and bones of the back. Pain can vary
from a dull constant ache to a sudden sharp feeling . The lower back, Which starts below the
ribcage, is called the lumbar region. Low back pain usually involves muscle spasm of the
supportive muscles along the spin. Also pain Numbness and tingling in the buttocks or lower
extremity can be related to the back. The common cause of low back pain (LBP) among
occupational worker are lifting a heavy object, twisting action, or a sudden movement. Low
back pain (LBP) has become an increasing problem around the world, there are different
definitions of low back pain depending on the source. According to the European Guidelines
for prevention of low back pain, low back pain is defined as · pain and discomfort, localized
below the costal margin and above the inferior gluteal folds, with or without leg pain
“Another definition, according to S. Kinkade, which resembles the European guidelines is
that low back pain is “pain that occurs posterior in the region between the lower rib margin
and the proximal thighs". The most common form of low back pain is the one that is called
"non-specific low back pain “and is defined as “low back pain not attributed to recognizable,
known specific pathology".

Low back pain is usually categorized in 3 sub types: acute, sub-acute and chronic low back
pain. This subdivision is based on the education of the back pain. Acute low back pain is an
episode of low back pain for less than 6 weeks, sub-acute low back pain between 6 and i2
weeks and chronic low back pain for 12 weeks or more.

It is increasing as result of ageing and expanding world population. The years lived with
disability from low back pain have gone up by more than 50% since 1990, particularly in low
in come and middle income general it is related to smoking, obesity, sedentary,
occupation, and to low socioeconomic low income and middle income countries
disabilities and cost form low back pain will rise in future especially where health system are
delicate and cannot cope with increasing burden.

Main causes of low back pain -

Muscle strain-The muscle of the low back provide the strength and mobility for all activities
of daily living, strain occur when muscle is overworked or weak.
Ligament sprain-Ligament connects the spinal vertebrae and provides stability for the low
back. They be injured with a sudden, forceful movement or prolonged stress.

Poor posture-Poor postural alignments create muscular fatigue, joint compression, and
stress the discs that cushion your vertebrae. Years of abuse can cause muscular imbalance
such as tightness and weakness, which also cause pain.

Age-Wear and tear and inherited factors may cause degenerative changes in the discs and
joint degeneration of the facet joints of the spine Normal aging causes decreased bone
density, strength and elasticity of muscles and ligaments. These effects can be minimized by
regular exercise, proper lifting and moving techniques, proper nutrition and body
composition, and avoidance smoking. Lower back pain can be reducing by various
rehabilitation exercises.

Rehabilitation exercise-Rehabilitation exercise aims to bring back full function following

injury through restoring muscle strength, endurance, power, and improving flexibility. Our
therapists achieve these results by carefully selecting and planning various exercises and
drills for each client. Rehabilitation is as important as treatment following any injury but is
often forgotten. It is really important to understand that injuries will improve and heal more
successfully if an exercise plan is followed. However, every person responds differently and
healing times will vary. The main thing to remember is that prevention is better than cure and
a good, well thought out rehabilitation plan will help keep injuries at bay. Exercises should be
pain free with a few rare exceptions.

There are three different stages within rehabilitation that are important to stick to if returning
to pain-free daily life and/or sporting activities: 

Early stage rehabilitation: gentle exercise allowing for the damaged tissue to heal.

Mid stage rehabilitation: progressive loading to the muscles, tendons, bones or ligaments.
This develops tensile strength producing a healed tissue that will be able to withstand the
stresses and strains of everyday life and exercise.

Late stage rehabilitation: functional exercises and drills to improve your strength, flexibility
and stamina, and to stress the new tissues to ensure the body is ready for pain-free daily
movement and exercise.

Benefits of exercise rehabilitation faster recovery

 . Reduced pain
 Restoring muscle strength, endurance and power
 Improving flexibility
 Enhanced proprioception (an essential part of our bodies ‘ability to move) and
improved balance
 Injury prevention
 Creating resilience and reducing chances of re-injury

Conditions which would be benefited from exercise rehabilitation-

 chronic injuries, such as long term back pain, knee pain, and ankle instability
 hypermobility
 injuries not responding to manual treatment, this may be due to weakness in muscles
or poor posture
 Exercise rehabilitation can also help to;
 support specific sporting goals
 improve strength and fitness
 improve posture and flexibility

 McFarlane and colleagues (2012) reported that older persons were also more likely to
be prescribed pain medications, and less likely to be referred for physical therapy, compared
to younger persons. Thus, there is a high prevalence of LBP in older adults, who are more
often treated with pharmacotherapy. Reid and colleagues (2016) highlighted the urgent need
for nonphannacologic approaches to manage chronic LBP in older adults, as well as a better
understanding of underlying mechanisms. In response to this great need for clinical research
on LBP, the present series of articles was developed to include the many clinical research
studies that have addressed the various biopsychosocial mechanisms of LBP, ranging from
basic functional measures (such as strength, balance, brain activation patterns, and surface
EMG), to important psychosocial factors (such as depression and psychiatric comorbidities,
as well as demoralization), to interdisciplinary treatlT1ent methods. This series is meant to
stimulate the extension of these significant clinical research areas. I would like to personally
thank all the authors who have contributed to this compilation of articles.
 Researchers from the University of Australia's Department of Sport and Exercise
Science recorded lumbar spine range of motion and corresponding EMG activity in those
with CLBP performing commonly recommended core strengthening and stabilizing
exercises. Muscle activity was using pair of surface electrodes from rectus abdominus,
external oblique and lumber erector spinal. The researches detected no increase in trunk
muscle activity or stiffness when comparing CLBP during performance of commonly
recommended core strengthening exercises. A highly referenced study on EMG activity of
lumbar muscles during isometric exercise in those with CLBP was conducted by a
multidisciplinary team of exercise physiologist, physical therapists and physicians.
 Cassisi studied core and lumbar Para spinal muscle activity across five angles of
flexion during isometric exercises and at rest in health controls and those with CLBP. The
group used surface integrated EMG to determine whether CLBP subjects exhibit a high
muscle tension deficiency model versus a low muscle tension deficiency model. Their
conclusions supports the model of CLBP as a muscular deficiency state. Thus, EMG research
supports the safe and effective role core strengthening exercise plays in the Exercise
Prescription for CLBP. A systematic review on the effectiveness of physical and
rehabilitation interventions for CLBP found that compared to usual care,"exercise therapy
improved post treatment pain intensity and disability.

Low Back pain (LBP) is a major socioeconomic problem. It leads to acute and chronic
changes in Para spinal muscles and their mechanisms. These functional deficiencies can be
normalized by functional restoration in forms of active physical rehabilitation. The objective
of this project is to analyze the surface EMG signals of Low back pain patients, recorded
during dynamic trunk flexion and extension of Para spinal muscles to grade the muscle
fatigue level. This work involves the design of necessary EMG acquisition circuitry and
processing method to determine the mean and entropy of the EMG signals. The purpose of
this study is to investigate the pattern of Lumbar muscle fatigue using the mean and entropy
of the EMG signals to compare fatigue level while performing basic rehabilitation exercises
with relaxed mind and concentration. This will give the possible way to identify a group
within a population at increased risk of low-back pain.
This study involves 20 non-workers (University students). EMG signals of low back muscles
are studied. Identical exercise conditions are provided to comparison purpose.

Electromyography (EMG) is a technique for evaluating and recording the electrical activity
produced by skeletal muscles. E1ectromyography is widely used to analyse human movement
in occupational biomechanics. EMG provides data for individual muscles. To understand
EMG, it may be noted that all living cells are surrounded by a membrane, which is selectively
permeable to various ions and also actively transports ion, and therefore there exists a resting
membrane potential. This Potential is typically in the order of -70 to -90 millivolts (mV) for
an axon or muscles fiber, with the outside positive relative to the inside. A depolarization of a
cell to a threshold value initiates an action potential as the membrane permeability changes.
When generated in a motor nerve neuron, the nerve action potential changes. When generated
in a motor nerve neuron, the nerve action potential (NAP) propagates along the cells axon
down to the motor endplate. A series of NAPs over time is referred to as a NAP train. At the
motor endplate the NAP train causes the release of chemical transmitters that activate
depolarization of the muscles fibres. When the NAP propagates down the motor neuron it
normally activates all its branches, and these in turn activate all the muscles fibers of the
motor unit. When the muscle fiber membrane is depolarized, the depolarization propagates in
both directions along the fiber, causing a wave of contraction that produces a brief twitch and
subsequent relaxation. The depolarization of the muscles fiber membrane represents a small
electrical potential known as a muscle action potential (MAP), and a series of these over time
is called a MAP train. Since not all muscle fibers of a motor unit depolarize and contract
simultaneously, a complex motor unit potential (MUP) result from the superimposition of
several muscle fiber MAPs. By placing an electrode either within the muscle or on the skin
these potential can be recorded. Such measurement is called electromyography (EMG). Each
muscle has a number of motor units. An increase in intension can occur either by an increase
in the stimulation rate of a given motor unit or by the recruitment of additional motor units.
Thus, the recorded EMG voltage is normally the sum of several MUPs.

Biopac system
The Biopac is a proprietary teaching device and method introduced in 1995 as a digital
replacement for aging chart recorders and oscilloscopes that were widely used in
undergraduate teaching laboratories prior to that time. It is completely and fully automatic
data acquisition system that includes both hardware and software for the acquisition and
analysis of biological data. The software automatically identifies and labels the points. It also
evaluates the amplitudes and timing intervals and pastes the results either into the Excel file.
It is a light weight portable biological data logger and telemetry system. The data acquisition
system receives the signals from electrodes and transducers. The electrical signals are
extremely small with amplitudes sometimes in the microvolt range so the hardware amplifies
these signals, filters out unwanted electrical noise or interfering signals, and converts them to
a set of numbers that the computer can read. Biopac Student Lab software then displays the
numbers as waveforms on the monitor. The data acquisition system connects to a PC running
Windows operating systems, via USB. The electrodes and transducers employ sensors that
allow the software to communicate with the students to ensure that they are using the correct
devices and collecting good data.
Rehabilitation exercises performed are:-
1. Baby posture
2. Pelvic Tilt
3. Cat and Cow Posture
4. Bridge exercise
5. Right leg gulte bridge
6. Left leg gulte bridge
7. Bhujangasan

These rehabilitation exercise have been performed on 8 non workers (students) and reading
are collected with relaxed mind and concentration. In the coming semester we are going to
perform on remaining students and produce the results of effect on low back pain.

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