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BF 1623
.P9 H6
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S. N.






PRICE $5.00

Seaside Publishing Compa'ny

Long Beach, California.

He who reacts witJi an open mind,
absorbs knowledge as a sponge does

Read, compare and analyze, the prin-

ciple by number in this book, aitd your
reward will be WISDOM.

SEP 28 1921


Resting in the Belief That the Science of
Will, When Thoroughly Understood, Impart to the
Mind of Humanity a Clear Comprehension of

the Principle of Truth in All Its

Manifestations and Expressions of

Nature I Confidently

This Book to All Men and Women
Who Are Seeking Numerical
Proof of the Creative Law
—The Author

19 2 1





Wisdom right understanding; a faculty of discerning
.good from evil; what is to be chosen and what rejected; judg-
ment grounded upon the value of things, and not the common
opinion of them an equality of force and resolution. It sets

a watch over our words and deeds it takes us up with the con-

templation of the works of Nature; and makes us invincible

by either good or evil fortune. It is large and spacious and
requires a great deal of room to work in; it ransacks heaven
and earth; it has for its object things past and to come, transi-
tory and eternal. It examines all the circumstances of time;
"what it is when it began and how long it will continue ;" and
so for the mind; whence it came, what it is; when it begins;
how long it lasts; whether or not it passes from one form to
another; or serves one only and wanders when it leaves us;
where it abides in the state of separation, and what the action
of it what use it makes of its liberty whether or not it retains
; ;

the memory of things past and comes to the knowledge of it-

self. It is a habit of a perfect mind and the perfection of
humanity, raised as high as Nature can carry it. It differs
from Philosophy as avarice and money, the one desires and
the other is desired; the one is the effect and reward of the
other. To be wise is the use of wisdom, as seeing is the use
of eyes and well speaking the use of eloquence.
He that is perfect ishappy nay the very begin-
perfectly ;

ning of wisdom makes life easy to us. Neither is it enough

to know this unless we print it in our minds by daily medita-
tion, and so bring a good will to a good habit. And we must
practice what we preach, for Philoophy is not a subject for
popular ostentation, nor does it rest in words, but in things. It
is not an entertainment taken up for delight, or to give taste
to leisure, but it fashions our actions, tells us what we are
to do and what not. It sits at the helm and guides us through
all hazards; nay we cannot be safe without it, for every hour
gives us occasion to make use of it. It informs us upon all the
duties of life, piety to our parents, faith to our friends, charity
to the miserable, judgment in council it gives us peace by fear-

ing nothing, and riches by coveting nothing. There is no con-

dition of life that excludes a wise man from discharging his
duty. If his fortune be good he tempers it if bad he masters

it; if he has an estate he will exercise his virtue in plenty ; if

none in poverty; if he cannot do it in his own country he will
do it in banishment if he has no command he will do the of-

fices of a common soldier.

They that ascribe the invention of tillage, architecture,
navigation, etc., to wise men may perchance in the main be
right, that they were invented by wise men, but they were not
invented by wise men as wise men, for wisdom does not teach
our fingers but our minds. Fiddling and dancing, arms and
fortifications were the works of luxury and discord; but wis-
dom instructs us in the ways of Nature and in the arts of
Unity anl Concord not in the instruments but in the govern-

ments of life nor to make us live only, but to make us live hap-

pily. She teaches us what things are good, what evil, and
what only appear so; and to distinguish between true great-
ness and tumor. She clears our mind of dross and vanity;
she raises our thoughts to heaven and carries them down to
hell she discourses on the nature of the soul the powers and
; ;

faculties of it the first principles of things the order of prov-

; ;

idence; she exalts us from things corporeal to things incorpo-

real and retrieves the TRUTH of all. She searches NATURE,
gives LAWS to LIFE and tells us that "IT IS NOT ENOUGH
OBEY HIM." She looks upon
all so-called accidents as the acts of providence sets a true

value upon things; delivers us from false opinions, and con-

demns all pleasures that are attended with repentance. She
allows nothing to be good that will not be so for ever no man

to be happy but he that needs no other happiness, but what

he has within himself no man to be great or powerful that is

not MASTER OF HIMSELF and this is the felicity of human


life a felicity that can neither be corrupted nor extinguished.


one it cannot be many, and therefore it cannot have
If it is
parts, and cannot be a whole (for that imples parts) . Not hav-
ing parts, it cannot have beginning, middle or end; it has
therefore no limits and is infinite. Further it will have no
figure; for figure implies parts. Further it will be nowhere;
for what is anywhere must either be contained in something
else or in itself. It cannot be contained in anything else; for
it would then be in contact at different points with what con-
tained it and that imples parts. Nor can it be contained in
itself, for then it would be both container and contained, and
so two, not one.
It cannot be in motion or at rest. If it suffered altera-
tion, which is one form of motion, it would no longer be one.
It cannot have equal motion which is the other form of motion,
either motion of rotation, for that imples a center or axis of
rotation, and so figure and parts, or motion of translation,
Ml since it has no place. Further it would have to be at once in
the same place and not in the same place which implies parts.
Nor can it be at rest, since it is nowhere in space, neither in
itself nor in anything else, and cannot therefore be where it is.

Nor can it be the same as or other than itself or anything

else. It cannot be other than itself, for then it would not be
one it cannot be the same as anything else, for then it would

be the same as what is other than one it cannot be better than


anything else, for it is only the other that can be better; it

cannot be the same as itself, for if same were one, how could
, anything be other than the same as many?
It cannot be like or unlike itself or anything else, for the
like is what has an identical property, and the only property of
what is one is to be one.
Nor can it be equal or unequal to itself or anything else.
If it were equal, it would be the same measure, but it does not
participate in the same. If it were unequal (greater or less)
it would have as many parts as measures, and so would not be
It cannot be older or younger than itself or anything else,
or the same age, as since all of these imply equality or inequal-
cannot, therefore, be in time at all for what is in time
It ;

is always becoming older than it is at a given moment, and

therefore at the same time younger than it is, and also, since
this becoming lasts no longer or shorter time than what be- t

comes, it is always the same age as itself.

Further, since it does not participate in time, it does not
participate in Being; for it has not become and has not been,
it will not become and will not be, it is not becoming and is not.
And, if it cannot be, it cannot be one, and cannot be named,
spoken of, known, or perceived by the senses.

The Cosmos is infinite. I am a part
Of the Cosmos, its head and its heart.
If God include all, shall He not compass me?
IfHe is, then I am. If I am, is not He?
No matter how infinitesimal I,
I am one with infinity. Why should I cry
I am nothing, if nothingness still may include
The desire and the dream of allInfinitude?
I am small? Be it so. But I also am great
While my smallness is part of God's ample estate.



In presenting this Text Book on Numerology to the public
I do so with one idea in view: that of placing in the hands of
Occult students and Meta-physicians a system of analysis that
relates names and numbers in such a simple manner that they
may be understood by the beginner in this line of thought.
The fact that the principle ofMathematics underlies every
law of Nature is conceded by every thinking and reasoning
Students of Greek, Latin and Anglo-Saxon languages have
all been searching for centuries to discover that method known
only to the Ancients of Pythagoras' time. Not many have re-
discovered the great principle, but some have been fortunate
enough to discover one of the four or perhaps two of the four

primary laws of the great principle. All numbers or I should

say the principle of mathematics is as old as history itself,
and no -one can tell where language or figures had their origin.
Away back twenty-five thousand years ago and more, as we
rate time, there was language and figure. The evolution and
transition from one sign to another has been gradual and by
steady steps, until today there is not a thought but that can
be expressed understanding^ by a system of symbols and
I figures that impart the truth to the thinking faculty of man's
mind. Man and his mental activity is an enigma. No one un-

derstands the greatest work of God, the HUMAN BRAIN.

Many have tried to analyze thought, and the source of will
that produces action and all have failed thus far to give what
jould be accepted as a definite conclusion. The question,
"WHAT IS THOUGHT," is perpetually being asked. No one
has been able to define it, any more than to say thought is
VIBRATION, but that still leaves the question in the fog
of uncertainty. "Thoughts are things" has been said and re-
iterated time and again, but no definite proof has ever been
offered, until now, that would verify the statement that
THOUGHTS ARE THINGS. I promise students of NUMER-
OLOGY, mathematical proof of this statement in this book.
That the underlying laws of Nature are based upon and
can be interpreted through a knowledge of the science of math-
ematics is conceded by every thinking man or woman. Taking
for granted that there is a key that opens the door of every
soul and that the desires, aspirations and hopes of every indi-


vidual has a corresponding number that when properly inter-
preted will place that individual in harmony with the great
creative laws of nature, we are presenting for the first time
in the history of the world, a "Philosophy of Numerology" that
seeks to make plain this mathematical principle. There are
only two sciences — or perhaps that statement is too broad
for I had intended to say that the two sciences were PHYSICS
and META-PHYSICS. Many will take issue with me and deny
that Meta-physics is a science but in this treatise on NUMER-


FIVE KINGDOMS, I am going to show that there is nothing
in Nature but expressions of VIBRATION and no matter by
what name known there is only that implacable Principle of
Creation that waxes and wanes without beginning or end and
that the only way it can be intelligently comprehended is
through an understanding of mathematics which takes def-
initeform, weight and color in the brains of man, outside of
which all is chaos.
Names and numbers are all there is. Everything is^x^
pressed to the mind of man by the use of these two kinds of

symbols letters of the alphabet or the digits from 1 to 9.
These letters called A, B and C and digits called figures or num-
bers are so closely related to each other that they cannot prop-
erly be separated. They have, when associated together, a
subtle and definite way of making everything plain concern-
ing the meaning of words. They instantly interpret the form,
color, shape, constitution and power of any expression of nature
and show beyond doubt the origin and destiny of all things.
The Ancient Philosophers knew this correspondence and used
the knowledge to such great advantage that the Kings issued
edicts against those who were versed in the "KABALA" (nu-
merology) and had them imprisoned and put to death, until
finally through persecution they were driven to take refuge in
the mountain fastnesses or on the far distant desert away from
the haunts of man.
About the year 600 B .C, Critolus and Pythagoras had
completed the most perfect numerology and were able to in-
terpret the great Principle of Nature. They had evolved a
system of analysis that verged on the perfect, when the school
they had established for teaching this wisdom was destroyed
and the secret lost. Since that time scientists and mathemati-
cians have prosecuted an almost hopeless search for the AN-
CIENT SECRET with more or less success, until now. Phytha-

goras, who was reputed to have reached perfection in the in-

terpretation of names and numbers did not leave any written
rules to guide his followers because the basic principles were
transmitted by word of mouth alone, and was never permitted
to be written, lest those in whose possession they were found
would be put to death as a member of the College of Mathema-
ticians or Aryians, or as was known at that time the Necroman-
ciers. The only statement of Pythagoras that could be con-
strued in any way to have a relation to any rules for defining
the relation that words and numbers bore each other was when
an old letter in the original Greek was discovered in which
Pythagoras informed one of his students to note carefully that
every word when reduced to a final conclusion would be found
by taking the
BINED POWER, ORIGIN and DESTINY. These four dimen-
sions, quoted the letter, are the full expression of all gradua-
tions of Nature's Laws and show the direction in which the
great Over Principle is manifesting. The letter goes on to
state that there is only ONE PRINCIPLE, that this principle
contains in GROSS VOLUME all the diversified expressions
of the LAWS OF NATURE on the side of MATERIAL MANI-
! FESTATION, and that of the UNMANIFESTED. It is the
same in both the seen and unseen worlds. Further quoting the
letter gives this illustration:

The ship below the horizon out of the reach of the eye's
vision isnot seen but it is nevertheless there and comes into
/I view as it nears the port. The image of a thing is in the mind
it exists but not within the physical possession of the one who
visions it, but just as surely as the vision remains unchanged
and the mind becomes magnetically strong does that thing
visioned draw near unto the source of attraction, like the ship
upon the ocean headed for the port it lands.

Numerology is a science. In fact it is THE SCIENCE of

sciences because there is no gradation of Truth that Numer-
ology will not connect with its corresponding link in the grand
chain of the UNIVERSE. One Truth is linked to and depend-
ent upon another infinitum, as words are expressed thoughts
so are they also pictures or images of things in the realm of
mind. The Infinite and the Universal are only comprehensible
through the Science of Mathematics and Numerology. Mind
and it's expression are readily interpreted by a use of figures
and symbols only as they are related to each other.
Emanuel Swedenborg, in writing hundreds of years ago that
wonderful book entitled "Heaven and Hell," mentions "Numer-
ology" and describes it on Page 159, Note 263, thus:
"I have also seen writings from Heaven of mere numbers
set down in order and in series just as in writings of letters and
words and I have been instructed that this writing is from the
innermost heaven, and that their heavenly writing is presented
in numbers with the angels of a lower heaven when the thought
of it flows down and that this numerical writing in like man-
ner involves arcana, some of which cannot be compared by
thought nor expressed by w ords for all numbers correspond

and according to correspondence are significant equally as

words yet with the difference that numbers involve generals

and w ords particulars and because one general involves in-


numerable particulars, numerical writing involves more arcana

than literal."
Thenlater in 1884, we have our own
American author stat-
ing in the "Book of Life" concerning themeaning of Numbers,
quoting "Syvarthur," the greatest psychic writer since Swed-
enborg, from page 87, Book of Life:
"Without entering into elaborate proofs, the meaning of
the more important numbers is given here before proceeding
to the analysis of the mental organs.
1. One is the number
of unity, the beginning of every
series, and the end of every synthesis. We look at a man and
while we perceive that he is a unit that he acts and moves as

a whole; that through the whole of his form there is connec-

tion or continuity, yet at the same time we perceive that he is
made up of parts; that there is a trinal division into head,
trunk aiK^limbs and a dual division of limbs into two arms and
two legs. Thus we perceive both the and the ONE MANY
both Unity and Plurality at the same time. Every object must
have the basic properties of Form, Space and Parts. We can-
not deprive any object of these.
2. Two is the number of duality. All the forces of Na-
ture are dual or polar. They are positive and receptive, mas-
culine and feminine, active and passive, earthly and heavenly.
By an inverse meaning TWO
is also the number of uncertainty
or dubiety, as when we do not know which one of tw o things r

to choose. By direct meaning the digit two is Negative.

3. is the number of simple completeness,
Three the —
Trinity. In the indivisible atoms of matter there are three di-

mensions length, breadth, thickness. The organic cell has

three elements, cell wall, nucleus, and circulating contents."
: :


And he further elucidates the meaning of four, twelve,

etc. Thus we have all Psychic writers trying in every way to
find and relate the figures to real physical matter and to carry
their analysis into the realm of unexplored fields of Philosophy
and Physics.
Quoting further from famous and authentic writers, we
copy a statement made in Science and Health with Key to the
Scriptures, by Mary Baker G. Eddy. On page three she says
"Who would stand before the blackboard and pray the princi-
ple of mathematics to solve the problem? The rule is already
established, and it is our task to work out the solution. Shall
we ask the divine Principle of all goodness to do His own work ?
His work is done and we have only to avail ourselves of God's
rule in order to receive His blessing, which enables us to work
out our own salvation.'' Herein we have the admission that
it is through a thorough understanding of the divine Principle
of Mathematics that one is enabled to work out their salvation.
Then again we have as other writers before us have done,
when presenting a seemingly new philosophy to the world, re-
course to substantiation by quoting from the Bible, St. James
The Fourth Book of Moses called "NUMBERS"—
"And the Lord spake unto Moses in the wilderness of
Sinnai, in the tabernacle of the congregation, on the first day
of the second month, (February 1) 1490 B. C. in the first year
after they were come out of the land of Egypt, saying
Take ye the sum of all the congregation of the children
of Israel after their families, by the house of their fathers,
with the number of their names, every male by their polls;
from twenty years old and upward that are able to go forth
to war.'
Then observe when they were chosen the name of the

first leader "ELIZUR" and his number is 539839, which when
added together makes 37, or again added 10 and again 1, first
and consistently throughout that whole book of the bible is
Numerology as modernly discovered and interpreted, shown to
have existed at that ancient date and that they, the writers of
that period, knew the value of this mathematical principle and
used it to construct sentences based upon the true relation of
words to each by the harmonic numerical vibration of each
syllable, cannot be doubted. A further proof is the fact that
the Bible language is conceded the most perfect expressions of
thought the world over.

Now quote from the Book of REVELATIONS,

let me
Chapter 13, Verse 16: "And He causeth all, both small and
great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their
right hand, or on their foreheads."
Verse 17 "And that no man might buy or sell, save that

he had that mark, or the name of the Beast, or the NUMBER

Verse 18: "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath under-
standing count the number of the Beast for it is the number

of a man and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."


Then in the following chapter it starts by quoting more

numbers, and so the real mysteries of ancient times are clouded
by numerical expressions which are difficult to decipher, still
they are apparently made plain by this system of Numerology.
Then there was, as now, a great desire to find this Ancient
Secret of Critolus and Pythagoras, but notwithstanding the
wonderful wisdom and psychic sight of these great seers, the
secret remained buried in a maze of uncertain theories until
Aside from the fact that words and their meaning can be
correctly defined by HOUSEHOLDER'S PERFECT NUMER-
OLOGY, there the greater value in the use of this science
to define temperament. If the known ingredients of which a
known body or thing is composed can be definitely ascertained
by reducing the name of a thing to figures, it stands to reason
that the same principle applied to the human being bearing a
name can be just as readily figured out and explained. Man
is composed of all the elements known to analytical chemistry,
there being nothing known to the chemist that is not found
in proportion in the human body. This being true, we propose
to show by illustration that the name a person bears exposes
to the adept in Numerology just what temperament the person
has who bears that name and just what might be expected of -

that person, both in a business and social way. Nature has

infinite expressions but reaches its greatest height in the mind
of man. And man has by analogy and comparison reasoned
out a system of psychology that seeks to, and does, in most
instances, conclude what results come from certain lines of
thought. The law of mental suggestion, based upon a knowl-
edge of this Science of Numerology, has proven efficient in
more than ninety-nine cases in one hundred and so may it not
now be accepted as worthy the attention of educators the world

"I Am Alpha and Omego : The First and the Last."
I AM TRUTH, LIFE, LOVE. That body thou callest thy-
self is mine. I am
the consummation of all thy hopes. I live
only in the ever present now. I speak all languages, and my
voice vibrates with all power. To me there is no past there is

no future just now. I am what I AM. Seek not to find me
apart from thyself for I AM. The finest universal ether thrice
refined by love, and immersed in the ocean of TRUTH, en-
dowed with all power, and vibrant with life, is my medium of
creative thought, pregnant with cohesive will that gives to all
phases of TRUTHthe semblance of materiality. There is no
gross material. Only that which seems to thee to be gross
is a more compact condensation of etheral vibrations, the
source and substance of which I AM.
There is no center of things but the truth of vibration is
there. There is no matter but ether, the center and circumfer-
ence. All divisions of so-called material are but affinitized vi-
brating "ions" with variable motions polarized at different co-

hesive octaves thereby differing in formation such as cubes,
spheres, cycles, etc., Etherons the CENTRALNUCLEI. The
finest etherons are polarized vibrations of the sun reflected
from the numerous stars to earth, and becoming dense through
volume become magnetized and condensed into semblance of
material and form the four divisions of matter known as Min-
eral (very compact etherons), Vegetable (rapid moving ether-
ons of light volume), Animal, and Human, a compact combina-
tion of all vibratory weights of loose and compact affinitized
etherons with power to comprehend the finest ether, and com-
prehension to weigh its complexity and polarize it into a self
affinitized magnet at will, but I AM THE
Gray matter of the brain is a compact condensation of
"ions," electrons etherized and distilled into a liquid protoplas-
mic substance for use in the nerve canals for the purpose of
defining the rate of vibratory force of ether waves vibrating
in the ozone (air, or atmosphere), that convey to all harmoni-
ous instruments, minds, brains, souls, spirits, the truth of
things as they are, and records such truth in memory the seat
of comprehension, reached by Thought, where I AM.
Only those realize who I AM, that can see clearly with an

single eye —
who can foscus every faculty of the brain and con-
centrate their full analytical power upon all gradations of cre-
ation, for the life of all, I AM, and the light and radiance there-
of eminates from where I AM. The Lightning is my chariot
and Thunder the Herald of My creative power, when I ride the
clouds Electric essence follows in my wake to be the "Nuclei"
of all life, whose composition, shape, size, color and destiny
are controlled by my Wisdom


Oh, Thou Eternal One Whose
presence bright

All space doth occupy, all motion guide;

Unchanged through Time's all devastating flight,
Thou only God, there is no God beside,
Being above all beings Mighty One,

Whom none can comprehend and none 'explore;

Who fill'st existence with Thyself alone;
Embracing all, supporting, ruling o'er,
Being we call God, Life, Truth, Love and more.

In sublime research, Philosophy


May measure out the ocean deep, may count

The sands or the sun's rays, but God, for Thee,
There is no weight nor measure; none can mount
Up to Thy mysteries. Reason's brightest spark,
Though kindled by Thy light; in vain would try
To place Thy counsels, groping in the dark;
And thought is lost ere thought can soar so high,
Even like past moments in eternity.

Thou from primeval nothingness didst not call

First chaos, then existence, Lord: on Thee
Eternity had its foundation all
Spring forth from Thee, of Light, Joy and Harmony,
Sole origin, all life, all beauty Thine.
Thy word created all, and doth create;
Thy splendor fills all space with rays divine,
Thou art, and wert, and shall be Glorious Great; :

Life giving, life sustaining potentate.



Thy chains the unmeasured universe surround

Upheld by Thee, by Thee inspired with breath;
Thou the beginning with the end hast bound,
with life divine hath conquered death;
As sparks mount upward from the fiery blaze
So suns are born, so zvorlds spring forth from Thee;
And as the spangles in the sunny rays
Shine round the silver snow, the pageantry
Of Heaven's bright army glitters in Thy praise.

A million torches lighted by Thy hand
Wander unwearied through the blue abyss;
They own Thy power, accomplish Thy command,
All gay with life, all eloquent with bliss.
What shall we call themf Piles of crystal light,
A glorious company of golden streams,
Lamps of Celestial ether, burning bright,
Suns lighting systems with their joyful beams,
h But Thou to these art as the noon to night.

Yes as a drop of water in the sea


All this magnificence in Thee is lost;

What are ten thousand worlds compared with Thee?
And what am I then? Heaven's unnumbered host,
Though multiplied by myriads, and arrayed
In all the 'glory of sublimes t thought,
Is but an atom in the balance ; weighed
Against Thy greatness is a cipher brought
Against Infinity Oh, what am I then? Naught.

No for the effluence of Thy light divine


Pervading worlds, hath, reached my bosom too;

Yes : in my
doth Thy Spirit shine,
As shines the sunbeam in a drop of dew.
N aught? I live, and on Hope's pinions fly
Eager toward Thy presence for in Thee :

I live, and breath and dwell; aspiring high,

Even to the Thy divinity,
throne of
I am, God: And surely Thou must be!

Thou art! directing, guiding all, Thou art I

Direct my understanding, then, to Thee;
Control my spirit, guide my wandering heart;
Though but an atom midst immensity.
Still I am something, fashioned by Thy hand!
I hold a middle rank 'twixt Heaven and Earth,
On the vast verge of mortal being stand
Close to the realms where angels have their birth;
Just on the boundaries of the spirit land.

The chain of being is complete in me;

In me is matter' s last gradation lost,
And the next step is spirit-Deity!
I command the lightning, I am more than dust!
A monarch and a slave; a worm, a god!
Whence came I here? And how so marvelously
Constructed and conceived? Unknown this clod
Lives surely through some higher energy;
For from itself alone it could not be.

Creator, yes! Thy wisdom and Thy word

Created me! Thou source of life and good!
Thou spirit of my spirit, and my Lord!
Thy light, Thy love, in their bright plentitude
Filled me with an immortal soul, to spring
Over the abyss of death, and bade it wear
The garments of eternal day, and wing
Its Heavenly flight beyond this little sphere
Even to its Source, to Thee, its author there.

thoughts ineffable! vision blest!

Though worthless our conceptions all of Thee,
Yet shall Thy shadowed image fill our breast,
And waft its homage to Thy Deity.
God! thus alone my lonely thoughts can soar;
Thus seek Thy presence, being wise and good!
Midst Thy vast works admire, obey, adore;
And when the tongue is eloquent no more,
The soul shall speak in tears of gratitude.


Physical Scientist, Theologian, Christian Scientist, Mental
Chemist, and the Philosopher, Are All Seeking
the Answer. Here It Is!
Science as such has never been able to bridge the gulf that
separates material verifiable facts from the philosophical
theories of life creation. That is, they, as scientists, can anal-
yze the human or animal body and reduce it to a final chemical

equation to discover the human cell described as a "microsco-
pic mass of Protoplasm of sufficient size and individuality to
contain a life history of its own," but the organization of that
minute cell pregnant with life, endowed with procreative pow-
er, generated from some hidden law or force in nature various-
ly described as being inorganic, eludes scientific analysis. In
other words, the quest of science ends in a philosophical con-
ception of life Creation, a function said to be exercised and ex-
clusively controlled by the Diety; an unknown Omnipotent
King that is the source and substance of all things; whether
animate or inanimate, material or Spiritual, intelligent or ig-

norant of thought reputed to be the originator of all thought
and the final judge in all questions of science or philosophy.
(See Nuclei.)
Thus we have the story of life, vague and unsatisfactory.
Science advances many theories, likening the human cell unto
an atom endowed with life and motion, capable of reproducing
itself; and investigation of this cell has been carried to the
point of discovering concealed within its center two polarized

transparent Electrons or Etherons positive and negative
that are moving at an inconceivable rate of vibration around
each other, as it were, resembling a minute Solar System. The
pregnant cells depending on animal protoplasm, in which they
come immersed, for sustenance. (Nuclei.)
Thus far science can go and then we cease our investiga-
tions in the direction of the material and take up an investiga-
tion of the terrestial, or philosophical, astronomical, or astro-
The atmosphere, wind and light, the heavenly bodies, sun,
moon and stars. What do we find here? Well, to begin with
let us make a scientific as well as a philosophical analysis.
The Earth on which we live is said to be a seething in-
ferno of heat at its center — so the atom of matter in propor-

tion a seething inferno of Electric heat, composed of Alpha


and Beta and Gama vibrations Electrons or Etherons; to
which is accredited all power.
Now, these transparent Etheral polarized Electrons (Nu-
clei) that are inherent in an atom of matter and cell of the hu-
man body are rated by scientists to be as far apart from one
another in proportion to their size as the Heavenly planets are,
and to be interspersed by just the same substances as exist
between this Earth and the sun, moon and stars, and when the
human body is scientifically disintegrated and analyzed, we
find it to contain the component gases constituting the atmos-
phere that occupies the etheral space between here and the
moon. These gases are the basis of all things and constitute
all things.

They have been disintegrated separated from one an-
other, and classified; they have been mixed and compounded
into every imaginable article known to constructive Chemistry,
but while the Chemist can even go so far as to assemble all the
constituent gases of which the human body, brain and vital
organs is composed, into a form resembling the human anat-
omy, he cannot endow a mechanically constructed form with

Life creationbeyond his power in that direction. And

that principle of Nature which makes inorganic, so vastly dif-
ferent from organic nature, in giving life and intelligence to
the human body is still a mystery, and shall forever remain
To possess
this power, the dream of the ancient alchemist
would be realized, for he would have the power of a God, and
the knowledge is not supposed to be for this day and genera-
Now, letus take up the further study of these gases, ma-
terials, vibrations, ethereal waves, electrons or ions, and see
what we discover.
Cell discovered by Schwann in 1839 and called "animal-
cule." (Nucleus.)
The cell is mass of protoplasm which contains in
a small
its interior one specially formed portion. The Nucleoli, which
is the spiritual part of life or being, and controls the form of


the being. The human cell contains all the mysteries of life.
All the principals of life are present in a rudimentary form.
The organic substance is being continually broken down and
built up again, but the Nucleoli remains unchanged. The whole
vital process depends upon the continual destruction and res-
toration. The protoplasm, which composed of different

chemical substances of very minute particules, grow around

the nucleus, forming a complete being. Or Man, Mind and
Memory, all the growth of this magnetic poised King Cell
known as the "Ego," "I."
EGO: (King Cell.) (Latin I.) "A term much used by
Philosophers to denote the conscious self or person, especially
when conceived as the metaphysical subject whose activity
is supposed to give rise to the world of Experience."
Conscience is the Ego or better self and is a magnetic vi-
bratory force from God. It is the foundation and support of
all knowledge. The starting point for every student. It is
forever in a state of unfoldment and natural growth.
Spiritual unfoldment is but an unfoldment of Individual
conscience. All impressions upon the sense make an impres-
sion on the conscience. It is the receiving Attribute. It re-
ceives whether we are willing or not. Conscience is co-exist-
ent with memory.
First, we must explain the nature of the Nuclei of things.
All large bodies, when analyzed have proven to be only a con-
glomeration of particles, atoms, cells, etc., held together by an
unknown force operated by an heretofore unknown law. Sup-
posed to be the law of equilibrium or polarity to affinitized
harmonic vibration. This unknown principle has been called

Deity or God. In all ages this God has been only a theologi-
cal conception of the philosophical God of the Ancients, and
His abiding place was among the stars (Central Nuclei).
The way He manifested Himself to man was said to be
through endowing man with intelligence to read His messages
in the position and color of the Stars in the blue abyss of un-
limited space.
Here today we find prophecy written ten thousand years
ago,by sages and philosophers, that was directly interpreted
from messages given to man by God, through the stars, com-
ing to pass.

We give here a table No. 1 showing matter and the com-
ponent elemental gases. This is called Organic Chemistry.
Table No. 2 shows Spirit and its constituent vibratory "ions,"
Electrons. This is called Electric Philosophy.
Oxygen )

1 No. 1
Hydrogen ] i Chemistry
Matter Gases <



; "Ions"


Spirit < [ Desire ) No. 2

; Life j Electric Phil

( Electrons

( Ether

"Ions" is the Universal head of Nature, four parts of a

whole, and is the nucleus of all aglomerations of Etheral gases,

forming, as it were, the magnetic pole or the principle Ulti- —

mate fourth dimension Nuclei variously referred to as the
grand central law of the Universe Vibration. —
Force in Matter has two directions and an equipoise or
equilibrium the Grand Central law of the Universe, located in
the center of the Infinite. From out of seeming nothingness
comes all that is made absolute into seeming nothingness goes

everything that apparently was manifested to our coarser

senses as matter. This matter is the result of man's action
in assembling the gross material or finer gases blending and
compounding them into material objects known as everything.
Then we find after analyzing the desire that developed
the power blending and compounding them into material ob-

jects can also be disseminated at man's will, but when larger

bodies are reduced there is also a residue called RADIUM.
Mind transposes material nature to the Psychic plane
through the seven senses of the brain and registers all im-
— —
pressions in force, Ether memory mind, Spirit, ultimate,
comprehension, there it does not decay with brain cells but is
perpetuated, ultimate vibration.
These impressions are not registered in matter which con-
stantly changes, but in force, which does not change. Force
is vibration ether, electrons, Spirit, Ultimate Vibration and in
this Ultimate is all records made in memory, from thought

Memory and Spirit are one that one electrons. Electrons
are the communicative force between the Ultimate and concrete
or condensed expressions of seven Vibratory gases of matter
expressed in the seven functions of the Soul and Spirit reach-
ing the ultimate comprehension. Omnipotent Spirit, the one
principle Love, God.

To begin with, we have matter: Christian Scientists say
no such thing as matter, all is Spirit. Well, then, we have
spirit. Materialists say we have no such thing as Spirit. All
is material and subject to change, aglomeration and disintegra-
Scientists say no such thing as aglomeration or disintegra-
tion, all is one, God, Spirit without beginning or end.
Materialists admit there is a vibrating translucent nucleat-
ed center in all atoms of matter that they do not understand,
but account for it by the theory of electricity that permeates
all matter, but they do not explain what electricity is (Central
Nuclei) . Scientists take this point and assert that there is no
inside of things, that the inside is the outside and all is spirit.
According to the theory of Science there is- no such thing as a
body, these translucent electrons or "ions" are what constitute
the so-called matter or body, but it is in actuality and totality,
spirit. We
started out to show that either of these extreme
theories, that all is absolute spirit, or changeable matter, is
erroneous, and that the truth of things as they are will be
found midway between these two beliefs. These opposing be-
liefs have occupied the minds of men for thousands of genera-
tions and to support such theories millions and millions of tons

of books have been written to perpetuate each side of these

various opposing doctrines.
Where and when and for what reason was the Spiritual
kingdom segregated from the Mineral, Vegetable, Animal and
Human? We admit when driven to it that the rounded out
universe composes these five dimensions : Mineral, Vegetable,
Animal, Human, Spiritual.
Let us for a moment examine into the component ele-
ments that constitute a mineral. We find it composed of gases
according to its nature, some one of the elements known to
analytical chemistry predominating in its constituent cells,
and determining the name by which it is known. (Central
Then we take a specie of vegetable.We find this is com-
posed of gases, but of a more active nature and we call this
animated life; but, nevertheless, sitll the very same gases of
which the Mineral was composed, albeit of a different propor-
tionate mixture, and moving at an exhilarated speed within
the confines of their material nucleated cells, compose this
vegetable and determine its name. (Central Nuclei.)
Then comes the highest order of life, Human. We find
upon a careful chemical analysis of the human organism that
the nucleated cells of which a human body is composed con-
tains all the elements in proper proportion that are found in
the bodies of the mineral and vegetable kingdom, but in addi-
tion we are prone to claim an element, the nature and power
of which we have not fully explored, intelligent thought found
in the human brain (Central Nuclei) (thought presupposes
that man like the caterpillar will arise from the body at death
a spiritual being). God grant it is so, but listen in patience
just a step further. What force or quality in nature caused
the atoms of mineral matter to cohese together? (Central
Nuclei.) What caused the cells of the vegetable organism to
rapidly develop to maturity and leave a seed pregnant with life
to reproduce its kind in due season ? (Central Nuclei.) What
is the nature of this nucleated vibratory life germ that lies
dormant in the grain of wheat or corn or the seed of garden
vegetables or fruits or flowers ? Answer this question. Is it
not vibration? (Central Nucleii)
Then what element or spark of intelligence is it that en-
dows animal nature with the power to procreate their kind?
Now go back to the study of equilibrium, the grand central
law of the universe; study the magnet and magnetic attrac-

tion; study the law of elective affinities and see if you do not
recognize the one and only force in nature that constitutes
and is the principle of all life, animate or inanimate, spiritual
or material. It is said there is no life but the uncreated life
of God, and that no atom of matter is quickened until the life
of God flows into it. Admitted, but if there be a God, His
only method of manifesting his power to man is through the
law of vibration. (Central Nuclei.)
VIBRATION: Let us analyze this word just a moment,
and we see that it is so broad and self-sufficient that it reaches
right to the center of things not only of a mineral, vegetable

and animal matter, but is life and emotion, not to say

THOUGHT and POWER all within (Central Nuclei).
Science has not been able, as yet, to find a place that the
principle of vibration did not reach and control. From the
center of an atom of ore or rock, the heart of a vegetable, ani-
mal or human cell, it is life and motion and what is the nature

of this vibratory force? It is variously described as a trans-

parent spark of bluish and white light of opposite polarity,
moving at a high rate of speed and prevented from escaping
from its cell by a carbonized composition of gases of various
densities that hold it in cohesion one with another until it takes
form as a massive body of some known mineral, vegetable or
animal, determined by the rotation of and quantity of these
vibratory "ions," Electrons, Etherons.
"There is no life in the universe but the uncreated life of
God. Who is the Infinite self -existing and perpetual fountain
of life." His is the seat of Equilibrium.
"All so-called forces of Nature pre-exist in the spiritual
world as Spiritual forces, and become Natural forces when
they flow into the molecules of physical structure." (Central
Animal bodies are a conglomeration of protoplasm, the
"Nucleus" or life germ, being known as "water mols." These
water mols receive the life principle from the lightning in the
atmospheric envelope of gases encircling the earth.
Lightning the Creative Force that brings into existence
the smallest life-germ known to science. The instant these
gases are touched by lightning-electric essence, the "Breath of
God" the Spirit makes its descent into matter and starts its
evolution upward from the lowest form of protoplasmic life
to its Alma Mater.

Now we will chemically analyze old Mother Earth. We
find Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Carbon, Oxygen, Etheron, Electron,

Ions seven qualities of gases. These are the first seven.
All the materials known are composed of Oxygen, Hydro-
gen, Carbon, Nitrogen and Ether. That is, as far as the pri-
mary chemist goes in his investigations, but while we recog-
nize these gases as composing many of the common material
things, even to the vegetable life, we find all seven as first
enumerated are necessary for animal or human life, and two

additional for spiritual everlasting life.
Let us concede, to save space and argument, that the last
element or force called "ions," is the force that causes these
other gases to mingle together in harmonious cohesion and vi-
brate with intelligent spiritual life.
Then we try to analyze this element called electricity. No
one has been able yet to define its source or to analyze its na-

ture what it is, or whence it comes, but we know that Equili-
brium is the grand central law of the universe, and find this
force constitutes the principle of this grand and Omnipotent
Electric law, fast coming under the direction of man's will,
though still beyond his power to analyze.
Now, let us examine lightning, just casually what is it, and
what is its part in this grand universal scheme ? We say equali-
zation of gases, and. the assembling of gases together in a co-
hesive mass, thus creating water to precipitate to the earth,
and atoms of carbon and notrogen to come and replenish the
earth. Carbon for the mineral formations. Nitrogen for the
vegetable life, and oxygen and hydrogen for animal life. We
now know the method by which this seeming miracle is^
The gases combination that constitute the air or atmos-
phere surrounding the earth's surface and floating like clouds
in the heavens at times becomes mixed in proper proportion to
be combustible. Then it is that a meteor traveling earthward
through stellar space hits our gaseous atmosphere and ignites
these gases. They burn along the lanes of most perfect mix-
tures and zigzag through the clouds with the result that atomr
of oxygen and hydrogen cohese together and are precipitated
to the earth in the form of rain, the drops being composed of
water mols.

A water mol the smallest life germ known to analytical

chemistry. It is produced by uniting two atoms of hydrogen
and one of oxygen and subjecting them to the greatest heat
— — —
known electric lightning that results in creating these
gases into matter and energy. All living things, whether hu-
man, animal or vegetable, consist of these myriad water mols.
Protoplasm is a combination of water mols and nitrogen. Pro-
toplasm is the basic substance of all life.

Minerals exist in three different forms gas vapor, fluid,
solid. "jK-
The air, carbonic acid gas and water, are minerals as much
so as lime or salt.
Protoplasm consist of mineral matter, but so combined as
to form a substance not found in minerals.
Plants and animals are built up of protoplasm.
What Protoplasm ? As yet we know no more about ani-
mal protoplasm than we do about spirit. We know that poten-
tially the protoplasm of different kinds of cells exerts widely
different forces and capabilities —
a liver cell secretes bile, a
panerease cell pancreatic fluid, the cells lining the stomach
gastric fluid, and an ovarian cell the white of an egg. One
egg cell may become a molusc, another a man, whose brain
cells are the medium of the intellectual power which enables
him to write the history of his own species and to be the his-
torian of all forms of life that stand below him.
A plant or animal has life and after a while, unlike the
mineral in which the protoplasmic, generative principle is lack-

ing dies the mineral does not die.
The mineral grows from without and the animal or plant
grows from within, the organs producing through chemical ac-
tion the substance for prolonging its life. The atmosphere
surrounding the plant or animal contains oxygen and nitrogen,
a little carbonic acid gas, amonical salts and water; the soil
contains clay and sand, lime or iron potash, phosporus sulphur,
ammoniacal salts, thus between the atmosphere and sail con-
tain everything needful to perfect the plant or animal life.
This result, as far as it goes, is absolutely verifiable, but
we must go further. We must find the keynote of control,
law of the universe. What controls the size of these various
nature conceived and moulded particles? What controls their
size and directs their orbit? What is the force, power, or in-
( telligence, that endows them with form, size, color or thought
when touched by this force or vibration we call electricity?

Here we have the point again where Science and Philosophy

meet to separate.
This point will be partly elucidated by returning to the def-
inition of the human "cell." A microscopic mass of protoplasm
of sufficient size and individuality to contain a life history of
its own. Then we analyze this cell to find its center a positive
and a negative nucleus of Alpha, Betta and Gama particles
(Central Nuclei) powerful vibratory forces held in cohesion

by an envelope of gases. Oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon,

carbon predominating. These Electrons or "ions" are sus-
ceptible to attraction or repulsion, and here comes the mystery
of the magnet.
Most every one knows that amber when rubbed violently
will attract paper. A
piece of steel charged with electricity
draws other particles of steel and iron, but they do not know
why. Now, let us apply this same law to the magnetism of
personal character. Why
do some people draw friends and
success, others enemies and failure?
A magnetic personality results
only from a union of proto-
plasm human cells that have been properly united when vibrat-
ing at an harmonious ratio of Positive 7 male, Negative 2 fe-
male, vibrations, thus conforming to the law of love that vi-
brates to the number 9, and represents the highest attainment
of desire and DESTINY of the SOUL in the perfect function-
ing of the pro-creative organs of the human anatomy.
Chemical combinations in the human body do not produce
life. They are only the conditions under which life is mani-

There is one principle in Nature —Vibration.

There is —Vibration.
one power in Nature
There one element
is which this power of Vibration
in is
made manifest, "ions" —Etherons—Electric Energy, Solar
Force in ETHER.
There is one manifestation of this omnipotent power, the
organism of the brain with thought power that has reached the
ultimate in comprehension, holding the supreme power of in-
tegration and disintegration.


Five Principles

1. —
Matter Mineral kingdom to
2. —
Ether Vegetable kingdom to
3. —
Force Animal kingdom to
4. Brains —Human kingdom to
5. Ions — Spiritual kingdom. (Memory.) 4th dimension,
5th kingdom "IONS."
A Vibratory force not of sufficient density to occupy any
appreciable dimensions of space, but found to be central nu-
cleus of all space occupying bodies of whatever nature known.
When reduced to final point of separation "ions" are Nucleoli
or Spirit (?). Who knows? We do know, however, that "ions"
is not the ultimate; however, we must admit the ultimate is
conceivable to the reasoning faculty of man's mind, as we are
Compelled to recognize that many men and women have so de-
veloped their imaginations that they can conceive the ulti-
mate yet still lacking the power and ability to describe it in
a manner to appeal to the common understanding. The ulti-
mate is Spirit, and manifests as Nucleoli, Vitality.
It is not our purpose to enter at length into a description
of all the different angles at which life on this earth may be
viewed but to hold our readers to a comparison of some salient

facts in the Universe, namely, composition of all so-called mat-

ter, its origin and relation to what Spiritual Scientists so truth-
fully term Spirit.


Affirm that all is good and good is omnipotent.
Knowledge is a clear understanding of the Truth in all its
infinite gradations, acquired through the medium of EXPERI-
ENCE gained in the course of Evolution.
POWER is controlled VIBRATION.
VIBRATION omnipresent.

All signs and symbols are vibratory colors are the vibra-

tions of the elements THOUGHT is vibration WILL only is

; ;


Fourteen Senses of Consciousness

Mind-Soul Memory-Spirit
1. Sight vibration.
is 7. Psychometry is vibration.
2. Sound is vibration. 6. Prophecy is vibration.
3. Touch is vibration. 5. Clairaudience vibration.
4. Taste is vibration. 4. Clairvoyance vibration.
5. Smell is vibration. 3. Omniscience is vibration.
6. Sensing is vibration. 2. Omnipresence is vibration.
7. Psychic is vibration. 1. Ownipotenti is vibration.
The One Principle from which these Seven Human Coro-
lary senses of comprehension spring is vibration. Ultimate
Principle Spirit, connecting the end with the beginning and be-
ginning again at the end, forever manifesting in an endless
cycle of Truth, creating and destroying material condensations
of Ether, under the direction of the Divine Will.
The nerves of the system receive the vibration, the brain
records it in the memory and the Spiritual element in man
classifies it and it Comprehension; comprehension
is then

lends power to the will to initiate action all matter is the re-
sult of action of the Brain cells or Gray Matter moved by Spirit.
So-called Good and Evil are but degrees of developing
thought. The DESTINY of all thought is complete harmony
with TRUTH. Truth is the one principle of Nature, Law of
Vibration through which God is made manifest as the Ulti-
mate, Infinite Center of Equilibrium.
As the Law of Equilibrium is the Grand Central law of the
Universe, and the only Principle, so these vibratory cohesive
substances spring from this universal fountain and are ex-
pressed and made materially manifest in seven forms of es-
sence representing every expression or manifestation of Na-
Man is the embodiment of and a condensation of the cen-
tral nuclei of affinitized etheral gases, electrons, Spirit, Uulti-
mate Ions— Nucleoli, THOUGHT. Thought is Spiritual Vibra-
tion from the seat of equilibrium, bestowing Assimilative Love,
Comprehension upon human beings created in God's Image,
having Ultimate Magnetism —
perfect equilibrium, Truth,
Destiny of all THOUGHT harmony with \
is perfect
TRUTH. There no Principle higher than THOUGHT.
is .

Remembering always that the "ion" is the active principle'

that is omnipotent, we find it controlled by the will. We per- j


ceive this wonderful agent of the Infinite Will in the operation

of the different organs of the human anatomy, by the function-
ing of the involuntary organs over which mortal mind has no
Storing ions in memory
1 Comprehensive spirit. Force vibration 1
Classification of ions
2 Mind, Memory, Soul. Experience 2
Analysis of ions
3 Sensation, Nerves, Brain. Knowledge 3
4 Respiration, Lungs. Power 4
Distribution of ions
5 Circulation, Heart. Wisdom 5
Assimilation of ions
6 Digestion, Stomach. Supplying Atoms 6
Polarization of ions
7 Procreation, Organs. Regeneration 7
Seven Faculties
1. Memory.
2. Imagination.
3. Will.
4. Reason.
5. Conscience.
6. Comprehension.
7. —
Ultimate Truth — Spirit.

Seven rates of vibratory force manifested through vibra-

tory ions transposed into wave thoughts. These seven manifes-
tations of seven different rates of vibratory force is evidenced
in Organic and Inorganic Gases
1. Oxygen.
2. Hydrogen.
3. Carbon.
4. Nitrogen.
5. Ether.
6. Electrons.
7. —
Ions Ozone —Life — Spirit or Nucleoli.

The breath, water, food, electric energy absorbed by the

body constitutes this wonderful life principle first made man-
then the polarized cell, then the body,
ifest in the single cell,
(then the Mind, transposes material Nature to the Psychic plane
through the fourteen senses of the brain and registers all

impressions in force memory soul that do not decay with brain

These impressions are not registered in matter which con-
stantly changes, but force which does not change. Spirit Force
is Ultimate THOUGHT, Vibration, Electrons, Etherons, gases
from the finer to the coarser and visa versa.
Force of thought has two poles and an intermediate neu-
tral; this is the seat of the will, which works pivot-like to at-
tract or repel, create or destroy, and is directly controlled from
the Center of Equilibrium by Divine Mind.
Duality to polarity forms a perfect magnetic nucleus,
swayed either way by spiritual comprehension manifested and
controlled in THOUGHT WAVES, only as God gives us utter-
Positive drawing to —
Negative sending from.
Positive sending from —
Negative drawing to.
Polarization of "ions" —
P and N.
Male and Female Cells form an Ego, sex of child depends
on the power of and instant of Nucleating the Protoplasmic
Cells by the inflowing of Spirit from the Seat of Equilibrium.

Atoms P and N Gases, of which the central nucleus is
Spirits —Ions—Electrons—Ether.
Organic structure is dual to comodative self, to polar-
ity of force and "ions," only when nucleated thought pene-
trates to the comprehension does it control positive and nega-
tive rate of vibratory "ions" sufficient to initiate constructive

action continuity of thought DESIRE, will, puts into opera-

tion the law of integration and assembles atoms to resemble

an image of the thought held in the creative matrix of the
brain cells.
— —
Body 1. Touch conditions Experience.
— —
Mouth 2. Taste conditions Experience.
Nose 3. Smell — conditions — Experience.
(One accumulates Knowledge only by Experience.)

Head Seven senses. Seven states of Etherons moving at
different octaves of vibratory force.
Positive 7 drawing to Accretive organs (2 Eyes, 2 Ears, 2
Nose, 1 Mouth), the seven receiving points from which sensa-
tions travel to the faculty of REASON, where they are anal-
yzed and classified and passed on to the STORE-HOUSE OF .

MEMORY, there to be credited to EXPERIENCE, to be re-

called and used as KNOWLEDGE — and knowledge is power.

Memory and —that

one Nucleoli which is
Spirit are one
the communicative force between condensed expressions of
seven material Vibratory gases of Matter made manifest to
Spirit comprehension in sensations, conveyed to the seven
Spiritual terminals as follows: Seeing, Visual, Retina, Eye.
Hearing, Auditory, Inner Ear. Smelling, Olfactory, Nasal
Cavity Feeling, Cutaneous, Skin. Tasting, Gustatory, Tongue.
Sensing Psychic, the Soul, Omnicient, Omnipresent, Omnipo-

All terminals at the Grand Central seat of Comprehension

—Spirit — Uultimate — God — Principal — Love —
—THOUGHT, Center of Equilibrium.
By CONCENTRATION and condensation all the Sensa-
tions of consciousness received in every form have exact coun-
terparts in the PHYSICAL and SPIRITUAL worlds. There is.
NO other Creative Force than THOT. Conscience, as the Ana-
lytical Faculty, in touch with Soul, Guards the body.

Thought is the Natural Expression of the Spirit-Creator.

A fully developed Soul has but to "OBEY" and it HAS the

I now resolve that from this hour
I will bring my life up square,
With my accepted thought of TRUTH
And firmly hold it there.

Ihave STRENGTH of will to resist the power

That fain would drag me back,
From the path I tread in search of TRUTH
Into "OLD HABIT'S" track.

I have a brain with which to think

And a comprehension that will error define,
prosecute my search for TRUTH
I will
Until I make it mine.
And then my spirit with all power,
Will bless me with a Prince's dower.



The most generally accepted theory about the structure
of the atom — which is no longer regarded as the ultimate, in-
divisible particle of any element as this, of course, could have
no structure —
is that it is a positively charged nucleus sur-
rounded by a system of electrons which are kept together by
attractive forces from the nucleus. Thus it becomes a sort of
infinitely small solar system.
In a recent article in the General Electric Review, Dr. Saul
Dushman draws the followin gconclusions, from a discussion
of the laws that govern the atoms of the several elements
Considering the relationship exhibited by the different
radio active elements, one realizes that the dream of the al-
chemists may not have been as fatuous as has appeared until
recently. The concept of an absolutely stable atom must be
discarded once for all, and its place taken by this miniature
solar system, as it were, consisting of a central nucleus and
one or more rings or electrons.
But the nucelus itself is apparently the seat of immense
forces, and in spite of its infinitesmal dimensions it contains
both alpha particles and electrons. Once in a while the nucleus
of one of the atoms will spontoneously disintegrate and expell
an alpha or betta particle. A new element has been born.
What causes these transformations? Can they be controlled?
These are questions which only the future can answer. But if
we had in our power to remove two alpha particles from the
atom of bismuth or any of its isotypes, not only would the
dream of alchemists be realized but man would be in pos-
session of such intensely powerful sources of energy that all
our coal mines, water powers and explosives would become in-
significant by comparison. This being the case it should not
surprise nor disturb us that the scientific interpretation of
life leads to materialism, or to the conviction of the all-suffi-
ciency of the mechanical and chemical forces of dead matter
to account for all living phenomena. It need not surprise us
because positive science, as such, can deal only with physical
and chemical forces. If there is anything in this universe be-
sides physical and chemical force science does not know it be-j
cause it is absolutely beyond the reach of its analysis.
When we go beyond the sphere of the concrete, the ex- f
peirmental, the verifiable, only our philosophy can help us.
The world within us, the world of psychical forces, is all be-


yond the ken of science. Itcan analyze the living body, trace
all its vital processes, resolve them into their mechanical and
chemical equivalents, show us the arts played by the four ele-
ments, Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen, and the part
played by water and carbon dioxide, the part played by oxida-
tion, and the like, and yet it cannot tell us the secret of life
of that which makes organic chemistry (physical) so vastly
different from inorganic (metaphysical). It discloses to us

the wonders of the cell a world of mystery by itself; it anal-
yzes the animal body into organs and the organs into tissues,
and the tissues into cells, but the secret of organization (nu-
cleated center) utterly baffles it. After Professor Wilson had
concluded his work on the cell, he was forced to admit that the
final mystery of the cell (nucleated center) eluded him, and
that his investigation on the whole seemed to widen rather
than narrow the enormous gap that separates even the lowest
forms of life from the inorganic world. Science, philosophy,
chemistry and thought bring us to consider carefully the very
nucleus of things and to analyze not only from the standpoint
of accredited chemical rules, but to delve into all the realms
of thought and apply this philosophy comprehensively.
The will or soul is the master musician that strikes the
atoms of gaseous Nature and causes them to vibrate in perfect
harmony with Truth, God, thought, being, man, Infinite Mind.

Psychological Conclusions
Condensed Statements of Truth That Are Intended to Arouse
the Analytical Faculties
Psychology deals with mental facts and precepts; its aim
is to describe and classify those facts and processes to state
their laws, and furnish a theory concerning their origin and
Psychology is that branch of philosophy which studies
the human mind or soul. By the mind or soul is meant the
thinking principle, that by which I seek to know and will, and
by which my body is — —
animated. The term Ego self spirit
(nucleated center), are used as synonyms with mind and soul,
and though a slight difference is attached to some of them it
will be convenient for us to follow common usage and employ
them as practically one. The subject matter of our science is
then the soul (nuclei center) or mind. The psychologist in-
vestigates those phenomena which we call sensations, percep-
tions, thoughts, volitions and emotions. He analyzes them,
classifies them and seeks to reduce them to the smallest num-
ber of fundamental activities. He studies the nature of their
exercises and the law which governs their operation, and he
endeavors to enunciate a body of general truths which will ac-
curately describe their chief and most characteristic features.
In describing psychology as the science of the human mind or
soul these conditions are impled. First, that psychology has a
definite subject matter, the nature and activities of the think-
ing subject matter. (Nucleated center.) Second, that it pos-
sesses an efficient method of numerical analysis. (Vibratory
radiation.) Thirdly, that it comprehends a systematized body
of general truths, or in other words, that it embraces numbers
of facts in their relation to their universal causes. (Harmonic
cohesive principle.) Defined by principle of Numerical Psy-
Psychology may be defined provisionally as a theory of
— —
perfection Memory Emotion, and the like. It is classed as
a science, because there is a definite set of infallible rules that
produce only like results. It is, in the opinion of some, how-
eved, still in the class of philosophy aside from mathematics.
We have discovered that there are two faculties of mind
that draw conclusions of opposite opinion. (Positive and nega-
tive poles nucleated center.) Here then we set up a theory in


our mind only to have some other part of the brain set up an
opposite theory. Then our mind becomes in a chaotic condi-
tion of doubt and we know not how to act. We are only en-
abled to act at all when the mind has become composed and
the arguments on both sides of the question have been thor-
oughly considered and a decision reached by this Spiritual Ego
that is the seat of Comprehension. (Nucleated Center).

summing up Nature and the phenomenon of creative

thought we admit that the principle of mathematics is at the
foundation of all knowledge and in individualized intelligence
Man completes the full circuit in comprehension of the Ulti-
mate, as in man's mind matters last gradation is no longer lost
toy applying analytical mental chemistry, aided by numerology,
now reach the Ultimate by a known scientific
science can
method. While we have only had our Philisophy to guide us,

we know that in reason moral consciousness Spirituality, —
is philosophy brought to its highest plane of Expression in
Truth. Here, then, we have a point at which chemistry, philos-
ophy and theology meet, upon common ground, only to drift
apart again when the labyrinth of analysis is attempted, un-
less one resorts to the principle of numerology.

Magnetic-Nuclei Omnipresent Principal

"Magnetism is the power that attracts or holds together

— it is cohesive."

"De Nihilo Nihil fit."

From nothing, nothing comes.

mineral is a substance of definite chemical composition
which has been directly produced by the processes of inorganic
nature, but not independent of Divine Mind or Will.

"Matter is a cohesion of "Ions." "Ions" is Electric energy.

(Electric energy is force. Force is thought. Thought is ulti-
mate spirit —Divine principle —expressed in the Human Will.


"AIR," all known
gases, inclusive also electrons, "ions,"'
etherions, ozone, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, etc.
Procreate —to beget. Point of merging organic and inor-
ganic cells.
"ETHIQUES," Passions of men, crying "ions" craving
polarization affinitization
form magnetic Ego.

grown to fullness and ready to

Human beings begotten in truth are the image of God. The

Psychological moment of life creation is when the positive and
negative force manifested in male and female bodies of the
human or animal kingdom reach a state of equilibrium.
Love's Life Quest Positively Procreates and materializes
desire making Mother's Negative Nucleated Omnipresent Pro-

toplasm Express Life in material form Ego. —

Man is given a physical body and a Spiritual body with all
the inherent qualities.

So Every Spirit as it is more pure,

And hath in it the more of Heavenly Light
So it the fairer body doth procure.
To habit in and it more fairly light
With cheerful grace and amiable sight
For of the Soul, the body form doth take
For soul is form, and doth the body make.
The study of the descent of Spirit into matter and its
evolvement to material manifestation in the human intelligence
in brain power to visualize and power to create by force of
The keen spirit
Seizes the prompt occasion —
makes the thought
Start into instant action at once.
Plans and performs, resolves and executes.
— ;



These two are the tools which must build the Human Char-
Will is Will is positive. It does things. It
the giving.
moves intelligently. It is active and should be independent.
Through will we become centers of active force. Force radiat-
ing from a center is a movement outward. The very essence of
.such a process is an impulse which proceeds from the seat of
comprehension (Nucleoli Spirit). —
Irecognize no superior. Wage no warfare; Consciously
love all humanity, recognize no sect —
conform to the law of
logical thought, constantly reiterate that I am I and I am —
is all there is:

"As I would that others should do unto me I do so unto
I hold the thought of the most good NOW.
I anticipate all good to come.

I recall only good experiences that have Elevated me above

the commonplace things of life and tended to make me Master
of Myself.
I recognize my Omnipotent power when thinking in har-
mony with the Ultimate principle.
I am Health, Strength, Happiness, Peace. NOW.
"We live in deeds, not years in thoughts, not breaths

In feelings, not in figures on a dial.

We should count time by heart-throbs.
He most lives, who thinks strongest,
Acts the noblest and loves the purest.
Life's destiny is but the fulfillment of the law,
That law the one unchangeable principle, vibration,
Without beginning or end, omnipotent, expression in thought,
Man made in God's image.
A Spiritual being radiating Thought Force that Integrates
(or Disintegrates at will, all matter.
"All who become men of power reach their estate by the
same self-mastery, the same self -adjustment to circumstances,



the same voluntary exercise and discipline of their faculties,

and the same working of their life up to and into their high
ideals of life."— J. G. Holland.


The question of how to form thoughts into a magnet to
build material possessions has occupied the attention of all
great thinkers for ages, and is now the selfish desire of more
people than any other one question.
The first step necessary to acquire the power to add a-
magnetic nucleus to your thought is to have a clear comprehen-
This is obtained in the following manner
1. Attention is the binding of perceiving consciousness
to a certain region.
Contemplation is the prolonged holding of perceiving
consciousness to a certain region.
3. It is mediation when perceiving consciousness in this
contemplation, is wholly given to illuminating the essential
meaning of the object contemplated and is freed from sense of
separateness and personality.
4. Perfect concentrated mediation is attained when these
three, Attention, Contemplation, Mediation, are exercised at
once. "Pure in heart shall see God," perfect image.
Illumination of perceiving consciousness comes by
mastery of perfect concentrated meditation. (P. C. M.)
6. This trial is exterior to soul vision, which is uncondi-
tioned, two perceptions, living things, that of life, souls work,
that of soul itself.
One of ascending degrees is development of control.
First overcoming of mind impress of excitation, next manifes-
tation of mind impress of control, then perceiving conscious-
ness follows after moment of control. This is Control Develop-
8. The mind becomes habituated through repetition of
process, an equitable flow of perceiving and consciousness re-
sults control of mind by soul, like control of muscle by mind.

Development of meditation
9. is the conquest of flitting
attention, power of one-pointedness.
10. When
following this, the controled manifold tendency
and aroused one-pointedness are equally balanced parts of per- '


ceiving consciousness this is development of one-pointedness


the two sides of difference of unity, pole of matter, and that of

spirit. See Law of Telepathy.
11. Through this, the inherent character, distinctive
marks and conditions of being according to their development
are made clear. In any flower we sense color and scent, fold of
petals, also see species, family and relation to all life.

12. Every object has characteristics which are al-

ready quiescent, those active and those not yet definable man ;

has his past animal, future spirit, all changes.

13. Difference in stage is cause of difference in develop-
14. Through Perfect Concentrated Meditation on three
stages of development comes knowledge of past and future;
insight into crysalis reveals caterpiller that has been, butter-
fly that will be.
Sound, meaning, and thought called up by a word are con-
Different Tones Changes Meaning of Word
15. When mind-impressions become visible, then comes
i understanding of previous births; past experience basis for
i ; /resent spiritual development.
16. By Perfect Concentrated Meditation on mind-images
is gained the understanding of thought of others' silence mind
stilled to receive and perceive.


According to Aritotle, being has four universal elements.
Matter, form or essence, the efficient cause and the final
cause. These principles enter into the constitution of every-
Matter is mere potentiality which through supervention
of Form, becomes Actual. By form Aristotle wishes to re-
place the Platonic idea which he pointed out could not exist
apart from the individual. Every change from potentiality to
actuality is accomplished by an efficient cause which is work-
ing toward an end, the Final Cause "Summumbonum" happi-
ness which is defined as being the activity of the Soul in ac-
cordance with Virtue when under favorable conditions. The
problem of "Free Will," Aristotle meant that man has a poten-
tiality in two opposite directions for good or evil which can be
freely chosen. By constantly choosing one a man forms a
habit of Virtue or Vice and thus becomes either virtuous or
vicious as his choice determines. Virtue itself lies between the
extremes of self-indulgence and Asceticism.
Sow an act and you reap a habit,
Sow a habit and you reap a character,
Sow a character and you reap a Destiny.
This habit forming is but the mind of man being charged
by the magnetism of thought waves expressed in will to at-
tract these good or bad experiences as the individual wills.
Will is but a matter of education, as is also comprehension;

we find God, the all-knowing, by seeking him and by search-
ing ourselves we find him there.
Gathering together Truths proven by actual application
to basic principles of life to be infallible in their working to
the permanent good of the individual we give them at some
length; drawing our conclusions from all sources of written
and symbolically expressed Thought, that can be proven by
Householder's Perfect Numerology.
Socrates said, "Howsingular is the thing called pleasure
and how curiously related to pain which might be thought to be
the opposite of it for they never come to a man together, and

yet they grow together out of one head or stem, and I cannot
help thinking that if Eesop had noticed them, he would have
made a fable about God trying to reconcile their strife, and

when he could not,He fastened their heads together, and this

is the reason why when one comes the the other follows, as I
find in my case pleasure comes following after the pain in
leg which was caused by the chain.
"Are not things that have opposites generated out of
their opposites. That which becomes less must have been once
greater and then become less. And the weaker is generated
from the stronger and the swifter from the slower. And the
worst from the better and the more just is from the unjust.
And this is true of all opposites? And are we convinced that
all of them are generated out of opposites ? And in this univer-
sal opposition of all things are there not also two intermediate
processes which are ever going on from one to the other and
back again. Where there is a greater and a less there is also
an intermediate process of increase and diminuation and that
which grows is said to wax, and that which decays, to wane.
Heating, Cooling, passing into and out of.
state of sleep is opposed to the state of waking and
out of sleeping, waking is generated. And out of waking,
sleeping and the process of generation is in one case falling
asleep and in the other, waking up.
Is not death opposed to life ? And are they generated one
from the other? What is generated from life death; and —
what from death ? LIFE. Then the living, whether things or
persons, are generated from the dead.
Sleep is the opposite of waking and what is that, Death,
he answered. And the answer is, DEATH is the point where
the King magnetic nucleated cell of protoplasm has expended
all its power and has no longer the magnetic strength to draw
affinitized particles to continually supply thewaste of the
body. The human body is a complex and interesting phenome-
non of Nature, composed of atoms of all known composition of
more chemicals than science has ever discovered, and greater
in creative power than our learned Psychologists have ever


In beginning this treatise on the Science of Numerology
and endeavoring to set forth rules for its application to all
problems of life, we will give our reason for interpreting the
value of certain digits or figures from one to nine and words
that are represented by a single digit, which will hereafter be
referred to as the vibration of the word. I mean that each
word has, when properly reduced to a single digit, a weight or
power or vibratory force or expression that results in sound
and is preceded or followed by a mental vision of the thing
named or numbered.
Now take the alphabet and divide it in the following man-
ner to get the numerical value of each letter.

The following rules must be observed very carefully:
A Gross Volume of a Word: The total number of
symbols or digits of which it is composed. The single digit is
placed over the word.
Example WORD.

//. Atomic Weight of Word: Is the total or final

digit after tlie figures under each letter has been added to-

gether until but one digit remains, thus:

Example WORD.
5694 equal 24 equal 6-
the Atomic IF eight of WORD is six.
: — :


///. Combined Power of a Word: The combined

'power of a word is found by adding the Gross Volume Digit
and the Atomic Weight digit totgether, thus

4 .

Example WORD.
6 plus 4 equals 10 or —
the combined power of the word is therefore 1.

IV. Origin and Destiny — is the total number of fig-

ures or digits of which the whole word is composed and is
found by counting the number of figures yo,u have used in the
deduction, thus

si g
Example WORD. \

3 Now start and count them,
Thus you have used 1 1 digits and that when added makes 2,
which is the Origin and Destiny of WORD.
By a reference to the partial list of words contained in the
back of this book, you will note quite a correspondence.

N. B. Do not count the cypher a digit or figure, it is only
counted in one instance and the reason for so doing is stated
where it is used. Naught is counted in origin and destiny.

N. B.—There is only one PRINCIPLE and that is VIBRA-

TION, but many LAWS spring from this principle and are er-
roneously called principles.


PRINCIPLE is the foundation of all laws.
PRINCIPLE always was and always will be.
PRINCIPLE is primarily divided into FIVE GREAT HEADS:
PRINCIPLE manifests individually in each of these kingdoms
but expresses itself literalry in many absolute
PRINCIPLE itself is singular, having no sub-expressions or
manifestations, it never changes or fluctuates, it
is always the same. All laws spring from the one
principle and change with the changing evolu-
tion of Nature but the Principle never changes,
even with the ravages of time. Principle is In-
finite; laws are absolute.

PRINCIPLE is TRUTH of all things,

the basic times, and
79953973 5--57
53 5299392 7- —57
55 945 6693!5—57

In counting anything from an atom to a world composed

of atoms we must use first the digit (1), then follows (2), (3),
(4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9). When we have counted through
to nine, we have (10) which is only the one and a cypher to de-
note that the nine had been once taken, and once reached can-
not be passed; then comes (11) eleven, which is two ones
added give us two, and then twelve (12), which, when added
together we have three (3), and so we have in all our figures
: :


just nine degrees of Vibratory force, for no matter how many

particles there are bound together they have a gross volume
weight of just the sum of their individual particle weights
which is found by the following rule
Spell the word out correctly and place the figure represent-
ing vibration of the letter underneath the letter and then add
them all together and the sum of all the figures will give you
EXAMPLE : Take the word AIR. Now place the figures
under the letters which make the word, thus, AIR
This number then stands for but you have the digits
1 9 9 to add together, which gives you 19, then you add 1 and
9 and you have 10, then add one and ought and you have one
(1), so then the ATOMIC WEIGHT OF AIR is one (1),

Now we must account for the interpretation of the digits

from one to nine, so consulting Householder's Numerical Dic-
tionary, I find that the word SKY
has an Atomic Weight of
one, and I conclude from this method of reasoning the Air is
SKY and that the Sky is AIR. In other words, they are synono-
mous in Atomic weight, also in GROSS VOLUME, or else they
had not been one and the same. Now let me take the next step
in the science and show the important corelation of words to
each other.
Therule for finding the GROSS VOLUME
of a word is to
count the total number of letters composing the word. Thus
A I R contains three letters and the GROSS GV. VOLUME—
of the word AIR or SKY
is (3). In setting down the problem
for solution you place the digit representing Gross Volume
above the word, thus 3 equal of GV
19 9

1 9

The next step is to define the COMBINED POWER of a =C

Avord ; it is found thus
Referring to the above example of Air, observe the digit
: . : —


three over the letter marked GV. and the digit underneath
marked AW. Now add GV. 3 and AW. 1 together, thus
3— GV
19 9
1 9
=4 and you have four as the
result of combining GV. 3 and AW. 1 and this gives you the
combined power of the word AIR (4)
Now the next step is to find the ORIGIN DESTINY AND
of the word AIR. This is found by taking the gross Volume
only of the digits or figures of which the whole problem is
composed, thus the total number of digits are 3-1-9-9-1-9-1-0-
1-4, making Nine Digits and an aught, and the answer for the
ORIGIN AND DESTINY number would be written thus 9 +, :

meaning that it belonged to the INFINITE. All words whose

O-D ends in ten (10) are of the infinite unmanifested and are
designated thus, 1*, 2*, followed by a star. Now we will de-
fine the origin and destiny of the word breath and explain the
relation of the two words and account for it and give the rule
for solving the problem.
295128. / 4
2 7 OD. the same
1 3 or 4.
9 as the (CB) com-
bined power of the
1 5 word AIR. So you
6 see the origin and
destiny of BREATH is in AIR.
Now revert to the Origin and Destiny of the word AIR
it is NINE (9). Compare the ATOMIC WEIGHT of the word
BREATH with the OD. of AIR and you will observe that they
are the same digit (9) ; the rule
When a word whose AW. the same as a word whose
O-D. is the same digit, it signifies that the relation of vibration
is very close and that when one is mentioned it draws forth the
other or infers it some way. Sometimes, and very often, it
occurs that the word is dependent upon the other. All words
: *


have SOUNDS, IMAGES and POWERS, express thoughts of

things that were, are and to be Positive, Neutral, Negative.
Now the RULE for defining or determining whether the
word is used positively or negatively or neutral. For illustra-
tion, let ustake the word SOUNDS. Now we will proceed to
determine whether it is Neutral, Negative or Positive. Let us
first define the word POSITIVE and determine its ATOMIC
4 3
7 A W. is seven (7)
Now we will take the word
3 8 /y
2 AW. is two (2)
Now we will define
5 5 3 2 9 13
2 8
A W. is one (1)
Taking the word "SOUNDS" as an example. Of course,
you realize to begin with that this word is both Negative and
Positive and Neutral. Now we will KABALIZE it and analyze
the figures as we proceed
6 GV.
16 3 5 4 1
2 OD— 1'—
2 AW..
8 CP.
In defining words, it will be found better to number them
after this manner:
SOUNDS: 163541—6 2' 8 1' We see by this il-
lustration and example that a reference to the AW. of the


word NEUTRAL shows that the word sounds is NEUTRAL
in that they each have the same digits at the point where the
correspondence is. This is true of a fact, aside from this nu-
merical proof.
Now let us use the word IMAGES
IMAGES—941751— 6 9 6 4 The digit of the OD
of the word IMAGES would indicate that it had a
being four,
number four word for its OD, and that it would be found that
was where it sprang from and where it would go back to. This
word is
4 9 5 4
2 2
Atomic weight =4 so we see the intermin-
able cycle that this principle prescribes. Now we will illustrate
with the other word, POWERS.
Each of these words, "SOUNDS, IMAGES, POWERS," is
used in the plural sense because there are more than one inter-
pretation that can be placed upon any one of the words. There
is more than one sund, more than one image, more than one
manifestation of power, etc. So now we define the word
7 6 5 5 9 1
3 3_6 ATWT.
1 2—3 CP.
1 3 —4 OD, which is four, is ex-
pressed in the ATOMIC WEIGHT OF MIND.


In an attempt to make NUMEROLOGY simple enough for
the lay mind, I am going to give a few words with an atomic
weight of one. That will show the place everything begins
ZENITH—Heaven— up
These are all words with an Atomic Weight of one and
there are hundreds of others. Do not follow the beaten path
that other Numerologists have taught, that the digits can be

defined and explained by words they cannot.
The digit ONE (1) stands for every word that in the
Anglo-Saxon language has an ATOMIC WEIGHT OF ONE, a
combined power of one or an origin and destiny of one, but still
And so with the digit TWO. There are many thousands of
words with an atomic weight of two (2). Here are a few:


A little group of words to ponder over:

These only correspond in Atomic Weight and while we
notice many words among them that are synonomous with
each other, they are not all synonyms, but they are all closely
related to the first laws of creation. — See Genesis.
Before reading the body of the book, "EFFICIENCY of
the FIVE KINGDOMS," it would be well for you to give con-
siderable study to the words in the back of the book. I have
gathered together some words that are of an Atomic Weight
of NINE, and I give them here to show what a wonderful
Principle underlies the law of making a word. Here are all the
words I could find that are used for expressing the thought
of bringing anything into existence
GENETIC 36- -9
EVOLVE 27- -9
MALE CELL 27- -9
REASON 27- -9
(The meaning of this word is origination of living matter
from non-living matter, or dead matter.)
Now us digress just a little and say that all of these
results of the operation of INFINITE MIND. Then hear some


say Oh, no. But we say, Oh, yes, and proceed to present our
proof of the matter. Example
I N 1637
494955 495 4—58—13—4
Oh, just a little error, but made for your benefit. Now
take only the word DIVINE and you have 36 or 9. Now go
back to
95695925 495 4—72—9
and then you have the most wonderful nine there is, composed
of 72, which, when added together, gives you nine. Now let
me say that a little comparison here will be of material help to
the student.
INFINITE MIND 72 is DIVINE 27. Observe this rule:
The digits representing the totals of the two expressed
thoughts are reversed, and whenever this occurs it absolutely
proves that the answer is the exact TRUTH.

Having given these primary examples, we will now pro-
cedd to prove that there are FIVE Kingdoms or expressions of
Nature rather than the universally accepted old theory that
there are only four. Asked how many kingdoms there are, the
answer usually given is four— MINERAL, VEGETABLE, ANI-
MAL, SPIRITUAL. Now I will Kabalize the FIVE Kingdoms
for you, thus:
4 9 5 5 9 1 3—36—9
45752123 5—34—7
15 9 4 1 3—23—5
8 3 4 1 5—21—3
This is the FIFTH:
17 9 9 9 2—37—10—1
With the FIFTH Kingdom added to the four already ex-
isting, it leaves no gap in the gradation of digits that are POS-
ITIVE, and they are One, Three, Five, Seven and Nine. It is
only reasonable to suppose that Nature never does things in
part. That all her LAWS
based upon the: THE INFINITE
PRINCIPLE OF SPIRIT fills every niche of the ABSOLUTE
and account for the VIBRATION of EVERYTHING.
Between JUSTICE 6, and INJUSTICE 38—2, lays the

power of God, 17 8. Liberty in right actions is Justice and
Justice is truth.

Study very carefully the following list of words. Com-
pare them and see what a wonderful Truth Applied Numerical
Psychology reveals to the analytical mind:
15 3 6 . 15— —6
2 9 3 2 8 24— —6
5 6 9 4 24— —6
6 5 9 4 24— —6
6 9 5 1 3... 24— —6
13 12 9 3 5.. 24— —6
4 7 16 3 3 24— —6
3 5 3 3 2 6 4 7..... 33— —6*
5 5 3 9 6 5..., 33— —6*
7 15 7 3 9 1 33— — 6*
4 7 3 6 9 4 33— —6*
7 5 5 5 19 1. 33— —6*
4 5 19 9 5 . 33— —6*
4 12 9 9 3 5. 33— —6*

4 7 4 9 5 4 33— —6*
4 5 12 9 57. 33— —6*
7 5 9 16 5 : 33— —6*
63518 264 7 42— —6
25653547 5 42— —6
55945 353 3 42— —6
415 9 1 1394 5 42— —6
7 6 5 5 9 9 1 42— —6
91 7 6 5 5 9 42— —6
7957 41225 9 51— —6
645976255 2 51— —6
5459311295 7 51— —6
3112 669545 9 51— —6
954949431 3 51— —6
1 365139631 163 3 51— —6
1 5694 395125 1 51— —6
415175121569 4 51— —6
5675995535 1 60— —6*
179992 13212153 5 60— —6*
94469213 495 4 60— —6*
39512945 495 4 60— —6*
2647 6 6 5 2 8 5 9 60— —6*
365455154 495 4 60— —6*
5 855 49116345 4... 60— —6*
491163454 6351 8 60— —6*
179992 396 5. 60— —6*
365139631 396 5 60— —6*
354591215495 7 60— —6*
395125127 569 1 4. 60— —6*
5675995535 9 1 69—15—6
4954 49291296 5 69—15—6
179992 7655 9 69—15—6
359459113 59146 4 69—15—6
28952957 495 4 69—15—6
5933 66 17999 2 69—15—6
3965 69331 133 1713 5 69—15—6
491293354 5285 9 69—15—6
759752313 286378 2 69—15—6
1 195735 739761 5 69—15—6
256535475 177395 4 78—15—6
415 365295351 26 394 5 78—15—6
359459113 49291296 5 87—15—6

365355291254 5333563 9. 87—15—6
4 15 91 179992 55292 7... 87—15—6
9 5 9 33 952195 47 669 4 96—15—6
3545912154957 66 2932 8 96—15—6
53532993 79953973 5 96—15—6
25659 57 79953973 5 96—15—6
4954 91 36851945 132121535
In beginning this chapter, I want your attention to
to call
two things, and you can judge for yourself whether this is by
design or whether this was just an accident that caused this to
be so. I will make some statements for the benefit of those
who have not read any lectures on Numerology. Every word
has a digit, and all words that are finally proven to have origin
and destiny of like digits are of like weight and power in the
life of man. I am going to say that the 9 was first, then 8, 7,
% 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. But it started like this with the 1—0. The 9
here represents the whole. Now in using that word whole I
have expressed a vibration of the power of the word LAW.
Having used the word WHOLE, I am going to put down the
atomic weight or symbols, or digits of the word whole.
5 8 6 3 5

9—14—5—12—3 OD
I said that the number 9 was the whole, and have used the
word coincident with this figure, but when I say whole, I have
a vibration in my voice of the word whole. But if this could


not be proven mathematically by reducing each of these sym-
bols here to represent whole, then it would not be as plain as it
is. But this word whole I have used in connection with the
figure 9 is a word with a full vibration. Now I am going to lay
my foundation by showing you a little of the Truth Numer-
ology holds.
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9: Now then, I have counted from one to
nine. I said that 9 was the limit. You can count no further
than to 9. And I will put down one other word, called "limit,"
as shown in the foregoing table:

3 9 4 9 2

9—14—5 OD— 12—
those are only the atomic weights of words, but we
will see what they will do. See if in gross volume they are
same, or 5. Now the whole has nothing to do with things out-
side of manifestation. It just has to do with things. When
we say the whole life, the whole matter, the whole power, the
whole flesh.
Let us now take a few words with a vibration atomic
weight of 7.

3 3 10 5 6
655 133 5459728954 51928 512395
16 7 61 25 25

7 7 7 7
6 4
462859 7945
34 25
7 7


These all have an atomic weight of 7, but differ in Gross

Volume, Combined Power, Origin and Destiny, except Mother
Nature. Now take the nine and multiply the digits from
1 9 times 1 are 9
2 9 times 2 are 18 or 9
3 9 times 3 are 27 or 9
4 9 times 4 are 36 or 9
5 9 times 5 are 45 or 9
6 9 times 6 are 54 or 9
7 •9 times 7 are 63 or 9
8 9 times 8 are 72 or 9
To 9 9 times 9 are 81 or 9
And you find that the figure nine is the law that brings
each two of the digits together without changing either one
it brings the 1 and 8 together, the 2 and 7, etc.

This table of nine will make a cross, beginning in the cen-

ter, and will all cancel out. Natural law just blends things to-

gether, according to their number always a positive and nega-
tive or negative and positive number.


The "Law of Infinite Wisdom" as the subject I have
worked out and defined as follows:
19 or 10 or 1
315 66 95695925 591464
25 or 7

With a knowledge of the "Law of Infinite Wisdom," we

have all things. We will see what it is: Success is one hun-
dred per cent efficiency and one hundred per cent attainment,
in obedience of the knowledge of the law of infinite wisdom.
If one hundred per cent of attainment is dependent on the law
of infinite wisdom, the law of infinite wisdom when atomically
wr eighed in the scale of Numerology would be 100. Now we
will take the whole procedure of the atomic weight of 100 and
in gross volume it could not be other than perfect. Take the
word perfect, and if the atomic weight of the word perfect in
Numerology should equal the gross volume of the statement,
Law of Infinite Wisdom, then the principle of Numerology is

7 5 9 6 5 3 2
equal 12—3 OD

3 7

The law of infinite wisdom, then, is perfect, because the
origin destiny DOES equal the gross volume of the word PER-
FECT. Now we have in the word perfect the 1 and the 7, which
is 8, and when we go a little further we will find what that 8 is.
(It is GOD— 764 equal 17.)
The naughts in 0. D. of Law of Infinite Wisdom were not
Now we willcount the entire number of digits, which is
the origin and destiny of the word "Perfect." The law of in-
finite wisdom, where it emanates from, and where it goes back
to, and what it has control over. We will see the law of infin-
ite wisdom. A knowledge of and compliance with the "Law of
Infinite Wisdom" would give one happiness and prosperity.
Well, we have to prove these things —
let us see. We will take
first prosperity. Then would come happiness. If we could
prove that prosperity is one with the Infinite Wisdom we would
have no trouble in learning to work with the law as laid down
to us, and not with any false ideas of having to take a few se-
cret lessons here and there in getting this knowledge together.
We will take the word prosperity and see if one is the result of
the other:
16 equal 7*

In getting OD number of prosperity the naught was

So prosperity one of the results of the law of Infinite

Wisdom in action. Prosperity and law of infinite wisdom are
one and the same. Prosperity is not alone the result of that
law, but this word happiness has the same terminal, and can
justly be attributed to the law of infinite wisdom, as it is
obeyed by the individual.
4 4 16 equal 7

1 7

What I have been seeking and wanting leads to happiness.
There are your threes and sevens. Now, we have another
statement that is made. What is this "Law of Infinite Wis-
dom" that leads to happiness? And what is happiness and
what is prosperity? There has been much spoken and written
about laying up treasures in Heaven. We have used the word
knowledge to be laid up. That is in your mind. Is this true
riches or not ? Observe the difference in Knowledge, Treasures
and money.
9 9 5
256535475 295113951 46557
42 36 27

16 16 fff 12 equal 3
7 7
15 18 14

6 , 9 5


In atomic weight and combined power knowledge is Truth.

But that is not what we are going to prove. are go- We
ing to prove that knowledge is treasures. You get knowledge
by obedience to the "Law of Infinite Wisdom" as well as treas-
ures. We have seen that in the beginning knowledge is pros-
perity and was gained by obedience to the Law of Infinite Wis-
dom, and now we will take treasures and see if treasures and in-
finite wisdom are one and the same. We have proved it above,
and knowledge is treasure, as said before.
Now we are going to find out about brains, wisdom, self,

and the Lord.

6 4 4
591464 3694 4954
29 22 22

11 13 4 9 4 9

8 8 8
In gross volume wisdom is weight it is
truth, in atomic
vibration. Wisdom belongs to the Lord. Well, let us find if
it does. In origin and destiny the Lord begins and has His
dwelling place in a function of the anatomy with an atomic
weight of 4. Let us see if we can find it. We
find it in the
mind. There is absolute analogy between the two. Is that
bringing the Lord of the Bible home? Now, if the Lord in
origin and destiny is 9, and in atomic weight is 4, many nu-
merologists through the country say you must not add 22 to
make 4, it is a sacred number, it belongs to the Lord. They
stopped there. The numerologists that have been trying to
teach have not yet discovered the fourth phase of this wonder-
ful principle. I have a perfect numerology.
There is a reason they tell you not to add the twos in 22,
but you go right ahead and add it when you know how. You
will notice that there are no sevens in mind or in Lord. There
is no figure 1 in either of them. They are a little different in
constitution. Lord is principle, law of order, of creation. Now
you have it all in my system, also the law of creation, too. Nu-
merology gives one an understanding of the Infinite, the great
creative principle, and leads to the absolute understanding of
why wisdom begins with a 4 digit or symbol and ends with a
5. Those are words of common use. You use the word WIS-
DOM. "He is a wise man." You use the word mind, as univer-
sal mind or soul.
We will take another word that is a 22. We will take some
word that the New Thought students dwell upon greatly. Nu-

merology says there is but one mind, universal mind. From the
vibration of gray matter, of conscious perception in your mind,
it has reached all other minds in the universe. You send it out,
but you do not have to. There is no distance or space with the
Lord in mind. When the Perfect Image is in your conscious
mind, it is in every other consciousness that is in tune with
yours. When you have a guilty conscience within you and
others look at you, you begin to read in their looks a look of
condemnation. You create in the other fellow's eye something
that is not there, because you do not know the law.
We will have to discover where this MIND and LORD and
WISDOM is. What is the organ. The organ could be no larg-
er or no smaller than the function or faculty or power, what-
ever you choose to call it. The effect is always equal to the
cause. So we will say that perhaps it starts out from a dwell-
ing place in the brain. So we will say brains is where the in-
telligent cause originates. So we take the word
2 9 19 5 1
13 equal 4


In atomic weight brains is 9 and we have the Lord
there in His dwelling place, because the origin and destiny of
the word Lord is 9.
Now we have a little word here called consciousness. This
is really a very large word. Consciousness is within the brain.
13 4 13 4
13 9 6 3 15 5 11 359459113 4954
3 6 5
49 62

13 8

4 22 12 22

8 4 OD 3 4 OD

The mind is in the Brain —the Brain the tabernacle of


the Lord. LORD, MIND, SOUL, each have a gross volume of

four (4), an atomic weight of four (4), a combined power of
eight (8), and an origin and destiny of nine (9). These are
the words that blend together in one, not here and there but
everywhere, not in a person but in all persons.
Consciousness is another wonderful word without a figure
seven. You can take either universal mind or consciousness,
and you have the same thing. Both are 4 in gross volume.
Universal mind is the principle. I will demonstrate it by an
example. Consciousness is a double four. If you take the word
"Obedience" you have a double four (44). Many say one's
conscience is the law, if presented to one's consciousness the
natural law of infinite wisdom and obedience to it and con-
science then one would have perfect happiness. Observe the
16 equal 7


Now I will show you where the Kingdom of Heaven i&. i

have said that universal mind and consciousness both are 22
or 4. You know that your brain is within, and you know that
your mind is within your brain, and you know that your con-
sciousness is within your mind, and you know that universal
mind and consciousness are 22, or a final digit 4. Christ said
that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you. Now if the King-
dom of Heaven is within the mind individualized, we must anal-
yze this and find it to be the same as universal mind and con-
sciousness. Consciousness is within you and so is the King-
dom of Heaven.
I propose to show by figures and "HOUSEHOLDER'S
PERFECT NUMEROLOGY" system that these are all ter-

minals of 22, and their origin and destiny is in the mind of

2957464 851455
22 equal 4


In combined power the Kingdom of Heaven is TRUTH

coming through the mind and vibration of the two, or God, is
combined power. I showed you before what the word brains
is, and mind is in the brain, and the consciousness is the prod-
uct of the brain cells working one upon the other, forming
mind, therefore the Kingdom of Heaven comes when the brain
cells are properly organized and vibrate in harmony. Heaven
is reached by living in obedience with NATURAL LAW. There
is one Lord, one God, one salvation. Now we have just one con-
clusion. We will have to have some words, so I will use DE-

6 6 6
451995 591464 551328
33 29 24

6 13 11 13 6 13

4 4
—2 — - ,

3 8^ 12

( Nowcontinue your desire the same from day to day, day

in and day out— do not change your mind at every gust of wind
or adverse criticism. Have your desires in obedience to the
Natural Law. We will see if the words obedience of the Natural
Law and desire are the same. The supreme origin and final des-
tiny of obedience and the natural law to be the exact number
of the atomic weight of desire if the problem is correct, it will
be so. We will see if it is.
24 equal 6
625495535 6 6 285 5123913 135


5 34 equal 7*

24 in gross volume, or 6, which is the same as the vi-
It is
bration of DESIRE, 6. Obedience to the natural law in atomic
weight is 5, meaning that natural law has to do with nature, or
4 12 2 5 9

weights are the same. The origin and des-
tiny of obedience to the natural law is 7. We will see what it
brings, this obedience to the natural law. This is the way we
demonstrate it:
3965 54593112959
24 equal 6


In gross volume the same as obedience to the natural law.
This always brings life everlasting and the origin and destiny

is 6, the number of TRUTH. Living in conformity to natural

law brings life everlasting. It brings the same answer numeri-
cally. It cannot be otherwise. The terminal is the same as
Now have taken many important statements and shown
their analogy and their TRUTH in figures, but one thing re-
mains. It has been said that we have to give to get, and so we
are going to find out what we must give. We must give every

good thing this is all that Jesus said that we must give, and
if we give, we must give in volume, origin and destiny just
what the Lord gives us.

4 4
7945 3645
25 11—2 18 11—2
7 9

11 13

Love is the fulfilling of the law, and if we give love we get.

Give and love are the same, in Gross Volume, and in origin and
I overlooked one word, go back to it. I am going
we will
to show you the only wealth and (Go back to Wis-
dom and Wealth.) Notice again the absence of the sevens. I
will explain it to you later. Wealth goes back to mind and
soul and brain and consciousness and desire again. If you de-
sire wealth, desire wisdom, as the means of getting wealth. I
would sooner have the knowledge of the law of acquisition than
to have all the wealth the world can give.
We are going to find the seat of judgment. great many A
people say, "Judgment, where it is ?" I will allow you to draw
your own conclusion in regard to the 6s.
Concience is natural law in operation. Blessed is the man
who has no conscience. Thrice blessed is he, because it shows
that he is living in OBEDIENCE to the NATURAL LAW, for
conscience is only the sense of loss and suffering that comes
from DISOBEDIENCE of natural law, and if you obey the


natural law you would not have any conscience, all would be
harmony or Heaven Poise. —
365139553 5
45 17

9 8
Conscience is 17 in Origin and Destiny, or God, 17. We will
see what judgment is.

4 15—6
Origin and destiny of judgment is 6 or truth.

16 3 3
Judgment dwells in the soul.Judgment is the principle of
equilibrium at work. Conscience and judgment both dwell
.within the consciousness of man and neither functions without
the other. Now consider the
5 7 5
17 10


If thine eye be single but if thine eye be evil
. . . ,

thou wilt fall in darkness. Disobedience to the law of Infinite


Wisdom is evil. The 10 is the perfect Master, the origin of all

things, the unit.
What is material success ? I know many people who think
they have it, but it does not stay with them. We will illustrate
exactly what material success is.

15 equal 6
41259913 1333511

24 equal 6

12 equal 3 combined power.

51 shows matter (5) before spirit (1). Material success means

matter before spirit. Material success is found in combined
power (3) the number of Principle.
I want to show you something in a little controversy that
generally takes place among the materialists and the New
Thoughters and nature fakirs. I am going to give you the
word "One" and I am only going to give it to you in the atomic
weight of words. That is about all that the ordinary numer-
ologist knows of numerology. In the beginning the spirit was
one. The Bible said "In the beginning.

17 9 992
37 equal 10 equal 1 AW
We will premise that God is spirit, and there was no be-
ginning. There is but one spirit, and that spirit is a nameless
one. We could not say anything about the name, for then we
would bound it, and it would have an inside and an outside.

(Read Chapter One The Nameless One.) This "0" appear-
ing with any, after, before, or between, any digits, shows that
they are unlimited, had no beginning, can have no end. Now
we see that we have something, and that something came from
spirit, and yet spirit is nameless, but for the convenience of the
human or mortal mind we call it 1 or 10. Then we come to a
man in a school who said, "I believe that there is a substance

that fills all space, but I prefer to call it 'nuclei.' " In numer-
ology we will see if they are one and the same atomic weight.
5 3 3 3 5 9

28 equal 10
We do and have added all the symbols together and we find
just 28, and we get from that 10. Then we come to another
man just a little closer to the Darwin theory, who says that all
is protoplasm, and he said we go into the heart of things and
etheric substance is the nuclei. This is just a little coarser
than the nuclei and the nuclei is just a little coarser than spirit.
5285993 132121535

And we have another Having said that etheric substance
is the basis of life, someone arose to remark that electric es-
sence was necessary to move the etheric substance into action
before it could be any substance at all there must be electric
essence as its nuclei.
53532993 5115535

We proceed to see whether there any difference between
etheric substance and electric essence, and whether they are
not one and the same vibration. We
see that science cannot
tell the difference between these two, and there is no difference
in atomic weight. It was done long ago in the College of the
Ancients. Now
these two coming together make protoplasm.
One man in the East rose to remark that the electricity or
ether had nothing to do with it. That the first evidence of
life was protoplasm. And so I proceed to put down
That only kindergarten problems in numerology, all
that proving of something about words you are using every
day. Etheric substance, electric essence and protoplasm are
one and the same.
146521 195735 3533
19 45
10 9
In amoeba you have again the 10, the beginning of life, the
same origin and destiny. The amoeba is a single cell. Now
we have come down to where the law strikes into the single
cell, and we have the Ego, the first evidence of animal life.
From the 10
5 7 6

we go to the 9. There is your single cell in the ego, many sin-
gle cells make the ego.
The Bible then says that God made man in His own image.
First we will take man:
4 15 4 3 12
10 10
A spiritual man made in God's image. Later on in Gene-
sis, Chapter 2, the writer said that God formed man out of the
dust of the earth. We will see if dust and man are one. They
are. Now in the first chapter of Genesis it said that the dust
man was put in Eden.
5455 851455
19—10 28—10
Some people commence to argue with you and say that Heaven

Now that is where the spirit came in (the figure 7). Man cre-
ated in the dust and placed in Eden was perfect. We will see
whether spirit is perfect.
7596532 49213927
37 37

10 10
Spirit and perfect are the same. Now they say that the per-
fect spirit is vitality of man. After man was created perfect
and had all the vitality necessary for eternal life, the man was
not satisfied. The first man made was named Adam.
14 14
Man in the image of God. "Male and female created He them."
He caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and took away a rib
and made woman. Afterwards the only thing that is said is
"Male and female created He them."
4135 654135
and he joined them together and the twain were one flesh, male
and female were one, and the woman should be the better
half." I will show you why the woman is the better half. If
I divided them equally it would be fifty-fifty, but numerology
gives 6 to the woman and 4 to the man. The male number is
4 the female number is 6 together they are 10, or two are
; ;

one (1).

Everything has to have a beginning. Emphasize that

word "thing" every thing has to have a beginning, but that
universal urge out of which all things come into manifestation

had no beginning will have no end.
We start in this chapter with a lesson that will premise
the entry of some "thing" into manifestation from no "thing."
Attention riveted upon the word "some-thing" and "no-thing,"
or "something" and "nothing," will show you the real behind

the unreal, which is the "thing"- the real is the "no-thing."
Then we take "everything," "every-thing," also divided, and
we have all things. The One from which all things come is
nameless, but we must express that Nameless One in a tan-
gible digit that will express something to the mind of man,
therefore we begin with One. In numerology we are going to
say that this is an erroneous beginning, as you will notice by
this example:
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God

and the Word was with God and the Word was God" spelled
correctly "D-e-i-t-y" and no "G-o-d." Man, in groping for a
reason or a peg upon which to hang a theory for creation of all
things, somewhere has made the statement that Creation was
in the Fourth Dimension. We will put down "From whence
cometh all things ?" Man knoweth not the Fourth Dimension,
therefore we will say that all things proceedeth out of noth-
— —
ingness out of the Fourth Dimension into the oneness or all-
^ess of every thing that is made manifest to the comprehension
of man.
Now we are going to take the words "Fourth Dimension."
I will take the "Fourth Dimension" — now I will take the
"Word" and "Silence."
663928 494551965


7 4
1935535 5694
14_5 10*
31 24

11 10

In gross volume and atomic weight combined power the
word silence is 2. Silence, then, is the realm of vibration where

nothing is going and nothing is coming the point of equili-
brium between that which is created and the uncreated. Now
to find the supreme origin and final destiny of the word "Si-
lence" we will take the count of every digit of which the prob-
lem is composed to find that :(Above figures.)
So we find that the Fourth Dimension and the "word"
silence are the same in origin and destiny and that the two of
them are One.
In the beginning was Equilibrium now we have to prove

that. It is 64; atomic weight of the word "word" is 6; the

gross volume of the word "word" is 4, combined power 10,
origin and destiny 10. Now the word "word" in its conception
being gross volume of 4 and atomic weight of 6 will give us
combined power of 64. We will take the word equilibrium
11—2 3
58393929934 199
64 18—9* 19 •

10 10
3 4
In the word "equilibrium," as
in the "Fourth Dimension,"
you want to observe one particular digit that is absent the —
figure or digit "7" does not appear either in equilibrium or in
the fourth dimension, showing it has nothing to do with posi-
tivity. The fourth dimension coupled with the "Word" makes
"Truth." The atomic weight and gross volume of equilibrium
totals one or 10, which is "Word" —
so everything being made
manifest out of no thing, the gateway between that that is

manifest and that that is not manifest is "Equilibrium." The

creative principal began where equilibrium was reached —com-
ing this —going that way—into and back again, to the
The gross volume of equilibrium 2 — that
is vibration,is it

isneither create or un-create — that being said nothing can

it is;

be added, until the Word formed in the Silence finds its

equilibrium in a vibration that corresponds in volume, mean-
ing, shape, size, color, sound,number, place, and it creates.
The vibration of the word that has been sent forth being a cor-
rect mind image in volume, meaning, shape, color, place, sound
and number of the thing desired to be created by the mind of
man, is created. It requires no time for that vision to travel
from point of origin in the brain to the thing made manifest
from out the Silence or the Fourth Dimension. The Silence, or
Equilibrium or Fourth Dimension, or "Word," as Jesus cor-
rectly said, is within you. Now you see what equilibrium comes
to in origin and destiny —the supreme origin and destiny in
the word equilibrium is 19 — 1 and 9 —
and we find the only
place (if it could be called a "place") that we could penetrate
to find the perfect silence is in the Air —
Air which when cabal-
19 9

19 9


This gives us the origin and destiny of the word Equili-

brium and we find that scientifically analyzing all things, that
we can come the nearest finding no thing in the Air than any
place else.
Now we have gone from the law of equilibrium, which we
have defined as existing apart from the earth and things in
stellar space, where the fourth dimension is, and we come to

another word in the discourse, commonly used by all teachers

the word "Infinite."
50 14—5*
Proceeding as before in the solving of the problem through
Householder's Perfect Numerology, we will proceed to see if
the Silence and if the Fourth Dimension (which in the forego-
ing has been proven to be one and the same digit), we will see
if the Infinite in atomic weight does not equal those. If it
does, we know that Silence is in the Infinite and that the In-
finite is the Fourth Dimension and that it can be reached only
by the abnegation of all material and all thoughts of self, either
as to what is in the past or what the future holds for us.
We look at this word Infinite and we notice that its atomic

weight is 50 the is the emblem of Infinite and 5 gives us an
inkling of what is Infinite and then we are lost in contempla-
tion of the wonderfulness of all things —of every thing mani-
fest and unmanifest. Take the combined atomic weight and
gross volume of Infinite and we find that in gross volume the
Infinite is 8. Now there is a way in numerology to find out
what 8 is. The Infinite fills all space, dense or etherial, reach-
ing out into electric essence and still beyond that into the finer
vibrations of the Ion and further to that realm named Spirit.

The meaning of the word Infinite is undefinable no definite

conclusion uncountable, unnamable, uncreate and create, in-
finite number of molecules that constitute this earth we live on,
infinite number of satelite stars and comets and suns that
travel through etheric space — numberless throughout the uni-
Then we take this —
we will take the gross volume of the
Infinite,which is 8, and we look for one word to see the gross
volume and we must find a word of atomic weight to prove
against the gross volume of Infinite and the next word that
comes to us is God.
7 6 4
8—11—2 OD10


The atomic weight the Infinite is- God. God, then, is in

gross volume 3 then God is Principle— Principle Infinite is —
the only way in which you could express God. Then we will
take the combined gross volume and atomic weight of the In-
finite ——
4 and the combined power in which the Infinite dwells
and where the Infinite is, is a 4, and we then take the other,
reaching down closer to earth, and we see Universal coming —


Now we have 50 for the Infinite and 40 for the Universal.
You must realize without peradventure of a doubt that we are
coming closer to the earth as we come down from the Infinite
to the Universal. Universal to my mind is that system of
planets that revolves around and have for their center our par-
ticular sun. The Infinite is the vast numberless number of
suns that has its numberless worlds, stars and moons. That
constitutes my Infinite, while the sun, Jupiter, Mars, the
Earth, Uranius, Mercury, the Moon, Neptune and Venus this —
constitutes my XJuniversal, while all outside of it constitutes
my Infinite.
Now we will take the supreme origin and destiny of the
word Infinite —
and we find that we still have 4. Then we go
back to the word Equilibrium and we find that Universal, be-
ing composed in gross volume, furnished us a law and in atomic
weight we find 40 and we select the word "Mind."
4 9 5 4 9


I want to call your attention to this 22 — so many systems
of numerology have been invented and have come down, down,
down from the ancients, away beyond the time of Christ, or
the year one. Just as little glimmerings here and there of the
real truth, numerology, the soul of things —the number of the
soul of things. Now we take mind and it is 4 and we take the
gross volume of mind and it is 4 and then we find that we
have 4 and 4, or 8 or 44, and we find that by reverting to in-
finite that we have mind and we find that its combined
power added to gross volume in atomic weight gives us 13 or 4
and then we count all of the digits as in the method for adduc-
ing the origin and destiny, we find yet another 4 and so we
gaze in contemplation upon the 4 of the gross volume of mind

and upon 4 the atomic weight of mind, and then we see they-

are akin cannot say it otherwise. We look down at the word
Universal and we find that it comes to a 1 and a 4 or 14 and 5.
The law of equilibrium comes to 1 and 4 or 5 the fourth di- —
mension comes to another number arriving at 5, through an-
other channel, and that is the channel of the 2 and the 3. In-
terpreting these 3 words, the fourth dimension, equilibrium and
universal we find that 5 would be
Let us revert to mind in the Infinite and we see what we

have in mind as origin and destiny we find that mind origin-

ated in the combined power take the gross volume and atomic

weight of the word "MIND" we have 8. Again you may re-
vert to the word "GOD," and you will notice that that gives
us 8 in atomic weight, so in combined power Mind is 8. Mind,
then, is also a 4 and 4, which is Infinite, and the Infinite is 8
in gross volume. Therefore the Infinite and God are synono-
mous terms. They are likewise in numerology synonomous
numbers, and by proceeding by the method that I have laid
down in my "Four Basic Principles of Numerology," we arrive
at the same answer or same conclusion —
this is the Absolute.
Now we will take the origin and destiny of the word mind

and we will count

the digits that constitute the problem,

leaving or omitting the symbols which are the words or the

letters which form the words. We have nothing to do with
letters or symbols now. We are reducing it all to compact sys-

tem of digits a matter of concentrated mind upon the final
origin and destiny, meaning power and scope of words created
by the mind. Counting your digits, they constitute the word
mind and all the processes of which our problem is composed we
come to the origin and destiny of mind and we find that it is
universal in gross volume and then we will find that it has one

word an ancient Greek word that encompasses it all and we
just substitute that word

3 3
4 5 9 3 1 5

18 9

9 10 12 8

12 3

We find law is a 9 and we and dei is 3 in gross

find dei is 9
volume likewise law is 3 in gross volume and in combined

power law is 3. Dei in combined power is 3 and in origin and

destiny dei is 10, which corresponds again in turn to the word
Spirit in atomic weight, so all is God and God is all, and all is
Infinite. Law in origin and destiny is a material number 8 and

has to do with matter or things create and not that which is
uncreate. Mind has to do with the principle that is create and
that that is uncreate. Now
here I am going to express again
some theories, if you will permit me, in regard to whether one
is the first digit or 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. I am going to say

that in the beginning Dei is the first, then we have Dei in

atomic weight was 9 in gross volume of principle and in final
origin, and destiny was 10 —
a 1 and an and now this Dei or

the 10, as in the foregoing example was beginning the principle

that created the world. It does not just say it that way, of
course, but it does say it this way: "In the beginning God
created the Heavens and the earth." Now we are going to see
what the Heavens and the earth come to:
8 5 14 5 5 1 5 19 2 8


12 21

3 3

not say a heaven and an earth it said heavens and
It did
it is plural. It is correct in this regard —
we will just quote
from Chapter One, Genesis: "In the beginning God created
the heavens and the earth." Heavens-earth are 9. Let me give

you a little problem a kindergarten problem, as it were take ;

earth and water what would you have if you mixed them
51928 51259


In atomic weight they are 2 and now any school child will
tell you that earth and water mixed make mud, so we will take
the word "'MUD"—
4 3 4


So we see that they are the same in atomic weight.

Now let us go back to the original problem heavens and earth
— you see that in atomic weight earth and water make mud


heaven and earth make what? Just as in the little problem

we have
5 6 9 3 4


So you see heavens and earth made 9, world when com-
bined makes 9 too, so the heavens and the earth and the full-

ness thereof make 9 too can you see that?
There is no 7 in heavens and earth, just as there is none
in the fourth dimension. There must be a reason. I will tell
you the reason by and by. Now we come back again to a 9 and

a 3 heavens and earth. In gross volume heavens and earth
are 3, which correponds with the ancient's thought of Trinity.
In atomic weight they are 9 and in combined power 3, in origin
and destiny 3, and so the heavens and earth are 3 and the an-
cients speak of the Trinity and translator after translator of
our ancient scripts have neglected or refused to place the fig-
ures under the original Greek figures, so we have lost to our-
selves since 500 years before Christ the art of defining the

earth by number to be rediscovered in 1921.
So you see the heavens and earth are the result of a prin-
ciple, the result of any principle could not be other than the
volume of principle. The word principle could not be other-
wise. Having used the word principle in the theory that I have
been expounding, I desire to call your attention to that word
"principle," that we may get closer to a comprehension of
those things that make up all things.
799539735 18—9



Heavens and earth in gross volume were 3. In atomic

weight 9. Principle, from which all things come, therefore,
I submit the word principle as embodying a full explanation of

what brought forth the heavens and the earth, and that is the
word "Principle," because in gross volume principle is 9, and in
atomic weight 3. Heavens-Earth in gross volume are 3. In
atomic weight 9, and this is what Pythagoras so aptly de-
scribed as being two theories weighed in the scale of number
whose poles were dual, therefore proving that one and the
word were identical, or one was the offshoot of the word or the
one the parent of the other. Now we take in combined power
principle is 3, and the origin and destiny is a 1 and 8 is a 9
and that brings us to Dei or to
5 6 9 4
24 10*
So the principle that John expounded that brought everything
into the world or into being, was the Word. In the beginning
was the word and the word was with God and the word was
God, it being traced back to its origin, we find the Latin sub-
stitution for our word God is Dei and Dei in every phase and
particular,and at every point of numerology does correspond in
a synonomous way. So the word Dei and principle are one and
the same and that principle is the word, which word is truth,
which word is law, which word is matter, which word is vibra-
tion and which word is life —
flesh and power. —
Another generally accepted teaching is that of the Holy
of Holies and a great deal of mystery surrounds the statement
that Solomon made when he said he would retire into the Holy
of Holies and shut all the doors and there he would commune
face to face with God. Since that day a great many people
have taken exception one way or another. Some have inter-

preted it as the Silence some in the Pyramids of Egypt and
some on the mountain peaks where no sound could be heard.
We are going to define the Holy of Holies
8 6 3 7 6 6 863951
14 21
5 3

— —
Holy of Holies Fourth Dimension Silence. By reverting
back to the first part of the chapter, you will observe that in
atomic weight Holy of Holies numbers 5 and in gross volume
is 12 or 3 or principle —
another number of the Silence. When
one goes into the Holy of Holies they have transcended all the
vibrations of the body and migrated to the realms of Spirit,
equilibrium, where nothing matters. So the Holy of Holies is
in equilibrium.
Let us go back just a little ways and take up some of the
statements we made. Let us take the word "beginning" it —
says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Now we had the heavens and the earth the principle, but this

not in the beginning see where it begins where creation —
begins. If in the beginning was the word and the word was
God, we have shown that the word was 9. To check up a fore-
going statement of mind made dogmatically, that we would
reverse the numerical digits from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 to 9, 8, 7,
6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. In the beginning was the word 10; the next
was heavens and earth created by the word and if the word was
10, heavens and earth is 9 and the result of our problem will
be heavens and earth. Now we have two words in heavens
and earth. We must find out what the heavens are. Scientifi-
cally the heavens are
5 2 8 5 9

2 12—3
We —
again arrive at the point of 3 being the origin and
destiny of the word Ether or Principle. Now we take earth by
the same method we proceed to find out what earth is by fig-
ures. Earth in its atomic weight is 7.
5 19 2 8

12 12—3

Equal to the combined power of Ether and both have their

origin and destiny in 3. And now scientifically we will chemi-
cally define both earth and air and we find that earth is but a

condensation of etheric vibrations the finer ones called air
and coarser ones called earth. And now we find that both ether
and earth constitute the principle and that one is identical with
the other. ,

The first letter Dei, or —

law before we could have any-
thing we, of necessity, had to have a law for the creation of
that thing. The law is 9 and 9 will not change any other fig-

ure when added to it 9 remains implacable and alone and by
the use of this figure or digit 9, 1 claim all things can be proven.
We will take the figure or digit 8. Now if the heavens and
earth being 9, they constitute something aside from that, that
is tangible matter. The basic gases of tangible matter are
oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon. We will proceed to
find if these were not what were brought together in order to
form our earth, because when chemically analyzed Mother
Earth is found to contain them all in proportion.
6 6 7 7 5 5

3 19 2 6 5
87496755 8

In gross volume oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon

are 28 or 1, which 28 corresponds with heaven, which is above
and around the earth in atomic weight it is 161. Spirit, truth,

spirit again —
interpreted 1-61 —
that includes all your basic
Now we can safely say then that the law that brings into
existence every thing is 9, therefore every thing that has been
brought into manifestation through that law is a 9 because
the first evidence of the thing is in oxygen, nitrogen, carbon
and hydrogen, and now we will proceed to see dogmatically if
you will, that oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen, being


the first evidence of the things, we will say that they are every
thing and compose every thing. And we will take the word
54597 28957

7 15—6
So the law that brings everything into existence under the
8, being the first even material number and the number of all
things create, the number of things uncreate is 9, which cor-

responds to Dei law. Let us further determine what every
thing is in origin and destiny by counting again the digits of
which it is composed, taking the problem and working it out
to its fourth dimension. Everything then is 6, and now let

us take that double three that we had everything then is

equally number 2 heaven and earth, which constitutes a dou-
ble 3, or makes the 6 when we combine it, and that which is
create and that which is uncreate. Now then, out of every
thing, that is, everything is 6, we must find what the word 3
is. Now we have to find a word of an atomic weight of 6.
Everything being truth and truth being everything, we are
.going to try the word truth for a synonym of everything.
2 9 3 2 8 12—3

Now we see in gross volume that truth is 5. Truth then is
Infinite and what else? The fourth dimension —the silence
we find the truth, mind, silence, to receive mind impressions
from the unmanifest. When once mind is silenced, then the
Infinite mind, which is the great over-soul of all uncreate, is
enabled to manifest in the create and then to come out of the
silence and again become perturbed at the little displeasures
and jealousies, etc., of the human anatomy, of the human mind

by desires, etc.
— 'twere a shame! Truth
vibration because
we take the gross volume of truth, which and the atomic
is 5,
weight of truth, which is 6, and combine the two, and now we
have come to a finer power of truth. Does truth ever change ?
No. Truth never changes. What does change? Every thing
— vibration in atomic weight will just prove truth to the num-
ber of truth, and we will take vibration and put it opposite
truth and show you that vibration does never change, and vi-
bration, or the silence, or the fourth dimension, is neither cre-
ate or uncreate, and the word vibration will take us in atomic
weight to the combined power of truth, whose origin and des-
tiny is 3.



the Jaw because its gross volume, meaning every-

It is
where, the law is everywhere and so vibration is omnipotent
and omnipresent, as it were the kingdom of heaven is within
vibration likewise is in and we will take the gross volume of
vibration to find the figure 9. In combining the power it is
just the same as truth. Now truth never changes, says the
Lord God of Hosts. "The heavens and the earth may pass
away but my Word shall not pass."
Now we take the origin and destiny of the word "vi-
bration" and the word "truth," and we find vibration is 1 and
8. Now folks, kindly go back to the four gases and they were
8 in atomic weight, and 1 in gross volume, and we have 1 and
8, which constitutes the law of vibration or the create from
the uncreate. The gases being the direct result of the law of
vibration on the side of equilibrium, pointing towards the con-
struction of all physical materialization, which is found in the
fourth dimension, and presages the coming into material mani-
festation of all things.
In taking another glance at this word truth we find that
it has a gross volume of 5 and then I wish to call your atten-
— —


tion again to the word "Infinite," which is also an atomic

weight of the word 5, and truth in its origin and destiny is

12 3, which is principle, and vibration is 9, so the vibration
of truth constitutes all law.
Now in closing this lesson lecture, I just wish to call your
attention to one more point, and that is this: That in the di-
vision of the manifestations of this principle the ancients por-
trayed it in four words called the "Elements," and these ele-
ments are—
5 19 2 8

19 9 28

6 9 9 5 —
5 12 5 9

Now we will go back in the lesson just a little. want We

to find that earth, air, fire and water constitute the universal
and in combined power adding the gross volume and the atomic
weight of the two together, we have 4, or the universal. Now
in origin and destiny we will take these and add them to-

gether and we find that we are back to our original 28 10 —
1. Now the earth, air, fire and water constitute the nuclei
of all things —
therefore we can reduce those four to one in
atomic weight, which means we just have origin and destiny,
and these are the other nuclei
5 3 3 5 9 1


10 12

Permit a little digression here, until I show you that there
could be but one nuclei in all things and then I am going to
show you a figure 7 exemplified by the word one.
6 5 5


7 9*


7 —
vibration, power and in origin and destiny goes back to the
law governing one and law or Dei is one and 9 and 3 and 7.
Nuclei is one in atomic weight, 6 in gross volume, 7 in com-
bined power, meaning that it is 1 and in origin and destiny
the same as principle, the same as law, which never changes.
This again reminds us that the ancients said that every-

thing held in substance Father, Son and Holy Ghost, or the
Holy Trinity, and we have been trying to get rid of the 3 and
yet every problem when worked brings us back in a circle
to the principle, which is 3 — the one out of which all things are
coming and into which all things are going.
— —


Now we will take another sketch of a lesson all
little —
parts of the big whole lesson when we check it up in the next
series. "New Thot" students and teachers endeavor to fa-
miliarize the minds of their students with the one thought
that there is but one Universal Mind and that that constitutes
the law of all things create and uncreate, therefore we will pro-
ceed in numerology to put upon the board the words



12 23—5

Presuming that there but one mind in the universe and


that we are but individual expressions of that mind, as being

that one out of which all things proceedeth and back into which
all things receedeth, then the principle from which all things

proceedeth is universal mind, for universal mind is found to

)e principle of
39512945 765 59

11 21—3
and we find in atomic weight that creative power is 7 and in
combined power it is 2, which corresponds with vibration,
which is 2, and in origin and destiny creative power is 3, or
principle, and universal mind is 22, which is just one more than

creative power. This leaves universal mind to possess one

more potential attribute than that of creative power, which is


So universal mind is not only a creative power, but a destroy-
ing power as well, or disintegration. Disintegration in its com-
bined power is 1. So universal mind is a double 2, which is dis-
integration in its atomic weight is the synonym for
4 5 12 8


The origin and destiny of earth is 9 —
that is nothing but the
breath leaving the dust, and there we have again the Infinite
and the fourth dimension and the silence as the (5s) fives.
5 3 4 2 5 9 1

29 14—5

In atomic weight and gross volume numbers are 9. I said
I would reverse the way of counting —
9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Now we have numbers, or 9. There are three parts to that
— —


problem and there have only two parts been shown. The posi-
tive and negative numbers —
the gross volume of a number is
its positive side; its atomic weight is its negative side. The
two combined make the whole number, known as the combined
power of a number or a word. The word number is 2 and 7.
If numbers in the realm of thought is to express and can ex-
press all the possibilities of the 9 vibrations or manifestations
of etheric substance, then the positive and negative of num-
bers and the word numbers would contain the same digits as
the word whole in atomic weight.
The method of proving one word and its relation to another

word is like playing a game of dominoes the one fits end-on
to the other one, and the two to a two, the three to a three.
We find that the word numbers when weighed against the
whole in combined power, the positive gross volume and the
negative atomic weight, gives us the two digits of the atomic
weight of the word
5 8 6 3 5

The whole of everything is in numbers. Now we have
gone from numbers to whole. Numbers are limited. Num-
bers in combined power is 9 and the word limit has the atomic
weight as the word whole
3 9 4 9 2


We have these two words leading from one word into the
other, the limit being 9 in atomic weight and the whole being
9 in atomic weight, gross volume and combined power. The
word whole and the word limit can properly be defined by the
word Infinite in gross volume. The whole is Infinite and the
limit is Infinite. The word Infinite as defined by numerology
is given the definition of "Nameless One" —
that is the limit.
Now we will look at these three words and three systems
of figures. Any word that has been made or used for the
purpose of conveying thought is a symbol and the symbol that
represents the first digit in numbers is "n." When you get
a little further along in numerology and have arrived at a point
of knowing how many words in the dictionary of numerology
contain an origin and destiny of 5, you will know then what the
"n" stands for in numbers.
I am here going to curtail the lesson and give you about
35 or 40 minutes of something to think about. This is real
numerology. I am giving it to you like a school teacher. What
does the 5 mean ? What does the 3 mean ? I am going to show
Now the atomic weight of a word is the total of the digits
representing the symbols, in any word. The word numbers
spelled "n-u-m-b-e-r-s," is reduced to figures by placing the
corresponding figure of the number of the alphabet under each
of the symbols standing for the word "numbers." The gross
volume is the number of digits that make up the entire word.
The atomic weight of the word is found in the total of the sin-
gle digits added together and placed beneath the word. In
this case, the atomic weight of the word numbers is 2. There
is but one method of conveying intelligent thought from one
mind to the other and that is through the law of vibration
either by sound or by sight, or perhaps feeling. Therefore
the atomic weight of the word numbers stand for just what

numbers are used for determining the rate of vibration.
By this we mean that every number or word has sound,
shape, size, color, meaning, place and number. Now the origin
and destiny of a vibration was found by the ancients in this
wise: Having added all of the digits underneath the symbols
together to determine the atomic weight, and having taken the
gross volume, they take the gross volume and atomic weight
and add them together. This determines the combined power
of a word or its exact meaning. To determine or discover the
origin and destiny of that word or thought expressed in a word,
you count the entire number of digits that go to compose the
word. This discloses its final destiny and supreme origin

thus, 14 a 1 and a 4. Revert your mind to the word "Infinite"

and notice that the word infinite has a 50 or five naught.
And numbers in originand dest.ny are infinite. The num-
bers of ways and numbers of things and numbers of ideas that

the 5s stand for are names that is number. If you notice
that the limit in gross volume is the Infinite 8 there is no


limit — it is expressed by the digit 5 as atomic

Infinite, as
weight. The whole is Infinite because it is also expressed by
the digit 8 in gross volume; so we have the whole and the
limit. In atomic weight the whole weighs just as much if added
to any other digit or any other combination of digits. It

changeth not and weigheth nothing that number 9. So the
— —
whole is no thing the limit if you can give it a better name,
go ahead. The whole is no thing and the limit is everything.
The word numbers is the only perfect numerical word that
could be properly used for a demonstration of this kind, in that
its gross volume is positive or 7, its atomic weight is negative,
meaning that it applies to everything, even though it weighs
something or nothing, and even though it weigh as much in

gross volume as the earth it does not make any difference.
Now to prove the word numbers we are going to take the

number 7 in gross volume it is
If theatomic weight of positive were not 7, the gross volume of
numbers not an 8, then numerology would not be, as Pytha-
goras said it was a Correct Science.

"We weigh the atomic weight of one word against the

gross volume of another word to determine the real status of
either one of them." That is positive.
Now we are not going into the whole definition of positive

or negative we will come to that when we dsisect or analyze
a human name.
Now we will take the word
38 16—7*


In atomic weight it is 2. In gross volume it is 8. Positive and
negative are both 8 in gross volume.

Now we will take the word number singly:
Note —The word number
composed of is 6 gross volume
and 28 atomic weight, the only two PERFECT NUMBERS be-
tween one and one hundred.
5 3 4 2 5 9


10 12—3* (Shows naught

— (0) has been
7 counted.)

The word single number, of course, is one in atomic weight

and in gross volume it is 6, combined power 7. In origin and
destiny it is 3* — it is neither positve nor negative. It is just
plain principle now. Number is in principle ; number is in
Lord ; number is in spirit ; number
truth and number is is in
positive —
in its combined power. If there is only one it is posi-
tive — if there are more it is just as positive in proportion as
the numbers are of different things, and odd or even.

Now we have
5 6 9 4 1


Words atomic weight are positive and in gross volume they

are Infinite. Did you ever think of that ? In combined power

the same as number 3. In origin and destiny likewise the
same as number, or 3. We have words now with number co- —
incident with them we have them stacking up the same. And
— —


so we say that we have a positive and negative side to that and

the positive is the 5 and anything that asserts a power or is
creative in any way, must have power, so we will show the
positive side of words in gross volume they are odd.

7 6 5 5 9

— (Star shows
5 11—2* naught (0)
10 counted.)
5 found both in atomic weight of words and in the gross
is vol-

ume of words power. Words either express or conceal.
7 7
34 26

7 14—5 8 14—5
In gross volume express is 7 —
conceal is 7. In automic
weight express is 7 and conceal is 8. The expressed and con-
cealed thought, odd and even. Now what is the biggest word
in your vocabulary —
the word that to you means the most?
We will take "ambition" as expressing the most

2 17—8*

10 (Star shows
— naught (0)
1 counted.)
"Ambition" to be efficient ismore laudable than to become
rich. This is axiom No. 1. Ambition is any way you direct
your energies. Ambition in its origin and destiny is positive
whatever else may be said of the word. It is more than posi-
tive in gross volume, but not more than negative in atomic
weight. Its origin and destiny is in 7. Ambition is the foun-

dation of all endeavor and has but one word that antedates it
and that word is
4 5 19 9 5

6 13—4
In looking into this word "desire" we find that the power
is expressed in the gross volume of desire by the 6 and then
we have 6 in atomic weight. Combined power is in principle.
Desire is in the consciousness, in the brains as expressed in
power and in wisdom and in mind. This is the exact origin
and destiny of this word desire. So we have where ambition

springs from from desire. Now we have a point that ambi-
tion leads to.
7 3 15 1

17 13—4
In plans there is every digit but the two negative digits,
the two real negative digits, which are the 2 and the 6. In
plans we have the digit of 3, reverting to principle and words
and numbers. Plans take into consideration matter by words
and by number. Plans is a negative 3. The reason for calling
the word "plans" negative is that it is changeable anything —
that is negative is changeable. All kinds of plans are negative

because all kinds of plans are changeable not a set principle.
Now we will take
5 6 9 2

4 equal 9
Work starts in your mind. Nine-tenths of all the power


necessary to perform or execute a task has been expended be-

fore the actual work begins, through the over-planning, chang-
ing and worrying the greatest work here is exemplified by the
22, which is in the mind. You work this mind and generate
the power that enables you to perform other tasks. Now we
have the gross volume of ambition in work. Do not be
too ambitious if yo do not want to work hard, and work is the
law; it has its origin in 9, which is Infinite. The next word
given is
13 3 3 5 11

8 14—5

6 ,

Here we have the gross volume of ambition, also in atomic

weight, and we have a positive gross volume and a combined

power of a 6 and an origin and destiny of 1 4, or 5, which
means that success attained along material lines is of a ma-
terial nature and pertains to matter, flesh, life and power.
Those four words express the full origin, destiny and meaning
of the word success. A greater word than the word success,
although we did not mention it, is the word "attainment,"
which is the true word.
36 17*


In gross volume this is 9. This word attainment is the ter-

minal of the word work. There is no other road to attainment
than work. It had a gross volume of 4 and an atomic weight
of 4. The word attainment has a gross volume of 10 —express-
ible of no limitation to one's attainment. In combined power
it is 10 and in origin and destiny 15, or 6 and 1 —
should be in-
terpreted as the one showing infinite knowledge and satisfac-
tion as to what is not, as well as to a knowledge and satisfac-
tion as to what is expressed in matter or the word "truth,"
which is the atomic weight of the word truth 6. Now all —

the world over the 6 is truth truth, principle. Now that is a
start —
we have taken the word ambition and the word attain-
ment, now we will take
6 9 9 5


11 11—2

Fire is the means of transmutation, so we will take the word
32 16—7
In gross volume transmute is the law and everything is being
transmuted and it should be a 5 at the bottom, because you
can only transmute matter. Transmute means to transform
matter from one form to another, or from one expression of
visibility of fire, water, spirit, man, etc. Now you see, there
was no 7 in that, until you count the origin and destiny, then
you have seven.
Deity comes into every man through the gateway of in-
spiration —
you cannot throw out the power of will to create
until you are able to throw off all these vibrations. "I will be
what I will be, and, I will to be what I will be." It does not

make any difference what I am I have willed myself to be


You can take any two words for causes you want to in the
English language and can blend the two together and you have
the effect. Everything is in families. The dictionary is divid-
ed into five classes of words expressing five manifestations of

the one Great Principle mineral, vegetable, animal, human
and spirit, words
4 9 5 5 9 13 36—9 AW
457521235 34_7 AW
15 9 4 13 23- -5 AW

8 3 154 21- -3 AW
17 9 9 9 2 37- -1 AW
All are:

5 12 3 9 5

25 13- -4 the Soul nu


Notice the atomic weight of these five words, mineral,

vegetable, animal, human and spirit, which mean the five dif-
ferent expressions of the law or principle of manifestation.
"In the beginning God created the Heavens and the
Mineral Kingdom. "End of first day." "And God said,
let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it

divide the waters from the waters. And God called the firma-
ment "Heaven" end of Second day. And God called the dry
land earth and the waters seas; and God said, let the earth
bring forth grass, herbs," etc.
Vegetable Kingdom. Fourth day God made the sun, moon
and stars for lights, seasons, etc. Fifth day God made the
fishes, whales, etc.
Animal Kingdom. Sixth day God made the animals and
man to rule over them.
Spirit Kingdom. And he himself to rule over the human.
Human Kingdom. The second chapter of Genesis then
goes on to state that God had made these things all before
they were in the earth or that they were material. Then he
gave the spiritual shapes and ideas he had created or generated,
material form and caused them to come forth in rythmical pro-
cession, each reproducing the other form infinitum. The fore-
going Five Kingdoms worked out show the digits 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, all
creative vibrations. These are the Five Kingdoms.
These are the FIVE KINGDOMS or NATURE, as her laws
wax and wane begin and end all material manifestations or ex-
pressions of thought forms.

That Something— What It Is and How to Use It

In beginning this chapter, I am going to talk just a few

minutes on "Initiative." How many
of you know what initia-
tive is? Somebody give me their definition of that word. It
is a word you use every day, you hear it every day, you read it
in books and magazines. I am going to teach you how to use
your initiative. Now, Mr. Moran, in his definition of initiative
called it a "power." It is not power; it is inward. It is just
the same as vibration or spirit. It is inward until you use it.
It is not power or ability until brought into action.
By a long search I real meaning of the word
dug up the
initiative. It is "The inward spiritual knowledge or compre-
hension of the power to create that forces one, irrespective of
his will to do the thing." That is what it said in the original
Latin. It is the urge that compels you to do it. It is not a matter
of whether or not you want to do it, but it compels you to do it.
That is why you find one man in one position and one in
another and you hear the boss say "Gee, I would not give that

man up for his weight in gold he has 'initiative.' "
Initiative is something that can be brought out by bring-
ing your plus will to the front and when once you get started

to do something, do not get cold feet, but go through with it.

Initiative is a far-seeing mind that goes back even beyond the
mind into the soul and into the spiritual faculties of compre-
hension and allows you to see from the beginning the end of
all the action you are going to start in other words, initiative

is an inward comprehension that enables a man to see the fin-

ish from the start.


Initiative is a 55 word in atomic weight. Now starting
to do the thing is 100 per cent success. It has every element
of success in it. If you do not get cold feet and listen to the
other fellow, but go straight to your goal, there is no power on
earth that can or would stop you. If you know where you are
going the world stands aside to let you pass, and gives you a
boost to help you.
I have said that initiative is not power —
let me give you
a better word for it
— psychology. We will see how that stacks

Psychology and initiative are one and the same, except
that psychology gives you the powers of the soul and initiative
is the power behind, that urges you to action.

Psychology has nothing to do with matter nothing to do

with flesh nothing to do with power or with life. Note the
absence of the digit 5 in the word. Initiative partakes of the

double powers of the mind both the spiritual and the material
side. All the old Greek teachers taught that the soul had all

power. The soul can be compared to an egg the center is the
yolk, covered with protoplasm, then the thin inner skin, then
the coarser composition of the shell. You have four proposi-
tions there. The soul is that inward covering of the body
that set of nerves that is you, that tells you, if you stick a pin
in your flesh, that it jagged and where it hurt.
The proposition here has nothing to do with psychology.
I said I would show you what initiative is. We will see whether
"starting to do the thing" is not 100 per cent.


12192957 26 46 285 28957
Nobody ever finished anything in their life that they did
not first start. No matter how far the other fellow progressed
with the same kind of a proposition, you must start it in order
to finish it. Starting to do the thing is 100 per cent of the
thing being done. Starting to do the thing implies the power.
Now then, I have started to do the thing. What is it ? To
teach a psychology that nobody ever attempted to teach before
— Psychology of Numerology, or Numerical Psychology.
Initiative is a one; starting to do the thing is a one; no-
body can deny that.
Science says that every thing or the thing, in its mani-
— — —


testation,whether it is mineral, vegetable, animal or human

is protoplasm. Protoplasm is the thing. Jesus said it; I can
show you where Pythagoras, Plato and Socrates all said it. I
am original in proving what they said by numbers.
2 8 5 2 8 9 5 7 7962673114
46 46
10—1 10—1
the different vibrations of those atomic cells of the
It is
protoplasm that makes it either a bird, a sea horse, a dog, or
whatever it is. It is the rate of vibration at which the Etheron

was caught that determines what it is its texture, form, be-
ing, intelligence, etc.
Initiative in its final analysis is the thing. Initiative is
the power to bring into form protoplasm it does not make —

any difference how you bring it it may have been already
formed and ready for manifestation, but your initiative brings
it to you.
Now what is psychology? The dictionary definition of
the word is "The science of the soul." We will see


1395535 66 285 1633

You see, psychology is not the science of the soul, Now
let me show you what it is

256535475 66 285 1633
82 27—9
have just one more word to give you in relation to this

other word, there is a nature principle a mother principle;
that mother principle of creation is "comprehension." If you
know what you want and can visualize it, and con concentrate
your full powers or desire upon that thing, there is no reason
in the world why you cannot have and possess it. We had psy-
chology ; —
that was knowledge of the soul we granted it that.
Now we are going to say the powers of the soul is just one

thing embodied in one word. You never truly know anything
until you know it in your soul.


7 6 5 5 9 1 6 6 2 8 5 1 6 3 3



You never really know a thing until it reaches your soul
then you know it mighty quick. One of the faculties of the
soul comprehension. The knowing faculty of you is the soul.
Many people think that they know things I know that I know,

because I know nothing now that I do not know how to prove

that I know it.
Initiative is also the power of intuition
285 76559 66 952392965

The power of intuition is the knowledge with an urge be-
hind it and the power to carry it through. Jesus said: "As a
man thinketh in his heart so it comes to pass." Every state-
ment that you can make, that is a statement of truth, if you
will create the mind picture of the thing it is, it will come right
back to where it originated, as sure as you are a foot high. A
vibration will seek its own vibration that is in harmony with it,
in spite of everything.
The other day in the street, Iused the simple problem of
earth and water making mud. A chemist said that is only a
coincidence. I replied, "All right, give me another example.
He said "Sugar and water." Now what will sugar and water

make syrup? No, you have to add fire to the sugar and

water before it will make

syrup, and when Kabalized they both
come to nine in atomic weight.
Now you have a great many ideas and you have won-
dered to what purpose these ideas kept coming in groups. First
perhaps you visualize a thousand acres of land, then you see
yourself cultivating it, then by and by you see the rows and
rows of beans and so on until, following the picture, you have
the beans marketed.
What is concentration of ideas ? A concentration of ideas
is the law of creation in action. \

Now I am going to call your attention to is

to yourself.
the first thing
talk in the first person
I will "I am"

but it —
means every individual one of you. I am all there is I am —
what experience has made me. "In the beginning was the
word, the word was with God and the word was God.""

In the beginning without any preface as to where it was or
when it was. There was no beginning, there will be no end;
and if there was no beginning, I have no place to begin my talk
to you as a man. But I am going to try to begin where our
consciousness can meet on a common plane of understanding.
I am going to begin with the fact that we are here. Now we
do not propose to profess to know how we came here, what our
mission is at this time or how we are to execute our work. We
admit that we are here. We admit that we can think that we ;

can act in conformity with the thoughts that we have. We ad-

mit that our thoughts and actions do produce material equiva-
lents. We acknowledge the fact that the material equivalents
that our hands in action had produced were first creatures of
our mind or thought forms. We admit all these things. Of
necessity we have established a premise that we are omnipo-
tent, omniscient and omnipresent, in so far as we can think
and act toward the assembling of the material necessary to
build us what we want or what we desire. Now we can all
agree to that, can we not?
This lesson is going to cause you to think very deeply
about yourself. You never had anything in your life that you
did not deserve —
whether it was good or bad, it was just what
was coming to you. We will all admit that, and that we cre-
ated that thing. We say we did not create it, but we did. In
this lesson I am not going to tell you how or where you created

it and as a man soweth, so also shall he reap. If we sow to
the wind, we reap a whirlwind. If we sow deeds of generosity,
love of giving, we are compelled to receive at the hands of the
multitudes what we have given away.
The positive side of life is the giving side —
not the getting
side. Weget by giving. I am willing to give all I have to get
what I desire. I will give away everything that I have, and
yet in giving, I have increased my store of what I gave 100
fold. I am going to give it all to you and in giving to you I
will be richer 100 fold when these lessons are done, and I will
receive 100 times more than anyone of you who have received,
l)ut I am going to give it all.

The first thing I want your attention to is things.
to call
You think and you realize that by thinking
realize that you
and acting in harmony you can create you realize that the in-

telligent thought that directed your action came from a source,

either internal or external, and the trouble has been hereto-
fore that we could not differentiate between the two kinds of
thought. Now there is a difference between thought that is
originated in the mind and that thought that is impressed on

the mind. They are both creative no matter in which direc-
tion we act or which side of these thoughts we entertain at the
time, they are creative or disintegrative. If we entertain an
external thought it will create something for someone else.
Every thought goes to its kind and to the place of origination
it returns. If I project a thought and throw it out to the uni-
versal mind, it is caught by thousands of minds. The benefit
of that thought when it has been fulfilled will come home to
me sooner or later, but if I have thrown out a selfish thought,
it will not come home. If I put it out with the idea of gain,
to the hurt of another, then I do not get what I selfishly de-
I am going to show you all these things. This is a little
different psychology than we have been taught. The others
were not less good, but they did not pertain to the proposition
of using your thought to build into manifestation the things
of material worth, material desire and material necessities,
and when we become proficient in building into our lives
through the power of thought and action the necessities of
life, we can add to it luxuries and then we can become indepen-
dent and not have to worry about anything because we will be

in possession of the full power of the law and when we are in

possession of the full power of the law, we will be like the lil-

lies —
we will neither have to sow nor reap we just are om-—
nipresent, omniscient and omnipotent and conscious of it.
You are here and I am here and we are thinking, living,
breathing for your happiness, for your peace of mind, for your

pleasure, if you will —

not tears, and sickness, but in power, in
strength, in honor, to know that these things are yours by
right of heritage and not just given to you because of some
unknown intangible Deity having given it to you because you
prayed to Him.
I am
not going to mention religion, sex, or any other
method of teaching this law. I am going to exemplify it in
figures. All I want you to do is to have an open mind —
to see
that two and two make four; that three times six is 18 and 8
and 1 make 9.

Now to find out who man is and what he is, we will have
to take the word "man," and this includes woman, too. We

going to start with man man as a being. Now man is a be-
ing. Man and being are one. Man is spirit, likewise his outer
covering is dust. The inside has nothing to do with it.

3 5
4 15 2 5 9 5 7

10 28 10*

1 10

4 6

I will take the gross volume, atomic weight, combined

power, origin and destiny of each of the words that I demon-
strate with and prove them numerically. I said that man was
a being, but man is not being until he has flesh, until he has
agglomerated this matter around a spiritual nuclei. When he
has that, he has an ego and he then is a being, but the being is
no more than the man. Man and being are one in atomic
weight. Now being man is something and man being is some-
thing. The word man was used before man became a man of
blood and flesh and dust and God said: "Let us make a man in
our own image." "In the image of God created He him male —
and female created He them." So we have man. Man first

was principle man, principle, spirit. "Let this spirit be in
you that was also in Christ Jesus and let you love one another."
Man is a soul and that word man combined power is soul.
God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it became
a living soul.

4 4 3
16 3 3 4 13 5 7 6 4

13 13 17
— 9 — 9 — 10 equal

—4 —4 —8 Spirit
God is
8 8 11 Spirit

At death the body returns to the earth to the dust from

whence it came, and the soul to God who gave it. God in atomic
weight is just the same as in combined power soul would be.
God is 8 in atomic weight, but he is more than that. God said,
"Let us make man in our own image." In gross volume God
and man are the same. Now you could not have everything
that would stick together unless you had magnetism or vibra-
tion. Spirit universal is everywhere and in everything and all
there is in anything, is universal spirit, and in order to get
that to your consciousness we will put it down

359459113 179992

14 —
26 equal 8 Origin and
5 Destiny with God


God is Spirit and Spirit is the Infinite, and the Infinite fills all

space. It is positive —absolute.

8 8
95695925 12163325
50 14—5 23 15
5 5
13 13

If God is Spirit and Spirit fills and He

the Infinite
breathed into our nostrils the breath of life and we became a
living soul, that soul is Infinite. Man became a part of the
Infinite when God gave him a living soul and then he goes back
to the Infinite when God takes the soul away. God is Prin-
ciple and Principle is absolute. Now what is Principle? In
gross volume it is nine (9). In atomic weight it is something
tangible. God is all there is in material manifestation and
etherial conjecture —
anything that you can imagine outside of

the real material manifestation of things God is in and out, —
the outside of all and the inside of everything and that power,
substance, force or material out of which all things are made
that are made, He is, that is, and that is everything that is,

and now what is it? God is Spirit absolute. The Infinite
is 50 —absolute is 14. Absolute is all there is and infinite is all
there is, so absolute and Infinite could not vary one digit. What
is the difference ? Infinite is a round proposition a circle. We —
have always described everything that pertained to the Infin-
ite with an unending circle. The first one was the serpent,
holding its tail in its mouth, making an unending circle. The
absolute is 23 or 2 and 3. Ether-electricity covered with mat-

The becomes the Absolute when it becomes mat-

ter in manifestation. The word absolute only pertains to things
and to matter and substance, not to Infinite space. The abso-
lute number of anything is the number of things that is ere-
ated by that particular vibration. The absolute number of
men in the United States is being counted and that will be the
absolute number. But you cannot say that anything that is
unlimitable is also infinite. You cannot express it.
412259 132121535 289571
23—5 23—5 32—5
See the atomic weight.
It is just simply beyond the power of man's mind to com-
prehend the Infinite. The difference between the Infinite and
the Absolute is that the Infinite has not ben brought into
manifetation as substance, or in other words the Infinite is
NUCLEI and the Absolute is NUCLEUS. The Infinite is 50
and the Absolute is 23. The two (2) in the Absolute 5333531
—23 stands for VIBRATION, and the three (3) stands for
principle. The principle of Magnetism is the foundation or
cause of all substance or matter, which substance and matter
is only solidified or condensed ETHER, known to Meta-physi-
cians as ETHERIC SUBSTANCE. Everything is composed
of etheric substance and the rate or degree of VIBRATION de-
termines the name of the thing.
As thoughts are the nuclei of all things, so then thought
is everything. All thought is positive and the three (3) and
six (6) that represent its atomic weight stand for the prin-
ciple of Truth. So thought is the PRINCIPLE of TRUTH and
as TRUTH is everything, both manifest and unmanifest, so
then THOUGHT is TRUTH and there is nothing— NO THING
Thoughts are INFINITE and ABSOLUTE both at one
and the same time. Thoughts are CREATORS. Thought be-
gins in the realm of ETHERIC SUBSTANCE and ends in ma-
terialization of that very same substance. Clear definite mind
pictures held before the creative matrix of the brain brings
into material manifestation those pictures. It requires pro-
longed, steady and unfluctuating concentration of spiritual
desire to form the Nucleus of anything.
Commit the following definition of KNOWLEDGE to

Do you realize that there is something between you and ^
Who knows what it is ? Answer : Air, ether.
Now draw a mental image of a placid lake, as smooth as
glass; in the center of the lake, which is ten miles in circum-
ference, I drop a mustard seed when it hits the placid surface

of the lake it causes a ripple on the surface which is noticeable

at all points on the shore of the lake. If I drop an apple there
is a large ripple; if I drop a cannon ball, still a larger ripple,
and so on, until I have caused the waves to flow like a tidal
wave on the shore.
We which we all
will liken the placid lake to the ether in
stand immersed, from which we breathe our life forces, and
supply our nerves with the electric essence that we get out of
the air and the etheric substance for our bodies. The finer
etheric substance is that substance that reaches through, in,
and permeates all matter and all bodies and is found to be the
etheric substance that is found in the gray matter of the brain

of man no other place is it found so rare and so fine as in
the gray matter of thinking men and women.
If I disturb the sea of ether by a thought that I originate
from my center, the sea of ether is made to vibrate in har-
mony with that vibration that emanates from my brain cells
and it will cause every brain cell of like texture with which it

comes in contact to vibrate in the same motion rotary, octa-
gon or square, and it will cause that person to think upon that
particular thing that I was thinking about. That is the law
of mental telepathy, and it is just as natural, it is just as good,
and just as true, as the fact that I can go to the top of a build-
ing and send a message without the use of wires, that in a few
seconds will reach a point thousands of miles distant. Man
can send vibrations by his mind and can respond to a certain
rate of vibration just like the vibratory etheric waves that
emanate or are disturbed by wireless telegraphy. It is the very
same, except that the thought wave that you or I send out will
lodge in millions and millions of brains, if we are a real think-
ing person or mental power.
Now we have arrived at a day and age wherein a certain
class of people who choose the news matter that is to be put
into the newspapers, then the newspapers come out with a cer-
tain article on a certain day, at a certain time, it is in the homes
of thousands of people, they are reading and thinking the same
thing. If itsounds possible it starts a wave of vibration over
this universe that cannot be stopped. It can never be stopped.
They call that "moulding public opinion/' and they mould it,
how? By causing people to think what they say is the truth
and thousands of people start to say it, until those who would
take issue with that particular thought haven't got a chance
in the world to get anybody to agree with them, and even if
you are not reading newspapers and you are not subject to the
thought yourself, yet without that you can sit down in silence
and these things of public momentum that are forecast by the
newspapers as going to happen you can see them happen you
; ;

can see that they are going to happen and yet you have not
been made aware by any word spoken, nor by anything told
you, but you have thrown open your mind to hear what was in
the etheric vibrations. The gray matter of your brains was
disturbed into a harmonic vibration with those all around you
and the old saying holds good: That Vibration (God) speaks
to man.
Now if we have established that, and we have, we find out
then that we have an established premise. We have laid a
foundation where you can see that you must pull down the cur-
tains, lest you be led into error.
Now a storm will disturb certain elements it will become

cloudy. When there are certain forces in nature that are about
to bring rain or lightning, they have an instrument now, used
by the Government, that will tell you 24 hours in advance.
You have an instrument within your brain cells that will tell
you weeks and weeks in advance that something is going to
go wrong, and the more fearful you get, the quicker it comes
upon you. Is it not so ? We had the hunch that it was coming.
Now how did we know? We just knew from that part of our
etheric substance that is called gray matter, nebular matter

that is all there is nebular matter, between you and I, and it
is capable of being moulded into anything that our will is
strong enough to attract and our perspective strong enough
to see. If our mental eye can not see the thing we want, it
will be because we lack faith.

i I


We take the lesson now
will : The realm of thought, where
it is and what it is, the mind, and words. Now your realm of
thought and your force of thought will just reach as far from
you as you can continually supply the constant ripple. I said
if you drop one seed it will be noticed at the shores of this lake
that is ten miles in circumference. But if you will contin-
ually drop, now mark me, at intervals, five hundred seeds per
minute, you will start a wave that will be noticeable in that
it will be two or three inches when it reaches the shore of
your lake. Now what does that signify ? It signifies that the
same thought in the same direction, keeping it up day in and
day out, like a constant drop of water will wear away the
hardest rock, so will concentrating upon the individual thing
that we desire, so surely build it and start it rolling toward

us the source of vibration, because vibrations of a harmonic
nature never cease to be attached to the sources from which
they emanate. Now get that, and drive a peg in your conscious-
ness right there and keep it.
You cannot be separated from any thought that you have
— —
thrown out it is a part of you and it is just like a rope not

a very strong rope one thought or one idea, but you just
throw that same thought out to the universe and you will not
only weave a rope or a cable, but you will have to stand or fall
by the power of that cable. Men with their thoughts of evil
weave cables that chain them to everlasting misery; they are
weaving those chains day in and day out, while men with an
unselfish desire to help humanity will weave and build palaces
to live in, because of the unselfishness. An unselfish thought
thrown out on the universe goes to help another one. The self-
ish, grasping thought that is thrown out sticks right to you;
it does not hurt the other person, but it does come home to
roost, while the unselfish thought goes, and in going is free
and helpful.
Now I am
going to show you something scientific about
the method of constructive thought. I have talked a whole lot
about nerve energy, nerve force, power, etc., but how can I
prove that? Now the realm of thought is everywhere, has no
Ifa man is capable he could comprehend the ultimate

boundaries of the universe if he were capable. I am not ca-
pable, but if I were capable I could describe the Fourth Dimen-

sion. I am not going to say that it is not possible for man to
become capable of doing it we must admit that the Fourth

Dimension is comprehensible to man's mind, because if it

were not, he would not know that the Fourth Dimension was
necessary. If it was not possible for some minds to know that
Fourth Dimension it would not be possible for other minds to
know the necessity for a Fourth Dimension. If it did not exist

no man would ever have brought up the question.

If it had not been possible to fly through the air, no man
would ever have done it; or submarines in the depths of the
sea. If it had not been possible to use this law of wireless
telegraphy, they would never have thought they could get
along without wires. What did it spring from ? It sprung from

an idea. They concentrated day in and day out they prac-
ticed it, and they perfected it. What did Edison discover?
The phonograph. What is it ? They make a disc and from out
of the disc comes a voice that has been preserved beyond the
life of its maker. Roosevelt's wonderful speech in New York
after President McKinley was assassinated, has been reduced
to records and will go down through the ages and ages of time
— 20,000 years hence, perhaps. How? It is vibration,
wherever you go and whatever you do, and from everlasting
unto everlasting it will continue.
You see a wonderful electric light there. Out of it comes
the vibrations of light and yet there is nothing there. It just
seems to take it out of the air. You can close that wire up tight
and it will generate electricity just the same. So you see it
is gathering the vibrations out of etheric substance and elec-
tric essence. Why do they inclose the light in a vacuum bulb ?
Because the etheric substance would burst the bulb, because it
would have some expansion and contraction when it became

heated. As it is, it is just there you cannot understand it,
burning, as it were, in a seeming vacuum.
But you can understand this and this is the big lesson I
am going to give you to start out with. If you would remem-
ber, whenever a thought comes to you, before you act upon it,
to hesitate just long enough to analyze it, I dare say if it is
not a good thought you would forget it. Try it once. You
never did, did you?
I am teaching you psychology. Now you are all going to

have a thought an action; you will all do something. Stop
to analyze who are you doing it for ? I do not want you to get
selfish. I want you to bring your life up square every day to

your accepted thought of truth. Longfellow rightly said "Be


true to thyself and it shall follow as night the day thou

canst not then be false to any man." Now being true to your-
self is analyzing, starting and bringing into your conscious
working mind those things that are going to benefit mankind.

Now get that. Mankind not John Smith or Bill Jones, but
mankind as a body. I want to help Frank Householder, but
by helping everybody else to a greater, bigger, broader uni-
verse of man I have helped Householder. I have helped him
to a scurity that no bank or police force can give me. I have
helped mankind to the understanding that he should have all
that he needs, that I should not make him pay one farthing
more in labor, thought, service or in gold than what he desires
to pay for that and what I have paid for it. If I have a surplus
beyond my needs the surplus belongs to the other man and
what he has that is beyond his needs, it does not belong to him
but it belongs to every helpless woman and child and old per-
son in the world that needs to have the surplus and if we would
all live to that end we would get that brotherhood-of-man idea
fn our thoughts well
; — we would not need to worry, would we ?
What are we all worrying about? We are worrying be-
cause we fear that if we do not lay away a sufficient supply to
serve us, or to have others serve us, when we grow old and
craven, that we will be sent to the poor house or insane asylum,
and that is the penalty we pay. It is the fear of poverty in
our old age that caused us first to garner a supply. Now if
there was no fear of that kind, we could just build and build
and build and all we build w ould be for humanity in common.

Now take the brain as an organ; it is divided into four

parts; there is the subjective, objective, sub-conscious and
solar-plexus. But we have nothing to do with the brain just
now. It does not come in in our lesson, but I had to show you
that there are four divisions and there are four dimensions.
Now out of the fourth dimension comes all that we have, or
can hope to possess, and into the fourth dimension goes all that
we are or can hope to be. \

I want toshow you the words that are used in the illustra-
tion. This is lesson No. 2 on Vibration, where it is and what
it is. It is thought in essence and in power. The source of all
sensation is the nerves. There are five sets of nerves there —
are five counter parts of sets of nerves; there are five ma-
terial nerve canals in our system or rate of vibrations and there
are five outside; the five outside and the five inside are ex-
emplified in the initiative. Initiative is started from inside and
not outside; it is a definite power. We will take the nerves,
5 5 9 4 5 1


Now when science takes the fluid out of the nerves and
analyzes it they say this is a fine human ether. Books by and
by will be printed saying that the}7 have discovered the human
ether, this is five or six months ahead of them, but the
scientific papers will be crying out all over the world, the great
— —
discovery human ether that is the nerve fluid. Nerves are
5 2 8 5 9


The evidencefound carried out when you remove the

nerve fluid in the dissecting room you will find that it will
disappear. Just tap a small nerve of a living person and ex-
pose your hand to the light; you have to tap it awfully deep

and you cannot see anything emanate just a bubbling up and
it disappears in the air
psychologic truths.

gone. Now these are scientific and

Now ether is outside but it is condensed here there is —

water also outside, but there is also water in our body and in
the ocean. We can drown with too much water; you can die
with too much ether, also. If you go up in the mountains you


enough coarse ether to keep your heart working

will not find
you want to get down into your element. You notice that ether
and nerves are one and the same thing, and prove to be so
when numbered out.
Now there is a substance that takes the form of a small
bubble and is called ion, when inflated with electric essence.
Now we are going to put that down:

9 6 5


That is just as close down as we can go. An ion —that is

form carbonated. Now we have the electron:


These are all familiar terms, aren't they? You have all
read them —you New Thought students, but you never saw
them brought together like this, did you? They are all subject
to that great law and they are all one manifestation of it. I
am going to show you how to use that law.
Magnetism starts in an aglomeration of electrons. The
electron is a 38 in number. Now we are going to take vibra-
tion—also 47 or 11 or 2:

Vibration a nebular body.
is A
nebular body is composed
of ionic vibrations of etheric substance that are in harmony

and affinity they cohese together and condense into a solid

body of any known matter vegetable, mineral, animal or hu-
man, determined by the number and rate of vibration or force
Now let us see if force is in the nerves
6 6 9 3 5


Now what the purpose of force, of nerves, of the elec-
tron, or the ion, or ether, or vibration ? The electron, the elec-
tricity of the personal magnetism, thought force, if you want
to call it that, is that power that draws together everything it ;

causes things to materialize.


You have 38 magnetism; you also have 38 in electron.
Now I have one more 38 here that we are going to have. We
have force, or nerve, electron, vibration, magnetism. Force is

energy as evidenced both by meaning of word and number:
5 5 5 9 7 7


Electron is the energy or magnetized energy that eman-
ates from the brain of man. Now all of this vibration of en-

ergy could only do one thing represent one thing nebular —
5523319 2647

Anebular body is subject to the law of vibration and is
the beginning of etheric substance, which is a nebular body.



Now a nebular body is just a thought on any one proposition

that starts the ether going round and round, and that nebular
body will be just the kind of thought that you make it. You
will have just the form and just the body that you have cre-
ated. Where does this nebular body start? Those are all 2's.
They all have to do with this force called something. I am go-
ing to show you where it is in a minute. Now we have mag-

netism, force and energy all one and the same number. We
have used electron, we have used vibration and nebular body;

and it is power it has the power by concentration to multiply.
All right, now let's see. Multiplying ions. Multiply belongs
to the law of vibration or magnetism.
Itcould not be anything else than the result of magnetism,
that is, to draw together. You see I am using the law of vibra-
tion by showing you that ether, and all the rest of those 2's
are all embodied in something. It has the power to multiply
and magnetism is the force by which it draws these nebular

bodies into a compact body, of some known matter mineral,
vegetable, animal or human, like thoughts attract like etheric
substance to be material.
There is another word that I want to show you. Now we

are going down to material things bring into manifestation
Materialized matter is something you can hear, feel, taste,
smell or see. It is still a 2, just the same. Now, then, what
is that substance that materializes? Ah, this is where you
get it. Now we are coming down to where we can grasp some-
thing, not only abstractly, but you can see it materially.
7917 412259
There is nothing else that could materialize to start with.
Now the law of vibration is 47; nebular body is 47, and gray
matter is 47. Now if vibration is 47, what is gray matter ? It
is just vibration, isn't it? Then it touches each of the molecu-
lar cells of this human anatomy and brings them into a desire
and that desire is exemplified in what? Where is the gray
matter? You cannot get it any other place. All right, we
will call it "within" and find out what the word within is
within the center of each molecule of matter is that vibratory
nebular body. It may become a mineral, vegetable, animal or
human; that is why they called it the Trinity in olden times,
and that is just what it was. There is a white one a pink —

one and a blue one, if you will each rotating around each
other — within.
5 9 2 8 9 5


You notice those you? I want you all to get that.
2's, don't
This is Psychology proven by Numerology. Now then, there
is only one thing left to conclude the lesson. Now how can you

change or form by what faculty can you make that vibration

what you want? Let me have it there is just one way, what
is it ? Will ? How
does that look ? By the will, is it ? You can
will it to be on the plus side or the minus side. You can will it
to cut off your hair or let it grow just as long as you will. What
is it that stands pivot-like to decide toward success or failure ?
To think for yourself or to think for the other fellow, and al-
low him to reap the harvest? WILL, nothing else. I can do
anything I WILL TO DO. Remember that this is the lesson ;

on will I will show you that


5 9 3 3 9 6 5

20—2 20—2
The the double principle of mind one side is de-
will is —
structive and the other is constructive. Which one of them is
the destructive, and which is the constructive? The last one
is the destructive one. The center will is the seat of the Holy
of Holies, in the very center of it, governing and controlling

them is the law. This is of the earth earthy the flesh and —
— —


the principle of it, that is all right, you can

have it will to
selfishly. Or you can will to have it lovingly —
the law of love
is the principle; it is the inner Holy of Holies that you get

that. You have got to control it in the outer surface until it

penetrates into the center of your whole being and comes forth
spontaneously. You see then how all of these are 2's and they
are controlled by the number 20. Now the will is in fact, so
also is the ion. The ion is the smallest known particle of any-
thing and it is the center nucleus of all things. The ion is the
heart of Nature, and all of Nature's forms or power.
I want to show you that gold is the panacea for all ills

and that if you will learn to think and vibrate in harmony with
the lessons I am giving you this will be the result. You will
7 6 3 4

That is what your bring you when you can con-
will will
trol all the elemental vibrations of your own body, mind, soul
and spirit and bring them into harmony with omnipotent self
that fills all space and is all things in etheric substance.
Nerve Force is the inside of you, like the battery that
starts out the vibration in any direction or in all directions.
Don't think that because you are facing one way, your vibra-
tion will go that way

your thoughts go the direction you
hink North, East, South or West, that is the way your
thoughts travel. Where your treasure is, there your heart is
55945 66935

Nerve Force is the brain with which you think if you —
have no nerves you have no thoughts. If you have no gray
matter you have no thinking power. There is very little gray

matter in the hog pen, but a whole lot in the thinkers. Now
let us deal with principle


Nerve Force is 10 in gross volume. That means it is in,

out, over and all around —
this 10 means spirit. God is spirit

and the 10 exemplifies one and all Infinity. See the point?
Now you see nerve force is more than principle. Nerve force
is man, outside, everywhere, Infinity. Infinite life is nerve
95695925 76559

Infinite power is Infinite life, matter, flesh. So we see
in atomic weight it is one, in gross volume 13. Now this
etheric substance and electric essence and spirit all go to —

make up one word the smallest known division of matter.
53532993 5115535

5285993 132121535



The ion is composed of three vibrations, affinitized vibra-

tions, if you will, yet each of a different color, each of a dif-
ferent weight and each vibrating at a different ratio of vibra-
tion, forming a triangle —
a pink, yellow and a blue one, go
oscillating around and form a triangle. If you look through
a big microscope you can see these things happen. This is

the universal head where the other three meet. The Trinity.
17 9 9 9 2


9 6 5 1


1 plus 1 plus 1 equal 3

Electric essence is in, through, around and about every-
thing. There are four kinds of electricity —
the mineral, veg-
etable, animal and human electricity, and then there is static
electricity —
which makes five, and they
center in one being
— man. Man is composed of etheric substance, like everything
else. The electric essence is the power in Nature that meets
in what science calls ions. For a better name we use this
for the finest division of vibration. No one can go to any finer
a vibration than spirit. Now the brain which we use is our
intelligence. It is divided into four parts —
the objective, sub-
jective, sub-conscious and solar plexus. Now the object of this
lesson is to show you a little bit of Numerology first and then
talk to you about it.

How many you know whether the thoughts you have

had today, or are having now, are yours or somebody else's?
By what method of reasoning do you find out ? Your thoughts
now belong to me but those before belonged to me only in so

much as my thoughts struck a harmonic chord in your brain

cells, but those that did not you weighed, and if you could not
find anything to agree with you discarded them you will do —
that every time. I will show you that all have one thing in
common with me.
We get by giving. If I give everybody everything that
I have, then I get, providing they are obedient to the law. But
how many people are obedient to the law ? How many of them
respond to the real law? Not one in a thousand any more.
Why? They cannot figure unless it is coming to them; they
cannot do it. They are always looking for a motive behind
the action, so the only thing to do in certain cases is what I
am going to show you.
If we receive a thought we must receive it on something.
If you received a letter it would likely be printed on paper,
wood, stone, bark or some other tangible matter, or in china
or in glass, but anyhow, it would be impressed there. If you
receive a thought just sitting down it is either the result of
spontaneous combustion of molecules in your internal brain
cells, or there was something stirring up and causing them to
come together to form something. There was a force exer-
cised every time you thought — the most powerful force in the
universe was brought to bear to bring together certain ions
the universal head of nature, the principle, the only tangible
thing out of which gray matter in the brain is composed. I
was asked in the hospital what do we call this gray matter
when we define it ? Well we have to name it something. What
did they name it? Ions, and so 22 years ago and since then
that has been used by sonre mental scientists as the universal
head of Nature. Three parts of the vast whole, which is proto-
plasm in its finest and rarest quality, electric essence and
etheric substance. Electric essence travels between you and I,
but etheric substance is here like the protoplasmic cell in my
side and when Idisturb this electric essence by my will, by
turning these over, they give forth a vibration and away goes
the electric essence. When they come together, just like you
strike two pieces of flint together, it will ignite powder and
blow up a city, and so when the electric essence is brought to-
gether by bringing together two molecules of matter in my own
mind I send forth an electric spark and it will act as a magnet
to bring together every similar cell in every similar brain so
As anillustration
: I have a wire. At one end I have two
poles, forming a cross. I sit down here and within a second
and a half, three thousand miles away that spark has followed
and it makes the same contact. See the point? Now I am
showing you that a similar thought brought together and mak-
ing the spark, making the contact in my own ideas, makes that
contact in the same mind of a similar construction as my own.
If I am not busy sending I am receiving, and what is the


result? get a message to go here or there; I get a message


that this fellow is not treating me right. I get a thought that

I should not do this. I get a thought that I ought to go down

here and Jones he hand't any business to tell John

tell Bill

Smith that I was a crook. An idle mind is the devil's work

shop. You show me the man who keeps his mind on his mental
picture, on the thing he is going to build, it does not make a
bit of difference what it is; if he will keep his mind on his
work and turn it only to thoughts of that thing he knows is
to his best welfare and he keeps throwing those thoughts out,
there is no telling how many other millions of people will be
brought to a thought of that kind. We can have just one

thought at a time not a half dozen, but we have hundreds of
thousands of thoughts within a half minute and how many
of you follow them through? Not very many; and when you
open your mind to receive the message, be alert to catch it be-

cause the universal vibration will come both ways from the
lowest strata, the disintegrating thoughts are just as powerful
as the building thoughts and your mind will be receiving one or
the other. You will be passing them along, from station to
station, either causing them to grow into larger volume to
fill these other minds or you will be killing them off.

You can not help it you have to keep busy every waking

moment and that force called thought the first place that it
strikes you is in the objective mind. It might strike here or

there or in the solar plexus but it could not hit you except at
the center of your being, therefore you catch it right here,
(pointing to solar plexus).
For example, you have not had time to think about any-
thing and you are down stairs, you step out on a track and
bing! you hear a horn and you jump back. You have not had
time to realize anything about it and your heart comes up in
your mouth as the automobile spins by and you say, "Gee, that

was a narrow escape." Your brain never acted your solar
plexus and your spleen caused every movement of the muscles.
Now the spleen is the last organ to act. The function of the
spleen of the human anatomy is to secrete and to separate
those corpuscles of blood and gray matter that have been used
up in the brain and eliminate them from the system. The

solar plexus is where we act automatically the seat and rea-

soning and governing power of our universe the sun. \Now
we are going to start in with
16319 735631


Now there are the nine numbers or digits of vibrations

and all added together, multiplied, subtracted, will just give
— — —
you that much 45 or solar plexus the law of the sun.
13 5

Your conscience is not in your head your conscience is in


your solar plexus. I will tell you why. If it were in your head,
your head would ache instead of your throat and tongue get-
ting dry and being unable to speak. How many of you have
done things that your conscience hurt you and your mouth be-
came dry ? Now if it was up in your head it would have given
you a head-ache, but it comes up in your throat and chokes
you up.
3651395535 315

See how we connect these up. They are not used by every-
body, but when I present them to psychologists they say, "By


golly,Householder, I can not substantiate my theories, but you

substantiate them by figures." The sun is the law of my be-
ing. My solar plexus is the law of my being. My brain does
not tell me when I want corn beef and cabbage and a little
vinegar on the cabbage; my brain has nothing to do with it.
The mucuous membrane is here that furnishes the saliva which
tells me when I am hungry and my mouth waters when I smell

corn beef and cabbage, or ham and cabbage. The vibrations

go to my solar plexus and I know when I am hungry, and my
brain furnishes the power to take me to my meals.
We say solar plexus is the seat of the conscience, because
conscience is the law of all the vibrations in the universe, be-
cause all the knowledge is referred right back to the individual
brain. You knew you were doing things wrong, although you
never had any experience in it. You get the hunch from the
universal ether coming in on you. Other people know it, so

you know it you get the hunch. Whenever certain of your
brain cells come together they come together according to the
law, and if it is wrong that they should come together, there
is a fight going on, then you are certain to hear a voice telling

you not to do it that is conscience. Solar plexus is the seat
of vibration — the center. In gross volume the solar plexus is
more than the conscience. Now we take those two words and
put them together. Here we have the solar plexus, which
is the center of my being.
Now everything that is outside and subject to the sun or
the life of the sun in the heavens, so also everything that per-
tains to me and to my life is subject to the law of my attrac-
tion— my attraction is my solar plexus, or nerves
5 5 9 4 5 1

Now then, the lesson that you are to draw from this propo-
sition is that you know that a thought strikes you in the ob-
jective and if not recognized and held for an instant, never
goes to the subjective or to the sub-conscious or to the solar
plexus. The solar plexus has nothing to do but be the attrac-
tive center —magnetic center, and it draws all of these vibra-
tions to this center. Now we are going to take first
2 9 19 5 1

Consciousness is on the surface and sub-consciousness is
beneath the surface. That that we are conscious of is potent
or open to our senses and to all of our senses. That that we
are not yet made aware of is underneath the hidden or subtle
force, which is the sub-conscious, over which we have nothing
to do and with which we can do nothing when we have sent it

from the objective and the subjective down into the sub-con-
scious it is vibration, power, creation, matrix and all. Now

they say that the sub-conscious is the matrix the mother of
all things. Concentration then is the way to reach the sub-
conscious. If a thought that is good is held long enough for
you to analyze it, you can place it over on the subjective side
of your brain and subject it to any analysis you wish, when it
strikes your objective brain. Having analyzed it and found
it was good, if you will concentrate on the thought and build
it into its material equivalent by visionizing the thing that you
want, it then goes down to the sub-conscious. You have start-
ed the vibration down the spinal column to the base of the
brain and whether you will or not, you have to reap the harv-
est, because you have sown the seed.
Now the subjective mind is that that has a point in view.


My objective is to get you into a state of mind where you will

comprehend that only by your will and thinking of your own
business and to yourself can you help anybody else. Get that.
You don't have to be selfish. That is the most unselfish thing
in the world. When you watch every one of your moral
thoughts and acts, when you bring your life up square to your
accepted thought of truth and hold it there, I am doing right
and helping millions of other men to do the same thing. And
if I be not strong and be lifted up, how can I help lift you up ?
And that endless chain goes on down the ages. You cannot
think for yourself and to yourself unselfishly.


(Whole.) Now having used the word "whole" to those
who are not familiar with vibration of words and numbers, I
wish to call your attention to the fact that when I have said
"whole" I have thrown forth a vibration of 9. Why? Because
each number representing the individual symbol that goes to
make up the whole, when added together will give me the fig-
ure 9. In Numerology we must find the final digit. Now why
is the whole called 9 and why should it in its first analysis be
27? Because the world and the fullness thereof did I say —
"world?" Now the world is whole, and of what consists the
world? An etheric envelope reaching out to vacuum. Now
what is the world made of? Earth and ether. Can I prove
that statement by numbers? Now atomatically, chemically,
physically, and every other way that you can stack that up, it
is all there is in the world. Now the whole of everything is 9
— and I said the whole of the world is earth and ether earth, —
the whole solid body, and ether, the outside envelope, or
(See example of earth and water making mud. Page 84.)
Low vibrations
9 3152' 56 55712945 59969
20 11 '
38 38

2 2 11—2
Negative is error. Negative is the other side of the best
there is.
say that you cannot go beyond that 9, because when
I will
you do you have started with another 1 again 9 is the limit. —

Just to connect up real quickly, if I said limit what number is
limit (limit —
9). Well 9 in this case multiplied by itself will

produce itself the law; 9 is the law (law 9). —
Well now we are going to see if the law brings harmony

together it is the positive and negative coming together in
proper proportion; brains will multiply (brains 9). Now—
we want to develop these brains —that is why you are read-
ing this book. Now having reached that we are going to mul-
tiply our brains (multiplication). It did not change any of

the things it brought together it only blended them to-
gether. The Master said nothing was ever brought out of noth-

ing absolutely nothing. Now there is a something in the
world variously described as being invisible. All right, what
is it? (Vibration.) Vibration does not mean magnetism nor
disintegration, though both of them are vibration —
one moving
into a direct way from the center and the other moving to the
center and many millions of them moving by a magnetic polar
attraction. I am going to show you where it is. I said that
this great law of vibration that was always —
no beginning and

no end was the invisible out of which came every thing
later on I am going to show you the motive power that en-
abled these vibrations to move toward a center to become a
condensed thing, a material production of the perfect mental
Here the first word I used (Invisible). Now we say
invisible vibration —
vibration is something; what is it? We
can take any molecule of matter and divide it into three times

two three different things, each of them with a weight of
two. I am going to give you here one of those three two's
which is vibration brought to a manifested soluble substance
— the first soluble substance that chemistry recognizes as
the base of all things directly produced by the law and through
the law of vibration on the constructive side of Nature, bring-
ing into manifestation (ether). That is only one of them.

From the invisible to the visible we are going to see now.
What starts the law of equilibrium toward a constructive vi-
bration? First in your mind is "desire." I did not mention
the other two. So we are going to say that the first evidence
of the law of cohesion in bringing the ether toward a center
where it cannot get any further and forms a molecule that is —
called truth in manifestation. This is also called the "word"
— —
the desire this is a visible thing. "You must remember that
out of the invisible you have created these visible things from


the mental picture you have; so you cannot blame God if you
have created a bad mental picture."
Now I am going to take the visible, desire, a molecule, and
the person, and see where we get. The first thing in the mind
is desire for a thing; out of all the great universe, nothing
supercedes desire. If you were a student of Numerology you

would know that that word "desire" is a principle the visible
and invisible. Now what does desire bring into manifestation ?

Desire is not a material thing it is a vibration, just as impo-
tent as the air is to the sun; not that it is impotent for you
and I, but it is fraught with wonderful possibilities when used
by the magnate of the mind.
The first thing that scientists recognize and the smallest
thing they can analyze in any form or phase is a molecule. Mole-
cule is the result of desire— concentrated thought will make
you enough molecules to build a Ford outomobile, if you have
the right kind of vibrations behind the thought (molecules).
Now the power of desire is the "word." All right, then
how do you create molecules? By the word (word). Now then

the word is truth if the word is truth it will reproduce. If
not, it will not. Now the word must be the exact size, shape,
color, volume, form and number of the thing that you desire.
In other words, the vibration you send out in your mind to
do the thing must be just exactly what you want and you must
continue wanting the same thing, until like a continued drop
of water will go through the hardest granite rock. That de-
sire, if continued with the same mental picture will create just
as easily as the word of what you desire. You cannot

change it every day. "Thy word, Oh God, is truth" the Bible
said it (truth). The word then becomes visible in a person
a visible person (visible). The visible and invisible constitute
Now the first visible thing we have is molecules one—

molecule is not visible it takes a few of them. (Invisible)
— —
and they say that is just a coincidence well, I do not care,
it is a fine coincidence. We will see if God does not con-
stitute that same number — we had earth and water making
mud, now see if the visible and invisible do not make God. So
he does not only constitute what can be seen, but unseen no —

things if they were things, they could be seen vibration can-

not be seen, therefore you cannot name it anything.

Now then, what is the truth exemplified in? We have
one more 33. Let us see what is the double principle. What is
it that has the double principle? A
person (person), that is
an awful big word. This is the person that was made create

from the uncreate that is just as much of it that I cannot see
and know about as there is that I can see and know all about
fifty-fifty. Infinite and Absolute Spirit and Body. —
The Cosmos is infinite. I am a part

Of the Cosmos, its head and its heart.

If God include all, shall He not compass me?

If He then I am. If I am, is not He?

No matter hozv infinitesimal I,

I am one ziith infinity. Why should I cry
I am nothing, if nothingness still may include
The desire and the dream of all Infinitude?
I am small? Be it so. But I also am great
While my smallncss is part of God's ample estate.



Now parents build with the raw material that God fur-
nishes. Science furnishes us with the last analysis of matter
purely invisible and informs us that the two forms of matter
are electric essence and etheric substance. They constitute the

invisible —
that is ether. (Etheric substance electric essence.)
You see electricity here as a commercial product; but at the
same time the very same principle that that is, mind is only —
mind is a finer electric essence, is finer than electricity, and we
are going to see now just where we get off at with these. We

have drawn up a pole here that science can reach the invis-
ible. Now there are two things back of this. Etheric sub-

stance is a finer thing that science cannot get it is the law
of equilibrium —the poised center where these two can mingle
together, yet hold as far apart as the sun and the moon in
proportion to their size. It is the same law that holds this
sun and moon and Jupiter, etc., from coming together in one
grand galaxy of destruction that keeps these two far enough

apart and yet tries to blend them together spirit. I am go-

ing to take the three- Father, Son and Holy Ghost electric —
essence, etheric substance and spirit (spirit). They are one
just as big as the word, therefore having come together and

reaching a point separated by this equilibrium spirit they —
start to try to encompass each other
Principle. The everything is spirit
principle of —the

quickening vitality, if you will. Spirit is the vital part. Now
a working principle is exemplified in something. You ask any
scientist what the principle is and he will look up at the elec-
tric light and say, 'There she is —
electricity." Now this elec-
tricity is your magnetic vitality, sending your thoughts into
space. So we have here (electricity). Just a co-incident, yet
such a close co-incident that you could hardly say there was
not something.
Principle is unchangeable —
principle is the whole.
It is
into and sends out
over everything, controls everything,
into invisible everything into three states — one that it was,
one that it is and one that it becomes. The principle is the
law of creative Nature applied to everything. Without the
knowledge of the law you are unfortunate. The combined

power is only three etheric substance, electric essence and
spirit. Nothing else there again. In gross volume it is the law

—the whole, and in this it isFather, Son and Holy Ghost
if you want to call it that. I am going to see where that Lord
is that you pray to. Jesus said, "Ask of the Father what you
will and He will provide for you all needful things. " This was
performed by the Master Builder. It is my task to define who
this Master Builder is that creates this etheric vibration. I
have already done this in word. Now let us find the Master.
We can do this by the numerical value of words and be con-
vinced that it is right. Can you imagine that ?


411259 4954 3684 1663
22 22 22 13

Now the Lord

Master "My Lord and Master." There

is a temple wherein this law of magnetic attraction is made

manifest. I want to show you something about this law of

vibration. The Master said you could will anything you want-
ed into existence. Now I explained that the law of vibration
was something that could be started in either direction dis- —
integration or aglomeration. That is the same in gross volume,

but it is individual when it comes to an individual it manifests,
However, we have then our flesh and body
in connection
plus will, constitutes temple. Flesh and body was a person
and that person was a 6. Let us see if flesh-body gives us 6:
63518 2647

Now that flesh-body nothing more than that piece of chalk

— inert without something will. —
Flesh-body plus will —
power house plus the dynamo to start it out. Will starts using
my desire (desire) plus knowing what you want, plus a men-
tal image — —
plus it all wills it into existence; you will never

— — —


get anything without the will to get it. If you have not got
the will you will never find a way in God's world.
Bonaparte, in crossing the Alps in one of his wonderful
campaigns, sent out some soldiers to investigate a way across
the Alps, and the soldiers came back and said, "General, we
have the honor to report we can find no way." He said, "I
will find a way or make one." You can do that, if you wish.
We had flesh-body plus will
5 9 3 3


Now we have taken will and here we will connect up and
show that the will is the law of vibration which makes 83 and
numerologically we discover that magnetism gives us the ex-
act word, and then we have explained the law of chemical at-
traction through the will —that is chemical attraction —we
make it.

The plan for rebuilding our bodies is by holding a mental

455213 94175


The raw material referred to is no thing or mind substance

and the thing is desire that under the operation of principle
becomes some thing, which is ether, the basic substance of
creation and here we have the 4 in soul and mind and going fur-
ther we find that mind is us, or soul is us.

God "Let us make man in our image" He expressed

said, —
a desire. Who
is this mental image? He must have had a
mental image or he could not have made a man with all his
wonderful faculties, so well organized that you can fill the body
with all sorts of things and it will cast off what it does not
want and take on what is required. It is a wonderful chemist
your own ego. If you were not a mental image of the crea-

tive principle you could not draw a mental image

have no imagination. Now this mental image is
—you would
4 15
"Who is man Thou art mindful of him?" Can you
imagine that ? —
Mindful what could the mind be full of ? The
first principle —the thing that is all things in substance
spirit. God is spirit —no where, no thing—no particular thing
—and yet you cannot name it that way.
4 9 5 4 6 3 3 3—37 (spirit)
Now there is only one thing that man can get to the cen-
ter of gray matter. Spirit is the quickening power. You say
mindful did not give you any vitality? You try to get any-
thing without having a mindful and see where you get off at.
(Vitality.) Now what is that inner principle that occupies the
Fourth Dimension ? There is no need of begging the question
— it goes without saying it is Spirit. Then we have the dwell-
ing place of the Most High God here shown in the dual mind
and soul. The Most High God is that Spirit, but we become
Gods in knowing good and evil through the powers of mind
and soul. It is the spirit that holds the innermost seat. Solo-
mon said, I will retire to the inner most seat of the Holy of
22 13 8514 291951
4 (8) 4 18 2 7

9 9
The container and the contained must be equal. There is
the container and the inside filling of my head is my brains.
They are equal. Now there is where something happens. What
do you use your brains for ? Thought.
2862 2863782
18 36

9 9

— —


Now some people go one way with their thought and some
— —
go another the parting of the ways one in selfishness, and
the selfish person uses his thought for the purpose of getting
a 27. The first of these two things is money and after you
have been selfishly seeking money, and focusing your mind
to a money consciousness, you have neglected the members of
this wonderful body in not helping humanity.
46557 851328
27 27
9 9
Brains will generate you health when properly used, and
they will get you money when properly or improperly used.

Money is a good thing a mighty good thing, when used right.
I will go back to where you were subject to the concerted
thought that is in the universe, around you when you do not

know it the law of pulling down the curtain when you do not
want to think or to throw out from the universal vibration
some inspiration, to throw it out according to the law. Before
you have a thought you have an inspiration.
It is the point where the law begins to operate on gray
— —
matter I do not care what you call it it is thought turned
backwards. Some some hunch
call it instinct,
95129532 83538
27 36
9 9
You never received an inspiration in your life, excepting
through the law and that law will in all days be called by just
this one name
4 5 9 2 7
Know God and work in harmony with his constructive and
eternal laws and He will fill thy years with plenty and give

thee long life and perfect happiness.


It Holds the Secret of
"What Are We?"
"Where Did We Come From?"
"What Are We Here For?"
"Where Do We Go From Here?"
Anyone knows the answer to the first question, "What
Are We?" and you we are human beings. That
will readily tell
js correct, but what is a human being? "A man made in God's
image." Yes, that is right. Formed of "Dust of the earth,"
that he might have physical power. A body of substance en-
closing the Spiritual Ego, whose intelligence directs the actions
of the body, both consciously and unconsciously. There are
two sets of muscles in the body. One is called voluntary mus-
cles, those we consciously bring into action, and the involun-
tary muscles, those over which the human mind has no control.
The Creator of this wonderful human machine called our
body is the Spirit, the Soul replenishes the structure and Ego
mind is master of the tabernacle, which came from God and
will return unto God.
This chapter has to do with HUMAN
as defined by the SCIENCE of NUMEROLOGY.

"Truth is within ourselves; it takes no rise
From outward things, what'er you may believe.
There is an inmost center within us all,
Where Truth abides in fullness; and around,
Wall upon wall, the gross-flesh hems it in,
This perfect, clear perception ....
And to know,
Rather consist inopening out a way
Whence the imprisoned splendor may escape,
Than in effecting entry for a light
Supposed to be without."

The word temperament comes from the Latin and signi«
f ies a mixture or arrangement of qualities or parts. The Apos-
tle Paul speaks of the body being "tempered together." In

mechanics the expression is common. A mason speaks of tem-

pering mortar, the machinist speaks of tempering" steel a good ;

or proper temper meaning a mixture or blending of properties

in proper proportion, so that the effect desired shall be good.
Temperament as applied to the human race is a proper mixture
development and harmonizing of the physical elements that
constitute his being or body.
In ancient times there were four primary temperaments
assigned to man and they were dependent upon the four pri-
mary components of the body. First those who had a great
abundance of blood, round face and smiling countenance were
said to be "SANGUINE." If on the other hand they were thin
and solemn faced they were called "PHLEGMATIC." If one
had a moderately round face and could smile and weep equally
by turn, were emotional and easily excited, they were called
"CHOLERIC," and if they never smiled and were thin and de-
spondent they were called "MELANCHOLIC."
Now, as our
likes and dislikes are dependent upon our tem-
perament, so our abilities and lack of mechanical skill are like-
wise traceable to the temperament of the individual. The great
aim of Nature seems to be to so blend the lements of the physi-
cal organism and bring them to a perfect functioning at the will
of the soul that posseses them. When this condition is reached
it POISE, and then there
is called is not found a trace of tem-
peraments of either of those here designated, but one pos-
sessed of poise is rather looked upon as a super-being. Perfec-
tion intemperament is the great aim of the stock breeder, but
is almost overlooked by the human race progenitors. When a
few years ago the world was startled by the craze for HUMAN
EUGENICS it looked much as though something big would
develop, but the sensation of a season has died down until now
one seldom hears the word EUGENICS mentioned.
Go where we find the most successful business men
will we
and the shrewdest salesmen are students of human tempera-
ments, and they can tell at a glance the immediate prospects of
being able to sell to their prospect. If they are advanced in
the science of PHYSIOGNOMY they know just how to ap-
proach their subject. They know the leads that may be ad-
vanced with safety, they know when to tell a story and what
kind of a yarn it must be to please their prospective customer.
So I make the statement without fear of contradiction that
there is not a more important science in the world than that
here set forth: "HOW TO READ THE HUMAN
NAME" by
the digits that compose it.
In using the word Temper, soft or hard, sharp or dull, we
wish our readers to understand that in this Science of Numer-
ology we deal with each of the words we use in their final
analysis. So this word temper leads us to the knowledge that
temper gives power. Now observe the word
2 5 4 7 5 9

32 13 OD
5 AW Note

11 2— CP
Now refer to the abreviated foregoing statement, "The soul
replenishes," or we might say, builds the body. In other words,
it mixes the elements that compose our flesh body. So tem-
per then is the result of the EGO intelligence blending these
various vibratory etheric substances called foods into what
we call Spiritual, Mental or Physical DISPOSITION. TEM-
PER and DISPOSITION are identical words in ATOMIC
WEIGHT, perse:
59 20 OD
5 AW Note

7 CP
Now, one's disposition being the outward expression of one's
temper, then Disposition has its ORIGIN and DESTINY in the
5 9 3 3

20 8 0D
Will in gross volume is four, denoting that it is in the

mind; atomic weight of WILL is two, showing that it is ION

Vibration; the COMBINED POWER is six, the number of—
see page No. 58 for full explanation of the many sixes, or
perfect thoughts expressed in the perfect number.


Temperaments are of the Ego but Dispositions are of the
SPIRIT. As the Spirit wills the Ego orders and the Mind di-
rects and the Body acts. And all action is by word.
As there are only four perfect numbers between 1 and
10,000, so there are only four perfect dispositions or tempera-
ments in ten thousand people. The proportion holds good
throughout all nature.
Now the perfect number between one and ten is six. The
other one between ten and one hundred is 28 the one between ;

100 and 1000 is 496, and the one between 1000 and 10,000 is

A prfect number is a number that the sum of its divisors

other than itself equals the number.

For instance, six is a perfect number because the sum of

its divisors other than itself equals six: 6 equas 1 plus 2 plus k

3, equals SIX. Twenty-eight in like manner 28 equals 1 plus :

2 plus 3 plus 7 plus 14, equals 28.

The three divisions of numbers are called ABUNDANT,
Deficient and Perfect. Perfect number is 6 and 28; Abundant.
number is 12 and 24, and Deficient are 8 and 14. The PER- -

FECT are between EXCESS and DEFICIENCY, as consonant

sound between acuter and graver sounds. These are the names
of persons and such persons' dispositions are interpreted from
the sound of their name, which sound is produced by the num-
ber of the name and the number of the name holds the secret
of the character and power of the individual bearing that name.
The four perfect numbers, you will notice, have the property
of ending alternately in six and eight.
GROSS VOLUME of a name is what the person is as a
it is the
ATOMIC WEIGHT of a person's name is an index to their
Desires and Ambitions.
of a person's name foretells whether
the Ambitions and Desires will be realized.

ORIGIN and DESTINY of the name tells what the Desires

and Ambitions of the person should be if they would have per-
fect —
851328 75135 735527


76915 851455 132869
28 28 28

are the AUTHOR
of your own condition. Only those
who possess POISE reach a state called HEAVEN; and as
CHRIST said, HEAVEN is Within, that is where POISE is
and POISE is HEAVEN, a condition of SPIRIT SOUL AND
MIND blended together bv LOVE and functioning in perfect

That knowledge is of most worth which enables man to

know the Infinite power of the Spirit that inhabits his body
and gives him wisdom to control his thoughts and actions.

A Dictionary of Words of Common Usage Numbered for

the Convenience of Numerologists

Words With An Atomic Weight of One

1 —A—Air, Adept, Apology, Accent, Accumulate, Abase, Amoeba, Attention,
Advertising, Ascend.
1 — B — Babe, Bald, Balm, Befool, Bebold, Belong, Benediction, Best, Being,
Body, Blaze, Bosom.
1 — C — Call, Calvary, Campaign, Careless, Chaos, Cloud, Cohesion,
Concentrate, Conflict, Content, ontinual, Contribute, Correct,
Custom, Croesus, Civility.
1— D — Duplicate, Dubious, Do, Detest, Determine, Deceit, Dare, Discipline,
Dispense, Distribute.
1 —E — Egg, Earnest, Elegant, Enterprise, Equilibrium, Exult (Electric
Essence), (Etheric Substance), Enclose,, Expect.
1 — F— Fall,. Farewell, Fast, Firm, Flame, Fold, Foment, Forgive, Fountain,
Fraternity, Front, Futile, Future, Feel.
1 — HG— Guide, Gradual, Gulf, Gravitation.
1 — — Heaven, Haunt, Haggard. Hell, Hero, Hiss, Hit, Hoard, Hospitality,
1 — — Ignite,
I Illusive, Immature, Immerse, Imperative, Impure,
Incarnation, Inconsiderate, Inconvenient, Indelicate, Indisposition,
Induction, Inefficient, Infant, Inflict, Invade, Irregular, Issue, Idea,
Instructions, Integrity, Intelligent.
1 —— J Jewel, Jackass.
1 — — K Kindle, Kingdom, Keep.
1 — — L Lamb, Less, Let, Levite, Leaders, Liberty, Like, Living, Loath,
Lone, Lungs, Logic.
1 — M^^Maiden, Main, Measure, Mix, Mercy, Mighty, Love, Mist, Muscle,
1 — N — Need, Novel, Number, Normal, Nebula, Necessary, Nut, Nerve,
Noun, Neutral, Nuclei, Numerology, Never.
1— — Object, Orbitj Ordeal, Ornament, Objective, Omniscience, Once, Oral,
1 — P— Paradise, Parch, Part, Pass, Patience, Perfect, Plea, Poor, Prison,
Private, Purity, Protoplasm, Psychonumero, Psychology.
1 — Q — Quest, Qualify.
1 — R— Rave, Recite, Regular, Reliable, Repulsive, Restore, Revere, Read.
1 — S — Satan, Sensual, Shame, Simplify, Sincere, Sky, Sour, Solve, Sound,
Stone, Spirit, Surface, Speech, Season.
1 — T — Take, Taint, Test, Thanks, Throng, Timid, Transpose, Trap,
Tongue, Taste, Tap, Teach, Toss, Theory.
1 —U—Unbound, Unfaithful, Union, Unit, Urchin, Useless, Up, Umpire,
United, Unsparing, Unimpaired, Ubiquitous.
1 —V— Vain, Vanish, Visibility, Vital, Vitality.
1—W—Wad, Ward, Warm, Watch, Wave, Weed, Whole, Wicked,
Wonderful, Wages, Worthy.
1 — X— Xylopyrograph.
1 —Y— Yield, Young.
1 — Z — Zenith, Zero, Zion.

Words With An Atomic Weight of Two

2 — A— Abate, Ablaze, Abundance, Accursed, Acquire, Alloy, Aly, Alpba,
Arcana, Alphabet, —
ter, Ambition, Ample, Ancient, Assort, Attract,
Author, Anthropomorphic, Admirable, Alert.
2 — BC — Beauty, Bedlam, Befall, Beyond, Bind, Black, Bound, Brest.
2 — — Cabala, Callous, Calm, Cancel, Cannibal, Cannon, Caress, Carry,
Clever, Caution, Change, Chaste, Christmas, Claim, Clairvoyance,
Complain, Comprehend, Concrete, Confide, Confuse, Connect,
Conserve, Cult, Constitute, Contrition, Converse, Covert, Cross,
Cant, Comet, Club.
2 —D— Danger, Death, Dejected, Delay, Delight, Dispel, Done, Doom,
Duplicity, Defend, Drink, Differentiation, Down.
2 —E — Eclipse, Eden, Earn, Education, Element, Elude, Embrace, Electron,
Energy, Epithet, Epoch, Equal, Error, Estimate, Execute, Exotic,
Ether, Expensive.
2 — F — Fabricate, Famine, Fiend, Fire, Flock, Follow, Foot, Force, Foreign,
Forest, Friend, Fruit.
2 — G— Gabble, Gaff, Gang, Gold, Gird, Gland, Gray-matter, Germinate.
2—H —Handicap, Harlot, Hatred, Hermit, Hundred.
2 — — Illustrate, Immaterial, Immeasurable, Immense, Induce, Incentive,

Incision, Incur, Indecision, Independent. Index, Indecent, Indicate,

Indifferent, Indignant, Inscription, It, Interest, Ion.
2 —J— Jade, Jar, Jesus, Jury.
2— K— Kernel, Kind.
2 — L— Late, Leper, Light, Looking.
2 — M— Magnificent, Malady, Manifest, Manifold, Materialize, Medium,
Melody, Mendicant, Method, Multiply, Mysterious, Magnetism.
2 — N — Near, Negative, No, Nebular-body.
2 — O — Occult, Occupy, Ocean, Ointment, Omen, Out, Obscure, On.
2 — P — Paltry, Pang, Parent, Paternity, Perceive, Poet, Possibility, Proud,
Phosphorus, Psychic, Picture.
2 — Q — Quarrel, Quitter, Quiver.
2 — R — React, Refuse, Rejoice, Relative, Respect, Resolve, Rule, Radiation.
2 — S — Sarcasm, Save, Sentiment, Simple, Stealthy, System, Speech, Same.
2— T— Taste, Tempt. Truant, Term, Tide, Time, Token, Triangle, Tighten,
2 — — IT- Unavailing, Unaware, Unbar, Unbelief, Underneath,
Upward, Usual.
2 — V —Vibration, Vehement, Vixen, Voluntary, Vulture, Verb.
2 —W —Walk, Wander, Ware, Warmth, Watery, Weapon, Wear, Weave,
Whip, White, Why, Will, Wistful, Within, Writhe, Wisdom.
2 X— No words beginning with this letter.
2—Y—Yellow, Yule.
2 — Z — No words beginning with this letter.

Words With An Atomic Weight of Three

3 — —Abide, Abolish, Abound, Absorb, Abstain, Abstract, Abyss,
A Accede,
Afraid, Analyze, Art, Apperception, Accomplish.
3 —B — Bar, Beard, Beget, Begone, Bible, Bless, Blood, Brand, Bread,
Build, Bury, Belief.
3 — C— Calamity, Candle, Charity, Cherub, Clear, Climb, Coarse, Confine,
Conjugal, Cope, Cosmos, Crime, Cycle, Conjunction, Conquer,
3 —D— Daughter, Day, Declare, Deliver, Deny, Depend, Depose, Derision.
Discourage, Disguise, Degenerate, Decide.


3 — E— Ease, Electricity, Empire, Engage, Envy, Excess, Expanse, Extort,

Enthusiasm, Eradicate, Expose, Exquisite, Every.
3 — P— Family, Fare, Fascination, Fear, Fertile, Flat, Fool, Foremost,
3 — HG— Gaze, Generant, Genius, Genuine, Golw, Grieve, Glean.
3 — —Hail, ang, Happy, Harangue, Harrass, Harvest, Hilarity, Hoarse,
Hoax, Hold, Human, Hanker.
3 — — Illiterate, Immortal, Impair, Important, Incantation, Incidence,
I Idle,
Incline, Indent, Indicator, Indolent, Indorse, Ineligible, Inequity,
Inert, Inform, Inharmonious, Intelligent, Intention, Intangible.
3 —J — Join, Juice.
3— K—Kine.
3 —LM— Least, Lecture, Length, Lessen, Long, Loose, Lost, Labor, Live.
3 — — Magician, Make, Marry, Mate, Maternal, Meat, Miserable,
3 — N—Natal, Nazarene, None, Nuptial, North, Notice, Net.
3 — — Obscure, Obsolete, Omit, Only, Other, Ox, Ozone, Occasionally,
Oceans, Optional, Onward.
3 — P — Pagan, Passion, Peace, Piety, Precise, Profit, Predominant,
Preposition, Pin.
3 — Q — Quaver, Question.
3 — R— Radium, Rapid, Reconcile, Recreate, Refine, Remorse, Reproach,
Radical, Recognize, Ring.
3 — TS — Scant, Slay, Slight, Son, Stoic, Submit, Syllabus.
3 — — Tame, Tender, Thief, Throw, Tissue, Tranquil, Transient,
Translucent, Trying, Tube, Type, Trade.
3 —U —Uncouth, Understand, Unbiased, Unrobe, Uplift, Useful, Utter,
Undergo, Underscore, Untouched.
3 —V—Valentine, Veil, Verdant, Vice, Violate, Vial, Virile, Visual, Vivacity,
3—W—Will, Wax, Wedding, Wet, Wheat, Wild, Winter, Woman, Worth,
Would, Write, Wroth.
3—X—No words beginning with this letter.
3—Y—Ye, Yoke.
3— Z— No words beginning with this letter.

Words With An Atomic Weight of Four

4 —A—Abash, Abbreviate, Aberration, Abnormal, Absolve, Acme, Actual,
Addition, Adult, Age, Alchemy, Annual, Aye, Ask.
4— B— Blank, Blot, Bolt, Broad.
4 — C— Calendar, Calf, Captive, Carnal, Carve, Cash, Cause, Coerce,
Combustible, Conceive, Condition, Contain, Consciousness,
4—ED —Defy, Design, Deal.
4— — Endure, Enlighten, Escape, Evaporate, Evidence, Eminent,
Endurance, Exhibit.
4— F— Fagot, Fall, Fancy, Fatal, Father, Fatigue, Flask, Food,
4— G— Gain, Garden, Go, Grain.
4—H —Habit, Hallucination, Hand, Hard, Harm, Hazard, Hair, Hire,
oney, Hurt, Harmony.
4— — Ideal, Idol, Imagine, Imbecile, Imbibe, Implant, Impotent,

Imagination, Inaction, Incomplete, Indiscretion, Indistinct,

Industry, Inferior, Innocence, Insecure, Innocent, Insight.
4 —K—
J — Judgment.
4 — L— Lame, Land, Lascivious, Laugh. Lave, Lively, Lord, Luxury.
4 — M-— Manger, Maraud, Master, Mind, Mistrust, Mechanism.
4 — N— Nay, Night, Noon, Nymph, Nice.
4 — — Old, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Opulent.
4 — P— Pain, Period, Pigment, Perception, Potential. Premise.
4— Q— Quit.
4 — R — Radiate, Rancid, Realize, Rebuff, Recede, Receive, Relieve, Reptile,
Revelation, Radiant, Reap.
4 — S — Safety, Shape, Smile, Soul, Star, Sufficient, Sagacity, Science,
Sustain, Safe, Salary.
4 — T — Temperament, Temperate, Thrist, Thorough, Touch, Trample,

Thousands, That.
4— — Uneasy, Universal, Ulcerate, Unblemished, Unite, Until.
4 — V — Vault, Victim, Vivacious, Verify.
4—W— Wary. Water, Weak, Wealthy, Weep. West, Witty, Wholesouled.
4 — Y — Year, Yarn, Yes. Yelp.
4 — Z — Zodiac.

Words With An Atomic Weight of Five

5— A— Absolute, Access, Accident, Account, Acute, Addicted, Admire,
Advance. Aid, Aim, Albumen, Alien, Ancestor, Anchor, Awake,
Animal, Attempt, Aspire.
5 — B — Basis, Beg, Blind, Brother.
5 — C — Celestial, Character, Chemist, Christ, Cipher, Circle, Compose,
Conclude, condemn, Conjure. Core, Cruel, Clairvoyant.
5 — D — Damn, Dead, Defeat, Defile. Delicate, Demand, Devoid, Dilatory,
Direct, Disagree. Disaster, Dismay. Dream, Deduction, Double.
5 — E— Edifice, Emblem, Employ, Emulate, Exist, Explore, Ever, Energetic,
Efficient, Expend, Experience. Existence.
5 —GF— Festive, Finger, Flesh, Flight.
5— — Gall, Good, Groom, Get.
5 — H—Halt, Hamlet, Hear, Help. Hesitancy, High, Hill, Home, House,
5 — — Icon, Imitate, Imprison, Impudent, Inaccurate, Inanimate, Infinite,

Incarnate, Indeed, Indefinite, Injure, Intuition.

5 — K— Joint, Joy.

5 — — King, Key, Kismet, Kindness.

5 —LM—Language, Liberal, Low, Lure, Leaven, Learn.
5 — — Marsh, Memorial, Menace. Mesmerize. Modesty, Moral, Meditate,
Matter, Memorize.
5 — N— Nourish, Nucleus, Nurse, Nutrition.
5 —O — Obligation, Oblige. Observe, Offend. Omission. Open, Oppose, Oval,
Owing, Oft.
5 —P—Pardon, Partial, Perjury, Pretence, Prosecute, Protest, Psychometry,
Prophesy, Pronoun.
— Q — Questionable.
—RS —Reciprocate, Recompense, Redeem. Renounce, Rally.
5 — — Sacred, Sinister, Spare, Swift, Substance, Sameness, Syllogism,
Store, Slogan.
5 —UT — Total, Trumpet, Touchstone.
5 — —Undaunted, Universe, Underscore.
5 —V—Valvet, Vibrate, View, Vitalize, Vine, Virtue, Vortex.
— — worst,
-yy Wound, Wrong, Waft, Wallow, Warrant, Waste, Wayward,
Wed, Weird, Whelp, When, Where, Whine, Wide, Wind, Wish,
5 —Y— Yet, Years.
5— Z—
Words With An Atomic Weight of Six
6 — A—Abandon, Ability, Abject, Acclaim, Adapt, Alibi, Allege, Allure,
Amen, Annoy, Antique, Architect, Astrology, Altruistic.
6 — B— Bail, Battle, Befit, Before, Behind, Believe, Benign, Bid, Blame,
Blunt, Bold.
6 — C — Cease, Cerebellum, Clasp, Conceit, Confirm, Consider, Constellation,.
Calculate, Conception, Cheerful, Confidence.
6 — D — Daunt, Decent, Deductions, Defence, Demean, Demon, Desire,
Diamond, Dwelling.
6 —FE — Emancipate, Embarrass, Ever, Everlasting, Extricate.
6 — — Pace, Fate, Fault, Feast, Female, Fierce, Final, Found, Full.
6 — G— Ghost, Gild, Glad, Gasolene, Genesis, Genitive, Gift.
6 —H —Herb, History, Holy, Horoscope, Husband, Hymn, Hydrogen,
Herschel, Homes.
6— — Ignore, Impart, Impulse, Incase, Incense, Inconceivable, Infirm,
I 111,
Incorrect, Individual, Infernal, Inflame, Inner, Immutable,
Insignificant, Insincere, Insinuate, Interrogate, Interrupt,.
Inexorable, Immeasurable, Insurance, Improvement.
6 — J — ovial, Justice.
6 —K—Knight, Knowledge, Kidneys.
6 —L— Lady, Lamp, Languid, Lark, League, Little.
6 —MN — Magic, Magnet, Mature, Mean, Metal, Mingle, Mock, Myth, Mars.
6 — — Naive, Nabe, New, Nine, Naptha, Numerology (Natural Law)'
6 — O — Obstinate, Obvious, Omnipotent, Order, Over, Opinion, Obstacles,
6—P— Pacify, Paint, People, Peril, Pledge, Possession, Proverb, Proprietor,
6— Q— Quote, Quality.
6 —R— Rare, Rebel, Recall, Repent, Resolve, Reward, Relax, Rise.
6 —S— Self, Sever, Shelter, Sick,Solemn, Surmount, Sin, Start, Steadfastly,.
6— T— Task, Text, Torment, Trial, Transmit, Tribute, Tune, Truth,
Transcendental, Triumph, Text.
6 — U— Uniform, Unbend, Upheave, Uphold, Unite.
6 — V—Vaunt, enture, Victor, Vintage, Visible, Volunteer, Vow, Venus,
Veins, Volatile.
6—W—Wash, Weigh, Welt, Which, Word, Wade, Wagon, Wanton, War.
6— Z—Zone.
Words With An Atomic Weight of Seven
7 — A— Absent, Accuse, Acrostic, All, Amiable, Accretion, Arithmetic,
Advert), Adjective, Accumulation.
7 —B — Bad, Befoul, Belove, Benefit, Bizarre, Bliss.
6 — C— Cattle, Certain, Chance, Charm, Choice, Church, Collect, Complex,
Commandment, Compassion, Constant, Contemplate, Control,.
Cradle, Create, Cosmological, Cast.
7 —DE — Dark, Deaf, Decoy, Defect, Define, Devil, Domestic, Dignity.
7 — — Earth, Elate, Elevate, Eligible, Eliminate, Empty, Excell, Expert, -

Ears, Evolution, Eloquence, Exercise, Express, Expedite, Entertain,-

7— F — Fade, False, Fame, Far, Felon, Few, Fine, Flood, Fluid, Form, Free,
Fly, Frequent.
7 — G— Gale, Grace, Gem, Germ, Give, Grasp.
7 —H— Hot, Humanity, Humble, Hunger, Honor.
7 — — Immediate. Impeity, Inadequate,
I Indite, Invert, Invert, Invite.
Inculcate, Inject.
7 — J — Jagged, Jaw. Just.
7 — K— Kennel, Kept.
7 —L— Large, Left, Legible, Lenient, Listen, Loaf, Lodge.
7 —M— Manna, Mark, Masculine, Miracle, Mortal, Mother, Material, Merry.
7 — N — Nasty, Nectar, Neither, Now, Nature, North-star, Neatness.
7 —O — Oblivious, Obtain, One, Opponent, Ordain, Oppose, Owe, Outlines,
7 —P — Pale, Panic, Pearl, Pity, Plain, Pleasure, Positive, Precious, Pride,
Prophesy, Psalm, Putrid, Physiology, Plan, Permanent.
7 — Q — Quick.
7— R— Raise, Rankle, Reclaim, Release, Remember.
7 — S — Sanctify, Secret, Shadow, Sicken, Speak, Sinner, Stomach, Smell,
Subconscious, Substantiate, So.
7 — T — Telepathy, Throne, Trinity, Tackle, Theorize, Teachers,
Temerity, Trials.
7 Vacant, Vacate, Valiant, Value, Vegetable, Very, Vision, Villian,
Virgin, Volume, Visualize.
7_W—Waif, Wane, Warble, Was. Well, What, Wit, Woe, Workman,
Wrath, Wraith.
7 Y —Z —Yard, Yeast, You, Your.
7 — —Zest, Zinc.
Words With An Atomic Weight of Eight
8 — —Abhor, Ache, Achieve, Acid, Action, Axiom, Azyre.
A Analytical,
Anticipate. Answer.
8 —BC — Ban. Bear, Beside, Bond, Brain.
8 —— Calumny, Candid, Catch. Carbon, Chain, Chapter. Clean, Complete,
Conceal, Converge, Ccsmic, Culminate,
S—D— Demonstrate, Desert, Devote, Dictate, Divided. Doubt. Deceive.
jj —E — Each, Emerge, Enemy, Entire, Erupt, Exalt, Exhaust, Eat, Elohim,
Enlarge, Exact, Energize.
8 —FG — Felicity, Fell. Fellowship, Fable, Faith, Flight, Forever.
.8 —— Game, Gash, Give. Goal, Grand, Grave, Guess, God, lossary,
<8 —H —Hale, Hallow. Harbor, Harmony, Haste, Heal, Heredity, Hibernate,
Hide, Host, Hour, Hovel, Humane, Hope, Handle, Happiness.
8 — — Illuminate, Image, Immaculate. Imerge, limine, Inhuman, Interpret,

Intimate, Invalid. Intellectual, Inhibit. Independence.

8 — JK— Jerk, Jubilant, Juvenile.
8 — — Keen, Knave, Knead, Kinetic.
/& — L — Ladder, Latch, Leisure, Letter, Lews, Lamb's Book
Lie, Life), of
S —M—Magnetic, Many, Marvel, Mission, Multitude, Myself, Memory,
3 —N — Narrow, Naked, Native, Nose, Notwithstanding, Naught.
£ — O — Oath. Obduracy, Obedience, Obliterate, Obnoxious, Occasion, Offset,
8 —P— Plague, Pair, Parasite, Prophet, Provide, Philosophy, Plastic,
Polarity, sychical.
.8 — Q — Queen.

8 — R— Raiment, Ray, Ready, Rebuild, Rebuke, Recoil, Regenerate,
Regulate, Rigbt, Ruin.
8 — S — Sabbath, Secure, Seethe, Sense, Set, Skin, Subjective, Serpent, Set,
Subject, Success, Suspicion, Spiritual, Super-man, Smells, Spleen,
8 —T— Tact, Talk, Tarnish, Temple, Tragedy, Treasure, Tremor, Triple,
Treble, Trust, Tyrant, Tear, Twine, Theology, Transcend, Think,
8—VU— Under, Unity, Unaffected, Unmeaning, Undercurrent, Unprecedented
8— — igor, Vicious, Vocal, Volition, oluble, Vast.
8— W—Wafer, Wait, Weather, Wheel, Whisper.
8— Z — Zeal, Zephyr, Zeus.
Words With An Atomic Weight of Nine
9—A— Aback, Able, Abode, Above, Accomplish, Adage, Adamant, Affinity,
Agitate, Animate, Avenge, Await, Actions, Assimilate.
9—B — Ball, Barbaric, Bone, Borne, Breath, Brain, Beware.
9— C—Vare, Can, Chapel, Close, Clothe, Color, Colision, Combat, Come,
Child, Comfort, Command, Communion, Consume, Cynic,
Conscience, Clairaudient.
9—D — Debase, Definite, Deity, Deliberate, Deluge, Denial, Denounce,
Derive, Descend, Despair, Diadem, Die, Discern, Discord, Disgust.
9—E— East, Ebb, Estatic, Eager, Effect, Ego, Evolve, Exert, Extend,
Extreme, Eyes, Expression, Economy.
9— F— Faithless, Fanatic, Feather, Ferment, Feud, Field, Finite, First,
Firmament, Flour, Fortune, Foul.
9— G— Gas, Gentle, Grateful, Grow Guile, Garner, Geocentric, Geometry,

9—H— Hair, Half, Harsh, Harem, aughty, Have, Head, Health, Honest,
Hope, Horrid, Hunt, Hurry, Half.
9—— I Immoral, Impersonate, Impress, Imprint, Incapable, Incredible,
Indefinable, Indulge, Indelible, Inevitable, Insist, Intricate,
Inspiration, Intuition, Invulnerable.
9 — JK— Jest, Jupiter.
9 — — Knife, Know, Knock.
9 —L—Lack, Law, Leader, Leave, Limb, Love, Lust, Limit, Lucky.
9 —M— Mend, Milk, Mineral, Mischief, Mad, Maim, Mourn, Money,
9 —
9— —
N— Nail, Narrative, Next, Note.
Origin, Overthrow, Oxygen, (Off-days), Oats, Oak.
9 —P— Partake, Path, Petition, Placid, Preserve, Penis, Physics, Precedent,
9— Q— Quiet, Quoth.
9 — R— Rabies, Race, Range, Rapture, Real, Recommend, Round, Realty,
Reason, Radial, Record.
9 — S— Saint, Style, Subtle, Sweet, Sun, (Solar-Plexus), Spade, Service,
Say, Search, Select, Settle, School.
9 — T— Talent, Tantalize, Thought, Thunder, Tone, Tower, Turmoil,
Telepathy, Telepathist, Temples.
9 — U —Undo, Uneven, Unfold, Unadvised, Upright, Upset, Use, Utmost,
Undertake, University.
9 —V—Vermin, Vindicate, Voice, Vulgar, Vagina, Venus.
9—W—Wabble, Wage, Wail, Weary, Wedded, Wince, Wizard, Witch,
9—Y—Yawn, Yell, Yearn.
3 —Z—Zealous.

Destiny Calendar
A Life Chart of Universal Vibration Based on Number Six
The dot
in the center of this calendar, in the center of the
seven-pointed star, is the center of equilibrium. The dark
stars on the outside are stars that constitute our Solar Sys-
tem beginning with the ruling planet of Aries, we have Mars,

for Taurus, we have Venus, for Genini we have Mercury, for

Cancer we have the Moon, for Leo we have the Sun, for Virgo
we have Mercury, for Libra we have Venus, for Scorpio we
have Mars, for Siggittarius we have Jupiter, for Capricornus
we have Saturn, for Aquarus we have Saturn, and for Pisces
we have Jupiter.
This Destiny Colendar, unlike any other calendar in the
world, is a numerical calendar, that is — every angle, circle and
symbol is caballized by Householder's Perfect Numerology.
In this lecture I am going to take my starting point from
the white ring that begins at the figures "24" in the golden
circle of time, and completes the circle to the blue spot under-
neath the "24" in the c:'rcle. The outside of everything and
the inside of all things has been demonstrated by chemical
analysis to be the very same. (Now this is where a fine dis-
tinction must be drawn.) What can we call it, that is nothing,
but is outside of all matter, or the center of every molecule of
matter? Some have attempted to call it electric essence,
etheric substance, vibration, silence, universal mind, and many
other names have been applied to this nameless condition. The
name that I would append to this vibration that is found in
the center of every molecule or atom of matter, and is also
found to be that condition that exists beyond the coarse ether
surrounding this earth, is Equilibrium. Between these two
poles of equilibrium the outer extremity and the inner con-
density, we must call the inner and the outer the Fourth Di-
mension. Then again, we must acknowledge that this condi-
tion, while it is the outside of every thing and the inside of all
things omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent, is that power
of God, law of Nature, comparative colesceuce, magnetic at-
traction, polarization of atoms, electric essence, gravity, equili-
brium, universal mind, Divine mind, God, Deity, supreme law,
love, or just ordinary cohesiveness — take your choice.
For the purpose of our illustration, we will start with the
small dots that emanate from a point above the "r" in "pro,"

and we will say that this is vibration from the esoteric to the
exoteric, and that it is flowing in one continuous stream to-
ward the center of everything and that each atom builds itself
from the inside out. When the motion is from the outside to
the center, and all known bodies of chemical structure that
build themselves from the inside out are called mineral, veget-
able and animal. These three kingdoms of material matter are
at the extreme sides of the half circle in which appears the
word "pro," and beginning at the left we have "m," "v," "a"
at the right we also have a section marked "m," "v," "a."
These represent the Mineral, Vegetable and the Animal king-
doms, while the dots that occupy this space on this particular
calendar is that unknown, nameless law of moleculiar attrac-
tion that holds in place and organizes these various depart-
ments of physical, mineral, vegetable, animal and human mat-
ter. The human, being the highest kingdom, is next to the
three divisions marked "m," "p," "f," "f," "n," "m." These
are the two poles of matter and by this illustration we have
shown that the positive and negative are dual to polarity of ac-

commodative self That in producing matter of like kind,
either of mineral, vegetable or animal, we have the masculine
positive and the feminine negative cells. These cells ach on
its side is a single cell. The two cells coming together are pol-
arized and immersed in a protoplasm furnished by each that
partakes of a magnetic nucleus, the conception of which is be-
yond the ken of man.
"Pro" in its broader sense does not only stand for proto-
plasm, but for pro-creation and the "r" which is directly above
the 2, stands for one word, which for the convenience of meta-
physical students is called "regeneration." Regeneration here
is meant to convey the idea that the molecules of protoplasm,
being brought together and blended by male and female of the
species, mineral, vegetable or animal, have endowed this pro-
toplasm with power of attracting unto itself all the elements
necessary to build it into a perfect prototype of its progener-
ators. This law was defined by the Ancients in one word and
that word is "Truth." Not knowing the connection between
the ego, the soul and the body, or how they are separated or
which particular part of the anatomy or mental faculties con-
stitute each, we say that the whole body is truth. Some an-
cient teachings attribute the Trinity, the ego, the soul and the
body, to represent the three elements out of which this body
grew into its material stature and power. Having excused

themselves with the idea they wish to convey to the layman's
mind that truth was the creator of all things, they had failed
thus far to make plain, either to the metaphysical students or
the physical students, just what constitutes this law of truth.
In this treatise on meta-physics, using the center of our
astrological and numerologic calendar, we are laying the foun-
dation for a mathematical substantiation of theories that we
have put forth in our analysis of the truth and error in science
and health by Mary Baker Eddy.
The ego, or soul, or body, cannot be separated by any far
reach of the imagination, except by a comparison of the func-
tions of the mind and its ruling power over the members of the
physical anatomy. Let us admit for the present that at the
time this magnetic, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent vi-
bration of re-creation is permeating the male and female of the
species, that it does reach a point of equilibrium where neither
the positive or the negative have a dominant power, where each
of them have reduced themselves to the finest vibration that
it is possible in the silence, and let us for the convenience of
this argumnt pronounce this the psychological moment of life-
creation; this climax is reached, as all humans of mature age
will admit, and then is the moment of re-generation.
Re-generation could be still further explained by saying
that "re" in this instance is bringing to life again and making
manifest in a proto-type of the two progenerators of the pro-
toplasm that by this animal magnetism had been reduced to
the last final analysis and had reached the point where it turns
again to its magnetic attractive and cohesive power.
We take the "e" in the circle underneath the "T" and the
"R" where the "esb" appear, much resembling the earth divid-
ed into the three zones, and we follow a line like a fan leaf down
to an "m." W find that tracing this down to this particular
part of the chart we discover an "m." The ego then must be
magnetic. If it were not magnetic, the argument stands that
it would never be other than it was at the time its progener-
ators' vibration reached the point of equilibrium.
Then again there is another letter following the "m"
a "c." This "c" represents another attribute of the ego, which
is cohesive. The next is a "c" and that represents conscious-
ness. It stands to reason and has been mathematically dem-
onstrated that if the ego were not magnetic it would never
grow, if it were not cohesive it could not hold the parts of its
anatomy together; if it were not conscious it would not know
what to draw to build itself into a body.

These hypothesis having been proven, we notice on the

chart again the "mva" above the "mcc" and we conclude and
we know chemically that the ego does draw from out of the
mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms all the parts neces-
sary to build its human body.
Now let us go back just a little further: we started with
the premise that male and female, positive and negative, and
female and male, positive and negative, were in existence.
Where in all history can we find anyone who can prove from
whence they came? But having been taught in all ages that
life emanated from God, who was omnipresent, omniscient and
omnipotent, (and here I direct you to the spiritual side of the
chart under the 21, 22 and 23, and you will see that the wings
of this seeming curtain or fan-like shape have in them an "fg,"
a "vf" and an "sc"). The ego then we must admit came from
a source, we its human or animal progenerators, having been
instrumental in endowing it with magnetic power enough to
become a living, breathing, animal form or body, we must say,
whether we will or not, that it is from some source. Now
what shall we say? In the final analysis we have always at-
tributed the generation of life to be of God. So we say the
"fg" stands for "From God." The "vg" tells us what it is that
came from God, and that "vf" stands for "vibratory force,"
and the "sc" tells us its attributes. It was sub-conscious,

super-conscious or it was spiritually conscious you can take
your choice. (This is for the student in psychics, the meta-
psychical student or the spiritualist.)
Now let us take the soul: the ego is not the soul, nor the
soul the ego, nor is either the ego or the soul the body. The
ioul we will leave as the center nuclei of the body and it is the
soul that does select and does discriminate between these phys-
ical elements that grow to build this body. It is the soul that
builds a beautiful body or a deformed body. It is the soul that
we received, presumably, from God.
Now let us take the body as shown in the lower part of
this same circle — what is the body? The body, when ana-
lyzed, is found to be a chemical combination of all the elements
known to analytical chemistry and yet when it has been thor-
oughly and completely disintegrated there was a residue left
that neither fire or water could effect.
Let us take the body and in the body we find a brain. Now
let us go to the right side of the chart, following the straight
line down from the "b" and we find this has seven divisions

the "b" and the "m" underneath the seven partial circles rep-
resents that the body is material and this is the material side
of the chart; and the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, represent the seven ma-
terial senses. Now let us admit for argument's sake that all
have developed the senses of seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling,
tasting, sensing and psychic. Then on the other side of the
chart as we follow the sections around by the 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,
4, 3, 2, 1, we come to the same kind of a division, which is
"s" at the top in the triangle and "s" below in the division.
Here we have running to the outer circle, beginning 7, 6, 5, 4,
3, 2, 1, without a break in the chart from the 7, between "b"
and the "m" at the right hand of the chart around to the 7 on
the left side of the chart; between "m" and "s" we find that
the last was psychic, the first on the spiritual side is psychi-
ometry, 7 prophesy, clair-audience, clairvoyance, omnipresent,
omniscient, omnipotent. If this were admitted by any other
than the maker of this chart, then we would admit the duality
of the human perception —that we had a finer perception lying
at the seat of comprehension, which told us all things, which
gave us all power, which gave us all presence.

Let us go back to the beginning of this description under
the "r" we said that all things came from God. This ego came
through the law of truth to manifest in my physical anatomy.

If it did, and it came from God, and God is omnipresent, omnis-

cient and omnipotent, then the central part of my being, could
I but realize it, is at one with God, or else the doctrines of
theology and Christianity amount to naught. If we admit that
we have the pow er to reach into the very center of silence, we

must admit also that we have the power, if properly recog-

nized, to comprehend all things.
A further description of the senses, their location, devel-
opment and powers will be given under a separate chapter in
connection with this work. At present we have started to
count from the figure "1" that points to the triangle wherein
is the "s" representing the spiritual and soul side of existence
and we count that as the first second, the first minute, the first
hour, the first day, the first week, the first month, the first
year, of our life, and we will proceed now to jump the next suc-
ceeding vears until we come to the age of six. Following in a
direct line through the key-stone, we come up to the head of
our chart, to the head of the triangle, and there we have an
"a" and we start around the chart and we find that we have
there enumerated the letters of the alphabet, or symbols that
Astudent? A curiosity seeker?
A crank looking for another crank's new idea to
indorse, or condemn; or just an ordinary person look-
ing for entertainment to pass away the time ?
Whoever you are
You Have Opened the Cover of a Book
that contains a wealth of knowledge and wisdom.
Before proceeding to read these statements in an
uncertain mental effort to assimilate the message of
hope and encouragement they contain, ask yourself
these questions:
AmI in a state of mind to analyze, understand and
personally apply the truths that may be discovered to
Is my mind unprejudiced?
Will I exercise sufficient will power to make an
honest test of these new principles for attaining WIS-
Am I bound by Old Habit, failure and depression,
so tightly that dare not accept this promise of free-
dom and opulence?
Have i allowed others to mould my thought and
direct my actions so long that I have lost the power of
initiative and become dependent; or will I rouse my-
self one day from the lethargy into which I have fallen
and be again a free and independent thinking entity ?
Then I say
You will SUCCEED or fail in proportion to the zeal
and faith with which you apply the rules for getting a
clear understanding of TRUTH, outlined in "EFFI-
plied Numerical Psychology.
The Author presents this small volume to a critic^
and skeptical world in full confidence that a great ma-
jority of all who possess and study it, earnestly and in-
telligently, will find it to contain a solution for
perplexing problem of life and the great sustaining
consolation that comes when the Spirit is promoted to
a higher plane of consciousness to continue development
in harmony with the Great Universal Plan of
the MAS-
Trusting you
will do yourself the justice of think-
ing earnestly and deeply as you read, I am,
Very truly,


022 169 482 A

Pride aiming at the blest abodes,
still is
Men would be angels, angels would be Gods.
All are but parts of one stupendous whole,
Whose body Nature is and God the soul.

Know then Thyself, presume not God to scan

The proper study of Minkind is Man.

For modes of faith let graceless Zealots fight;

He can't be wrong whose life is in the right.

Honor and shame from no condition rise,

Act well your part, there all the honor lies.

Where Faith, Law, Morals all began

And end in love of God and man.

Wide, and more wide, the overflowings of his mind,

Take every creature in of every kind.

Earth smiles around with boundless bounty blest,

And Heaven beholds its image in his breast.

Lulled in the countless chambers of the brain

Our thoughts are linked in many a hidden chain,
Awake but one and lo what myriads rise."
Pope. —

Philosophy The science which tries to account for

phenomena of the Universe by ultimate causes—a particular
of mind ot
system or theory. The calm and unexcitable state
a wise man.—Practical WISDOM.

... I II illl II ...

022 169 482 P '

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