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Name: ________________________________ Date: __________________ 

Adjectives in ‘Island Born’ by Junot Diaz 

Read the excerpt from the story and choose the correct adjective for the noun.

1.”I’m going to draw a mongoose!,” Nelson yelled. Nelson​ always ​yelled. 

The adjectives describe Nelson as: _____________________ Nelson
a) quiet b) friendly c) loud

2. ‘Lola, you see, loved to draw, but she didn’t remember the island.’ 
The adejctives describe Lola as: _______________________ Lola
a) tiny b) artistic c) shy

3. “I remember the bats were as big as blankets and chased after me at night.” 
The adjectives describe the bats as: _____________________ bats
a) immense b) faint c) open

4. ‘The neighborhood has so much music, it was like a radio with the dial broken 
The adjectives describe the music as: ____________________ music
a) hushed b) breakable c) deafening
5. ‘Colorful cars, colorful houses, even the people are like a rainbow. Every shade, 
ever made.’ 
The adjectives describe the people as: _____________________ people.
a) diverse b) old-fashioned c) crowded

6. Our beaches are poetry, like when you hear your favorite poem. That’s how it 
feels to be on our beaches. 
The adjectives the beaches as: _______________________ beaches
a) puny b) fantastic c) dull

What do you think it means when Lola says, “The island is IN me”?




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