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Standardized test of grammar and reading comprehension for the study Affective Filter in

Second Language Learning and English Proficiency of BEED students in Davao Winchester
Colleges, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021.
Name:_____________________ Year Level:_________(required)
Age:_______(required) Gender:__________(required)
I. Directions: Read the following sentences and choose the correct answer.

1. Your father is paying for your plane ticket, _____________?

a. Isn’t it b. is he c. aren’t you d. isn’t he
2. This grade on your essay is low. Dis your teacher suggest ___________ another?
a. You will make b. revise c. to write d. writing
3. Wise people can ________ with frustration.
a. Cope up b. cope on c. cope in d. cope
4. Is this the spot _________ you had the accident?
a. Why b. where c. wherein d. which
5. It’s now three hours past her schedule; the president will not come anymore, but we’ll
still be ready in case she __________.
a. Is coming b. may c. does d. will come
6. “Blessed are __________ sorrowful for ___________ shall be comforted.”
a. The-you b. the-they c. you-they d. they-they
7. When I met Diana yesterday, it was the first time I ___________ her since Christmas.
a. Have seen b. saw c. have been seen d. had seen
8. “ Nothing happens in this world by chance; it is all part of a grand design.” The author
speaks of one’s__________.
a. Ambition b. luck c. dream d. destiny
9. These towels are ________ for us to dry the dishes.
a. Very dry b. very wet c. too wet d. so wet
10. I suggest that he _________ in the room for one week.
a. Stayed b. staying c. stays d. stay
11. The copyreader found the news story boring. He found it full of ______.
a. Verbs b. pronouns c. adverbs d. adjectives
12. History is the witness that ______ passing of time.
a. Testifies b. will testify c. testifies for the d. testifies for
13. Because the moon rotates on its axis at the same time as it ________ around the earth,
we see the same side.
a. Revolve b. revolves c. is revolving d. has been revolving
14. When I met Liza yesterday, it was the first time I ______ her since Christmas.
a. Have been seen b. had seen c. saw d. have seen
15. Did you have any problem __________ our house?
a. Find b. to find c. finding d. for finding
16. Soldier have been sent in to try to restore ______ in the area.
a. Harmony b. order c. organization d. regulation
17. We _______ a lovely three weeks in the south of Spain last year.
a. Took b. did c. passed d. spent
18. Carlos usually gets good marks at school _____ he doesn’t seem to spend much time
a. Although b. unless c. even d. because
19. Nina went to the same school __________ I did.
a. Like b. than c. as d. so
20. I must ________ for being so late.
a. Regret b. apologize c. pardon d. excuse
21. One of my grandparent’s __________ born in South Africa.
a. Is b. are c. was d. were
22. Julie immediately jumped _______ the pool but it was too cold for me to swim there.
a. On b. up c. in d. for
23. What _______ you going to do in your summer holidays?
a. Are b. do c. will d. have
24. Guest house rooms must be ________ by noon.
a. Vacated b. evacuated c. abandoned d. left
25. The movie was ________ the book.
a. As b. as good as c. good as d. as good
26. If the world on January 1, 2010 _____________, some people wouldn’t have been
a. Was ending b. ended c. had ended d. have ended
27. I’ll ____________ their cat while they are away in holiday.
a. Be looking over b. be looking at c. be looking into d. be looking
28. The PAGASA officials often talk about ___________ because it’s so changeable.
a. Some b. a weather c. the weather d. some weather
29. Martha is one of the few people who ________ how to operate the equipment.
a. Known b. knows c. know d. knew
30. Madonna’s agent _________ change her name at the start of her career.
a. made her to b. made c. made her d. have made her to

II. Read the passage and choose the best answer to the question. Answer the question
based on what is implied in the statement or passage.

31. The soldiers were relieved to find a figure wearing the same uniform come out of the
hole. It had been more than a month since they’ve met another friendly face. They
greeted him and he greeted them back. It was at that point that they knew they were
Who did the soldiers see come out of the hole?
a. A fellow soldier
b. An Enemy
c. A civilian
d. An insurgent
32. What does this poem stanza mean?
“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth”;
a. It refers to a man choosing between two roads to take when traveling
b. It’s about the woods and the forest
c. It talks about the different choices we have in life and how we must choose between
difficult options
d. It’s about a man who is looking for a yellow wood in the forest where he has been
traveling through for so long.
33. In the words of Thomas DeQuincey, “It is notorious that the memory strengthens as you
lay burdens upon it.” If, like most people, you have trouble recalling the names of those
you have just met, try this: The next time you are introduced, plan to remember the
names. Say to yourself, “I’ll listen carefully; I’ll repeat each person’s name to be sure I’ve
got it, and I will remember.” You’ll discover how effective this technique is and probably
recall those names for the rest of your life.
The main idea of the paragraph maintains that the memory
a. always operates at peak efficiency
b. breaks down under great strain
c. improves if it is used often
d. becomes unreliable if it tires.
34. Unemployment was the overriding fact of life when Franklin D. Roosevelt became
president of the United States on March 4, 1933. An anomaly of the time was that the
government did not systematically collect statistics of joblessness; actually it did not start
doing so until 1940. The Bureau of Labor Statistics later estimated that 12,830,000
persons were out of work in 1933, about one-fourth of a civilian labor force of more than
51 million. Roosevelt signed the Federal Emergency Relief Act on May 12, 1933. The
president selected Harry L. Hopkins, who headed the New York relief program, to run
FERA. A gifted administrator, Hopkins quickly put the program into high gear. He
gathered a small staff in Washington and brought the state relief organizations into the
FERA system. While the agency tried to provide all the necessities, food came first. City
dwellers usually got an allowance for fuel, and rent for one month was provided in case
of eviction.
This passage is primarily about
a. unemployment in the 1930s
b. the effect of unemployment on United States families
c. President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidency
d. President Roosevelt’s FERA program
35. It is said that a smile is universally understood. And nothing triggers a smile more
universally than a taste of sugar. Nearly everyone loves sugar. Infant studies indicate
that humans are born with an innate love of sweets. Based on statistics, a lot of people
in Great Britain must be smiling because on average, every man, woman, and child in
that country consumes 95 pounds of sugar each year.
From this passage it seems safe to conclude that the English
a. do not know that too much sugar is unhealthy
b. eat desserts at every meal
c. are fonder of sweets than most people
d. have more cavities than any other people
Questions 36-40
How DO I Love Thee? (sonnet 43)
Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1806-1861

How Do I Love thee? Let me count the ways.

I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day’s
Most quit need, buy sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right.
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith.
I love the with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if GOD choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

36. Which of the following statements best describes a central theme of the poem?
a. Love is unconditional and eternal.
b. Coming of age is when one is willing to give up everything for other person.
c. True freedom comes from freedom of the soul.
d. Love requires sacrifice and is not always constant.
37. The narrator describes her soul.
a. Stretching and becoming thinner and weaker.
b. Searching for her loved one’s soul.
c. Searching for a divine presence and a greater meaning to life.
d. Stretching to its greatest capacity to show much she loved “thee”
38. Which of the following is NOT statement the narrator would likely agree with.
a. Her love is limitless and impossible to measure.
b. Her love is pure, strong, and unconditional.
c. Her love stems from childhood grief and is thus flawed.
d. She will never stop loving them, even in the afterlife.
39. Which of the following best summarizes how the speaker quantifies her love?
a. The speaker quantifies her love in specific numbers and instances.
b. The speaker refuses to quantify her love, which is uncountable.
c. The speaker compares her love to great distances, grand ideas, strong emotions,
d. The speaker talks about her love only in terms of religious ideas, like the soul.
40. What do the lines 13-14 “God choose,/ I shall but love thee better after death” reveal
about the narrator’s perspective of beliefs?
a. The narrator believes she and her loved one shall be together in the afterlife.
b. The narrator fears she will be separated from her loved one after death.
c. The narrator believes her love is so strong that it will not fade even in death but
grown stronger.
d. The narrator has faith in a grand design, that God will “Choose” what is best for her
and her loved.

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