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I. Choose the word in each line that has different stress pattern.
1. A. acceptable B. responsible c. available ð. providential
2 . A. compromise B. company c. accordance D. emphasis
3. A. comprehensive B. separated c. necessary D. reasonable
4. A. control B. convene c. contrast D. conduct
5. A. analyze B. sacrifice c. culminate D. comprehend
II. Choose the correct answer A, B, c, or 0 to complete the following sentences.
6. -“Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow?”

A. I hope that tomorrow is glad

B. I am sorry I have an extra class tomorrow
c . Hope to see a lot of fun tomorrow
D. All right, you are so generous
7. Better life habits can reduce your______of getting a heart attack.
A. emergency B. risk c. danger D. threat
8. When your immune______is weak, you can catch colds easily.
A. structure B. body c. system D. organ
9 . 1had a painmy head because I did not wear helmet when riding bicycle.
A. on B. of c. with D. in
10. It took me a lot of tim e______what the aim of the game was.
A. focus B. concentrate c. grasp D. consider
11. Don’t be_______. Everything will be fine!
A. pessimistic B. optimistic c. happy D. disappointed
12.1 am s o ___________ under the assignments at the moment. Terrible!
A. iced B. snowed c. fogged D. tired
13. Could you lend me some money to _ _ _ _ me over until i get paid?
A. hand B. tide c. help D. meet
14. The Sears Tower can be.______the peak which human beings have ever
achieved in skyscraper construction.
A. thought B. considered c. believed D. said
15. You better think_____ a good excuse why you did not come to the meeting.
A. up B. on c. of D. about
16.1am in a real______ and I do not know what to do.
A. dilemma B. paradox c. query D. nuisance
17. She thinks that he should______ the fact that their relationship is over.
A. catch up with B. face up to c. keep up to D. come up with
18.1am going to ______ up on what all the road signs mean before my driving test.
A. learn B. swot c. look D. catch
19. The moss would like me to ______the report to include material costs.
A. reform B. rewrite c. revise D. redo
20. Hope that bad weather will n o t______your summer holiday.
A. worsen B. deteriorate c. harden D. spoil
III. Choose the correct option for each numbered blank to finish the passage. .
It seemed to the generation of Britons alive before the Second World War that
their way of life would (21 )______for many years to come. However, the war (22)
______revolution in British life that completely changed the (23)______ . What had
been a fairy (24) _____ society up to that point, with people sharing many (25)
JL____ beliefs and values, underwent ( 2 6 )_______ changes after war. The (27)
______was away from fixed social roles and towards a more dynamic society. Britain
began to evolve (28)______ its present form and many ideas that- are accepted today
such as a large (29) _____ of freedom or teenagers, were at the time novel and
exciting. New and innovative music and fashion had a great (3 0 )______ on young
people and the whole of Britain became less conservative.
21. A. lengthen B. last c.happen D. continue
22. A. caused B. followed c. resulted D. preceded
23. A. social status B. status quo c. society class D. normal status
24. A. same B. similar c. uniform D. identical
25. A. threshold B. ground c. basic D. elementary
26. A. fundamental B. radical c. functional D. potential
27. A. reform B. innovation c. trend D. fashion
28. A. back B. in c. with D. into
29. A. deal B. number c. amount D. volume
30. A. substitute B. advancement c. influence D. progress
IV. Some of the lines in the following passage have an unnecessary tword. Find
the word and write in the spaces. If the line is correct, put a tick. __________
.Humans have much in common with to other life forms on Earth. Since 31.
the very a first life form appeared, all living things have been 32.
desperately struggling to survive the harsh and changing conditions of 33.
our planet. This has involved adapting to new situations and, in many 34.
cases, has led to either evolution or the extinction. We are not alone in 35.
making use of the world around us (birds use twigs to build up nests, 36.
for another example) or in being particularly skillful (spiders make
intricate webs). Where we do differ from other life forms, however, it is
in our ability to record, and learn from, our collective history. In this, it 38.
appears that we are unique. There is still too much mankind does not 39.
know about the earliest humans, of course not, but we are increasingly 40.
becoming a species with detailed knowledge that about our past. The 41..
more we learn from, the better are our chances of survival in the 42.
future. It must also me recognized, however, that we are also the only 43.
species on Earth in which has managed to create the means to 44.
destroy the planet we live on. 45
V. Insert a suitable word in each of the blanks to complete the following passage.
Because the pencil (4 6 )______become such a fundamental (4 7 )______ of our
lives, it's difficult to remember that people have not been using them forever. (48)
______other products of human ingenuity, pencils had to be (49)______ .
Before the first half of the sixteenth century, peopie (50)______to use pens
to write with and brushes to paint with. It was also (51)_______to use a mental stick
to make faint marks on paper. However, up to the point no one has found an easy way
to make marks (5 2)______could be erased. Then, some time before 1565, a large
(5 3 ) ______ of the chemical, graphite, was found near Borrowdale in Cumbria,
England. The locals would (54)______this graphite (a kind of soft black rock) to mark
sheep. Soon, tales of this unusual soft substance had spread to (5 5 )______around
the world, who were eager to use it to produce works of art.
(56)______ is soft and dirty, and in (57)_______ to write or draw with it, it used to
have to be covered (58)_______something, such a£ sheepskin or string. People has

been trying to improve the pencil for some time before manufacturers in Italy came up
(59) ______ the idea of enclosing the graphite in a wooden case. The modern pencil
was (60)_______.
VI. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for each question.
I waded through the ankle-deep water. I did what the children were doing: smiling,
laughing, splash about. No one knows how different I was. The island, which was the
paradise for those who had been living there all their lives, was not known to many.
This made it an ideal location for the new incinerator.
My father was divulged the secret to me after his company had confirmed the
plans to build the incinerator. He wanted me to see the place before it was ruined so
that I would be able to keep its memory alive.
There was a row of decrepit houses a short distance from the shore. The houses
were small and they stood in stiles. There were holes in the roofs and the walls were
cracking. Women were cooking in a small common kitchen at the end of the row.
Several men were at a vegetable plot. Chickens, cows, and goats roamed' about, their
movements restricted by the sea.
I have never seen people so trusting and a place so peaceful and carefree.
Although I was stranger, no one bothered to ask who I was. I was invited to lunch.
There was nothing to link the desperate environment of the island and the city. I pitied
these people who would evacuate their homes.
61. What did the writer do to get on well with the other children?
A. She swam together with the children.
B. She did the same things that they were doing in the water,
c. She played some traditional games with the children
D. She pretended to be a local person.
62. Why is the writer “different" from tlte other children?
A. His father did not live but worked in the island.
B. She did not live in the island.
c. She and his father travelled to the island.
D. She did not know the children's games.
63. The word “paradise” in paragraph 1has the same meaning a s ______ .
A. ground B. heaven c. sky D. land
64. Why the island is ideal location for the new incinerator?
A. Because no one knew about the island.
B. Because the people in the island did not know the new incinerator,
c. Because the island is not popular.
D. Because the people in the island consider it as paradise.
65. The word “divulged” in paragraph 2 has the same meaning a s ______ .
A. refused B. revealed c. maintained D. changed
66. Why did the writer's father ask her to see the island before it was ruined?
A. He wanted her to keep pictures of the people in the island.
B. He wanted her to see how the island changed.
c. He wanted her to keep images of the island before it was damaged.
D. He wanted to teach her love the nature.
67. Who took care of the crops?
A. The children B. The women c. The men D. All of them
68. Which parts of the island have animals?
A. Near the sea B. In animal cages
c. All over the island D. In the people’s houses
69. Why did the writer find the people in the island trusting?
r A. The children played cheerfully with her.
B.The people did not care where she came from,
c. The people lived in a peaceful environment.
D. They invited her to lunch without knowing her.
70. Why did the writer pity the people?
A. Their houses were damaged.
B. They had to live in poor conditions,
c. They had to move to the city.
0. They have no place to live.
VII. Use the correct form of the words given in the brackets to complete the
following sentences.
71. We think of ourselves as living in a time of (CONTINUE)________technological
change and development.
72. The weather is so (CHANGE)________that I do not know what to wear.
73. New Zealand had three major (INTERNATION)_________airports: Auckland,
Willington and Christchurch.
74. The teachers gave students wrong test papers, which caused a lot of. (bONFUSE)

75. Einstein’s (BRILLIANT) _______ was unnoticed at school.

76. The flats were built in the 1980s, but they were all (MODERN)________ in the 1990s.
77. i feel much better since I decided to stop eating (PROCESS) _______food.
78. Duong showed a lot of (MATURE)________in the way she handled the problem
with Chau.
79. It is difficult to (ARRANGE)________ a day which is convenient for everyone.
80. We should rely more on (NEW) _ _ _ _ _ source of energy.
VIII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use
between three to five words.
81. He often went to countryside with his mother as children, would
His mother................................................................................. to the countryside
as children.
82. Don't you think we should decorate the living room? up
Isn't it about tim e ........................................................................ the living room?
83. Don’t complain about it to me because it won’t make any difference good
It’s ...................................................about it because it won’t make any difference.
84. Would you like to do what the President does? places
Would you lik e ..............................................................................the President?
85. You only have a short time to do this work. Do not waste time, clock
You a re .................................................................................. Do not waste time.
86. People often think that Peter is his twin brother, mix
People often....... .......................................................................... his twin brother.
87. Mai will find out if she has been deceived very soon, just
M a i................................................................................. if she'has been deceived.
88 .1 never forget to consider her ideas before making the final decision, account
I never forget t o .........................................................................before making the
final decision.

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