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Classroom Management Plan

My Philosophy

I want my students to be in a safe and positive learning environment where

they feel respected and comfortable. I want to challenge my students and
watch them develop skills and strengthen their abilities and weaknesses. I
know that every student has potential and as their teacher I will guide them
to grow to their full potential. I believe that students should be given the
opportunity to be creative and have freedom by working with others in order
for them to develop peer relationships and help each other.

First Day
 Greet and welcome my students as they arrive
 Get to know each other by doing ice breakers.
 Establish rules, routines and
 Practice routines
 Take first day of school pictures
 Sign policies and no bullying contracts

Classroom Policies
Create policies and consequences together as a class.
Examples of policies include:
 Be respectful
 Treat others the way you want to be treated
 Be a good citizen (share, care for others, help each other)
 Keep your hands and other body parts to yourself
 Be prepare at all times

Classroom Procedures
Beginning the day by
 Greeting and giving a high five to students at the door
 Putting backpacks in designated area and eat breakfast
 Carpet time to get the day started by doing fun activities and then
going over our objectives for the day.
End the day by:
 Cleaning up classroom
 Packing fifteen minutes before dismissal time
 Taking time to relax and reflection (read a book aloud, play games,
write in journal)
Have a teacher mailbox, absent folders, homework and classwork bins, etc.

Steps to Address Misbehavior

 Give warnings
 Loss of privileges (no recess, silent lunch, may result in losing
classroom jobs)
 Send a note home to parent
 Parent conference

 Class Dojo store (stickers, candy, no
homework pass)
 Positive notes to take home

Student Motivation
 Hands-on activities
 Changing classroom setting
 Using encouragement words
 Set classroom goals and values

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