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Rebecca Gomez
Table of Contents
1. Introduction

2. Philosophical Statement

3. First Days

 Artifact 1

 Artifact 2

 Artifact 3

4. Classroom Environment

 Artifact 1

 Artifact 2

5. Classroom Procedures

 Artifact 1

 Artifact 2

 Artifact 3

 Artifact 4

6. Discipline System

 Artifact 1

 Artifact 2

 Artifact 3

 Artifact 4

7. Student Motivation

 Artifact 1

 Artifact 2

8. Classroom Engagement

 Artifact 1

 Artifact 2
Hello, my name is Ms. Gomez and welcome to my Classroom Management Plan! I plan

to teach fourth to eighth grade mathematics and potentially eighth grade algebra. In

this portfolio you will find a variety of plans, ideas, strategies, and artifacts that I will be

sure to incorporate into my future classroom. Each and every aspect of this portfolio

reflects my own personal, education beliefs, my teaching philosophy, and ideas from

researched theorist that I found to be most profound. In general, I hope the reader can

gain a sense of my valuable insights and be able to utilize this information in any shape

or form. As I plan to utilize this portfolio as a way to create my ideal classroom in the

future that is based solely on what I truly believe in. In fact, I will use this portfolio plan

as a way to hold me accountable to my own ideas. It will help me monitor and

document my progress in the profession and allow me to not ever lose sight of my own

belief in the future.

Philosophical Statement
I strongly believe in the idea that every child deserves to become a student of a high-

quality classroom. For instance, every child is a student as they go from Kindergarten

through twelve grade, but the likelihood of them being put in an effective, high-quality

classrooms is slim to none. Therefore, I want to be that classroom for them. The

classroom that will create an overall environment in which the students enjoy class and

reminds them that school isn’t such a bad place they all want to believe it to be.

Henceforth, my philosophy of classroom management is to ensure I create a safe and

positive classroom environment in which the students can successfully feel comfortable

to share, communicate, and learn concepts. Thus, as a future teacher, the way I plan to

support this is by incorporating the methods of Carol Allread and emphasize the

Positive Action model in which students learn to identify positive behaviors, are given

opportunities to practice them, and examine how they feel about themselves when they

do positive things.
First Days
The first day of school is the most essential part of being a teacher as first impressions is

everything in the classroom. Therefore, it is imperative for a teacher to be well prepared

and organized for the first day, like Wong and Wong’s First Day of school theory

suggests, since the very first day of school essentially makes of breaks a classroom.

Therefore, since I plan to abide by Wong and Wong’s theory, I will be prepared for the

first day by having class rules, expectations, and norms planned out and ready to be

told along with having fun activities ready for the students to partake in. To begin with,

I will start out the day by going over formalities such as rules and expectations with the

students by creating a classroom constitution with them. By doing a classroom

constitution, I hope for the students to realize that they are signing a contract stating

they will follow these rules and expectations, thus, making them more self-aware of

their own behaviors and hold them accountable when they break rules. Next, we will

discuss classroom jobs, who has which role and for how long. The purpose of classroom

jobs is to teach the students about classroom community by showing them that we are

all needed in order to make the classroom function properly. Lastly, we will end class

by doing fun ice breaker activities where the students get an opportunity to get to know

their classmates and teacher. The purpose of this is to allow myself and the students to

start to build a strong connection between teacher and student by the first day. In

general, throughout the first couple of weeks of school, my main goal is to make my

students feel accustomed to the class and hope for them to know and get comfortable

with the rules and expectations of the classroom along with their classmates.
First Days

Artifact 1: Classroom Constitution

By creating a classroom constitution together as a class on the first day, it will allow
students to get involved in the class and get to know and understand the expectations
of the class by simply agreeing to the idea that they will abide by these rules.
First Days

Artifact 2: Classroom Jobs

Creating classroom jobs on the first day is a great way to start to build a classroom
community by showing the students that everyone needs to work and participate
together to make the classroom run smoothly.
First Days

Artifact 3: Icebreaker

Icebreakers a simple, yet effective way to get a group of strangers to start to feel
comfortable, thus, it is quite essential to incorporate icebreakers on the first day. The
one I plan to use is four corners as it is an active, physical way for students to see who
has similar interest and common ideas.
Classroom Environment
Classroom environment is a key aspect that affects students and their learning, thus, it

is imperative for teachers to set up a purposeful and meaningful classroom

environment that can help and support all students for success. That being said, I

would include Glasser’s Choice Theory as the management strategy I will follow when

setting up my classroom environment. For instance, my main goal is to create a

welcoming, fun, and supportive atmosphere where the students will safe and free to

explore and learn. Therefore, in order to do this I would be sure to include choice to the

students. I will do this by incorporating flexible seating in my classroom. I will provide

options for the students as to where they want to sit either in group tables, floor desks,

or standup desks. Thus, I will give students the freedom of choice, like Glasser, as to

where and how they want to sit since I believe that giving them this choice will allow

them to feel in control in their learning and all them to feel comfortable in the

classroom. Furthermore, as the students get to sit freely anywhere, all the classroom

supplies will be located in one specific place in the classroom where everyone has

access to. I will have a shelf on the side of the classroom that will contain all the daily

supplies such as paper, calculators, worksheets, sharpener, turn-in tray etc. It will be the

students’ responsibility to be prepared for class and grab whatever they may need

before class starts, thus, by having everything located in the same place it will make it

easier on the students to gather all their materials.

Classroom Environment

Artifact 1: Classroom Layout

Creating a classroom layout is essential as it allows me to set up my classroom properly.

By preparing a layout beforehand, I am able to create a perfect environment that is safe
and practical for all students.
Classroom Environment

Artifact 2: Flexible Seating

Allowing the students to participate in flexible seating is necessary as it focuses on

giving students choices. Thus, by this the students will be able to feel more comfortable,
safe, and positive since they got to decide how and where they want to sit and learn.
Classroom Procedures
When considering my classroom procedures I strive for a predictable learning
environment that enables students to feel comfortable, cared for, supported, and fee to
take learning risks. Essentially, this follows the Freiberg’s theory on creating students
who are self-discipline. I want my student to be self-efficient with classroom procedures
where they can get the job done without any issues and know what is expected of them.
For instance, the beginning of class will always start with a Warm-Up as the students
walk in. The moment the students walk into class they are expected to grab all the
materials they may need for the day, get settled in their seats, and begin working on the
Warm-Up question that is on the board. I do not want the students to be wasting time
and avoiding the Warm-Up, thus, I need the students to be self-discipline enough to
know what they have to do and actually do it. Similarly, at the end of class the students
will work on an Exit Ticket to wrap up the day and expected to put aware all materials
and clear their area for the next class, thus, self-discipline is needed for this also.
Furthermore, as Freiberg mentioned, it is important for the students to be self-aware of
their own disruptions in order to create a more harmonious classroom. Therefore, I plan
to take action on reducing class interruptions by teaching the students certain hand
signals that mean common task such as asking to go to the restroom. By doing this, it
will reduce the amount of distractions that occur during class on off topic aspects. In
addition, it is important for the students to know what time is appropriate to being
doing certain things such as when are students allowed to disturb the learning
environment by asking to do something not regarding to the lesson like using the
restroom. Thus, I plan to create a simple system that allows the students to know when
they are allowed to do something. I will wear a green or red sign on my badge that will
inform the students what they can do. For example, when the badge is flipped to green
the students are allowed to ask any questions, get up for materials, and may go to the
restroom. However, when the badge is on the red, the students are expected to know
they aren’t allowed to do anything other than staying seated and focusing on the lesson
or on their work. Therefore, by incorporating classroom procedures that require the
students to take ownership in their actions and expectations, I will be creating more
self-disciplined students and a more efficient classroom.
Classroom Procedures

Artifact 1: Warm-Ups

Having daily warm-ups at the start of class is essential as it allows class to start off and

jump right into learning without wasting any time. Also, it is what sets the tone of the

class as students come into class rowdy and loud a warm-up settles them down and lets

them get focused what is important, math.

Classroom Procedures

Artifact 2: Exit Tickets

By having daily exit tickets is also essential as it acts as closure for any given lesson. For

instance, it is important to close every lesson because without closure it just leaves the

students hanging and thinking they have no idea what they just learned.
Classroom Procedures

Artifact 3: Red/Green Badge

This red and green badge I can wear is useful as it acts as a visual aid to all my students
when it is alright to talk, ask questions, or cause a disruption. Without this tool students
will be constantly interrupting and disturbing the entire class which is exactly what we
don’t want to happen.
Classroom Procedures

Artifact 4: Hand Signals

By teaching the students common hand signals that we can all know and learn is
important since this can reduce interruptions and disturbances as students don’t have
to physically call on you for certain things, instead they can just slightly gesture
towards you.
Discipline System
In my classroom, I plan to follow Skinner’s Behavior Modification theory, where it is
mentioned that behavior can be modified and fixed through the use of positive
reinforcement. Thus, as a way to prevent misbehaviors from occurring, I will provide
the class with incentives. For instance, if there are generally no issues throughout the
week, then I will allow for “Fun Friday” where the students are given some class time
on Friday to use their electronic devices for either a cell phone of laptop for their own
pleasure. By informing this to the students, they will feel motivated to want to behave
well in class in order to win their incentive. Furthermore, I want to include a version of
Nelson’s Think Time approach in class as it allows the students to reflect upon their
misbehaviors. I believe it is essential for students to take time to learn from their
mistakes. Thus, when a student acts up and has received warnings, yet continues, then
they will be sent to the reflection desk. This will be a desk away from the other students
facing a wall, like time out. However, here the student is expected to fill out a reflection
form that gives the student can opportunity to reflect upon their own actions and learn
how to work on being better. Lastly, I plan to incorporate Canter and Canter’s Assertive
Discipline theory also as it states students will have consequences for their
misbehaviors. I believe there should be some consequence set in place for the students
to understand they are in trouble for acting up. However, I will be sure to incorporate
meaningful/ logical consequences that are reasonable, fit to the misbehavior, and
provides some sort of lesson that teaches the students what they did was wrong.
Nonetheless, if the students continue to misbehave despite the warnings, consequences,
and reflection desk, then I will result to informing parents of their behavior. I will
simply inform the student that they have disregarded my warnings, thus, parents will
be getting a call. By informing students that parent calls can be a consequence, many
students will see this as a reason to want to behave properly. All in all, all these theories
and strategies are necessary to include in my classroom because I plan to have older
students, middle schoolers, thus some punishment should be incorporated in the class
in order to properly discipline students. However, the class plans to remain positive
and learning filled thus, it is important to include positive reinforcements and
reflections to learn upon.
Discipline System

Artifact 1: Incentives

Having classroom incentives is a perfect way of getting students to do what is expected

of them and behave correctly. Thus, the incentive I chose to focus on is technology free

time. If the students behaved well and did as they were supposed to do, I will set time

aside on Fun Friday to have free time with technology, meaning they get to use their

phones, laptops, computers, tablets, etc.

Discipline System

Artifact 2: Parent Contact

If students continue to misbehave in class, I will result to contacting the parents and

informing them of their child’s behavior. This consequence can have a large influence

on how students choose to behave because often times they don’t want their parents

getting involved because they will get more in trouble.

Discipline System

Artifact 3: Reflection Form

By incorporating a behavior reflection form in the classroom when students misbehave,

it allows the student so make meaning of their punishment rather than just being a
pointless consequence with no meaning.
Discipline System

Artifact 4: Meaningful Consequences

By relying on meaningful and logical consequences it makes students feel more

acceptable to their punishment. Without purposeful consequence the students will just
continue to act out.
Student Motivation
In order to create student motivation I will focus on Dweck’s theory of having a growth

mindset to support the idea of always improving, growing, and learning. In general, it

is important for a teacher to teach their students that it is essential to have a growth

mindset rather than a fixed one in order to learn. Thus, I will stress to my students that

the whole purpose of school is to learn. For instance, many students often feel

discouraged and unmotivated in school because they believe the point of school is to

get good grades despite learning. This is terribly wrong and I want to reverse this. I will

do it by explaining to the student to understand that failure is bound to occur and that’s

okay. Failure is a part of growing and achieving success as it can be used as a starting

point to more learning. Hence, in class I will have students work on growth mindset

assignment redo slips when they are correcting an assignment. These slips will prove to

them that failure is perfectly acceptable when you are willing to go back and retry an

assignment in order to truly learn a concept. In the end, by giving the students an

opportunity to redo assignments to learn more and get a better grade, students will feel

more motivated to actually want to participate in the learning process as they see it is

safe to make mistakes and learn from them. In addition, to continue motivating the

students I will incorporate praise Popsicle sticks in the class. The Popsicle stick will

have a student name on it and a praise word of their liking on the back. Thus, when

they participate in class, I can simply tell them their praise word to thank or encourage

them. In general teacher praise is one tool that can be a powerful motivator for students

as it indicates teacher approval and informs the student that they are following teacher

expectations. Therefore, by including praise and emphasizing growth mindset in class,

students will feel more confident and motivated to continue their efforts in class.
Student Motivation

Artifact 1: Growth Mindset Redo Assignment

One of the main purpose of class it to motivate students to take academic risk and learn

new concepts, however, bad grades and assignments can hold student back from

excelling. Thus, I will have growth mindset assignment redo slips available for all

students when they want to make up an assignment. This is great as it betters the

students’ grade, confidence, and motivation while teaching them to have a growth

mindset attitude of trying again.

Student Motivation

Artifact 2: Popsicle Praise Sticks

Another way I plan to increase student motivation is by making them feel good about
themselves and their work effort. Thus, one way I plan to do this is by having praise
Popsicle sticks in class where students have their name on a stick and a praise they
enjoy hearing. Once, any student answers a question or does something that I approve
of, I will tell them a praise that they find appropriate.
Classroom Engagement
For classroom engagement, I plan to follow Schuler, Elias, and Clabby’s Social Decision
Making and Problem Solving theory as it targets basic skills such as building self-
control, working cooperatively, and applying social skills. Essentially, each of these
skills are needed for successful classroom engagement. For instance, for students be in
engaged in class means they are actively participating in the lesson, discussions, and
activities. Thus, one way I plan to always ensure my students are staying actively focus
is having them work with partners. When the students get the opportunity to work
with someone else, then it enables them to have to stay involved in the lesson as partner
work requires both students’ efforts in order to succeed. Hence, by the students
working with partners they are working on their working cooperatively and social
skills. Ergo, the way I will enforce partner work is by creating Clock Partners where is
students has a certain partner for a different time. When it is partnering time I will
simply call out a specific time and the students will have to go to their designated
partner for that time. In addition, another way to increase class engagement is to focus
on students’ self-control and self-interest by incorporating more interesting activities in
class. When students are given the opportunity to work on something they like and find
interest in, then they gain practice working on self-skills while actually participating in
class. For example, with boring worksheets all the time students become disinterested,
disengaged, and just doesn’t participate. However, if you have the students focus on
something more fun and exciting then they will all want to participate. Thus, the way I
plan to do this is by creating Kahoot Games for the students to play often. In fact,
having the students play Kahoot quizzes is such an effective method to incorporate
because it is an educational quiz that all students actually want to do. Since the game is
competitive and involves using technology devices all students love it and always want
to participate in the game. Therefore, by including partner work and interesting
assignments, classroom engagement will no longer an issue.
Classroom Engagement

Artifact 1: Kahoot

Kahoot is an excellent way to get students engaged since many students rather play a
game than a worksheet. In essence, Kahoot is an competitive quiz game that also
functions well as an formative assessment of what the students know.
Classroom Engagement

Artifact 2: Clock Partners

Clock partners can allow students to collaborate ideas and communicate with partners,

thus, enabling all students to be more engaged. Clock partners work by having the

students write down different partners’ names at different times. Thus, when it is time

partner up or even group the students the teacher can simply call out specific times so

they know who to go to without having any confusion.

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