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Human Global Communications Co. Ltd.

-Internationalizing Business Communications-

Student Evaluation – Final

Name: Mr. Kawaguchi Reporting Month/Year: 12/2019

Course: Business English for Engineers
Term: Reporting Instructor: Alexander Page
Client: Mizuho

Improvement    Good Excellent
I. Attitudinal Factors
1. Preparation​ (予習) |------|------|------|-----O|
2. Participation​ (参画度) |------|------|------|-----O|

II. Language Fundamentals (Progress)

1. Vocabulary​ ​(語彙) |------|------|----O-|------|
2. Structure​ (構文応用力) |------|------|O-----|------|
3. Phonology ​(発音,イントネーション等) |------|------|-----O|------|

III. Communicative Skills (Progress)

1. Listening Comprehension |------|------|-----O|------| ​ ​(聞き取り能
2. Speaking Ability​ (会話力) |------|------|------|--O---|
3. Writing Ability*​ (作文力)​* |------|------|------|------| (N/A, did not test)

For Further Improvement:

Mr. Kawaguchi is an exemplary student of English and he made noticeable
improvement week-on-week. He fully engaged with the course, and he was a
pleasure to teach. I would advise him to practise his speaking by attending one of
the many bi-lingual Toastmaster events that can be found in Tokyo, or by using
an application to find a language exchange partner. I wish him all the best in his
continued studies.

Alexander Page 
Instructor Signature

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