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In diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, brain, bronchial asthma, chronic

bronchitis, hypertension, hypotension, headaches, tumors, asthenic states of general weakness, the
volume of water poured in should not be more than 10 ml. When persistent unpleasant sensations
appear during breathing head or heart, when blood pressure rises after breathing, as well as with
difficulty breathing out should reduce the amount of water on 1 ml. As far as fitness (in 3-4 weeks)
water volume restored to the original value. It is forbidden to exceed set amount of water. A
warning! In order to avoid uncontrolled increase Resistance to breathing thoroughly clean the
bottom holes nozzles and change the water every 20 minutes of breathing. Second and subsequent
days of classes. For example, on the 1st day you determined that IPDA = 13 sec. Day 2 You breathe
15 min. Get started with PDA = 11 seconds, i.e., 2 seconds less than possible. In 3-5 respiratory
(warm-up) acts You go to the PDA 13 seconds. and breathe for 15 minutes strictly keeping the PDA
for 13 sec. In the 3rd and 4th day with PDA 13 seconds You have been breathing for 16 minutes.
Breath on the 4th day, for example, became easier, without stress. So you can go to the PDA 14
seconds. This is held, for example, on the next, (5th) day, in the last 5 minutes of occupation. If
breathing is without dyspnea and special tension, success is fixed on the following classes.
Otherwise the case of training continues with PDA 13 seconds. So, as soon as ready organism,
there is an increase in PDA. Finally you managed to go on PDA 15 sec., i.e., 2 sec. breath and 13
sec. exhale With PDA 15 seconds. transition to a portion exhalation. After 2 seconds
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breath also sparingly for 6 seconds. with a relaxed belly exhales the first portion of air. Then,
within 0.5-1 sec. stomach pushes forward to relax the diaphragm and immediately exhales second
portion of air with active preload of the abdomen at the end of expiration. As the PDA increases,
the second portion of air increases, and with PDA, 22 sec. it is also divided in half, and the
exhalation becomes 3 portions, etc. For example, a month later, the PDA reached 38 seconds: 2
seconds. - inhale, four expiration portions of 6 seconds. = 24 seconds, plus 4 seconds. on pushing
the abdomen to relax the diaphragm, the fifth portion - 8 seconds. With a portion of the exhale, it
is necessary to exclude the suction of air through the nose while relaxing the diaphragm.
Hermetically clamp nostrils prohibited. Train yourself to control your nose with light laying on top
of the nasal passages of the index and middle fingers. The hand that controls the nose should not
hang, but be elbowed on support. Gradually, you teach yourself to turn off your nose from
breathing due to weak touch. With iDAA 15 sec. and more, immediately mastered batch expiration,
with iPDA 22 sec. - 3 servings, 29 sec. - 4 servings, etc. Avoid errors due to increased consumption.
lung structural tissue - surfactant. Surfactant deficiency manifested by shortness of breath, a
decrease in PDA. Signs of surfactant deficiencies are also weakness, jumps in the arterial pressure,
irritability. Surfactant overrun occurs when excess water in the simulator and exceeding the
recommended time breathing. Performing a breathing regimen excludes relapse. For prevent
surfactant failure is necessary control the PDA. Its slump is a possible sign. surfactant deficiency.
Not to be confused with the state of obstruction, possible in patients with bronchial asthma,
chronic bronchitis. With a sharp decrease in PDA, breathing stops and time is recorded. The next
lesson is held in two days. Class time decreases in comparison with fixed for 10 minutes. Into the
device 9 ml is poured. water. After recovery, the amount of water in device should not exceed 10
ml. During the recovery time Occupation increases by one minute every other day. For improve the
synthesis in the body of pulmonary surfactant should eat lecithin or products containing it: egg
yolk, liver, brains, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, nuts. Hypoxic breathing is considered mastered
when steady daily breathing 40 min. and reaching PDA 36 sec. The minimum breathing time in
hypoxic mode is 2 months. Before development of endogenous respiration in everyday life, at
work, when walking should breathe like on a simulator. The focus is on
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ensuring strict abdominal breathing when the chest does not rise, but the ribs do not expand.
Endogenous regimen: Endogenous respiratory regimen should pass without pause (relay race)
after mastering the hypoxic mode. The structure of the respiratory act is complemented by
absorption in lungs very small portions of air. After each exhaled portion, except the last, is carried
out arbitrary microsupply through the nose. about 5-10 cu. see the air. PDA increases daily for 1
sec. If the PDA is not growing, it should slightly increase the choke. Endogenous breathing due to
choke becomes more free. First 10 days breathing time should be 40 minutes. Then the breathing
time can be increased by 1 min in 2 days. Entry into active endogenous respiration usually begins
with PDA 65 seconds It rises sharply, for example, from 65 to 90 seconds. - on one training, from
90 to 120 seconds. - at the next training session. Every 5-10 minutes PDA increases by 5 seconds.
Next PDA increases daily at 1, then at 1.5. then for 2 minutes and after 2-3 weeks may reach 60
minutes. If three consecutive classes will The PDA is shown for 1 hour; it can be mastered in
parallel without the hardware mode. Apparatusless endogenous respiration is best mastered when
slow walking. It is necessary to economically exhale through the closed lips that perform the
function of a simulator. Resistance breathing is maintained at a level corresponding to 8-9 ml.
water in the simulator. To develop the necessary sensitivity should practice to control the
economical exhalation and minimum choke. Attention! It is forbidden to breathe with resistance is
higher than on the simulator! After 20-30 days, while ensuring relaxed breathing when walking on
average, one should transform the breathing technique. Phase exhalation should be accompanied
by a forward movement of the abdomen and reset tension of the abdominal muscles after
expiration. Accomplished with this a decrease in lung volume reduces the effect of suction. The
same the technique should be mastered when breathing on the simulator, i.e., refusing previously
mastered reception with choke. Gradually in the daily mode, endogenous respiration displaces
external breathing. But increase the duration of the daily breathing under pressure should also be
gradual: a month for 10-15 minutes with iDAA less than 16 sec. and 20-25 minutes with iDAA 16
sec. and more. There comes a time when you use the new breath all time except sleep. But as the
conditioned reflexes are fixed
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endogenous respiration becomes round-the-clock, i.e. we use it in a dream, while eating, working,
talking, i.e. everywhere. So endogenously you can breathe under pressure (with a simulator, or
arbitrarily creating resistance) and without pressure. To ensure good health required to breathe
under pressure before bedtime 60 - 70 minutes. For "Unpacking" and rejuvenation - time can,
increases in two or three times; walks, any physical work, stay in transport, etc. The rest of the
time breathing should also be endogenous, but without pressure control. Temporary deterioration
are natural. In the first days of training on the simulator, they are caused by poisoning of the body
with toxins arising with the death of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens, which is associated
with dramatically increasing immunity and exchange. At the same time in the zones defeats tissue
arise inflammatory processes that accompanied by pain, fever, arterial pressure, deterioration, etc.
These areas include gums with paradontosis, joints with arthritis, arthrosis, skin and mucous
membranes with candidiasis and herpes, affected organs, injured tissue, etc. with the occurrence of
exacerbations, breathing continues, the amount of evening power is reduced. Success factors. It is
forbidden to use additional capacity to breathe at the limit, as the limiting concentration carbon
dioxide has a toxic effect on the body. It has been established that increased exercise, chest
breathing, cold hardening, overheating, prolonged fasting, stresses lead to tissue damage.,
atherosclerosis, aging. Listed factors should be excluded, as they dramatically reduce wellness
Effect. Useful result decreases with high-calorie nutrition. and, especially in the presence of refined
sugars in the diet, milk and flour products, animal fat in excess. The following products are
recommended as base products: sunflower oil, fatty sea fish, meat, liver, fresh fruits and
vegetables, various cereal cereals, nuts, sunflower seeds, green tea, coffee, tomato paste. The
choice of products must match the blood type

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