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Health emphasis

 Pro 26:2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse
causeless shall not come.

 Asthma is a condition in which your airways

narrow and swell and may produce extra
mucus. This can make breathing difficult and
trigger coughing, a whistling sound
(wheezing) when you breathe out and
shortness of breath.
 For some people, asthma is a minor nuisance.
For others, it can be a major problem that
interferes with daily activities and may lead
to a life-threatening asthma attack.

 pet hair
 pollen
 pollution
 smoke from burning grass or wood
 acid reflux (stomach acid flows back to food pipe and causes heartburn)
 certain fragrances
 tobacco smoke
 dust
 mould
 cockroaches
 sinus allergies and infections
 bad weather ( thunderstorms, high humidity, bad air quality)
 During an asthma attack, the muscles of the air passages in the lungs go into spasm. As a result, the airways
become narrowed, which makes breathing more difficult. Sometimes there is a recognised trigger for an attack,
such as a cold, a drug, cigarette smoke or an allergy. At other times, there is no obvious trigger.
 Signs and symptoms
 Look for:
 difficulty breathing
 wheezing and coughing
 a tight chest, it may feel like a band is tightening around it
 distress and anxiety
 difficulty speaking, shown through short sentences and whispering
 signs of hypoxia such as grey-blue tinge to the lips, earlobes and nailbeds
 exhaustion, in the case of a severe attack.

 What to do
 Reassure the casualty and ask them to take their usual dose of their reliever inhaler (usually
blue). Ask them to breathe slowly and deeply.
 If they have a spacer available, ask them to use it with their inhaler. The inhaler is more
effective with a spacer, especially when being used for young children.
 If they have no inhaler call for emergency help.
 Sit them down in a comfortable position.
 A mild attack will normally ease after a few minutes. However, if they don’t improve within
a few minutes, it may be a severe attack. Ask them to take a puff every 30 to 60 seconds,
until they have had 10 puffs. Help the casualty to use their inhaler if they need assistance.

 If the attack is severe, and they are getting worse, becoming exhausted, or if this is their first
attack, call for emergency help.
 Monitor their breathing and level of response. If the ambulance hasn't arrived within 15 minutes,
repeat step 3.
 If they become unresponsive at any point prepare to give CPR.
 If their symptoms improve and you do not need to call for emergency help, advise the patient to
get an urgent same-day appointment to see their GP or asthma nurse.
 Important: This asthma attack information is not for patients on a Maintenance and Reliever
Therapy (MART) plan; this may include a steroid preventer medicine and a certain type of long-
acting bronchodilator medicine which can also be used as their emergency reliever. The patient
will know which they should use in an emergency and may carry a written plan. 

 I have used comfrey to handle asthma attacks. I

tear off a small portion of leaf no bigger than my
finger tip and chew it up and swallow. I had read
about it in a book somewhere and we had a
comfrey plant so I gave it a try one day when I
didn't have an inhaler handy. It did the trick so I
never hesitated to turn to it again. I've not had
any asthma symptoms in years  but I still keep
some comfrey growing in the garden just in case
 Cover arms and limbs perfectly (results in
blood pooling in the abdomen region and
leads to lung ailments).
 Blood tends to flow further from the skin
when your arms and legs are exposed.
Thus more blood remains in the abdomen
region where it is warm. This causes not
only lung ailments but also excessively
painful periods and headaches!
 Hot foot bath can help reverse the effects
of blood pooling in the abdomen

 Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of
water, trust in divine power--these are the true remedies. Every person should
have a knowledge of nature's remedial agencies and how to apply them. It is
essential both to understand the principles involved in the treatment of the sick
and to have a practical training that will enable one rightly to use this knowledge.
{MH 127.2}

 Water is very important and is useful in preventing the following:

  Hypertension
  Constipation
  Migraine headaches
  Colon cancer
  Panic attacks
  Asthma
 Our body is made up of over water. Each kg body mass we have needs 50ml of
water. So if you have 35 kg you can divided by 20 and you get the Litres you
need to drink per day! Also water needs to be drank first thing in the morning
because you lose a lot of water in the evening as you are asleep. Also water needs
to be drank 30minutes before a meal and 2hrs after a meal.
 This is because when you drink water at room temperature it will stay
approximately 10-15minutes in the stomach attaining the body temperature
before it enters the intestines. So this washes away the mucus lining in the
stomach and the stomach cells secret a new mucus lining in the stomach wall,
thus this is also good for ulcers.

 But once you eat wait at least 2hrs so that the

enzymes in the stomach have done their work.
When you eat and drink the enzymes just float
and digestion takes time and you end up having
bloating or open bowels. Also another very
important thing is if you don’t drink water your
body will give you signals. You may feel a slight
headache so people will take a painkiller to
suppress the headache.
 Then the body will give you a dry throat people will take a
soft drink which is high in sugar and will further dehydrate
them. If this continues, what happens is since water is
absorbed in the large colon.
 The body reabsorbs the dirty water in the faeces and you end
up being constipated for days. Due to constipation you push
harder than normal. The rectum develops deeper sacs and the
faecal materials go in and don’t come up again. If they
overstay you may develop diverticulosis which is an
inflamed colon and may need to be operated on. If his
continues colon cancer will be there result.

 . The liver has to be overtasked to

breakdown the harmful substances.
And if the diet is bad and you also
taking alcoholic beverages, you will
develop liver problems all because
you don’t drink water....
 So water I can say is very important in all disease
prevention. In people with high blood pressure the
water makes the blood less thick and thus is able to
lower Blood pressure, there are testimonies to this.
So drink water 30min before a meal and 2hrs after
and anytime in between and finish you daily water
intake before sunset.
 Another indicator that you are drinking enough water is your urine colour is
always white, if it gets yellow there is less water in the body if it turns more to
dark orange you are in danger of developing kidney stones which are crystals of
minerals that collect in the kidneys when water is frequently absent all the time.
So drink water and be healthy.

 Air is also one of the most neglected areas all

together. But you cannot survive 3min
without oxygen. So how important is it to
keep the house clean. Air helps the following:
  improves immunity
  helps improve lung affiliated diseases

 Things to avoid: the air we breathe has oxygen and oxygen

is carried in our lungs to other parts of the body through
the red blood cells. But whenever we have things like
mbaulla or charcoal burner in the house. There is less
oxygen available and thus the carbon of the charcoal does
not burn to form carbon dioxide but rather carbon
monoxide which is poisonous. Once it binds to a red blood
cell it sticks and thus oxygen is no longer transported. And
thus you feel tired and sleepy, and most people have died
thus. Carbon monoxide is also produced greatly in the
cigarettes smoke and is very dangerous.
 Also the best times to do breathing exercises are in the
morning before the sun comes up. The air is fresh and
 I had a friend once he would get these panic attacks and
would go to the emergency room. He started doing
breathing exercises each morning he was cured.
 What you do this: breathe in through the nose until your
lungs are completely filled up hold this position (count
1 up-to 10) then breathe out through the mouth

 Another important thing in the morning is to go barefoot

in the grass. This is what we call earthing. When you are
barefoot walk on the grass and you do this, or soil the
darker the better. You do ion exchange. You give the soil
your positive ions and it gives you negative ions. This
helps because by breathing and earthing you reduce the
amount of positive ions which make your body slightly
acidic but when you do earthing you become slightly
alkaline. And this also helps improve immunity as an
alkaline body is great for fighting off disease. Also this
helps remove depression and alleviate your mood levels.
Always remember to open windows to allow fresh air
inside as well as plenty is sun shine

 Athma
 Drink water according to body requirement,
50ml per kg body weight
 Drink 30min before meals and 2 hrs after meals,
do not drink and eat at the same time, do not eat
fish it contains a lot of histamine.
 Histamine is a hormone that regulates water loss
in the body and thus leads to blockage of the
trachea and thus panic attacks begin, all this in
an effort to help the body to minimise water loss.

 Athma
 Another mechanism the body does is to fill the
lungs with mucus, because the lungs always
need to have moisture, if the lungs dnt have
moisture the lungs are then coated with mucus
and things like coughs set in.
 Chronic dehydration leads to asthmatic
attacks so drink water.

 Remedies for Athma

 Herbal (spice) that helps is cumin
 Take one tablespoon in 100ml hot water on
an empty stomach daily in chronic cases,
as the condition gets better reduce to a
teaspoon in 100ml

 Another herb is mpoloni (Chichewa)

 Take the bark of the stem, dry it in the shade, grate it into powder, boil 1L, Add 4
tablespoons of mpoloni powder in it, Drink 300ml, 30min before meals!

 Another herb that helps is nandinjie, it is used for catching fish and it has a round
bottom tuber, cut up the tuber and dry it in the sun for 1 day, next day take pieces
of it and put it in a 2 litre bottle and shake the contents fervently, then siphone off
the foam and allow the athmatic to drink, repeat this in the afternoon and
evening, this can be done for three days and this cures the asthma completely.

 Another herb that helps bitter leaf

 Also known as vernonia amygdalina, bitter leaf
grows in most parts of sub-Saharan Africa, the
plant is well regarded in traditional medicinal
practice. Historically, the leaf has been used as a
treatment for many ailments from malaria,
typhoid, diabetes, diarrhea, tuberculosis,
gallstones and kidney disease, to the prevention of
cancer and lowering of hypertension. The leaf has
also been proven to possess antibacterial and
antifungal properties.

 Another herb that helps bitter leaf

 For traditional medicinal purposes, bitter leaf is often
consumed by chewing the tender stem to release a bitter
liquid. Alternatively, you can pound the fresh leaves in
a mortar and to press out the juice. Add a pinch of salt
to three tablespoons of the undiluted liquid and drink.
 Vitamin C is a great antioxidant mineral found in bitter
 Bitter leaf contains flavonoids, which have powerful
antioxidant effects, and can help with treating a variety
of health issues such as a high fever.

 Another herb that helps athma weed.

 Euphorbia hirta is often used traditionally for female
disorders, respiratory ailments (cough, coryza,
bronchitis, and asthma), worm infestations in
children, dysentery, jaundice, pimples, digestive
problems, and tumors. It is reported to contain
alkanes, triterpenes, phytosterols, tannins,
polyphenols, and flavanoids.
 its leaves boiled like a tea and taken orally.
 1/2 handful in 500 ml drink morning and evening

 The salves made from Euphorbia hirta can be

applied directly to the skin on boils, wounds,
rashes, burns, and other marks.
 Beat into a pulp make a poultice to the area of the
skin where boils and wounds are. Incase of
pimples crush and apply the juice directly wash
off after 2 hours.
The information in
this chapter is
taken from Healthy
Body, a practical
guide to Body care
by Dr George D.
Pamplona- Roger
pages 226-231 .

 Beta carotene is the primary yellow or orange coloured

pigment found in fruits and vegetables. Dark green leaves
are also good sources of beta carotene.
 Beta-carotene protects the lungs through at least three mechanisms:
 It is a powerful antioxidant capable of neutralizing free radicals or
toxins present in the contaminated air of urban areas.
 It is the main source of vitamin A, needed for keeping the mucus layer
lining the airways, both inside and outside the lungs, in good condition
 It protects against lung cancer, which is still one of the most common
types of cancer.
 Eat more broccoli: Broccoli consumption can stop the progression of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD and regenerate lung
tissue damaged by tobacco or chronic infection. This beneficial effect
of broccoli on the lungs is due to its level of sulforaphane, a powerful
anti-oxidant that is also anti-carcinogenic.
 There is need to take good care of the lungs. One of the 8 laws of
health is fresh air. Below is how to perform breathing exercises,
that help expel dead air in the lungs. Most times as we breath we
do not use full lung capacity but as we do these breathing
exercises our lungs are fully utilized and we remove the stagnant
air in the lungs.
 The best times to do breathing exercises is in the morning before
the sun rise. The air is fresh and cool.
 The reason why we breathe in through the nose is air becomes
conditioned and prepared to reach the lungs at the proper
temperature and moisture levels. Breathing in through the mouth
results in colder, drier air entering the airways and decreasing their
resistance to infection.

  Antioxidants of note are chlorogenic acid,

isoorientin, and swertiajaponin. These antioxidants
may help prevent dysfunction of cells inside your
coronary arteries.
Reasons to Drink Lemongrass Tea
 Antioxidant, Antimicrobial

 , Anti-inflammatory, Anticancerous,
Digestion, Diuretic, High
blood pressure
 Cholesterol, Weight loss,

 Onion/ Eucalyptus inhalation:

 Mucolytic-Mucus becomes more fluid, making is
easier to eliminate.
 Antitussive-Relieves coughing.
 Immunostimulant-Increases blood flow to the
bronchial passages.
 Optionally, add a few drops of essence of
eucalyptus or a handful pectoral herbs, such as
pine or fir needles.
 5-10 minutes, then rub the face, neck and chest
with cold water to close the skin pores. Do this
three times per day
 Onion syrup
 Onions have sulphated essence that
disinfects and reduces inflammation of
airways mucosa and improves lung
function. In order to take full advantage of
the properties of onions for the respiratory
system, it should be used raw (including
the green onion tops). However, children
and others find it easier taking this onion
syrup than eating it raw.
 1 cut an onion into two pieces and add 6-8
tablespoons of honey and lemon juice
 2 allow to marinade (to stand) 8-12hours
then strain (sieve)
 3 take 2-3 table spoons of strained liquid
about 6 times a day

 Cabbage syrup
 Cabbage has an antiseptic and mucolytic (breaks down
much) essence which is very recommendable in bronchitis,
asthma or pneumonia.
 1 blend all or several cabbage leaves and add 5-6
tablespoons of honey for every cup.
 2 heat on a low, stirring, until an even syrup forms. Store in
a refrigerator.
 3 take two to three tablespoons before each meal.
 Pine Needles….By Dr. Christiana More
 Pycnogenol is another name for the extract of French
maritime pine bark. It's used as a natural supplement for
several conditions, including dry skin and ADHD.
Pycnogenol contains active ingredients that can also be found
in peanut skin, grape seed, and witch hazel bark.
 Pycnogenol is used for treating circulation problems,
allergies, asthma, ringing in the ears, high blood pressure,
muscle soreness, pain, osteoarthritis, diabetes, attention
deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a disease of the
female reproductive system called endometriosis, menopausal
symptoms, painful menstrual.

 It is rich in vitamin C (5 times the concentration of vitamin

C found in lemons) and can bring relief to conditions such
as heart disease, varicose veins, skin complaints and fatigue
 Vitamin C is also an immune system booster which means
that pine needle tea can help to fight illness and infections.
 Pine needle tea also contains high levels of Vitamin A,
which is good for your eye sight, improves hair and skin
regeneration and improves red blood cell production
 It can be used as an expectorant for coughs and to help
relieve chest congestion; it is also good for sore throats.
 Dr Berthel of USA spoke the following on Pycnogenol, he is
currently advising all his patients to take pine needle tea, as
Pycnogenol blocks the cell receptors so the corona virus cannot
enter the cells. Thus if the virus is blocked from entering the cells
it is prevented from spreading in the body
 How grateful to the invalids weary of city life, the glare of many
lights, and the noise of the streets, are the quiet and freedom of
the country! How eagerly do they turn to the scenes of nature!
How glad would they be to sit in the open air, rejoice in the
sunshine, and breathe the fragrance of tree and flower! There are
life-giving properties in the balsam of the pine, in the fragrance of
the cedar and the fir, and other trees also have properties that are
health restoring. {MH 264.2}

 How grateful to the invalids weary of city life, the glare of

many lights, and the noise of the streets, are the quiet and
freedom of the country! How eagerly do they turn to the
scenes of nature! How glad would they be to sit in the open
air, rejoice in the sunshine, and breathe the fragrance of tree
and flower! There are life-giving properties in the balsam of
the pine, in the fragrance of the cedar and the fir, and other
trees also have properties that are health restoring. {MH

 "Light was given that there is health in the fragrance of the

pine, the cedar, and the fir. And there are several other kinds
of trees that have medicinal properties that are health
promoting."--Letter 95, 1902 (Written June 26, 1902)
{PH144 25.2}

 Boil 1 litre of water

 Remove from cooker, and add 1 handful of pine needles
 Add pine leave overnight and drink the next day 300 ml:
three times a day.
 If in case of emergency boil water, once water begins
boiling add a handful of pine to the water and allow to boil
for 10 min. remove the pine and drink after cooling and
drink the rest the next day.
 Not recommended for pregnant women
 Black seed …Source=Thailand Medical News, Jan 20,
 Black Seed Oil, the great little seed
 Black Seed, also sometimes called Black Cumin Seed, dates
back 5000 years as a medicinal mainstay, today 200 medical
studies reveal its therapeutic uses.
 Anecdotally, it’s been said to “cure everything except for
death!” And the research is starting to back that up; studies
show that this versatile oil can regulate the immune system,
benefit blood sugar, and has anti-cancer activity (Butt et al,

Black seed has been researched for

fighting various bacteria, viruses, and
parasites, but the majority of studies
were in animals, microorganisms, or
cells. Therefore, this purported benefit
remains unproven.
1 tablespoon morning and evening.

 Moringa……Source=Thailand Medical News Jan 20, 2020.

 All parts of this plant are useful and edible, hence the name
“miracle tree.” Other names it goes by include, horseradish
tree, ben tree, and drumstick tree. Whatever you call it,
moringa seeds, flowers, fruits, roots and leaves are all used
for food, and each packed with phytonutrients, proteins and
minerals. But the most potent nutritional content and healing
properties come from the moringa leaves. The leaves are
edible raw and cooked, although in the West you’re most
likely to find them dried and ground in powders or capsules.

 Turmeric…source=Dr. Christiana More

 Turmeric aids in making our immunity stronger, the main
life-saving ingredient in turmeric is about 3-5 % of
Curcumin; a phyto-derivative, which contains healing
properties. However, because of the low percentage levels in
standardized turmeric powder, it is difficult to reap all
benefits by just taking turmeric in small doses and thus
supplements could be required.

 Eat Raw garlic

 Chewing garlic breaks up its cells and releases volatile essence. This essence is
antibiotic, mucolytic and soothing for airway mucosa. The medicinal essence of
garlic passes quickly from the stomach into the blood, and from there it is
eliminated by the lungs, disinfecting and reducing inflamed airways along the
 Cooked garlic does not have a direct medicinal effect on the lungs

 The unique fragrance and flavor of ginger come from its

natural oils, the most important of which is gingerol. Ginger
fights harmful bacteria and viruses
 Ginger is high in gingerol, a substance with powerful anti-
inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
 Ginger has been shown to lower blood sugar levels, improve
various heart disease risk factors in people with type 2
diabetes and helps fight cancer.
 Ginger appears to be very effective against menstrual pain
when taken at the beginning of the menstrual period.

 Antioxidants.
 Antibacterial and antifungal.
 Heal wounds.
 Boost immunity.
 Digestion and gut health.
 Sore throat.
 Lower Blood Pressure

 Lemons contain a high amount of

vitamin C, soluble fiber, and plant
compounds that give them a number
of health benefits.
  Lemons may aid weight loss and
reduce your risk of heart disease,
anemia, kidney stones, digestive
issues, and cancer

 Boost Your Metabolism.

The capsaicin in cayenne
peppers has metabolism-
boosting properties. ...
 Lower Blood Pressure. ...
 Aid Digestive Health. ...
 Help Relieve Pain. ...
 Improve Psoriasis. ...
 Reduce Cancer Risk. .

 Flue Bomb: take all or some of the ingredients below.

 Turmeric 6 inches (3 tablespoons of powder)
 Ginger 6 inches (3 tablespoons of powder)
 Garlic 10 cloves (pieces)
 Onions 2 Medium pieces
 Lemons 6 to 12 tablespoons of juice
 Cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon
 Honey 5 tablespoons (don’t use if diabetic)

 Flue Bomb: method

 Crush all the ingredients in a mortal into a pulp, or
blend all the ingredients.
 Add 500ml hot water and after 20 minutes add honey
for taste

 Drink 100 ml 3-5 times a day.

 Not recommended for pregnant women
 It contains healthful plant compounds. ...
 It has antioxidant and antibacterial properties. ...
 It accelerates wound healing. ...
 It reduces dental plaque. ...
 It helps treat canker sores. ...
 It reduces constipation. ...
 It may improve skin and prevent wrinkles. ...
 It lowers blood sugar levels.

 Horseradish contains glucosinolates and isothiocyanates, which may protect

against cancer, fight bacterial and fungal infections, and improve breathing issues.
 Prevent cancer.
 Strengthen your immune system.
 Treat urinary tract infections.
 Treat sinus infections.
 Relieve pain and inflammation.
 Regulate your blood pressure.
 Aid in digestion, Improve the health of your teeth.

 This is the: Master remedy for covid 19

 Below are the ingredients.
 1 Horse radish
 Pulp from 2 leaves of Aloe Vera
 1 bulb of garlic (fresh)
 2 pieces of ginger
 4 full lemons
 Pound the above add 150ml

 This is the: Master remedy for covid 19

 This is a very strong remedy to be taken once
a day in the morning
 Followed by a heavy meal 30 minutes after.
 Not recommended for pregnant women
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