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Arthritis in the Knee Remedy

Hot water 3-5 minutes, cold 1 minute, rotate.

Take 2 dishtowels fold one in half and roll, dip in water ring it out and put in microwave
for 3-4 minutes, use tongs and take out and wrap other towel over it and lay over painful

In mean time get a bowl of ice water and put washcloth in it. Remove hot and put on ice
cold and do 3-4 times and do 2 times a day.

When going to bed put a Charcoal poultice over knee and wrap in plastic and ace
bandage… it EVERY night.

Drink water…#1 cause of arthritis is dehydration.

Eat the right foods too.

We want to get to the root of the problem as we don’t want to do water treatments or
charcoal poultices the rest of our life.

Ref #68 – very last thing toward the end.

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