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SAVIBANDAV$ s PIN NIING /nllLtLs lLlt/lUl,liD uNn'- ll

office : Kamaraj Nagar colony, salem 636 014. Tamil Nadu
(P) +91 427 2240790 (E)
t-t r website : www. sambandam. com corporate ldentity No. Li z t 1 1Tz1 97 3p LC000675

ltcl'. : 637 ISSML/CS|20|9-20 14th JanuarY 2020

'l'he DGM I-isting.

'I'he llombay Stock Exchange Limited,
Irloor No .25. P.J.Towers,
Dalal Street,
Mumbai 400 00 1 .

Dear Sir / Madam.

Itcf : Script Code / SYMBOL 521240 ( BSE )
Regulation 44(l), (2) and 47 (l) (d) of the Securities and Exchange Board of
India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015
Sub : Enclosure of Postal Ballot Notice and Text of Newspaper Advertisement

1) In accordance with the above referred regulations, we herewith have enclosed a copy
of the Postal Ballot notice dated 05.01.2020 seeking members' consent through postal
ballot (which includes electronic voting) in respect of the resolution stated in the
Postal Ballot notice.

2) We also have herewith enclosed text of the newspaper publication (with respect to the

above referred Postal Ballot notice) being published in English and regional language
newspaper ('l'rinity Mirror and Makkal Kural) on 15th January, 2020.

Kindly take the sarne f,or your information and records

'l'hankir'tg You

Yours Iraithfully
t ..r

Company Secrct:rry

An ISO 9001 IEMS: ISO 1400 1 ICHSAS : 18001 / NABL: ISO 11A25 I
OEKOTEX / ORGANIC. GOTS - GRS - OCS I BCI - Certified Company
\A --/-
Nr"' I # k{€n';a No',*"o-



SA/IIB/ilN DAN\ SlPll N N ll NG lllll LIN [llNIllI'ED

Post Box No. 1, Kamaruj Nagar colony, salem G3Gor4
Ph. 0427 -2240790; Fax -A427 -22401 69, CIN : Ll 7 lllTzl 973PLC000 67 5
IlMMN E mail:;,


[Pursuant to Secfton 110 of the Companieg Act, 2013 read with Rule'22 of the Companies
(Management and Administration) Rules, 20141


Notice is.hereby given pursuant to section 110 and other applicable prirvisions, if any, of the Companies
Acl, 2013 ("the Act") read with Companies (Management and Administration) Rutes, ZOt+, as amended
from time to time and Secretarial Standard (SS-2), for seeking consent of the shareholders by way of
postal balloUelectronic voting ("e- voting") in respect of the resolutions stated in this no1ce.

Board of Directors has appointed Shri B. Kalyanasundaram, Practising Company Secretary (Membership
No.672; COP No: 2209)of M/s B. K. Sundaram &Associates, CompanySecretaries, asthe Scrutinizerfor
conducting the postal balloU e-voting process in a fairand transparent manner.

Consent oJ the Memberc is requested for the proposed Ordinary resolutions .as stated against special
business agenda item Nos 1 and 2 in the notice. The Explanatory Statement pursuant to Section 1 02 of the
Companies Act, 2013, pertaining to the said Resolutions, setting out material facts and the reasons
thereof is annexed hereto along with a Postal Ballot Form ("Form") for your consideration.

Members are requested tocarefullyread the instructions printed in the Form, recordtheirassentordissent
and retum the Form, in original duly completed and signed in the enclosed self addressed business reply
envelope so as to reach the Scrutinizer on or before 15.02.2020 by 5.00 P.M. Please note that any postal
Ballot Form(s) received afterthe said date and time will be treated as not received.

ln compliance with the provisions of Section 108, 110 and other applicable provisions of the Companies
Act, 2013 read with rules thereunder and Regulation 44 of SEB| (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the Company has also extended e-voting facility as an altemate for its
membersto enable them to cast their votes electronically instead of dispatching Form(s). The Company
has engaged the services of Central Depository Servicel (lndia) Limited (CDSL) for providing e-voting
facility to all its members. Detailed instructions to use the e-voting facility are given in this Notice.

The Scrutinizer will submit his reqort to the Chairman and/or Managing Director of the Company after
completion of the scrutiny of the Forms (including and the results of the postal Bailot witt Ue
announced on 17 .O2.2020 and the same will be displayed on the Notice Board at the Registered Ofiice of
th_e Company. The results will also be displayed on the Company's website at
will also be communicate{
!o the stock exchange BSE where ihe shares of the Company is listed. The
Resolution(s), if approved by shareholders shall be deemed to have been passed on tne last date
specified bythe companyforreceiptof dulycompleted postal ballotforms ore-voting.




Special Business
1. Approval for Purchase of Plant and Machinery from M/s KANDAGIRI SPINNING MILLS LIMITED
lRelated PartYI
To consider and if thought fit, to pass with or without modification(s), the followilg resolutions as
Ordinary Resolutions
RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Sect[on 188 and other applicable provisions, if aly of the
Companies Act, 201 3 and relevant Rules made there under (including- any-statutory modification(s)
or re.enactment thereof, for the time being in force) and regulation 23 of SEBI (Listing Obligations-
and Disclostre Requirements) Regulations, 2015 as amended and other applicable provisions, if
iny, consent of the membersbe and is hereby accorded to the Board of Directors for purchase of
Pdnt and machinery (consisting of 27212 spindles) from M/s.Kandagiri Spinnin-g Mil!! L_'ft!g!,
situated at Udayaiaiti, Salem 636140 ai a fair market price as fixed by M/S KANDAGIRI
SPINNING MILLS LTD., which is Rs.18.16 Crore plusapplicable GST.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board be and is hereby authorized to finalize the terms and
conditions of the above purchase, to execute all the necessary agreements, deeds and other
documents and to do all such acts, deeds and things as may be necessary usual or expedient for
giving effect to the above resolution and also agree to any amendments thereto from time to time as
ii ma! ttrint nt in the best interest of the Company without being required to seek any further consent
orapproval of the Members orotherwise to the end and intentthatthe Members shall be deemed to
have'given their approval thereto expressly by the authority of this..resolution subject to the
conditi-on thatthe totalexposure not exceeding Rs18.16 Crores plus applicable GST
"RESOLVED FURTHER that the board be and is hereby authorized to sub-delegate the powers to
anycommittee of directors /one or more directors/executive(s) of the Company on such terms and
conditions as the board may decide from time to time"
2. Approval for taking on Lease of Lhnd, Building, other infra structural facilities from
tritii xauolotRl sptNNtNG MILLS LTD., [Related Pafi] and for availing management and
supervision servicesfrom M/s KANDAGIRI SPINNING MILLS LTD., [Related Pafil
To consider and if thought frt, to pass with or without modification(s), the following resolutions as
Ordinary Resolutions
RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 188 and other applicable provisions, if any o-f the
Comoanies Act. 201 3 and relevant Rules made there under (including any statutory modification(s)
or re-enactmeni thereof, for the time being in force) and regulation 23 of SEBI (Listing Obligations
and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 as amended and other applicable provisions, if
any, consent ofthe members be and is hereby accorded to the Board of Directors.
a) For taking on lease of land and building of M/S KANDAGIRI SPINNING MILLS LTD., (land
'measurin! four acres having built up aiea of around 1,20,756 sq. ft) situated at Uday_apatti'
Salem - OSS1+O for a period of six years at a lease rent of not more than Rs 15 Lakhs (Fifteen
Lakhs) per month with a lease rent deposit of Rs 15 lakhs at par with prevailing market rate plus
appticibte GST and excluding power Blectricity chaqes and Labour charges (allthree items) at
aciuals which shall be paid by us in addition tothe lease rent stated supra
b)' For securing the existing infrastructural facilities of tv!!s KAN.DAGIRI SPINNING MILLS LTD.,
such as Waiel communication systems, lnformation Technology, fumiture & fixtures,licenses,
etc from Kandagiri Spinning tvtitts ttO., at an 'infrastructure Charges' of not more than
Rs 1 Lakh (One Lakh) per month plus applicable GST
c) For availing "Management and supervision" services from M/S KANDAGIRI SPINNING MILLS
LTD., for cirrying o-ut our business activity in the above said leased premises at a service fee of
not more than Rs 5 Lakhs (Five Lakhs)per month plus applicable GST.

s/iltrEANDA/lI SP]NNIING /ttilt-m umllTED

"RESoLVED FURTHER that the board be and

is hereby authorized to subdelegate the powers
any committee of directors / one or more directors I to
on such terms
and conditions as the board may decide from time to "i""riiri=ioiitltorprny
Fy order of the Board of Directors
For Sambandam Spinning Mi[s LimifuO
Place : Salem
Date :05.01 .2A20


I X?ilt"H:Fr::i:r
be reckoned on the paid-up-varue or shares

ra*eilil tne n-ame or tne

;iiuil.ri"J.:'i,'ifl *'ffitrTli$rftg;L1,*:ET*r]Fffi i;[:E"h*m*xn:
cutoffdate should treat this notice toiiniohiarron purposes only

ffnt'#nffi rt#,Ni#N[rxffis#u:"ilr;rm;x'a'sl,'.t:fr
4 Ll:"#B:ffi5r3::,*lBTrS3;H;HS,[:Si,g.S3tflf;ilH i.e and arso on
5' All the materia 4a919$ re.Jgrre{ to in the notice
and exptanatory statement are available for
inspection bv the members ai tne cdmribiii" nlgi"GiEo-_6ili;-l"uring
workins davs from the daG oioiipitcrr business hours on a, its
oittri noti*-tiiil-iirirZi,,Zolb.
i#ifrffifl#ffis#,*#fi,l{i,^#h?#:l;ffi #
have been passed-at a duly convened General Meeting
requisite numberof votes in favourof tne reiolutions. of the members subject to receipt of the
7. Kindly nole that Memberp ca! opt for only one mode
of voling
e-voting. F case of receipt of ,gle uv ooih ih;'mooei, voting i.e. either by
postal Ballot Form or
voting by Postal Ballot Foim shaliOL tieated ai invatid. through e-voting shail pieviit int

SA/t\BAND/t/ttSlPlNNllNG/t\ltlLlsLl/ttllTl-rlD [Mtg{N

8. The scrutinize/s decision on the vatidity of the PostalBallotshallbefinal.

printed overleaf.the Postal
u' The Members are requested to carefully read the instructions
'iiri'Jnirosid +i;tldpleteo with the assent (fPr) or dissent
(against), in postage pre-paio self-a'ddres'sed business replv envelope, so as to
reach the s"*iiiiiEi] ,in il
Gfor6 is-tn-Feu, iozo pv 5.oo P.M, to'be eligible.for being
considered, it'*lr o"-stii"ttv tieatbo as if rio reply has been received from the
i"iiiiiii 'iiii"]i,
(ii) the attached Postal Ballot
The Members are requested to exercise their voting righl: by using
\"' photocopy of the form is permifted'
iorm onii. tlo other fcirm or
person or sent by courier/post at the
Envelooes containing postal Ballot Form if deposited in
expeir{eof tne Memberswillalso be accepted'
The Company has engaged the services of Central Depository
Services (lndia) Limited (CDSL)
fore-voting PurPose.
The voting period begins on 17.O1.2020 at 9.00 a.m 9nd ends
on 15'02'2020 at 5'00 p'm'
g,is o1i[e CorioAi nouing shares either in phvsical form or in
Durins JEliJi ;h?rifi"IieFl m"ay..cast their vote electronicaltv. The
demateriatiz'JdT#;;';Cbr.zozglitii:o? i!'aie1,
e_voiins module shail be disabled by GDSLforvoting thereafier
ln case of members receiving e-mail:
(i) Log on to the e-voting website www'evotingindia'com
(ii) Clickon"shareholders'tab
(iii) Now, selectthe NAME' :SAMBANDAM SPINNING MILLS LIMITED" from the
drop.down menu and click on "SUBMIT''
8 Character DP lD
*'" Now Enter your User lD (For CDSL: 16 digits beneficiary lD, For \s-DL:
to,'&aing shares in Phvsical Form should enter Folio
ilii]*-J'iv'a-6isir. ciGni
NumoerresiltJiE|i,itriiiqd#ffiiH.iinen dnieiitrlcaptchacode (imaseverification) as
disPlaYed a.-nd Clickon Login.
(v) lf you are holding shares i-n Demat form and had log.ged on to wwwevotingindia'com
password is to be used. lf you are
voteo on an eJiiidr voting or any compiny, tnen your eiiEting
firsttime userfollowthe steps given below'
(vi) Now fill up the following details in the appropriate boxes:

For Members holding shares in Demat Form or in Form


Company records for the

Enter the Date of Birth (as recorded in your demat account or in the
DOB# said demat account in format.
or in the Company records
Enter the Dividend Bank Details as recorded in your demat account
Bank forthe said demat accountorfolio.
sALEM_1$. -4-
S/tmBiilN IDA/I\ S Pll N N ll N G /nll LIS llll/tllr Ii D
Please enter DOB or dividend bank details in order to login. ln case both the details are not

ffitrJ:;S#lli ['"%0,fff"15:o
or oompany prease enter the memuer io / roi6 ;u;b;ii;
vii) .Afterentering these details appropriately, click on "SUBMlT" tab.
(viii) Members holding shares in physical form will then reach directly the Companv selection
screen. However, members holding shares in demat form will now ieach 'Passrworil Creation'
menu whereintheyare requiredto mandatorilyentertheirlogin password in the new passworO
field. Kindly note that this passwod is to be also used by the demat holders.for voting for
resolutions of.any other goqPqly o.n lvhich they are eligible to vote, provided that company
opts for e-v.oting through CDSL platform. lt is strongly recommeiiled not to share'your
password with any other person and take utmost care to-Gep your password confidential. '
(ix) 9.!!gLqlln" EVSN for the relevant <Company Name> "SAMBANDAM SPINNING MTLLS
LIMITED' on which you choose to vote.
(x) 9.|!!!p.ygtjng page, you will see Regq!-u_tion Description and against the same the option
"YESINO'forvoting. Selectthe optionYES orNO asdesired. TheiptionYES implies thaivou
assenttothe Resolution andoption NOimpliesthatyou dissenttothb Resolution.'
(xi) click on the "Resolutions File Link" if you wish to view the entire Resolutions.
, (xii) After selecting the resolution you have decided to vote on, click on "SUBMIT". A confirmation
box will.9S-aj:p!g.ySa. lf you wish to confi.rm yourvote, clickon "OK", else to change yourvote,
click on "CANCEL" and accordingly modiff ybur vote.
(xiii) Onceyou"CONFIRM"yourvoteontheresolution,youwill notbeallowedtomodifoyourvote.
(xiv) You. can also take out print of the voting done by you by clicking on "Click here to print" option
on theVoting page.
(xv) [ Demat account.holder has forgotten the changed password then, enter the User tD and
CaptchaCodeclickonForgotPaslword&enterth-edeiailsaspromptddbrihe"yrd; --

(xvii) For Members holding sh.gp9 jn physicalform, the details can be used only for e-voting on the
'resolutions containeil in this Notice.
ln case of members receiving the physical copy:
(A) Please follow all steps from sl. no. (i) to sl. no. (xvii) above to cast vote.
(B) ln cas.e you hav-e any queries orissues regarding.e-voting, you may referthe FrequentlyAsked
Questions ("FAas") and e-voting. manual avalilable ai riww.ev6tingindia.coii- unOtr nerp
section orwrite an email to


1 NPproval for Purchase of plant and machineries from Related pafi company
spinning Milts Ltd., (KSML)
It is expected that there.would be very good market demand for new products with varied blends of yarn
and so market expansion is very v-ital for iustaining_present tumover a'nd for tating itto nJxt't"rd. n"n"t
above said proposal of purchasd of a new plantwtt127212 spindles from XSM;- C Gi-nS- . pffi;

SA LEM .14.
i '-x
-' - -

The Board explored the posqibilities to expand the installed. capacity.

- lt
has come to understand KSML is
in tirJoroceii cit iettinq iti ptant and machinery and lease the iand and building in which.the plant and
UeenTnitaited. The Board inthe best interest of the Company catch this
iiJiiii".ii't iribuicfrliins the ptant and machinery on outright basis and of acquiring the land and building-
;[iA;; i'ilirAiis the iifraitiu&urat facilities. ihis will facilitate the compdny to a.chieve.its object of
il;;#ilg i[;pii-O.iaion
inO augment the sales and thereby improve ftirther the working result of
The Comoanv has aqreed (subject to approval of the shareholders through postal.ballot by a Ordinary
n"ldiuiio-nf'[J;ii;h;Gtfiirov! reteneO'ptant and machineries.Thus the propgsed purchase.shall also
ffi;ffiiir16;fipinr6 ia[e d iease tne tahO and buildings ( measuring around Four acres and built area
of t,ZO,ZSO sq ft )situateO at Udayapatti salem - 6361 40.
The management is of the opinion that the company is in sam.e line of yam business as that of KSML 'and it
il;td il;-3!v to go tor eipaiision ot Ousiness 5y purchasing the same and it is in the Company's long term
interests to own this plant and machinery
The Company reviewed the fair market value for the said. plant a1! 1.a9!r1-ery, Afte1 considering such
varueltwaiietjrmineo uvtreeutitcommitteein its meetinglield on 05.01.2020.Thevaluationwasplant ratified
u, tfre eoirO of Directorsin ineiimeeting held on 05.01.2020.1t is proposed to purchase the said and
ii"li,Li"1'i'iti;'n:ri;;[;i oi ns'id 16 crores. rhe copy of Valiration repPl-!9:,!9,9n placed in the
weUtiie ne company andiin Oe viewed at the link Agcordingly, the board has
;;6;;;,j;A ioi phsiing tnis resolution by shareholders as set out in the item 1 of this notice.
Mr.S.Devarajan CMD ,Mr.SJegarajan Jfi[D and Mr.S.Dinakaran JMD are hold_r.n9lhares in KSML and
tnis ilbiia-Aion'is tounOio 6e netiteOFartyTransaction in terms of Section 188 of the CompaniesAct' 2013
ffi th';'6i6;6td ruiei tneieunOer reqgiies approvalof the Shareholders by paiq'tls Ordinary resolution.
EG;I tvilr5.-Oevaraia" dfulO inO tvtib.Oinakiran JMD and Mr.S.Jegarajan JMD, no other Director is
conc6rned or interesied in this resolution .
Furtherdetails as required under proviso to sub section 2 of section 102 of the companies act 2013.

No of shares held in . olo

of shareholding
S.No Name of Director Kandagiri spinning Mills Ltd.,

1 S.Devarajan 11 3867 2.960/o

2. S.Jegarajan 11 3307 2.94o/o

3 S.Dinakaran 1177 16 3.06%

ITEM NO: 2- Approval for taking Land and guilding for leass from Related party company
Kandagiri spinnin! futilts Ua., lnfrastructureAnd Management Services
Since the refened plant and machineries are situated over the land KSML , it is necessary to
consiOer io take on leaseitre land and its annexed building on perpetual basis also for the use of such
inO m-acfrineries .Thus as part of the proposed purchase involves ihe com_pany to take on lease the land and
brildi"ga i measuring aidrnO J acies'with built area of 1,20,756 sg ft l excludin-g..the portion of their
reoiste"red'ofiice of XSUL] iituiteO at Udayapafti salem 636140 .The Purchaser SSML shalltake the land
;;t ilifiid ;nl"i"e mn a' perpetual period (6ver which the a_bove said plant and machineries are situated)
Oi *friin ljase ientat anO ieiie aAvbnce sirall be paid by SSML.The.associated maintenance cost and
otneiOperational expensesforabove plantleased landand building shallbe bom bySSML.
Since the resources like infrastructure and management services are there at Kandagiri Spinning mills
ItO., iiis aviifaUb for usage and so M/s.Sambandam spinning. mills ltd.,.is resolving to use such
Accoiifingly,tdUolrO t rEieiommendedfor passing ttiis resolution by shareholders as setout in the item 2
of this notice.



S/ilArEANlD/tin SFINNING /ttlL[S lL!l,^(tllf EID

S/il/NBANIDA/IT SlPllt\t\llNG lnlL[S LllNIllt'ElD


M Cdrporate ldentity Number (CIN) : L
office : KAMARAJ NAGAR col-oNy SALEM
Tel : A427 224A79A Fax : A4Z7 ZZ40L6|

Email : Website :


- 636 014

(Please read the instructions printed ovefleaf carefulty before complcting this
Serial No:
Name of the First named Shareholder
(ln block letters)

2. Name of the Joint shareholder if any

3. Postal address

4. Registered folio No. / "Client lD No.

(.Applicable to investors holding shares in
dematerialized form)
5 No of shares held
I/IVe exercise my/ourvote in respect ofthe ordinary reso to be passed ballot as detailed
in the Notice of the company dated 5.01.2020,by sending my/ourAsset(yes) or Dissent(No) to the said resolutions

V by placing the tick mark in the appropriate column below:-

' lAssent To I Dissent
S.No ITEM DESCRIPTION Type of No. of Shares
The Resolution The Resolution
Resolution Held By Me (yes) (no)
1 Approval for Purchase of plant and
machineries from the related party Ordinary
company Kandagiri Spinning Mills Ltd., resolution
2. Apnroyql for taking o!'r leqge of Land, Buitding,
other infra structural facilities from Kandagiri Ordinary
Spinning Mills Ltd.,and for availi"ng resolution
ma nagement and supervision services.

Note: 1) Kindly read the instructions printed overleaf ( next page) bctbre iilling this tbrm.
2) Last date ofreceipt ofthis form by the Scrutin izer: I 5.02. 202}upro S.OO p.rn.

Signature of the Member


s l. Please refer the detailed instmctions for.-roting (inctrit;;;-;;;;rg link, EVSN User id & Password)givenunder
Note No. l0 ofthe Postal BallotNotice sent herewith

2. E-voting Starting Period: (From) 17.01.2020at9.00 linding Period :(To)15.02.2020 at5.00 p.m.

SALffi4- 14.
li 1





comoleted Postal Ballot Form
5. ln case of shares held by companies, Trusts, Societies, etc., the duly t po'iver of Attorney / attested
shoutd be accompanied by a ccrtified true copy d;iB;;rd'FiLsoluilori
specimen signatures etc.
the ,Postal Ballot Form in the
Members are requested not to send a.ny other paper with
i"fi'fy'envetoie,-is itt iuch envelopes will be sent to the
enctosed self addresseO'E
scrutinizer and any "fii"il wouta-ue oe'stroyed by the scrutinizer
and the Cornpanywould
notbe ableto act on the same'
duolicate thereof, the
7 ln case any member is desirous o.f obtaining a..printed postal Fallot,folT 9, "
#ffi ne"::iiBffi in:Ei:iliT:,lti,ah"'Jn*i",5:r*nF"d*m?,zl'3ilff T'f.""x",'^"J'#e'"Yll
iil;"'p";ft;;ooiC crduse No.3of the lnstructions'
decision on
8. lncomolete. unsiqned or inconect Postal Ballot Form.s will be rejected. The scrutinize/s
iil; J;iftit-;f the Fostal Ballot Form will be final and binding'
invalid if:
9. Additionally, please note thatthe Postal Ballot Forms shall be considered
a. Aform otherthan one issued by the Company has been used;
b. lt has not b6en signed by oron behalf of the member
registered with the
c. Signature on the postal ballot form doesn't match the specimen signatures
d. ltisnotpossibletodeterminewithoutanydoubttheassentordissentofthemembe[
e. Neither assent or dissent is mentioned;
the voting rights
f. Any competent authority has given directions in writing to the Company to freezb
of the Member:
g. lt is defaced or mutilated in such a way that its identity as
genuine form cannot be established:
h. The member has made any amendment to the ResOlution or imposed any condition
exercising his vote.
name of the
10. Votino riqhts shall be reckoned on the paid up value' of shares registered in the
,il;ilE"itB)'ii on os.ot . zozo (cut-off date)'
in the sameway'
11 Amemberneed notuseallhis/hervotes nordoes he/she needtocasthis/hervotes



SAV$EA\NDAV$ SPINN llNG /nllLILS lLllAIllTLD luNlr'-lt
Registered Office : Kamaraj Nagar Colony, Salem 636 014. Tamil Nadu
(P) +91 427 2240790 (E)
website : corporate ldentity No. T71 973pLc00067s
- L1 71 1 1


T "t-" -. -\;.^,-
C rrv"+ r.--:1
A ?.,*-t
/Text of Newspaper publication/


C orpo rate Identity lYu m ber (C IN) : Ll7 21973PLC000675 lllT
Registered Office: POST BAG NO.l, KAMAITAJ NAGAR COLONY SALEM - 636 014
Tel:0427 2240790 Fax:0427 2240169
Email:; cs@sambandam.corn Website:

Pursuant to section 108 and ll0 and other applicable provisions if any, of the Companies Act, 2013
read with Rules 20 and 22 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2.014 as
amended and Regulation 44 ofthe SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015, Notice is hereby given that the Company is seeking members' consent through
r postal ballot (which includes electronic voting) in respect of all the resolutions stated in the Postal
Ilallot nottce dated 5th January 2020
'l'he Company has, on 14'r' January 2020 completed sending emails and dispatch of postal ballot notice
(along with postal ballot form and postage- prepaid self-addressed business reply envelope) by the
permitted mode to all the members. Full text of these documents has also been hosted on the
Company's website
The Company has engaged the services of Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL) to
provide electronic voting ("e-voting") fac,ility. Voting through postal ballot and e-voting shall
commence from 17.01.2020 at 9.00 a.m. ancl cnd on 15.02.2020 at 5.00 p.m. Postal ballot forms
received after 5.00 P.M on 15.02.2020 will not be valid and voling through postal ballotle-voting shall
not be allowed beyond the said date and tirne.
Members, lvhose name recorded in the l{egister of Memberslrecord of depositories as on the cut-off
date i.e" Sunday, 5'h January, 2020 will be entitled to cast their votes through postal ballotle-voting. A
person who is not a member as on the cut-off date should accordingly treatthe Postal ballot notice for
information purposes only.
Board of Directors has appointed Shri B. Kalyanasundaram, Practising Company Secretary
(Membership No. A672; COP No: 2209) of M/s B. K. Sundaram & Associates, Company Secretaries,
as the Scrutinizer for conducting the postal balloV e-voting process in a fair and transparent manner.
Any member who has not received postal ballot form may apply to the Company by sending an email to and obtain a duplicate thereof. Detailed instructions for posral ballot
described overleaf the Postal ballot form.
In case of any queries relating to e-voting, members may also refer to the Frequently Asked Questions
(f'AQs) and e-voting manual available at under help section or write an email to Detailed instructions for e-voting described in notes to the postal
ballot notice.
The results of the Postal Ballot will be announced on 17.02.2020 and the same will be displayed on the
Notice Board at the Registered Office of the Company. 'Ihe results will also be displayed on the
Company's website rvww.sambandam.conr and also colnmunicated to BSE simultaneously.
Any query/grievances connected with voting by postal ballot/e-voting, may b'e addressed to Company
Secretary at the Email id and Phone No. of the Company, mentioned above.
By order of the Board
l'or Sambandam Spinning Mills Limited
Salern (Sd) S"Natarajan
* 1,1.01 .2AZA Company Secretary

An ISO 9001 IEMS: lS0 1400 1 IOHSAS: 18001 / NABL: ISO 17A25 I
OEKOTEX IORGANIC : GOTS - GRS - OCS i BCI - Certified Company

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