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Kyla Reana I.


GAS 11-1 Biography /


Her Life

She is being known for a jolly, cheerful, friendly person but suddenly it turns out to a suicidal
person. She is 17 years old born on February 05, 2003. When she turns into a legal age, probably
an 18 years old, next year. She wish for her debut is an extra-ordinary theme like a theme for belle,
the princess and the guests wore some pastel color to become more attractive in the eyes of others.
It’s like a unique theme, for her.

She lives in V. Mapa Sta. Mesa, Manila. On the way home or on the way to school, she is
always walking because her house is near. She doesn’t want to ride a jeep or any automobiles
because it can costly on her pocket money or allowance. Apparently, she wants to conserve some of
her money to buy some clothes and anything that she wants. She is kind, friendly, jolly, cheerful,
gentle, trustworthy, beautiful, smart, soft to her close friends and gentle inside and out. Every
characteristics of her suits her because that’s how she is. Her mother’s name is Karen Ardales and
her father’s name is Henry Peña. Her mother and father are not married that’s why her surname is
inconsistent due to unaware.

Her mother is knower to be found and her father just passed away when she was a little kid.
When she was born in this world, she has this fair skin, thick eyebrows and long thick eye lashes.
Many people admire her because of her looks and personality. Her mother gave her to her
grandmother, aunties and uncle who is now her guardian. Therefore, she is an adopted child. That’s
why, she is close to her grandmother. The one who has been there for her all the time and when she
needs somebody else to hold on. They raise her, feed her, shelter and gave everything that she
wants like extravagance. She loves her father so much. There’s a loving memory of her father in her
mind that she has been going to the good old days when her father’s alive. She misses him so bad.
Going back to her mother, she said that she doesn’t want to see her anymore. I think, because her
mother has a new family or she doesn’t
But behind those smiles and laugh, there is more to hide

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