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COP25 Madrid delays real climate action
by Peter Carter
presenter, his explanations were injected with real pas-
Director, Climate Emergency Institute
sion. His narration regarding the well-known thin film

of the atmosphere this time said the young people of the
here is now, at long last, agree- world are trapped – trapped beneath this global-heating,
ment that the world is in a climate-changing, greenhouse gas envelope. His imag-
planetary climate emergency. es from the resulting record climate disasters of 2019
COP25, in moving from San- were, as he warned, quite terrifying.
tiago, Chile, to Madrid, Spain,
was billed as The Action COP, but it has ɶɶ
been lots of talk leading to no emergency
action. In the enormous Madrid convention The actual negotiations are

photo © Per Grunditz |

center, there has been no sense of the dire
Earth emergency, except at the press con-
ferences of the World Scientists’ Warning
carried out behind closed
to Humanity team (www.scientistswarning.
org), with which I worked. Attendance at
doors. The only action from
these was shockingly poor.
After a couple of days here in Madrid,
the process is more delays.
Greta Thunberg put it together in one
tweet: “There is hope. I have seen it. But On a slightly positive note for scientific truth,
it does not come from governments or truly Earth-shattering science reports were released at
corporations. It comes from the people.” In her forth- emissions” was exposed here by an emeritus profes- COP25. They have got much worse with each passing
right way, she accused governments and businesses of sor and lead author of the World Scientists’ Warning to COP. We heard the 2018 IPCC 1.5ºC Report, referred
misleading the public by fostering “clever accounting Humanity’s now famous peer-reviewed and published to by the December 2019 UNEP Gap Report released
and creative PR,” which is the simple truth. Hearing paper on the climate emergency (with over 11,000 sci- here, as requiring a 7.6 percent cut in emissions per
her close up during her appearances here, her sense entists in support). These terms from the 2015 Paris year from 2020 to 2030. But checking the COP25
of disappointment was palpable. Grenada’s environ- Agreement are fatally deceptive, because they do not formal documents, this science is absent. The IPCC
ment minister, Simon Steil, called out “those politi- mean the end of the fossil fuel era, nor an end to defor- posted two excellent update presentations on the UN
cally correct countries” who are saying the right thing estation (CO2 emissions), nor an end to livestock meth- Climate Secretariat site, but these are not formally
but whose words are “disconnected” from their actions ane emissions, nor an end to nitrous-oxide-emitting included in the COP25 negotiations, and I did not find
inside the negotiation rooms. “The spirit and the objec- chemical-intensive agriculture. anyone who was aware of them.
tives of the Paris Agreement are being eroded clause The first few COPs were constructive and hopeful,
by clause, discussion by discussion,” he warned.  ɶɶ but it was not long until the sabotaging of the process by
After 25 years of UN Conferences of the Parties, the governments of high fossil-fuel-producing and car-
or COPs (165 signatory nations bound under the 1992 Grenada’s environment minister bon-emitting countries captured the UN COP process.
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, or They now have a stranglehold on it and our future. This
UNFCCC), most people attending the Madrid COP are called out “those politically correct is not to criticize the good intentions of the UN, but it is
aware that nothing that will truly reduce global emis- amazing how policymakers here can spin out two weeks
sions next year can be expected. The actual negotiations countries” who are saying the of meetings to arrive back where they were before the
are carried out behind closed doors. The only action COP. No one new to the convoluted process and COP-
from the process is more delays. right thing but whose words are speak terms could possibly understand what is going on
As ever, the European Union leads the pack in policy at the end of the two weeks, though they would assume
intentions, this time predictably called the EU Green “disconnected” from their actions that something must have been achieved. Alas, they
Deal. The policy is for a “climate neutral” Europe. The would be wrong. The terms of the 1992 convention
EU will aim to reach “net-zero greenhouse gas emis- inside the negotiation rooms.  have been lost sight of, with circular discussions regard-
sions by 2050,” and that will be enshrined in a “climate ing the 2015 Paris Agreement. A whole day can be spent

DECEMBER 2 019 JANUARY 2 0 2 0

law.” That means updating the EU’s climate ambition arguing about language to finally arrive at an incoherent
for 2030, with a 50-55 percent cut in greenhouse gas We heard this when Greta Thunberg hosted a panel word mash like “Nationally Determined Contributions”
emissions to replace the current 40 percent objective. of scientists one morning. This most important event (NDCs, or COP-speak for national emissions targets).
The 55 percent figure will be subject to a cost-benefit was poorly attended, even though Greta has been con- Year after year, apparently hopeful statements reveal
analysis and so may never happen, because the envi- sistently urging people and policy makers to learn and loopholes that lead nowhere to nothing – and global
ronmentally perverse economics of the world economy act on the science. emissions keep rising.
still puts corporate profits over the planet and its people. I also attended the presentation by Al Gore. He The harsh truth on emissions is that planned extrac-
The Indigenous people’s panels that I attended quite packed the large plenary auditorium. An English voice tion of coal, oil and gas is already enough to blow past
rightly opposed the proposed increase in carbon credit behind me, waiting with the large milling crowd, said the 1.5ºC target and even 2ºC. We know from the past
mechanisms, which have not and will not reduce global “My, I didn’t know he was still that popular.” It did two COPs that it is the big fossil fuel producers – the
emissions in the real world. not take long to understand why, as he launched into US, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Brazil, Russia –
The COP-speak of “carbon neutral” and “net zero his latest slide show. Still the accomplished flawless who consistently work to undermine a continued p.5… 3
features in every issue

3 COP25 delays real climate action CULTURE

Peter Carter
11 Big Telecom fights lower Internet fees
Publisher & Senior Editor - Joseph Roberts 6 Deadly heartburn pill? INDEPENDENT MEDIA
Accounting - Maggie Si
Alan Cassels Marie Aspiazu
Layout & Production - Two by Four Media

Contributors: 10 A stiff sentence for Assange 9 Leela Gilday’s timely North Star Calling
Marie Aspiazu, Shawn P. Buckley, Peter Carter,
Alan Cassels, Richard Fukuhara, Bruce Mason,
Bruce Mason
Vesanto Melina, Duane and Catherine O’Kane,
Geoff Olson, David Suzuki 12 The courage to care
Duane and Catherine O’Kane ENVIRONMENT
Resource Directory
Suzan Law | Tel. 778-846-2175 17 Progress toward sustainable seafood 15 Bells for Peace 2020 SCIENCE MATTERS
Joseph Roberts David Suzuki
Editorial & Distribution Inquiries
Tel. 604-733-2215 16 Word(s) of the Year HEALTH
Bruce Mason
Advertising & Management 7 Compassionate holiday meals
Joseph Roberts | Tel. 604-733-2215 NUTRISPEAK
19 So the Queen is now our dealer Vesanto Melina
Suzan Law | Tel. 778-846-2175 Shawn P. Buckley

Events listings: 13 RESOURCE DIRECTORY

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cheque, Visa, MasterCard, Interac or money order. Climate change has happened because of human behaviour, therefore it’s only natural it should be us,
Printed on recycled paper with vegetable inks.All contents
human beings, to address this issue. It may not be too late if we take decisive actions today.

copyrighted. Written permission from the publisher is re- It’s not only government. Government cannot do it alone. The UN cannot do it alone. There should
quired to reproduce, quote, reprint, or copy any material from be full partnership… then we should have civil society coming together. Even one normal citizen –
Common Ground. Opinions and views expressed in the arti-
cles do not necessarily reflect those of the publishers or adver-
they have a role to play.
tisers. Common Ground Publishing Corp. neither endorses
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fessional. Advertisers are solely responsible for their claims.

…COP25 from pg. 3 for costly and damaging extreme weather events and for source, with the ominous but understated conclusion
rapid reduction in global emissions. Breaking with COP the climate-change-driven displacement of the world’s that “new regional accelerating feedback from changing
tradition of blaming no one for the destruction of our most vulnerable – and most innocent – people, amount- Arctic ecosystems may already be underway.”
planet from greenhouse gas emissions, one EU lawmaker ing to 22 million climate refugees. Another just-published paper on the effect of glob-
charged such nations of holding up progress at COP25. al warming on the jet stream made headlines. The
How close are countries to meeting their (paltry) ɶ researchers have identified alteration of the northern
emissions targets and to limiting global warming to hemisphere jet stream, which can cause massive heat
1.5ºC or 2ºC? A so-called “stocktake” session was orga- The Indigenous people’s panels that waves across several major agricultural regions in the
nized by Chile’s Minister of Environment, Carolina northern hemisphere at once. The heat waves will cer-
Schmidt, COP25 president, to discuss mitigation efforts
of Parties up to 2020. Several key developing countries
I attended quite rightly opposed tainly become worse in coming years and decades, as
the world continues to be heated up by continued green-
called for measures to address the pre-2020 “gaps in
ambition” and climate finance caused by the developed
the proposed increase in carbon house gas emissions. Crops cannot withstand extreme
heat waves, as such events in the US and Europe and
countries’ failure to abide by their agreements reached
under the UN climate convention. “Ambition” is COP-
credit mechanisms, which have Russia have already proved.
Fossil-fuel-money-corrupted governments and power
speak in place of “commitment” and for delaying actual
rapid reductions in emissions.
not and will not reduce global mad corporations are driving us all to the cliff of cli-
mate oblivion. But in the past two years a great global
Apparently no one knew that a fully calculated pushback has started, which will grow in numbers
stocktake had been carried out earlier this year by the
emissions in the real world. and determination. And so we prepare for Glasgow’s
UN Secretariat, which showed a substantial increase COP26 next year with grim determination that the truth
in global emissions by 2030, while also showing that The COP25 delaying actions are actions of eco- of science must win out. Good must prevail over the
for the 1.5ºC limit and even a planetarily catastrophic nomic genocide by the high emitters, as well as actions ultimate evil of deliberate global climate catastrophe.
2ºC limit, global emissions had to go into rapid decline for the end of civilization, of the human race, and of Through this COP25, people have come together who
by the end of 2020. Two UNEP reports released here in most life. That is because the WMO has said that atmo- will not abandon Greta and her young generation. j
Madrid showed exactly the same thing. The experts on spheric CO2 is rising faster than at least the past 40 mil-
Greta’s science panel warned that CO2 emissions are lion years. To top off the terrifying news that policy- Dr. Peter Carter, a retired family physician, founded the Cli-
still increasing and, as described in a World Meteoro- makers and the governments of world powers take in mate Emergency Institute in 2009. He is an expert reviewer
logical Organization (WMO) State of the Climate report their stride, the NOAA annual Arctic Report Card was for the IPCC, and with Elizabeth Woodworth co-authored
released for COP25, atmospheric greenhouse gases are just released, and it confirmed their 2016 Report that Unprecedented Crime: Climate Science Denial and Game
increasing faster than ever. 2019 will be a record year the Arctic has switched from a carbon sink to a carbon Changers for Survival in 2018. He lives on Pender Island.

DECEMBER 2 019 JANUARY 2 0 2 0

Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit
Is the most widely prescribed
heartburn pill on the planet killing people?
The more you know, the more you’re uncertain. by Alan Cassels

n the 2008 book “Agnotology: The dangerous drugs, others don’t have a PPI, you should take it for the short- nia, fractures, as well as chronic kid-
Making and Unmaking of Igno- such worries. est period of time at the lowest possible ney disease, cancer of the stomach and
rance”, historians Robert Procter About a third of Canadians over 65 dose. Go low and go slow, is a principle cardiovascular disease. These adverse
and Londa Schiebinger describe use PPIs, and nearly a quarter of them use that applies to most every pill you swal- effects have only really been found
the concept of Agnotology which them chronically (consuming a minimum low. However, despite this agreement, in longer-term observational studies
means the “study of intentionally induced of 180 days worth in a year). Many of collectively we have to recognize that which follow groups of patients over
ignorance or doubt, particularly the publi- there is a lot of ignorance and doubt many years, and monitor PPI patients
cation of intentionally inaccurate or mis- surrounding the long-term use of PPIs. against similar groups of patients who
leading scientific data.” Which brings me to Agnotology and don’t take PPIs, or who take other
My world is riven with doubt the kind of “culturally induced igno- heartburn drugs. Observational stud-
because so much of the published rance or doubt” which is likely leading ies have used large groups of PPI
pharmaceutical research has enormous to misleading science, biased conclu- users from health insurance databases,
potential for bias. Questions regarding sions and ignorant, potentially fatal use where statistical methods can tease out
which drug should be prescribed, for of these drugs. whether PPI users are at greater harm
whom, and for how long are never eas- Many readers of Common Ground than non-users.
ily answered. It is fair to say our collec- are well-versed in the various contro- Many people discount observational
tive ignorance around the harms related versies where powerful interests (think studies, saying they are full of confound-
to drugs has become a monumental oil companies and climate change or ing factors and hence can’t be trusted.
photo montage shows esomeprazole

stain on the credibility of modern medi- tobacco companies and the safety of Maybe there are more smokers, more
cine. When I hear a researcher say he tobacco) mount terribly effective cam- overweight people, more people with
“knows” something for sure about drug paigns based on ignorance. After all, if genuine stomach diseases among the PPI
safety, the only thing I “know” for sure you don’t know for sure that cigarettes users, and that’s why they have higher
is he’s misleading all of us. kill people or whether C02 emissions rates of illness. If the PPI patients were
Over the last decade or so I have fol- are warming the planet, then how can sicker to start with, then a higher death
lowed intense debates over the harm you act properly? The PR companies rate might be due to underlying disease,
associated with a widely-used heartburn defending the tobacco industry famously and not the PPI.
drug, where two lines of debate follow described their activities as “doubt is our PPIs are approved for sale around
competing visions of what truth is. The product.” You could say the same about the world based on results from
reason this debate is so important is that climate change deniers. By planting short-term randomized controlled tri-
there are lives at stake. A lot of them. seeds of doubt about the dangers of ciga- als (RCTs). RCTs are considered the
Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) are pri- rettes, they effectively forced decades most reliable proof of effectiveness
marily prescribed to treat symptoms of of delay before governments began to and safety of drugs. During such trials,
DECEMBER 2 019 JANUARY 2 0 2 0

heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux those taking PPIs, are taking them beyond regulate and restrict what was clearly a some patients are randomly assigned
disease (GERD), reflux esophagitis and the 90 days that are recommended as a murderous product. the drug and others get a placebo or
peptic ulcer disease (PUD). These drugs maximum. In BC, almost 50,000 seniors I see the same thing all the time in a control treatment. Then the patients
include the following (brand names in have been taking the drugs for five years the drug world. Those companies who are followed for a period of time,
brackets): or more, and extrapolated across the stand to win or lose billions are heavily and any effects – both beneficial and
• omeprazole (Losec®) country that would mean, at a minimum, invested in the production of doubt. If harmful – are measured. However, tri-
• esomeprazole (Nexium®) half a million seniors across Canada are you can skillfully build a case for doubt als used to approve PPIs may be less
• lansoprazole (Prevacid®) long-term users. This could be a disaster around long-term drug safety, you can than 12 weeks long and are basically
• pantoprazole (Pantoloc®, Tecta™) right in front of our eyes. Or not. keep markets buoyant and lucrative. too short to uncover potential serious
• rabeprazole (Pariet®) and Whether or not physicians believe PPIs harms related to long term use. RCTs
• dexlansoprazole (Dexilant®). A two sided debate can kill comes down to what they con- of PPIs don’t show the same rate of
While these drugs can be very Some researchers maintain that long- sider as “true”. adverse effects compared to observa-
effective at treating short term bouts term use of PPIs could be contributing tional studies, because those harms, if
of heartburn, for the tens of millions to the early death of many, many people. Randomized Controlled Trials vs. real, are related to long term use.
around the world who take them for Others say that there is little to worry Observational studies: which ones are So here’s the conundrum: If you rely
years on end, we can’t say for sure if about and that most of the research closer to the truth? only on RCTs as being “the truth” you’d
they are shortening their lives. While showing PPI-related deaths is unreliable. The list of alleged adverse effects say PPIs are mostly perfectly safe. But if
some researchers (including myself) Who is right? of PPIs has continued to grow over the you only believed the long-term obser-
might view these drugs as poster chil- There is one fact upon which people last 20 years, including C-difficile (a vational studies, you’d say the PPIs are
6 dren for the rampant use of potentially on both sides agree: if you need to take sometimes deadly infection), pneumo- probably deadly. continued p.15…
Nutrispeak Vesanto Melina HEALTH

holiday meals
bout ten percent of Canadians are choosing plant-based meals and
the trend is accelerating, especially among young people. So you
are likely to have at least one vegetarian or vegan at your holiday
dinner table. They may be making this choice because they have
learned from the World Health Organization that cured meats such
as ham are Group 1 carcinogens, meaning they are in the same category as benzene
and cigarette smoking. They may be making this choice because they are aware
of the high environmental costs of using water, fuel, pesticides, and herbicides in
order to feed plant foods to animals, which
we then eat. Or they may have seen footage or
read reports about the lives and deaths of farm
animals such as turkeys – even those that are
free range.
So what can you put on your holiday table?
Many traditional menu items are plant-
based: brussels sprouts, baked sweet potatoes,
cranberry sauce, and a big, colorful salad.
Gravy can easily be made with vegetarian soup
stock and any oil. Mashed potatoes taste great
when made with non-dairy milk, and a spread such as Earth Balance. If you’d like to
add a ready-made holiday roast or holiday goodies, you can find a selection at Vegan
Supply through these links:, and
collections/all/holiday. They have locations on East Pender near Main Street and can
deliver to your home, or to several pickup locations. Other supermarkets and natural
foods stores carry some of these items. Another good choice is a stuffed squash; for
recipes do a search at my nutrispeak website
If you are going out for a holiday meal, or for snacks after a winter outing, you
can find a variety of restaurants (worldwide) that offer tasty food through the website

Kale and Red Pepper Holly Ring Makes about 5 1/2 cups
From Cooking Vegetarian by V. Melina and J. Forest
The deep green kale tossed with bright red bell peppers, resembles a small
holly wreath when presented on a plate. This simple yet elegant dish is perfect
for the holiday season and adds color and a festive touch at any time of the year.
For larger gatherings, double the recipe. It is a rich source of calcium, iron,
potassium, the antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E.
• 12 C thinly sliced kale leaves, stem removed, packed
• 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
• 4 tsp balsamic vinegar
• 4 tsp tamari or soy sauce
• 1/2 C diced sweet red pepper or small cranberry tomatoes

DECEMBER 2 019 JANUARY 2 0 2 0

Place kale in a steamer. Cover and briefly steam over medium-high heat until the
kale is soft to the bite. Drain in a colander and press out any excess water. Combine
the oil, vinegar, and tamari in a large bowl. Add the kale, toss to coat the leaves with
dressing, and arrange on a platter. Create a round wreath shape by pushing the kale
toward edges of platter, leaving a clean, open space in the center. Sprinkle with the
red pepper and serve. j

Vesanto Melina is a Vancouver Registered Dietitian and award winning author. Web-
sites:, , and

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resources and ethical industries. More at 7
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Music Rising Bruce Mason CULTURE

Leela Gilday’s timely North Star Calling

he northern sky wheels “It’s complicated. I’m able to the heart and soul, and shaping the pro-
around Polaris, the star share and celebrate, after moving duction to serve the artist and song. The
humans have relied on to through what’s kept me from liv- sky is the limit for Kourkoutis.”
sail seas, cross deserts, ing my life. It’s not Dené, or an Also standing out in the star power are
escape slavery. And Leela indigenous people’s thing. It’s Gilday’s passionate and versatile vocals.
Gilday’s remarkable fifth album, North human, our birthright. Every- Schooled in opera and with a master’s
Star Calling, also provides light for a thing is better when you’re con- degree in voice, she is steeped in pre-teen
journey. Very accessible and highly vis- nected to the land. It’s absolutely performances and the soulful recordings
ible, it’s a cultural touchstone for our true and has always been my of Aretha Franklin. The palate: her tradi-
country’s overdue reconciliation and compass,” she explains. tion and environment; the challenge: find-

photo courtesy Leela Gilday

hoped-for transformation. North Star Calling is a ing her authentic voice.
“Raising awareness is my life’s sonic journey to the Northwest “Be the kindest, most gentle per-
work,” the acclaimed singer-songwriter Territories, with ravens over- son you can be to yourself and to those
said shortly after returning home to Yel- head, drumming and dancing, around you. Remove yourself from
lowknife from an international tour. a singing elder. But the album situations you can’t handle (for what-
“To open hearts and minds – which is no soundtrack for some fly- ever reason) – no need to make excuses.
can be difficult and uncomfortable – is over travelogue. There are Reach out to your support networks if
essential to creating and building new “hard truths”. And songs like “Hard North Star Calling is bookended by you need it! And just remember you are
relationships. Ground”. On the title track, she sings: a wing and a prayer. “Rolling Thunder” definitely not alone in this struggle. We
“In places I’ve never been to before, imagines the sound of the global gather- are all out here trying,” she advises.
We were born broken, though borne of love,
such as Greenland or Australia, even ing of Earth and Water Protectors. The “We find ourselves at a critical time
Bearing the scars of a war we don’t speak of,
Finland, Germany, or Quebec where final song Yake Gotin, meaning “Star with climate change. Traditional values,
Fighting our way from cradle to grave
English is scarce (never mind the lan- People” or holy people, is a hymn for stories, the world view of Indigenous
Searching for light through darkest days.
guage of my Dené people), what reso- wholeness to a Creator, a recognition of peoples – and specifically Indigenous
nates down to our DNA is primal, a “It’s five years between records, a ourselves as a continuum and of ancestors women – I think, are key to the future,”
universal connection to land and water. transformation in beautiful, difficult who help us daily. says Gilday.
Those messages from the album ring musical and personal experiences. We Full credit to producer/engineer/ Everyone from Sir Richard Attenbor-
true with people the world over.” must stand in the pain, live with cour- mixer Hill Kourkoutis, who subtly ough to David Suzuki have identified
On an increasingly divided and age, boldness and joy. I examined my weaves together the drumming heart- Indigenous people as humanity’s last, best
endangered planet, other global com- fears and faced them in the writing and beat of First Nations music, acclaimed hope. Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation
monalities include escalating suicide, in the studio,” she reports. “It is also, throat-singing of Tanya Tagaq, eclectic Commission outlines the shameful legacy
racism, and the stigma of mental illness. for the first time and in an honest way, guitars and other assorted strings, and a and 94 recommendations to redress it. We
Along with this goes the need for spiri- about healing, true healing, not just the compelling duet with Logan Staats and a are being urged to listen and to act. Leela
tual awakening, a longing for lost vision, absence of pain, or addictions. This “Friends Choir”. Gilday’s North Star Calling is for those
and a search for new values. record is me letting go.” Gilday says: “She pushed me to be who want to do both. Her home page
vulnerable, urging me to step up, without j
bells, whistles, vocal gymnastics, past my
comfort zone, a super scary and amaz- Bruce Mason is a Vancouver and Gabriola-
ing experience. Hill is lightning fast and Island based five-string banjo player, garden-
extremely musical, also intuitive, seeking er, freelance writer and author of Our Clinic.

DECEMBER 2 019 JANUARY 2 0 2 0

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by Geoff Olson

A stiff sentence Redacting Julian Assange from the record

was recently commissioned to write an article on dence of criminality. Another prosecutor reinstated inves- Patiño announced that his country was granting political
arts and technology for a Canadian literary journal. tigation in the fall of 2010. The warrant was not signed on asylum to Assange because of the danger presented by
It ballooned into a 5,000 word piece that ranged the basis that he was charged with any offence, but that he the United States’ secret investigation against him. For
from the problems of social media platforms to the was wanted for questioning. As a result, Assange sought 5 years, there were no complaints from Ecuador about
perils of artificial intelligence. political asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy in London in Assange. The clock only began to tick in May of 2017,
The editor, who I will call Byron, liked the essay and 2012, fearing that once he was under Sweden’s jurisdic- after the leftist Ecuadorian government of President Rafa-
had some edits in mind. He asked if I “would seriously tion Sweden would extradite him to the US. el Correa fell to a regime friendlier to Washington.
mind” removing one sentence. It was embedded in a The rape meme has been a central plank in the pub- Dragged from the embassy by British police in April,
paragraph on surveillance capitalism. This was it: “In the lic demonization of Assange. So where does this game of Assange is now being held in near-isolation in Belmarsh
words of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, the Internet is whack-a-molestor stand now? On November 19, Sweden maximum-security prison. If extradited to the US, he will
the ‘biggest spy machine the world has ever seen.’”  finally threw out the arrest warrant – a MacGuffin no lon- be charged with 18 counts under the 1917 US espionage
I’d already made some changes at his request, and ger needed to move along the plot of extraditing Assange act for publishing US war crimes. He faces 175 years in
was prepared to nix the line. But when Byron attached to the US.  prison if convicted. 
the payment schedule for reaching agreement on the sen- So to emphasize, there are no rape charges against Assange reportedly had difficulty getting his words out
tence, I balked. It felt coercive.  Assange in Sweden. There are espionage charges against in an October court appearance. “I can’t think properly,”
So I turned the question back on Byron. Would he seri- Assange in the US. As for the claim that he helped get the 48 year-old activist said as he fought back tears. Some
ously mind if I left in the quote? Whatever anyone thinks Trump elected, we’ll return to that later.  observers believe he was being drugged.
of Assange, he remains an acknowledged expert on digi- UN special rapporteur Nils Melzer deemed Assange’s
tal secrecy and transparency. “Yes. I do mind. I think you ɶɶ treatment in Belmarsh as “psychological torture.” Late
diminish your own writing by doing so and thus diminish this November, more than 65 doctors from the UK, US,
my publication,” he responded.  Two decades’ worth of corporate Australia, Germany, Italy and Sri Lanka issued an open
As far he was concerned I may as well have written “as letter calling for urgent action to protect the man’s life.
Hitler once said…” My resistance to dropping the sen- press commentary on Assange As reported by the World Socialist Web Site, the doctors
tence infuriated him, and the insults began to fly through warned Britain’s Conservative Home Secretary Priti Patel
my inbox. “You should really get some help rebalancing has made for a witches’ brew of that “Mr. Assange could die” because of years of  deten-
the old noggin,” Byron wrote. tion in the Ecuadorian embassy and his incarceration in
I later offered to alter the wording of the sentence to well-sourced facts, anonymous near-isolation at Belmarsh. 
“Wikileaks founder and former hacker Julian Assange…” “He’s locked up 22 or 23 hours a day,” said his father,
No go. The debate astounded me. “In my four decades smears, and outright fictions. John Shipton, in a November interview in The Irish Exam-
working in the media, I’ve never come across an instance iner. “It’s a grade A maximum security prison. Because
of a public figure being off-limits for quotation,” I told those in it are treated like terrorists, that’s what Julian is
him. “Oh, wow,” he responded. “One might suppose that  Some background here. In 2006 a blonde-dyed Aus- being subjected to.”
we live in extraordinary times. Who knew?” tralian national and former hacker launched a web-based Not that you would have heard much of the above
Go ahead and remove the quote if you have to, I wrote. initiative at global transparency: a publishing platform from the US/UK press. In August, when ex-Pink Floyd
You’re the editor. My one request was that he take respon- that allowed whistleblowers across the world to safely musician Roger Waters performed “Wish You were Here”
sibility for the redaction with a note at the bottom of the and anonymously expose criminality and corruption. at a rally for the Wikileaks founder outside the Home
article. I would not self-censor on his behalf, and dangling Wikileaks first commanded global pubic attention in Office in London, it barely registered a blip in the media.
DECEMBER 2 019 JANUARY 2 0 2 0

a cheque in front of me wasn’t going to change that.  2010 with its release of leaked State Department cables, Two decades’ worth of corporate press commentary
Byron suggested this for the note: “Julian Assange is Guantanamo secrets, the Afghan War Diaries and the on Assange has made for a witches’ brew of well-sourced
a figure of great controversy. The editors had asked Mr. Iraq War Logs “collateral murder video,” which revealed facts, anonymous smears, and outright fictions. In Novem-
Olson not to include the comment or quote as it did not, a 2007 U.S. air strike in Baghdad against Iraqi civilians. ber of 2018, The Guardian reported that former Trump
in the opinion of the editors, further the article in any sub- Gun camera footage captured the slaughter of eight men campaign manager Paul Manafort “held secret talks with
stantial way. Nor do the editors approve of supporting the including two war correspondents from Reuters. (“Light Assange” at Ecuador’s embassy in London. Yet none of
celebrity culture around the figure, nor the actions of Mr. ‘em up,” says one of the laughing voices in the video, Manafort’s passports had stamps for the times in ques-
Assange that they consider irresponsible, misogynist, ego- which spread like global wildfire on broadcasts, broad- tion, and his name never appeared in the embassy’s visi-
driven and counter productive to a progressive agenda. sheets and blogs.) tor manifest, according to The Washington Post. Regard-
Mr. Olson refused our request.”  After Wikileaks made publishing arrangements with less, the front-page report remains up on The Guardian’s
The reason I’m sharing this editorial tempest in a teapot The Guardian and The New York Times, both publications website.
is that, in a small way, it weirdly mirrors the AngloAmeri- began to mine a rich vein of news gold for many weeks. Even though big media outlets have trafficked in dubi-
can press’s handling of the Assange affair. Assange won the 2011 Martha Gellhorn prize for journal- ous info and sheer bunkum about Assange, a few of these
Byron insisted the Wikileaks founder is a “misogynist” ism, with the judges congratulating him on giving “the have see the writing on the wall. Extradition to and trial
and “celebrity hound who helped get Donald Trump elect- public more scoops than most journalists can imagine.” in the US “is a marked escalation in the effort to pros-
ed.” In the first instance, he was referencing the interna- Yet within a short time, the reporting shifted from the con- ecute Mr. Assange, one that could have a chilling effect on
tional arrest warrant issued by Sweden in 2010 following tent of Wikileaks revelations to the character of the orga- American journalism as it has been practiced for genera-
accusations of sexual misconduct by Assange. A Stock- nization’s founder, including tabloid-like speculations on tions,” noted The New York Times before the press silence
holm prosecutor initiated the investigation and the chief his hygiene by the NYT’s chief editor. descended.
10 prosecutor threw it out a day later, after finding no evi- In August 2012, Ecuadorian foreign minister Ricardo The founder of Wikileaks may be Byron’s blasphemer,
but he’s not my saint. A number of former associates have in a Belmarsh prison cell, and put him in front of a judge bring this and other dark revelations to light is being held
described him as irascible and domineering. The belief for extradition. It’s not a rumoured habit of smearing feces in near isolation, facing a life sentence or worse in the US.
that Assange helped get Trump elected is an understand- in the Ecuadorian embassy that resulted in the manure So back to my debate with an editor over a single sen-
able inference based on his own questionable decisions. heaped on him by the AngloAmerican press. It’s not his tence in an essay for an artsy Canadian magazine. Byron
Holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy, he knew his pros- supposed misogyny that won bipartisan consensus on the offered me the option of a kill fee and I accepted (correct
pects were dim if the hawkish Hillary Clinton won the planned extradition to the US. It’s not his documented answer to his security question on the Interac payment:
presidential election in 2016. Trump was a more unknown dalliance with Donald Jr. that resulted in a charge of 175 “Assange”). Rather than continue playing a losing game
quantity at the time. Through Twitter, Assange put feelers years under the 1917 Espionage Act. over a quote destined to be nixed or heavily qualified in
out in 2016 to Donald Trump Jr. When these communica- It’s Wikileaks’s exposure of US/UK war crimes that print, I walked away. Had I chose to self-censor at the out-
tions were revealed, the publisher fell out of favour with did all the above. As far as I know, no one has ever set, I would have been playing along – in however small
a great many progressives. But the worst thing about this accused Assange or his team of releasing false docu- a way – in the wider game of silencing or demonizing the
incident, along with the timing of the Hillary email leaks, ments or creating “fake news.” The problem for the Wikileaks leader.
is that that it seemingly repositioned Wikileaks from a state security apparatus, intelligence services and mili- Byron isn’t wrong in his insistence that Julian Assange
transparency organization to a political front. tary-industrial-media complex is just the opposite: they is a divisive character. But for me, the most worrisome
However, the idea that Trump owes his election vic- preferred that the truths Wikileaks trafficked in be kept aspect is this: the willingness of an editor to redact a pub-
tory to the publisher’s missteps is farcical. And with the hidden. And it’s been known since the time of Caesar lic statement simply because he feels the source is no lon-
post-Mueller collapse of the “Russiagate” narrative, the that the most effective way of kneecapping a movement ger on Team Progressive. And ironically, a source who is
attempt to spot-weld Assange to Putin has evaporated. is to decapitate its leader. an editor, publisher and activist identified with issues of
Should Assange’s questionable moves, in 2016, ret- Up until the widespread silence on the Assange jailing press freedom.
rospectively diminish Wikileaks’ prior revelations of – and the rallies in his support since – the stenographers In a final email to Byron I wrote, “I now consider our
offences by the Bush/Cheney regime, and its many to power have painted Assange as a smelly, cat-abusing, back-and-forth to be part of a larger story of Assange’s
exposures of financial and state crimes across the Putin-loving human hazard light. By design or default, pending extradition, show trial, and the stifling of free
world? Assange has had a long history of demonstrably this sends an unmistakeable message to would-be whistle- speech by its so-called guardians … as a publisher and
brave stands. “He had titanium balls,” one of his acquain- blowers with funny ideas of exposing high-level criminal- expert on digital secrecy and transparency, there is
tances told Forbes reporter Andy Greenberg of Assange’s ity and corruption. no more justification in redacting the words of Julian
refusal to bend to legal threats from the Church of Sci- It’s been almost ten years since Wikileaks revealed the Assange from current discourse than there is justification
entology, back when he was systems administrator at an horrifying footage in the the “Collateral Murder” video. in disappearing the man himself into the US prison-indus-
Australian Internet service provider. Those responsible and their commanders have never been trial complex.” j
As far as character flaws go, it’s not the alleged abuse identified, and as far as the public knows, have never been
of either Internet privileges or his cat that landed the man disciplined or brought to trial. Yet the man who helped Geoff Olson is a Vancouver writer and political cartoonist.

Independent Media Marie Aspiazu MEDIA

Big Telecom fighting lower Internet fees

ack in August, the Canadian Radio-televi- This move would leave up to 20,000 homes without an again, particularly given that the Liberals (and all other
sion and Telecommunications Commission Internet connection. major parties) pledged to lower Internet prices during the
(CRTC) significantly lowered the fees small But their greed didn’t stop there. Big Telecom immedi- election. To hold the government to that pledge, the first
Internet providers were required to pay Big ately filed to overturn the CRTC’s decision at the Federal step is to insist that cabinet sends Big Telecom’s proposal
Telecom for access to their networks. Court of appeal. Most recently, they went a step further straight to the garbage bin where it belongs.
As a result, a handful of small Internet providers like and asked the newly minted cabinet to reverse this deci- Lower wholesale rates mean small providers can com-
Teksavvy,, Oricom and Distributel passed the sion. Their efforts reek of desperation, and if successful, pete with Big Telecom on a more level playing field and
lower wholesale rates on to their customers in the form of our Internet prices will go back up and small providers make better offerings to their customers, as we saw imme-
lower Internet bills and faster speeds, and reaffirmed their will struggle to compete. diately after the CRTC’s decision in August. This will also

DECEMBER 2 019 JANUARY 2 0 2 0

commitment to invest in rural broadband. This was not the first time Big Telecom displayed such force big providers, like Bell to lower their prices in order
The CRTC’s decision also ruled that the final whole- antics and took advantage of a “relatively seldom-exer- to stay competitive. Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?
sale rates would be applied retroactively to 2016, when cised governmental appeal procedure”. They did some- We cannot let Big Telecom get its way and strip away
the interim rates were set. This meant smaller providers thing very similar back in 2015, right after the Liberals our hard won lower Internet prices. We must do every-
would receive a three-year refund for being grossly over- were elected. In an attempt to monopolize fibre Internet thing in our power to make sure the CRTC decision from
charged by Big Telecom for access to their network. As infrastructure, Big Telecom went to the new cabinet to August is upheld. Sign OpenMedia’s petition demanding
you can imagine, Big Telecom is not happy and is doing reverse a CRTC decision that granted small providers that cabinet rejects Big Telecom’s price gouging scheme,
everything in its power to hike Canada’s Internet prices by access to their fibre network. But Big Telecom’s tantrum and share it widely! J
reversing this landmark CRTC decision. didn’t work thanks to widespread public opposition. Over
Following the CRTC’s decision in August, Bell 80,000 signed OpenMedia’s petition to reject Big Tele- Marie Aspiazu is a campaigner and communications specialist
announced it would cut its investment in rural commu- com’s price gouging scheme — and the people won. at OpenMedia, a non-profit organization that works to keep the
nities by 20 percent as a result of lower wholesale rates. This historical victory strongly signals that we can win Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. 11
The courage
to care
team for our clients, and in our
marriage, at all levels of our
human experience.
Most people believe the solu-
tion to stress is relaxation. When
something triggers fear or anxiety,
by Duane and Catherine O’Kane our nervous system deals with dan-
ger via the stress response, a short-
term mobilization meant to flee
We aren’t avoiding each other because of the problems. the predator lurking in the bushes.
We have problems because we are avoiding each other. When we remain highly stressed

over the long term, a system meant
photo by Allison Cordner

ou are standing alone in an elevator, to deal with inescapable life threats

and someone enters. Quick, press a kicks in, and the opposite happens:
floor number. Avoid. Look up at the we “freeze” or “shut down”.
numbers. For most of us, these are From the perspective of the
moments that don’t count. No big deal. nervous system, the antidote to
Nothing is happening here. relationship message level, everyone has equal power fear, stress and anxiety is a feeling of safety. Human
Not true. The messages we are sending to this other and influence, no matter what the designated power beings are pack animals and, as such, wired to find safe-
person while we watch floor numbers are: “I don’t trust structure. If a boss has a difficult conversation with an ty in connection. When we feel safe, we focus, process
you. You don’t exist. Numbers are more important than employee, both are equally impacted. information better, engage with others, and perform
you. You make me feel uncomfortable.” Both people Human beings are hardwired to connect with each at our best. We experience safety when the 80 percent
will leave the elevator not so elevated. Both will feel other, and we do so through emotions. We have evolved relationship message is a caring one, regardless of any
slightly worse and not know why. not only because we need each other for survival, but 20 percent content issues to be resolved. When we feel
What happens when you say hello and mean it because we need to care and be cared for. We have the valued and cared for, we feel safe – which allows dif-
instead? You feel better – sometimes a lot better. Let’s capacity for profound sentimentality and love. We have ficult situations to be resolved. 
take a good look at why.  formed societies not only to communally provide shel- Wholehearted caring requires courage. Invest-
At some level, you are no doubt very aware that we ter and weather storms, but also to experience some- ing emotionally is a vulnerable act, whether it be in a
are all connected. But what is now rocking the world thing beyond all of that: love.  partner, friend, a family member, a person at work, or
of psychology is a new appreciation that connection is The degree to which we avoid wholeheartedly caring even a stranger in an elevator. Sometimes it feels easy,
active all of the time – including in elevators when we for others is equal to the degree we experience stress. like when we first fall in love. Sometimes it is harder
are looking the other way. Connection determines our It’s that simple. And the world is in the grip of stress and and requires positive intention when, for example, it
state of wellbeing and personal happiness. suffering mostly because we are avoiding each other. becomes apparent that our partner will never remember
Like it or not, in every relationship, in every wak- Disconnection is at the root of much of our pain, includ- to pick up their socks.
ing moment, whether close or cut off, whether choosing ing mental and physical illness. Caring is the first ingredient of a potentially difficult
to make contact or choosing not to, silent or speaking, When we feel disconnected, anything goes, and often conversation. Stating a positive relationship intention
we are connected. We do not get to choose whether we does. We don’t care about the impact on another because gives the other person a reason to listen further. When
are connected, we only get to choose what we are going we do not know who the other is. In the absence of know- couples argue, they often reflexively withhold their love
to do with that connection. This is good news and bad ing who another is, they become a problem instead of a and do not put it back into the mix until they perceive
DECEMBER 2 019 JANUARY 2 0 2 0

news, depending on which way we decide to go. person. If we actually knew the other authentically, we the issue to be resolved. Issues are resolved more quick-
In every communication there is content or a literal would not treat them the way we do. ly when love is put into the mix from the outset.
message. Underlying that, there is a relationship mes- We aren’t avoiding each other because of the problems. Let’s move beyond asking whether you want to have
sage that communicates how you feel, conveyed mostly We have problems because we are avoiding each other. an impact. You don’t get to choose whether you are having
non-verbally through body language, facial expression, As much as we might imagine feeling better on a tropical an impact. Rather, the question is: What kind of impact do
and tone of voice. In terms of the impact on the receiver, island away from the rest of the world, or avoiding others you want to have?  How you answer this will dictate how
the content of the message is worth about 20 percent, in the elevator, we suffer profoundly in isolation. you manage your relationship message in every conversa-
while the relationship level is responsible for about 80 When we established Clearmind International in tion, every relationship and every moment, because every
percent. The relationship message overrides the content 1996, we had some sense of this truth. We ourselves moment counts, including now. j
and is what’s remembered, even in an elevator. were driven by caring and a desire to fire up the chan-
If you doubt the power of the relationship message, nels of caring in the human spirit. We have come a long For free tickets to Clearmind Connects events visit: www.clear-
consider commercials for prescription drugs. Regard- way personally and professionally in our evolutionary Download your free audiobook
less of the literal content (which may include dire journey, particularly in terms of realizing of how all- from Clearmind at:
warnings about the side effects of the medication) the encompassing our need for connection is, at the core.
advertisement is delivered in a pleasant tone with smil- We believe that real connection is possible in every Duane and Catherine O’Kane are Registered Clinical Counsel-
ing, happy faces. These commercials work because the relationship, and that it can overcome every human lors, workshop facilitators, entertaining public speakers, and
relationship message overrides the content. dilemma. Evolution happens through real connection. authors of best-selling REAL: The Power of Authentic Connec-
Many people assume that the power they have to We offer a professional counsellor training program, tion. They practice what they preach in all their relationships
influence others is attached to their position in their training and workshops which endeavour to show oth- (including their marriage), and with passion, humour and vul-
12 social, familial or organizational hierarchy. But at a ers how to care again. We practice this as a professional nerability, share their struggles and wisdom.
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Bells for Peace
An idea whose time has come

ndividuals, families, city mayors and officials, for Peace vision to be broadcast around the world on the troops held Christmas trees up out of the trenches with
and clergy from all faiths are encouraged to join 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima signs, “Merry Christmas.” “You no shoot, we no shoot.”
the 2020 “Bells for Peace” campaign to unite the and Nagasaki. Thousands of troops streamed across the no-man’s land.
world for Peace. People around the world are invited to ring Soldiers embraced men they had been trying to kill a
On August 6, 2020, during the Tokyo Olym- bells 75 times at the moment the nuclear weap- few short hours before.
pics, all Olympic Village video screens are to be tuned ons exploded over each city. We do this both to
into the 75th Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Anniversary Cer- bear witness and to unite our passion for peace The use of nuclear weapons breach all of the
emony. At exactly 8:15 am, the time the atomic bomb with our resolve to eliminate nuclear weapons. following declarations and conventions:
nicknamed “Little Boy” exploded over Hiroshima in The Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 will host a record 33 • Declaration of St. Petersburg, 1868, because unnecessary
1945, every church, temple and shrine bell will ring sports and 339 events from July 24 to August 9. The suffering would be caused and there would be no avoid-
throughout Japan, and simultaneously bells will ring whole world will be watching. Carpe Diem. Seize these ance or minimizing of incidental loss of civilian life;
around the world to acknowledge a moment of remem- moments. • Hague Convention, 1907, because unnecessary suf-
brance, reflection, hope and prayers for World Peace. You, or your organization, church, temple, syna- fering would be caused and there would be no guaran-
Then, at 11:02 am, on August 9, 2020, during the last gogue, civic hall, peace tower, fire hall, university, tee of the inviolability of neutral nations;
day of the Tokyo Olympics, the exact time “Fat Man” city, town, country, NGO, corporation, restaurateur, • Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948,
exploded over Nagasaki, every church, temple and truck drivers, philanthropic fund, college, bell maker, because long-lasting radioactive contamination would
shrine bell, will again ring throughout Japan, and simul- glockenspiel players, temple gong, musician, drum- interfere with innocent people’s right to life and
taneously bells will ring around the world to acknowl- mers, symphony orchestra, high school band, elemen- health;
edge a moment of remembrance, reflection, hope and tary school, door bell, car horn, or pots and pans are • Geneva Conventions, 1949, because protection of the
prayers for World Peace. The NHK TV feed is to be sent all invited to make a powerful sound around Earth for wounded, sick, the infirm, expectant mothers, civilian
around the World. the total elimination of nuclear weapons. Let peace hospitals and health workers would not be ensured;
This will be a very special message of Peace and ring clearly. Lets fully support this beautiful vision for • The Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions,
a tribute to all the lives lost in the bombings. As you peace. Please share this message with all. It will also 1977, because there would be massive incidental
may know, our goal is also to involve Music Hands as a be posted at losses of civilian lives and widespread, long-term and
message of peace in the Olympic ceremonies. We will severe damage to the environment. j
send further news in the next newsletter regarding these Notes on peace
efforts. – Richard Fukuhara The Christmas Truce: on Christmas Day, in the first For further information please contact Joseph
year of World War I, German, British and French sol- Roberts, founder of Vancouver’s first Walk for Peace 1982 &
Richard Fukuhara died in December 2018. So it is diers disobeyed their superiors and fraternized with “the Common Ground publisher: office 604 733 2215
now up to us to pick up the torch and achieve the Bells enemy” along two-thirds of the Western Front. German

…Heartburn pill from pg. 6

So what do you believe? ever done on PPIs was published in the How big were the differences? effects messaging ever since these drugs
I have had a front row seat on this BMJ medical journal in March of 2019. The main finding of the Xie study is were first approved in the early 1990s. At
controversy, reading many of the stud- Known as the Xie trial, it followed more that the longer patients take a PPI, the one point, Canadians were swallowing
ies done on PPIs and then watching than 300,000 US veterans for ten years, more risk of harm they face. Obviously over a billion dollars a year worth of PPIs.
what guideline writers, physicians and looking to see what kind of effects were risks increase depending on how sick Today, it’s about $230 million per year
other pundits say about them. Here’s the seen in PPI users. a person already is, how old they are due to generic versions being sold at much
big difference. The defenders of PPIs The results rocked the world. and the amount of PPI they have swal- cheaper costs. Hence, there was a ton of
who don’t think they are deadly have The PPI patients were matched to lowed over the years. The study found money to shape our ignorance around the
one thing mostly in common: they have other patients who were taking other 45 excess deaths per 1000 patients in 10 safety of these products.

DECEMBER 2 019 JANUARY 2 0 2 0

ties to drug companies that make them. classes of heartburn drugs. The research- years of follow-up in this group of pre- The world’s major drug companies
And they have a way of putting a smiley ers were extremely careful in this study, dominately older male adults. If this is have had a very important role in deter-
face on questions of safety. Just recently ruling out confounders like the types of true for seniors in Canada taking a PPI mining what we know – and especially
a three-year RCT run by researchers at diseases patients may have been suffer- over five years or so, (maybe half a mil- what we don’t know – about the safety
McMaster University claimed to show ing. The researchers found increased lion patients) this could mean more than of PPIs. This troubles me greatly. Why?
that PPIs have few of the major harms deaths by cardiovascular disease, chronic 20,000 excess deaths in Canada due to Because if powerful companies wish
found in observational studies. They kidney disease and gastrointestinal can- long term PPI use. to spread ignorance, and intentionally
claimed their RCT showed definitive cer. All of these causes of death are cor- So again, who do you believe? spread doubt, there are very few of us
proof of safety. Case closed. roborated by other observational studies, Let’s be clear about one thing that any around to stop them. j
Not so fast say others, pointing to as well as studies in Canada and the US researcher needs to do: follow the money.
what is a recent game-changer of a that analyzed reports made to national The multibillion dollar PPI industry has Alan Cassels has studied pharmaceutical
study. The largest observational study adverse event reporting systems. had an overly dominant impact on health policies for 25 years and he lives in Victoria. 15
by Bruce Mason

Word(s) of the Year connecting urgent ecojustice dots

illiam Blake (1757- our loved ones, our ways of life”. economic growth – how dare you!”
1827) urged us “to see “Sustained interest in ‘existential’ in At Madrid’s climate summit last
a world in a grain of our lookup data, as well as in the news and month, she added, “It seems to have
sand”, but the vision- culture, collectively reflects this,” John turned into some kind of oppor-
ary poet didn’t foresee Kelly, senior research editor at Dictionary. tunity for countries to negotiate
the ubiquity of micro-plastics on beaches, com explained. “But for all the feeling of loopholes and to avoid raising their
in the oceans, more noticeable in every doom and gloom, the word’s philosophi- ambition.” She accused politicians
handful, never mind inside Earth’s inhabit- cal underpinnings invite us to pause, shake of “clever accounting” and “cre-
ants. Nor did the great wordsmith imagine off any pessimism or passivity, and ask: ative PR”.
a Word of the Year (WOTY) would pro- ‘What choices do we make in the face of The words ring true in laggard
vide perspective and profound insight into our challenges?’” petro-states like Canada, where the
the evolution of human awareness. For Collins Dictionary – which has latest throne speech laid out a series
For 2019, the Oxford Dictionary select- been in the word game for two centuries of climate commitments which total
ed “climate emergency” to best capture (since Blake’s time) – the WOTY is “cli- $816 million in 2020-21. Over the
our zeitgeist. The UN Secretary-General mate strike”. Usage increased by a whop- same period, economist Robyn
described the ethos, mood, preoccupa- ping 100-fold between 2018 and 2019. The Allan estimates the Trans-Mountain
tions of the last 12 months as “the defin- crux of “climate strike” – Collins defines it pipeline project will cost at least
ing issue of our time”, with lasting cultural as “a protest demanding action” – is a cry $12 billion in public funds. Fifteen
significance. from millions of people to curb human- times as much, and counting.
Oxford defines “climate emergency” caused warming, to limit the worst conse- Under our banner “It’s all con-
as “a situation in which urgent action is quences of climate degradation. “Listen to nected”, Common Ground has
required to reduce or halt climate change climate, geology, and atmospheric scien- drawn attention to WOTYs as
and avoid potentially irreversible environ- tists” is a growing, global plea. September 2019 Climate Strike. 100,000 much more than mere upsurges in
mental damage”. Among the myriad, alarming facts people in Vancouver joined 7 million conversation. In 2016, “post-truth”
Analysis of language data shows the to share: since 2000, Earth has experi- worldwide. Photo: Stephen Samuel. followed by “complicit” and last
rapid rise of “climate emergency” from enced 18 of 19 of its warmest years. This year’s, “toxic”.
relative obscurity to the most prominent – includes the hottest month (July, 2019) ing a marked shift in people’s language The 2019 choice clearly indi-
and prominently debated – term of 2019. in 140 years of reliable record-keeping – choice, a conscious intensification, a chal- cates heightened public awareness, an
Usage increased dramatically over the nearly 2 degrees above the 20th century lenging of accepted language, a re-framing intersection of ecojustice and action on
year; by September it was more than 100 average. Although the three main sources of discussion with greater gravity and climate science. “Climate strikes” is com-
times as common as in the previous year. may mince their respective 2019 WOTYs, immediacy. ing face-to-face with horrific “existential”, differs slightly. Their they agree that research reveals a demon- Take your pick. Climate emergency. “climate emergency” and unprecedented,
frequently used word, or term, with high strable escalation in the language used to Existential. Climate strike. Each is a sea obscene inequity.
search traffic, is “existential”. They noted articulate information and ideas concern- change and far cry from the relatively Back to Blake and his “Auguries of
this captures “grappling with the survival ing climate. benign “climate change” which is now, Innocence”:
– literally and figuratively – of our planet, This data is hugely significant, indicat- finally, favoured by brain-dead and too-
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
slowly awakening elites and media.
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
DECEMBER 2 019 JANUARY 2 0 2 0

WOTY experts also agree that a spike

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
in usage occurred in September when
And Eternity in an hour.
teen-age Swedish climate activist Greta
Thunberg took centre stage globally, and He wouldn’t be surprised that youth
Author Thomas P. J. Crean exposes how millions took to the streets. That month now lead in this, our hour. Blake juxta-
(echoing Martin Luther King), she told posed innocence with evil and injustice,
massive conglomerates have taken over the the US Congress, “I have a dream that the valued boundless curiosity and wonder
bulk of the funeral profession people in power, as well as the media, start beyond science. Something that the inno-
treating this crisis like the existential emer- cence of children can access. It is lack of
gency it is.” imagination, vision, seeing and connecting
“Grieving families are being exploited when At the UN climate action summit in the big picture from detail, that’s holding
they are at their most vulnerable…this book New York she admonished, “You’ve sto- us back in delayed suicide.
left us confident in our choices and gave len my dreams and my childhood with The crisis is now evident in the womb
comfort to our family.” your empty words.” In an emotionally and in a generation which has never expe-
charged speech which will ring through rienced normal atmospheric tempera-
– S. Mitchell, November 2019
the ages (printed in Common Ground last tures. With an ability to imagine profound
November), she accused world leaders of change and for which the status quo has
order the book online ignoring science. “We are in the beginning no status, they are thankfully translating

16 of a mass extinction and all you can talk

about is money and fairy tales of eternal
words into action as we countdown to
decade zero. j
Science Matters David Suzuki ENVIRONMENT

Progress toward sustainable seafood

ceans hold a lot of mystery, even for use the entire fish, but as populations plummet there to increased transparency, including two new companies
people who study them. But it’s no mys- are fewer sustainable options. that signed on to provide previously unpublished infor-
tery why they’re in trouble. We’ve been Of course, not everyone is lucky enough to be able mation. Positive new initiatives also helped, including
using them to hide our waste – dumping to catch their own fish, which means having sustainable more regular disclosure of performance against com-
oil, plastic, toxic chemicals, radioactive options at the store is critical. As public and corporate mitments, publishing information about where products
sludge, sewage and fishing gear into them for decades. awareness about the risks posed by overfishing and come from and how they’re produced, and new actions
Oceans also absorb much of the atmospheric heat from uncontrolled aquaculture expansion have grown, food to support improvements for seafood commodities that
our indiscriminate fossil fuel burning. And we’ve been retailers in Canada have developed sustainable seafood continue to have sustainability concerns.
taking everything we can from them, including fish, policies and commitments. Many started sourcing eco- But retailers must do more to ensure their seafood
seaweed, plankton, minerals and oil. labelled products so consumers could see which products products are environmentally sustainable and socially
We’ve exploited many fish stocks to levels so low were the best choices. responsible. This means expanding the scope of their
they can no longer be harvested. Ocean acidification commitments to cover all seafood products they sell, in
and warming water from climate disruption are wip- Despite promising first steps, some sellers all their stores. It also requires continuing to work with
ing out corals, shellfish and reef fish at a shockingly suppliers and producers to improve practices across the
rapid rate. and suppliers have become complacent board and make sure the sustainable seafood supply
We depend on oceans for so much, including half meets consumer demand.
the oxygen that keeps us alive! They’re also a primary about seafood improvement plans. Unsustainable seafood is common in the Canadian
source of protein for millions of people worldwide. marketplace. But it doesn’t have to be. Canada’s major
If we want to continue to enjoy all that oceans pro- Despite promising first steps, some sellers and sup- retailers have a responsibility to meet their customers’
vide, we need to do everything we can to protect them pliers have become complacent about seafood improve- expectations that seafood production doesn’t take more
and the life they support. Some people argue we should ment plans. As a result, achieving sustainability fish than can be replenished, harm or kill marine ani-
no longer eat seafood. We’ve reached that point for throughout the seafood industry supply chain remains mals unnecessarily, pollute watersheds and wetlands or
some species and are nearing it for many others, but it a work in progress. exploit vulnerable people.
doesn’t have to be that way. We can ensure the seafood To help provide incentives to retailers and infor- Meaningful commitments to sustainable procure-
we eat is caught and produced in ways that don’t com- mation to seafood lovers, SeaChoice (a collaboration ment by Canada’s largest seafood businesses will go a
promise stocks, the environment or human rights. between the David Suzuki Foundation, Ecology Action long way toward achieving this. It’s no mystery that if we
I still eat fish and have fished all my life. When I Centre and Living Oceans Society) has developed Sea- want to continue to eat fish, we must do it responsibly.
was young, my dad and I would catch salmon, stur- food Progress, an online resource. It makes it easier for Seafood Progress has invited seafood retailers, suppliers
geon and halibut from the shores of English Bay and consumers in Canada to find out retailers’ policies on and consumers to join in pushing to achieve this goal. j
the Fraser River. Now there aren’t enough fish left. I sourcing sustainable seafood, whether they’re adhering
still enjoy being on the water — catching, cleaning, to those policies and how they’re performing compared David Suzuki is a scientist, broadcaster, author and co-
preparing and eating fish — but I’m aware many spe- to their peers. founder of the David Suzuki Foundation. Written with con-
cies are declining. I don’t fish as often as I used to, In its recent second assessment, Seafood Progress tributions from David Suzuki Foundation Senior Editor and
and I make sure I catch from sustainable stocks and found retailer performance had improved. Some was due Writer Ian Hanington. Learn more at

DECEMBER 2 019 JANUARY 2 0 2 0

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largest cannabis dealer…
How are things? by Shawn P. Buckley

have been a criminal defence attorney for 25 years
Unhappy in your job? Working just for bill and have witnessed the Crown and the courts
payments? Find out what motivates/satisfies
relentlessly punish persons caught with cannabis.
you. Join our Career Planning Workshop. Details: 604-727-0058 Regarding any poor soul who has purchased a six
month or a year supply for their personal use, I
COUNSELLING have witnessed the police “experts” mislead the courts
with the big lie that such people must be trafficking,
because cannabis does not last a year and consequently
AND ART THERAPY. Sliding scale $65-$125/hr!
Contact us for one-on-one sessions, groups and the amount seized cannot be for personal use.
workshops., Her Majesty is not finished punishing persons caught with cannabis. The difference is that now She
is only punishing people caught with cannabis that the
HERITAGE GARDENS Crown is not making a profit from. We have moved
FAMILY-OWNED & OPERATED. Community, from protecting the citizens from the “danger” of can-
Sustainability & Environmentally conscious nabis to protecting the profits of the Crown. And as
Cemetery. In picturesque Cambell Valley, S. with any crony capitalism scheme, there are casualties. black market. This is a recipe to ensure that the cannabis black

photo © Margo Amala | Unsplash

Surrey. Offering single family plots or dedicated
It might surprise some to learn that many in the cannabis market continues to thrive, which many will view positively
sections for entire communities. Green Burial
section. 604-538-0074;;
black market were afraid of legalization because they expected considering the cost and quality issues with legal cannabis. more enforcement. Indeed, some of the compassion clubs who As far as I am aware, there has never been a death caused
were my clients voluntarily shut down just before legalization. by cannabis, either in Canada or elsewhere. Cannabis does
MULTIMEDIA DESIGN Others have shut down after legalization because of enforce- not suppress respiration the same way some other drugs do.
ment action that was absent when cannabis was illegal. This This makes cannabis safer than common things like peanuts,
FULL SERVICES: graphic design, websites,
photography, explainer videos, video editing, has had serious health consequences. shell fish and acetaminophen which kill Canadians yearly.
writing, script development. You name it. People are still relying on compassion clubs to meet their Considering its low risk, the government had the option of
Specializing in education, sustainability, music. medical needs for several reasons. One is cost. Legal cannabis is simply de-criminalizing cannabis and letting the Food and
Call Peter. Two By Four Media 604-733-2760. expensive because of deliberate over-regulation and the Crown Drugs Act apply to regulate it like any other food or drug.
taking a cut of the profit. Many find that the quality of cannabis at Instead, we have very strict regulations which drive up the
compassion clubs, and in the black market generally, is superior price, and which so far seems to give large companies prefer-
SHAMANIC HEALING AND COACHING: to legal cannabis. For some, this quality difference is the differ- ential treatment in licence approval. My office prepares can-
Relationships, work, emotional balance, finding ence between effective medication and ineffective medication. nabis licences and we are not alone in the view that large
meaning and purpose, rediscovering joy. One-on- Another issue is selection, and not just of bud. In R. v. Smith, companies that have former politicians as front persons get
one/groups, Drum journeys, Book of Life readings,
chakra balancing, karma releasing.
the Supreme Court of Canada made it clear that persons with licences while everyone else waits.
See testimonials on website. medical need have a constitutional right to cannabis in all forms. While favouring connected companies might benefit the 778-227-2939. Smith was a baker for a compassion club, and the Court agreed few, taxpayers are left holding the bag. If cannabis was simply that persons in medical need have a right to cannabis edibles, legalized, governments would get a windfall with sales taxes
because they act differently than other forms of cannabis. and income taxes on previously untaxed sales. Instead we have
TRAVEL Edibles are not yet legal, but when they become legal on government monopolies on distribution and, in some cases, for
PROFESSIONAL TRAVEL COMPANION for July 1, 2020, we will still see people accessing compassion online sales, like in Alberta. Yet despite the monopoly, gov-
SENIORS: Experienced, certified, screened .. club edibles. This is because of cost and potency. Presently, a ernments are still proving able to do what governments do
CPR/First Aid .. International/Local trips .. typical compassion club cookie costs around $7 and will have best: lose taxpayer money. I spoke to John Carle of the Alberta
Great References .. For Details 778-858-2596
around 200 mcg of THC. A person who uses edibles for pain Cannabis Council who provided me with an estimate that the

DECEMBER 2 019 JANUARY 2 0 2 0

control, may cut that cookie into four pieces and be able to get Alberta Government is expected to lose $90 million dollars in
four nights sleep for less then $2 a night. Legal edibles will be the first two years of legalization despite having a monopoly
BACK/HIP/NECK/ FOOT PAIN, carpal tunnel, limited to 10 mcg of THC, meaning that a person would have for distribution and online sales.
stress, IBS & more; Bowen can help. New clients to eat 5 legal cookies to get the same effect as eating a quarter The war on drugs has taken a turn for the worse. Govern-
first session $39 + GST.
of one from a compassion club. We don’t know what the cost ments are losing money. Persons with medical need are losing
of legal cookies will be, but the last time I looked in Wash- their low-cost supply. Enforcement is up, freedom is down. j
WJ CLEANING SERVICES ington State, a 10 mcg cookie was over $10 USD. Persons of
poor means will not be able to afford this. Lawyer Shawn Buckley focuses on protecting access to natural
Quality @ Great prices. All manner of cleaning.
In legalizing cannabis, the government has decided to limit remedies including cannabis. He has helped set up compassion
Insured, bonded & licensed. Wilfred Munoz:
604-684-4184/778-389-4184 for estimates. any dosage unit (say in a cookie or a drink) to 10 mcg of THC. clubs and has defended them when necessary. He is president of the; This is akin to legalizing alcohol providing it is under 6 percent, Natural Health Products Protection Assn., a non-profit dedicated to making beer and coolers legal but leaving wine and spirits in the protecting health freedoms. (visit and 19

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