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Question 1

Question text

Grammar Section

Answer the question according to the picture:

 What is the correct comparative?

Select one:
a. Big
b. Bigger
c. More big
d. Biggest

Question 2

Question text

Listening Section

Based on "Audio 1 : New Apartment",  answer the following question:

 What did Meg do on Sunday afternoon?

Select one:
a. She worked in a karaoke bar.
b. She worked in a restaurant.
c. She worked selling coffee.
d. She worked as a cashier.

Question 3

Question text

Choose the best description about Shakira

Select one:
a. She's an actress, she's tall, she's Spanish
b. She is Colombian, she's a famous singer, she isn't tall and she's a beautiful woman
c. She is a famous Spanish singer, she isn't short  and she's a nurse
d. She are a famous Colombian singer and she aren't tall.

Question 4

Question text

Choose the correct definition according to the word:   niece

Select one:
a. The brother of your father
b. A daughter of your brother or sister
c. The sister of your mother
d. A son of your brother or sister

Question 5

Question text

Select the correct answer to fill the blanks.

My mother is a ________ she works in __ hospital, She likes to _______ people.

 Select one:

a. She/Nurse/help
b. Nurse/help/a
c. A/nurse/help
d. Nurse/a/help
Question 6

Question text

Grammar Section

Choose the correct word to complete the following sentence according to the picture:

 The boy has less

 meat than the girl.

Question 7

Question text

Grammar and Vocabulary Section

 Choose the correct answer according to the picture:

Select one:
a. He went swimming  on Saturday.
b. He went playing at the park last week.
c. He went walking on Friday.
d. He went shopping last Saturday.

Question 8
Question text

Choose the correct answer according to the map city

Select one:
a. The school is next to the amusement park
b. The restaurant is across the zoo.
c. The restaurante is behind the school
d. The zoo is in the middle of the city

Question 9


Question text

Listening Section

Based on "Audio 2 : Vacations" , complete the following sentence:

 Three words that describe spring are ________________________.

Select one:
a. windy, cool, and colorful.
b. windy, freezing, and dry.
c. windy, dry, and colorful
d. windy, hot, and humid.

Question 10

Question text

Grammar and Vocabulary Section

 Choose the correct answer according to the picture:

Select one:
a. Go skiing
b. Go fishing
c. Go camping
d. Go rafting

Question 1

Question text

Reading Comprehension

Select the correct answer according to the reading:

What is a bank?

Banks are places where people can keep their money. Most people use banks to save money in
their savings accounts and to pay money from their checking accounts. Today, when a person
earns money from their job, their paycheck is often electronically deposited (put) into their
savings or checking account. Then, he or she can pay their bills by writing checks from their
checking accounts or pay online where their bills are electronically connected to their bank

Taken from:

What is the reading about?

Select one:
a. About people saving money
b. About a place where people save money
c. About people pay by checks
d. About the money ear by a job

Question 2

Question text

Vocabulary Section

Choose the word that fits the following definition:

 A waterproof piece to protect people from bad weather.

Select one:
a. Raincoat
b. Expenses
c. Return
d. Raffle

Question 3

Question text

Choose the correct answer according to the picture

Select one:
a. The gas station is next to the amusement park.
b. The ice cream shop is in front of the gas station
c. The ice cream shop is next to the cafe
d. The gas station is behind de zoo

Question 4

Question text

Choose the correct meaning for "Age"

Select one:
a. A fixed time during the life of a person or in history
b. An amount of time that you have available to do something
c. Step in human being life
d. The period of time someone has been alive
Question 5

Question text

Vocabulary Section

Choose the word that best completes the following definition:

 The Answer

 helps you to know where to go in case you get lost.

Question 6

Question text

Choose the correct word for the following definition: 

He is member of an organized force for maintaining order, preventing and

detecting crime and enforcing the laws.

Select one:
a. He is a sentinel
b. He is a night watchman
c. He is a guard
d. He is a policeman

Question 7

Question text

Grammar and Vocabulary Section

 Choose the correct advice according to the picture:

Select one:
a. You need to take these antibiotics with every meal.
b. You ought to visit a specialist.
c. You need to drink plenty of water.
d. You should look for another job.

Question 8

Question text

Garmmar section

Choose the correct option to complete this statement:

 I think this book is Answer

 than that one.

Question 9

Question text

Vocabulary Section

Choose the word to complete the following statement:

 When you have a pain in your stomach, you have a ...

Select one:
a. stomachache
b. backache
c. headache
d. toothache

Question 10

Question text

This is a reading question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.

Reading.  Select the best option: 


Africa is the second–largest continent after Asia. It also has the second–largest population after
Asia. About one billion people live in Africa. That is almost 15% of the world’s population.
There are currently 54 countries on the continent of Africa, when including island countries and
the Western Sahara. The number of countries sometimes changes because many of the countries
were made by colonial powers. Colonial powers are countries that made colonies in Africa when
it was first being discovered by outsiders.

Africa is a rainy place and a dry place. Africa mainly lies within the intertropical zone between
the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Only the northernmost and the southernmost
fringes of the continent have a Mediterranean climate because they aren't located under the
tropics. Because of this geographical situation, Africa is a hot continent as the solar radiation
intensity is always high.

There are about 2,000 different languages in Africa. Most of the languages belong to one of four
large language groups. The four large language groups are Afro-Asiatic, Nilo-Saharan, Niger-
Congo, and the Khoisan languages. People also speak some non–African languages in Africa.
About 20% of the population speak Arabic, mostly in northern Africa. About 10% speak
Swahili, mostly in southeastern Africa. About 5% speak Hausa, mostly in western Africa. Many
people also speak English, French, and Portuguese. One African country, Nigeria, has 250
different languages!

Africa has many natural resources. There are eight oil exporting countries in Sub–Saharan
Africa. They are Nigeria, Angola, Congo-Brazzaville, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon,
Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and Sudan. Africa has about 7% of the oil
reserves in the world. South Africa is the largest gold producer in the world. Ghana, Mali, Sierra
Leone, Tanzania, Rwanda and the DRC also have a lot of gold. The DRC has copper and cobalt.
The DRC produces 22% of world’s diamonds every year. Botswana, Sierra Leone, and South
Africa also have a lot of diamonds. Mozambique, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana,
and Liberia all have a lot of timber, which is wood. The business in gas, oil diamonds, timber
and tourism is very good.
Many African countries became free after World War II. Some countries became free in a
peaceful way. Some countries had to fight to be free. The time after colonial rule is commonly
referred to as “post–colonial Africa.” Post–colonial Africa has had some very big problems.
After the colonial powers left, there were problems with government. Between 1960 and 1980,
there were 70 coups. (pronounced “koo”) A coup is the overthrow of a government. There were
13 presidential assassinations. That means 13 African presidents were murdered. In the 1970s,
there was a huge famine in Ethiopia. A famine is a time of little or no food. Hundreds of
thousands of people died of starvation, which means they died of hunger. There have been wars.
There has been a big conflict in Dafur, Sudan, and many people have died. And the AIDS
(Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) disease has caused much sickness and death in post–
colonial Africa

The continent of Africa is rich with resources, people and culture. Unfortunately, this has
contributed to its chaotic history. Africa is currently working on increasing education and jobs.
Many organizations are working together to build schools, hospitals, and industry to improve the
future of the African nation.

Taken from


- According to the Reading "Africa", we can conclude that
Select one:
a. There are more wild animals than people
b. African people is poor in contrast of natural and environmental richness
c. Africa's climate is varied and appropriated for living in good conditions.
d. Africa has many natural parks for protecting environment.

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