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Respondiendo lo siguiente
What is your full name? How old are you? Where are you from? Where do
you live? What is your profession? What is your hobby? Who do you live
with? What are you studying? What is your favorite TV show? What is your
favorite sport?

My name is Olga Beatriz Rincón Rincón. I am 37 years old. I am from Fómeque,

Cundinamarca, I live in Bogotá. My profession is administrative assistant in a
pediatric ophthalmological doctor's office. My hobby is to practice skating, I feel so
good when I do it. I live alone. I study Technology in safety and health at work. I
don’t have a favorite TV show, but I like all the programs about the nature, any kind
of documentary that involves the wonders of Mother Earth. My favorite sport is
skating, and I so lucky to practice it.

Tema 1. Hablando acerca de la rutina.

Por ejemplo: en la mañana me levanto temprano, desayuno, tomo una ducha,
alisto los niños para ir al colegio, etc….
En la tarde almuerzo, duermo una siesta, miro televisión, recojo a los niños en el
colegio, etc….
En la noche regreso a mi casa alrededor de las 7 de la noche, preparo la cena,
ceno con mi familia, reviso las actividades de la plataforma, llamo a mis amigos y a
las 10:30 de la noche me alisto para dormir.

My routine from Monday to Friday: On mornings I wake up early, take a shower,

make my breakfast and my lunch to take it to my work. Then I go to my job in the
doctor’s office, There I answer calls, attend appointments that arrive during the
morning and fill documents. At noon, I have lunch with some of my coworkers. In
the afternoon I do the same activities as in the morning.
When I get free from, I go to home to change my clothes. Then, I can practice
skating, cooking some new recipes, making crafts which is something I enjoy a lot
and watch documentaries on TV or reading, before to get asleep.
On weekends I visit my parents or go out with my friends to skate, ride a bicycle or
walk on trails.

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