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1- Two consecutive seasons with very little rain have resulted 15-Because of high external debt that reached

ached US57.6 billion

in poor _______and a sharp increase in food prices. in 2003, The Philippiness experienced a(n) ….crisis in 2004.
a-harvest b- spin c- endowment d- evidence e- eclipse
a-entire b- fugitive c- vigorous d- fiscal e- clandestine

16-People…….the benefit of vitamin C as protection against

2- Interpersonal communication and public speaking are the
infections;just washing your hands frequently is actually more
two basic types of …………….communication
a-prosperous b- verbal c- rash d- lean e- moody
a-deepen b- concern c- verify d- alleviate e- estimate
3- If the …… of a workplace is announced in advance,it will
give the staff a chance to cover up or fix their mistakes. 17-The employees accused the manager of bribery although
they had no…… validate their claim.
a-triumph b- inspection c- possibility
d- credibility e-endowment a-proof b- evil c- honour d- impetus e- devotee
4-Monti was fatally wounded and in his last momentsi he 18-These flowers would be a perfect gift for Mother’s Day and
asked his closest…………. to tell his family that he loved them.. Valentine’s Da yor for another …… a birthday or
a-carriage b- bachelor c- artery d- comrade e- state
a-novelty b- precision c- occasion
5-After the massive earthquake of 8.9 Kolkota
d- legislation e- impetus
experienced……..tremors, each one causing panic and great
anxiety. 19-Women are usually more……….than men in managing the
home and caring for the children.
a-successive b- placid c- uneasy d- previous e- shivers
a-medieval b- overdue c- tangible d-mute e- competent
6- The boy,charged with shoplifting,will be restricted to his
home and will not be able to leave without the ………of the 20-Newborn babies………hold their breath when under water,
court. but this reflex fades away by the time they are six months old.
a-conspiracy b- permission c- endowment a-instinctively b- simply c- candidly
d- divergence e- convenience d- unfairly e-artificially
7- The little boy’s stubbornness and bad behaviour………the 21-In addition to convenience and cost saving,online shopping
mother and she felt like spanking him, yet she contolled offers customers many……..
a-alliances b- plants c- benefits d- premium e- applause
a-devoured b- struggled c- infuriated
d- exerted e-slumped 22-In his ……..speech befoer leaving the country,the former
leader asked his people to forgive him for the mistakes made
8-In my opinion,being too nice to someone who you don’t during his rule.
actually like at all is and act of ………….
a-embodiment b- disposal c- farewell
a-attitude b- pride c- certainty d- prospect e- hypocrisy d- justice e- perception
9-The old professor spoke with …. ..about his achievements 23-Couples wanting to ……..a child must prove that they are
and everything he had accomplished during his career. financially secure and that they have a stable and adewuate
income to provide for a child.
a-pride b- testimony c- distrust d- prospect e- density
a-recruit b- adopt c- fulfill d- validate e- strain
10-The …….struck the Middle East, killing more than 40
percent of the population, and then spread to western Europe. 24-Political …………….in a country strongly affects its overall
economic deelopment and financial growth.
a-post b- premise c- pride d- prospect e- plague
a-instability b- stationery c- livestock
11-Kowloon Walled City in China ,where 50,000residents lived
d- ingredient e- addict
until it was demolished in the early 1990s, was …..for drugs
and crime. 25-People who are ….. to criticism may lose focus on
important tasks or may hesitate to act due to fear of being
a-elegant b- evolutionary c- notorious
d- evidence e- eclipse
a-ordinary b- formal c- sensitive d- honest e- keen
12-The Hundred Years War between France and England
readulted from the ….between the two kings. 26- To get the lowest ………on flights, you should fly when
other people are not; that is,during the “dead times” which
a-inspiration b- conflict c- premise d- plague e- traits
vary by route.
13- A person exposed to asbestos briefly will not be seriously
a-harvest b- spin c- endowment d- evidence e- eclipse
affected;however,……exposure will cause cancers.
27-The intensity of earthquake shaking at a particular location
a-charming b-evil c- constant d- plain e- temporary
depends on the ……of the earthquake.
14-Companies prefer to … foreign countries where labour is
a-offence b- comment c- conceit
cheap and corporate income taxes are low.
d- implication e- magnitude
a-insult b- invest c- display d- probe e- strike
28-However successful ths treatment normally is,it may 40- Mexican people working in the fields are disadvantaged by
produce………results with or without any fault on the side of the poor working conditions and low wages for their…….
the doctor.
a-favour b- departure c- casting d- labour e- relief
a-reasonable b- unfavourable c- ordinary
d- thorough e- tranquil 41-Mary,who studied psychology in college,thinks she is a very
good advice giver and always…… other people’s
29- It is reported that aircraft was…… terrorists who relationships.
demanded the release of political prisoners.
a-ruins b- withstands c- meddles d- stings e- unifies
a-hijacked b- conjured c- abstained
d- gripped e-appointed 42-Unlike the defining relative clause, the non-defining
relative clause is ………with commas from the rest of the
30-In India, bamboo was a tree under the Forest Act, which sentence.
ensured that cutting,selling or trading it became the……….of
the government. a-ascribed b- replaced c- offset d- seperated e- sustained

a-monopoly b- haven c- bend d- proportion e- recurrence 43-When kids …….in public, people will blame the parents,not
the kids,thinking they have not disciplined them.

31-The performers of the show were jugglers and acrobats, as a-misbehave b- propel c- remark
well as men who swallowed swords and a magician who…… d- endeavour e- exhilarate
fire out of thin air.
44-Eventhough I had many job interviews in the past, I still
a-related b- revoked c- conjured d- suffered e- vibrated feel……. And nervous each time I have an interview.

32-Students who cheat in the exams fail the course and a-mild b- interior c- uneasy d-finite e- invaluable
suspended because of cheating is …... and cannot be justified.
45-The Egyptians believed in ……; fort hem, death was
a-effective b- glamorous c- unforgivable only a process in life, not the end of it.
d- copious e- extraordinary
a-extinct b- eternal c- finite d- illicit e- permanent
33-The ……..was built to protect the new city from the
46-I woke up at……,when the sky was still dark, and watched
neighbouring enemies, but when it lost its military
the sun rise over the distant mountains.
importance, it was turned into a political prison.
a-density b- brink c- haste d- ditch e- dawn
a-espionage b- entrance c- fortress d- exhibit e- fatique
47- My parents don’t like to throw anything away, so our
34-However hungry the fish in your aquarium may seem to be,
basement is full of ……like broken lamps,old chairs, tennis
remember that …… can kill them.
a-exhibiting b- preserving c- overfeeding
a-insult b- junk c- litter d- garbage e- evil
d- gripping e- discounting
48- When she saw the bleeding on her son’s knee, she got
35-Two organisms that use gills for …….are fish and octopus;
worried,eventhough it was just a(n) …….cut, and nothing
frogs also breathe through internal gillls but only when under
a-artificial b- fit c- minor d- impotent e- candid
a-respiration b- application c- transaction
d- challenge e- acquaintance 49-Older women who want to appear younger often wear a lot
of make up in an effort to the wrinkles and lines on their
36-The delayed ………… of our flight made us miss our cruise
ship connection, and thus ruined our plans fort he holiday
break. a-conceal b- confound c- ingest d- denote e- convey
a-investment b- departure c- process d- quantity e- rear 50-For my application to be complete, I must send these
documents to the university’s admission office before the ….
37-When a fire broke out in the local supermarket,firefighters
hardly managed to keep the ……..from spreading to the a-perception b- default c- block d- deadline e- absence
buildings nearby.

a-hazards b- beverages c- bruises d- flames e- clients

38-The ………weather change and the suddent rain and hail

storm on the same day shocked everyone,catching them

a-conventional b- abrupt c- compatible

d-seperate e- pastoral

39-The miners who wanted to have higher …………so that they

could have a better standard of living and meet the rise in the
prices of good.

a-clients b- natives c- ruins d- dealers e- wages

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