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Asma’ul Chusnah (D75217073)

The objective of this study is to find o the influence of teachers’ behavior towards students’
performance. This study was conducted at the Islamic State of Senior High School Sidoarjo. The
participant of this study is 35 students of 11st grade of Social Two. This study was Quasi-
experimental design; the intervention is by giving different teacher who has different behaviors
and seeing the progress of student’s performance and interest. Teachers behaviors reffered to this
study are the teachers’ direction, interaction and organization in the class. This study designed to
improve the student’s performance and interest in the English classroom, especially in class who
have shown a lack of interest or attention. The intervention was successful due to the students
obtained the average score on indicator 1 is 87, indicator 3 is 88 and indicator 5 is 85. They were
more eager and inspired to engage in the activities during learning process, reacting favorably to
the teacher. The exercises helped develop the fluency of the students in oral and written
production and strengthened their understanding of grammar and structure in English.
Additonally, Educators must express themselves in a way that shows that not only do they care
about what they teach, but they also care about who they teach. If an educator develops a
supportive learning environment, it is established that they also build an effective classroom
setting alongside an emotional setting that improves student performance.

In education field, teacher is a person who is very influential in the learning process. The teacher
is not just acting as a teacher or giver of knowledge (transfer of knowledges), but more than that,
the teacher as a learning agent (learning agent) that all words, thoughts, attitudes, and behavior
are modeled by students (transfer of ethics and values). A teacher must bring their students to
achieve the goals. So, it can make the learning process runs optimally. Nowadays, there are
many teachers who do not behave like educated teachers. Many teachers behave arbitrarily to
their students. The attitude taken by the teacher is a mirror for their students. How the students
are is duplicated of the teacher. Therefore, as a teacher must have a good attitude. So, the
teacher can be a role model for their students. Furthermore, teacher’s attitude’s consists of all the
verbal and nonverbal activities that an educator has displayed in an attempt to deliver learning
within the academic setting. It has seen that different teachers ' approach to teaching and
techniques have different outcomes for student performances and interest. Thus, teacher has the
key role to play in providing their students with an inspiring learning environment. The purpose
of this study is to determine the effect of teachers’ attitude has positive attitude on student’s
performance and interest in the classroom. Moreover, the two most critical to enhance the
students performance that are the teacher's attitude will play a major role in enhancing students '
communication skills and results. We advocate comprehensive teachers ' educational and
behavioral capacity building not only to help teachers develop the right teaching mindset, but
potentially also have an effect on the teaching and academic performance of students taught by
the educators at hand (Caprara, Barbaranelli, Steca, & Malone, 2006). Key words: teacher’
behaviors, performance, interest



Teaching and learning concepts have long highlighted the important role played by educators in
supporting the development of students in fields outside their core academic ability. In their
conceptualization of high-quality teaching, for example, Pianta and Hamre (2009) describe a set
of emotional supports and organizational techniques that are equally important to learners as
teachers ' teaching method. They claim that teachers can help students become more self-reliant,
inspired to learn, and willing to take risks by offering "emotional support and a stable, reliable,
and secure atmosphere" (p. 113). In addition, teachers may help build their own ability to self-
regulate by modeling good organizational and management frameworks. Also highlights the
content-specific views of the importance of teacher behaviors that develop students’ attitude and
behavior in ways that may not directly impact test score.


Teachers need to learn how to teach. They just need to be taught more effective teaching
techniques "(B. F. Skinner 1972). Knowing how these learning ideas proposed by theorists may
bring about or have brought about a shift in teaching. It allows educators to be very successful in
the classroom as they help shape the future lives of students. Behavioral theory has the purpose
of teaching by forming the basis of methodologies. Teaching by mode requires cause and effect;
effort and consequence. Thus, knowing and understanding basic responses are the basic principle
for teaching learning.
Through the theory of behavior, several strategies can be used in education to encourage positive
behavior and to deter what is not. Positive and negative changes, discipline, agreements,
penalties, regression, training, shaping, cueing and behavioral adjustment are some of the
strategies that can be used in the classroom for effective teaching
The teachers’ behavior in this study fall into one of three broad categories: emotional support,
organization of the classroom and educational support that are:

Emotional support
It refers to ways in which teachers help children build moist, loving relationships, experience
happiness and learning excitement, feel comfortable in the classroom, and experience
appropriate levels of independence or autonomy. It includes:
Positive climate, the happiness and emotional connection that teachers have with students, as
well as the essence of peer interactions;
Negative climate, the level of articulated dissatisfaction of teachers and/or students in the
classroom, such as frustration, hostility or aggression of teachers and/or students in the
Teacher’s sensitivity, responsiveness of teachers to the educational and emotional needs of
Viewpoint of students, the degree to which teachers ' interactions with students and activities in
the classroom reflect the desires, intentions and points of view of students.

It relates to the ways in which teachers help children develop skills to control their own behavior,
get the most out of every day of school, and maintain interest in learning activities. It includes:
Behavior management, how well educators are tracking, stopping and redirecting misbehavior.
Performance, how well the classroom runs with respect in terms of routines, how well students
understand the routine, and the degree to which teachers provide activities and guidance so that
the maximum amount of time can be spent on learning activities;
Format of instructional learning, how teachers engage students in activities and facilitate
activities to maximize learning opportunities.

It applies to how educators help the cognitive development and language growth of students
effectively. It includes:
Concept development, how teachers use academic discussions and activities to encourage
higher-order thought and reasoning skills of students as opposed to a focus on rotary installation
The quality of feedback, how teachers extend engagement and learning for students through
Language modeling, how the teachers stimulate, enable and encourage the language used.


The response styles of teachers to students and their actions may promote or hinder the
development of an inspiring, optimistic, polite, caring, success-oriented environment in the
classroom. Three -teacher response types were defined by Center and Canter (1976), Carson and
Carson (1984) and others, although terminology differences exist. There are three styles of
teachers’ response, they are assertive, aggressive or hostile, and non assertive or passive.
Assertive teachers are not hostile towards the students, nor do they need comfort and positive
support for the students. Assertive teachers are caring and compassionate in understanding the
psychological and emotional needs of students, but they also recognize that adult guidance for
proper socialization is expected from student. Assertive teachers avoid vague and subjective
rules and procedure. Assertive teacher set firm and consistent boundaries while remaining at the
same time aware of students’ need for warmth and positive support.
Aggressive or Hostile
Aggressive or hostile teachers are harsh with students, and students view them as insensitive to t
heir needs. Aggressive teacher behavior is uncomfortable and uncompassionate, and typically dis
courages students from learning.
Non-assertive or Passive
Non-assertive or passive teacher are feeling that placing strong demands on student behavior is
wrong. Do not set specific guidelines or else, they do not follow their expectations with
appropriate actions. Hopefully his good nature would win agreement with the students. Not
consistent or constant. Finish embracing resignedly whatever the students decide to do. So the
passive teacher does not give the appropriate direction and let the student do anything the
students’ want.

The degree to which an individual, educator or organization has accomplished their short or
long-term educational goals is academic performance or "academic achievement." Academic
achievement is the completion of educational benchmarks such as high school and bachelor's
degrees. But in this study is more focus on the activeness of students in the learning process in
class and the score that students get. As (Sardiman, 2001:98) has said that successful learning
must go through a variety of activities, both physical and psychological activity. Physical activity
is actively active students with limbs, making things, playing or working, he don't just sit and
listen, look or just passively. Students who have psychological activity (psychiatric) are if the
soul's power work as much or as much as possible in order learning.


Motivation may be defined as intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is described as
involvement in activities for its own sake and without coercion (Alderman, 1999); in essence,
involvement in a task serves as its own reward (Pin-trich & Schunk, 2002). A student taking
piano lessons, for instance, may choose to practice every day because they simply enjoy playing
and want to improve. On the other hand, an extrinsically motivated piano student may not
practice because he or she enjoys it, but rather to please the piano teacher, who may then praise
the student with praise or may the parent or the child would reward the students after every hours
of training with some of treat. While the extrinsic motivation is the dedication of reward in
shaping behavior of students (e.g., recognition, qualifications, special privileges, tangible’s)
according to Alderman (1999).
As we have known, however, that some students feel incapable of learning, others are afraid of
failure, and some are simply uninterested in some areas of educational content. For many
teachers, it may seem like a very difficult task to get students to love learning. Although multiple
factors such as self-efficacy feelings, independence, parental involvement can affect the
motivation of a student to learn. Teacher has a play major Roles in developing a classroom
environment that encourages the intrinsic motivation of the necessary to pursue the love of
learning that their students crave. Most motivation experts in the classroom (Lepper, 1988;
Pintrich & Schunk, 2002; Stipek, 1993) refer to the four Cs-control, challenge, curiosity, and
contextualization-as sources of increased intrinsic motivation, that are:
Control, becomes more intrinsically motivated when students are able to exercise some
independence during learning activities.
Challenge, Students who work well beyond their current level of accomplishment have the best
chance of success and satisfaction. The work is then neither too challenging nor too casy when
provided with adequate support. Then the work isn't too challenging or too easy.
Curiosity, People are innately wired to gain pleasure from surprising, complex, or discrepant
activities and events with their expectations or beliefs. Intrinsically inspiring are academic
experiences that arouse the interest of the student.
Sample and Site
The population of this study is the State Islamic Senior High School Sidoarjo, there are two
different class which taken as sample in this study, they are 11 st grade of science seven and 11st
of social two. In each class have 35 students. The ages of the participants are 15 to 16 years old.
They are still in beginner level. This class is chosen as the sample due to the researchers’ class
and my friends’ class when the researcher is practicing teaching in that school.
Research Design
This study was Quasi-experimental design; the intervention is by giving different teacher who
have different behaviors and seeing the progress of student’s performance and interest. Teacher’s
behaviors reffered to this study are the teachers’ direction, interaction and organization in the
class. This study designed to improve the student’s performance and interest in the English
classroom, especially in class who have shown a lack of interest or attention. After that, the
researcher describes the progress of the participant to know the result of the intervention.
The data collection of this study was through observation, the accumulation score of students in
the last meeting of the class, and the impression card. Besides that, the researcher also checks the
reaction of each class which is being taught by different teacher, because each teacher has
different attitudes as well. Additionally, the data was obtained for 3 meetings in the class to
know the progress of student’s performance and interest.

Before I taught the class of 11st of social two, I followed their class to know their level, needs
and characteristics. As I have seen, the teacher has difficulty to control the behavior of their
students. Many students who are sleep when they are asked to do the exercise. Besides that, the
students didn’t finish homework on time. Furthermore, the students pay less attention during the
In my opinion, the students get bored in the learning process because of the class is still using
TTT (Teacher Talking Time). Besides that, the atmosphere of the class is uptight which makes
students afraid to do something, they were afraid if their answer is wrong, afraid to ask if they
didn’t understand the material due to the teachers’ personality is not friendly. The teacher often
threatens the students if they make a mistake. It causes the students to act arbitrarily and pay less
attention in following learning class.
Furthermore, the activities of students are only listens the teacher’s explanation and do the
exercise on textbook. In case, the students are less involved during the learning process, the
students also are less engaged in active way to attract the students’ interest and the monotonous
of the students learning style.
Based on the explanation above, the teacher is aggressive teacher, which is awkward and
unpleasant and usually discourages learning. When the students feel uncomfortable during the
learning it cause impede the learning process itself. Even though the teachers’ explanation is
clearly if the atmosphere of the class is not fun which makes the students didn’t follow the class
well. There are some students who sleep, talk each others, ask permisson to go to toilet but in in
fact they go to canteen. Thus, make the students love their teacher first then they would love
your subject or material, because if the students not interested in the teacher they will ignore the
lesson. Build a fun classroom atmosphere by engaging the students with attractive activities. So,
they don't just sit and listen, look or just passively. Students who have psychological activity
(psychiatric) are if the soul's power work as much or as much as possible in order learning.

To overcome these problems, the researcher tried to think how can the researcher be loved by
students and students accept my lesson well. Then the researcher designed the activities which
make the researcher interact intensively with all students. When the researcher met at the first
time, the students seemed like careless and there were some students who did the assignment of
other subject in my class. In the first meeting, I used hot seat games and flashcard to boost their
interest. When the students participated in doing hot seat games they are very enjoy even they
asked to guess more words. For using flashcard, the students were enthusiastic to remember the
vocabulary that taught by the teacher. Through these activities, I interacted closely with them;
the researcher also becomes very intimate with them. In every student done the researcher
always appreciate them by giving praise.
Many ways can be done to behave well to the students; one of them is appreciate every thing a
student does by giving praise such as “good job, excellent, nice”. As we have known, praise is a
magical word. Praise is to state something positive about someone, sincerely and honestly.
Praise is something that makes people who hear it flattered, so that it can also provide motivation
to people who are praised. Moreover, praise can foster self-confidence in children. By giving
praise, the students have supported from their teacher. Effective teacher expresses to reluctant
teacher that the students have confidence in their abilities.
Effective teacher refrain from sarcasm, criticism, verbal abuse and negative comments that only
hurt the self-esteem of the students and strengthen any low opinions that may students have.
When teachers are caring, compassionate, and positive in their interactions with students, they
create a motivating, positive, friendly, nurturing, success-oriented classroom atmosphere that is
conducive to students' achievement and the students would behave appropriately. Additionally,
Effective teachers are friendly, and they project understanding, warmth, consideration, and a
positive attitude that contributes to students' productive work. Friendliness dispels students'
perceptions of feeling threatened or fearful; thus it often increases students' willingness to finish
their task. On the remaining time of the first meeting, the students have completed the task on
time and the average score of the students is 87 with range 65 to 95. The category of the
students’ average score is high and very good.
In the second meeting, the researcher used throw ball to review the material last week. Review
using this technique makes the learning atmosphere not tight but more enjoyable. After that,
teacher gives the example of giving advice or suggestion. Then the teacher gives dialogue and
asks students determine which the expression on the dialogue. In this case, the teacher elicits
students to find the expression. Next, the teacher identify each word in the expression and
stimulate the students to conclude the formula of the expression which use modal verb (should,
can). To attract the student’s interest, the researcher gives reward to students which can write
their answer on the whiteboard. Reward is given by the researcher which kind of extrinsic
motivation for them. It can cause a good effect on students’ performance. As usually, the
students have finished the worksheet about writing in giving advice. For the students’ average
score in this meeting are 88 with range 65 to 100, which means the category of the score is quite
In the third meeting, in this meeting the teacher asks the students to write dialogue about giving
suggestion and advice related to the health problems in pair. Besides that, the students also
present their dialogue in front of class. In this situation, the students are snatch away to present
their dialogue. To tackle this case, the teacher make a sequence number and ask the students take
one by one without knowing that number. The average’s score in this indicator is 83 with range
75 to 90. In this last meeting, the students also wrote the impression card about they felt in
following the class from first meeting to last meeting. Most of them said that they enjoyed during
the learning process, and they loved that being taught by the second teacher due to the teacher
are patient and friendly (see in Appendix).
Based on the illustration above, there are two different characteristics which causes different
student learning outcomes too. Educators must express themselves in a way that shows that not
only do they care about what they teach, but they also care about who they teach. If an educator
develops a supportive learning environment, it is established that they also build an effective
classroom setting alongside an emotional setting that improves student performance.

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