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Enzyme is a substance produced by a living organism which acts as a catalyst to bring

about a specific biochemical reaction . It is a macromolecule that acts as a catalyst and
a chemical agent that speeds up a reaction without being consumed by the reaction.
They bind to the molecules and alter them in specific ways. They are essential for
respiration , digesting food, muscle and nerve function, among thousands of other roles.
Enzymes are made of a long and linear chains of amino acids that fold to produce 3-D
shape and present throughout the body . In addition , it has special active site for
substrate binding. Active site is the location for the reaction to occur.

Thus , enzymes has its own specificity. For any chemical reaction, the
reactant that react with the enzymes is called substrate. They have a very
high specified reaction which only allow certain substrate to fit into the
enzyme’s active site. When the enzyme binds to its substrate, it will form
an enzyme-substrate complex or also known as “lock and key”. While
enzyme and substrate are joined, the catalytic action of the enzyme
converts the substrate to the product of the reaction. Furthermore ,
enzymes are very efficient because only small amount of them is needed to
convert a large amount of substrate into product.

Moreover, enzymes is affected by many factors that include pH,

temperature, enzymes concentration, substrate concentration, activators
and also inhibitors. Each enzyme works better under some conditions than
under other conditions, because these optimal conditions favor the most
active shape for the enzyme.

In this case study, the enzymes related is digestive enzymes. Most of the enzymes
are catalysts which converts the molecules from one thing into another. The
digestive enzymes can be defined as the enzymes used in the digestive system.
These enzymes breakdown large molecules of foods into small molecules which
allows the gut in our body to absorb, thus making the gut healthy and ensures the
nutrients reaches out to the part that are in need.
As much as we needed digestive enzymes, it also comes with risks. Digestive enzymes
are widely available online and in many foods stores, drugstores, and stores
specializing in dietary supplements. Some enzyme products do not contain all the
enzyme activity expected from labels, and some are not labeled clearly enough to allow
us to know their activity. Furthermore, products varied considerably in the enzyme
activity they offer. There are also probable side effect of digestive aids enzymes if taken
in high dosage that may trigger stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Some
may experience allergy reaction towards the digestive enzymes.

Enzymes speed up metabolic reactions by lowering a reaction’s energy barriers. Enzymes

work by binding to reactant molecules and holding them in a way that the chemical bond-
breaking and bond-forming processes may take place more readily. A spontaneous
chemical reaction occurs without any requirements for outside energy but it may occur so
slowly that it is imperceptible. For instance, even though the hydrolysis of sucrose to
glucose and fructose is exergonic, a solution of sucrose dissolved in sterile water will sit for
years at room temperature with no appreciable hydrolysis. However, if a small amount of
the enzyme sucrose is added to the solution, all the sucrose may be hydrolyzed within
seconds. Enzyme catalyzes a reaction by lowering the energy barrier which enables the
reactant molecules to absorb enough energy to reach the transition state even at
moderate temperatures. Enzymes can only hasten reaction that will eventually occur
anyway but it enables the cell to have a dynamic metabolism, creating a smooth chemical
route though metabolic pathways. Also , enzymes determine which chemical processes
will be going on in the cell at any given time.

Digestive enzymes are natural substances needed by the body to help break down and
digest food. It is used when the pancreas cannot make or does not release enough
digestive enzymes into the gut to digest the food. Digestive aids contain lipase,
protease, peptidase, amylase and nuclease. Lipase split fatty acids off fats and oils
while protease and peptidase split proteins into small peptides and amino acids. On the
other hand, amylase split carbohydrates such as starch and sugars into simple sugars
such as glucose. Nuclease split nucleic acids into nucleotides.

Additionally, enzyme supplements can be taken to help improve digestion. Digestive

enzymes enable the body to perform biological functions that otherwise would not occur
at physiological temperatures. Supplementing the body's supply of these enzymes
will promote healthy digestion and relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Each and every enzyme in our body requires an optimum pH and temperature to go
about their work in the best possible manner or in order to ensure that they working with
maximum efficiency capable. In our body, all enzymes work at a temperature of 37
degree Celsius which is the normal body temperature. Any deviation, results in reduced
enzyme efficiency. When someone has a high fever and the temperature increases too
much, the structure of enzymes breaks down. They no longer function properly.
However, restoring body temperature to its optimal range will help restore enzymes

Yes, the digestive enzyme production by our body decline as we age. The reason for
the decrease in digestive enzyme production as we age is the deteriorating state of our
organs. Especially the organs responsible for producingyour digestive enzymes
(salivary glands, stomach, pancreas and small intestine). As we age these organs
sustain gradual cumulative damage which impairs their ability to function properly.

To conclude, enzymes help our body to complete important tasks. It includes building
muscle, destroying toxins, and breaking down food particles during digestion.
Enzymes also help cells to communicate with each other, keeping cell growth, life and
death under control. Without enzymes, these reactions would take place too slowly to
keep us alive. Enzymes are vital for life.


Harvard Health Publishing. (2020, January 30). Gut reaction: A limited role for digestive
enzyme supplements. Harvard Health.



STUDENT ID : 2019878494
GROUP : AS1202A4
SUBMISSION DATE : 17th March 2020

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