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My Sisters Birthday

One day I needed some things from the shop so I visited the supermarket near my house. The
shop is diveded into three main sides. The food area, the toys area and the check-out erea where you
pay. So firstly I made my way towards the food to buy some groceries for my mom. I grabbed the bread,
some apples, butter, some coke and ham. Then i walked towards the toys becuase my sisters birthday
was soon so i needed to look out for something. I watched the puzzles but they costed a lot and were
very little. Then my eyes dazzled. I saw a toy car, pink, sparkly. I knew that she would love it. I looked at
the price. It said 400 pounds. I had 200 out of my pocket money so i had to start raising.

As i went to the check-out area to pay, the two guards looked at me very suspiciously i felt
nervous even though i didn't do anyting.

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