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Question# 1


When you are writing an essay, report, dissertation or any other form of academic writing, your own thoughts

and ideas inevitably build on those of other writers, researchers or teachers. It is essential that you

acknowledge your debt to the sources of data, research and ideas on which you have drawn by including

references to, and full details of, these sources in your work. Referencing your work allows the reader:

 to distinguish your own ideas and findings from those you have drawn from the work of others

 Bibliography: A bibliography, generally, is a list of all the sources you used

to generate your ideas about the topic including those cited in your assignment
as well as those you did not cite.

 Difference between bibliography and reference:
 A reference is a single quote, fact, explanation, or other sentence from a book, article, or
other published material used in a larger piece of writing.
 A bibliography is a list of books that were used in providing the references in your work.
The bibliography lists the important facts about these books typically author or editor,
title, copyright date, publishing house, publishers location

What is Plagiarism?

According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to “plagiarize” means

1) To steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own.
2) To use (another's production) without crediting the source.
3) To commit literary theft.
4) To present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source .
In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else’s
work and lying about it afterward.

Avoiding this kind of plagiarism is more difficult and requires five things:
Put ideas into your own words.
Learn to paraphrase - don’t use the same sentence structure, same order of ideas or same
Using 3 or more words from a source requires a citation.

• Be aware of the purpose of citation and be diligent at all times about the requirement
to cite your sources.
• Learn the conventions of the citation style required by your professor – is it APA, MLA,
• Double check with others that you have done things correctly before submitting your
work – talk to your professor and book a Writing Support appointment

Question: 3

Date: July 15, 2016

To: All staff

From: Marie Blaise, Assistant to the Director of Human Resources

Subject: Implementation of New Organizational Structure

As mentioned in Daniel St-Amour’s memo dated May 6, 2016, the CBHSSJB will be
implementing a new organizational structure that is designed to strengthen the role of
Cree culture within our organization and improve the services we provide. The new
organizational structure is the result of over two years of research, reflection, and
listening to concerns and suggestions from staff and other stakeholders, and was
approved by the Board of Directors at the end of March 2016. As promised, please find
attached a copy of the new organizational structure. There are a number of changes in the
new structure that we would like to highlight, namely:

 The addition of a number of key positions within Nishiiyuu as part of this department’s
new and expanded mandate to develop traditional services and evaluate the
organization’s performance

 The transfer of Youth Protection and Youth Healing under Pimuhteheu;

 The transfer of the Directors of Professional Service and Quality Assurance for
Nursing, Allied Health and Psycho-Social under Miyupimaatisiiun;

 The transfer of Direct Miyupimaatisiiun Access Coordination Centre (previously Cree

Patient Services) under Administrative Services;

 The creation of Director of Professional Service and Quality Assurance for Midwifery
and Director of Pre-Hospital Emergency Services and Emergency Measures; and,

 The creation of a new committee at both the organizational and community level with a
mandate to coordinate and integrate clinical programs and services. This new structure
helps to clarify roles, balance workload, break down silos and facilitate collaboration,
particularly among the administrative, planning and clinical functions of our

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