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Let's Learn About

What are germs?
A germ is a microorganism (something that is so
small ou cannot see it ith our e e) that can
pass diseases to li ing things. Most germs are
bacteria or iruses.

What is COV D-19?

COV D-19 (kno n as corona irus) is a irus,
hich is a t pe of germ. t can cause sickness in
humans, and is similar to the irus that causes
the seasonal (in the inter) flu.

What happens if get

COV D-19?
COV D-19 can cause se eral s mptoms in our bod if ou
get it. You ma get a fe er (high bod temperature), a bad
cough, and shortness of breath (feeling like it is hard to
breath). Most health people that get sick ill get better
ithin a fe da s or eeks.

Ho are doctors
keeping us safe?
COV D-19 (kno n as corona irus) is a irus, hich is
a t pe of germ. t can cause sickness in humans, and
is similar to the irus that causes the seasonal (in the
inter) flu. Doctors are researching to find a accine
and cure, but for no , e can do things to reduce
the numbers of germs that spread!
Activit #1: Howdodo
#1: How
germs spread?
germs spread?
Supplies: Round 2: Hand
- Legos, mini pom moms, or an
small objects (need <50) Washing
Round 1: Hand ashing does not get rid of ALL germs,
but it can get rid of almost all of them! n this
- Ha e people stand in ar ing corners of ersion of the game, ou ill see ho much
room, spread at least 5 feet a a longer it ill take for germs to spread if
- Designate someone to be "sick". Gi e e er one ashes their hands.
them 5 pom poms to hold onto. These are - Setup the game the same a as round 1,
their germs. e cept that the 'sick' person is consistentl
- The sick person (and all other people) ashing their hands, causing the spread to slo
ill start andering around the room. (the sick person(s) MUST alk at a slo er pace
When the sick person touches someone, than the health people.
the get germs on them. (Ha e the person - The same rules appl ; if a sick person touches
ho as just touched grab 5 pom poms a health person, the health person still
to get germs) acquires some germs (onl 5 pom poms this
- Repeat this process, ith all sick people time) and then can spread them. Ne l sick
passing germs, until e er one in the room people must also alk slo l (to represent
is no holding germs. Ho quick did this hand ashing effect).
happen? Ho can e stop the spread of - Ho long did it take to infect e er one this
germs? Pla the 2 ariations sho n on the time? Did e er one get touched, or did the
right to sho 2 methods to slo the same people just alk around?
spead of germs.

Round 3: Sta ing at home

Sta ing at home hen ou get sick means that ou cannot spread an of our germs. n this
game, ha e the sick person 'sta at home' b standing in place and not mo ing. Ha e all
others a oid bumping into this person. Obser e: do the germs spread at all using this
manner? Ho man people got sick? Reflect- hat is the best method for stoping the spread
of germs? f ou can't sta at home, hat should ou do to slo the spread?
Activit #2: What does hand
washing do for germ spread?
Supplies: E periment Setup:
- bread slices (4) 1. Label the four baggies (dirt hands), (soap and
- iplock baggies (4) ater), (hand saniti er), and (just bread).
- hand saniti er 2. n the baggie labelled "just bread", place a slice of
- ater and anti-bacterial bread in the bag and seal the bag ith nothing else
handsoap inside.
- sharpies 3. n the baggie labelled "dirt hands", ha e someone
ith un ashed hands rub their hands all o er both

Acti it Goal:
sides of the bread, and then place the bread into
the bag and seal.
Washing our hands is important, 4. n "soap and ater", ha e someone ash their
but just ho much of a difference hands thoroughl for 20 seconds ith antibacteral
does it make to ash our hands? soap and ater, and then rub their dr hands all
Here, e are going to ipe our o er the bread and then seal.
hands on slices of bread after 5. Finall , in "saniti er", ha e someone (NOT the
different situations and let the person ho just cleaned their hands ith soap) rub
bread sit to gro bacteria- hand saniti er on their hands for 10 seconds and
sho ing just ho clean (or dirt ) then rub their hands on the bread.
our hands are! 6. Make sure all bags are sealed, and then lea e
some here safe to sit for 2-3 eeks.

Obser ations:
- What do the four pieces of bread look like after
2-3 eeks?
- Which bread has the most bacteria/mold
gro ing on it? Which has the least?
- Man people use hand saniti er to ash their
hands instead of soap and ater for
con enience. Does it get our hands as clean as
soap and ater?
Activit #3: What is the
importance of soap?
Supplies: E periment Setup:
- bo l 1. Fill a bo l ith ater, and then sprinkle black
- ater pepper o er the surface to get a full, e en la er on
- black pepper
- dish soap
2. Dip our finger (or a Q-tip) in dish soap, and then

Acti it Goal: touch the soap to the middle of the surface of

ater. The pepper should scatter, sho ing germs
Washing our hands is important, scattering from the soap. While soap cannot kill
and the most important part is 100% of germs (bacteria and iruses), it can greatl
using soap ell! Ho can e reduce the number of germs on our hands and
isuall see hat soap does to disperse them to be broken do n b soap.

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