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Gmail - Order of the Purple Heart Honored to Observe Hispanic Heritag...

Michael Cook <>

Order of the Purple Heart Honored to Observe Hispanic Heritage Month

1 message

Military Order of the Purple Heart <> Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 12:37 PM

Order of the Purple Heart Honored to Observe Hispanic Heritage Month

Each year, the nation sets aside September 15 through October 15 as Hispanic
Heritage Month. The Military Order of the Purple Heart takes this time to reflect on
and pay tribute to the tremendous contributions and sacrifice that Hispanic
Americans have made throughout the history of their service in our nation's military.

The MOPH is especially proud to salute the Order's Hispanic American Members,
many of whom hold the highest leadership positions throughout the Order. This
year we pay special recognition to the members of the Department of the
Caribbean, based in Puerto Rico. On June 10, 2014, President Obama honored
the 65th Infantry Regiment, the nation's only all Puerto Rican military unit, with one
of the nation's highest honors, the Congressional Gold Medal. Nicknamed the
"Borinqueneers," the regiment served in World War I, World War II and the Korean
War. About 62,000 Puerto Ricans joined the military during World War II, and more
than 43,000 fought in the Korean War. The 65th Regiment joins a small number of
distinguished military units to be awarded the medal, including the Tuskegee
Airmen, Navajo Code Talkers and Women Air Force Service Pilots of World WarII.

With more than 60 Medal of Honor recipients dating back to the Civil War, including
MSgt Leroy Petry more recently, Hispanic Americans continue to serve in our
military with deep and abiding patriotism and valor.

The Military Order of the Purple Heart is proud of the many contributions our
Hispanic American Members have made to the Order and our nation, and the
diversity of our Purple Heart recipient members reflects the character and strength
of our nation as a whole.

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