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Client Needs Messaging

Below, you’ll find a series of questions that you must answer if you want to position yourself as a
thought-leader and expert in your field. It is the only way you’ll be able to target your ideal client
with laser-like precision. Complete the answers below and then use them to complete your
Client Needs Matrix​.

1. What is your ideal client’s major fear(s)?

2. What is your ideal client’s greatest frustration(s)?

3. What is your ideal client’s greatest challenge(s)?

4. If these fears, frustrations, and challenges didn’t exist, what would your ideal client be
able to accomplish that would fulfill their dreams?

5. What is the problem that your client thinks they have but isn’t really the problem?

6. What is the real problem?

7. What has your client been doing to fix these problems that hasn’t been working?

8. What is the real solution?

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