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When a child born is innocent either he or she born in palace or any place of garbage.

child has right to get every fundamental and human right equally is the basic concept of justice to
the people by the government or state. Even the parents have no obligation to their child but state
have to be the firstly responsible to every child equally for their protection and development. No
any child would be distance from the obligation by the state.

State is the first and foremost guardian of the children is the basic concept of obligation towards
their people. Child is the man and who you are governing the state were also child that time.
Think about your history and child hood. What you have to do is to protect all child equally
along with their development.

What ever governance achieve is based upon the condition of people. When there is appropriate
policy and equatable approach of development of children than it will produce the liable citizen
towards state which is the basic element for the development of state. Now we are seeing the
discrimination between the child of poor and rich. This is due to lack of state guardianship

So that we must have to think once for the equal right to all child for their equal development
and access of facilities equally which leads the nation and world to prosperous. We must make it
our basic concern ,common goal,obligation and duty for the equitable distribution of resource for
all child equally. Than only we will have the concern on natural right.

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