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Rationale: Completing the first 8 units has helped me a lot with learning and
improving my skills needed for the course and for the working media industry.
I learnt the most from the factual programme unit which is why I have decided
to do a documentary for my FMP. The skills that I have learnt from this unit will
help me to make my programme better. These skills include interview
techniques as I didn’t know how to do this well before and improved
camerawork. The subject I chose is gymnastics and I chose this because it is
important to me and I believe I can make an interesting programme for other
keen gymnasts to watch and learn more about the sport. It will also help to
increase awareness of my discipline of gymnastics (TeamGym).

Concept: My documentary is going to be about a team of gymnasts preparing

for and competing in the British Championships in Liverpool. It will show the
highs and the lows of the season such as injury, disappointment, mental blocks
and success. I decided to do this idea because I want to make more people
aware of this discipline of gymnastics and I want to show people what life is
really like for the top performers. I will need to interview coaches, gymnast
and parents to get the full picture of what life is like. I will need special
cameras such as Go Pros to get the best gymnastics footage that will interest
my audience.

Evaluation: To evaluate my work I will complete a weekly blog for each section
of work. I will highlight my strengths and my weaknesses to see what I can
improve for the next week. I will gain my feedback by talking to my teachers
and also asking my dad who is working in the media industry. I will take their
feedback and use it to improve my work so that it is at the highest possible
standard. I will also use my knowledge of professional productions to compare
my work to see how I could improve and make it look more professional.

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