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Good morning everyone, my name is .... as your senior.

I’ve been studying in Jakarta State

Polytechnic for 3 semesters and I took Islamic Finance and Banking as my study program. First,
congratulation for successfully being a college student in Jakarta State Polytechnic and welcome to
accounting family.

So, let me tell you a little information about our major. There are 6 study programs in accounting,
accounting diploma, applied bachelor of accounting, finance and banking diploma, applied bachelor
of finance and banking, applied bachelor of financial management, and applied bachelor of islamic
finance and banking. Our major also have it’s own organization and student study group, HMJA,
CMSS, and ForSEI.

In this institute, we are not able to choose our subjects like in other univiersities, but it is
automatically being packaged by the system. Now, i’m going to tell you about our experiences with
the lecturers. Each lecturers has it’s own personalities with different way to face them.

1. Mr. Bambang Waluyo as accouting basic lecturer. He is a nice person, he explains the subject
clearly and he usually asks the student to come forward and do the exercise and it helps us
to easily uderstand the subject. He likes to tell us about his stories. And if you have his
subject on the first schedule, don’t ever come late because he will count every minute that
you waste you will get compensation.
2. Mrs. Aminah as mathematic of business and statistic lecturer. She is so unique because the
way she explains the subject is so quick and we always rushing to write everything she tells.
She always tries to make all of her students completely understand by exlpains it step by
step. We are close to her because she is our PA (Pembimbing Akademik)
3. Mr. Dede Abdul Fatah as our fiqh muamalah lecturer. He is a part of DPS in Indonesia so
everything that he explains is accurate and it always makes us amaze what he tells and he
always being up to date about islamic contemporer products and the problems in it.

These are the tips to study. In our experiences, you don’t have to worry about your score, because
our study program has a good relation, with each others, seniors, and the lecturers. We usuallly
study together before the exam or ask our seniors to teach us. Beside score, another thing that you
have to concern is your attendance. So when you really need to skip the class, make a permission
letter and give it to the administration. Don’t skip the class without permission too often, because
you will be suspended temporarily or for a new student like all of you, you will get drop out.

You can also be active outside the class like join the organization, extracurricular, or events crew,
and etc. But you are not supposed to forget that you are a college student, your priority is to study

You will know the feelin of polytechnic life is exausting, it tooks a full day for 5 days in a week even
we have a class on Saturday. But it depends on how you maintain your time, your health, all of your
activities. You need to know well what your priorities are.

Actually there are so much thing we want to share with you, but we’re sorry that we have reach our
time limit. Sadly, we have to end this sharing section. We hope that this little information and advice
could help you to pass this phase of being a new college student. If you have something to ask, you
can contact me freely. Thank you for your attention.

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