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To: Kim Marchesseault

From: Matt Weyand

Date: March 17, 2020
Subject: OLCE

Dear Kim Marchesseault,

For the Outside Leadership Communication Evaluation assignment (OLCE) I was instructed to
send out an evaluation form to my peers. After receiving the efficient number of inquiries to
assess my communication skills, I am now able to summarize my findings. The two areas that
are covered in this evaluation are the people styles and cultural map.

People Styles
The people style that I was given from my evaluation of myself was Amiable. Most of my survey
respondents identified me as amiable, however a few of them identified me as a driver. I
believe I was identified as a driver based on the relationship I have with my friend group.
Growing up I was also the organizer in the group. I would coordinate where and when we
would meet and what we were planning on doing that day/night. Given that I was only
identified as a driver by a few individuals, it was not the most common or accurate response.
The majority of respondents identified me as amiable and I am not surprised by those results
based on the relationship that my family and teammates have with me.

Culture Map
The eight cultural map scales consisted of communicating, evaluating, persuading, leading,
deciding, trusting, disagreeing, and scheduling. The survey responses were similar to how I
scored myself except in 3 areas. The three areas that were different were leading, deciding, and
scheduling. I scored a 1.3 in all of these categories from my own responses and from my survey
respondents I scored a 2. These scores are a little surprising to me because I didn’t think that
these qualities were my strengths but for the people who listed me as a driver they are. The
highest scale number was a 2.3 for communication and trusting. In my personal response I
scored a 2.3 in communication and 3 in trusting. These results match for communication but in
trusting I scored myself higher than what others did. I am surprised by the trusting score as I
see myself as very trusting.

Overall, I was most surprised by the respondents who identified me as a driver and the culture
map which scored high in leading, deciding, and scheduling. The driver people style was
surprising to me because of the way I view myself. In the business world I don’t yet know what I
want to do or who I want to be and until then I wouldn’t consider myself as a driver. I see
myself as amiable because I am more focused on building relationships and trust so that in the
future I can have a network that supports me.
Going Forward
The lesson that I have learned from this assignment is not that I am or am not one of these
people styles, it is that I have the ability to change my focus and attitude so that I can be these
different people styles when appropriate. For as much as I don’t see myself as a driver now, I
want to be in the future so that I have a network that will respect me and trust my decision
making. This assignment has made me more aware of how I want my peers to view me.

Best regards,

Matt Weyand

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