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CASE 10.


1-Did the dialogue between buyer & seller seem natural to you?

The conversation was natural. This is shown by the first mend made by
Ann to attract the attention of joebell. moreover, as the buyer who is at
work joe is quick to tell Ann to go straight to the purpose of the visit.

2- did the salesperson us too many question in her approach?

No she did not ask too many question this is shown by the willingness of
the buyer to answer the question asked the question were also revelavngt
since they made Ann to convince joe is seeing the need to purchase the
equipment to enhance security in the office.

3- Analyze each of the salesperson’s questions and state whether it is a situation,

problem, implication, or need-payoff type of question?

Answer - To clearly answer this question an understanding on the menaiong of

implication, problem, & situation & need pay off question is necessary
A situation question is used to collect facts. In this context they include :
How many doors do you have at the ground floor?
And ground level winodws =?
And is it failry small ?
How long have you been here?
Problem you would face without your computer ?
An implication questions used to develop problem make it seem more serious.
They mainly are :
If you lost the software wouldn’t that it make it harder to process customers order ?
And even worse woludnt that hold the billing to customers ?
Could you without your computer ?
Would it be difficult if it were stolen for example ?
A need to pay off the question focus the customers attention to the soloution rather
than on the problem.
They inclue:
So there are 16-18 points that the thief can break in does are you concern about it ?
As the problem questions is used to probe problem points of dissatisfaction,
difficulty that the prospect has they help direct one towards the core need of the
prospect . they includes:
What effect would that have on you processing cost ?
And you need to keep backup records somewhere else in the bank for example?
Your customers files are in or alos insured ?

4- Analyze each of the buyer’s responses to the salesperson’s questions and state
what type of need the salesperson’s question uncovered. Was it an implied or
minor need response or was it an explicit or important need response? Why?

To critical analyses the responses it is important to understand the

meeting meaning of the various type of need responses:
Implied needs: refers to statement by the customers of problems, difficulties, &
dissatisfaction they include the followings:
would be quite awkward.
They would be inconvenient replacement.
Isn’t equipment only.
No we don’t
Yes, your right expenses
I see your point as well as being innocence
I am sure we would grind to a halt in a matter of days
Yes, it would be damaging and concern image.
Explicit needs mainly refer to specify customer’s statements of wants or desire
they mainly comes from need pay off question the includes:
Put that way it does I suppose we are not very secure these statement shows the the

Q5- How would you improve on this salesperson’s approach?

the main weakness the salesperson has is asking a few need pay off question.
To achieve a greater success in my sales I would formulate more needs off
questions to enables me make sales much quicker as it will excite needs responses
From the customers. they need pay off questions will get the customers telling me
the benefits of my system to the current situation they are in.

Q6- After the buyer’s last statement, which of the following would you do?
a. Move into the presentation.
b. Ask a problem question.
c. Ask a need-payoff question.

I would ask for an appointment to fully discuss my system. This is because the
customers showed a very important need from his last response.

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