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Running Head: CASE STUDY 1

Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership

Name of Student

Name of Institution


Case Study: Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership

Question 1

It is important for nurses to understand nursing-sensitive indicators. Nursing-sensitive

indicators give health care practitioners a measurable technique of examining the issues that

affect quality of patient care. In the case of Mr. J’s admission to hospital, it is evident that the

managing team attached to his care was not well acquainted with apparent nursing-sensitive

indicators. The case also suggests that if the nurses had the knowledge of sensitive indicators,

then they did not use them.

Definitely if the nursing team that were taking care of Mr. J were informed about

nursing-sensitive indicators, they would have accepted his hospitalization. The medical team

would have applied nurse-sensitive indicator of patient care to ensure that Mt. J was given the

appropriate dietary. But instead, the medical team (supervisor and nurse) together with the

kitchen supervisor decide to unethically practice their responsibilities. Why could the supervisor

decide to hide information from a patient? This is against the nurse-sensitive indicators. Besides,

it is wrong for the supervisor to hold information from Mr. J (the patient) and the daughter.

Nurse-sensitive indicators would help the nurse to improve her practices through ensuring that

Mr. J was provided satisfied (patient satisfaction) through providing him the correct dietary, or

informing the daughter of the mistake and apologize. hospital management to gather, measure,

apologize before the daughter and the patient. This would help to improve nursing practices by

reducing such further incidences. Other examples of nursing-sensitive indicators include pressure

ulcers, patient satisfaction, nurse satisfaction, UTI’s, prevalence of restrictions, as well as


It is important for a nurse to be aware of how to provide safe and high-quality care to

patients. Employing nursing-sensitive indicators will help healthcare institutions assess the

results to evaluate patient care practices as well as patient satisfaction. The role of quality

nursing in healthcare is measured through patient outcomes. Better care and quality of nurses to

patients improves the general patient results.

Question 2

National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) allows the nurses fraternity

and leadership to evaluate and review performance in regard to patient outcome. According to

Baily at. el. (2015), health care institutions can utilize such knowledge to establish organizational

objectives for advancement at the unit level. They can also use the information to improve

patient care and the work setting. The information is also crucial to assist the health care

institutions to avoid costly snags.

Data that could be collected about the healthcare could acquire pressure ulcers to help the

facility to identify the magnitude of the issue. This would help them to create a plan to improve

their services. Nursing-quality indicators would serve as a measure to help the company

implement improve their plan. For instance, pressure ulcers data would allow the healthcare

management to identify patients that are prone to ulcers and crease apparent measures to control

their development. The data would also be significant to identify patients at risk. New noble

improvement plans would be evaluated and incorporated with regards to the occurrence of

antagonistic events associated with definite pointers. Effective and efficient improvement plans

would help the facility to improve patient results, cut patients hospitalization stay, and improve

family and patient satisfaction. It would also help the healthcare to increase its revenue through

decreasing the costs associated with adverse conditions during hospitalization.


Question 3

Through reading this case, it is evident that there is healthcare ethical issue. With regards

to Mr. J’s religious preference, he was to be provided with a diet of kosher meat. Jewish customs

point that they should eat kosher food. However, the prerequisite was not met and the daughter

was not well-versed about the incidence. When the daughter questioned the healthcare workers,

they responded that “Pork never kills anybody”. Thus, raising the ethical concern of nurses in the

facility. They did not take the concern seriously basing on the argument that its not a medical

concern. It is the right and responsibility of nurses to respect patient’s religious preference and

autonomy (Baily at. el., 2015). They health care workers exhibit limited cultural awareness. The

nurse supervisor is unethical by asking the nurse to keep it under the table. It also unethical for

the nurse to claim that a little pork can kill the patient. As a medical practitioner, I would create

an improvement plan to correct the mistake. As a nursing supervisor I would experts such as a

physician, chaplain, and a certified nurse in my committee to help in decision making. A

chaplain would help give insights about religious beliefs to help us understand different cultural

dietary. A physician could give insights about the patient’s pervious conditions to help us

understand the mistakes we made during hospitalization. A certified nurse could help us

understand why the problem of feeding the patient come up and was not corrected.

As a supervisor, I would also gather information to understand why anybody was held

responsible. I would thereafter create an improvement plan to prevent such actions from

happening again in the facility. I would also inform the kitchen supervisor about the dietary

mistake to reduce or mitigate future mistakes. As an ethical nurse, I would inform the

management about the scenario in writing. If necessary, I would involve the patient’s attorneys

in order to prevent any similar incidences from happening. I would also let the committee know

about the nurse’s comments to ensure appropriate measures are taken to avoid repeating same

errors. In addition, I would request management to plan a training event to educate the nurses

about diverse religions and their associated preferences. This will help the health care and

nurse’s division to be well informed about cultural sensitivity and understanding. In that context,

I uphold my healthcare co-works as well as collaborators to step up to the same ethical standards.


Baily MA, Bottrell M, Lynn J, Jennings B, Hastings C. (2015). The ethics of using QI methods

to improve health care quality and safety. Hastings Center Report. 36(4):S1–S40

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