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To: Mr H Seegobin

From: Junayd Pooloo

ID: 190317080

Submitted on : 11th JUNE 2019

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Figure 1: Main module ................................................................................................................5

Figure 2: Splash Screen ...............................................................................................................5
Figure 3: Main menu ...................................................................................................................6
Figure 4: Child menu items .........................................................................................................6
Figure 5: BOOKCOPY Form ......................................................................................................7
Figure 6: Select Customer Tab ....................................................................................................7
Figure 7: Codes for LIST CUSTOMER ......................................................................................8
Figure 8: Create Rental Tab.........................................................................................................8
Figure 9: Codes for CREATE RENTAL button...........................................................................9
Figure 10: Choose Book Tab .......................................................................................................9
Figure 11: Codes for LIST BOOK button .................................................................................. 10
Figure 12: Codes for listing available books only ...................................................................... 10
Figure 13: Rent Book Tab ......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 14: Codes for the PROCESS button ............................................................................... 11
Figure 15: Codes for SAVE button ............................................................................................ 12
Figure 16: Summary view ......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 17: Codes for the TRANSACTION_SUMMARY view.................................................. 13
Figure 18: Trapping runtime error ............................................................................................. 13
Figure 19: Rental Form ............................................................................................................. 14
Figure 20: Return Book Form.................................................................................................... 14
Figure 21 : Rental Summary ...................................................................................................... 15
Figure 22: Codes for rental summary view ................................................................................ 15
Figure 23: Canvas for the rental & return of book...................................................................... 16
Figure 24: Codes for list rental .................................................................................................. 16
Figure 25: Codes for the save button ......................................................................................... 16

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On clicking the main module from the window navigator, the splash screen appears as shown

Figure 1: Main module

Figure 2: Splash Screen

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Once the splash screen disappears, the main menu of booklender appears . It contains all the
navigation links of the system.

Figure 3: Main menu

The main menu contains parent menu item called 'DATABASE MAINTENANCE'. On clicking
on it, the child menu items appears as shown below. It contains all the individual forms for the
management of book lender.

Figure 4: Child menu items

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For example, on clicking 'BOOKCOPY' from the child menu, the following form appears where
the librarian can add, delete and update copy of book.

Figure 5: BOOKCOPY Form

On Clicking on the 'BORROW BOOK' from the menu, the borrow book control tab appears.

Figure 6: Select Customer Tab

On this form, the administrator choose a particular customer from a list by clicking on the 'LIST
CUSTOMER' button. The latter is created using LOV wizard.

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Figure 7: Codes for LIST CUSTOMER
On navigation to the 'Create Rental' tab, the following screen appears.

Figure 8: Create Rental Tab

On this form, the 'Rental ID' is generated automatically by a sequence. The 'Rental Date' is
obtained from today's date which is the SYSDATE. The 'Customer ID' is automatically obtained
from the 'LIST CUSTOMER' on the 'Select Customer' Tab.

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Figure 9: Codes for CREATE RENTAL button

On the Choose Book form, the librarian chooses the book to be borrowed from a list.

Figure 10: Choose Book Tab

A LOV wizard is used to generate the list of books available which can be borrowed.

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Figure 11: Codes for LIST BOOK button

To list all the books which are currently available, the following sql codes below were used
while using the LOV wizard

Figure 12: Codes for listing available books only

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On clicking on the 'RENT THE BOOK' button, the following screen appears.

Figure 13: Rent Book Tab

The 'Rental ID' is obtained from the RENTAL table, The 'Book Copy ID' is obtained from the
COPY_BOOK table. The 'Due Date' is sum of the Rental Date + 10 days which is calculated
automatically. The 'Returned Date' is set to null. By clicking on the 'PROCESS' button, all of
the above are obtained.

Figure 14: Codes for the PROCESS button

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On clicking the 'SAVE' button, the data are stored in the 'RENTALBOOK_COPY ' in the database.

Figure 15: Codes for SAVE button

On clicking the 'SUMMARY' button, a summary is displayed in a tabular form whereby it

contains the details on the borrowing transaction such last name of borrower, first name of
borrower, book title, book copy ID and so on

Figure 16: Summary view

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To generate the 'SUMMARY' a view was created using the codes below.

Figure 17: Codes for the TRANSACTION_SUMMARY view

On error trigger is used to trap common runtime errors. When a user try to enter the same data
twice, the following message box appears.

Figure 18: Trapping runtime error

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On clicking 'RETURN BOOK' from the main menu, the following form appears.

Figure 19: Rental Form

This is a multi block single canvas form. On this, the librarian can also rent as well as return the

Figure 20: Return Book Form

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A Rental summary which displays book title, Due date, return date, Category is created using a view

Figure 21 : Rental Summary

Figure 22: Codes for rental summary view

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Figure 23: Canvas for the rental & return of book

The 'LIST RENTAL' button lists all the book currently being borrowed.

Figure 24: Codes for list rental

Figure 25: Codes for the save button

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