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WEEK 1: 30thMarch - 4thApril

Subject- Language Arts

Concept –Emotive Interjections!

Learning Outcome/s:

 watch a video to comprehend the contextual use of interjections

 create a poster and use interjections suitable to the images
 use the punctuation for interjections
 mime out and recognise sentences with interjections

Materials Required:

 Old magazines/ newspapers

 Scissors
 Glue
 Sketch pens and Crayons

Express with Interjections

 Yay! We will do something fun and exciting today. How will you express yourself in a word if
you were excited? Will you use words such as ‘Wow!’ or ‘awesome’, ‘yippee’ or ‘great’?
 These are some of the words you can use to express your excitement. They are referred to
as Interjections.
 Now, watch the video on ‘Interjections’ using the following link, and learn to express various
 Next, create your emotive posters using suitable interjections.
 Find at least two pictures from old magazines/ newspaper advertisements which express
strong emotions, such as surprise, sorrow, pain, etc.
 Cut out these pictures, and paste them on a chart paper/art sheet.
 Write suitable interjections that explain the emotion in the pictures you have pasted using
crayons or sketch pens.
 For example, if you find a picture which expresses surprise, you may write the interjection
“WOW!” in bold with colours.
 Remember to use an exclamation mark after each interjection.
 Then, decorate your posters with sketch pens and crayons.
 Lastly, mime out sentences with interjections, and ask your parents to guess them; for
example, “Ouch! I fell off my bike.” Then, switch roles. This time your parents will mime out
sentences; you guess them and use suitable interjections to complete them.

Guidelines for parents:

 This activity is designed to help your child understand the concept of Interjections. Explain
the concept Interjections to your child. An interjection is a word that expresses strong
feeling, such as joy, sorrow, surprise and anger; for example, Wow! ; Hey! ; Oh!. An
interjection is followed by an exclamation mark (!) or at times a comma. An exclamation
mark (!) is used for a more abrupt display of emotion or deep feeling whereas a comma is
used for a mild interjection. For example:
o Oh! What a beautiful rose.
o Oh, I forgot to bring my book.
 Your child needs your support in sourcing out old magazines/ newspapers to create an
emotive poster using interjections. You may share the following word bank of interjections
to help your child select the most suitable word for the poster activity.
o Ouch is a cry expressing sudden pain.
o Wow is used to express great joy or admiration.
o Hey is used to attract someone’s attention or to express interest and surprise.
o Aw, Darn, Oh no express disappointment
o Aargh expresses anger.
o Ssh / Hush is used to tell somebody to be quiet.
o Tsk expresses impatience.
o Uh expresses hesitation.
o Ah expresses surprise, pleasure and admiration.
o Oh expresses surprise and disappointment.
o Ahem is used to draw attention.
o Yippee and whoopee express happiness.
o Yuck and Ugh express displeasure.
o Phew expresses relief.
o Oops is used when you make a mistake.
o Eek expresses fear.
o Umm express hesitation.
o Brr is used to express a state of chill.

Links to Assignment:

 Now solve Homework sheet 4A, 4B from your English Language Phase 4 Home Workbook


Concept – Perimeter

Learning Outcome/s:

 find the perimeter of a shape

Materials Required:

 Pencil
 Crayons
 Ruler
 Material to make stripe (e.g. craft paper, cloth, a lace from an old dress)
 A pair of scissors
 Glue

Decoration Time:

 Decorate edges of your maths notebook with a decorative strip.

 Using ruler measure each side of the notebook.
 Record the measurements in your notebook.
 Find out the total length of edges.
 Make a decorative strip of the measure equal to the total length of the edges.
 You can use any available material to prepare the decorative stripe.
 Paste the stripe prepared on the edges of maths notebook with the help of glue.
 Be sure that stripe covers the entire length of the edges.
 Happy crafting!

Guidelines for Parents:

 This activity is designed to help your child understand the concept of Perimeter.
 Explain the term Perimeter to your child:

Perimeter = Sum of all side

 Help child prepare decorative strip using any available material.

 Ignore the mess created while crafting.
 Appreciate the effort of child.
 Let your child have fun learning!

Links to Assignment:

Now, solve Homework sheet HWSH – 15, HWSH – 16A, HWSH – 16B from your Math Phase
4 Home Workbook.


Concept – Area

Learning Outcome/s:

 find area of the shape

Materials Required:

 A sheet of paper
 Pencil

Let us find out:

 Each room of the house is to be covered by a carpet.

 Count the number of tiles in each room. Ignore the tiles which are not whole.
 Record the number of tiles of each room in your notebook.
 Find out the room which will need the largest carpet

Guidelines to Parents:

 This activity is designed to help your child understand the concept of Area.
 Explain the term Area to your child:

Area is the surface enclosed within the boundary of a figure.

If length is measured in centimetre, the area is calculated in square cm.

If length is measured in metre, the area is calculated in square m.

 To find the area of rooms, help the child to count the tiles of the rooms. Unit of the area
here will be in tiles. For example, Area of Living room = 10 squares or 10 tiles or 10 units.
 Let the child analyse the result and find out the largest room.
 Appreciate the effort even if she/he goes wrong.
 Let your child have fun learning!

Links to Assignment:

Now solve Homework sheet HWSH – 17, HWSH – 18 from your Math Phase 4 Home

Subject- Social Science

Concept – Religious Festivals

Learning Outcome/s –

 Describes different religious festivals

Materials Required –

 A sheet of paper
 Pencil and crayons

Guess the Festival!

 You all are aware of the fact that festivals are the time for celebration.
 It’s time to know how many religious festivals you are familiar with!
 Get ready to play the game!
 Pick up the bags kept in front of you one by one.
 Each bag has words/objects/pictures related to a festival
 Read out the words or look at the objects/pictures carefully to identify the festival.
 You have one minute to make the guess.
 Use the words or pictures shown to describe the festival.
 Draw a picture of something related to the festival of your choice and write a few sentences
as to why you like to celebrate the festival.
 Can you think of any poem or a song related to the festival?
 Recite the poem or sing the song to your family members.
 You can also visit the below link, watch the video and learn to make a few decorative items
for the festivals.

Guidelines for Parents:

 This activity is designed to help your child understand the concept of religious festivals.
 Refer to the pages 5-8 of the synopsis for the festivals covered.
 Prepare and place chits with the important terms related to each festival in small bags.
 You can put together a combination of pictures, words and objects too.
 You can have a stopwatch for each guess/festival to add more fun.
 Ask her/him to describe it in 3-5 sentences using the words in the bag.
 Provide clues or add details if the child does not know about certain community festival.
 You may add on to the description.
 To make it more interesting, try to share a festival story on any festival.
 You can also encourage the child to recite a poem or sing a song related to the festival of
their choice.
 Assist the child if she/he shows interest in making the decorative items.

Links to Assignment:


Subject- ह िंदी

Concept – हित्र-वर्णन

Learning Outcome/s:

 हित्र को ध्यान से दे खकर अपने सरल शब्ोिं में वर्णन कर सकेंगे ।

 हित्र से सिंबिंहित पू छे गए प्रश्ोिं का उत्तर दें सकेंगे ।

 हित्र से प्राप्त सीख को अपने जीवन में आत्मसात कर सकेंगे ।

Materials Required:
 Nil

चित्र को ध्यान से दे खकर वर्ण न करें :

 ऊपर हदए गए हित्र को ध्यानपू वणक दे खें।

 हित्र के बारे में सोिें हक व हकस हवषय पर ै और क्या बता र ा ै ।

 नज़र आ र ी सभी वस्तु ओिं व व्यक्तियोिं के बारे में उल्लेख करें ।
 प्रस्तु त हित्र में लोग कौन-कौन-सी हिया कर र े ैं ।
 हित्र दे खकर अपनी कल्पना शक्ति से उसका वर्णन अपने शब्ोिं में मौक्तखक रूप से करें ।
 इसके बाद हित्र से सिंबिंहित वकणशीट को ल करें ।
 वकणशीट में हदए गए हित्र को ध्यान से दे खकर उसका वर्णन तीन से पााँ ि वाक्योिं में हलखें ।
 हलखें वाक्योिं को अपने अहभभावक के सामने पढ़कर सुनाएाँ ।
 हलखें गए वाक्योिं की जााँ ि करने के हलए अपने अहभभावक से मदद लें ।

Guidelines for parents:

 गहतहवहि को अहिक रोिक बनाने के हलए कुछ प्रश् पू छें।
1. बगीिे में लगे पे ड़-पौिोिं की दे खभाल हकस प्रकार करनी िाह ए?
 उत्तर दे ने पर उनकी सरा ना करें ।

Links to Assignment:
 नीिे हदए गए हित्र-वर्णन से सिंबिंहित वकणशीट को ल करें ।
1. नीिे चदए गए चित्र को दे खकर उसका वर्णन अपने शब्ोों में तीन से पााँि वाक्ोों में कीचिए।

Subject- Language Arts

Concept –Soft c and Hard c

Learning Outcome/s:

 watch a video to differentiate the hard and soft sound of the letter ‘c’
 sort words under soft c and hard c
 list words that include soft c and hard c

Materials Required:

 Nil

The Two Sounds of ‘C’:

 Read aloud the following sentences; pay attention to the pronunciation as you speak:
o There is a can with spicy cloves in the kitchen cabinet.
o Could you pass some rice please?
o We will be able to see the giraffe from the car.
o I cut the slice of cake for the guests.
 Read aloud the sentences once again; this time, notice the difference in the pronunciation of
words that have the letter ‘c’.
 Watch the video using the below link to notice the difference in the two sounds of ‘c’
 Watch the video once again, and this time, sing the song along with your parents.
 Now, look around in your house, and list words that include a letter ‘c’. You can take your
parents’ help for clues.
 Categorise the words that come under soft c and hard c sounds.
 Then, frame sentences of your own using the words with soft c and hard c sounds.
 Next, gear up for a word race with your parents.
 Write down as many words you can that include soft c and hard c; your parents will do the
 After a minute, read out the list to each other using correct pronunciation.
 The person with most words and correct pronunciation will win the word race.
 Lastly, read a story aloud paying attention to the soft and hard c sounds in the words.

Guidelines for parents:

 This activity is designed to help your child understand the difference in the two sounds of ‘c’,
and help them pronounce them in a phonetically correct manner. Explain the criteria that
indicate the soft c and hard c sounds in words. The sound of c is controlled by the letter
following it.
o When followed by the vowels a, o, or u, it makes the /k/ sound. The /k/ sound of c is
called its hard sound.
o When c is followed by a consonant (except h), it makes the /k/ sound or the hard sound.
Eg. clothes, cliff, clever, cloud, clear, class, crust, cry, creature, create. But in these words
‘c’ in combination with another consonant ‘r’ or ‘l’ forms a blend.
o However, when followed by the vowels e, i, or y, it makes the /s/ sound. The /s/ sound of
c is called its soft sound.
 Your child needs your support in understanding the indicators of soft c and hard c sounds.
Assist them in identifying objects in the house that include the two different ‘c’ sounds and
support them in the word race activity. Encourage them to read stories or construct
sentences that demonstrate the correct use of the soft and hard c sounds.

Links to Assignment:

 Now solve Homework sheet 6A and 6B from your English Language Phase 4 Home

Subject- Social Science

Concept – Regional and Harvest Festivals

Learning Outcome/s –

 Identify different festivals celebrated in different regions of the country including harvest

Materials Required –

 A sheet of paper
 Pencil and eraser


 Can you recall a few of the festivals that you might have attended in the past in your
neighbourhood or society?
 Did you realise that these festivals are specific to a particular region?
 Can you tell a regional/harvest festival that you celebrate at home?
 Discuss it with your parents.
 They will explain more about the regional/harvest festivals.
 Visit the given link and watch the video to see the related food, activities and celebrations.
 Are you now ready for an activity?
 You need to unscramble the words listed in the sheet and identify the respective festivals.

Guidelines for Parents:

 This activity is designed to help your child understand the concept of regional/harvest
 Mention about a regional/harvest festival that you celebrate at home as an example for the
child to understand.
 Refer to pages 9-12 of the synopsis and explain the different festivals to the child.
 Watch the video on harvest festivals along with the child.
 Prepare a list of scrambled words related to each festival. Ask the child to unscramble the
words and identify the festivals.
 A few examples are:
o Pongal – Tamil Nadu, bullfights, rice pudding, jaggery
o Onam – Kerala, Mahabali, snake boat
o Bihu – Assam, buffalo fights, born fires
o Baishakhi – Punjab, dholak, bhangra, giddha
o Makar Sankranti – Uttarayan, Lohiri, kites, sesame laddus
 You can give clues if the child is unable to unscramble. Appreciate their effort and let your
child have fun while learning!
Links to Assignment:



Concept – Lines of symmetry

Learning Outcome/s:

 identify lines of symmetry of a shape

Materials Required:

 A sheet of paper
 Pencil and Crayons
 Four playing cards - one of each suit-Club, Spade, Heart and Diamond

Let us play:

 Draw the shape of each suit on a sheet of paper.

 Cut out each shape..
 Fold the cut-outs so that one half would exactly match with the other half along the fold
 Draw a line across the fold line using crayon.
 Find lines of symmetry of each shape.
 Record the number of lines of symmetry in your notebook.

Guidelines for Parents:

 This activity is designed to help your child understand the concept of lines of Symmetry.
 Explain the term line of symmetry to your child:
Line of symmetry is the line which divides the shape or object in exactly the same half.
A shape can have 0, 1, 2 or more lines of symmetry.
 Help your child to trace out the shapes or you can provide them with big cut-outs of the
 Appreciate the effort even if she/he goes wrong.
 Let your child have fun learning!

Links to Videos and Assignment:

 Video link:

 Now, solve Homework sheet HWSH -20A, HWSH-20B from your Math Phase 4 Home

Subject- Language Arts

Concept –Book Review

Learning Outcome/s:

 skim read the text, ‘James and the Giant Peach’

 recall the plot, settings and characters in the text, ‘James and the Giant Peach’
 respond to personal questions in connection with the text
 write a book review based on the given guidelines and prompts

Materials Required:

 Text- ‘James and the Giant Peach’

 Set of questions to interview the child

Be a Book Critic

Time to read!
 Look for your text, ‘James and the Giant Peach’.
 Go through the cover page, blurb and the illustrations in the book.
 Read a few scenes in the book.
 Reflect about the scenes, characters and things you liked and disliked about the book.
 Then, play the main characters in the book, and narrate some of their popular dialogues to
your parents; let your parents guess the name of the character you are playing. You can
even use props available at your home.
 Next, engage in a conversation with your parent.
 Your parent will ask you some personal opinions that you have about the book; express your
thoughts to your parents.
 Lastly, write your thoughts in the form of a book review in your home worksheet.

Guidelines for parents:

 This activity is designed to help your child skim read the book, ‘James and the Giant Peach’,
and express her/his thoughts in the form of a book review. A book review names the title
and author, includes a brief summary of the book without "revealing" the book to the
reader. It comments on the book’s strengths and weaknesses, and includes a personal
response of the reviewer. A book review is not just a book report. It includes both a
description of the work and an evaluation of its merits and demerits if any. It should
generally follow the traditional essay form, with a thesis (topic paragraph), body (arguments
or evidence), and conclusion.
 Your child needs your support in understanding the concept of book review. Assist them in
comprehending the concept of book review using reference of home assignment 11A.
Additionally, using some sample questions as an example, spend some time with your child,
eliciting her/his thoughts and opinions about the book, ‘James and the Giant Peach’. Sample
questions for your reference are listed as follows:
o What are some new, unusual, or interesting words or phrases found in the book?
o Discuss one particular episode in the story that you remember most. Describe why you
think it remains so clear to you.
o Describe in detail any three characters from the story. List reasons why you would or
wouldn't want to get to know these people.
o Would you recommend the book to someone? Why or why not?
o Suggest a different ending for the book.

Links to Assignment:

 Now read Homework sheet 11B, and solve home worksheets 11C and 11D from your English
Language Phase 4 Home Workbook.


Concept –Symmetry in Art

Learning Outcome/s:

 apply the knowledge of symmetry to artwork

 create symmetrical hanging stars using precision and creativity

Materials Required:

 8 squares of white paper (3″ x 3″ squares to make a star that’s 8-1/2″ across)
 Scissors
 Glue
 Sketch pens and Crayons
 A punching machine
 A string for hanging

Symmetrical Art

 Fold each of your white squares in half, on the diagonal. Then, open them up
 Fold sides ‘AB’ and ‘AC’ to the middle so that they touch the fold line ‘AD’. Glue in
 Glue all the sections together by gluing the unfolded bottom ‘D’ to the diagonal line
of the section before it.
 When finished, all ‘D’ covers should touch in the middle.
 Repeat this step with each square, gluing the flaps in place as you fold them down.
 Now it’s time to glue each of your star sections together. Begin by positioning
your first piece with its “narrowest point” pointing away from you. Then, with
your next piece in the same position, glue it to your first piece so the lower left
edge lines up with the fold line of the first piece. Glue these two pieces together
where they overlap, working clockwise around your star.
 Turn your star slightly to the left, and continue lining up the lower left edge of
each successive piece with the fold line of the piece before it. Glue each
piece down as you go.
 Repeat until all eight sections are glued together. Then, go back and check
for any areas that might be a little loose and add more glue as needed.
 Use sketch pens/ crayons to add colourful patterns to your stars, trying to
keep your patterns and colours symmetrical.
 With your parents’ help, punch a hole on the edge of one of the stars, and
pass a string through it.
 Tie the string, and hang the stars in your room/ anywhere you like in your home.

Guidelines for parents:

 This activity is designed to help your child create a piece of art using not just her/his
creativity but also technique and knowledge of symmetry.
 Your child needs your support in precise measurements of cut outs, accurate folding of
paper, cutting paper safely, punching a hole and using a string to hold it.
 Guide and assist her/him in the activity to create symmetrical hanging stars!

Links to Assignment:

 Nil

Subject-Research/Educational Games

Concept – Word Power

Learning Outcome/s:

 associate words appropriate to the age level with their meanings

Materials Required:

 A bucket
 A ball
 Two pieces of sticky tape/string/rope
 A bowl
 10-15 chits of paper
 A book/sheet of paper
 A pencil

What’s the Good Word?

 Select 10-15 words from your Literature Word Power those are new or challenging to you.
 Read the words and their meanings along with your parents. You may read them more than
once if you wish to.
 Take your parents’ help in understanding the meaning of the difficult words.
 Now, write each word meaning on a chit of paper, fold it and put it in a bowl.
 It’s time to set the game with the help of your parents. Place a bucket on a table/chair or the
 Take five steps away from the bucket and mark the point with a piece of sticky tape or
 Take three more steps away from the point and mark the second point with another piece of
 Take turns to toss the ball into the bucket. Each player gets three turns.
 Before tossing the ball, pick up a chit from the bowl, read the word meaning and the guess
the word.
 If you guess it right, you get a chance to stand closer to the bucket and toss the ball. If the
guess is incorrect or you are not able to guess the word, you have to toss the ball from the
second point.
 You get 10 points for every right guess and 10 more for every right toss.
 Make sure that you keep a scorecard. Write the names of the players on a sheet of
paper/book and list their scores below their names. Total the scores at the end of the game
and declare the winner.

Guidelines for parents:

 The aim of the activity is to add a fun element to a Word Power exercise.
 Your child may need help in understanding the meanings of the words she/he has chosen.
Encourage him to choose words from the chapters that have not been completed in class.
Explain the meaning in simple terms, provide synonyms, meaning in context and encourage
your child to use them in the sentences.
 Your child may want to take the lead in setting up the game. Allow her/him that freedom.
You may provide help only if necessary.
 Appreciate her/his interest and effort in setting up the game. Applaud every right guess.

Links to Assignment:


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