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Dr. Tariq K.


Diagnosis:- Coagulation Necrosis

Organ:- Placenta
Lesion:- All of the section undergone coagulation necrosis. These
areas are acidophilic. The cells have “tombstone” appearance that
is nuclear detail is lost, only the basic cellular shape, the silhouette
of the villi and cells are preserved. You can still recognize the cell
outline and tissue architecture.

Diagnosis:- Fat Necrosis
Lesion:- The section is from an ill-defined mass in the breast
present for 3 weeks. This section consists largely of fibrous tissue
with scattered lymphocytes. Nearby there are islands of fat tissue
which is replaced by histiocytes in some areas.

Diagnosis:- Atrophy
Organ:- Skeletal muscle
Lesion:- Is histologically characterized by decreased myofiber size
and number; increased myofiber size variation; increased
accumulation of degenerative inclusion bodies, lipofuscin, and
lipid droplets; and increased connective tissue.

Diagnosis:- Hepatocyte Atrophy
Organ:- Liver
Lesion:- The size of the hepatocytes and their nuclei is reduced,
with nuclei appearing more closely spaced. There is typically no
evidence of glycogen accumulation, and pigmentation (most likely
lipofuscin), representative of cellular breakdown may be present in
Kupffer cells and hepatocytes.

Diagnosis:- Cell Degeneration
Organ:- Liver
Lesion:- The degenerated hepatocytes shown here are from a case
of biliary obstruction. Retained bile salts cause enlargement of and
gives a foamy appearance to hepatocytes.

Diagnosis:- Hyaline degeneration
Organs:- Liver
Lesion:- Centrilobular hepatocytes have alterations in their
cytoplasm characterized by increased eosinophilia with a fine to
coarse flocculent texture. In some situation the appearance may be
more homogeneous.

Diagnosis:- Epithelium - Degeneration
Organ:- Lung
Lesion:- The epithelial cells are vacuolated and sloughing, but
there is little necrotic debris or inflammation. Other lesions often
accompany necrosis and degeneration, such as inflammation and
hemorrhage, and there are occasional pyknotic nuclei.

Diagnosis:- Hydropic Change
Organ:- Liver
Lesion:- Hydropic change is one of the early signs of cellular
degeneration in response to injury. Accumulation of water in the
cell, the accumulation of water in the tubular cells is usually due to
hypoxia of the tissue with a resultant decrease in aerobic
respiration in the mitochondria and a decreased production ATP.

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