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ID : in-6-Algebra [1]

Class 6
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Answer the questions

(1) If the number in the center is the sum of rest of the numbers, find the value of z.

(2) The dimensions of a rectangular field are 10x - 2 and 6x + 2 units. Find the value of x for which it would
be square.
(3) First number is 8 more than the second number. If the sum of the first and the second number is 30,
then find both the numbers.
(4) A car travels 75 kilometers in one hour. What will be the distance covered by the car in x hours?
(5) Sanjana spends Rs. x daily and saves Rs. y per week. What is her income for 8 weeks?
(6) Alisha's uncle is 3 times as old as Alisha. After 6 years, her uncle will be 2 times as old as Alisha. How
old is Alisha now?

(7) 18 years ago, the age of Akshiti's aunt was 3 times the age of Akshiti. If, her aunt is 57 years old now,
how old is Akshiti now?

(8) Simplify:

A) -14x2 - 5y 2 + 4xy - x + 2y - 7 - [ -7x2 + 8xy + 6x + 12y + 14 - { 8y 2 + x } ]

B) -6p2 - 3 - [ -8p2 - 2q 2 + 12pq - 7p - 2q - { -12p2 + q2 - 7p + 16q - 9 } ]

(9) Subtract 9q2 + q - 6 from the sum of - 8q + 3 and -q2 - 8q + 4.

(10) The length of a rectangular field is 10 meters more than its breadth. If its perimeter is 52 meters, what
are the length and the breadth of the field?

(11) The side of an equilateral triangle is shown as c. Find the perimeter of the equilateral triangle using c.
(12) The number of days left in the month of June are four times the number of days already passed. How
many days have already passed in the month of June?
(13) The number of hours left in the day is half the number of hours already passed. How many hours are
left in the day?

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ID : in-6-Algebra [2]

Choose correct answer(s) from the given choices

(14) If x = 6, solve 2(5x + 7) + 4(2 + (5 + 7)).

a. 130 b. 122
c. 132 d. 126

(15) The algebraic expression of the statement "Three-seventh of x multiplied by the difference of y and p"
(Assume that y is less than p) ?
3 3
a. x(y/p) b. (p - xy)
7 7

3 3
c. x(y - p) d. x(p - y)
7 7

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ID : in-6-Algebra [3]

(1) 4

Step 1
We have been told that the number in the center of the figure is the sum of rest of the numbers.

Step 2
Therefore, we can write 2z + 4 + 2z + 1 + 4 + 2 = 27
⇒ 2z + 2z + 4 + 1 + 4 + 2 = 27
⇒ 4z + 11 = 27
⇒ 4z = 27 - 11
⇒ 4z = 16

Step 3
Therefore, the value of z is 4.

(2) 1

Step 1
According to the question, the dimensions of the rectangular field are 10x - 2 and 6x + 2 units.

Step 2
We know that all the sides of a square are equal. For a rectangular field to be square, all the sides
of the rectangular field should be equal.
Therefore, 10x - 2 = 6x + 2
⇒ 10x - 6x = 2 + 2
⇒ 4x = 4

Step 3
Therefore, the value of x is 1.

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ID : in-6-Algebra [4]
(3) 19,11

Step 1
It is given that the first number is 8 more than the second number.
Let us assume that the second number is x.
So, the first number will be x + 8.

Step 2
It is also given that the sum of both the numbers is 30.
Therefore, x + 8 + x = 30
⇒ 2x = 30 - 8
⇒ x = 11

Step 3
Thus, the first number = x + 8
= 11 + 8
= 19
The second number = x = 11

(4) 75x

Step 1
Distance traveled by the car in one hour = 75 kilometers.

Step 2
Distance traveled by the car in x hours = 75 × x
= 75x

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ID : in-6-Algebra [5]
(5) Rs. 56x + Rs. 8y

Step 1
Amount spent by Sanjana in 1 day = Rs. x

Step 2
Number of days in 1 week = 7 days
Number of days in 8 weeks = 8 × 7 = 56 days
Therefore, the amount spent by Sanjana in 8 weeks or, 56 days = Rs. 56x

Step 3
Amount saved by Sanjana in 1 week = Rs. y
Amount saved by Sanjana in 8 week = Rs. 8y

Step 4
Therefore, Sanjana's income for 8 weeks = Amount spent by Sanjana in 8 weeks + Amount saved
by Sanjana in 8 weeks
= Rs. 56x + Rs. 8y

(6) 6

Step 1
Let us assume that the age of Alisha now is x. This means, the age of her uncle now is 3x.

Step 2
Since, the age of Alisha now is x, her age after 6 years will be x + 6.
Similarly, since the age of Alisha's uncle now is 3x, her age after 6 years will be 3x + 6.

Step 3
According to the question, the age of Alisha's uncle will be equal to 2 times that of Alisha after 6
years. Therefore, we can say,
3x + 6 = 2(x + 6),
or, 3x + 6 = 2x + 12
or, 3x - 2x = 12 - 6
or, x = 6

Step 4
Therefore, Alisha is 6 years old now.

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ID : in-6-Algebra [6]
(7) 31 years

Step 1
We know that the current age of Akshiti's aunt is 57 years. Therefore, her aunt's age, 18 years ago
= 57 - 18
= 39 years.

Step 2
It is given that, 18 years ago Akshiti's age was 3 times her aunt's age. Therefore,
Akshiti's age 18 years ago = (aunt's age) / 3 = 39 / 3
= 13 years.

Step 3
So, Akshiti's current age = 13 + 18 = 31 years.

(8) A) -7x2 + 3y2 - 4xy - 6x - 10y - 21

Step 1

It is given that -14x2 - 5y 2 + 4xy - x + 2y - 7 - [ -7x2 + 8xy + 6x + 12y + 14 - { 8y 2 + x }


Step 2
First we will open the smaller bracket inside:
-14x2 - 5y 2 + 4xy - x + 2y - 7 - [ -7x2 + 8xy + 6x + 12y + 14 + -8y2 - x ]
= -14x2 - 5y 2 + 4xy - x + 2y - 7 - [ -7x2 - 8y 2 + 8xy + 5x + 12y + 14 ]

Step 3
Now, we will open the bigger bracket:
-14x2 - 5y 2 + 4xy - x + 2y - 7 + 7x2 + 8y2 - 8xy - 5x - 12y - 14
= -7x2 + 3y 2 - 4xy - 6x - 10y - 21

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ID : in-6-Algebra [7]

B) -10p2 + 3q 2 - 12pq + 18q - 12

Step 1

It is given that -6p2 - 3 - [ -8p2 - 2q 2 + 12pq - 7p - 2q - { -12p2 + q2 - 7p + 16q - 9 } ]

Step 2
First we will open the smaller bracket inside:
-6p2 - 3 - [ -8p2 - 2q 2 + 12pq - 7p - 2q + 12p2 - q 2 + 7p - 16q + 9 ]
= -6p2 - 3 - [ 4p 2 - 3q 2 + 12pq - 18q + 9 ]

Step 3
Now, we will open the bigger bracket:
-6p2 - 3 -4p2 + 3q 2 - 12pq + 18q - 9
= -10p2 + 3q2 - 12pq + 18q - 12

(9) -10q2 - 17q + 13

Step 1

To add the polynomials - 8q + 3 and -q2 - 8q + 4, let us first place the like terms one below the
other and add as usual:
-8q +3
-q 2 -8q +4

-q 2 -16q +7

Step 2

To subtract the polynomial 9q2 + q - 6 from -q2 - 16q + 7, let us first reverse the sign of each term
of the polynomial 9q2 + q - 6 as -9q2 - q + 6 (turn '+' into '-', and '-' into '+'), and then add as usual:
-q 2 -16q +7

-9q 2 -q +6

-10q2 -17q +13

Step 3

Therefore, the resultant polynomial is -10q 2 - 17q + 13.

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ID : in-6-Algebra [8]
(10) 18 meters, 8 meters

Step 1
It is given that the length of the rectangular field is 10 meters more than its breadth.
Let us assume that the breadth of the field is w.
So, the length of the field will be w + 10.

Step 2
Since, we know that the perimeter of a rectangle is twice the sum of length and the breadth of the
The perimeter of the field = 2(w + w + 10) = 2(2w + 10)

Step 3
It is given that the perimeter of the rectangular field is 52 meters.
Therefore, 2(2w + 10) = 52
⇒ 4w + 20 = 52
⇒ 4w = 52 - 20
⇒ 4w = 32

Step 4
So, the length of the rectangular field = w + 10 = 8 + 10 = 18 meters
The breadth of the rectangular field = w = 8 meters

(11) 3c

Step 1
The perimeter of a shape (polygon) is equal to the sum of length of all its sides.

Step 2
A triangle has 3 sides and in the case of an equilateral triangle, all sides are of equal length.

Step 3
Therefore, the perimeter is equal to three times the length of a side.
= 3c

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ID : in-6-Algebra [9]
(12) 6 days

Step 1
According to the question, the number of days left in the month of June = 4 × Number of days
already passed

Step 2
Let the number of days already passed be .

Step 3
So, the number of days left in the month of June = + + +

Step 4
We know that the total number of days in the month of June are 30
So, + + + + = 30
Or, = =6

Step 5
Therefore, the number of days have already passed in the month of June = 6 days

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ID : in-6-Algebra [10]
(13) 8 hours

Step 1
According to the question number of hours left in the day = × Number of hours already

Step 2
Let the number of hours already passed be .

Step 3

So, the number of hours left in the day =


Step 4
We know that the total number of hours in a day = 24

So, + = 24
or, = 24
24 × 2
or, = = 16

Step 5
Therefore, the number of hours left in the day = = 8 hours.

(14) a. 130

Step 1
We can write 2(5x + 7) + 4(2 + (5 + 7)) as:
2(5x + 7) + 4(2 + (5 + 7)) = 10x + 14 + 4(2 + 12)
= 10x + 14 + 4(14)
= 10x + 14 + 56
= 10x + 70

Step 2
Now, put x = 6.
10 × 6 + 70
= 60 + 70
= 130

Step 3
Hence, option a is the correct answer.

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ID : in-6-Algebra [11]

(15) d. x(p - y)

Step 1
Three-seventh of x = x,
The difference of y and p = p - y

Step 2
Therefore, the multiplication of Three-seventh of x and the difference of y and p = x(p - y)

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