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Soil is considered to be the smallest element on the surface of the earth and one of the ol

dest materials used in the construction industry over timeEven in this modern age, a larg
e amount of soil is still being used directly or indirectly in the construction industry when 
a lot of technology and materials have been developed. Building Foundations must be on
stable and strong soils. There are different kinds of soils in intensity. Some may be able to
support a high-rise tower, while other soils are unable to support human weight. There are some
well-known examples of structural failures that have arisen from a lack of soil expertise. One of
the most famous is the Leaning Tower in Pisa. The land below appeared solid during the dry
season when construction began, but the ground became unstable during the wet season and
collapsed under the weight of the house. Worse still, it sank unevenly, resulting in a leaning
tower. In addition to managing drainage, soil compacting and stabilizing prior to construction
may have reduced problem-solving problems (Baldwin, 2015).

In the Philippines, expansive soils are widely distributed. The significant issues are
regularly unrecognizable until it is past the point of complication and frequently extension
or hurling is confounded as settlement, it is very costly to repair or to provide a remedy
when the infrastructure is damaged. (Morales,, 2018)
Expansive soil is a clay soil that is prone to a large change in volume (shrinkage and swe
lling) depending on the increase or reduction in water content. As in the rainy season, its 
volume increases and the soil behaves like a liquid, and in summer it is very hard and cra
cks are formed. (Mishra, 2018)

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