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Lecture 01,
PharmD-2nd semester
Dr Salman Khan

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• The total blood volume makes up about 6-
8% of the body’s weight.
• A 70-kilogram person will have 5 to 6 liters
of blood.
• Circulating blood volume will be lesser than
total blood volume, because some amount
of blood will be deposited in organs like
• Blood consists of liquid plasma (volume-55-
• Formed elements (cells) (volume-40-45%)

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Blood composition

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Blood composition

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Blood- function
• Blood is a type of liquid connective tissue.
• The major function of blood is transport.

• Respiration: Oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported
• Trophic : Nutrient materials are delivered to the tissues
• Excretive : Metabolites are delivered from tissues to excretory organs
• Regulative : Hormones are transported

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Blood- function
• Homeostatic : maintenance of water content and acid-base balance
• Protective :
- immunity and non-specific resistance
- blood coagulation
• Maintenance of body temperature: As a result of a redistribution of blood
volume between skin and the internal organs at high and low temperature of
external environment.

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1. Color: Blood is red in color. Arterial blood is scarlet red because it contains more
oxygen and venous blood is purple red because of more carbon dioxide.
2. Volume: Average volume of blood in a normal adult is 5 L. In a newborn baby,
the volume is 450 ml. It increases during growth and reaches 5 L at the time of
puberty. In females, it is slightly less and is about 4.5 L. It is about 8% of the
body weight in a normal young healthy adult, weighing about 70 kg.
3. Reaction and pH: Blood is slightly alkaline and its pH in normal conditions is 7.4.
4. Specific gravity:
Specific gravity of total blood : 1.052 to 1.061
Specific gravity blood cells : 1.092 to 1.101
Specific gravity of plasma : 1.022 to 1.026
5. Viscosity: Blood is five times more viscous than water. It is mainly due to red
blood cells and plasma proteins.
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Blood plasma
• Composition :
o 90-92% of water
o 8-10% of dry substance mainly consisting from proteins (6-8%)
• Dry substance includes; inorganic (mineral) organic components

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• Serum is the clear straw-coloured fluid that oozes from blood clot. When
the blood is shed or collected in a container, it clots.
• In this process, the fibrinogen is converted into fibrin and the blood cells
are trapped in this fibrin forming the blood clot. After about 45 minutes,
serum oozes out of the blood clot.
• For clinical investigations, serum is separated from blood cells and
clotting elements by centrifuging. Volume of the serum is almost the
same as that of plasma (55%).
• It is different from plasma only by the absence of fibrinogen, i.e. serum
contains all the other constituents of plasma except fibrinogen.
• Fibrinogen is absent in serum because it is converted into fibrin during
blood clotting. Thus,
Serum = Plasma – Fibrinogen

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Blood plasma
• A solution with the same salt concentration 0.9% is named isotonic solution.
• If salt concentration more than 0.9% such solution is called hypertonic.
• If salt concentration is less than 0.9% – hypotonic solution.

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Function of Plasma
• Osmotic function
• Buffer function
• Defensive function
• Blood clotting
• Blood viscosity
• Regulation of capillary permeability
• Transport and conservation of important elements
• Source of amino acid for the tissue

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• Hemopoiesis is the formation of blood cellular components.
• All cellular blood components are derived from pluripotent haemopoietic stem
cells which is present in the bone marrow.
• In a healthy adult person, approximately 1011–1012 new blood cells are produced
daily in order to maintain steady state levels in the peripheral circulation.
• This process starts with pluripotential (immature) stem cells.
• This cell will divide into myeloid and lymphoid progenitor (parent) cells.
• Myeloid stem cells will further divide into red blood cell, white blood cell and
• Lymphoid stem cells will further divide into lymphocytes (B cell, T cell and natural
killer cell)
• Why does our body use stem cells to do hemopoiesis? This is because stem cells
have the ability to divide many times and different types.

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Thursday, March 5, 2020

Lecture 01; Blood_Dr Salman Khan
Regulation of hemopoiesis

• Humoral regulation by hormones:

• These hormones are produced by kidney and liver.

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• The hematocrit, also known as packed cell volume (PCV)

or erythrocyte volume fraction (EVF), is the volume percentage (%) of red
blood cells in the blood.
• It is normally about 40-48% for men and 36-42% for women
• If a portion of blood is centrifuged or allowed to stand for a sufficient long
time, it will be found that the blood cells will settle towards the bottom of
the test tube while the plasma remains on top.
• By this means the percentage of blood cells in whole blood can be

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Physico-chemical constants of blood

• Osmotic pressure
• Oncotic pressure
• Blood pH
• Viscosity
• Specific gravity
• Erythrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR)

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1. Osmosis
§ Movement of water from higher concentration to lower concentration. (or)
§ Movement of dissolved substances from lower concentration to higher

2. Osmotic pressure ( 7.6 atm)

§ Osmotic pressure is defined as the minimum amount of pressure needed to prevent
§ Dissolved particles maintain the osmotic pressure.
§ Among them, the most active is -NaCl (0.9 % isotonic) and also glucose (5 % isotonic).
§ In hypotonic solution swelling and bursting occurs.
§ In hypertonic solution shrinkage occurs.

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3. Oncotic pressure
• Oncotic pressure, or colloid osmotic pressure, is a form of osmotic pressure exerted
by blood plasma proteins. It usually tends to pull water (fluid) into the circulatory
• It is the opposing force to hydrostatic pressure
• Its normal value is : 0.03-0.04 atm (or) 20-25 mm Hg

4. pH of blood
• pH is a measure of the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution.
• It is the negative decimal logarithm of hydrogen concentration
• Normal pH of blood is : (arterial blood) 7.45 – 7.35 (venous blood)
• If pH is less than 7.3 , it is acidosis
• If pH is more than 7.5, it is alkalosis
• pH is maintained by : The excretion of carbon dioxide by the lungs and The excretion
of H+ or OH- by the kidneys.
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5. Viscosity
• Blood viscosity can be described as the thickness and stickiness of blood.
• It is a measure of the resistance of blood to flow.
• The viscosity of blood is 5 times more than that of water (based on time taken for the
flow of both in a tube)
• It depends on : RBCs and Plasma proteins

6. Specific gravity
• Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference
• Specific gravity is also called relative density.
• Blood normally has a specific gravity of : 1.05 - 1.06 g/L
• Specific gravity depends on : RBCs Plasma proteins
• The higher the concentration of RBCs and plasma proteins, higher will be the specific

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The Red Blood Cells
• Shape: Biconcave, non-neucleated, circular, elastic disc
• Thickness: At point= 1.9 micrometer, At center= 1 micron or
• Diameter: 7.5 micrometer
• Volume: 83 cubic micrometer
• Life span: 120 days
• RBC count:
üMale=5.2 million
üFemale= 4.7 million

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Red Blood Cells
• According to size:
§ Normocytes - Normal sized RBCs
§ Microcytes - Small sized RBCs
§ Macrocytes - Large sized RBCs
• According to colour:
§ Normochromia - Normal coloured RBCs
§ Hyperchromia - Darker, due to increased haemoglobin
§ Hypochromia - Paler, due to decreased haemoglobin
• They are determined by measuring the:
§ Mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH)
§ Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC)

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Function of RBC
1. Transport of Oxygen from the Lungs to the Tissues
Haemoglobin in RBC combines with oxygen to form oxyhaemoglobin. About 97% of
oxygen is transported in blood in the form of oxyhaemoglobin.
2. Transport of Carbon Dioxide from the Tissues to the Lungs
Haemoglobin combines with carbon dioxide and form carbhaemoglobin. About 30% of
carbon dioxide is trans ported in this form.
3. Buffering Action in Blood
Haemoglobin functions as a good buffer. By this action, it regulates the hydrogen ion
concentration and thereby plays a role in the maintenance of acid base balance.
4. In Blood Group Determination
RBCs carry the blood group antigens like A antigen, B antigen and Rh factor. This helps
in determination of blood group and enables to prevent reactions due to incompatible
blood transfusion.

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