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Journal of Hydrology 533 (2016) 533–540

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The water–food–energy Nexus – Realising a new paradigm

Alex Smajgl a,⇑, John Ward b, Lucie Pluschke c
MERFI, Mekong Region Futures Institute, Petchaburi Rd, Bangkok 10400, Thailand
MERFI, Mekong Region Futures Institute, Naga House, Vientiane, Lao Democratic People’s Republic
FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Roma, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y

Article history: The water–food–energy Nexus has emerged as a new perspective in debates concerned with balancing
Received 10 February 2015 potentially conflicting sectoral imperatives of large scale development investments concerned with
Received in revised form 16 December 2015 energy, water or food security. Current frameworks are partial as they largely represent a water-
Accepted 18 December 2015
centric perspective. Our hypothesis is that a dynamic Nexus framework that attempts to equally weight
Available online 24 December 2015
This manuscript was handled by Geoff
sectoral objectives provides a new paradigm for diagnosis and investigation. Dynamic refers here to
Syme, Editor-in-Chief explicitly understanding (or a diagnosis of) the dynamic relationships and ripple effects whereas
static-comparative refers to a comparison of states before and after change. This paper proposes a
balanced Nexus framework and presents results from an application to the Mekong basin. The analysis
Nexus identified the advantages of a sectorally balanced, dynamic Nexus approach, in particular the ability to
Water reveal either the emergence of cross-sectoral connections, or changes in those connections, as a
Food consequence of single sector interventions.
Energy Ó 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and reinforced by two decades of conventions developing the

notion of sustainability paradigms articulated and prescribed in
The water–food–energy Nexus has emerged as a new perspec- the 1990s (Muller, 2015). Since gaining political momentum in
tive to structure large-scale investments, its conceptual relevance 2008, conceptual variants and revisions of the Nexus conceptuali-
and pragmatic potential emphasised by many policy makers dur- sation have been developed in the science domain (Benson et al.,
ing various supra-national fora. The key rationale for the Nexus 2015) and one actual Nexus study has been implemented in the
discussion is that historical sectoral investments have generally Mekong basin (Smajgl and Ward, 2013a,b). Consistent with, for
been geared to prescribed, sector specific objectives and optima example, Bach et al. (2012), we argue that existing Nexus frame-
without cross-sectoral coordination, exposing the Nexus to a high works remain largely water-centric and therefore partial, by privi-
risk of unintended side-effects and negative sectoral trade-offs. The leging one sector over others. By establishing evidence that current
systems approach to Nexus interactions applied here is consistent Nexus analyses are insufficiently cross-sectoral and presenting evi-
with inter alia, Hussey and Pittock (2012) and Newell et al. (2011) dence of a balanced Nexus approach that assigns equal sectoral
(as cited in Hussey and Pittock) summarised as: ‘‘a system’s perfor- weighting, we propose this paper is more effectively positioned
mance cannot be optimized by optimizing the performance of its sub- to provide novel insights for understanding cross-sectoral dynam-
systems taken in isolation from one another . . .efforts to avoid ics. We describe a balanced Nexus framework and the results of an
unwanted policy outcomes and to identify leverage points for effective application in the Mekong region to diagnose and analyse Nexus
change must take into account the effect of interactions between interactions. We address the question of how the Nexus paradigm
sectors.” can be applied to become an innovative and effective approach to
Developing investment strategies based on the Nexus architec- assist integrated, multi-sectoral policy deliberations. In conclusion,
ture demands a clearer focus of integrated research, continuing the we examine the additional benefits a Nexus perspective yields by
process introduced at the United Nations Conference on the testing implementation options and results to move the debate
Human Environment (UN 1972, cited in Muller Muller (2015)) from a largely conceptual, abstract domain to actual implementa-
tion. Application and analysis of the Nexus framework in the
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +66 956571200. Greater Mekong sub-region identified the improved capability to
E-mail addresses: (A. Smajgl), john.ward@ identify and diagnose cross-sectoral interactions as a key advan- (J. Ward), (L. Pluschke). tage of a dynamic Nexus approach compared to static assessments.
0022-1694/Ó 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
534 A. Smajgl et al. / Journal of Hydrology 533 (2016) 533–540

The dynamic approach revealed how the occurrence, valency and Foran (2015) argues that the dominant conceptualisations artic-
magnitude of sectoral connections emerge and are altered as a con- ulated in the Nexus literature are fundamentally depoliticised, fail-
sequence of single sector interventions in a water–food–energy ing to account for historical social and political trajectories that
Nexus. give rise to contemporary water, food and energy planning and
regulatory regimes. It is these sector specific regimes that have,
2. From a water-centric to an integrated conceptualisation of and continue to impose net costs on the poor and corresponding
the Nexus distributional disparities. Foran (2015) argues that incorporating
social and political context, essential for effective cross sectoral
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has been among the first negotiations, can be achieved by reconceptualising the Nexus as
organisations to identify the water–food–energy Nexus as a key the cumulative effects of development projects coupled with an
development challenge, calling for a better understanding of the appraisal of prevailing water, food and energy ‘‘provisioning” reg-
inter-linkages between water, energy and food at the 2008 Annual ulatory and planning regimes.
Meeting in Davos (WEF, 2011a,b). The World Economic Forum The Nexus debate was stimulated by the Bonn Conference and
(WEF) Water Initiative explored water security in relation to coincided with the development of a few Nexus conceptualisations
energy and food systems, climate, economic growth and human (Benson et al., 2015). Several concepts, frameworks and method-
security challenges, and the Water Resources Group launched a ologies have looked at the inter-linkages between water, energy
Nexus initiative with water security as a practical entry point and food (Mohtar and Daher, 2012; ADB, 2013; Bizikova et al.,
(WEF, 2011a,b). Consistent with the WEF, the Bonn 2011 Nexus 2013; UN-ESCAP, 2013), but also land and soil (European Report
conference also emphasised the centrality of water resources on Development, 2012; Hoff et al., 2013), minerals (Andrews-
(Hoff, 2011; Benson et al., 2015). However, focusing on water Speed et al., 2012), and ecosystems (ICIMOD, 2012; UNECE Task
undermines the original intention of developing an explicit Force on Water–Energy–Food–Ecosystems, 2013). Yet the
cross-sectoral perspective and response options that supersede approaches differ greatly in their scope, objectives and under-
traditional sectoral approaches. Isolated sectoral investment risks standing of either interdependent or causal factors as the following
prioritising the goals of one specific sector – in this case, water – three examples illustrate.
over others. The Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute (QEERI)
A recurring criticism of the Nexus approach is that it represents developed a conceptual framework and tool that addresses the
a variant of existing ‘‘integrated approaches” to design and assess Qatari context of water scarcity, arid lands and a high dependency
investments across multiple sectors and yields relatively minor on food imports (Mohtar and Daher, 2012). Qatar’s food security is
additional dividends. For instance, Odendaal (2002) contends that the central focus of the Nexus investigation (QEERI, 2012) where
Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) pursues the inte- Nexus inter-linkages are described in terms of the sources and
grated and coordinated management of water and land as a means scarcity of resources required to produce and import food. The
of balancing resource protection while meeting social and ecolog- QEERI Nexus framework does not explore other cross-sectoral
ical needs and promoting economic development. IWRM focuses interactions and the dynamics and state of the natural
on balancing the objectives, motivation and values of diverse and environment.
often competing water interests. However, in reviewing the IWRM The European Report on Development (ERD) (2012) focuses on
concept and attendant empirical evidence, Bohensky et al. (2009) the management of water, energy and land resources across sec-
and Medema et al. (2008) argue there has been a reluctance to for- tors subject to increasing relative scarcity and prices, based on
mulate an agreed definition and to specify operational and imple- changes in climate, global population and economic growth. The
mentation mechanisms. Reluctance may reflect a preference for entry point for analysis is the integrated management of water,
IWRM to be context specific, but it has led to an excess of defini- land and energy resources. The report examines cross-sectoral
tions, semantic skirmishes and diverse and competing understand- inter-linkages – for example, of land management policies and
ing. ‘‘Furthermore, it contradicts itself in purporting to be holistic, by the implications for different natural resources. The report does
having water – rather than all natural resources and their inter- not articulate Nexus-wide, ripple effects of policies on baseline
linkages – as its central focus” (Bohensky et al., 2009, p. 14). Shah conditions and factors, which represent the initial foundation of
(2009, p. 199) for example, argues that efforts in Asia and Africa policy design.
to introduce IWRM have attempted to impose prescribed water UNECE has developed a methodology to assess the water–ene
use entitlements, sovereign rights and water trading as ‘‘endpoint” rgy–food–ecosystems Nexus in transboundary rivers and aquifers
outcomes, rather than promoting ‘‘entry point” deliberative pro- (UNECE Task Force on Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems, 2013).
cesses to discover IWRM adaptations aligned to the local water The method proposes a consultative, open-ended process to iden-
shed context. Muller (2015) contends that despite deliberative tify the ‘‘complex chains of cause-effects that link human interven-
engagement, IWRM advocates concede that effective IWRM initia- tions to environmental degradation and availability of resources”
tives have been limited, particularly evident in low and medium (UNECE Task Force on Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems, 2013, p.
Human Development Index countries where, according to UNEP 1). There are four dimensions of analysis – natural environment;
(2012), progress has slowed or even regressed. economic uses and needs; future trends, drivers, and strategies;
Similarly the Nexus is not immune from ongoing debate and and transboundary agreements, governing bodies and policies –
critiques. Benson et al. (2015) for example highlight the lack of to understand how natural resources and ecosystems are
agreed definitions and praxis, stating that Nexus conceptualisa- impacted. Conceptually, these impacts are presented as ‘‘chains”
tions are far from unified, varying according to the focus of sectoral of causal, linear linkages, rather than ‘‘systems” of multiple and
integration, the geopolitical context and empirical foci of research. dynamic inter-linkages as we argue in the remainder of the paper.
In addition to the lack of precise terms and the tendency to revert We therefore depart from both water-centric conceptualisa-
to single sector perspectives, another critique of the Nexus tions and static Nexus approaches. The dynamic Nexus approach
approach (as implemented to date) concerns barriers to equitable described in this paper emphasises the continuous interaction
distribution. Leese and Meisch (2015) argue that the reframing of between (1) the three sectors and between (2) the Nexus core
Nexus security as a sustainability mechanism compromised the and the three Nexus sectors. The Nexus core consists of drivers
Bonn 2011 claim that the needs of the poorest were a Nexus critical for water, food and energy sector dynamics and cross-
priority. sector feedbacks (Fig. 1). For the purpose of this paper we limit
A. Smajgl et al. / Journal of Hydrology 533 (2016) 533–540 535

the complexity of (interacting) variables in the Nexus core by only status of core Nexus drivers. In the Mekong analysis discussed
considering population growth and climate change as the key dri- here, the latter option is constrained to affecting population
vers that determine the status of ecosystem services. change, investment in climate change mitigation strategies, or
Such a nested conceptualisation is critical for Nexus-type anal- safeguarding ecosystem services and functions.
yses to develop a better understanding of multi-sectoral interac- From a cross-sectoral perspective, a Nexus conceptualisation
tions as interdependent and dynamic. In turn, sectoral outcomes guides development investments and their analytical support
feedback on and influence the attributes of core drivers, creating towards an explicit consideration of trade-offs. In the past some
sustained interactions. Later in this paper we argue that dynamic advanced work in one sector such as food security has considered
processes cause the constituent Nexus factors (illustrated within some linkages to associated sectors, inter alia irrigation. However,
the diagram) to improve/expand or deteriorate/contract. Amend- our Nexus conceptualisation demands of the researcher and deci-
ments to Nexus factors are expressed as either the qualitative or sion maker an explicit and extensive consideration of sectoral
quantitative change of sectoral outputs, the characteristics of sec- interdependencies. As a corollary, a comprehensive Nexus-based
toral interaction, or the condition of the core drivers. food security analysis would also explicitly address the potential
Fig. 1 depicts a range of typical interactions in the cross-sectoral trade-offs between energy and water. Such trade-offs might offset
connections. Later we argue that a Nexus perspective provides or complement expected economic or social dividends of invest-
most benefit in inter-sectoral negotiations if these connections ments in the food security space. Coordinating investments and
are understood as continuously evolving linkages, decomposed developing consistent policies that allow for sustainable develop-
for the actual application context. Policy interventions can be made ment would ideally involve:
in any one of the food, water or energy sectors and we assume that
historically, decision-making has been largely sector specific and (a) a diagnosis and subsequent understanding of all sectoral
independent. Fig. 1 depicts three discrete entry points, introducing connections;
sector specific interests. As mentioned earlier, the Nexus approach (b) specifying potential trade-offs and synergies for the speci-
aims for cross-sector coordination instead of sector specific optima fied context;
to avoid unintended side-effects and negative sectoral trade-offs. (c) the design of effective measures that help mitigate or recon-
Application of a sectorally balanced Nexus approach acts as a cile trade-offs and exploit synergies; and
device to stimulate debate to improve sectoral coordination – (d) ongoing monitoring and assessment of investment conse-
potentially to reconcile investments that would be treated as quences on Nexus dynamics.
sub-optimal by individual sectors, but that ultimately improve
overall system outcomes. Sustained debate can reveal three possi- We implemented the Nexus framework in the trans-boundary
ble classes of interventions; those targeted at single sectors; at context of the Mekong basin, first to translate the Nexus conceptu-
inter-sectoral links manifest as critical nodes, and at altering the alisation from the abstract to application and second to empirically

Fig. 1. The energy–water–food Nexus.

536 A. Smajgl et al. / Journal of Hydrology 533 (2016) 533–540

test the hypothesis that Nexus framed negotiations lead to novel were presented with the suite of sectoral assessments. Second,
policy insights and decisions. experts were only confronted with the effects of development
investments, independent of proposed causal factors and determi-
3. Analysing the Nexus in the Mekong basin nants. Third, the effects systematically listed within individual sec-
toral assessments were presented and experts asked to identify
3.1. Methods likely sectoral reactions and events that would be activated by
these changes. The process allowed for an effective interaction
The Delphi technique described in the paper represents one ele- and intersecting of sectoral assessments. The process was repeated
ment of a mixed method participatory approach designed to pro- to specify second and third order impacts. Finally, cause effect-
mote systems learning by Mekong national decision makers and chains were constructed that were independent of individual sec-
enable the discovery of cross sectoral solutions that account for toral perspectives and arranged in system diagrams. The final step
Nexus interactions. Other methodological elements included the for conducting the cross-sectoral assessment included the analysis
development of plausible and shared future visions (Foran et al., of all six system diagrams, one for each chosen investment.
2013), participatory processes (Smajgl and Ward, 2013a,b; Smajgl
et al., 2015b) an elaborated monitoring and evaluation process 3.2. The status of Nexus dimensions in the Mekong basin
(Smajgl and Ward, 2015a,b) and agent based modelling results in
Yunnan (Smajgl et al., 2015c) and Vietnam (Smajgl et al., 2015a). Nexus core
Uncertainty related to decision making and data was considered This section provides a snapshot of the framework dimensions,
by (1) analysing multiple scenarios, (2) focussing on qualitative the Nexus core and three Nexus sectors.
relationship, and (3) employing stochastic approaches. Table 1 presents information about the Nexus core at the level
Expert panels or Delphi techniques are commonly defined as ‘‘a of Mekong countries and the Chinese Province of Yunnan.
method for structuring a group communication process so that the Population growth averages around 0.98% p.a. with Cambodia
process is effective in allowing a group of individuals, as a whole, to having the highest growth rate of 1.67% p.a. followed by Lao PDR
deal with a complex problem” (Linstone and Turoff, 1975, p. 3). with 1.63% p.a. (CIA, 2013; China Perspective, 2014).
Consistent with Linstone and Turoff (2002) structured and facili- Ecosystem service related information for Mekong countries is
tated deliberation, iterative amendments based on meeting discus- scarce.
sions and information refinements of the initial expert appraisals Table 1 lists deforestation and freshwater utilisation for agricul-
were introduced to assist the panel to identify and address subjec- ture as two relevant indicators, indicating that ecosystems are
tive biases and promote more impartial assessments. highly utilised (i.e. freshwater systems) and at least to some extent
Six sector specific analysts were commissioned to assess the managed unsustainably (i.e. forests in Myanmar and Lao PDR).
impacts of national development initiatives previously nominated The Climate Risk Index (Harmeling and Eckstein, 2012) ranks
by Mekong specialists and decision makers with potentially Nexus countries based on annually occurring human and economic losses
related consequences at both the national and regional levels due to climate events (floods, droughts, other extreme events). The
(Smajgl and Ward, 2013a,b, pp. 13–16). The impending developed index is used as an indicator that better reflects the current status
initiatives were (1) a series of 12 hydropower dams on the lower of the climate change dimension, compared to a singular reliance
mainstream Mekong; (2) water diversion from Lao PDR into North- on climate projections. Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam rank
east Thailand; (3) adaptation to sea-level rise in the Mekong delta; among the ten countries with the highest climate risk when the
(4) expansion of monoculture rubber plantations in Yunnan; (5) long-term average is considered (1992–2011). Thailand was
railway expansion and (6) bauxite mining and possible alumina ranked the country with the highest risk and Cambodia with the
production (Smajgl and Ward, 2013a,b). The assigned sectors were: second highest risk worldwide in 2011. This indicates that existing
water (Pech, 2013); food security (Fullbrook, 2013); the Mekong capacity of Mekong countries to protect human lives and economic
energy system (Foran, 2013); livelihoods and migration assets from climate related events is extremely low. Climate pro-
(Bouapao, 2013), land use (Lu, 2013), and mining (Lazarus, 2013). jections point at a further increase of climate-related vulnerabili-
Each expert was asked to conduct a desktop assessment specific ties in the Mekong region (ICEM, 2013).
to their assigned sector, of each of the six individual investments
followed by a cumulative assessment assuming all six develop- Mekong water security
ment investments would simultaneously occur. This first step The Mekong region consists of five large river basins; the Irra-
employs a traditional static comparative perspective. The cross- waddy, the Salween, the Chao Phraya, the Mekong, and the Red
sectoral Nexus assessment commenced with a structured and River. Apart from the Chao Phraya, trans-boundary challenges are
facilitated workshop comprised of the six invited experts and ten caused by upstream changes to water resource utilisation, largely
additional regional and agency experts to promote broader for food production and energy purposes. Generally changes create
assessment. negative externalities for downstream countries, communities and
Several scholars (Zaleski, 1988; White, 1998; Halpern and Pearl, river dependent ecosystems. The Mekong River is at today’s fore-
2005) have pointed out the relevance of preconceived causal rela- front of experiencing large-scale, rapid development interventions.
tionships, in particular those among researchers. Preconceptions Until the late 20th century, the Mekong River remained a relatively
have the advantage that experienced experts are able to rapidly unmodified river system of low impoundment, connecting the pri-
and effectively synthesise the consequences of key potential mary livelihood pursuits of agriculture, fishing and forestry of a
changes and are familiar with the most relevant contemporary evi- predominately rural population (Molle et al., 2009). However, the
dence. However, when considering multiple investments, marginal steep elevation gradients of the headwaters and upper catchments
effects can accumulate and manifest as substantial impacts. Conse- of the main tributaries have provided opportunities for impound-
quently, a revised methodology challenged experts to think outside ments and hydropower generation, tentatively coexisting with bio-
deeply entrained cause-effect narratives and confront existing diversity hotpots, small scale, localised irrigation, and swidden
biases (each chapter in Smajgl and Ward, 2013a,b articulates the agriculture. The rapid gradient transition to the extensive plains
revised methodology). This workshop approach helped identifying and deltas has allowed water diversions for agrarian landscapes,
likely steps of possible ripple effects to detect inherent dynamics of including extensive irrigation in the delta, inland and coastal
the Mekong-specific Nexus. Therefore, as a first phase, experts fisheries, and river-based transport.
A. Smajgl et al. / Journal of Hydrology 533 (2016) 533–540 537

Table 1
Population (in million people), annual population growth in per cent, and area in km2 (CIA, 2013; China Perspective, 2014); average annual change of forested area in per cent and
freshwater withdrawal for agriculture in per cent of available freshwater (ADB, 2012); Climate Risk Index (Harmeling and Eckstein, 2012).

Population Ecosystem-related uses Climate risk index

Million people Growth (%) Area (km2) Forest area: annual change (avrg.) Freshwater withdrawal for agriculture 1992–2011(avrg.)–2011
Thailand 67.5 0.52 513,120 0% (2000–10) 90% (2007) 9–1
Vietnam 92.5 1.03 331,210 +1.6% (2000–10) 94.78% (2009) 6–15
Lao PDR 6.7 1.63 236,800 0.5% (2005–10) 90% (2010) 68–8
Cambodia 15.2 1.67 181,035 1.2% (2005–10) 94% (2006) 28–2
Myanmar 55.2 1.05 676,578 0.9% (2000–10) 90.9% (2010) 2–24
Yunnan (2010) 46.0 1.15 394,000 +1.34% (2000–10) 64.6% (2010) 23–20

Mekong energy security Harima et al., 2003; Theeravit, 2003; Contreras, 2007). For example
Foran (2013, Table 21) uses a vector of eight dimensions, investors from China, Thailand and Vietnam increasingly replace
described by 13 measurable indicators to account for the multiple traditional donor organisations in order to source natural resources
factors influencing the status of national energy security of or manufacturing capacity in neighbouring countries (Middleton
Mekong countries. Foran (2013) estimates average annual growth et al., 2009; Molle et al., 2009). The effects of large scale invest-
rate of primary energy supply for 2005–2025 at 4.9%, moderating ments in weakly connected regions are generally constrained to
to 4.4% in 2025. Supply is estimated to increase from approxi- locales proximate to the initial investment area within a particular
mately 10,000 PJ (petajoule = 1015 J) in 2005 to approximately country and tend to be limited to the investing sector. In contrast
25,000 PJ in 2025. The top three sources of primary energy in high connectivity implies that investment factors (or drivers) inter-
2005 were crude oil, biomass, and coal; by 2025 they are projected act, transmitting the effects of substantial changes from one part of
to be coal, crude oil, and biomass. The share of hydroelectricity in a region to another and to other sectors.
the region’s primary energy supply was projected to grow from 2%
to 5.5% during 2005–25, an annual growth rate of almost ten per
cent. Final aggregate energy demand for the Mekong countries in 3.3. Static comparative Nexus analysis results
2025 was estimated at 20,000 PJ. Foran (2013) estimates the sup-
ply contribution of hydropower generation to meet aggregate elec- Before describing the additional insight that resulted from a
tricity demand will increase from 20% in 2005 to 35% in 2025. dynamic analysis, we outline water resource development, food
production and energy security as examples of a static comparative
analysis. Sectoral experts analysed the four development options
Mekong food security
based on a Nexus-based methodology (Smajgl and Ward, 2013a,
Fullbrook (2013) describes four primary dimensions that influ-
b). Biophysical and economic assumptions underpinning
ence the status of food security in Mekong countries: availability,
development-directed interventions were derived from available
accessibility, utilisation, and stability. Derived from the Global
scientific evidence. Sectoral experts identified and assessed the
Hunger index, Fullbrook (2013) notes that national food security
direct primary impacts of development investments on their desig-
has improved for all Mekong countries from 1990 through 2011,
nated sector. First order sectoral effects were subsequently
however food security in Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar remain
assigned to other sectoral experts and imputed as changes to iden-
classed as serious or alarming. Twenty-five per cent and 31%
tify probable second order effects. This methodological step was
respectively of the Cambodian and Laos population were classed
repeated to identify tertiary impacts within the Nexus to trace
as undernourished (FAO, 2011). Hall and Bouapao (2010) argue
some possible feedback dynamics.
that the daily calorific intake of Mekong communities in Cambodia,
The implementation of a Nexus analysis of development strate-
Isan and the Vietnam Delta are especially sensitive to estimated
gies in the Mekong basin disclosed a range of likely trade-offs.
fish catch reductions (and associated protein loss) and likely to
Hydropower development has been identified as the dominating
result in nutrition levels below the recommended 1864 calories
intervention (Smajgl and Ward, 2013a,b), likely to substantially
per day.
alter the hydrological regime and as a consequence, the availability
of water during the year and between countries. If combined with
Intended development strategies planned large-scale irrigation projects the dry season flow is likely
In consultation with national decision makers and decision to increase by 70% in Thailand and Lao PDR but only by 10% in Viet-
influencers across the Mekong basin (details for the participatory nam’s Mekong Delta (Pech, 2013). The upstream advantage is asso-
process can be found in Smajgl et al., 2015b) the following devel- ciated with an increased risk of dam operational floods replacing
opment strategies were identified in this project: natural floods, that could, based on recent experiences increase river
water levels by up to 6 m for 40–50 km downstream from a reser-
– Hydropower (led by the energy perspective). voir (Pech, 2013). Thorne et al. (2013, Table 3) argue that substantial
– Energy crops (led by the energy perspective). economic losses would occur for farmers in the Vietnam Mekong
– Irrigation projects (led by the food perspective). Delta as the approximately 160–200  106 t/year of sediment are
– Water diversion (led by the water perspective). estimated to be reduced by 55–100%, depending on how many
planned dams are constructed. Reductions in associated nutrient
There is a potential for substantial trade-offs for each of the loads are estimated at 20–65%, requiring substantial investments
three sectors, which we analyse in the following section. Many of to replace fertiliser inputs to maintain current production levels.
these trade-offs occur in the trans-boundary context, as the From a food perspective the cumulative consequences of the
Mekong region is highly connected, allowing effects to ripple development decisions outlined above are likely to include a sub-
quickly and widely through the ’system’. Connecting dynamics stantial reduction in fish stocks and fish diversity, increasing regio-
include human migration, natural resource flows and increasing nal dependence on imported food and, thereby increasing food
levels of private and State financial investments (Dore, 2003; prices (Hortle, 2007; Fullbrook, 2013). The two latter consequences
538 A. Smajgl et al. / Journal of Hydrology 533 (2016) 533–540

are likely to intensify as more irrigation potential is utilised for immigration or emigration peaks. Putting strategies in place to
energy crops instead of food crops. mitigate such peaks would help avoid unsustainable trajectories
From an energy perspective power generation capacity is likely as sudden migration dynamics are associated with attendant
to increase and, by lifting power constraints for the manufacturing changes to natural resource utilisation. Anticipating migration
sectors, gross domestic product is likely to increase (Foran, 2013). dynamics and adapting institutional arrangements, for example
However, energy prices are also likely to increase as a function of for fishing, could prevent resource collapse. Substantial repercus-
rising infrastructure and implementation costs (Foran, 2013). sions generated by hydropower and irrigation projects for the Viet-
Some of the insights listed above could have been identified nam Delta could trigger large-scale emigration to Vietnamese
without an explicit water, food and energy Nexus investigation. urban centres and across the Cambodian border to the Tonle Sap
However, the iterative expert panel process revealed a novel and (where many ethnic Vietnamese reside). As a consequence, a rapid
critical aspect: the occurrence, valency and magnitude of sectoral increase in fishing exposes already stressed fish stocks in the Tonle
connections that emerge and are altered as a consequence of single Sap to further unplanned pressures.
sector interventions in the water–food–energy Nexus. Thus, identi-
fying Nexus dynamics emerged as the most critical step.  Labour transition from primary to secondary sectors in the
context of urban growth
3.4. Dynamic Nexus analysis results
The interaction between Nexus sectors also depends on how
many households remain productive in primary sectors. The more
The improved understanding of sectoral linkages and Nexus-
households that engage in secondary and tertiary sectors and the
wide dynamics reveals a set of elements that are important in
more that reside in urban residences, the more that electricity
‘transmitting’ ripple effects throughout the Nexus system. The
demand is likely to grow. Also, the more that institutional arrange-
Mekong investigations revealed that what is typically conceptu-
ments concerned with land ownership are secure and the more
alised as a simple arrow (eg. in Fig. 1) is more accurately described
that management anticipate such labour transition from primary
as a series of interlinked variables. Within these variable links we
to secondary and tertiary sector livelihoods, the more likely it is
refer to those connections that substantially influence the valency
that unproductive land and inefficient irrigation (eg. in Northeast
and magnitude of sectoral feedbacks and the overall Nexus out-
Thailand) can be avoided.
comes as system criticalities. Cross-sector feedbacks and the proba-
bility of more sustainable outcomes are contingent on the state of
 Management of energy demand instead of a singular focus on
these system criticalities. Prioritising development investments to
energy supply
manage and sustain the state of system criticalities is therefore an
alternative or complementary approach to direct investments in
Many energy sector intervention options currently target an
either the food, water or energy sectors. Such an approach would
expansion of power generation capacity and supply, However,
ensure that decisions are based on the Nexus as a dynamic system
many of the negative side effects emerging from the Mekong anal-
and allow for management of the Nexus as a holistic entity, rather
ysis of Nexus-wide dynamics could be avoided if supply options
than independent elements.
were combined with a genuine consideration of demand interven-
The investigation of Nexus relations and properties in the
tions, such as energy saving campaigns or monetary incentives to
Mekong basin identified five system criticalities:
change consumptive behaviour and habits that underpin increas-
ing energy demand.
 Transboundary fish stock management
In synthesis, identifying the ensemble of system criticalities and
understanding them as intervention points could, if effectively
If fish stocks were explicitly managed in the transboundary con-
managed, guide Nexus interactions to yield more sustainable
text of the Mekong basin, the outcomes of development interven-
tions in the water–food–energy Nexus are likely to be more
sustainable. This is largely due to the positive side-effects of
safe-guarding fish stocks; these include the circumvention of
transboundary changes of water flows, the shifting flood risks
4. Discussion
and the relocation of sedimentation dynamics and reduction of
sediment/nutrient loss.
The paper describes a Nexus framework and conceptually con-
sistent analysis geared to the sectoral attributes and impending
 Instruments to manage risks from monocultures
development imperatives in the Mekong basin. We argue that a
The substantial push towards economic efficiency in land use sectorally balanced, dynamic Nexus framework, compared to a
planning coincides with increasing risks as land use diversity hydro-centric or static approach, introduces a new operational
declines. The phenomenon of increasing mono-cultures largely paradigm. Testing of the balanced Nexus frameworks provided
concerns energy crops and rubber, and emerges as a central supportive evidence, revealing novel, emergent insights when
inter-linkage between water, food, and energy. Focussed manage- deliberations treat sectors as elements of a dynamic rather than
ment of monoculture development through risk management a static Nexus system. The equal weighting of the water, food
instruments could be vital to avoid substantial breakdowns and energy sectors was introduced as an initial analytical condition
between Nexus sectors. Community-scale micro-insurance sys- and central to the analytical rationale. Competing approaches that
tems could be explored as one possible instrument for safeguard- bias the weighting of one specific sector, for example water
ing this specific system criticality. resources, tend to constrain analysis to the connections of one or
possibly two of the other sectors.
 Strategies to avoid migration peaks due to change in access to The static Nexus analysis demands that researchers initially
natural resources consider the links between their sector of expertise and explana-
tory variables and a comprehensive assessment of connectivity
Some development decisions can trigger short-term responses between all of the three sectors. In addition, the interactions and
among the population in parts of the region, leading to either trade-offs that occur between the two other sectors were analysed,
A. Smajgl et al. / Journal of Hydrology 533 (2016) 533–540 539

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