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Squat test Bone tissues – sacrum and pelvic movements

Soft tissues - ligaments

Lumbar Kemps Nervous tissue – impacting IVF, neurogenical claudication

test Soft tissues and bone – impacting facets

Djerine’s triad Soft tissues – disc or other space occupying lesion

(Valsalva, cough,

Flip or Nervous tissue – sciatic nerve

Bechterew’s test

Straight leg Nervous tissue – nerve roots L5-S2

raising test (SLR) Soft tissues – possible disc or space occupying lesion

Well straight leg Nervous tissue – nerve roots L5-S2

raising test Soft tissues – possible disc or space occupying lesion

Braggard’s test Nervous tissue – dura mater of spinal cord

Bowstring’s test Nervous tissue – sciatic nerve

Bonnet’s test Nervous tissue – sciatic nerve

Muscular tissue – piriformis muscle

Kernigs test Nervous tissue – meningeal, dural or nerve root irritation

Sign of the Soft tissues – hip joint and lumbar joint differentiation and possible
buttock scapular or soft tissue pathologies
Slump test Nervous tissues – hip joint and lumbar joint differentiation and
possible scapular or soft tissue pathologies

Milgrams test Soft tissues – disc or other space occupying lesion

Sacral thrust Soft tissues and bone – sacroiliac joint pathology

(Springing the

SIJ distraction Soft tissues and bone – sacroiliac joint pathology

SIJ compression Soft tissues and bone – sacroiliac joint pathology

Thigh thrust Soft tissues and bone – sacroiliac joint pathology

Gaenslen Soft tissues and bone – sacroiliac joint pathology

Nachlas test Nervous tissue – formal nerve

(prone knee Muscular tissue – rectus femoris muscle

Ely’s test Nervous tissue – formal nerve

Muscular tissue – rectus femoris muscle

Yeoman’s test Nervous tissue – formal nerve

Muscular tissue – rectus femoris muscle

Lumbar Soft tissue and bone – impacting facets

springing test

Stoop test Nervous tissue – sciatic nerve

Hoover test Soft tissue

Trendelenberg’s Soft tissue – hip abductors

Patrick Fabere Soft tissues and bone – sacroiliac joint pathology


Thomas test Soft tissue – rectus femoris

Test for true leg


Ober’s test Soft tissue – tensor fasciae latae

Pelvic Rock test Soft tissue and bone – sacroiliac joint pathology

Homer pheasant Nervous tissue – lumbar stenosis


Schober test Bone

Bicycle test of Vascular system

Van Felderen

1. An L4 disc pathology can lead to weakness of which muscle?

a. Peroneus longus
b. Quadriceps
c. Extensor hallicus longus
d. Gluteus maximus

2. Which of the following would be evident with an UMNL?

a. hyporeflexia
b. spasticity
c. flaccidity
d. fasciculations

3. If you detect ankle clonus in a patient, where is the location of the lesion?
a. Ankle
b. Spinothalamic tract
c. Nerve root
d. Corticospinal tract

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