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Question 1.

Tell me about yourself

Summarise, don't ramble. This is your chance to highlight exciting things on

your CV and / or in your personal life. Give the interviewer a good positive
overview of you as a potential employee.

Question 2. What motivates you?

Be honest, are you building a career, do you have a passion for this type of
work, do you need to provide for your family, etc.

Question 3. How did you hear about this job?

If you hear through a friend who already works for the company then this is a
perfect opportunity to let them know, those connections can be helpful. Also
show that you have wanted to work for this particular company for a while and
had been keeping an eye out for an opportunity to join them.

Question 4. Why do you want to work with us?

Show them that you have done your research, tell them why you are a good fit.

Question 5. What is your biggest weakness?

Nobody is perfect so never say "I have no weaknesses". Talk about a

weakness that you are keen to improve upon, perhaps you want to pursue
further training in a certain area.

Question 6. What are your strengths?

Don't give an endless list, simply choose a few good ones and give examples of
how you have shown these strengths.

Question 7. What has been your biggest professional achievement?

This is your chance to elaborate on something that showcases your skills.

Perhaps you successfully executed a campaign launch, single handedly built a
website, increased company profits, etc.
Question 8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?

This gives the interviewer an idea of your aspirations and therefore how
committed you will be to the company and role.

Question 9. Tell me about a time when you disagreed with a decision in

the workplace and how you dealt with it.

This is a chance to show how you work within a team. They will probably want
to see that you are strong enough to voice your opinion if you think something
is wrong, but they also don't want someone who is constantly disagreeing and
not being a team player.

Question 10. What makes a good team player?

Think of examples which demonstrate the qualities of a good team player.

Question 11. Tell me about a time when a co-worker or customer was

angry with you, how did you deal with that situation?

Similar to Q9. They want to know that you can resolve difficult situations in a
professional way.

Question 12. What is your salary expectation?

It is ok to talk in ranges rather than specific amounts. Check other similar

jobs and their salary to have a good idea about what to expect from that role.
Also mention other benefits you would like.

Question 13. What do you do outside of work, personal pursuits.

People want to work with fun and interesting people that they get along with,
so talk about your other interests.
Question 14. Do you have any questions?

Always ask at least one question. Perhaps ask them to elaborate on something
that was mentioned in the interview.

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