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1) The above paragraph describes the destruction of landscape in a pictorial manner.

Destruction is caused by toxic waste which leads to chemical contamination of

swamps and deforestation. Option (a) is correct since there is a clear hint stating
“There thousand lands were totally destroyed” which indicates land was converted
into “Barren Land”. Option (b) is inappropriate as massive ecological destruction has
already been described earlier in the paragraph. Option (c) is incorrect because here
reference of “moonscape” is not in literal sense. Option (d) is not correct as the last
sentence does not indicate anything relating to swampy lands. Hence (a).

2) The above mentioned paragraph provides a comparison between the birth rate and
the death rate [from 18th century onwards]. It explains how the death rate has fallen
considerably owing to reasons such as “improved nutrition from increased food
production followed by advances in public health”. In comparison to death rate , birth
rate “fell much more slowly”. Option (c) is correct as it gives the most appropriate
conclusion to the aforesaid comparison i.e. due to difference in birth rate and death
rate the population of country would increase. Option (a) is incorrect because with the
limited information one cannot conclude what will be the demographic structure of
the country. Option (b) is incorrect because there is no evidence which supports such
statement relating to 19th century. Hence (c).

3) The above paragraph projects a clear opinion that while handling a situation one
should put Ethics above Law. Individual conscience should be used while making
decisions. It clearly mentions that “individual conscience can and should, be put
above the Law.” Hence option (c) is apt. Option (a) is incorrect as it contradicts the
paragraph. Option (b) is not appropriate since as per the paragraph even if individual
conscience defies law but if ethical, it should be prioritized. Hence (c).

4) The above paragraph states how involvement of children in handling environmental

issues has resulted in a positive impact on adults as well. Even adults started taking
environmental issues more seriously once the children got engaged. As the
paragraph states children’s engagement with environmental concerns helped to
break through adults ‘psychic numbering’, it can be depicted that ‘psychic
numbering’ refers to insignificant response to important matters therefore option (b)
is the most appropriate. Option (a) is incorrect as nothing in the passage supports
psychological imbalance. Option ( c ) is incorrect as it is irrelevant. Hence (b).
5) The above passage explains the doughnut principle. The doughnut principle
compares life to an inverted doughnut. It further explains the core of the doughnut
is fixed and the space around the core is culture. Hence as core is fixed it represents
the sense of security and the space around the core which is referred to as culture,
which provides flexibility. Therefore option (c) is correct. Option(a) is incorrect as life
is referred to as a whole doughnut not the fixed core. Option (b) is invalid as it is
evident that life is the whole doughnut and fixed core is just an aspect of life. Hence

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