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1. Translate the following words or words combinations into Ukrainian,

find sentences with these words in the text and make up your own
sentences with them.
1. comprehensive (p.106); 6. tenacious (p.117);
2. to imbibe (p.107); 7. to construe (p.113);
3. avail (p.110); 8. discourse (p.110);
4. unfathomed (p.119); 9. eloquence (p.122);
5. to alleviate (p.120); 10. propriety (p.127).

2. Read an excerpt from the text and translate it.

p. 122-123 «During these eight years… and consequently was lost to me.»

During these eight years my life was uniform: but not unhappy, because it was not
inactive. I had the means of an excellent education placed within my reach; a fondness
for some of my studies, and a desire to excel in all, together with a great delight in
pleasing my teachers, especially such as I loved, urged me on: I availed myself fully of
the advantages offered me. In time I rose to be the first girl of the first class; then I was
invested with the office of teacher; which I discharged with zeal for two years: but at the
end of that time I altered.
Miss Temple, through all changes, had thus far continued superintendent of the seminary:
to her instruction I owed the best part of my acquirements; her friendship and society had
been my continual solace; she had stood me in the stead of mother, governess, and,
latterly, companion. At this period she married, removed with her husband (a clergyman,
an excellent man, almost worthy of such a wife) to a distant county, and consequently
was lost to me.

3. Answer the questions:

1. What trouble befell the catch and when exactly did it happen?
2. What can you say about Jane’s new girlfriend, whose name was Mary Ann?
3. What did the doctors advise to the girls who were not infected with the disease?
4. What happened to Helen Burns when half of the students were sick with typhus?
5. What causes of typhus were discovered during the investigation?
6. Why did Jane decide to leave the Lowood?
7. What annoyed Jane in her roommate? Who was that?
8. Why did Helen write a letter directed to the editor of the Herald?
9. Where did Jane get a job?
10. What problems were on Jane's way to her dream?

4. Write a short summary of chapters 9-14 (10-12 sentences)

5. Describe Jane's arrival to Thornfield.

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