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Max Heindel
Augusta Foss de Heindel
A astrodiagnosis

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Max Heindel and Augusta Foss de Heindel - Astrodiagnosis
Of the thirty years that the undersigned has dedicated to the study and research of
astrology and astrodiagnosis, a large part of them was alongside Max
Heindel, first as a classmate and companion and then as his wife.
Many of the astral diagnoses in this book have been taken from the
first monthly lessons from Max Heindel to esoteric students, and by
this reason, together with the fact of our association for research
astrological, is why this volume goes with both names, even though he,
Max Heindel, passed into the afterlife nine years ago.
This book may differ in some cases from others dealing with
science of diagnosis by planets. The authors of this work, however,
have had such and such great opportunities for investigation of the matter, that
very few authors could have reached them. The Rosicrucian Fraternity (THE
ROSICRUCIAN FELLOWSHIP), of which they were the founders, has a
healing department that works with real success. A description of the
method used in this department can be found on page 250. Of the
thousands of patients who have approached us in demand of healing
During the last seventeen years, each one has sent us extensive data
describing the disease they suffered, their symptoms and characteristics,
diagnoses of GPs, etc. These reports were
scrupulously compared in all cases with the patient's horoscope,
and very detailed studies of both were made. The most notable and typical cases
served as a theme for the monthly lessons of the esoteric students of the
Fraternity. From such lessons we have selected the best ones to print
in this book. On no occasion have we directly diagnosed the patient,
and yet horoscopes have wonderfully provided us with the key
of the disease suffered and its causes, having served them as
guide to prescribe advice about diet, exercise, environment and weather, and
points like that.
We do not claim that this book is the last word on the
matter, nor do we ensure that it is infallible. The knowledge that we have
gained after many years of incessant labor we share it with the
world. We give it liberally, and if there is someone who can add something to
its content, we will congratulate ourselves on it.

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Max Heindel and Augusta Foss de Heindel - Astrodiagnosis
ASTRODIAGNOSIS is the science and art of obtaining knowledge
scientist regarding diseases and their causes according to indications of the
planets, as well as the means of mastering the ailment. This new science of
diagnosis and cure is slowly gaining ascendancy in the world
doctor. It is a science that will not neglect the old school of medicine and
diagnosis, but is an addition to it. However, we trust that the
Official medicine will eventually accept this new method. Currently there
many doctors who voluntarily cooperate with the new schools of
osteopathy, natural cure and chiropractic, etc., and these minded men
open and understanding they are willing to accept a more advanced method of
diagnosis when they have been shown to be effective and worthy of
Complete dependence on external symptoms to locate the
disease and resting exclusively on the action of medications,
It has cost us millions of lives in past ages. But now man
he is waking up to the light, he is acquiring a broad mindset that
prevents stubborn clinging to ancient methods, which have been
proved, by his many mistakes and by the sacrifice of many lives, that
they are inadequate. Medical science with its best instruments, X-rays, the
Iris diagnosis, blood tests, etc., has made great efforts
to get better diagnostic methods. But the day is not far away
when it is generally admitted that if the link is known in advance
most delicate of the chain, the one known by the science of the stars where
the doctor must inquire to find the cause of the disease, it is, without dispute,
the best way. Doctors will immediately touch on the origin of the disease and
They will also know the best methods to effect the cure. When they
they can use the key of the soul, the horoscope, they will also find the treatment
to which the patient will respond best. They will also know the nature of the
sick, either if his will is weak, or if it is negative or emotional in nature.
Then the doctor will know very well the methods that must be used for
heals, according to reports so obtained.
The disease can be classified under two headings: latent and active. The
"Symptoms" give us indications of the ailment that is in the process of
materialization. Latent trends toward disease are indicated
for planetary woes in the horoscope at birth. In some cases such
trends may remain dormant throughout life, because the
native has lived in such a way that it has not caused any effort in the body
that would have given the planets occasion to materialize their latent weakness
congenital. If there is a weak link in the chain, but if it does not submit to the chain

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At no stress or strain, the chain will remain intact. Also, in the
In the case of planetary afflictions, they can also remain latent. But yes
the subject in question abuses his body, they will immediately
manifest these weak points. This gives us the second kind of
disease: the active type. When the action of the aspects has been provoked
planetary and disease has appeared, the advanced planetary positions
they will give the doctor the key to the ailment.
When medical men, scientists, scientific occultists, and
astrologers have come to a friendly intelligence when the discoveries
successive give men broader thoughts and leave no room for
differences in criteria between them, then humanity will know that the
terrors and pains from the operating table are a thing of the past. So
the most beneficial health will be universally enjoyed, because the
man the way of living in order to avoid suffering. The doctors will have
then the same longing to keep humanity healthy, as now the
they have to make man recover from illness. We
we believe that the day is not far off when governments will feel the need
to pay their fees to doctors so that they teach man how
to save the pitfalls that lead to disease.

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When Aries, who has rulership over his head, is in the Ascendant,
we have a person whose actions are impulsive and aggressive. Speak and act
quickly. An excess of vital energy is generated by these people. This is
intensified when dynamic Mars, which is the ruler of Aries, is
also in Aries and in the Ascendant, or when the life giver is there, the
Sun. When the planets add their vital energies to the Ascendant, we have the
person who is very prone to dissipate their forces. People who express to
Aries strongly are very likely to be of an impulsive temperament, of
explosive species, but they will not hold a grudge. Those who have Aries in the
Ascendant, or when the Sun or Mars are there, they immediately get angry, but
they are also willing to forgive.
Aries rules the head, the cerebral hemispheres, the upper jaw, the
eyes and face. However, the nose falls under the regency of the Martian sign of
Scorpion. Aries is hot, dry, and inflammatory. Aries people with a
slight cold or health disturbance can get to have a temperature
very high. In diseases your fever will often reach three or four degrees
higher than that of those born under watery or aerial signs. Low
planetary afflictions these people are subject to brain fevers, to
dizziness, nosebleeds, neuralgia, inflammation of the hemispheres
and other diseases of the brain and face, suffering
frequently of accumulation of blood to the head.
The will of the patient plays a great role for the good success of health.
People with positive signs respond with greater probability, since they
make personal efforts to assist the physician or conservator, while
people with negative signs are very inclined to follow the line of minor
resistance and being very negligent to follow the doctor's instructions.
Taurus has government over the region of the neck, ears, palate,
larynx, tonsils, thyroid gland, lower jaw, occipital region,

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the cerebellum, atlas, and cervical vertebrae, buccal cords, artery
carotid, jugular vein and pharynx.
The Taurus guy is very stubborn and tenacious. However it is a sign
negative, when a person born in Taurus contracts a disease,
keeps it in the most stubborn way. This class of men have a
great fear of disease, and because of this fear makes very poor nurses
or doctors, while those born under Aries, because this sign is
positive, they will enter a sick room without fear, and in the case of
falling ill will throw off the disease quickly and easily.
When a doctor is in front of a patient who has Taurus coming out, or
well to the Sun in Taurus, should not give rise to the impression that he is very
serious, because their fear of disease will often invoke it.
The one born under Taurus has tendencies to acquire meat in the middle of life, and
as a general rule it is short and chubby, it gets very fleshy around
of the neck and the base of the skull. This has a tendency to cause inflammation
of the glands, tonsillitis, angina and other various affections of the organs of the
neck, as well as polyps.
Gemini has rule over the arms, hands, shoulders, lungs, the
thymus gland, upper ribs, trachea, bronchi, capillaries,
respiration and blood oxygenation.
The Gemini person is subject to nervous disorders. Like Gemini
is one of the common signs, the person born with this sign coming out, is a
often very neglected for their health and disorderly habits, and due to
For these reasons, we find more tuberculosis patients among those born in this
sign that, among those of any other of the eleven remaining. Gemini is
classified among the positive signs, and therefore if a patient with this sign is
gives him the least support, he can easily control and expel the disease.
The diseases to which the Gemini-born is most subject are:
lung diseases, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, wasting,
pleurisy and nervous disorders.
When we have before us a horoscope to diagnose a person
that has the negative and aqueous sign of Cancer coming out, we can have
the prior assurance that he is of very low vitality, a person who is very
timid and yet with aversion or tendency not to follow the advice of
others. Cancer people are very prone to do just the opposite
than what has been advised or prescribed. They are also suspicious,
and, due to their lack of faith in others, they are very difficult to deal with; but
once trust has been delivered and established, they are very faithful and

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prone to cooperate to be cured. A little consideration or
supplication will serve very well to conquer your character. They are undoubtedly very
sensitive and when they are considered insulted they do not forgive easily. When the
Sun is in this watery sign, the native has more vitality than when it is
rising, because the Sun is the giver of life and energy.
Cancer has regency over the stomach, diaphragm, breasts,
upper lobes of the liver, thoracic duct, chemification, movement
or peristaltic action, the pancreas, the gastric vein and the blood serum.
The afflictions that can be classified under the sign of Cancer are the
indigestion, hiccups, flatulence, dropsy and sclerosis. The natives of
Cancer are very food lovers and are generally very gourmet.
As a consequence they are often afflicted with diseases that
have their origin in a wrong diet, this being the case especially with
those who have Saturn in Cancer. This planet has an influence
restrictive and wherever he is found he steals from the organs of his
fluids: When in Cancer it provides wishes for sweets and
cake shop.
When we have to treat a patient with Leo in the Ascendant,
we must bear in mind that we are facing one with great vital energy, one who
you will not easily succumb to the disease. The Leo native usually fights
bravely with the ailment before deciding to claim the help of the
doctor, and therefore, when he gives himself up, he is generally very ill;
but, nevertheless, it is quickly restored. Your pride will not allow you, as a rule
In general, becoming a burden to others. As it is a sign
Positive, the biggest drawback for Leo's is his impulsiveness. He notices that
everything you do must be done with a large amount of energy, which produces
a harmful effect on the health of the parts governed by this vital sign, and that
are as follows: heart, aorta, vena cava, dorsal region of the spine
and the spinal cord.
The Sun, which is the giver of life, governs this sign of Leo and also has
regency over the ethereal vital fluid that comes through the spleen, an organ that
it is the entrance of the solar forces. Through this organ of the spleen, the sign
Leo greatly attracts his strength. We find those born with this
sign coming out very vital and full of strength, especially if the Sun is in Leo;
but due to the destructive use of this excess energy they are often seen
afflicted with heart conditions of various kinds and also with ailments of the
spine. They also frequently suffer from disturbances in the spleen, which
affects the activities of the blood, producing an excess of corpuscles
targets of blood, who are the destroyers and not the defenses of the
bloodstream, as medical science proclaims.

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Virgo is a negative and feminine sign, the second of the terrestrial triplicity,
and it has less resistance force than the fixed sign Leo. Virgo can resist a
considerable effort, since it is a nervous and iron temperament; without
However, when the Virgo native is overpowered, he has quite a few difficulties
to get up and shake off the disease. As it is of a negative disposition,
is prone to being dominated by circumstances and does not exert his
willingness to withdraw from its influence. Virgo is the natural sign of the sixth
house, which has government over diseases; hence when children
of Virgo fall under the ailment of ailments it is very possible that they become
chronic invalids. Therefore, although these people make excellent
nurses should be advised not to exercise it and to avoid permanence
in hospitals and in sick rooms, because they are like sponges and always
they are apt to catch the illnesses of the patients and patients.
Virgo rules the abdominal region, the intestines, the lower lobes of the
liver, spleen, duodenum, and sympathetic nervous system. The afflictions that
can be classified under the sign of Virgo are extensively determined by
planets that may be afflicted in this sign. Intestinal cramps,
winds, colic, malnutrition, diarrhea, constipation, peritonitis, cholera,
dysentery, roundworms, catarrh of the intestines and appendicitis can be
caused by Virgo's afflictions.
Libra is one of the signs where the Sun is weak. The Sun is symbolized by
Samson, who was dispossessed of his strength by Delilah, symbolized by the sign
female Virgo, which cut her hair, in which the strength of
Samson, and they represent the rays of the Sun. As the Sun enters Libra, it goes
changing from the North declination to the South declination, and since Libra is the sign of the
exaltation of Saturn, the rays of the Sun at this point, the crossing of the Equator, is
when they are weaker. Libra people for this reason cannot always
go back on their physical condition. Its tendencies and dispositions
they change as the symbol that represents this sign, the balance. Sometimes
the natives of Libra are in the seventh heaven of their happiness and optimism, and
less mental disturbance can fall to the depths of pessimism and
despair. Idealism is very well developed in this kind of
persons. The Libra-born patient should, if possible, not be discouraged
never in anything that I have deeply determined to execute, for
frustrating their hopes and sinking them leads to one of the saucers of the scale to the most
exaggerated pessimism and discouragement, which often produces
disease. The Libra-born person must cultivate balance.
Physiologically this sign governs the kidneys, the lumbar region of the spine,
the skin, the ureters, which are the tiny tubes that run between the kidneys and the
bladder, and the vasomotor system. The afflictions of which the native of Libra is

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most exposed to suffer are: Bright's disease, low back pain and
urinary disturbances and conditions. The disease depends a lot on
of the afflicting planets: if it is Saturn, there will be a shortage of urine; if Jupiter, for
the opposite, excess, etc. Nephritis, eczema and diabetes are also
ailments of which the native of Libra is very prone to suffer.
The Martian and aqueous sign of Scorpio is one of the least
comprised of the twelve. Scorpio produces a series of types. Usually the
Scorpio person is retired, shy and reserved in nature, person who
he does not speak of himself or his affairs. But there is also another type of Scorpio that
he is willing to answer the slightest provocation and to hold his opinion
decidedly, being able to become very cruel. This type is, as a rule, of
an explosive temperament, the disposition of which can, if the horoscope has
afflictions, undermine your health. The greatest danger to the health of the native Scorpio,
however, it is in the genitalia and the ducts through which they exit
excretions from the body, such as the urethra (the small channel through the
which urine passes from the bladder out) and the colon, including the anus. The bladder,
sigmoid flexure, prostate gland, pubic bone, red matter
coloring of the blood and nasal bones are also under the regency of
People born under this sign make very good doctors,
surgeons and nurses. But there is often a cruel and tyrannical streak in the native
Scorpio and the desire nature is strong and sometimes sensual. The
Low desires often lead to excesses, which can cause
following diseases, which will be expressed according to the planets and
distressing aspects: syphilis, hernias, scurvy, fistulas, piles, inflammation and
womb decrease, urinary disturbances, narrowing of the prostate and colds
The native of Sagittarius is generally the gentlest and the most easily
curable of all patients, because with its frank and kind nature it is
very confident and always ready to follow the doctor's instructions, but
You can also respond to any negative suggestion. It may happen that the
doctor has given practical advice and leave the patient very encouraged and with
high hopes; but if one of his many shows up in his room
friends (for the native Sagittarius is generally very popular and a good
money spender and therefore attracts many friends) and suggests
unhealthy feelings or tells you that you are pouting, or tells you to take
other medicine, it is very easy to accept the suggestion. The result of all this
is that these subjects take a long time to recover. Therefore it is

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it is necessary that the patient of this sign be placed under the care and supervision
someone who protects you against adverse suggestions.
Sagittarius rules the region of the body that directly surrounds the hips,
the sacral region of the spine, the coccyx vertebra, the femur, the ileum, the arteries
iliac, sciatic nerves and ischium.
The diseases of people of this sign are: locomotor ataxia,
sciatica, rheumatism and hip diseases.
The Capricorn sign is an earth sign and is ruled by the planet
Saturn. Capricorn people do not succumb to the disease very easily.
They are sturdy, persistent and iron in nature and will suffer considerable pain
before staying in bed. But once they have fallen ill they are
precisely so slow and so obstinate in the disease. Sometimes it
hypochondriacs, and the doctor must use very diplomatic methods to
break the crystallization in which the people of Capricorn are involved, sign
which, as we have said, is saturnine in nature. The most unfortunate part of
that is if a patient of this type, who is in this mental and physical state,
you realize or realize that there is someone trying to help you heal, you
He will resist it and will close against the friend who approaches him with this object.
Capricorn people are super sensitive and very withdrawn and
reserved, often forming melancholy and discouragement habits, with the
which seem to be solace, and which, of course, have some deplorable effects
on health. This sign governs the knees, skin, joints or joints and
hair. The skin of the native Capricorn is often pale and dry, and the
diseases to which it is subject are: eczema, syphilis, leprosy and also the
dislocation of bones.
The fixed and aerial sign of Aquarius is under the regency of two planets: the
melancholic, fearful and given to anxiety, Saturn, which is called
generally the planet of obstruction, and the impulsive, emotional, negligent and
hysterical, Uranus. Despite the fact that Aquarius is a fixed sign which encourages and endows
native to a strong will, even if this person is afflicted by aspects
adverse between certain planets, especially Saturn or Uranus, when they are
placed preeminently in the horoscope, she is willing to give herself to a
extreme melancholy, pessimism and sensitivity, or is reckless and
daring and responsive to emotional Uranus. These musings, sadness and disposition
of encouragement often lead to health poverty, which often takes the
form of nervousness. As Aquarius is a mental and aerial sign, its natives are
iron and ambitious and with tendencies to do things with excesses. I never know
they will stop to measure or consider their forces until the effort of the body arrives

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to its maximum limit; therefore, when they are delivered they are in a very
critical, but they will also give the doctor all the facilities to help them, since
they are always ready for cooperation. Physiologically the Aquarius sign
It governs the lower limbs, legs and ankles.
The diseases for which the natives of
Aquarium are: varicose veins, swelling of the legs and diseases
nervous of various kinds. An indication that these people have when
the nerves weaken it is an extreme sensitivity of the skin. There is a
meandering, dragging, or running sensation throughout the body, as if
Small insects glided across his skin.
Pisces is a common and aqueous sign and the people born under it are from
lymphatic and negative nature, very lovers of luxury, which often leads them to
seek a comfortable and easy life, and in the latter part of life they tend to
increase meats; mushy meat, which leads to loss of health. The
Pisces people respond very well to suggestions, both good and
bad, and just as easily respond to the influence of the
doctor or healer. You should not be allowed to visit a sick person born under this
sign a person who is very friendly in nature. Of that nice guy in
extreme, of which there are many men in the world today, people who believe
it is a social duty for them to visit all sick friends and
encourage them to talk about their illness and symptoms and then, for
Lastly, extend all your sympathy to them. The Pisces person will rejoice
the visit of the "sympathizer", but when he has left, generally
He has a relapse that will force him to call the doctor immediately. These
sick should be placed in the most cheerful and lively room, with a
optimistic and charming nurse or assistant, with a sign on the door: I don't know
allows entry to "sympathizers".
The native of Pisces is prone to the habit of drinking and use.
of narcotics, especially if there is any affliction of the Moon in the horoscope and
Neptune. Pisces rules the feet and fingers of these organs and the fibrin in the blood.
Because of their love and penchant for good food and easy living, people
Pisces are subject to gout and swelling of the feet.

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ARIES. - It governs the brain, the cerebral hemispheres, the skull, the eyes, the
face, upper jaw, and internal carotid arteries.
TAURUS. - It governs the neck, throat, palate, larynx, tonsils,
the lower jaw, the ears, the occipital region, the cerebellum; the atlas vertebra, the
second vertebra or axis, the external carotid arteries, the jugular veins, the
pharynx, thyroid gland, and cervical vertebra.
GEMINI. - Rules shoulders, arms, hands, ribs
superiors, the lungs, trachea, bronchi, capillaries, respiration and
CANCER. - Governs the stomach, esophagus, diaphragm, breasts,
milk, the upper lobes of the liver, the thoracic duct, the pancreas, the
blood serum, stomach peristalsis and chemification.
LEO. - It governs the heart, the dorsal region of the spine, the spinal cord, the
aorta and superior and inferior vena cava.
VIRGO. - It governs the abdominal region, the large and small intestines, the
lower lobe of liver, spleen, duodenum, quilification and peristalsis of
the intestines.
POUND. - It governs the kidneys, the adrenal glands, the lumbar region,
the skin, ureters, and vasomotor system.
SCORPION. - Governs the bladder, urethra, genitalia, colon
descending, prostate, sigmoid flexure, nasal bone, pubic bone and
the red matter coloring of the blood.
SAGITTARIUS. - It governs the hips, the thighs, the ileum, the coccyx vertebra, the
sacral region, sciatic nerves and ischium.
CAPRICORN. - Governs the skin, knees, joints and hair.

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AQUARIUM. - Rules the legs and ankles.
PISCES. - It governs the feet, the fingers of these organs and the fibrin of the
ARIES. - Provides energy, strength, excess; heat, dryness and
TAURUS. - Gives stubbornness and stubbornness, musings and meditations, anger and
anger without control or domination and lust.
GEMINI. - It gives negative, restless and nervous character.
CANCER. - Causes lack of vitality, tenacity, disloyalty and
feelings contrary to forgiveness and forgetfulness.
LEO. - Provides character with impulsiveness, arrogance, fixity, vitality and
VIRGO. - Gives selfishness, excess criticism, lack of sympathy, and favors
POUND. - It makes people self-centered, sentimentalists,
melancholic and jealous.
SCORPION. - Incline to tyranny, destruction, sadness and
concerns and reproduction.
SAGITTARIUS. - It causes restlessness and restlessness, inclines to daring and
recklessness and also causes accidents.
CAPRICORN. - It causes limitations, deliberations, crystallization and
AQUARIUM. - It causes melancholy and sadness, resistance, nervousness and a
extreme sensitivity.
PISCES. - It also causes a lot of sensitivity, lack of vitality,
indolence and makes people quiet and reserved.

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ARIES. - Gives neuralgia, insomnia, brain congestion, fevers of the
brain, baldness, headaches, dizziness, eye conditions, aches
molars and phlegmons.
TAURUS. - Causes mumps, diphtheria, laryngitis, tonsillitis, or tonsillitis,
croup or club, polyps, angina, inflammation of the throat glands and
GEMINI. - Causes bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, wasting,
pleurisy, corrupted blood, nervous conditions and anemia.
CANCER. - Gives indigestion, induces dipsomania, causes colds
gastric, hypo, flatulence, dropsy and sclerosis.
LEO. - Causes heart conditions, angina, ataxia
locomotor, hyperemia, spinal affections, spinal meningitis and fevers.
VIRGO. - Produces peritonitis, malnutrition, dysentery, colic,
constipation, diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, appendicitis and tapeworm.
POUND. - Causes Bright's disease, low back pain, suppression of
urine, nephritis, diabetes, kidney stones and uremia.
SCORPION. - Produces syphilis, hernias and breaks, stones and
grits, scurvy, fistulas, piles, womb or uterine diseases,
narrowing of the urethra, narrowing of the prostate, runny nose, diseases of the
nasal mucosa and nasal cartilage.
SAGITTARIUS. - Causes locomotor ataxia, sciatica, low back pain, rheumatism,
diseases of the hip and accidents to the thighs.
CAPRICORN. - Gives eczema, erysipelas, leprosy, bone dislocations and
weak knees
AQUARIUM. - Causes varicose veins, ankle swelling, pain
of legs, nervous diseases and skin sensitivity.
PISCES. - Produces calluses, gout, deformities of the feet and toes,
tumors and dropsy.

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SUN. - Vital fluid, spleen, heat distribution, "pons varolii", oxygen and
VENUS. - Throat, kidneys, "thymus" gland, venous circulation.
MERCURY. - Nerves, tubes of the bronchi, pulmonary circulation,
thyroid gland, right cerebral hemisphere, cerebrospinal system, nerves
sensory, vital fluid of nerves, vocal cords, ears, sight, tongue, all
the senses of perception and breathing.
MOON. - Esophagus, uterus, ovaries, lymphatic vessels, nervous system
sympathetic, synovial fluid, alimentary canal 1 , lymph, chyle and nerve covers.
SATURN. - Bladder, vagus or pneumogastric nerve, teeth, skin,
joints, ligaments and sigmoid flexure.
JUPITER. - Liver, glycogen, adrenals, arterial circulation, fibrin
of the blood, disposition of the fats.
MARS. - The iron of the blood, the red coloring matter of the blood, the
genitalia, motor nerves, left cerebral hemisphere, movements
muscles, the desire body, the motor segment of the spine and the
URANUS. - Ethers, eyes, pituitary body and gases.
NEPTUNE. - Pineal gland, spinal canal and the fiber of the nerves.
SUN. - Heat, dry, vital, constructive, expansive and tonic.
VENUS. - Temperate, lymphatic, indolent and sedentary.
MERCURY. - Cold, dry and nervous.
MOON. - Wet, cold, nutritious, receptive, collective and fluidic.
SATURN. - Cold, dry, chronic, constrict me, crystallizing, restrictive,
centripetal and obstructive induction.
1The authors surely refer to the stomach and duodenum, which are the places where
mainly the digestion of food is verified. (N. del T.)

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JUPITER. - Temperate, humid, substantial and nutritious, expansive,
corpulent and gluttonous.
MARS. - Hot, dry, inflammatory, energetic, eruptive, excessive,
violent and positive.
URANUS. - Dry, spasmodic, electric, explosive, convulsive and
NEPTUNE. - Comatose, constrain me, sloppy and restrictive.
EYES. - Aries, Uranus, Sun, Moon, Ascelli, Antares and the Pleiades.
EARS. - Taurus and Mercury.
NOSE. - Scorpio.
TONGUE. - Taurus and Mercury.

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Pythagoras taught that the solar system is a powerful instrument
musical; that the twelve signs of the zodiac can be compared to halftones
of the chromatic scale, and that the planets constitute the seven white keys of the
cosmic keyboard. Each sign responds to a certain tone; some shades are combined and
they are harmonious, while others collide and are antagonistic. In the same way
that we notice disharmony and conflict between certain notes of a piano and between
certain strings of the harp, likewise we see similar disharmony among the
various signs of the Zodiac and between the planets in their effects on man.
The symbol of the trill is the triangle, and in astrology the trill is considered
as harmonious and beneficial. Then we have that the signs are grouped into
representation of the four elements of Nature, forming the triangles
of Fire, Earth, Air and Water.
The signs of fire and air are in harmony with each other, and the
triplicities of land and water also have affinity and sympathy, but the signs
that form the triplicity of fire will not harmonize with those of water, nor will the
of earth with air signs. Planets in these various groups of signs
express the same sympathy or antipathy as that imparted or manifested by the
same signs. The sign of the triplicities is expressed by the manifestation of the
harmony in the temperaments and personalities of the people, while the
squares will express their afflictions and dislikes through annoyances and
physical conditions.
The disease is really a lack of harmony between the spirit and the
personality, a conflict between the superior and inferior man. The trills or
triplicities act as justices of the peace, while squares and
Oppositions place limitations on the spirit. The last pair gives us the
lessons we must learn, and these are the exact payment of the debts of the
destiny of the person for the mistakes made and their expressed selfishness

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in past lives. Squares and oppositions are more vital in their action.
The squares act by means of three groups of signs, which constitute the
vicious circle:
Doctors have been dedicating themselves for years to the study of
strange sympathies between the different parts of the body that they have
seen that they were manifested in the diseases of some patients. When they see
a diseased organ, they have made a habit of looking for the cause in another organ
that they know has sympathy with the attacked. For example, in glaucoma or certain
kinds of affections to the eyes have invariably found that the actual cause or
Seat of the ailment is located in the stomach or in the kidneys. In some
types of throat and mumps diseases have proven that the cause
real was that the heart was weakened.
The four points of the circle of the cardinal or equinoctial signs, is
say, Aries, the eyes; Libra, the kidneys; Cancer, the stomach, and Capricorn, the
knees, they are in close correspondence and sympathy with each other, and the
one's affection will frequently manifest itself in one of the other signs of this
circle. For example, if we see Saturn in the sign of its fall, Cancer, and
afflicted, digestive disorders are followed and some will invariably be noticed
disturbance in the kidneys, and sometimes the result is that a
stiffness of the knee joints. Conditions in sight are
They manifest frequently due to following the wrong diet regimen. The
people with Saturn in Cancer are extremists in the choice of their food, with
quirky likes and dislikes in this regard.
The second vicious circle is that of the fixed signs: Taurus, the throat;
Scorpio, the generative organs, the rectum, urethra, and nose; Leo, the heart and the
spine, and Aquarius, legs below the knees. When they operate
the organs of the voice or the tonsils in childhood, there will be in such organs
disturbances at puberty and later during childbirth conditions and
inconvenience. The close relationship and sympathy between the organs is well known.
sexual and speech. The removal of parts of the genital organs produces
changes in the voice, the voice of the male becoming feminine and the voice of the masculine
woman. Heart valve conditions often cause
swelling of the ankles.

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The third group of squares we find it composed of the signs
common or mutable, corresponding to cadent houses. The sixth house, which
is correlated to Virgo, and the twelfth house, which is with Pisces, are of
special vitality in the horoscope, since they are, respectively, the house of the
diseases and that of hospitals and confinements. We find a great
sympathy between these two signs and houses. The common signs are the ones
cause more diseases, and among the natives of these signs is where
we find the invalids more hopeless than in any other group, for the
reason that his will power is not very strong.
The common signs are ruled by Mercury, which has dominion over
breathing, nerves and senses of perception, and by Jupiter, which has
regency on the fibrin of the blood, on the arterial circulation and the liver.
Gemini rules the lungs, and through these organs oxidation occurs
of the blood. Virgo reigns over the intestines, the nervous system
sympathetic and spleen. Often we can hear people lament
This way: "I have constipated, or caught pneumonia, because
I moistened my feet ”, in whose points are included Gemini and Pisces.
Many more examples we would cite of the action of the vicious circles.

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In the previous chapters we have studied the properties of signs
of the Zodiac and we have arranged the anatomical groupings in such a way that
it is easy for the student of astral diagnosis to study. It is very necessary
to become familiar with the basic properties of signs, as well as those of
the planets. It is impossible to make a visible advance in the art of diagnosing
a horoscope, unless the student has sufficient knowledge of the
Zodiac and the properties of signs and planets. Must also
Become familiar with the science of progression. You must make use of all these
different phases before diagnosis becomes proficient, so that
can say what one or the other positions indicate; both aspects; ones and
Another planets. It is also essential that you know the temperament and character
of the sick before I can really be sure of the diagnosis he makes
of the illness.
To find the key to a disease and the reason why a person
has become an invalid, whether the disease is organic, or whether it is
Because the patient has broken the laws of Nature, it is precisely
as essential as the diagnosis itself. What is the good that can result from
know the kind of disease indicated by a horoscope if we cannot point to the
patient in what way have you broken the laws of Nature? The disease in the
ninety-five percent of the cases is due to wrong ways of living,
and being able to show the patient what things harm their health will lead
to healing. First, the cause must be removed, and then the cure will follow.
as a natural result,
The secret to success for a progressive doctor lies in the fact that
that he will never, if he can avoid it, directly diagnose the disease by
own sick. He will only advise and prescribe and sometimes give some
clue to the cause of the disease; It will also indicate the kind of
food and the ways of life to be followed and, in addition, it will tell why
to abandon the patient such and such things that harm him. How
consequence of this diplomatic way of acting the doctor will get the
greatest successes. Nor should you ever let out a word of discouragement.
You should never take hope away from the sick person, and when you leave the
Patient should do it with a smile and words of encouragement and hope.
There are exceptions, however, as there are doctors, and unfortunately not
they constitute the minority, who adopt the pose of doctors and who predict death
or the need to do an operation, before they have studied and
really and truly diagnosed the disease. Under the treatment of a

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2. 3
such a doctor the poor patient is frequently sentenced, for
the one from whom the sick person had expected trust and relief has really
stolen all hope. So we want to deeply engrave on the
mind of our students that they should never and for no reason
predict death; nor should they ever and for any reason tell the
sick with a heart condition; that he is in danger of going crazy, or that
is attacked by the fearful and feared tuberculosis disease, because for
These manifestations can revive in the patient's mind the
fear thought. Fear has worse effects, as a rule, for
that negative-minded person than the disease itself. Ninety
percent of the patients are sick due to their dangerous methods in the
food, sick with fear, or sick due to the unwillingness to
resist temptations; indeed, all disease is the result of a
ignorant violation of the laws of Nature. This may not be due to
this life only. You can crawl from another previous life, like
as a consequence of which the patient has latent weaknesses.
So, we can understand that to be of real help in healing
of the patient, the doctor or the person in charge of making the diagnosis must have the
enough knowledge to enable him to give the patient the prescription
proper and proper instructions to live properly. Our advice
for the student it must be, therefore, the one who studies carefully and remembers in
as much as possible the lessons on astrodiagnosis that heretofore precede;
also familiarize yourself with the properties of different foods and their
combinations, since the most logical thing is that the patient requests from the doctor what
what to eat, once they tell you what not to eat, or change their
nutritional regimen. For all these considerations we can realize
how necessary it is to acquire a healthy and safe knowledge of the science of a
correct to live.

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Our first thought when we must judge the qualities
mental of a patient is to find the position of Mercury. First
Let's notice the sign in which it is placed, and secondly, the house, and for
Finally, the aspects that this planet of reason has with others.
To save time and space in these lessons we will not say
effects that Mercury has on the different signs of the Zodiac, but
We will refer the reader to our book "The Message of the Stars", pages 111 to
114, and also at 275 and 276 2 , where you can find the basic qualities of
Mercury in the twelve signs. Such qualities must be studied very
carefully, because from your study, the foundations will be extracted
on which to base our judgment.
The immediate planet to consider is the Moon. If we look good
between the Moon and Mercury, especially if these two planets are fine
placed at the angles and signs where they can express their
better qualities, we can trust the patient to cooperate with the doctor
for your healing. However, if Mercury is in conjunction with Saturn,
we will have a person with a stubborn and stubborn mentality, slow and given to
melancholia. When Mercury is trill or sextile with Saturn, it indicates a
very retentive memory, a very well-balanced mind and will develop good
reasoning qualities.
When Mars or Uranus are in conjunction with Mercury, the patient is
very impressionable, sensitive, emotional; a venatic guy with very little control
over the mind; but if Mars or Uranus were in sextile or trill with Mercury,
they would give a tendency to lighten the mental faculties, stimulating the impulse. Yes
we find Mercury or the Moon afflicted by Neptune, the mind is inclined
towards unhealthy and unnatural conditions; to obsession, to a mania towards
religion, mediumship, drinking and drugs. Look at the house and the
sign in which these planets are placed to know the way in which
they tend to manifest.
Since Neptune is the top octave of Mercury, this planet
it has a strong influence on the higher mind. Neptune when afflicted
by Uranus or the Moon gives tendencies towards the undesirable experiences of the
psychism. When Neptune is afflicted by Mars, especially when he is
in conjunction with this fiery planet, the native is often tempted to
use hypnotism or black magic on others, and is exposed by itself
2 Digital edition, Upasika Library.

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Himself to be a victim of those who lacking all kinds of scruples use these
horrendous practices on others.
When the mental afflictions are in the eighth or twelfth house,
they have a more subtle influence than in any other position. Afflictions in
the eighth house may give the mind suicidal tendencies, but in the house
twelfth, like it's the house of hospitals, prisons and asylums and everything
what regards the proper acts that lead to our ruin, can
cause the person to be confined in some institution of the
We want to impress firmly on the reader's mind that never and for
no reason bases your diagnosis on just one or two aspects, but
always judge by the whole horoscope. To illustrate the danger in which you can
incurring the superficial examination of a horoscope let us take that of a man
that Mercury in Capricorn had in the sixth house, forming a single aspect,
which was a weak square with Neptune. Judging the horoscope lightly, one
I would say that he had a blunt and blunt mentality, but the truth is that as a child he was
at the head of the class at school. In spelling and mathematics it was
truly remarkable. Already as a man he held relevant positions in his
occupations and profession, currently being director in a line of
job that requires performance skills and a sharp mindset. To clarify
this we will notice what the other planets indicated. I had seven planets in signs
of air, five planets in mental signs, the Moon and Neptune, both well
aspected and at angles, the Sun and the Moon at fixed signs, and fixed signs and
cardinal in the four angles. By adding or summarizing the horoscope you can see
well why this man has reached such a high position in a job
mental with a weak Mercury. Thus, we believe it necessary for the reader to have
always before your imagination the firm idea of using all your reasoning
Before making a judgment on a horoscope, both qualities
mental, moral, spiritual or physical.

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After we have carefully studied the qualities
mental of our patient, we must try to see the strength of his will.
The Ascendant will always serve as a rule to find the key to the will and
the mentality. Now let's see how important the sixth house is in the matter.
The sixth house is the house of disease, and very often we
offers the solution of the patient's condition. Therefore, we must first
observe the ruler of the house to see what he indicates, in the sign and house in which
is placed, what is the nature of the sign and what is the body part governed
for him. Next we must see the planets that aspect the ruler of this
disease house.
Suppose Aquarius is on the cusp of the sixth house. So
we must look at the planets Uranus and Saturn, which rule over the health of the
sick to a great extent. Now suppose that Uranus is in the sign of
Virgo and the Ascendant, as we see in the horoscope of a man who
He was born on April 22, 1881, at two in the afternoon. Uranus going out gives us the
key to its nature, which is highly impulsive.
The co-ruler of the sixth house is Saturn. We see that in a great
number of horoscopes Saturn is afflicting. This planet is the stone of
touch, the computer that gives man the lessons he needs to learn.
Saturn in the horoscope that we have under our consideration is in
Taurus, intercepted in the ninth house and in conjunction with the Sun and Jupiter.
Saturn in this case is not the planet that causes the worst afflictions.
Now let's consider the planets that may be in the sixth house. In her
we find placed the wavering Moon in Aquarius and squaring Venus and
Neptune. The last two planets are in the sign of Taurus in the ninth house.
This is where the total cause of the ailment is. The Moon and Venus are both
feminine, indicating women; the Moon is the ruler of the eleventh house, and in
this form indicates friendship of women, who tempt this man and
cause it to respond to the impulse of Uranus and Mars. So we must
seek evil as a consequence of an excess of indulgence of their desires,
which are indicated by the planets in Taurus and by Mars; the latter rules the
Scorpio sign, which governs sex. So we can expect that the wine and
women lead this man to his ruinous deeds.
Let us note that Mercury is in the eighth house, and very weakly aspected
by a semisextile from Saturn, the Sun, Jupiter and Neptune. Mercury in Aries acts
under impulse. As it is practically without aspects in this sign and Uranus is
in opposition to Mars, it indicates lack of premeditation and foresight. With these

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conditions and having a common sign in the Ascendant, this man was a
perfect slave to your passions and desires. Here we can see that Virgo and the
Ascendant with Uranus in conjunction indicate the will. A
determined lack of will. With Virgo, the natural sign of the sixth house in the
Ascendant, and the Sun in Taurus, this man was an easy victim of the
disease, because both Virgo and Taurus have a determined fear
to disease. We should never base our diagnosis on one or
two afflictions but we must study all the signs and planets very
carefully. Some horoscopes indicate the matter very clearly, and of a
a simple glance can be seen in a few ways what the
disease. But other horoscopes, on the other hand, hide the symptoms, precisely
the way the doctor sometimes discovers which disease is
afflicts his patients. Some say immediately where the
disease, while others are puzzled by the hieroglyph that the case
presents for them, due to the difficulty they find in locating it. Thus,
the astrologer must study and reason all factors carefully to
ensure that the diagnosis you make of a case is accurate and correct.

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We are now ready to begin the work of reading and diagnosing a
natal map. First of all we must know what the outgoing sign indicates, because
through it and its meaning we will decipher the key to the disposition of the patient. He
Ascendant indicates the general nature of planetary baptism that man
receives his birth and which will influence man throughout his physical life. With
according to the stamp of the stellar forces of birth, will be the trends
of the person. Note and remember that we do not say fate or fate, but
tendencies, because man has within himself the power to change in
a large extent the influences indicated in the horoscope. We must
admit that the horoscope is the result of your past lives and indicates a
certain probable destiny. If man tolerates the stars to dominate him, then
it is when he becomes the victim of his destiny; but the wise man and
prudent is he who rules his stars.
The Ascendant indicates the general characteristics and trends that are
latent within man. Therefore, this should be the starting point of
our diagnosis.
Then we must see how the four angles are represented. Yes
We find in them common signs, that is, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces in their
four cusps, we will have a patient who will respond quickly to
suggestions, and at the same time listen to the doctor and can apparently try to
cooperate with him, however, due to his fickle tendencies, or rather,
to the peculiar weakness of will of people of common signs, is
prone to forget to execute the prescribed. The doctor's instructions should be
often repeated, since the patient of a common sign tends to forget them.
If the Ascendant and the four angles, on the other hand, are occupied by the
four cardinal signs, that is Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, the doctor
can wait in cooperation of the patient; but if Aries is in the Ascendant,
the doctor must make the patient believe that the work of his priest is doing it
itself. The Aries native is never ordered to do anything, but
diplomatically I asked him if he doesn't believe that doing such-and-such
it would be to his advantage, because the son of Aries dislikes following the dictates
of other. When you follow his instructions, however, he will do it with great force
and impulsiveness. We often hear of people following orders from
doctors to the extent that they would take a box of pills in a
dose. Well, such is the Aries patient. You must also get results
quickly, otherwise you will lose your interest. Cardinal people

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as a rule they are willing to cooperate with the doctor and will do all
efforts necessary to beat the disease.
People with fixed signs, that is, those born under Taurus, Leo,
Scorpio and Aquarius, they are creatures of customs, that is, they are so fixed that
when they follow a routine or get into a habit, they are very difficult to deal with and
to dissuade them from their ways. Those habits, which are at the bottom of the disease
and that they are the cause of the disease, they maintain them with great tenacity. The
people of fixed signs have great determination, and once they have stood up
about their hobbies they will cooperate fully with their doctor. The people of Taurus
and Scorpio can sometimes show a stubborn nature that is difficult to
combat and, in addition, they are so scary that the doctor must be careful with what
what he says in his presence about prescriptions for treatment. Always should
be optimistic and make suggestions of hope and encouragement.
The physician should be familiar with the temperament and disposition that
offers each sign and understand that if the ruler of a sign is afflicted or
malefic planets found in it, the answer will be different than when
manifest the best side of the sign. Remember that Leo when he is without affliction
he is magnanimous, jovial and loving, he is very different from the brave, rowdy Leo,
obstinate and boastful when afflicted. Similarly we find two
sides on all signs. Let us therefore study very carefully all the signs
and their rulers. Also let us carefully note the aspects that make up the
ruler and the Ascendant, because this planet is generally the ruler of the
life and has great influence on the existence of the native.
The next step is the study of the mind, because if the mentality is weak,
the doctor finds many difficulties for his work, since in the mind of the
man rests the strength that he can use to control his illness. A
Strong and well-looking mercury can guide a person to live a healthy life
and good and, therefore, such a person will not be prone to being sick; but
Mercury when afflicted frequently leads man to fall into
temptations and if the desire nature is strong and the mind weak, we can fear
that the patient does not have the will to cooperate with the doctor. Of
so that he should study with the greatest interest the horoscope in order to
discover the latent tendencies of your patient. Once you have them
discovered can then reach the first cause of the disease that
Remember and keep in mind that everything in life has a first
cause and that to reach the understanding of a case you must know yourself and reach the

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1. NEVER, NEVER predict the time of death of a sick person. That he
reader repeat this tip so that it prints strongly on your
mind. If the DEATH of a patient is predicted, the PROPHET can become
in his executioner and before God he will be held responsible for such a great mistake. There is an
old man
adage that says: "As long as there is life, there is hope." No matter how extreme
be the affliction of a horoscope; sometimes Providence can take a
hand and the most critical periods can be saved with an appropriate method.
2. LAW does not allow a lay person to diagnose the disease of a
patient; only a licensed physician can do this.
3. The prudent doctor will NEVER discuss the disease with his patient, nor
nor will it directly disclose your diagnosis. This knowledge
will reserve for its own use in healing.
4. At all times ensure that the patient's mind is free of
thoughts of ailments and diseases, and before leaving you should tell
Something pleasant to cheer him up and give him hope, comfort and joy.
Laugh and joke with him; leave your bed with a smile, because the joviality and
joy are half the cure.
5. Avoid asking this question: "How do you feel?" This question
has the tendency to direct his thoughts towards the physical body, which in the
illness is a good thing to forget. Have your first words of
I greet when I get to your side be like this: "What a beautiful day!
what does!"; or: "What a good face you have today!"; or this other phrase: "Hello,
my friend! I am delighted to greet you! ” Any cheering and
current is something that brings naturalness and joy and helps the patient
forget your pain and your condition.
5A. Never discuss anything about your horoscope with the patient; yes to
in spite of this he insists on knowing him, so indicate only aspects
favorable, but NEVER talk to you about impending crises.
6. Sick people often have a morbid desire to know the
future, to know if there is a crisis or if they are threatened by
death, especially if they have any knowledge of astrology. The doctor should

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request the patient to abandon the study of his own horoscope while
is under your care, otherwise you will see that the patient will find many
adverse suggestions as a result of this study and will appear in your
Mind many ideas that will hinder the cure.
6A. There are lines of force that run between the poles of a magnet and in
All nature has a positive and a negative side. The human body is a
powerful magnet that expresses both the negative and the positive aspect.
When a man is sick, he expresses the negative side of his
nature, and therefore the doctor must (if he is a good doctor) express
the opposite aspect, that is, the positive. When this happens, the patient
it will respond very quickly and healing will be a fact. So it’s very
It is necessary for the doctor to express positivity and joy in the patient's room.
7. When a man is sick, his resistance strength is in his
maximum reflux and is very sensitive to external influences. At that time the
vital body currents are reversed inward and is prone to attract
thoughts and magnetism of others, which if negative will have an effect
adverse about the patient. When a man is in good health, the ethers
of the vital body radiate outward and therefore reject the elements
negative and, in addition, they expel impurities from themselves.
8. When one is ill, his resistance power is low, and in such
moments the doctor's vibrations have a greater effect than at other times,
and its influence, therefore, is more powerful for both good and evil.
If the doctor's thoughts are not pure, if his life is not clean, then his
influence on the patient is not good. Therefore, it is very necessary that the
spiritual doctor LIVE A LIFE of purity, otherwise it will do more damage
what a benefit.
9. If the doctor's Saturn is in the Ascendant or in the sixth house of the
patient, he will have very little success in treating such a
10. A doctor with the Sun in Scorpio or with Scorpio in the Ascendant,
it is, as a general rule, a successful healing agent.
11. The Sun with signs of fire gives good healing force and also greater
power to fight the diseases of those signs that the one that is possessed
By others.
12. People born with common signs on the corners or with the Sun
in a common sign they make the best nurses; having power to calm the
sick and attract an influence of calm and
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13. When Saturn is the afflicting, the skin is often dry, and the vitality,
low, in which case you should rub your skin very quickly with bath gloves
rough to stimulate circulation.
14. People with Virgo in the Ascendant or with the Sun in Virgo do
also good nurses.
15. To calm a patient who has an afflicted Mars it is good to choose
one hour from Saturn.
16. People with Saturn in the sixth house rarely succeed
in the art of healing.
17. When we have a patient suffering from a nervous breakdown,
but it does not have Mars afflicted, it is good to take advantage of an hour of the Sun or
Mars to manipulate or administer treatments.
18. When the Moon is in the crescent, that is, from the new to the
full, stimulants have the best effects, and sedatives the least.
19. When the Moon is in conjunction with Saturn, stimulants have
very little effect; but if the Moon were to have a conjunction with Mars,
especially if Mars is strong in the horoscope or is in the sign of Aries,
then the doctor must be very careful in the use of stimulants.

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1. The Moon can be considered as the giver and the one who takes life, it is
say the moon acts as an agent to transport vital forces from the
Sun to Earth and for the name, and also the forces of the Moon produce the
death eventually.
2. When the moon is full, the tides are high, the bones are
full of marrow or substance, and the oysters are fuller than any
another moment. Likewise, fevers are higher in patients with fever.
3. During the first half of life, especially during childhood,
Moon has its maximum influence, and during the last half the Sun is the one that has it
4. The Moon has a great influence on unbalanced or crazy people,
that is, the lunatics, and about the hysterical, epileptic and nervous patients.
These patients notice the changes of the Moon very much; especially they are
very uneasy during the fullness of the Moon. These patients should not sleep
never in the open or let the moon shine on them.
5. During the new moon the material forces are very weak. The term
from the waning quarter, that is, from fullness or full moon to the new one, is the most
strong for spiritual work, because in such times the influence of the Sun is
6. Do not perform any operation when the Moon is in the sign that governs the
part of the body to be operated. Ptolemy says: "Do not tear the iron with
part of the body that is governed by the sign that then occupies the Moon ”.
7. Operations carried out when the exact moon change occurs
they are rarely of good results. Choose the time of an operation when
the Moon is in the crescent. Do not operate either when the Sun is in the
sign that governs the part of the body that must be operated.
8. The Moon rotates around the Zodiac in about twenty-eight days. The
disease reaches a point of variation every seven days. Starting from
place the Moon occupied at the beginning of the disease, you can expect a

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3. 4
change after seven days (squaring), fourteen days (opposition) and
at twenty-one days (which is another square).
9. The Moon governs acute diseases and the Sun chronic ones.
10. It is good to watch the squares and oppositions of the Moon that
form in its transit with the Sun, with Mars and with Saturn to operate or when
has operated.
11. The Moon has a greater influence on women's health, as well as the
Sol has it over that of man.
12. From the new moon to the full moon is when stimulants produce their
maximum effect and sedatives the least; therefore, the dose of
some and increase the others.
13. When the crescent moon is in good shape with the
radial of Jupiter or Venus, cardiac stimulation produces the most
durable. Palpitation is most effectively treated when the Moon is
decreasing and in favorable aspect with the mentioned planets. Apply the
heart stimulants with extreme care when the moon is wrong
aspected with those planets and especially when it's dark or
14. The good aspects of the radical Moon in transit with Jupiter and Venus
they are very favorable and help success.
15. Saturn, when placed in the sixth house at birth, has the
tendency to weaken or decrease vitality.
16. The sign in which the Sun is placed at birth is a very
vital in the horoscope, varying its influence depending on whether the sign is cardinal, fixed or
common. Also the house that contains the Sun is important, be it cadent,
successor or angle. The doctor can judge the strength of the Sun the
response that you can get from the patient.
17. The beneficial aspects between the radical Sun and Mars give great vitality and
great resistance to disease. An adverse aspect between the Sun and Mars is
better, from the point of view of health, than the absence of aspects between
both of them.
18. The aspects between the Ascendant and the Midheaven are often
Untrustworthy, unless you have the exact minute-by-hour knowledge
that the patient was born, and however the clocks are frequently out of
concordance and furthermore there are many confusions due to the various ways
if the schedules are governed, these two points must be judged with great discretion.
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19. Planets that are in critical degrees (see "Astrology
Scientific Simplified ”, page 61) 3 , have greater influence both for the good
as for evil, than in any other degree.
20. Certain fixed stars have a powerful influence on the
disease. The situation of these three nebulae must be specially monitored:
the Pleiades, which are in the 29th of Taurus; Ascelli, who is in the 6th of Leo, and
Antares, in the 8th of Sagittarius.
21. A child who has no aspect between the Sun and Mars is subject to
many childhood illnesses.
22. A patient with many planets in air signs needs a lot
more air in your sleeping room than others; the planets in signs of fire
the native is inclined to need much sun, and people with planets in signs of
Earth or water suffer if they are exposed to the Sun for a long time.
23. With fixed signs on the angles and afflictions on common signs, the
native dominates diseases; when the common signs are on the
angles and afflictions on fixed signs, you are more likely to succumb to the
24. A well-aspected Sun in the Aries or Leo signs gives great vitality and
ability to discard disease.
25 . When people who have Aries rising or the Sun or Mars in the
Aries sign at birth are sick, their temperaments are very excited
more than those of others and suffer much faster from fevers, because there is
they have a tendency for blood to rush to the head and skin.
26. An affliction between the Sun and Saturn, or a square between the Moon and the
sun, gives a lower vitality. When you see a condition of these in a
horoscope, it will be well to watch during the illness the aspects that form
the progressed Moon with those afflicted planets and also especially the
transits of the new and full moon.
27. Retrograde planets give little help to disease. So much
if their appearance is good or bad, their influence is only latent until they return to
go straight, and that's when we can look and take into account the
awaken from its influence.
28. Planets passing from their retrograde state to their direct march are
they move slowly, and their influence during this slow propulsion is not as vital or
as powerful as when they march fast.
3 Digital edition, Upasika Library.

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29. Planets are strong when they are in signs of their own
nature and also when they are in aspect with the planets that are in
compatible signs.
30. When the time of birth is unknown, a
very good diagnosis considering the first house of similar nature to
Aries; the second, to Taurus; the third, to Gemini, and so on.
31. The influence of Saturn is contracting, while that of Mars is
dilating, relaxing or softening.
32. The Sun governs the vital fluid, which is specialized, that is, it is admitted,
elaborates and acts through the spleen. When the Sun is afflicted at birth, the
disease occurs frequently when the planets progressed or by
progression afflict the Sun.
33. When the Sun or the radical Moon are in orbit with the Pleiades
(29 ° Taurus), Ascelli (6 ° Leo) or Antares (8 ° S agitario), there is the indication of
that sight will be affected, especially if Saturn, Mars or Uranus are also
at one of these points.
34. Mercury in the twelfth house, afflicted by the Sun, Saturn, Uranus or
Mars, and also Mercury in Capricorn, the house of Saturn, when he is afflicted
for a malefic, they will affect the ear.
35. Watch out for malefic planets when they are placed in houses
sixth or twelfth, because the sixth house is the one that governs diseases, and the
dozava governs or indicates hospitals and confinement points.
36. It is necessary to observe the antipathy between certain signs and planets. By
example the red hot or fire sign Mars may be located in the sign of
Pisces water, or the cold and terrestrial sign Saturn can be in the sign of
Aries fire. When a planet is in the sign of its detriment, it can
especially become a threat to health.
37. The place where Saturn is in the horoscope is very plausible that
be a weak point in the physical body, and the point most easily affected by
38. The Lucifer spirits of the planet Mars help maintain the
heat from the blood from the dissolution of iron, a Martian metal, and enable the
blood to attract oxygen, a solar element.
39. A patient with the planet Mercury squaring Saturn is
prone to melancholy and sadness. A sunny room should be chosen, and
cheerful, with pinkish walls.

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40. The sign of Leo in the Ascendant, with the Sun in its sign of exaltation,
o Aries, gives abundant vitality and strength to cast out disease.
41. If a Mars affliction causes illness, we can look
It helps when the progressed moon takes a good look with Venus. When the
disease is of a saturnine nature, we can trust with the best help
when the Moon aspects Jupiter. Note the symbol of Venus, the upper octave
from Mars, and that of Jupiter, the upper octave of Saturn; in each case the last
symbol is the inversion of the previous one.
42. If the Moon is in conjunction with Saturn at the beginning of the disease,
we can expect the disease to be long lasting.
43. Moon-related illness is acute in nature and can
change within twenty-eight days; but when the disease is related
with the Sun, it is chronic in nature and tends to be of longer duration and
it will resist the treatment with more intensity.

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The astrologer is sometimes at a great disadvantage in his
horoscope reading to deduce the diagnosis from it, because the patient
frequently does not know the time of his birth, and often cannot
specify the date. It also happens that in seven cases out of ten in which the
patient thinks he knows the right moment, the horoscope when it has been corrected by
the events and rectified, it is seen that the given time was wrong in
this particular. Cases are constantly presented to us in our Residence
General of people who bring us horoscopes that they have made or that they have
commissioned to other professional astrologers, and in numerous cases where such
people believed to have absolute certainty of the time of their birth, the sign
outgoing does not match his appearance and personal temperament.
In one case a lady claimed that she had Pisces going out; but when
We saw her personally, we immediately understood that she had all three
first degrees of Aries in the Ascendant, because he had red hair, a profile
avowed sheep, a prominent Roman nose and thick lips, all of which
we see in "The Message of the Stars" that agrees with Aries.
Another woman came here to the Center saying she had Leo on the Ascendant;
but she had a small slim body, a long face with a beard
decidedly tucked inside, with long, thin, tapered fingers and nails
long, characteristics that denote a perfect type of Virgo.
A case of an excessively tall woman came to our attention. The
hour of birth she gave led Taurus to the Ascendant, but his appearance
Staff was very similar to the Gemini type. The horoscope had many
planets in the signs that indicate great stature: the Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and
Neptune was in Gemini, and the Moon and Venus in Aries. This would give you a
large development of the arms and upper body. At first glance we
We doubt that the salient sign of his birth was Taurus; but when
we examined her fingernails, we saw that they corresponded to the perfect type of
Taurus. Taurus was also indicated by its strong jaw and robustness of
neck. The nails of a Gemini person are small and the neck is thin. He
Diagram number 7 will give the reader an idea of the perfect type of fingernails,
correlated with the signs of the zodiac. Horoscopes with many planets
in one sign the nails will change. Over time the student will be able to use
this sketch to point out the characteristics of any type. Notice how
harmonize types. The nails of the fixed signs are wide, indicating great
persistence and determination. The signs ruled by Venus, Taurus and Libra give a

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more rounded nail; the fingers are well formed and long, and the mount of Venus,
which is at the base of the thumb, it is perfectly round and full.
We will say much more about the hands and their characteristics in
comparison with the horoscope; but since this chapter is written
especially to favor the diagnosis of the disease, we will confine ourselves
mostly to this matter.
It is not very difficult to point out the diseases that are latent. By
example, let's examine diagram 8 and we will see a large and wide nail, which is
identical to the pure type of Leo. With latent heart condition, as in the case of
horoscope 5A p. 88, where the impulsive Mars is in the Ascendant, in
squaring with Venus, indicating poor circulation and a weak heart,
We will see that the small crescents at the base of the nail are one color
blue, and also the lines of the palms of the hands are blue. When the
heart condition has become a chronic state and is very settled
deeply, we see the wrinkled or furrowed nails longitudinally,
as in diagram 1, and the corners turned up and apart from the
meat, as in diagram 2. A horoscope will illustrate this case, which is
in “The Message of the Stars”, in figure number 3, page 312 4 .
4 Digital edition, Upasika Library.

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The nail represented in diagram 3 is characteristic of such cases
like horoscope 10A, page 148. The nail that indicates a liver condition
It is generally large in size, but longer than those of numbers 1 and 2.
The nail is wedged or tucked between the meat on both sides, and is generally
a yellowish tint. The lines of the palms of the hands are also
yellow. Remember, when looking at the palm of a hand, that the color of the stripes
it is a valuable indication regarding the knowledge of the health status of a patient.
If a person in good health enjoys, the stripes will be a soft carnation color;
if the blood is poor, the lines or stripes on the hand are pale and white; at
in the case of a person with a fever, the stripes will be red; if the liver is in
disorder, they will be yellow, and if the action of the heart is bad, the color will be blue.
In diagram 4 we have a nail that is usually found on the
hands of people who have common or watery signs on the corners.
Many planets in common or aqueous signs produce what is known with the
psychic type name. People with long, thin fingers and nails
a similarity like claws or claws, are super sensitive and lack of strength
and of vitality. This type of nail is often found in the hands of the wealthy.
idle, in women who care for, pamper, and tend a lap dog instead
give a child and they always have a box of chocolates at their fingertips. Hands
and long, thin and well-formed nails belong to the psychic type, and when the
nails are wrinkled or ribbed lengthwise and nail color
it is pale, it is an indication that there is a tendency to weakness of the lungs.

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People with long, thin nails are generally susceptible to
colds and cough.
Nail number five corresponds to the nervous person who is from
intellectual and inclined nature and prone to overwork.
Diagram number 6 is that of a nail that denounces the person who
bites nails very frequently. Therefore, it indicates a person who has very
little control over his temperament. Such people are always concerned
for things of little importance.
A well-developed thumb indicates ability to control your emotions,
even anger; but when the thumb is short and club-shaped, with a
Toenail cuts too, there is no control over anger and things turn red
easily before your eyes.
The thumb is a great indicator of character and should be considered
when diagnosed by examination of the hand. In diagram number 8
We see that the mount of Venus and the thumb are both a bit thick. This is a
typical Taurus thumb, with the mount of Venus very large, indicating a
very strong desire nature. The thumb is short and thick, signaling the lack of
willpower to direct your desires. When the thumb is long and good
formed, is an indication of lofty ideals and the will to put them into

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On a well-proportioned thumb, the first phalanx should occupy two
fifths and the second phalanx three fifths of the length of the thumb. He
The end of the thumb should reach the joint or middle joint of the index finger. A
very long thumb denotes a person who is stubborn and stubborn; very short one
it indicates a lack of logic and a constant change from one thing to another. If the thumb is
very thick throughout its length, indicates that the wishes and tastes of such a person are
more or less rude and primitive, and lacking in tact and refinement. Yes
the thumb is very wide, especially at its extremity, indicates to a person
who quickly becomes angry, often a person with a temper
ungovernable; it also denotes stubbornness. The patient who has a thumb
Normally developed, it will implement the doctor's prescriptions.
If the first phalanx of the thumb is very long and the second phalanx short, it indicates to a
individual who is reckless and whose actions are not controlled by reason. Yes
the first phalanx is short and the second phalanx very long, it indicates to a person who is
very talkative, but not friendly to the action. These people are suspicious of all the
world and lack self-control.
The mount of the Moon is placed in the palm, next to the little finger, and
It extends from near the center of the palm to the wrist. When is
big and full indicates the person of excessive imagination and emotion; but
when properly developed it gives a well balanced mind. This mount
of the Moon and the lines that are on it, is what gives the doctor or
diagnostician a guide to mental afflictions and appoint the person
Long, thin nails that curl into the flesh: blood
impure and scrofulism, weakness of the lungs and affections to the throat.
White spots on the nails: anemia, poor blood and nervousness.
Long, thin and brittle nails: weak vitality, negative character and
Blue or dark spots on the half moons: poisons in the blood,
obstructed circulation or restricted heart action. The shape of the nails should
be considered before making a decision; see the diagrams of the
page 40.
Well-drawn, light-cut half-moons on the nails indicate good
circulation; if they are pale carnation, they indicate health, and if they are dark blue,
see page 40 for meaning.
Nails with a concave top surface indicate weakness
Patients who have long, soft hands, soft, soft meat,
flexible fingers, white colored nails and especially when they are
they firmly or firmly fit the finger and the portion thus joined is colored, it may
say that the person was born tired. A patient of this nature

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will not make the slightest effort to help the doctor, preferring that the Assistants
Invisibles do the work for him.

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Four. Five
Woman; was born on January 27, 1865, at 5:15 PM
Instead of using this horoscope to diagnose the disease, what
we will use to illustrate the art of managing and judging crises and the duration of
disease. We see the fixed sign Leo in the Ascendant, with the cardinal signs of
Aries and Libra on the cusps of houses 10 and 4, respectively, with the signs
Fixed Taurus and Scorpio intercepted. In this horoscope we have two
rulers: the ruler of the Ascendant, the Sun, which is in the sign of its fall in
Aquarium and near the cusp of the 7th house, and the dynamic Mars, which is the ruler
of the 10th house, placed on the cusp of the 11th house, in a critical degree of the sign
Gemini. Mars is in sextile with Neptune in the 9th house and in trill with the Sun in
house 6. Therefore, we can consider that the Sun and Mars have the maximum
influence on this woman's life.
Now let's try to find the afflictions that were the cause of the
disease that made her suffer. We see Jupiter, which has the regency of blood

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arterial, in its own sign of Sagittarius in the 5th house, in square with Venus,
which in turn governs the venous circulation, and which is exalted in the water sign
Pisces in the 8th house. Jupiter is in opposition to Uranus in the sign of Gemini and
in the 11th house. Venus is also square with Uranus. Now what is
What do these common sign afflictions indicate? We have seen
Similar indications in the horoscopes of those sick afflicted with
pulmonary tuberculosis. Venus and Jupiter, both so strong by sign and afflicted by
Uranus (the latter is in Gemini), which has rulership over the lungs,
naturally it would make oxygenation pregnant, also giving tendency to cough and
On January 21, 1909, this lady contracted a severe cold that
culminated in double pneumonia. The calculated date setting (calculated according to
form described on page 231 5 of “The Message of the Stars” ) is the 16th
August 1864.
We will now progress the planets from August 16, 1908, which
correspond to their places in the ephemeris of March 12, 1865. For the
adding the distance that the main planets travel in five months,
we find that in January 1909 the progressed Sun was at 22 °, 22 'of
Pisces; the Moon, in the 27 °, 28 'of Virgo; Mars was in the 21st of Gemini;
Jupiter, at 27 °, 19 'of Sagittarius; Venus, in the 7th, 50 'of Taurus, and Mercury, in
the 17th, 16 'of Pisces.
To judge now of the kind of disease, we must see what aspects
formed among the progressed planets with radicals that will be reflected in the
organic weakness of the lungs and poor blood circulation
complaint at the root. We must first look at the afflictions of the
planets of the common signs, and we will see that the Sun has progressed so
which forms a conjunction with the radical Venus in Pisces, which forms a
squaring with the radical Jupiter. Mars has progressed to opposition
with the radical Jupiter and formed a square with the progressed Sun. Also
we found that the progressed Moon squared with the radical Uranus, in
the sign of Gemini, which indicates the lungs.
The previous aspects of the progressed planets, with the radicals were
a severe affliction and especially since these were common signs.
There are three points that must be taken into consideration when reading a horoscope;
the radical map is like the face of the clock; the progressed planets are like the
hour hand and daily transits, and novilunios and plenilunios
They can be compared to the minute hand that indicates the exact time.
The progressed aspects alone would not act; there must be a factor
exciting. The transits act as the match that lights the wick, and the transit
of the Moon with its aspects and lunations represent the clock or graduation of the
On January 21, 1909, we see that the Moon was in conjunction with the
Sun, and this aspect was a New Moon or New Moon that occurred in the sign Aquarius,
square to the radical Saturn, which is in the fourth house in Scorpio.
5 Digital edition, Upasika Library.

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That lunation marked the day this woman first contracted the
cold that culminated in pneumonia.
Saturn at birth was square to the radical Sun, and the lunation,
naturally, this affliction increased. This alone would not have affected the
lungs but we find that the progressed Sun is in conjunction with Venus
radical, in the 8th house, and in the aqueous sign of Pisces. Venus is the situated planet
more adversely in the horoscope; he is in his exaltation in Pisces, but he is
afflicted by a square with Jupiter and with Uranus at birth. Jupiter
radical receives aid for the sextile that forms with the Moon and Uranus in turn forms a
trill with Saturn, which will decrease or improve the adversity of these two
planets but Venus is afflicted on both sides and without there being any good
aspect that rejects evil. We also see that Venus has progressed to
reach 7 ° 50 'of Taurus in the 10th house and it has formed a square with the Sun
radical. The double affliction of the Sun, the effect of which is of a nature
inflammatory and burning, was in this case the cause responsible for the inflammation
that formed in the capillaries of the lungs.
But we can ask ourselves the following question: Why is inflammation
occurred in the lungs? Why not in the throat or on the feet, where
are the afflicting planets? Mars, which is another hot and inflammatory planet,
has progressed to 21 degrees Gemini and then I was squaring
with the radical Venus and with the progressed Sun. Mars, therefore, was the focal point
of the illness.
We have previously said that the Moon is the time marker of a
disease and also the one that marks the crises. Therefore, we must go to the beginning,
when he caught the cold, and look at when the Moon squared with the
lunation site, which was at midnight on January 27, 1909, seven days
then. Medical science counts critical days by 7, 14, and 21. The Moon has
particular influence on man and points to the moment when it is plausible that
improvement or restoration occurs. Let's keep the moon moving on its
march and let's see its influence. On the 25th he reached the conjunction with radical Venus
and the progressed Sun, as well as the opposition with the progressed Moon, which was in
27 ° 28 'of Virgo. This did not bring any great change, but on the night of the 27th and in the
early on the 28th, when the Moon in its transit reached the square of the
preceding lunation, a conjunction with the Midheaven, the Dragon's Tail, and
Venus progressed, and also an opposition to radical Saturn, death was
very close. At one o'clock on the 28th, the sick woman went beyond. She could see herself
same lying on the bed and was perfectly aware that death
was close, when the screams and tears of the nurse who attended her, that the
they made her shiver, they returned her to the body.
The duration of an illness can be known from the signs on the
which are the planets that carry the disease. If they are on fixed signs,
recovery is slow; in cardinal signs, the disease is very severe,
but it quickly returns to the normal state. In all cases it will be good to look
to the radical aspects of Mars and the Sun. If these planets are well placed and
aspected, as it happens in the case of this lady (Mars in trill with the Sun), and if
at the corners there are fixed signs, it is an indication that the patient can
dominate the situation, while many with similar ailments would succumb.

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Woman; was born on June 1, 1884, at 11:45 AM
"It doesn't matter how narrow the door is, nor how heavy with punishment it is
my life: I am the owner of my destiny; I am the captain of my soul ”. With how much
Reason Henley says that man is the captain of his soul! When we look at
this horoscope, we can read in the message of their planets that this soul had
a wide door prepared for her and that the path should be smooth and full
of delights, because we find in it twenty-four good aspects and only eight
bad. This, from the astrological point of view, would bring good health and congratulations.
We see the common and terrestrial sign of Virgo in the Ascendant, with the Moon and
Uranus in conjunction in the first house, forming a sextile with Venus and a trill
with Mercury, of which the last is the ruler of the Ascendant and of the

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Midheaven; it also forms a trill with the upper octave of Mercury, the mystic
Neptune. This provides a degree of intellectuality. This woman will be attracted
to the study of dietetics and interested in humanitarian work, since the advanced and
humanitarian Uranus which is so preeminent in the first house and in conjunction
with the Moon, he is the ruler of the sixth house that governs the common people,
that is, the proletarian classes.
The common and terrestrial sign of Virgo gives a tendency to get carried away by the
path of least resistance. People under this sign are not capable of
fight against the current, but prefer to be carried away by the current and, for
Therefore, they are prone to being victims of their physical illnesses. In the case of
this woman we find Mars, the planet of dynamic energy, placed in
Leo, in the twelfth house, which is that of own mistakes and ruin.
When Mars is in the fixed and fiery sign of Leo, his influence for good
or for evil it is much greater than at any other point. In this case we find
that Mars is the most afflicting, since it is quadrature and parallel to the ruler of
life, Mercury, and square to its upper eighth, Neptune. But why
we can consider this affliction important when there are such good aspects
to make up for it? People who have Mars in Leo can be
compared to a powder keg: at any moment they get mad,
especially when Mercury and its higher octave, Neptune, are in
squaring with Mars and in the fixed sign of Taurus. These aspects give a
unruly temperament and indicate a person who will keep
We see Venus, the ruling planet of appetite, palate and the pleasures of
the table, in the eleventh house, the house of friends, in the sign Cancer, which is
the one that rules the stomach. Venus is in sextile with Mercury and Neptune, the
which are placed in the house of Venus, the ruling sign of the throat,
Taurus. Venus is also in sextile with the Moon, the ruler of Cancer, and with
Uranus, the natural ruler of the eleventh house. These aspects and positions
indicate that this woman was fortunate (could we say misfortune in this case?)
to find many friends who invited her to many meals, to which she always
I was willing to attend, because with the Moon and Uranus in conjunction in the house
first was by nature restless and restless and ready to accept anyone
invitation to be presented. A sextile between Venus in Cancer and the Moon gives pleasure
and I want rich preserves and pastries, and therefore her stomach
he suffered the abuse of his excesses. Likewise his nervous system was shaken by
outbursts and outbursts of anger, thereby weakening the vagus nerve or
pneumogastric. This cranial nerve, which originates from the fourth ventricle,
it has a preeminent part in the functions of the physical body. Its branches are
spread to the ears, throat, heart, lungs and liver,
surrounding the esophagus, the tube through which food passes after leaving the
mouth, with a network of small nerves. Its branches, likewise, surround a large
part of the stomach. An excess of food that dilated and distended the stomach,
caused by the impacts of the Moon and Uranus on the Ascendant, and the temper of
Mars squared with Mercury, undermined the health of this poor woman, so
who became a chronic invalid.

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The Sun is in a common sign near the Midheaven and afflicted by a
conjunction with Saturn in the mercurial sign of Gemini. Mercury, the ruler of
life has rulership over the auditory faculty. We naturally look
to the point occupied by the most powerful planet in search of affliction. This woman
she was afflicted by deafness in both ears, as a branch of the vagus nerve
governs the pinna of the ear and the ear canal. This sick woman suffered from pain
steady under the shoulder blade of the right shoulder, indicating liver involvement,
in addition to suffering from abnormal nervousness.
Here we can see how man can become his own executioner,
as indicated by the present horoscope. The regent of the house of death, who
it is, as we know, the eighth house, is afflicted in the house of our own ruin
and mistakes, the twelfth. The only remedy for such a patient is to remove
all sweets and jams, cut food in half, and learn to be
still, to yield and to mitigate his temper.
This lady was born on June 22, 1881, at noon. We find the
Venusian sign of Libra in the Ascendant, and the Sun at the cusp of the Midheaven.
This is the most powerfully placed planet and is therefore the ruler of the
lifetime. The Sun is also in sextile with Mars. In "The Message of the Stars",
page 92 6 , we are told that a good look between these two igneous planets
strengthens the constitution and makes the person capable of carrying out tasks
strong, thus producing an overabundance of vital energy.
As the Sun is accidentally dignified for being in the house
tenth and at the apex of the Midheaven, the native must have a great abundance
of will and energy to master almost all diseases. This end what
we'll play later.
We find in this horoscope a very strange combination of
planets, a mixture of beneficial with evil, all grouped in the house
eighth and in the fixed sign Taurus, which governs the region of the throat and neck.
We also see that Mars is in Taurus, the sign of Venus, where
it is to his detriment, in conjunction with Saturn; it strengthens trends
Malefics from Mars. It may occur to someone to object to the conjunction of
Mars 0 ° 31 'of Taurus and Saturn at 9 ° 13' of the same or sign, since
we have said in our previous works of this nature that the orbit or
sphere of influence is only 6 degrees for the minor planets; but without
However, there are exceptions to this rule.
When we find a group of planets placed in a sign in which
its bad tendencies are strong, especially when it occurs in a fixed sign or
in a beastly sign, then the orbit of all those planets is greater, it is
say, its influence is stronger. Therefore, Saturn's evil when
increased by Martian rays, it will have strong adverse influence when
is located within orbit of a conjunction with the Moon and Neptune.
6 Digital edition, Upasika Library.

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We must investigate physical evil on the four planets
previous. These, placed in Taurus, the sign that governs the neck, the glands,
the nerves and arteries within this region of the body, which receives an affliction from
Saturn, indicate atrophy or obstruction. Saturn's influence on Neptune and the
Luna will produce a contraction of the nerves. We also find Jupiter and
Venus also in conjunction with the Moon and Neptune and, therefore, influenced
indirectly through the orbit of the afflicting Saturn. So we can get the
conclusion that this entire group of six planets located in the fixed sign of
Taurus and in the eighth house suffers an affliction.
Jupiter rules the arterial blood and Venus the venous blood. Neptune and the Moon,
Due to the conjunction with Saturn, they can be considered as malefic and
will restrict circulation in the carotid artery and impede the functioning of
the various tubes that carry air and fluid to the ear, because the Moon also governs the
white fluids, that is, the lubricants of the body. As a result of
restriction operated on these various fluids, the semicircular canals of the ear
internal are lacking in the fluid known as endolymph. This liquid acts on
the nerves that go to the three channels just like the acids act on
copper foils in an electric battery. When there is a lack of this endolymph,
the balance of the body is disturbed, and, as in the case of this young lady, the
People afflicted in this way cannot walk without leaning forward.
With the obstructed circulation of both bloods, arterial and venous,
This poor patient with spasmodic torticollis, that is, the
twisting of the cervical muscles. Squaring Mercury with Mars can
having produced this twitch.

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This ailment developed in the fall of 1914, when the Moon progressed
had reached a conjunction with radical Mercury. Uranus by transit was
in the 8 degrees of Aquarius, forming a square with Saturn, and Saturn in
its transit was in conjunction with the radical Sun in the Midheaven. These
transits excited the affliction of the progressed Moon and, naturally, the
nervous system.
It has been said in our astrological diagnoses in the past that the
conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in Scorpio or Taurus can cause
deformation of the genitals, and in "The Message of the Stars" it is
a case that proves this. The affliction of the planets often acts by
squares and oppositions. In this case all the planets are in Taurus, which
it governs the larynx and throat, and is the opposite sign to Scorpio, which, in turn,
governs the genitals. Here we find the cause of a disturbance that
in a sense it contributes to the manifestation of this physical ailment. It existed in the
sick an abnormal and unnatural sexual desire, which, not finding
relief and satisfaction, excited the blood flow to the throat, and this, at
being obstructed caused the disturbance.
Regarding the sextile of the Sun and Mars, and the trill of Uranus with various
afflicted planets in Taurus, if it hadn't been for these good aspects this
young lady could not have reached the state of woman, because they would have
manifested great complications during puberty. But the giver of life,
the Sun, placed so powerfully in the Midheaven and sextile with Mars, thus
as within the orbit of influence of a sextile with Saturn, it saved her from suffering
many pains during such a period.
If this patient is placed under the treatment of a specialist doctor
in osteopathy, who dominates the proper manipulations for a disease of
This class, and being prescribed a chosen diet, could this patient master
their ailments and physical afflictions.
Woman; was born on December 30, 1864, at 9:30 PM
In this horoscope we will continue to study the afflictions
coming from cardinal signs. Although they can be found in different signs
of the cardinal group, however, the effect is similar in all of them.
In this lesson we have the horoscope of a lady with Virgo in the
Ascending and with common signs in the angles. There are two planets, Uranus and
Mars, which are very pre-eminent in or near the tenth house. Although they are
retrograde and not in conjunction, yet they are parallel to each other and
also with the Sun. Mars being in conjunction with the Midheaven, sextile with
Neptune and trill with the Moon, gives great enthusiasm. Whatever this woman
He tries to do it with great momentum and with great force. With Mars and Uranus so
preeminent and the Sun in Capricorn believes that she must command at any cost,
and when she is denied this privilege she is very resentful and with a feeling of
take revenge for the offense he believes has been committed against her.

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With Saturn in its sign of exaltation, Libra, in square with Mercury
In the Saturnian sign of Capricorn, we see the vicious circle of the
cardinal signs. The Sun in Capricorn, afflicted by squaring Neptune and
both in cardinal signs, along with the parallel of the nervous and excitable Uranus,
with the fiery and flammable Mars, it has produced a succession of abscesses in the
temporal bone, which has resulted in partial deafness of both ears. Here
We find the previously mentioned circle culminating in the ears. The
author has seen numerous cases of partial deafness resulting from a Mercury
afflicted in Capricorn, in conjunction, square or opposition with Saturn,
especially when Saturn was in a cardinal sign.
However, it is not necessary that these afflicted planets cause the
deafness. Planets impel, that is, they excite, but wisdom is always a
good friend who saves us; By which it is meant that man does not have
than to do anything else but learn to know yourself. If he were so jealous
to know the functions of your own physical body as it is to know your
radio installation or the mechanism of your car, then when they arrived
planetary afflictions he would know him as symptoms appear in his
organism and then he would immediately prepare to do whatever it takes
to nullify its effect on your body, just as you would to repair the
mechanism of your car oiling and cleaning it.
For example, if there is a congestion in the neck or ears,
there would have previously been the safest some discomfort before it occurred
some large or irreparable damage, which could cause a slight
manipulation around the ears and in the temporal bone, above and below, and

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one side of the neck and wherever the fingers found sore places from
here and there near and on the skull, Often, some compresses of
hot water — a towel or sponge cloth dipped in very hot water and
drained and applied over the entire sore area - they would soften and relax the
restricted nerve centers in the head and neck and would regulate the current
blood from and to the brain. This simple measure would avoid congestion and,
therefore, it would prevent all nervous disorders from occurring.

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Male; was born on March 21, 1847, between one and two in the
tomorrow (AM).
We generally judge the appearance of the native by the ruler of the
Ascendant and the planets that are there or near this point, and also by
positions occupied by the Sun and the Moon along with their aspects.
In this case we have that there are two rulers, because Capricorn, is
intercepted in the first house. One of the rulers, the planet Jupiter, is
situated in the sign of his detriment, that of Gemini, forming the aspect of
squaring the co-ruler Saturn, indicating that these two planets are very
active to affect the external appearance of the native and also his personality.
Saturn has a tendency to darken the eyes and hair and make the body and
the features are small. This man has the physical appearance of one of
Capricorn, has a fine face and small body and is very nervous and restless.
It is always necessary to study the temperament of a patient with
object of knowing the way to treat him, because often his idiosyncrasy gives us a
clue to the cause of the disease and help us to prescribe the appropriate ones
We see that the Sun, Uranus, Mercury and Venus are all in the sign
Martian and energetic from Aries, with the Sun forming a sextile with Jupiter and Mars.
The last named planet, Mars, is intercepted in the first house, in the
Saturnian sign of Capricorn, and is making a square with Venus and a
trill with the moon. Mars, thus placed on the Ascendant, gives a
very materialistic state of mind. This man may sacrifice his health in the
pursuit of success in worldly business. He longs for riches, and is irritated and
saddened and put into a state of uneasiness when their
material things. This, if continued, will eventually undermine your health and make you suffer
of nervous diseases.
Neptune in the sign of Aquarius, in square with the Moon, in the sign
pessimistic and melancholic Taurus in the fifth house, the house of investments,
indicates that the native consumes a lot of energy in speculations. There is indication
very clear that it has tendencies to be caught in tangles and complications
with large companies and companies.
He wrote to the General Center several times asking us to advise him
about his investments and stock market speculations, but he was answered
repeatedly that was contrary to our teachings.

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During the war he invested all his assets in a large corporation that
was building an underwater ship in which there was hope that it would
the government was interested, but the company did not achieve this and consequently the
The native in question lost a lot of money.
We find that Saturn is in the second house in the aqueous sign
Pisces, square with Jupiter and Gemini; likewise the planet of nature
Neptune is in the last degree of Aquarius in the second house and in
squaring with the also aqueous Moon in the fifth house and in the Taurus sign, all
this indicating speculation and losses.
Their sadness and meditations on financial losses aggravated the
affection to the eyes, from which he had been suffering for years. It has also been
an incessant reader and had subjected his eyes to great efforts. The
mental disturbance from this financial loss weakened his nervous system,
causing loss of sight in one eye.
We have that the Moon is in the 29 degrees of Taurus, in conjunction with
the Pleiades and square with Neptune; Jupiter is in the 10 degrees of
Gemini and in the sixth house, the house of diseases, as opposed to the
fixed star Antares, which is located in the 8 degrees of Sagittarius. Also
Jupiter is squaring the obstructive Saturn, all of which
aspects and factors indicate ocular inconveniences. We also see Mars in
squaring with Venus and trilling with the Moon in Taurus.
Our man in the past has been hungry for "meat pots
from Egypt ”and has made excesses in drinking and good things to eat, with the
result of constipation and internal hemorrhoids. We note that with Jupiter in

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squaring Saturn, our patient suffered from obstruction of the
arterial circulation. Due to the amounts of food ingested by him in the
Past, his poor body has been unable to cope and resist this effort.
You are currently dreading the loss of the second eye, which may occur if you do not
it is moderate in its diet and its way of living.
This man would be a very difficult patient to cure, because Mars in
Capricorn in the Ascendant gives a very tenacious influence and therefore does not
would listen to anyone's advice. It would take great persuasion and
diplomacy to make this gentleman follow the doctor's prescriptions.
The Rosicrucian method of healing is not only of faith, but of faith
united with common sense. We accept the disease, because we consider
which is the product of breaking the laws of nature. Sometimes it's for lack
of will. The horoscopes that we diagnose here will show us how one
can master his ailments where another can succumb with almost the same
astrological conditions.
Woman; was born on December 1, 1862.
This woman addressed a request for her healing in the winter of 1918, in
times when she had to have a cataract operation on both eyes.
She had been under the treatment of a doctor for several months, and the
cataracts had reached a state where it was possible to remove them with
security, but she noted the need for our assistance during the
operation, as she was aware of our successes in healing by many other
people of her acquaintance.
We could not see in this case the chronic affection of the eyes. Sun
he is free from affliction except from distant opposition to Uranus. No mercury
form any aspect, and therefore we look for the cause of the falls somewhere
another planet. In this horoscope there are very good aspects. The Sun and the Moon are
trilled; Mars also forms a trill with the Sun and with Venus, whose aspects
show that there is a lot of vitality.
When the above planets aspect each other favorably, the
patient can cope with the disease in a magnificent way, because
provide great recovery forces. But we must look for
afflictions and we find Neptune in the head sign, Aries, as opposed to
the obstructive Saturn in Libra, the sign of the kidneys, and also Mars and the Moon
they are in conjunction and in opposition to Jupiter. Therefore, we find the key
kidney disease.

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The body has become overloaded with impurities, especially since the
Jupiter's circulation is retarded, and the white fluids of the body, that is, the
lymph, synovial fluid, chyle, etc., which are ruled by the Moon, are obstructed.
The kidneys, which are the genuine purifiers of the body, organs that eliminate
impurities are very lazy and do not work properly. The kidneys
are closely associated with the eyes, and this kidney condition is the
that has produced cataracts of the eyes, as well as eczema of the neck and
face. But because Mars is in good shape with the Sun and Venus and
these last two planets are in conjunction, this lady has mastered the
obstacles and has been cured, leaving the operation with all happiness.
Woman; was born on April 9, 1851.
The horoscope for this case is the same as 11B, page 157. Here we give
the state of this case in the year 1919, whose patient describes a state
earlier in 1915, as detailed in horoscope 11B.
This is the case of a lady affected in a similar way to that of the
horoscope number 2B, but where we find a contrary condition in
as regards the aspects of the planets. There is nothing else but aspects
Adverse, with the exception of one: Mars trill with the Moon.
We find the Sun, the giver of life, in the sign of Aries, constrained by
a conjunction of Saturn and in opposition to Jupiter, which governs arterial blood,

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placed in the Libra sign, which governs the kidneys. These three planets are
also in square with the Moon in Cancer, which indicates the stomach. Here
we have to the kidneys (the purifying organs), the stomach (the cook) and the
head of the household, Aries, they are all distressed, they are lazy and do not execute their
homework. How can a house be clean and in good repair?
livability if all cleaners are on strike? The dust will
it will accumulate and naturally the tenant will be very uncomfortable in it. We see
that the stove is full of ashes; the fire cannot burn in it and the smoke
It escapes through doors and windows instead of through the fireplace.
In this horoscope we find the same indications as in the number
2B. The kidneys do not eliminate properly; abundant has been consumed
food without having been digested as necessary. Naturally, the
body has been overloaded with poisons that must find a way out. Here
We also found the weakest point in the head and eyes. When is
lady addressed us had already been operated on by a doctor who assured
it will be necessary to remove the eyeballs because they were contaminated. The
The operation had been carried out on one of them, which affected the sight of the other. He
The result was that our intervention was not accompanied by success. Nevertheless,
we were able to favor this patient greatly in the condition of her stomach,
because it had reached a state that it was almost impossible to digest its
But in the horoscope we can find little hope. Mars
evidently he did not provide the necessary help. Mercury, the Sun and the Moon are
all grieved. The native did not have the strength of will or mind to
help Nature in a cure of her blindness, because we see that Mercury
it forms a square with the Moon and is in conjunction with Saturn.
To treat this patient, it is first necessary to cancel the cause of
the illness. We advise that you live in such a way that
purify the kidneys. A complete change in diet is necessary
food. Tea, coffee, meat and all food should be removed from it
starches. Of ten patients, nine will respond very quickly and will
They will heal as soon as they are given a healthy and rational diet. Teach them
the way they should live, and the work of the Invisible Helpers will be reinforced
Woman; was born on June 13, 1873, at 11:55 pm (PM).
First we judge the mind, by the aspects and position of Mercury and
Moon. We see that Mercury is in conjunction with the Sun, but not so close that
it can be said is in "combustion"; therefore it is in a very good position.
We also see that it is in sextile with Jupiter and Neptune and in trill with Mars.
This gives the mind considerable energy and lucidity, creating a nature
optimistic. On the other hand, we find that the Moon is in conjunction with the planet
of the obstruction, Saturn, and squaring Venus, which is a testament to

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the opposite direction. Saturn and Uranus are also in square with Mars and
Neptune. So all four malefics grieve one another and never
there will be great joy and rejoicing when such a case occurs, unless the
person can learn by philosophy and religion to seek peace above
all earthly understanding. At the same time we must understand that all
good aspects in the case at hand should help give the native periods
occasions of optimism and joy, which will break those of sadness, melancholy and
We find that there are common signs at the angles, which is a testament
flexibility of character, difficulty getting out of disease or
inconvenience in that this person can fall. The Moon in conjunction with
Saturn in Aquarius, the sign that governs the ankles and the lower parts of the
legs, is evidence that there is poor circulation, and Uranus in Leo, the sign
of the heart, it is in opposition to the Moon and Saturn, indicating that there is agitation
in this organ. This condition is greatly aggravated by squaring
mentioned above of the four malefics.
Saturn rules the pneumogastric nerve, and if we count four degrees
forward from Neptune's position to form an exact square
with Saturn, we will see that the point reached falls into Taurus, which governs the part
lower head and neck. This signals to us that there is a pressure on the
pneumogastric nerve when it leaves the head. If this could be remedied by
an osteopathic treatment, this person would be given a remarkable favor. By

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on the other hand, the square of Saturn with Mars in the last degrees of Libra (which
also reaches the first of Scorpio), indicates that there is some condition
regarding the elimination of urine, a restriction caused by burning
of urine and the bleeding of the piles, because Mars afflicted always causes
burning and rashes.
But the worst affliction in this person's life is due to the fact that
Uranus is in the zodiac nebula called Ascelli, which is centered on
the 6 degrees of Leo. Uranus there and in opposition to Saturn and the Moon causes the
blindness, which, sad as it may be, cannot be cured by any means
physical, since afflictions that come from fixed signs are generally a destination
that we have carved for ourselves in past lives and which is now
"mature". All we can do for this person is try to surround him with
all the joy and happiness that is possible within such affliction.
Regarding poor circulation and lack of elimination of
waste products, this sick woman can do great good by
osteopathic treatments and with the own class of feeding. You must abandon
all stimulating seasonings and foods, which reheat urine, and should
also teach her to take many walks as a means of exercising
to increase and stimulate body circulation.
There are many people who have been afflicted by blindness who, without
However, they have left signs of his passage through the world. "What a man has
done, another man can do it. " By exercising a constant
stimulus may rise above the lethargy indicated by the common signs in the
angles so that she stops being saddened and sorry for her state
as it currently is.
Male; was born on February 11, 1918, at 3:45 AM
If the poor child to whom corresponds the horoscope that we are preparing to
diagnose had lived, he could have rightly said: "I have been the
owner of my destiny, but instead of this I have become a slave ”. He
free will depends on the limitations that the soul has created for itself
in their previous lives. You may have placed these obstacles in your way by
misuse of your knowledge or for violating the laws in any way
natural. Man was made in the likeness of God, and God gave him dominion over
all lower realms. So, you have no one to stand in the way or
interfere with your free will; he is the absolute master of his destiny.
Now if this is so, why do we see that many are born with bodies
deformed or living such unhappy lives? Sometimes like
consequence of accidents suffered by little ones are forced to suffer
for the rest of his life. A cause set in motion in a life has its
effect on another rebirth or incarnation. If it were not so, if the law of Cause and
Effect was not a reality beyond all doubt, would not God, that we

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we know is a Father all love, very cruel and unfair? Could we love
and revere such a tyrant?
But God has made the name a little less than the angels and has
offered a crown of glory. This crown is not granted for asking, without
However, man must earn it for a life of purity and of
generosity. Now let's see what fate we find in this child's horoscope:
We see that Sagittarius is coming out, with Venus, the Moon, the Sun and Uranus
all in conjunction with the advanced Aquarius sign, intercepted in the second
home and in sextile with the Ascendant. Likewise, the Dragon's Head, which is
Jupiterine nature, is in conjunction with the Ascendant. This would have given the
child a most pleasant and charming personality. With Mars near
Midheaven, on trill with Mercury, which is in the mental sign of Aquarius,
It would have been of a brilliant mindset.
At eleven months of age he could walk alone. On July 12, 1919, at
seventeen-month-old fell from a balcony, but without
serious consequences. At that time we find the Moon and Mars by
transit in square with the radical Mars in the Midheaven, which is an indication
very clear accident. On days 14 and 15 the child began to feel drowsy and
drowsy, and could not keep food in the stomach, because on that day
the Moon by transit was in Aquarius, forming an opposition with Saturn and
Neptune in the eighth house in Leo. The morning of the 16th began to suffer
seizures, when the Moon in its transit had just passed from a conjunction

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with the radical points of herself, Venus, the Sun and Uranus. Uranus
when afflicted it causes seizures. At the third seizure the poor child
lost his sight, because Mercury by transit had reached an opposition with the
planets in Aquarius (especially the luminaries: the Sun and the Moon) that produced
total blindness, as indicated in the radical horoscope by Neptune in his
conjunction with the fixed star Ascelli and also for its conjunction with Saturn. He
fifth day of his illness he lost consciousness as well as hearing and
mastery or control of the tongue, and the head fell back onto the spine
vertebral. Several famous doctors were consulted, but none were able to diagnose
the case; but, nevertheless, they operated on his head and spine, failing
But from an astrological point of view, what can we say? Neptune
governs the spinal canal; that channel of spiritual fire from which all life emanates.
Saturn, the planet of obstruction, the punisher, is in conjunction
with that hidden planet, which also has rulership over the pineal gland, for
through which the spiritual faculties are first awakened. The abuse
of spiritual forces in previous lives subsequently causes
physical disabilities. From birth, this child's thorn was
affected, spinal fluid obstructed, and total blindness was inevitable. It is a fact
known to astrologers that a child born on a new or full moon, if not
Strongly strengthened by beneficial aspects, it is seldom made to live.
This child was born when the Sun and the Moon were in a conjunction
exact with the beneficial Venus, and Mars, the energy planet, was elevated
near the cusp of the tenth house, trill with Jupiter and Mercury. These
beneficial aspects made it possible for this child to live a little while.
We do not know the exact date of death of the child in question. The
last letter received from parents said he was very down on the 6th of
November and they did not expect me to live. We see that on November 14,
1919, the Sun by transit formed a square with the group of planets in the
Aquarius sign, and the Moon, also by transit, was in conjunction with the
afflicting planets in Leo and in opposition to the planets in Aquarius. It would be almost
impossible for this child to be able to bear this accumulation of afflictions, and death,
without a doubt, it must have happened at that time.
Here we will give a lesson about the effect of Saturn, the obstructor,
when he is in the last decade of Aquarius. The author has observed that
many cases of eye conditions can be caused by Saturn when
It is placed between 24 and 30 degrees of Aquarius, affecting
preference to the left eye sight.

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Woman; was born on August 19, 1905.
We will use a simple horoscope because the time of
birth. We have that the Sun is in its own sign of Leo. Saturn is
"Retrograde" in its own Aquarius sign, and Mars is in Scorpio, the sign in
which can exercise all its power and strength. These three powerful planets
they are all in fixed signs and in opposition or square to each other.
Here we can discover a debt of "mature" destiny that threatens this
soul, debt that is impossible to avoid. At the age of twelve she is miserable
The girl went almost completely blind.
Now let's see if we can read the message from the stars and see why
This horrendous affliction must fall on such a young person. Which is the
debt that this girl must pay? Neptune, the planet that rules the spiritual sight,
it is exalted in the aqueous sign of Cancer. This planet of the hidden is in
opposition with Uranus, which is in the "retrograde" direction and in the Saturnian sign of
Uranus is the sign of clairvoyance and the unknown. Capricorn is the
natural sign of the tenth house, which is that of authority, that of all those
they send. The Sun, Saturn and Mars, all in their houses and in fixed signs and
predominant, and Mars in parallel, with both Neptune and Uranus, indicate
that this poor soul in a previous life, and in a cruel and dominating way, with
occasion to occupy a male body, he used his hidden powers to dominate and

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enslave the opposite sex, causing many tears to be shed
his fault. It is said that "the mills of God grind very slowly, but that
they do it excessively often ”. The Lords of Fate have brought this Ego,
that made so many tears flow in a past life, to occupy the weak
body of this young girl, whose mother, for fear of childbirth, shed many
tears as he carried her in his guts. The result has been this tender and
sensitive little body with the faculty of disturbed sight;
Woman; was born on January 31, 1876, at 8 PM
Here we have Saturn in the 26th of Aquarius, in conjunction with Mercury and
in the sixth house, the cause that governs and determines diseases. The moon is
in parallel and in conjunction with Mars in the sign Aries. This indicates emotion and
impulse, that is, it points us to a person who does not think or reason, but
throws things and jumps into the void without premeditation and fear.
Fear is especially indicated when in addition the
Virgo sign. Sometimes in similar cases the acts resulting from his
impulsiveness reverberate on the native, causing great suffering such as
in the case of this lady.
When this woman began to suffer from the eyes, she allowed the doctors to
operated on them on two different occasions. The first time they separated her
right balloon, and in the second operation the sight of the left eye was destroyed.

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From what follows from planetary indications, with due care and
proper diet could have saved your eyesight, but unfortunately this
Sick did not hear about the Invisible Helpers until it was late.
We see that in the case of horoscope number 2E, the native was
in the hands of fate, and he had to spend most of his life in darkness,
while in the latter case fear and excessive emotionality precipitated
total blindness.
Woman; was born on July 27, 1856, at 9 AM
This woman has the feminine, terrestrial and common sign of Virgo on the
Upward. We have seen in our book "The Rosicrucian Concept of the Cosmos"
that the Consequence Law acts in harmony with the planets, and that the spirit
born in the physical world at the critical moment when these stars can operate
in harmony with each other. The hour of the birth of the Ego is arranged in such a way
way for the Lords of Fate that their horoscope, which is the clock of destiny,
records the kind of debts the Ego has incurred in its previous lives, and
the time when these debts are due, that is, when they must be collected
harvesting the sown seeds.
However, the law of destiny is not a blind law, because it can be
modified to some degree in proportion to the will power of the Ego.

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When there are fixed or cardinal signs at the corners and the afflictions come from
common signs, then the Ego is often able to modify the effects of
planetary woes; but when, like, for example, in the horoscope that
we come to consider, we find a common sign in the Ascendant and the
afflictions threaten from fixed signs, then it is very likely that
forces wrapped in the debt of fate are too powerful for the Ego and
the Law must follow its course.
In this horoscope we find the Sun firmly placed on its own
Leo sign, which is a fixed sign, and in conjunction with Venus, squared with
the inflammatory Mars and parallel with Uranus. The igneous planet the Sun is also in
conjunction with Ascelli, a fixed star that is located at 5 ° 41 'of Leo and
it has influence on the eyes. We find Uranus in the 24 ° 36 'of Taurus, a
fixed sign, in conjunction with the Pleiades, which are a group of fixed stars that
they are located in the 28 ° 41 'of Taurus and they also exert an influence
adverse on the eyes. We see that the Moon is preeminently positioned
near the Midheaven, in the 12 ° 29 'of Gemini and in opposition with another star
fixed, Antares, which is at 8 ° 27 'of Sagittarius.
In all these elements of the clock of destiny we can read that blindness
it was most likely in this woman's luck. With the feminine, terrestrial and
common Virgo in the Ascendant and afflictions focused from fixed signs,
What else could we expect but this soul was not enough
strong to dominate such adverse influences? The result of such afflictions was
total blindness.
But what did she do to precipitate this? We see that Saturn, the
planet of obstruction, it is in the tenth house and in the sign of its "fall",
Cancer, and square with Jupiter. Saturn is more adverse in this aqueous sign,
the stomach sign, where he can undermine health by refusal to
stomach of fluids that are so necessary for digestion. In Cancer,
Saturn also perverts appetite. People with Saturn afflicted in Cancer
they have strange cravings and disgust when it comes to food and are
very tenacious in such aberrations of taste. Even though they know that
Too much chocolate, creams, sodas, cakes, confectionery, etc., harm your
health, they will continue to take from such things. The natives who suffer from this
affliction frequently suffer from autointoxication. The poison that then
generated by the stomach mixes with the blood stream, which causes
often blindness.
We find in this horoscope a very well aspected Mercury, which is
in sextile with Uranus and the Ascendant and in trill with Neptune, indicating that the
native has a keen and insightful desire to know, especially about
hidden things, which did not preserve you from loss of sight, but probably
such inclination made him read in low light at night, perhaps in bed, which is
a very dangerous habit and that has caused many people to lose
your sight. But all the clouds have their silver lightning, and although this poor woman
he has suffered from total blindness for some years, instead he has developed and
developed the sixth sense. With Neptune in sextile with Uranus and in trill with
Mercury has a wonderful development of the spiritual faculties that the

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allow her to leave her body at will and she says that she can reach
farthest planets.
If these planetary woes and the Ascendant had been upside down,
with a fixed sign coming out and afflictions acting from common signs, even
when Saturn had been in Cancer, the will would have been
powerful enough to retain, at least to some degree, the view of
This lady.
"One ship sets sail for the East and another one for the West, and for both
the same wind blows. It is, therefore, the set of candles and not the gallery, which
determines the route that both take ”.
Woman, was born on June 28, 1868.
This horoscope lacks the time of birth, for which reason we do
use of a simple figure, in which we place the planets as they are in the
Ephemeris for noon, that is, Greenwich Mean Time (HMG);
but by all indications we believe that this woman has the last
part of Cancer in the Ascendant.
The Sun is in conjunction with Uranus, square with Jupiter, and Uranus
is also forming a square with Neptune, while Jupiter is
in conjunction with Neptune in Aries.

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If we take the Cancer sign as coming out, this would lead back to the
Moon so that it would be within the orbit of an opposition to Jupiter and
Neptune and square with Uranus.
We are here with a configuration of planets that
indicates that this lady has been somewhat dominated by excesses and
emotions, especially since we have the planet of desires, the fiery
Mars, in its "fall" in Taurus. Mars when in Taurus has a great tendency to
manifest their bad side and the propensity to cause excess food and
temperament or genius. So with Cancer, the sign that governs the
stomach, in the Ascendant, and with Uranus, the planet of impulse, in conjunction
with the Sun and squaring Jupiter and Neptune, we have before us a
woman with very little self-control. Excesses of all kinds have overloaded
his body from toxic matters. The blood vessels have become clogged and
hardened with such foreign substances.
When a woman at the age of 55, she has to work
excessively to support herself and her family, she lets herself be overcome by anger, and
when, as a result of a fit of anger of this nature, the blood
it rushes furiously through the hardened arteries, bringing uncommon pressure to the
head, you can fear that a serious accident will occur. So let's see
where can we find it:
Mars is in conjunction with the group of fixed stars called the
Pleiades, which have a detrimental effect on the eyes. With Mars in the
27 ° 55 'of Ta uro in conjunction with fixed stars of a lunatic-Martian nature,
with the Sun progressing into a square orbit with Mars and with Saturn
progressed backwards or in a “retrograde” direction towards an opposition with
Mars, there is a tendency for temperament to worsen, carrying
indispositions to the parts of the organism affected by Mars; in this case the
eyes. Saturn has the influence of hardening, ossifying and restricting that part of the
body corresponding to this position in the horoscope. We found this planet
at 0 ° and 0 'of Sagittarius in opposition to radical Mars. With these afflictions
We can expect some affliction or discomfort in the eyes.
In the first part of July 1923, this woman was introduced to him
which doctors call retinitis of the right eye, which is an inflammation of the
retina. This caused the rupture of a blood vessel accompanied by acute
neck and shoulder pain.
However, we should not attribute all this evil to his temperament and
hardening of the arteries, since the foundation of this condition has been
motivated by the effort of his eyes. This woman was employed during the day
as a pedicure, and at night I spent many hours reading the occult and
studying astrology. She had the pernicious habit of reading in a bright light
close to view while lying in bed, resulting in
I exert great effort on the muscles of the eye. With Neptune in opposition to the Moon, and
Uranus square with both Neptune and the Moon, has felt the desire to force
its development. Excessive contemplation over shiny objects, such as
mirrors or crystals etc. which is taught ignorantly by some orders
hidden, it produces a destructive effect on the eyes and has caused many
sight problems among occult students.

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Male; was born on March 20, 1911, at 3:10 PM
Birth chart number 3A has Leo coming out, with the ruler, the Sun, in
conjunction and in parallel with Mercury in the eighth house, and in Pisces, which is the
twelfth house sign. This position and appearance of the regent will exhaust the
vitality and will cause nervousness. The boy will be easily upset and
complacent and angry nature. This will prevent the good assimilation of the
food in the small intestine, because the conjunction of Mercury and the Sun will supply
some effect on the opposite sign, Virgo, which indicates the intestines. But also
We found another affliction that will have a much worse effect on health.
Mars, the planet of dynamic energy, which is also fiery and fiery
by nature, it is placed in Aquarius, which is an aerial and nervous sign, and

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in the sixth house, which is the one that governs illnesses. Mars afflicted in this sign
Saturnino points to an adverse side.
We see that it is square with the obstructive Saturn in the house
ninth and in the sign of Taurus, which governs the throat and tonsils.
Wherever Saturn is, and especially when afflicted, it can
Expect restriction, crystallization and lack or scarcity of fluids, and with the appearance
squaring with Mars, the planet that causes fevers and inflammations,
What can we expect but an affection to the throat, an inflammation
of the tonsils? Affliction comes from fixed signs, and Mars being in the house
sixth, diseases, will make the condition somewhat difficult to master, since
This physical weakness has been carried over from a previous life, in which this
soul had broken the laws of Nature. A case of this nature is
Often the result of abuse of Nature's most sacred function, it is
say, that of the genitalia. The results of abortions or abuse of
similar nature they bring with themselves in the next rebirth producing
weak organs.
This boy can be greatly improved by manipulations and
massages so that circulation is normal. The Sun in Pisces and in conjunction with
Mercury requires a diet and a harmonious environment that we fear
that the native is missing. Jupiter in Scorpio provides good and abundant food, which,
however, the young person in question should not abuse it. A diet
Simple vegetarian will be very necessary for him. Saturn in Taurus indicates that one
of the parents is prone to interfering too much with the native's free will,
before which we must state that a native of Leo can be destroyed and
bankrupt "don't do that", the continued denial of a "saturnine" father, and the
boy will suffer in his health as a result of this restriction or brake imposed
upon him by one of his parents and by excessive indulgence and tolerance for
part of the other.
Woman; was born on May 22, 1915, at 3:22 AM
Horoscope number 3B is that of a young girl who suffered from the same
disease that in the case of 3A, that is, inflammation of the tonsils,
adenoids, etc., but with very different astrological afflictions. This shows us
how invaluable would be the study of astrology for the physician in his
diagnosis, since it is very dangerous to treat a case in the same way as
other. What for one would be healing, for the other it could be dangerous.
Here we have another fixed sign in the Ascendant, Taurus, the ruler of the
throat, with its ruling planet, Venus, near the apex of the first
house and in sextile with Saturn, but in square with Neptune and in conjunction with
Mars. The symptoms will be similar to those of case 3A, but the condition has a
different origin.
We see Saturn, the planet of obstruction, in the sign of
Cancer, the stomach. Although this planet is not afflicted, yet

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wherever it is, or on any organ that is under the influence of
its position we can discover that it is lacking in its fluids, Saturn "dries" and
when in Cancer the appetite is abnormal and the digestive fluids are lacking. Low
this influences appetite asks for and wants things that are harmful and refuses
those that the body needs, and is very prone to gluttony and
sweets, those things that please the palate, such as cakes and all kinds of
of confectionery sweets. The result is that the body becomes pregnant and
drenches like a stagnant stream: the stream must find an outlet for
some point.
In this case, Mars, the energy planet, is in conjunction with
Venus, the planet that rules venous blood. This indicates the section of the body that
will be affected. Blood becomes impure and causes swelling and inflammation of the
throat. Manipulating this affected region would cause more inflammation. He
remedy in this case would be not to take food for a day or two and give the
girl only pineapple juice, giving her a hot footbath with rags of water
cold on the head and throat, in order to attract excess blood to the
lower extremities. This would give instant relief.
How are we to be surprised, after comparing the two
horoscopes of this kind, that doctors often fail in their
treatments and that they suppose that the only existing remedy is to remove the
inflamed parts? If they could read the star writing they would commit very few
mistakes and they wouldn't have the easy inclination to ruin a child's life with
an operation! Doctors do not conceive that the removal of the tonsils, or

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an operation on the throat interferes with the generating functions. A child
has undergone surgery on the tonsils or throat will suffer for this reason upon reaching the
puberty. Painful periods and difficult births will be the consequence
more likely that a woman who has undergone such surgery will have to suffer
organs during childhood. Inflammation of the prostate in men, and also
various other physical disorders are often the result of an operation in
Man; was born on July 11, 1882, at 11:15 AM
Here we have the horoscope of a man with the cardinal sign Libra in the
Ascendant, and his ruler, Venus, in the fixed sign Leo in the eleventh house, in
square and parallel with the two malefics, Saturn and Neptune. These last two
Planets are found in the fixed sign Taurus and in the eighth house. This, in principle, is
a very serious affliction, indicating that this man may enter the arena of the
life having to face a severe debt of fate.
Now let's see if we can find the cause of this state and why
this soul has been so alibi and restricted from the same point of
be born. Leo and Taurus are both fixed, tenacious and unshakable signs; Thus,
they are also signs that bring with them chronic and incurable diseases; and
when afflictions come from two of the subtlest planets, both slow

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in its movement, it may be feared that disease is of a nature that the soul
has attracted itself and incurred as a debt of fate by the breakdown of
the laws of nature in a past life, and not so much for mistakes or abuse
committed during his present incarnation.
Planets often act on opposite signs. Afflictions,
As in this horoscope, in the fixed sign of Taurus that governs the
throat, may have originated or is caused by abuse of function
generating (Scorpio) in a lifetime, causing weakness of the throat or
the larynx in the next life or vice versa. Unnecessary organ removal
feminine in one life can cause the Ego, which changes sex in each life, the
being born into a male body with the afflicted planets in the opposite sign,
Taurus, as in the case of the subject we are considering, who was born
with voice and throat organs stunted or without natural development.
The above assertion does not mean that all women who have been
operated on their sexual organs will have to suffer one of these
afflictions. No, because often during childbirth or due to the negligence of the
midwife or doctor, the poor mother in labor is forced to suffer a
operation. This, naturally, are reasons why it cannot be done.
responsable; but if a woman due to excessive abortions has weakened the
sex organs, which caused the need for their removal, such sins
they would have their reaction in limitations of some kind, generally of the
throat, which is under the regency of Taurus, the opposite sign to Scorpio, which
it governs the generating organs. Indeed, the larynx and the brain were
developed in primitive man by the sacrifice of one half of the faculty
creator. These afflictions cannot be made active or manifest in the
body during childhood, and with due knowledge of astrology and with a
strict adherence to the rules of a correct way of life, man can
spend your life with very little discomfort; but wherever they have been violated
the laws, when abuses have been committed, then it is when the
afflictions and on the corresponding organs, as it is well known that the
chain has the strength only that the one that can resist its most link
We find that the Sun is in Cancer, which is the sign of the
stomach, and in sextile with Neptune in Taurus, the throat and the palate, and also
in sextile with Uranus, the ruler of the fifth house, the house of pleasures.
Also, Venus is in sextile with Jupiter. All these factors indicate that
This man has been very popular among the women of his friendship, who are
have disputed extraordinarily, as well as the pleasures of the table have
contributed to its ruin.
The planet that contributes to the manifestation of physical diseases, the
inflammatory Mars, is in the sign of the intestines, Virgo, in square with the
Moon in Gemini, indicating that the intestines first suffered from excess
of food and drinks. When the small intestine is inflamed, like what
it would be in this case, it cannot properly assimilate the food. This inflammation
sends a large quantity of poisons to the blood, which seeks its exit through the
weakest and weakest point. Saturn in conjunction with Neptune in Taurus indicates that the
throat has received this poison. This man has undergone two interventions

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surgery on the throat, as a result of the ailment that doctors
called angina, and that is an inflammation of the tonsils, in whose operations
pieces of his tonsils have been cut away, showing that the blood
it was contaminated, which produced the suppuration of the same.
Woman; was born on August 12, 1911, at 7:27 AM
Here we will analyze the horoscope of a young girl who has Virgo in her
Upward. Virgo people have some minor resistance to
diseases what is the general rule especially when the signs
common occupy the four angles. Here, also, Mercury and the Moon, which rule
the mentality, are also in common signs and in opposition to each other. The
three more powerful planets, that is, the Sun, Saturn and Mars, are in fixed signs.
We can trust these planets to point us to the body part in
that the disease has to present itself.
The sign of Taurus, as we can see in "The Message of the Stars",
page 270 7 , has ruler over neck, throat, tonsils, arteries
carotids, etc. By this we can infer that Taurus also has rulership over
the veins and arteries that carry blood or irrigate the organs placed in the
7 Digital edition, Upasika Library.

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throat, and also governs the lower part of the occipital region of the jaw.
The arteries of the human body have their beginning or origin in a common center.
The aorta is for the circulatory system what the trunk is for the tree. All
major veins and arteries are connected to the great human motor, the heart.
The aorta is the main line of the trunk, from which many branches depart that
They carry blood to all parts of the body, after which the veins
they charge to bring it back to the heart. Those branches govern the
different parts of the body. The branch that interests us most in this lesson is the
carotid artery, from which the thyroid arteries depart, two in number, the upper and
the lower one.
In this horoscope we have the inflammatory Mars in Taurus. Mars is a
focus of heat, and wherever this planet is placed you see a
abundance of blood. Mars here is the sign that rules the neck and is afflicted by
the conjunction it has with Saturn, which is the planet of obstruction. Saturn
it has a drying effect on the parts it influences. The effect of these two
malefic planets can be symbolized by the simile of filling a tube with water
rubber closing both ends, and then pressing one end and forcing the
water to the opposite extreme. A state similar to this is in which
Find the blood in the arteries and veins in this girl's neck. Mars fills them
of blood, and Saturn, with its restraining influence, keeps blood in a
part, obstructing its circulation and resulting in distended veins of the
neck, mumps, swollen tonsils, etc. Saturn and Mars are afflicted by a
square with the life giver, the Sun. The Sun is very strengthened because it
found in his own home, Leo, who rules the vena cava, aorta and heart.
At the age of eleven this girl suffered from mumps and bloating.
of the tonsils, constantly having discomfort in the throat, with
tendencies to cough and colds. An important fact can be verified
in the case of many children who are prone to suffering from the throat, and it is
that as small children they got into the habit of breathing through their mouths. Decade
ten cases of children suffering from tonsils and who have afflictions in the
throat, nine is for not being taught to breathe through the nose. Parents
They must constantly watch their little children, and if they point out the tendency to breathe for
mouth during sleep, a solid rubber nipple should be put in the mouth,
but without the opening. This device will force them to breathe through the windows of the
nose, thus saving the creature many sufferings in later years.
With the Sun in Leo, square to Saturn and Mars, this girl has the
latent tendency to suffer from some abnormality of the heart valves. This
it may not manifest itself until later in life, when humor
consequent of the conjunction of Mars with Saturn in Taurus has achieved
produce this organic decay, and Mercury in Virgo, as opposed to the Moon, in
houses 12 and 6, respectively (the last of which governs health),
have made their effects felt.
However, there is great hope because Saturn is trilling.
with Mercury and in sextile with the Moon, which will manifest the balance
necessary, while giving persistence to the mind, thereby helping
ward off any illness and avoid this girl much pain in the last part of
his life.

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Woman; was born on June 14, 1853.
Since we don't know the time this lady came into the world,
we have put the signs in their houses in numerical order, so that Aries
occupies the first house, Taurus the second, Gemini the third, and so on,
and the positions of the planets are used which give us the ephemeris for the
Let us first note that the progressed position of the Sun is now in
1916, that of the 23 ° 27 ', of Leo, and that of Mercury, the 26 ° 27', also of Leo, but
retrograde. The aspects that concern us in a special way are: the Moon in
parallel with Neptune, square with Jupiter, the Sun and Mercury; Jupiter that
it is in opposition with the Sun and Mercury; Saturn that is in parallel and conjunction
with Mars, in square with the progressed Sun and also with Mercury.
Then we must carefully study the state of mind of this
Ms. Gemini and Sagittarius are the signs that govern the mind. Mercury is
essentially dignified in Gemini and Jupiter in Sagittarius. The Sun is also
Favorably situated in the Mercurial sign of Gemini. So far everyone is
good clues, but Mercury, our mind significator, follows the Sun and
it is very close to this luminar; Furthermore, Jupiter is in opposition to the Sun and
Mercury. Add to this that the Moon, the other signifier of the mind, is in
squaring with Jupiter, the Sun and Mercury, and it will be clear to us that the
The state of mind of the native in question is not happy or auspicious.

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Saturn is in Taurus, the sign of the throat. This planet is the planet
obstruction and always has an enemy influence on any part of the
body that occupies by sign. Therefore, we can judge that the throat will be
affected, causing hoarseness to speak, and we can also be sure
that Saturn has its effect on the opposite sign Scorpio, which rules the
genitalia and eliminators. Saturn is cold, slimy or sticky and wet.
Mars, meanwhile, is hot and dry. This planet is located in the sign
Taurus, almost in conjunction and parallel with Saturn, giving a tendency to
inflammation and swelling. In the region governed by the opposite sign
It will cause burning urine and heavy menses.
So two enemy forces of opposite natures have been in
war in the throat region from birth, but the case is not
became really sharp until 1914. Then the Moon by progression reached the
opposition with the radical Sun and Mercury, and at the same time the Sun by progression
arrived within the orbit of a square with Saturn and Mars in the Leo sign, the
which governs the heart. Saturn's keynote is obstruction, and in Taurus it is
particularly powerful with regard to the action of the heart, because it governs the
pneumogastric nerve, which produces cardiac inhibition. On the other hand, when the
dynamic energy of Mars is directed by a square towards the progressed Sun
in Leo the effect is resolutely that of a violent heartbeat. Of this
mode the vast extent of the action of the heart, with its courtship of exophthalmia,
occurs in this case. We also see that Saturn is near a
conjunction with the Pleiades, located in the 29 degrees of Taurus, and their square
with the progressed Sun it has an effect on the eyes, which manifests itself in
people affected by exophthalmic mumps.
The configurations of the mind gauges mentioned earlier,
along with the absence of radical squares and oppositions with Saturn and Mars,
indicate that the basic cause of the patient's condition is mental. This diagnosis
is further confirmed by the fact that the acute state manifested itself
by the progressed positions of the Sun and Mercury indicated above.
As this affliction is from a fixed sign, there is a danger that this
status can become chronic. However, if this person is surrounded by
peaceful and pleasant environment and if you can convince her and teach her
master your morbid imagination, there's a good chance of permanent cure
by the time the Sun comes out of its square orbit with Saturn and Mars,
especially if a proper food diet is adopted.
Male; was born on May 30, 1919, at 11:55 PM
"We embroider the fabric of life to come with our own colors, and
in the field of destiny we reap what we have sown ”. —WHITTIER
This is true also in the life of the soul whose horoscope we pass to
study now.

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With the fixed and saturnine sign of Aquarius in the Ascendant and the second
ruler of this sign, the inspired and advanced Uranus, in Pisces, intercepted in the
first house, we can say that there are really two rulers in this horoscope:
Saturn, which is in its "fall" in the seventh house in Leo, and Uranus, which is
powerful in the hidden sign of Pisces in the first house.
The planets located at the angles exert a greater influence on the
native life that when they are placed in "cadent" houses or
"Successors". Planets that are in fixed and afflicted signs also bring
with them a debt of fate, which is generally the most difficult to
to dominate.
In this horoscope we have Mercury in the fixed sign of Taurus, in
square with the obstinate and obstructive planet Saturn, which is in Leo, a
fixed sign, and at the angle that forms the seventh house.
Saturn, as it is one of the rulers of life, although it is in the sign
of his “fall”, he will have the most predominant regency over the life of this man,
and as Mercury and Saturn afflict each other from bestial signs, that is
Taurus and Leo, we may fear there are speech impediments.
This guy when he was five years old refused to speak. He can
speak, but does so only when the greatest
Doctors have operated twice for water on his brain, but have not
nothing abnormal could be found there, and the resulting effect that these operations

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they will have on the organism in the future, it is something that remains to be seen. However, the
This young man's health to date is normal.
You can only repeat the suggested sentences and sentences;
but if parents are persistent they can help their child over time
master this weakness.
We repeat here what was said in “Rosicrucian Concept of the Cosmos”: “What
we are, what we have, all our good qualities are the result of
our own past actions. That which we lack excellent,
both physically and morally or mentally, it can be ours in the future ”. This young man has
taken in this life, without a doubt, what he cultivated in a previous life. The
planets are the clock of destiny, which signals when each soul needs
learn certain lessons, when you must reap the fruits of the seeds
sown in past lives.
We know from the Rosicrucian teachings that we are in this
life preparing us to build the archetype of the body that we must
use in our next life. In the case of this poor soul, when searching her
past, we see that in his vehement desire for spiritual development
he disdained his physical body by mortifying the flesh and refusing to use the
organs of speech, for having been a member of the silent Fraternity, in which
brotherhood used his life, in silence and in prayer. In this extreme inclination
towards one side of life he developed the spiritual faculties at the expense of
the physical senses.
We see here that the mystical Uranus is in the sign of Pisces, in the first
house, in trill with the Moon, which is in its own sign of Cancer. Neptune,
another spiritual planet, is in parallel with Mercury and in sextile with Mars and the Sun,
indicating a highly developed soul on spiritual lines, but that at
at the same time there is a lack of ability to use his development in this life due to
the absence of the desire to use the organs of speech.
However, this child can, through the assistance of his parents,
developing this desire, but it will require great patience, because the mindset,
due to the square of Mercury with Saturn, it will be slow to respond, and the child
It will be very stubborn, because this aspect comes from fixed signs. However,
Mars, which is in the mercurial sign of Gemini, will facilitate its influence to
to some extent master the adverse disposition of Saturn.
Male; was born on December 19, 1896, at 12:30 AM
The man whose horoscope we will now analyze has the cardinal sign and
of Libra in the Ascendant. Physically this person expresses the sign of
Libra, because he is 1,830 meters tall, splendidly developed and
with beautiful blue eyes. People who have cardinal and fixed signs
in the corners they have more resistance force than the others. The will of
they are stronger than those belonging to common signs. In the case of
this adult, however, we see active grief before it reaches age

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that his will could cooperate with his doctors or people who had him
in treatment to cure him.
In the "Rosicrucian Concept of the Cosmos" we are told that in the last
part of the Lemurian Epoch, the body of the man took the upright position,
that this position was necessary before he could become a being
self-conscious with a spirit abiding within your physical vehicle, and then
they had to make certain changes in the corporeal structure in order that
the Ego could express itself through its vehicles. When the Ego entered
inside these vehicles, it was necessary that a part of the sexual force was
used to build the brain and larynx, because it was indicated that the
man from that moment on he had to learn to make his own
thought, and the voice was necessary to be able to understand and
communicate with your peers. To carry out this, the use of
a part of your sexual strength. Thus, a part of the created organ remained
with the upper body and gradually became what today
constitutes the brain and larynx. From all this we can draw the consequence
natural and logical of the close relationship that exists between these organs: the organs
procreators, the larynx and the brain.
It is interesting to note with the help of astrology how this is done.
We find Scorpio, the sign that governs sex, as opposed to Taurus, the
which has rulership over the throat and larynx. Proof of close connection
indicated above can also be found in the boy who when arriving at the
puberty changes the sound of the voice, as well as in the woman who has suffered
removal of the ovaries, in which the voice becomes rough and deep.

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In the horoscope we are considering we find Saturn, the
planet of atrophy, in the sign of Scorpio, and it is also in conjunction with
Uranus. These two planets have no aspects except for the mutual conjunction
cited, and this can be considered as a result that had its beginning in a
Past life. When we find that Uranus and Saturn are in conjunction in the
sign of Scorpio and afflicted by other planets, we must fear a perversion
sexual or an abnormal expression of this faculty. But when we get on our exam
to these two planets and see them without aspects we must pass and deepen in a
past life to find the abuses that have caused the weakness of these
organs, causing this poor soul to come into this life with the larynx and the
brain unable to function normally.
With Saturn in conjunction with Uranus in Scorpio, we can look at the
effect it will have on the opposite sign Taurus, that is, on the throat. Saturn in
this case has a tendency to retard or restrict the secretion of the fluids of
glands or organs within the neck region, for example the thyroid, which
It is located astride the trachea at the front of the neck, and the one that
it can certainly be called the balancing or driving wheel of the body. The
secretions from this organ are necessary for the proper functioning of the
mind. The thyroid also regulates all other endocrine or
internal discharge, and each drop of blood flowing through the top of the
organism passes through it. Sexual excesses or perversions exhaust the
thyroid gland fluids. Oh, what a more communicative thing is the human voice!
Oh how misuse of sexual force can affect the voice
masculine and masculinize the female voice!
In this horoscope we have the story of a man who had a voice at birth,
but after the age of four he couldn't make any sound, not even from
then he has spoken a word. The organs that govern the voice in this case are
have been weakened by the dissipation of sexual fluids in a previous life.
We have Neptune, the upper octave of Mercury, the planet that rules the
pineal gland, in the mercurial sign of Gemini, in conjunction with the Moon and
Mars, and in opposition to the Sun. Neptune has rulership over the pineal gland and
the spirit of spinal fire. The brain in this case has remained as in a
boy. This man dresses himself, but cannot speak, and uses all the
time to turn the pages of the books.
Certainly, the walled spirit in this limited vehicle is
learning some momentous lessons; lessons that probably
They will make her a virtuous and childlike woman in the next rebirth.

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The horoscope before us belongs to a man of good
position that ruined his life with excesses of all kinds. Born on August 28
from 1881, at 11 PM
First we find Jupiter, the planet of opulence, in the house
twelfth, which is that of aches, pains, inconveniences and commissions
wrong, in sextile with Venus, the planet of attraction, in Cancer, the sign that
rules the stomach and in the second house, which is that of finance. This indicates the
native instinct for business and money matters as well as for his tastes
for rich and unhealthy food, and in part also for its fatal weakness
by the opposite sex.

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The Moon square with Venus from the fifth house, the house of the
pleasures, and also Mars, the planet of dynamic energy, together with the
Saturnina Dragon's Tail, and both square to Uranus, the planet of the
Conventionalisms and clandestine issues, are many other powerful
testimonies of what we have just said.
Furthermore, Saturn, the planet of obstruction, in the twelfth house, which is the
of pains, in conjunction with Neptune, the planet of everything clandestine, in
Taurus, which is the opposite sign of Scorpio, the sign that governs the organs
genitalia, indicates disturbances in such a region and also in the throat.
Altogether this horoscope indicates excesses of all kinds, and for
Consequently, a nuisance of the entire system. Venus in Cancer, of the
which the latter governs the stomach, provides the desire to take food
strong and rich and especially towards the drink. His squaring of the Moon in the
Libra sign, which governs the kidneys, indicates that there was a very bad state in them
that prevented due removal. The conjunction of Saturn, the planet of the
obstruction, with Neptune in the sign of Taurus, which has a reflex action in
Scorpio resulted in painful hemorrhoids. Mars, the planet of the
dynamic energy, in conjunction with saturnine Dragon's Tail in Gemini, the
sign that governs the lungs, and squared with Uranus, the planet of the
spasmodic action, indicates a tendency to cough and weakness of the
lungs, which ultimately destroyed the life of this native.
This horoscope is a lesson in the ravages of excess and
indulgences of the lower nature, and astrologers can use it with the
purpose of convincing people who are on the wrong path that
the transgressor's payment is serious and that our sins will react on
us without any doubt.
By the exercise of will power it could have been avoided at least
a lot of the indicated sufferings. Towards the end this man
he understood that he was declining and asked for help, but he was too weak to stop
its excesses and indulgences. Consequently it yielded to the trends indicated
in his horoscope and was a victim of tuberculosis and another series of
Woman; was born on June 16, 1884, at 8:30 AM
This horoscope clearly indicates who would suffer from tuberculosis.
the interested party, since Saturn, the planet of obstruction and crystallization, is
in Gemini, the sign that governs the lungs. Although it doesn't have any aspect
always has a malevolent influence on the part of the body in which it is seen
placed in horoscopes. Its obstructive and hardening tendencies
they hinder and crystallize the lungs and will always be adverse even when not
is supported by bad aspects.
We find that the Sun, which is the giver of life, is also in
Gemini, squared with the Moon, which is the characteristic indicator of the

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health in a woman's horoscope. The Moon is placed in the eighth house, the
house of death, in Pisces, the twelfth sign, which governs the confinement
in hospitals and similar institutions. The Sun is also in square
with the spasmodic Uranus, and Uranus is in opposition to the Moon.
This will cause coughing, expectoration, and bleeding, which is part of the
tuberculosis symptoms.
Leo, the strong sun sign, is coming out, and Jupiter, the planet of optimism and
of joviality, he is in sextile with Mercury, the planet of reason and mind.
We can also notice that all the angles are occupied by fixed signs.
These conditions show that in the first place the organic constitution was
good, that the native had the means to begin his terrestrial life with a
strong, vigorous nature, and a jovial, friendly, and cheerful disposition. If this
horoscope would have risen in the days of childhood so that it
could have acted with the native and counteracted the tendencies of tuberculosis,
chances are good that this lady could have saved the
suffering from this disease, dominating trends.
However, today the squares and oppositions of the Sun, Moon and Uranus
together with the position of the Moon in the eighth house and in the twelfth sign,
indicate that this case will end fatally by all odds. The
The best thing to do for the patient now is to ensure that she suffers the least
possible. The magnetic force of an Aries person whose Saturn is missing
in none of the degrees included in the sixth house of the horoscope of this
sick, will be of great help and favor to her, and supplying her with fresh milk

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the cow will contribute to maintaining its vitality, since as already
We know that milk in this natural state is full of healthy animal ether.
Male; was born on December 1, 1883, at 3: 5 1 AM
By mistake this horoscope was first raised as if
Leo was the sign he occupied, the Ascendant and the Sun was in the first house.
The planets signal afflictions, no matter what sign comes out, but, at a
simple look it was seen that the figure was poorly made because the Sun cannot
be in the fifth house at four in the morning. So another one was calculated
time with the result that we found that Saturn was in the eighth house instead
to be in the eleventh and the Sun in the second instead of the fifth. All this
it makes a big difference in the strength of symptoms. We
We would advise students that whenever they are given a horoscope to
that they examine it and judge its indications, take the prudent precaution of
look at the position of the Sun and see if its position in the horoscope corresponds to
its actual placement in the sky at the time of the day the birth occurred.
If not, it is evidence that the horoscope has been miscalculated
and, therefore, it is not possible to draw from it a just and correct consequence. Everyone
we are exposed to mistakes in our calculations, but
This warning will undoubtedly contribute to helping the student to avoid
this particular mistake.

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The subject of this horoscope is suffering from tuberculosis, a disease
that it is not necessarily serious or fatal. The astrodiagnosis student has
special facilities to judge the depth to which the disease has its
roots by the positions and aspects of the afflicting planets. Saturn the planet
of obstruction, in Gemini, the sign that governs the lungs, indicates the
tendency to suffer lung colds, and also to hardening as
occurs in tuberculosis. But this testimony would not have been so dangerous if
would have come from the position I had in the calculated horoscope
wrongly, in which Saturn was in the eleventh house, instead of
your position in the true horoscope where you are in the house
eighth, which denotes the way to die.
Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, is in opposition to Saturn, and also
the giver of life, the Sun. We can also notice that the Moon that governs the
ebb and flow of air in the lungs, is in conjunction with Venus, planet
that governs venous blood, which in turn forms a square with Uranus. Everyone
these are signs that tell us that there is very little hope that the patient
escape this painful disease until death breaks the silver cord
and release you from your body.
It should be noted by the student that the last degrees of Libra are leaving
so the native actually has more of the impulsive characteristics of
Scorpio than Libra's. Mars the ruler of Scorpio, in Leo, increases
this energy and makes the man in question a lover of boastfulness and
ostentation, making him lavish his vitality. Mars, trill with Mercury, in
Sagittarius, indicates an inclination to sport and probably to exceed in these
exercises, which may have been the cause of your first physical flattening
around the age of 28, when the progressed Moon was above the point of
the radicals of the Moon and Venus, or the previous year, when our
satellite was in opposition to Saturn.
It would be extremely cruel to tell this patient that he has very few
odds of getting back, of course, and no aspiring helper
invisible must be so thoughtless but must strive that life loss
of this sick man be as gentle as possible during the time remaining
life, although being convinced that any curative measure that is
employ will be merely a palliative, but not a cure. Also, you should
clearly make this sick man who obeys spiritual reasons all
disease and it has been discovered through occult research that a
materialistic conception of life in a previous incarnation is a justified
origin of a physical condition like this, because by the thought that with
death is all over, the materialist gradually gets out of tune with
all the activities of the spiritual world, and when after death it penetrates, to
in due time, in the second Heaven, where the archetypes of the
new bodies, put all your crystallizing thoughts in your new
vehicle, which is naturally born under the hardening rays of Saturn,
planet that in a sense obstructs the influence of the giver of life, the Sun.
If this patient can be taught this and make him become
a devout Christian, then he can be saved from suffering a similar fate in
another future life.

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Woman; was born on October 16, 1907, at 2 PM
Aquarius, a fixed and air sign, is in the Ascendant. The planet of fire
Mars is precisely on the cusp of the Ascendant, but on the twelfth
house, and the plastic and aqueous Luna is in the same sign, but in the first house.
All this makes this woman have a very strong nature, because there is a
big difference between the temperaments that give the Moon or Mars.
Mars in the Ascendant, afflicted by the parallel with the ruler, the impulsive
Uranus offers the native a very impulsive nature, indicating a person
that at the least provocation he will suffer an attack of cholera. The two natures
given by Mars and the Moon are continually at war with each other; the
an impulsive, energetic, dynamic; the other restless, plastic and changeable. Moon,

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however, it is in a trill with the Sun, which gives a soft, peaceful and
kind, directly opposed to the Martian temperament. The restless and picky
Mercury is placed near the Midheaven in the Martian sign of Scorpio,
thereby increasing the temperament of the native.
Planets when they are located at angles and at fixed signs,
as is the case with several in this horoscope, they have an orbit of influence
greater than otherwise, and in such cases it can reach eight degrees or a
little more for the major planets, so in this horoscope
We will consider that Jupiter is in opposition to Mars.
Venus is square to Mars; and Mercury is parallel to Venus and in
squaring with Jupiter. With Venus, who rules the venous blood, and Jupiter, who
once governs the arterial blood, and being both afflicted by Mars and Mercury,
This young woman will suffer from delayed circulation, especially due to the fact
that all afflictions come from fixed signs and from angles, which
affects the action of the heart. With his nervous and hypertensive temperament,
as well as for her indomitable fits of anger, this woman suffered a heart attack
every time he let himself be carried away by this emotion. There are also indications of
disharmony in the home, because we find the regents of the tenth houses and
fourth, Venus and Mars, which are square. Mars is also ruler of the
third house, which indicates the brothers, The above aspect could indicate
that the girl in question was very dominated by her relatives in his
house, and as it is already dominant and impulsive by itself, this
domestic treatment caused many accesses of his character, which are
very harmful to the health of a person who has the above
planetary configurations.
In 1917, the progressed Sun reached a square with radical Mars,
the time that the progressed Mars was in conjunction with the Ascendant. He
As a result, a chronic disturbance to the heart manifested itself,
slowly degenerated into dropsy, as the clumsy action of the heart brings
frequently other complications. Doctors, unfortunately, do not
they were able to diagnose the case correctly, and due to this clumsiness their
case as if affected by Bright's disease.
In 1921, the progressed Moon took an opposition with the radical place
busy at birth. This opposition generally marks the beginning of the
puberty, and it is sometimes a critical period for young girls, especially
when Venus and Jupiter are afflicted.
When the progressed Moon passed through Leo, the sign of the heart, while
formed the opposition with its place in the radical, dropsy worsened, as the
Moon in Leo or Aquarius has the tendency to produce dropsy in a patient
who suffers from disturbances in the heart.
Uranus, the planet of the impulse and the upper octave of Venus, which has
also some influence on the circulatory system, is in opposition to
Neptune in Cancer, the sign that governs the stomach. Neptune is in the house
sixth, that of health; and this indicates that there was some condition in the organs
digestive and an abnormal desire for indigestible food.
The parents of this young girl came to our Center asking us to
we would take care of the healing of his daughter, once the doctors

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they had evicted. They were told that the case was hopeless, and indeed, she
He died three weeks after he was on our healing list. The case to
reaching our hands was incurable, dying in February 1921.
We can see here how powerful the afflictions are and how
difficult to beat, when produced from fixed signs and from angles.
This was undoubtedly a debt of destiny that this soul had to pay and, therefore,
Therefore, it was beyond the power of the Invisible Helpers.
Male; was born on October 25, 1862, at 5:20 AM
We will use here the horoscope of a man with Libra in the Ascendant
and with cardinal signs on the corners. The planet of obstruction, Saturn, is
exalted in Libra and placed in the twelfth house, and forming an opposition
with Mars and Neptune. These last two planets are in conjunction and parallel
each. We have here three evil planets, one in the house
twelfth, the hospital house, and the others in the sixth, which in turn is the
house of diseases. The twelfth and sixth houses are very
dangerous to the planets placed on them and afflicting each other by
an opposition aspect.
Saturn in Libra, when afflicted, causes obstruction of the
kidney secretions, and the lack of these secretions disturb the laboratory

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kidney chemical. Poisons are expelled from the blood as they pass through the
renal arteries of the kidneys, where the blood is purified and undergoes a process
scrupulous filtering, leaving its poisons substances such as urea, acids
phosphoric and sulfuric, potash, lime, and other waste materials that have been removed
of food.
If the kidneys are healthy, these organs receive water from the blood
enough to dissolve these venous secretions, which are removed by the
kidneys in the form of urine. But in a case like the one we have under study, in the
that Saturn is afflicted in Libra, this blood washing does not take place
completely. The kidneys retain some of these venous secretions, which
they become hard mineral matters. With the course of time it manifests
a hardening process and the kidneys cannot function normally,
with the consequent result that the blood is not purified, these materials
minerals lodge in the blood vessels, which become clogged and
they hinder, and the circulation becomes defective.
The eyes are closely related to the kidneys, and when these
last organs are clogged and full of mineral materials, the faculty
Visual is also hindered. People who have Mars in Aries want
drink plenty of fluids, as in the case of this man, who was dominated by
an insatiable thirst. Since the kidneys were unable to extract excess water from the
blood, this liquid, which was not removed by the skin, remained in the blood, and
at one point this man suffered from heart palpitations and dropsy.
This case was diagnosed by doctors as heart disease. The
people who suffer from this ailment secrete colored urine very
strongly and in very little quantity.
If a case like the one in question is taken in time, the kidneys can
be regenerated and poisons removed by a rational diet. Beans
tender, carrots, asparagus and tomatoes are very effective in helping the
stimulation of the kidneys and the elimination of water. Onions are
astringent and wherever there is excess urine the onion will regulate it. By
therefore, it is very necessary that the food vegetables are chosen
properly so that they act against and not in favor of the disease.
Male; was born on October 6, 1855, at 1 AM
"We make up for ourselves the joy or pain that
contain our future lives, and fill with sunlight or shadows
dark our future. We embroider with our own colors the fabric of
which is to be our life, and in the field of destiny we reap what we have
"So also the soul will draw around it the shadows it gathered here, and
on the eternal wall of each one his past will be drawn. Do we think they have
Are the notes of the sacred song of Millón's melodious ear dead? We believe that
Rafael's angels have faded from his side? Oh no! We live

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again our life, well soft and warm or dark and cold; the images of the
past they remain and man's own work will follow him ”. —WHITTIER.
We can well say of the soul whose destiny we read through this
mystical manuscript, that his past work has followed him in this incarnation.
He chose a path for himself and chose a rough and rocky one. His path was
of a leader of men, because he had the sign of Leo in the Ascendant, with the
Moon in conjunction with Mars and the Ascendant and in sextile with the ruler, the Sun.
It also had fixed signs at all four angles, with five planets placed
in such signs. This is all the sign of a strong soul, of a man who
he never relegates his duties to another, but is a person of action, a
exalting, a builder, and as such used his life. This was a man who
he carried his cross willingly and he suffered the slaps of cruelty from the world
without protest. A person with such signs on the corners and with the
planets as powerfully placed as they are in this horoscope and
grieving each other will surely have a life full of lessons, and
he will have to answer to many responsibilities that will fall on him.
In his home he was very unhappy, as we can predict when seeing
Mercury in conjunction with the Dragon's Tail in Scorpio and in the fourth house.
This indicates that his wife was a nagging and disputant woman. Mercury in
Scorpio points out that the wife will not allow the husband to have a moment of
tranquility. Then we find that Saturn is in Cancer, and as is known,
Cancer is the natural sign of the fourth house, because it is the fourth sign in order.
Saturn is square to Venus, which in turn indicates that the companion

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marriage is dominant and a friend of discord. With Jupiter in the seventh
house, in opposition to the Moon and Mars, and in square with Uranus, the marriage
and the associations or friends will be accompanied by many tests in their
Despite all this we find that this man managed to gather
Good fortune, he did a great job, and made many friends. It was
a preeminent person in Freemasonry, where he performed many acts of
kindness, helping and favoring the widow and orphan generously with their
money. He was deeply interested in prison work and also
in occult studies. Neptune in Pisces and sextile with Uranus, points out his interest in
occult, but these planets are "retrograde", which brought all kinds of
setbacks and restrictions. He was never free to follow his
lofty ideals.
With his many crosses, hard work and troubles, a
heart condition of a very serious nature and for several years used
stimulants for the heart in order to carry out its obligations. Our
man could never tolerate that his suffering prevented him from attending to his
businesses, however, which were very responsible, with many
branches scattered throughout most of America, and in whose business
he employed many employees under his command. With filtration of
heart valves and despite the resulting suffering he managed to live to age
seventy years.
From all this we can see that the will can be used to dominate the
adversities even in the matter of human disease, and that the
man is, without a doubt, the owner of his destiny. If this man had
had Virgo in the Ascendant or some other less powerful sign than Leo, attached
to the afflictions that came from fixed signs, it would have become a
confirmed invalid or would have died much younger. So that
we can see that "the prudent man dominates his stars, while he
reckless is dominated by them ”.
Male; was born on September 12, 1858, at 8:15 AM
Our first care when diagnosing this horoscope is to determine
the mental caliber of this patient, and to that end, we see that Jupiter, placed in the
house of the higher mind and Mars near the apex of the house of the mind
inferior, they are in opposition, and also in square with the Sun and Mercury; a
fact that declares that the native is pessimistic and irritable in nature. This is
accentuated by Mercury's opposition to Neptune, bringing the lower mind
it is out of tune with all spiritual concepts. Saturn squared with
Venus prevents the native from having the perspective of the beauty of life. How
however, these adverse testimonies are only opposed by the Moon in
sextile with Mercury and the Sun, we can agree that the person in question is in
Very bad condition and needs all the help and love that it is possible to surround him.

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We fear, however, that even the greatest efforts may have
very little effect against such a barrier of pessimism as this man has
placed around him.
As regards the disease to which he is subject, the cold hand of
Saturn in Leo indicates that there is obstruction of the functions of the heart, and the
subsequent clumsiness of circulation is designated by the square of Saturn
with Venus and squaring the Sun and Mercury with Jupiter, because Jupiter and Venus
respectively, govern the arterial and venous circulations. Sextile Uranus with
Saturn produces a spasmodic action that manifests as agitation
of the heart, and as it is placed in Gemini, it also imparts a motion
spasmodic of the lungs, sometimes making breathing difficult for the
native, although this condition is not also defined as in asthma. The
Affliction of the Sun and Mercury in Virgo, as opposed to Neptune, indicates affection
intestinal. The affliction of the Sun and Mercury with Jupiter and Mars from the houses of
the trips, as well as the opposition of the planets named lately, point
a predisposition to accidents, especially on the occasion of a trip. Without
However, this phase of the indications does not concern us at the moment.
We can join our efforts to accelerate the action of the
heart and promote better digestion in order to give this person relief and
so that you perceive a brighter vision of life. How Saturn controls the
pneumogastric nerve, its presence in Leo indicates that this is the seat
main disease, because this nerve inhibits the action of the heart and acts
also on the other vital organs. It is difficult to reach this nerve so
effective while immersed in our dense bodies. But

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Conscientious health adjuster Rosicrucian has other means at his disposal,
because the obligation contracted by himself before the Elder Brothers enables him
to work on his patients during the hours that his body is
sleeping, also being taught how to materialize fingers inside the
body of the patient and thus be able to carry out the necessary manipulations
to eliminate obstructions, abscesses, etc., and even to carry out the adjustment of
dislocated bones. We receive many letters here at the Residence
General from patients who notice the presence of the Auxiliaries
Invisible and the exit of hands of their bodies at the moment in which they
wake up.
The best method of dealing with a case like this would be for the operator
impress deep into your mind the point where the seat or root is
of the disease, both physiologically and astrologically, and then at night when
go to bed, after the usual hindsight say: "now I will go help my
sick under the direction of the Elder Brothers ", making this
thought is the last thing on your mind until you fall asleep.
The most suitable operator or doctor to take over this case would be one
whose outgoing sign is in harmony with Libra. Aquarius would be the first chosen and
Gemini the second. It is also a required extreme that the person who
it would be suitable to carry out this treatment if the planet Saturn was not in Libra
or in Pisces.
Woman; was born on September 18, 1854, at 10 AM
Here we have a horoscope with the energetic, active and aggressive sign of
Scorpio on the Ascendant, with the ruler of life, Mars, in the first house,
within the orbit of the Ascendant and in its proper sign, where a planet has
always the greatest power for both good and evil. In the case of this
woman this Martian energy is dissipated and has not been kept in control or
dominated, as the planet Mars is in opposition with the erratic and impulsive
Uranus, which is placed in the seventh house in the fixed sign of Taurus, where
is in his “fall” and, therefore, prone to show the evil side of his
nature. The combined influence of Mars and Uranus, as both are planets
impulsive, it acts like a fire blown by the wind that has been left out of
We find in this horoscope the aqueous Moon near the Midheaven in the sign
fiery, fiery, and fixed Leo, and this planet is squaring with
those two impulsive planets indicated above. Fire in contact with
water generates steam. This affliction of the fiery planets with the watery and
Luna emotionally has a similar effect on this woman's mind. Mars
afflicted in Scorpio and on the Ascendant gives an indomitable temperament,
indicating a woman who will be irritated at the slightest provocation and this anger is the most
likely to be directed against the marriage partner.

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If we put a pot of water on the fire that blows
continuously and stay red, over time the boiling water will
evaporates and leaves the pot whose bottom dries up and in turn is consumed by the
fire. In this state we find this woman. For years she has come
creating that nervous and emotional environment around her at home and her poor
heart has been consumed by fire and has withered, for the afflicted Moon in
Leo indicates that the heart has been subject to great effort. He
result is that in the year of 1916, when the progressed Moon reached the
conjunction of radical Mars in the first house, and then opposition to Uranus
in the seventh (which indicates the husband), domestic relations reached a point
critical. With the progressed planets Venus, Mercury, the Sun and the Moon all of them
transiting the first house and in the Martian sign of Scorpio, the resulting
igneous emotions were too extreme for the body and the poor woman
she lost all control of herself. She wanted to cry at all hours, she couldn't digest
their food, and often lost consciousness due to syncope of the heart.
However, there is another cause for this physical disturbance. We see
that Neptune is very well fortified and exceptionally powerful, placed in
his own Pisces sign in the hidden fourth house, in sextile with Jupiter and Uranus and
trilled with Mars. These aspects, especially the sextile between the two hidden
planets Neptune and Uranus ordinarily give a strong desire for development
towards mystical extremes and can cause the native to obtain a rapid
development. But Neptune is forming a square with Saturn, and also
with Uranus it is in a square with the Moon. Adverse aspects among

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planets, as well as the good ones, will provide developments in this regard, but
development will be of a different nature.
As we have often said in our lessons, the emotions of
anger and evil are much more offensive to people who are
striving to live a higher life than if they were content to go with the flow
and be totally earthly and worldly. Every time this woman reigned
released his anger set in motion a vibration that rotated in the shape of a
clock, a fire that burned the spiritual life that had awakened in it, and
the poor body could not resist the effort. She couldn't last any longer
continue to place this effort on your heart because with the squares and
opposition of Mars, the Moon and Uranus from the angles and from fixed signs, the
heart could not bear so much tension and effort and death could be very
prompt and sudden.

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Male; was born on February 19, 1902, at 3 PM
In the diagnosis of the disease by means of the science of the stars it is
sometimes very difficult to know in which direction the afflictions can act.
For example, we have very often said the sinister effects of
Saturn in Cancer, the sign that has rulership over the stomach. When that
planet afflicts in this sign it robs the stomach of its gastric juice, which is
necessary for the proper digestion of food. Saturn in this place has
also a tendency to create a desire to eat unhealthy foods and leads
to the excessive use of creams, sugar, desserts, etc., but in this lesson and in the
next we will try to point out how Saturn, when placed in the sign
opposed to Cancer, that is, Capricorn — in which Saturn is in his home, and
where his influence is much more subtle and malevolent than when he is situated in the
Cancer sign - has similar effects.
We will use two horoscopes by which we will show the
effects of Saturn in Capricorn, due to which diseases of
vastly different nature. For this we will first use the
horoscope of this heading.
In it we find Saturn in the 23 ° and 21 'of Capricor nio in the sixth house,
which has regency on health. Saturn is in opposition to the Moon. East
Last planet is in its own sign of Cancer, the sign that governs the stomach.
The Moon is also in opposition to Jupiter. When Jupiter has any
connection with signs or planets that govern appetite, provides desire to take
food in large quantities. Anything Jupiter does will be largely
scale, and with the Moon and Jupiter in opposition we can infer the glutton. With saturn
afflicted in Capricorn the gastric juice of the stomach is lazy and, for
Therefore, we can expect there to be disturbance in the digestion of the
food. If the stomach is full of rich foods, the man will receive
only its nutrition from that part that the stomach can digest. The blood
it is carried to the lungs to be oxygenated there. Oxygenation is at
body what the air stream is to the stove. If we cut the air flow to
This one, we suffocate and kill the fire, and in the same way it happens with the body. If he
man stops breathing, dies. When there is weak breathing, the
lungs cannot supply enough oxygen to give heat and energy to the
blood as well as they cannot exhale all the carbon dioxide contained
in the same.

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In this horoscope we find Neptune in Gemini. Gemini has
regency over the lungs. Neptune is on the cusp of the Dozava hunt and
in opposition to Uranus, who is in the fifth house and in Sagittarius. Uranus and
Neptune when afflicted indicate nervous action, cramps and
spasmodic. Neptune here indicates that the capillaries of the lungs were
unable to take in all the amount of oxygen needed to oxygenate the
blood. Consequently, carbon dioxide formed faster than
the lungs exhaled it, with the result that this poison was stored
in the system. The nerve cells weakened and little by little the body
its resistive force decreased, and then the weakest organ could not continue
performing its functions. The bellows of the body, the lungs, in the case that we
occupies, could not inhale enough air to burn the poison, following
here the result that the lungs got sick and the tuberculosis settled
in them.
People with planets afflicted in common signs are
frequently susceptible to tuberculosis. With the Sun and Mars in conjunction
in Pisces, and with Uranus in Sagittarius as opposed to Neptune in Gemini
—Pisces, Sagittarius and Gemini are common signs— caused the
lungs attract to them the impurities of the blood. From here we can see that
Saturn, either in Cancer or Capricorn, may be the direct cause of
disease, which is expressed in another sign.

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Three years ago this man began to suffer from a condition of
heart, which was followed by tuberculosis of the lungs; an illness
that has had its beginning in a wrong diet. It can be cured even to
these heights by means of a carefully chosen diet composed of
raw vegetables and fruits with very little protein.
In the next lesson we will study horoscope 6B, which has Saturn
in Capricorn but that has manifested itself in a completely
Male; was born on February 26, 1871, at 4 PM
This horoscope will be a lesson on the effect of Saturn
in Capricorn, and tells us how this planet can express its side
evil across the planet to which it adversely looks.
Here we see Saturn, the planet of obstruction, in the sign of
Capricorn, which is a cardinal sign. Signs of identical nature,
especially the cardinal signs, have affinity for each other and respond
to afflictions more quickly for this reason. In this horoscope Saturn is
in Capricorn, square with Mars in Libra; both are cardinal signs.

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Libra governs the kidneys and the tiny ducts that go from the kidneys to the bladder,
the ureters. Whenever we see that Mars is afflicted we can fear for
heat and excessive operation. Saturn in Capricorn gives trends
similar to those it produces in Cancer — perverted tastes, desire for food
rare and unnatural and craving for sugars, cakes, etc.
Saturn in Capricorn also obstructs the flow of gastric juices in
the stomach so we can see why people with a Saturn
afflicted in cardinal or tropical signs, that is, Capricorn and Cancer, are
often afflicted with indigestion, rheumatism, uric acid deposits, etc.
When we find the inflammatory Mars in the cardinal sign of Libra, square
With Saturn in Capricorn, we can expect the poisonous elements that
have not been digested ferment in the stomach, which then lodge in the kidneys,
producing very acidic urine, which causes inflammation of the kidneys and
of the ureters.
In this horoscope we have the Moon in Gemini, and in square with the
Sun in Pisces. Gemini and Pisces, as they are common signs, obstruct here the
oxygenation of the blood and prevent its purification, so that because of this
they send more impurities to the kidneys. So we can see the similarity of
causes of this horoscope and those of 6A, although the results are not the same.
This man should be ordered on a milk diet for several weeks,
and after the kidneys have been purified by this lavage system,
you must eliminate from your diet all the highly seasoned delicacies and those
that contain a lot of starch.
Woman; was born on March 29, 1909, at 1:30 PM
We find that this girl has a very bright mind, with
Mercury, the mental planet, in sextile with the active and sharp planets Mars and
Uranus in the sign of Capricorn, which gives stability and balance, leading to
the saturnine influence acts on the impulsiveness and sharpness of these last two
planets. Mercury also forms a trill with the Moon, which is on its own
Cancer sign. But we find many dangerous elements in this activity
mental yes parents allow this woman to read and practice those books that try
of the table, of the “ouija” board, etc. Saturn in the head sign, Aries, in
squaring with the mystical planet Neptune, planet that in turn is in
conjunction with the Moon, which in turn is in opposition to Uranus and Mars,
from the twelfth and sixth houses respectively, they point out that sometime in
her life, if the parents are not very careful, this girl can suffer from
madness or obsession of spirit.
This horoscope has another affliction that makes it a very interesting figure
for diagnosis. The Moon is in the sign of Cancer, the stomach, in opposition
with the inflammatory Mars, and the nervous and contracting Uranus, which has a tendency to
disturb digestion and create gas in the stomach as well as inflammation of
the mucosa. Uranus is aerial, the Moon is aqueous and Mars is fire.

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In order to illustrate the effect of these three planets on one another,
We will put the following example: Let's light a fire and make a strong
air stream blow on it and once it is fully on and
in embers we throw water on the fire, with which we would have in certain
felt the effect of these three planets when they act on the stomach. Each
bite of food that passed into the stomach of this patient created a
disturbance. This girl rarely tasted food without being produced large
disorders, nausea and vomiting; that is to say, nothing could retain in the stomach. She
He suffered in this way from birth. At the age of eight she
operated on by doctors, who diagnosed his case saying that the hole in the
Cardia was very small, but despite this, this little girl did not get better
some as a consequence of the operation.
The doctor should have reasoned that vomiting and disturbances
occurred once food was in the stomach they could not be
consequence of a defect in the entrance of the stomach, but they should be
motivated by some other deeper cause of this organ. Astrology us
says Saturn squaring Neptune indicates faulty conformation
default size. If these two planets had been in the first part
of the sign of Cancer or in the last degrees of Gemini, they would have indicated the
cardiac orifice, but we find that the Moon is at 22 degrees Cancer,
thus showing us that the ailment was near the bottom of
this organ. Mars and Uranus signal involuntary muscle action. Mars when
afflicts the Moon, indicates nausea, and Uranus, when it adversely affects the satellite

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terrestrial, the Moon, causes contraction. So we see indications that there was
involuntary muscle action and a contraction that caused nausea.
But why the food was thrown from the stomach, because, as we have already said,
this girl couldn't hold anything on it? It is because we see that the pylorus was
very small, that is, the exit hole for food into the intestines.
After the food was in the stomach it could not pass into the intestines
in due form, and also, as the mucosa was insufficient, digestion could not
to be normal. Naturally, the logical result was vomiting. A case like
that we are dealing with would be very difficult to cure without subjecting the patient to a
operation, but instead of operating on the cardiac orifice, doctors should
look at the pylorus and examine how this part of the stomach works.
Woman; was born on January 23, 1886, at 4 AM
Several operations have been carried out on this woman's abdominal region,
and she has gone from doctor to doctor until she has become a
complete ruin.
By chasing the effects of this disease to the cause
primary, we come to find that Saturn is in Cancer, the sign
that governs the stomach. From personal experience taken from our studies

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We find that many people who have Saturn in this position are very rare in their
tastes for food. Saturn in this horoscope is square to Jupiter,
the planet of self-indulgence, and with Uranus, the planet of action
spasmodic and irregular. So Saturn makes this person
irresistibly give in to your desire for good things to eat. Uranus and
Jupiter in the sign of Libra, which governs the kidneys, in square with Saturn, the
planet of obstruction, indicate that after the system has been left
packed with a kind of food you can't assimilate, the kidneys are
powerless to remove waste products. So there is a
general obstruction of the system with toxins and poisons of all kinds. Then he
fiery and fiery Mars placed in Virgo, the sign that governs the intestines,
kindle the fire of inflammation in order to purify the system. How
however, the native's willpower is not particularly powerful because
that the weak sign of Sagittarius is coming out, this woman is persuaded
easily that you have to do it operations instead of chasing the way of
her ways of life, which would bring her an improvement in her condition even at this hour so
advanced of his life.
It is very sad to have to admit that this is the case of a large
amount of people. Sometimes they are willing to admit that they eat
excessively when they are made to see this fact, but in many cases they suppose
which are models of self-control, at least when it comes to appetite,
even if they admit that they eat improper food. Nevertheless,
we have had a series of cases in which the sick admitted that
they were totally powerless to master this lack, and balance their
appetite. The person we examine in this horoscope is no exception to
the general rule, and therefore all our efforts to address it were in
vain. She couldn't even use the energy necessary to write us the letters
weekly that our healing system requests from the patient. In cases
such, of course, there is nothing to do but abandon the patient to
your own resources until you learn this lesson if not in this life in some
another later.

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Male; was born on March 14, 1892.
The horoscope we turn to examine is a "simple" figure. The time of
birth is unknown, but in astrodiagnosis it is not necessary to have
the time of the patient's birth, unless we are looking for a crisis.
We, therefore, must take into account the exact degree of the Moon
progress and its aspects, as well as the transit of the planets, but the
natural tendencies regarding temperament and morality, and also
organic weaknesses, are indicated by the radical planets, which give the
astrologer the key to the native's health, although if the salient sign is known we
It will serve a lot to know the subject's will and strength. Certain signs,
such as Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra and Aquarius will dominate and fight the
disease in cases where many of the female signs, especially
Taurus and Virgo have no power to rise above physical conditions. Of
the common signs, that of Gemini, is the most capable to control the
physical illnesses.
In this horoscope we find the Sun, the giver of life, in the common sign and
Pisces negative. The Sun is afflicted by an opposition and by the parallel with the
destroyer Saturn, and in this we have in principle an indication of low vitality.
Jupiter, the ruler of Pisces, who also rules arterial blood, is on his own
sign, in conjunction with the Sun and in opposition to Saturn. This opposition tends
to decrease vitality, because if the blood flow stagnates, the whole body
has to suffer. We also have Venus, the planet that runs blood
Venous, in its own home, the Taurus sign, where this planet is powerful.
Venus is afflicted by an opposition and parallel with Uranus. This will increase the
Malevolent effects of Jupiter and the Sun afflicted by Saturn. With the influence
afflicting Saturn from Virgo, the sign that governs the small intestine, we can
fear that there is an inadequate assimilation of food.
We also find that the Moon is in opposition and in parallel with
Jupiter and square to Mars. These aspects, together with Venus in Taurus, that
is in opposition to Uranus in Scorpio, they indicate that this man
sensual pleasures dominated, so his health quickly suffered great
Uranus in Scorpio, in opposition to Venus, indicates lack of discernment
about the sacred generating function, and at the age of 16, when the Moon
progressed had reached the conjunction of Venus and the opposition of Uranus, this

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man contracted the horrible disease of syphilis. Although later he was cured
apparently, however, powerful compounds such as mercury and
the various means used by medical science to combat this
disease, they left their destructive influence in the blood, and in the kidneys they
settled a tuberculosis. This is indicated by the Moon in the Libra sign that
it governs the kidneys, in square with Mars, in opposition and parallel with Jupiter and in
opposition with Mercury.
The patient in question became a doctor, having undergone surgery
in the kidneys, with the removal of one of them, which was found to have caverns, and
In view of this, the doctors diagnosed the case as tuberculosis of the
This poor man died at the age of 28 and upon reaching that age
we note that the progressed Moon had ended its cycle and again had
reached the point it occupied at birth, in the sign of Libra, and Jupiter progressed
he had come into opposition with the radical and progressed Moon. The moment when
the Moon has traveled the entire circle of the horoscope and reaches the point
that an individual occupied at birth is a very critical moment, and frequently
when the moon is afflicted in the radical figure, this is a time of sickness
and in which the native is tempted with many tests and experiences.

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Man; was born on May 8, 1865, at 1:45 AM
This horoscope has the fixed sign of Aquarius in the Ascendant, with the Moon
in the fixed sign of Taurus and in conjunction with Venus and Mercury. The sun is
also in sextile with Mars. Jupiter, the planet of opulence and
benevolence, it is found in the tenth house and in its own sign, Sagittarius, These
positions and aspects of the Sun and Jupiter indicate a person who is very loving
of mankind, a man who is very generous financially and willing to
leave their own interests for the benefit of others, even sacrificing their
comforts, if you see that there is someone you can relieve in your pain or
shield you from danger. But we find Jupiter, Mercury, Venus already
Saturn, that all are in a "retrograde" direction, which indicates that our
man will find it difficult to realize his ideals and to carry out everything
that good that your heart longs for, as the "retrograde" planets indicate
talents, possibilities and latent opportunities.
The ability to earn money is highly marked. This subject is also
very liberal to spend his funds, because he has Venus in his house and his own sign
—Taurus and the second house— in conjunction with the Sun and in sextile with Mars. Everything
What this person does must be on a large and generous scale. It is also
very adept at distracting the attention of social audiences and likes to
good life, because the Sun, Venus and Mercury in Taurus, in sextile with Mars and
Cancer, and Taurus that governs the palate, desire to eat delicious things and

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lots of them. Also works Mars in Cancer, sextile with
Venus and the Sun, longing for rich, highly seasoned and large foods
Since he has Mars in the fifth house, this man likes to distribute his
wellness with friends. But although your generosity has been good for
others and contributed to the fact that the people who accompanied him felt
Happy for the flattery of his palates, the result for him has been disastrous. his
health has not been able to resist the attacks that with his wrong way of living has
inferred to his body.
To find out in which part of the body the damage caused by this
excess food we must observe the strongest afflictions. We see Mars
in Cancer, which governs the stomach, squaring the Moon and Saturn, the
which are in the sign of Libra, a sign that we know governs the kidneys. Also
We find Saturn in conjunction and in parallel with the Moon. The Moon rules the
white body fluids and lymph, and as Saturn is the afflictive agent
it would restrict the free flow of these fluids. As Jupiter, the planet
that governs arterial blood, is in its own sign of Sagittarius, near the
Midheaven, as opposed to the nervous, excitable, and spasmodic Uranus, which is
in the mercurial sign of Gemini, and since Mars is parallel to both Jupiter and
Uranus, we find a blocked arterial circulation with the lymphatic circulation
When a person is continually breaking the laws of
health from overeating, we can expect the break should
show up sometime. In 1906, while the progressed Sun was
in conjunction with the radical Uranus in Gemini, and the progressed Moon formed a
squaring with Mars and an opposition with the radical Moon and Saturn, this subject
He was severely attacked with pneumonia. In 1907, the progressed Sun,
came to form an opposition to radical Jupiter. This was followed in 1912 by the
Moon progressed in conjunction with radical Mars in Cancer. During it,
year the progressed Moon afflicted by means of the square aspect to its place
own occupied at birth and radical Saturn, both in the Libra sign. This brought the
native a severe attack with a condition of the kidneys and with contraction of the
ureters, which also influenced waste water from the kidneys
to the bladder.
At the age of thirty, when the progressed Moon had reached the
sign of Aries, and during its transit by such sign, it came to form a conjunction
with the radical Neptune; an opposition with the radicals of the Moon and Saturn; a
squaring with Mars and a conjunction with the Dragon's Tail. This caused
disturbances in the ears, with continuous pain of the same, and of the head.
When the Moon reached the conjunction with the radical Mercury and Venus
progressed, which is in Taurus and, in addition, in a "retrograde" direction, he manifested
inflammation of the mastoid cells. The doctors operated on him for two
times in the mastoid bone, extracting the pus that had formed in the
cavity of the same. These operations left the patient with a headache.
chronic and with alteration of the nerves.
If this man had been taught to "eat to live in
instead of living to eat ”, he would have been spared great suffering.

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Woman; was born on April 19, 1888, at 4:30 PM
Judging the mind first, as is our use, we find that
Mercury is in conjunction with Venus and trill with the Moon and Jupiter, and in
fire signs. So we can say that all the indicators of the
mind are trill. Jupiter is to a certain extent included in the whole
mental because he is the ruler of the ninth sign, Sagittarius, and from him come the
benevolent impulses that are gradually raising humanity from the
savagery, passing through civilization, to holiness.
It is immediately obvious that we are in the presence of a
exceptionally good-minded soul. Even until the conjunction of Saturn
with the Moon it is very beneficial, because, as we have often said, other
Sometimes Saturn's nature is to obstruct, and when he drops his
Restraining hand on Mercury or the Moon, helps to calm and contain the
mind fickleness and empowerment for concentration. At the same time, for
of course there is the tendency to melancholy as follows whenever Saturn
form some aspect with the significators of the mind. Therefore you can
those with the deepest and greatest minds are said to be
generally of sad disposition.
This woman, however, is not deliberative in nature. Not days go by
lamenting the pain and suffering of the world, because in the corners there are

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cardinal signs and Mars is in conjunction with Uranus in the first house, which
it gives this lady a very impulsive and restless nature. She works with her
mind to see where reforms need to be made, but the character of its
effort to carry out these reforms, depends on your social position, about
of which we have no report. If this woman was born in an environment
elevated where wealth, position and influence are at her disposal, she can
having been a powerful factor in this regard, extended to a wide sphere,
but if you were born in a miserable or financially scarce environment, you will have seen
hindered, relatively speaking, by such circumstances. However, no
it matters where or in what it is forced to make feel its influence, because
wherever it is it will strive to revolutionize things with the result
inevitable that she will be consumed in her efforts to improve such
Like a chain always breaks where the link is danced
weaker, so it is with human life. Uranus, the planet of action
Spasmodic and out of control, it is in opposition to Mercury, the planet that
governs the cerebrospinal system, indicating that there will be a great alteration
nervous whenever the body is subjected to excessive effort. Saturn the
planet of obstruction, is in conjunction with the Moon in the ruling sign
the heart, Leo, and squared with the Sun, ruler of Leo. So it is evident
that the action of the heart is very poor and that it suffers from the inability to extract and
assimilate the vital force of the Sun, as well as a very poor circulation. Indeed, the
figure indicates the possibility of a state that can be described
only as general depression due to overwork and
nervous tension, which affects all the organs of the body, since Uranus and Mars
in Libra they will impede the action of the kidneys; the Sun afflicted in Taurus will act on
the throat, and the elimination by the rectum, ruled by Scorpio, will remain
also affected by it. Ultimately, this is the state that this
It is almost unnecessary to say that in such a case it is necessary to have a
absolute rest, both mental and physical, subjecting the patient to a diet
with preference of fruits, because it is very harmful to force the food in a
organism that is as abnormal as this lady's. A nurse from
Aquarius whose Saturn is not in Libra or Pisces would exert a calming influence and
beneficial. But even when there is some relief or a cure, the
people with such nature and temperament are predestined to sacrifice
themselves and carry death sooner or later.
Everything one can say or do to make these people understand
the fact that they must take things resignedly and patiently in order to
that they can live longer, it won't do any good, because the vehemence
Spasmodic Uranus and the dynamic energy of Mars in the Ascendant
will outweigh or exceed any other consideration or interest due to
that there are cardinal signs at the angles. This woman will hold on to work even
when I know that she will drop dead a minute later. However, there is no doubt
that it will achieve much benefit in soul growth although the body
falter and destroy in the process.

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Male; was born on September 21, 1863, at noon.
In this horoscope Saturn is in conjunction with Mars and Venus. Neptune
is in opposition to all three, and the Moon is square to Saturn and
Venus. Mars, the planet of momentum, makes the native turn red at
least provocation, and if he were left alone there would be no means of containing him except with
a straitjacket, especially since the Sun is square to Uranus,
which will intensify the impulsiveness of his character and will help to cloud reason.
But the Saturnian ray is itself effective enough to cool the
more erratic tendencies because it is in the sign of its exaltation, Libra, and
highly elevated. Mercury in conjunction with Jupiter, both elevated and triune
with Uranus, it indicates that there is a good, kind, and religious side to the mind.
From Mars comes precipitation to take offense even when there is no basis
reasonable on what to base such an offense; Saturn will make this person ruminate and think
about the injuries he believes have been done to him, whether they are imaginary or
real, but Jupiter will strive to inspire charity and good judgment. Is out
of doubt, however, that the forces that tend to accentuate the evil side of
nature are stronger and they represent a hard and unpleasant struggle
for the higher nature.
Saturn in the first part of Libra, the sign that governs the kidneys, acts as
such that urine secretion is obstructed and Mars causes
inflammation in such a part. The conjunction of Saturn with Venus, of which this

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last planet governs venous circulation, reveals the fact that the branch of the
system that corresponds to the portal vein, which conducts blood from the kidneys,
is also obstructed, and the square of Saturn with the Moon decreases the
amount of urine secreted. Neptune in opposition to Saturn shows
clearly a mental cause, irritability and sadness, which interfere with the action
nervous. As a consequence of all this kidney stones are formed, and this
A person is subjected to one of the most painful diseases imaginable.
To help a person of this nature we must invoke the help
Jupiter and Mercury trilled with Uranus. Mars is the great energizer that
it impels to the action, but Saturn in conjunction with him puts a brake on that one, and
the native becomes indolent, with aversion to the exercise that they generally like
the natives of Sagittarius. Therefore, we must awaken this subject to the urgent
need to exercise a lot. The Moon in Capricorn acts in the sign
opposite, Cancer, which rules the stomach, and because it forms a square
with Saturn in the sign of Libra, the sign of the kidneys, interferes with the
discharge from the urine. Hence the need to regularize the food diet; do not
having to eat no food that is irritating or stimulating in nature
This person's best healer or doctor would be one who has the sign
I read leaving, since this one is in harmony with Sagittarius. Aries would be the
second in preference for the reason that a native of this sign would be
too rough and would create an antagonism unintentionally. Must not have Saturn
neither in Sagittarius nor in Taurus, since these signs are found in the first and sixth houses,
respectively, of the patient.
Woman; was born on March 24, 1845, at 5:06 AM
To judge the case presented in this horoscope our first care
it will be, as usual, knowing the kind of mentality of the native,
we must never forget that the mind is the builder of the body. For this reason
the most discerning doctors now use harmless pills and suggestions
very useful.
Mercury and the Moon, the two peculiar significators with respect to the
Mind, they are in opposition. The Moon is also in opposition to the Sun, Jupiter and
Uranus. Mars is square to the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, and Uranus. Of
so this woman is extremely erratic, hesitant and changes her mind
in their purposes. There is only one redeeming feature, that is, the trill of the Moon
with Saturn. If it were not for this aspect, which calms and calms the mind, this
woman would probably have gone crazy. Add to that the fact that
there are four common signs in the angles and it will be understood that this person is
very difficult to direct mentally. He is one of those unfortunate people who
they are afflicted with a character given to laziness and abulia due to lack of strength
of will. The Sun in square with Mars makes it impulsive, and also the
adverse aspects that come from cardinal signs give it a certain dose of

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energy that manifests as impulse, but there is a lack of persistence that
precise to carry out its impetuous designs. Jupiter's affliction indicates
that there is some defect in the circulation, and naturally we judge the
Saturn's presence in Aquarius as an indication of such obstruction
point, since the diseases of which the human body is heir are
They are in the weakest organ, and Saturn is usually the one that marks it. Aquarium
governs the lower organs (the legs) and the presence of Saturn at that point
shows us that obstruction of circulation manifests itself in such a region.
Furthermore, Mars has progressed to form a conjunction with Saturn in
Aquarius, and both are in the twelfth house, the house that marks the confinements.
Therefore we can judge that the person in question is afflicted by a
severe case of circulatory obstruction, and it is not surprising to find that
her legs are numb and cold, and she cannot use them
properly, with the result that she is forced to stay in bed for
such cause.
The Moon in Libra, which rules the kidneys, and its opposition to Jupiter tells us
that the renal circulation is also out of the ordinary, and the presence of so many
planets in Aries, which governs the head, is a sure indication that there are
a fight of antagonistic forces in such an organ. So, as a consequence of
the afflictions of these planets we have a case of insomnia, of extreme
nervousness, and irritability provided by Uranus. The blood circulates in great
quantity and with strong tension in the upper body and instead there is
Much shortage of this substance at the bottom.

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Because this person is many years old, it is not possible to achieve
a great change, but nevertheless some effort can be made to stimulate
the kidneys. The secretion of urine is completely contained often by the
Uranus, Mercury and Jupiter's opposition to the Moon in Libra. This leaves deposits
of poison in the system, and as long as it is not removed, this person will
oppressed by a feeling of laziness and heaviness that makes it feel as if the
body was made of lead.
Exquisite care must be exercised to calm and soften the condition of
this lady, because each fit of anger and irritability makes the elimination
It is more difficult and causes a greater amount of
poisons. A healer or doctor who has Scorpio coming out and who does not have his
Saturn in Aquarius, Pisces or Leo, would exert a beneficial influence.
Woman; was born on October 21, 1886, at 11 AM
When observing that the Moon and Mercury, which, as we have already repeated, are the
indicator planets of the mind, we see that they are squaring the one with the
another and from fixed signs, and it will become apparent to us at first glance that this patient
she is very fixed in her opinions and therefore very difficult to deal with. A person with
Leo or Aries dating, whose Saturn is not in Gemini, would probably have
the greatest success in making this lady obey his prescriptions.
Saturn, the planet of obstruction, in Cancer, the sign that governs the
stomach, indicates that digestion is very laborious and poor, and its squareness with the
Sun, Jupiter and Venus placed in the sign of Libra, which governs the kidneys,
indicates that there is difficulty in expelling waste materials by
such organs. The Sun as it is very close to the top of Scorpio, the sign
that governs the rectum, further accentuates the inconvenience of elimination, indicating
that the person is subject to constipation.
It should be noted that when the significance of the bladder condition
or urine retention is at the front or front of the Libra sign, the
difficulty will usually be found in the kidneys themselves, but if it is found in
The back of this Libra sign that will be affected will be the bladder. Of
So following this principle in our judgment, we can know that, as
whatever the Sun is at 28 degrees Libra, the condition will be more on the
bladder than in kidneys. Squaring the Moon with Mercury in Scorpio
indicates that there is a nervous condition in the rectum region. All together
signs and aspects that we have listed indicate that this person suffers from
constipation and bladder disease.
It is not all this. We see that Mars, the planet of surgeons, is in
conjunction with the star Antares. When one of the evil stars is
located near this nebulous spot of Antares, that is, in the 8 degrees of
Sagittarius, and some of the luminaries are afflicted, we will almost certainly have the
consequence of some eye disease.

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In this horoscope both the Sun and the Moon are afflicted, one by one
square with Saturn, and the other, by a square with Mercury. Thus,
We can judge that this woman will have an eye disease, and how
Mars is placed in the twelfth house, which is the house indicated by the
confinement in hospitals and similar institutions, it will become clear to us that
This poor patient is exposed to serious danger from this cause.
It is also very clear in this horoscope that Saturn in Cancer is the root
of all this ailment from obstruction of digestion, and if we could
convince the patient that a good way of living is the key to health,
It would not be too late to restore the tone of health in your body.
It will probably be very difficult to convince her of this due to her fixed attitude.
mental indicated by the square of the Moon with Mercury and in fixed signs.
A rude food diet consisting of whole wheat bread and
vegetables that have a lot of fiber would be necessary to stimulate
peristaltic action of the intestines. Asparagus and other foods that work
on the kidneys, with plenty of lettuce and spinach, vegetables that
they are full of iron, they will help to restore the system so
that over time the removal will become normal and the eyes will notice a great

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Woman; was born on December 28, 1885, at 11:55 PM
Our patient in this case is suffering from diabetes, a
disease in which food is converted to excess sugar at
needs of the body, and this product is excreted in the urine.
In this horoscope we find Jupiter in the Ascendant and in the sign of
Libra, which governs, as we already know, the kidneys, in conjunction and parallel
with Uranus, and in square with the Sun and Saturn, of whose planets the latter is
found in the sign of Cancer, which in turn governs the stomach. We also found
that the Sun is in square with the Moon in Libra, and in parallel and in opposition
with Saturn. For all these elements, it is evident to us that the stomach and
the kidneys are the weakest links in the chain of this organism, and, for
therefore, we can look for the disease in such organs.
Jupiter afflicted and in the Ascendant denotes a person who is very friendly
good food stuff, that is, a glutton. The conjunction with Uranus
tells us that this woman is not satisfied only with quantity, but that
You want your food to be superfine and overly seasoned.
Saturn, the planet of obstruction, being in Cancer, sign that governs the
stomach, digestion interferes. Therefore, the food you eat does not
can be fully assimilated, and some of it must be expelled from the
system or else it will produce some obstruction with the consequent state
of poisoning.

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Jupiter has regency over the liver, where the sugar that the
body normally needs, but this organ is painfully afflicted by
a square of Saturn and the Sun. Hence its activity is abnormal, and as
whatever Jupiter is placed on the sign of the kidneys, Libra, allows the
sugar slides out of the urine, causing the
symptoms that are diagnosed as diabetes. There is also an affliction in
throat because Neptune is in Taurus, the sign that governs the throat,
and afflicts Venus, the ruler of Taurus.
When we search for the internal cause of this disease in order to find
the opportune remedy, we notice that Saturn is elevated and afflicting the Sun and
Jupiter. This makes the person surly and irritable, prone to seeing the gloomy side of
life and notice faults in everything and in all people. Endocrine glands
they are centers of a very important spiritual activity. A Neptune afflicted in
Taurus and a Uranus afflicted in Libra, hinder the activities of the gland
thyroid and those of the adrenals.
Before a sick person like the one in question can really be
healed should experience some sort of shock or shock and brought to a
Brand new and more joyful and loving environment. A doctor with Gemini
or Aquarius coming out, whose Saturn is not in Pisces, would probably produce the
more good effect.
Woman; was born on February 24, 1863, at 9:50 PM
This lady's horoscope has the sign of Libra in the Ascendant, with
cardinal signs at all four corners, and Leo intercepted in the tenth house.
These are all signs of very strong feeling. The cardinal signs are
the favorites of the universe, because the entry of the Sun in these four signs marks the
beginning of the four seasons. People with cardinal signs in the
angles, feel more acutely, live more intensely, and as a result of
they also suffer more than the others.
The ascending sign of our patient is that of Libra, with Jupiter
"Retrograde" in the Ascendant. Jupiter is in parallel with the Sun, but as it is
"Retrograde" the strength of this planet is naturally weakened. Also
We find Jupiter in the last degrees of Libra, a Venusian sign, and Venus and
to the Sun in the Jupiterian sign of Pisces, and when these circumstances occur,
generally the person becomes obese after half life. Is
woman was of immense volume, weighing more than 200 pounds, which is
indicated by the aforementioned positions, and also by Jupiter in the
Ascendant and Mars in Taurus, sextile with Venus in Pisces. As Venus is in the
fifth house, this woman found great pleasure in good delicacies and required
large amounts of food, all of which naturally contributed to making it
very obese.
Neptune, the planet of mysteries, which represents hidden things, is
in Aries and in the sixth house, in sextile with the Moon. The sixth house governs the

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work that one executes, and the tenth the personal vocation. The Moon is the ruler
of the tenth house, and together with Neptune indicates the vocation that this lady would have
had. What she was, that is, a professional medium, is clearly indicated.
She is said to have been an excellent medium, which is indicated by the Moon in
sextile with Neptune and trill with Saturn, in all of which are included the
6th, 8th and 12th houses. Uranus for its trill with Mercury tells us that this lady
investigated the reasons for spiritualistic phenomena, and also because
Mercury is in the intellectual sign of Aquarius. Uranus is danced in the sign
Mercurial of Gemini, a sign of intellectualism, and Uranus and Mercury, so
Therefore, they are in mutual reception, which leads to a lot of sympathy
between these two planets. The meaning of “mutual reception” is that the
cited planets are in changed signs; that is, Uranus is in the sign
of Mercury, and Mercury is found in the sign of Uranus. These two planets, like
consequence of such peculiarity, they exert a great influence on the life of this
person. This lady gave classes on spiritualism and also readings
We find Venus and the Sun in Pisces and in the fifth house, the house of pleasure.
Venus is in sextile with Mars and has a weak square with Uranus. This
was clearly manifested in the life of this woman, because she made life
marital with a subject whom she presented as her husband, but who did not really
he was married to her. This man is represented by the Sun and Venus in
Pisces, and by Venus in sextile with Mars and by the weak square that forms with
Uranus. The subject in question was corpulent, with red hair and a friend to drink. He
he depended entirely on this lady for a living, and they both lived for food and

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live happily with the money she made as a medium. This kind of life
can do for some time, but the day comes when Nature is
rebellion, in which the vital organs refuse to bear for so long
effort, as it was in this case.
When progressed Venus formed the conjunction with Mars in Taurus and the
Progressed Moon was in Aquarius, forming a square with radical Mars
and with Venus progressed, the effort that this woman had put into her body
for his dissolute way of living, he found a weak place in the kidneys, because, as
we have been saying, the chain is so strong how much is the resistance of its weakest
link. Saturn is the planet that is usually presented to us like that
weakened point.
In this case we find that Saturn is in Libra and in opposition and in
parallel with Neptune. This woman requested from our Healing Department the
to be treated by our Invisible Helpers when she was suffering
seriously from diabetes. It was, of course, very difficult to make her
submitted to the diet that was prescribed, since she was used to
rich foods and also ingesting excessive amounts of them.

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The reader will remember that in our book “Rosicrucian Concept of
Cosmos ” we say that when an Ego comes into possession of their vehicles,
makes it necessary to use part of the creative force for the construction of the
brain and larynx. This last organ was originally a part of the organ
sexual. The larynx was built while the dense body was still attached
together in that form similar to a bag or sack that according to
our doctrines Rosicrucians had a day man and that we can still
observe in a phase of the shape of the human embryo. As the body
dense straightened and straightened, part of the creative organ remained with the part
upper body dense, and which ultimately became the larynx.

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To make the lesson more convincing and accurate it is
convenient to use two horoscopes. With this object we will start with the
horoscope 8A., which is that of a Man who was born on April 22, 1881, to
2 pm (PM) The common sign of Virgo is in the Ascendant and there is
common signs at all angles. In this horoscope we will show the law of
vicious circle, about which doctors are so interested and which is so
baffling, and the way this law proves the truth of the quote we've
copied from the “Rosicrucian Concept of the Cosmos”.
We have in this horoscope Saturn, the Sun and Jupiter in conjunction,
Saturn and Jupiter being in parallel with the Moon. Neptune, in turn, is in
conjunction with Venus and square with the Moon. All of these planets except
the Moon, they are in Taurus, the sign that has government over the throat.
We find the planet of the impulse, Uranus, in a "retrograde" motion in the
Ascending, in the Virgo sign and in opposition to Mars. All these planets
are in common signs and angles, and they are all powerful because of the
position they occupy in terms of houses, but are weakened in terms of
the signs in which they are placed. Uranus and Mars wish for pleasures and
for the gratification of the senses. Mars is in sextile with Venus and Neptune in
Taurus, a sign that makes us prone to lean in that lower sense,
for Taurus governs the sense of taste. Neptune and Venus in Taurus, square
with the Moon in Aquarius, it would lead to the habit of drinking and also to associations
irregular with friendly women, because the Moon is the ruler of the house of the
friends, the eleventh.
We find no planet in Scorpio, the sign that governs the organs
genitals, but Uranus afflicted by Mars gives the tendency to suffer from diseases
venereal, and so we have in this case that the result was syphilis. Thus,
we can see that Taurus, who rules the throat and larynx, here in this horoscope
expresses its influence through the opposite point of the vicious circle of signs
fixed, that is, Scorpio, ruler of the generating organs. The Moon in Aquarius,
the third point of the circle is also an influential factor in this state.
In the second case, horoscope 8B, we will use a simple figure,
because the time of birth is unknown. This horoscope corresponds to a
woman born on November 12, 1895. In this birth chart we find the
planets Mercury, Mars, Saturn, the Sun and Uranus, all in the sign of Scorpio,
which governs the genitals, with Saturn and Mars in conjunction and in
squaring with Jupiter. The Sun and Uranus are also in conjunction with each other and
in addition the Sun is in parallel with Jupiter.
This lady had her tonsils removed at puberty, whose
glands are ruled by Taurus. Due to the conjunction of Mars and Saturn as well
like that of the Sun with Uranus in the sign of Scorpio, this woman gave herself up,
unfortunately, the vicious practice of abortion, which thus weakened the
functions of the procreative organs, which made it necessary to remove
tubes of the ovaries. Here we also see the manifestation of the vicious circle of
the fixed signs, because the Taurus and Scorpio points are affected.
We can see from the comparison of these two horoscopes, how much
sympathy exists between the genitals and the throat, and that abuse of the

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function of one of them is often expressed by abnormality in functions
of the opposite organ.
Woman; was born on November 24, 1909, without knowing the time.
In this analysis we will illustrate how it is possible to diagnose correctly
an illness using a simple horoscope. However, it is impossible to
to predict the exact moment of the crisis or to judge from the will power of the
patient, because those people with a common sign in the Ascendant some
sometimes they become invalid out of all hope if the aspects
Planetary planets are also weak, while a person with fixed signs on the
angles (especially with Leo's solar vital sign rising), even when
planets are weak, often through their determination and
will power granted by fixed signs, conditions dominate
adverse. Those born in Taurus, however, although it is a fixed sign, some
Sometimes they allow fear to lead them to a chronic state of illness,
which is very difficult to counter and overcome due to the fixed and solid nature
of this sign.
In this lesson we will mainly deal with the endocrine glands or
of internal secretion, on which the scientific world has spent so much time
although so far he has been unable to reach a full understanding of

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these tiny organs. Particularly we will deal with the thyroid gland, the
which is under the rule of Mercury and in which science is very interested,
because it has been gotten to graft in the man thyroid glands of goats and of
monkeys to rejuvenate you.
In the horoscope we are dealing with we find the planet Saturn, the planet of
obstruction and crystallization and ruler of the pneumogastric nerve, in
conjunction with the Moon, which governs the uterus, ovaries, and nervous system
sympathetic. Venus, the ruling planet of the sign of Taurus, which governs the throat,
It also governs the thymus gland, the organ through which the child receives the
parental blood necessary to build his little body. This gland has a
special relationship with the development of the genital organs. At the age of
puberty the thymus gland atrophies, and then its action is continued by the
pituitary body, which is governed by Uranus, a planet that, as is known, is
the upper octave of Venus.
In this woman's horoscope we find the planets Venus and Uranus in
conjunction, square to Saturn and the Moon, and in opposition to the planet
Neptune, which has rulership over the pineal gland and planet that, at the same
time, it is the upper octave of Mercury. Men of science have observed
that the pineal gland has some connection to the mind. Dr. JS Lankford
wrote some time ago in The New York Medical Journal, that "the
pineal gland, which is at the base of the brain, is a structure
particularly glandular and partially nervous and is known to be the center of
all feeling and emotion; at the same time governs and directs all activities

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of the entire endocrine gland system and the vegetative nervous system, so
which governs all the functions of organic life. It also serves the gland
pineal as a communication center between the brain and the other organs ”.
Now when we see the planets that have rulership over the
nervous system and brain squared and in opposition what can we
to hope but that the abuse of one class or another will cause a disturbance
organic? In the case of this girl, whose tutors addressed our
Healing Center in demand for treatment, she had given herself since
several years before to a secret vice, vice of which his guardians were ignorant
until it was discovered through our diagnosis.
The venous circulation is obstructed by the conjunction of Venus with Uranus,
of which the last planet, according to our book “The Message of the
Stars ”, on whose page 288 8 , it is said that“ is responsible for the developments and
strange and abnormal growths that produce the phenomena of nature ”.
The thymus gland in this case has an abnormal development caused by the
conjunction of Venus with Uranus, which led to the formation of too much
blood for the development of the genital organs during childhood. This to your
instead caused a disturbance in the body parts governed by this gland.
We have been told by doctors, that the pineal gland (which is under
Neptune) governs and directs all endocrine glands. Max Heindel has been
unique in his assertion that Neptune is the top eighth of Mercury, planet that
it has the regency of the thyroid gland. Other astrologers have claimed that
Neptune is the top eighth of Venus, but science corroborates our
assertion that the pineal gland has rule over the mentality. The book
" Rosicrucian Concept of the Cosmos" says that this gland was originally a
organ of sensation and orientation, and that when it began to sink
hiding inside the head, the division of the
sexes and the brain and larynx developed.
Dr. Lankford further says that the large amount of sugar consumed
for humanity overdevelops and overstimulates the pineal gland. The truth of
This can be verified by our personal experience in cases where
Neptune was afflicted and especially in those where afflictions were of such
nature that the patient had to master abnormal sexual desires. These
The sick were invariably very inclined to take sugar. Sugar in
excess, as well as liquor, is a false stimulant and excites the glands of
internal secretion, which when overstimulated are the cause of
sexual degeneration.
This girl, as a consequence of many years of abuse, had
dissipated their vital fluids that were necessary to contribute to construction
from her brain and therefore at the age of eleven she fell ill with
epilepsy, which is a disease caused by an abnormality of one of the
endocrine glands. Doctors could not find the cause and saw the
need to remove the tonsils. When there is an abnormal exercise of the
sexual function or when there is no expression of abnormal desires, the throat, and
especially the tonsils and larynx, they often dilate and swell. Oh what
8 Digital edition, Upasika Library.

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unfortunate is that surgeons and doctors in all schools do not have
knowledge to make diagnoses through the divine science of
Astrology to combine it with your own theories!
In order to deal with a case like the one in question, it is necessary
first remove the cause, that is, to ensure that this poor girl
master your abnormal desires. The diet must be changed; all food
highly seasoned, seasonings, eggs and especially sugar should be
eliminated, and instead, the vegetables that contain
elements that act directly on the nervous system, such as celery,
onions, parsley, lettuce, etc. The body must be kept clean through baths
with dry to rubbing, with a lot of exercise outdoors and in the sun. It would be very
difficult to build your brain at the age of this sick woman, who is
developed very low than normal.
Youngsters who have dissipated their vital fluids between the age of seven to
age fourteen, when the creative force must be used for development
of the brain, very rarely will they be of a brilliant mind. The physical body, no
However, it can be fully developed, and if this habit is mastered before
at the age of twenty-one, there is hope that through a lifetime
methodical and good the brain can develop, reaching a mentality
Woman; was born on July 30, 1896, without knowing the time of
In this lesson we will use two horoscopes with the desire to illustrate the
way the planets signal when a disease may be the result
of having broken the laws of nature in previous lives, and the way
that the seeds that have been sown for previous sins will give their
fruits in this life.
The first horoscope is for a woman whose birth time is
unknown. It is not necessary for the diagnosis of a horoscope that has the
planets so powerfully grouped and in fixed signs.
Following our principle, we will raise this figure by putting the sign of
Aries in the Ascendant, finding that Mercury, the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and
the Dragon's Tail, they are all in the fifth sign, Leo, which represents the
pleasures that the native will enjoy. We also find Mars in Taurus, in its
"Detriment", the sign in which this planet of dynamic energy presents its
more pernicious trends. This planet is afflicted by opposition from the
licentious Uranus and the obstructive Saturn. These recently named planets
are in conjunction and in the fixed sign of Scorpio, and the three evil planets,
Mars, Uranus and Saturn are also in square with the planets that
contains the sign of Leo.
Here we find a serious debt of fate. In the Rosicrucian teachings
we are told that we in this life lay the foundation upon which

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we will build the structure of future lives. This woman in her previous life
developed a powerful desire nature, which in this incarnation was
very difficult to keep in control. Venus in conjunction with the Sun and Jupiter and in
square with Uranus, and Saturn in the sign of Scorpio, as well as Mars, the
planet that has rulership over desires, squared with Venus and Jupiter,
all of them lead to clandestine relationships and to free love, with the
as a result of which this poor woman has contracted this horrible disease
called gonorrhea, which has been caused by tuberculosis of the pelvic bones and
of the hip.
Now the planets impel but do not compel. This woman for her life
previous has now attracted such planetary afflictions, but was not compelled
to respond to such weakness, because we see that the Moon is fine
aspectated, forming a sextile with Neptune and a trill with Jupiter and Venus.
Neptune is also in sextile with Venus and Jupiter. If this woman had
exercised his will and followed the desire to live righteously, which naturally
she must have felt from time to time, she could have transmuted this apparent evil
in good. But the path of sensual pleasure presented itself so wide and
attractive, as well as the regenerative path and upwards means resignation,
self-denial and submission!

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Male; was born on August 13, 1920, at 1:18 AM
The second horoscope in this lesson is that of a young boy born
with the horrible disease that afflicted the woman pointed out in the previous horoscope
number 8D. The body of this unfortunate child at birth was covered in
sores, and in the first part of November of the year of birth this
poor soul passed into the beyond amid great suffering.
In view of such a horrifying thing we must draw the attention of the
humanity today who does not understand or believe in rebirth or the law of
Consequently, since this last case could incline men to disturb the
faith they have in God, who may appear cruel and unjust to their eyes
for having tolerated such suffering falling on an innocent child.
But when the occultist who has Astrology knowledge looks for a
In response to this apparent injustice, he sees Uranus in Pisces, the sign of the
twelfth house, that of ruin and. own mistakes, near the Midheaven and
as opposed to Saturn, which is in the fourth house. These two planets
represent parents and point out that this soul has sinned in their previous lives
in such a way that she has been attracted to parents who were afflicted and
afflicted with the previous disease. We also find Mars in the sign of
Scorpio, in square with Neptune, the Sun and the Moon, which are in the
fixed sign Leo, the natural sign of the fifth house, which represents pleasures. Is
soul passed into the afterlife in her previous life in a manner similar to that of a woman

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that we saw in the previous horoscope. Parents are only a mere instrument, the
simple natural and essential intermediary agency, through which the
Egos receive the lessons they need to learn.
It is wonderful the strange way in which the threads of a life cross
with those of the other, knotting and weaving with the threads of the lives of others
people whom we have insulted and who should serve as means and
instruments for us to learn our lessons! We can apply here
our favorite aphorism: “God's mills grind slowly, but they do
excessively small ”.
Male; was born on April 5, 1896, at 4 AM
Pisces, a negative and aquatic sign, is found in the Ascendant, and the ruler,
Jupiter is in another aqueous sign, Cancer, and, in degrees 29:18. The planets
that are in the last degrees of a sign are not as strong and active as
when they are less advanced in the same sign. They act in a way
similar to that of a ball thrown with force; which at the time that
reaches its destination it has lost its speed to some degree, and the higher the
Distance traveled less is the force with which you reach your goal. In the same way,
we see that the planets located in the last three degrees of a sign participate
partially from the sign they are in and also from the one that follows, which
gives a mixed vibration, for which reason they express the nature of the two
In this horoscope Jupiter is in the fifth house, the house of pleasures, and in
trill with Mercury, the planet of reason, which in turn is in the sign
impulsive and martial Aries. The Moon, ruler of the fifth house, is in the
eleventh house, which is the one that governs friends, in the sign of their “fall”,
Capricorn, and in sextile with the planet of love and pleasures, Venus. When
the last of the named planets is in the Ascendant, the native is very
prone to go wild on the path of love and adventure
pleasurable, the path of the sensual senses. This man is influenced
easily by the attentions and flattery directed by the opposite sex. In this
case, the Moon, a feminine planet, in the friends' house, indicates that the
This man's female friendships will exert the most powerful influence on his
lifetime. Venus, another female planet, in the Ascendant, afflicted by a square
of Neptune, the co-ruler of the Ascendant and the upper octave of Mercury,
located in the mercurial sign of Gemini, in the fourth house, it indicates that her friends
they will make you like the senses and can destroy your love for the home, because
Venus is also on trill with the restless and romantic Uranus and the materialist
Saturn. These last two planets are "retrograde" and in the Martian sign of
Scorpio, which governs sex. Mars, the planet of passion, is in the
fixed sign of Aquarius, in the dozava house, the house of misadventures, and in the
square aspect with Uranus and Saturn. Saturn and Mars are in

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mutual reception strengthening as a consequence the good and evil of
these planets.
What does it all mean? It happens that weakness and love for
This poor man's women have attracted him to licentious companions and friends.
of free love, with the result that he has contracted a venereal disease that
has poisoned his blood. Now with Venus, the planet that rules the
venous circulation, in the Ascendant and afflicted by the aqueous planet Neptune, in
the sign of the lungs, Gemini, will be the result of a consumption
In February 1919, the progressed Moon reached the conjunction with the
Radical Saturn, which caused the disease of the lungs. In July, five
months later, when this man requested treatment from the Center for his
healing, he was already in a very advanced state of galloping consumption. In the month
the following August, the Moon squared with the inflammatory Mars, which
He caused this patient to bleed.
Here we can see the influence of the planets, their causes and effects. The
relatives of this patient did not understand how he could have contracted the
lung disease that acted so quickly and was so destructive. With
the distress coming from the aqueous signs, the terrain was fine
prepared for the seeds sown to bear fruit by
dissipation and its madness and unpredictability.
A case of this kind is very difficult to cure, because with the negative Pisces
in the Ascendant, and Saturn and Uranus, planets that indicate impulsiveness and even

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stubbornness, in conjunction with the sign of Scorpio and square with Mars,
all of them in fixed signs, it is very difficult to take this person to safe means
and convenient. We also have that the two luminaries are afflicted, the Moon
in the Saturnian sign of Capricorn, which indicates determination and stubbornness, in
squaring with the Sun, which is in the impulsive sign of Mars, hence
this man could not listen to advice or reason; he would like without
be aware of any kind of caution or warning.
A life outdoors, with a proper diet and in the middle of an environment
pure, it could be the only possible cure, and if he listened to the reasons and adopted
our referred tips could be to get well.
Male; was born on October 6, 1895.
Leo is in the Ascendant in this horoscope, and Jupiter is placed
precisely on the cusp of the first house, forming an aspect of
squaring Saturn and Mercury in the sign of Scorpio. The Moon in Taurus, his
sign of exaltation, is in the tenth house and in opposition to Uranus, which is
also located in his sign of exaltation, Scorpio, sign that governs the organs
genitals. The moon situated so powerfully will have the greatest influence on the
life and health of the person concerned. However you are in opposition to
The licentious Uranus will make this man very free and unconventional in character.
his love affairs, and besides, he will also be attracted to women of a very
depraved. With its afflicted Jupiter, which governs arterial blood, and with
Neptune in Gemini in the eleventh house, the house of friends, in square
With Venus, which in turn governs venous blood, this young fellow is prone to
fall into associations and befriend undesirable women. Indeed, the
such friendships caused this native to contract a severe case of
syphilis that poisoned his blood.
In the year 1914 we see the Sun progressed in the first degree of Scorpio, and
the Moon progressed into the sign of Aquarius, forming an opposition with the
Ascendant and the radical Jupiter in Leo. It's also getting closer to the aspect of
squaring the radicals of Saturn, Mercury and Uranus in the sign of
Scorpion. In this same year two new moons afflicted the last three
planets. One o'clock on January 26 fell in the five degrees of Aquarius, in
opposition with Jupiter and square with Saturn and Mercury. On April 25 the
another new moon fell in the four degrees of Taurus, square with Jupiter and
as opposed to Saturn and Mercury. This was the time when he contracted the
venereal disease.
In 1918 the Sun by progression formed a square with Jupiter
radical in Leo, and in 1919 he formed a conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio. In
this past year, however, the progressed Moon formed a trill with the
Ascendant, and on May 29 of that year 1919, an eclipse of the Sun occurred in the
seven degrees of Gemini, being then forming a sextile with the Ascendant.

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These vibrations undoubtedly saved this person's life during the
adverse aspects of the progressed Sun.
In 1921 the progressed Sun reached a conjunction with Mercury
radical. On April 22 the eclipse of the new moon fell in two degrees of
Scorpio, in opposition to the Sun by transit and Venus. At the same time
Mars by transit was within the orbit of a conjunction with the Moon
radical and in opposition to Uranus. In the spring of that year this man
underwent surgery for an abscess below the diaphragm, which was then
if opened, it was suppurating for a long time, requiring the use of a
drainage tube. The doctors assumed that the pus came from the lungs,
but the patient denied that he had had any discomfort in such organs. Without
However, the horoscope points out that the doctors' diagnosis was correct,
because Neptune in Gemini, who rules the lungs, afflicted by a square of
Venus from the common and terrestrial sign of Virgo, obstructed the influx of the
venous blood to the lungs, preventing this substance of life from being the
sufficiently oxygenated. With the bloodstream corrupted by the hideous
syphilitic disease and both arterial blood (ruled by Jupiter) and
venous blood (ruled by Venus), clogged, the weakest organs, the
lungs, naturally received the poisons generated in the blood.
After the patient had recovered somewhat from the
operation suffered returned to his home. On April 25 (which was three days later
of the total eclipse of the Moon in Scorpio), he had to return to the hospital with a
crisis that at first was classified as a case of mumps or parotid. The

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throat, jaw, and larynx were highly inflamed. This state is
later diagnosed by some doctors as actinomycosis, a
chronic infectious disease of livestock, which is sometimes transmitted to the
name, but there were differences of opinion among the doctors who examined him,
some of them affirming that such disease was a cancer.
Since the Moon is the most seriously afflicted planet in the figure
naturally, when by progression in 1922 this planet reached the
opposition with the radical place of Saturn and Mercury, and a square with Jupiter
In the tenth house and in the sign of Taurus, the disease reached a state where
the body could not get rid of the poisons that had been stored in
him for eight years. There were two new moons in the aforementioned year of 1922, which
they contributed to the crisis. On January 27 the new moon
fell in Aquarius, in the seven degrees and eighteen minutes, in opposition to the
Jupiter radical and square to the radical of Saturn and Mercury. The other moon
new occurred on April 27 and in the six degrees and nine minutes of Taurus, in
squaring with Jupiter and in opposition with Saturn and Mercury. All these
Afflictions acted or reacted on the signs of Taurus and Scorpio. The
tonsils, larynx and throat received, of course, much of that
pus generated in the body, thereby forcibly causing death.
If this man had lived a life devoid of strong food
after he contracted the disease, as well as tobacco, meat,
liquor, etc., perhaps he could have defeated her and perhaps managed to live
several more years, but the poisons that were mainly housed in the
lungs were increased by the other impurities which, due to ignorance in the
In the case of diet, they originated and added to what exists.
Woman; was born on July 29, 1881, at 6 PM
Capricorn, the Saturnian sign of radical quadruplicity, is found in the
Ascendant, and the ruler, Saturn, is in the fourth house, which is the one indicated by the
home, and in the determined, stubborn and persistent sign of Taurus, forming a
square with the giver of life, the Sun, and in the fixed sign of Leo, which governs the
heart. This gives a tendency to the obstruction of vital forces, and indeed,
vitality is low, lazy heart action, especially since
we have Jupiter, the planet that governs the arterial circulation, afflicted by the
conjunction that forms with the igneous planet Mars. This is a latent condition that
will give the native a lot of discomfort after he has reached the period of the
menopause, that is when the rules stop. The restricted action of your heart
it will then be much more troublesome than before such a time.
When this woman requested from our Healing Center the means to be
treated in the early days of the year 1914, the progressed Moon had
attained the aspect of opposition with the afflicted planets in the fourth house and in
the sign of Taurus. The doctor who had treated her like she had a cold
stomach and nervousness failed to provide an improvement. On the other hand,

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this lady was very skeptical and had no faith in spiritual healing,
but some friends who had been healed by the Invisible Helpers
They persuaded him to write to us to find out our diagnosis. She does not
requested his cure by our procedures but wanted to know
only what was the cause of his physical illness,
stating that the doctor could not understand the cause of poverty
general health. In our diagnosis we told her that her development had not
been normal because with the obstructive Saturn in conjunction with Neptune in the
throat sign, was shown to have suffered some indisposition in the
puberty, as well as withheld menses, adenoids, and inflammation
of the tonsils. This produced a reflex action on the opposite sign, Scorpio,
which governs the genital organs, indicating that these organs never
they became fully developed. Neptune has this tendency when
is afflicted, especially in the sign of Taurus or Scorpio and in conjunction or
as opposed to Saturn. In these cases the genital organs are left without
acquire its full development and deliveries are very severe and painful. This woman
She has had four children and in each delivery she despaired of saving her life, with the
consequent result of a uterine indisposition.
A tendency to catarrh of the small intestine is also indicated, since
we see that the Moon, ruler of the Cancer sign, which governs the stomach, is placed
in the sign of Virgo, which governs the small intestine, and in conjunction with the
spasmodic Uranus, indicating that there was a spasmodic action of the
intestines and that the food was not properly assimilated. This aspect interferes
also with the digestion of food in the stomach, since the Moon is

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ruler of such an organ, which is aggravated by a square of the Moon with
Uranus in conjunction with the ruler of the seventh house, the Moon, indicates
disharmony in marriage. The husband, as indicated by this aspect, is
very nervous and irritable in nature and a friend of drinking, as indicated
by Venus squaring the Moon. A separation is also shown.
This lady informed us that, indeed, she had had displeasures with her
husband, who had suddenly abandoned her, adding that she saw herself
forced to find ways to care for her four children. A person with
Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter and Mars in Taurus, afflicting each other, have the
tendency to be very critical and severe at home, but at the same time it is
very frugal and hard working nature, not forgiving a minute of
rest, or avoiding his obligations, but, on the contrary, works
always more than her physical strength allows.
Due to such reasons this lady has been made a real ruin
physically speaking, because of his nervousness and his general weakness, suffering,
in addition, of a severe uterine affection and catarrh of the stomach and intestines,
going to the extreme of not being able to work for a day in a row. However, at
After two months of being treated by our bands of Invisible Helpers
improved in such a way that he was able to achieve a placement and became a
happy and healthy woman.
We recommend a rational and careful diet, eliminating all
liquids in meals, as a person with planetary conditions
She likes to drink a lot during meals. This is to
often dangerous for one who assimilates very poorly their diet, and
when there is a shortage of digestive fluids in the stomach and intestines.
Woman; was born on June 3, 1884, at 9 PM
It is evident in view of this birth figure that this woman is of a
very nervous and restless temperament, because Mercury, the planet that governs the
mind and nerves, is in conjunction with its superior octave, Neptune,
which produces that this lady is of a very impressionable nervous complexion or
sensitive. Then we see Saturn, the planet of obstruction, in conjunction
with the giver of life, the Sun, in the mercurial sign of Gemini. This decreases the
vital currents of solar force that nourish the nerves, so that instead of
assimilate a large amount of such solar energy as is necessary for a
very impressionable and sensitive person, receives less than the normal amount, and, for
therefore, she is very delicate and depressed. Add to this that Mars, the planet of
passion is square with Mercury, the planet of the mind, which makes
that his humor is very irritable, and that the Moon, ruler of the imaginative mind,
is square to Venus, the planet of love, and it will be understood that the
person in question is very unhappy and is always suffering from
impatience due to her illness and the environment around her. His indisposition

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It is due to the effects after their deliveries. The astrological figure offers us
a good description of the case. Mercury is in conjunction with Neptune in the
fifth house, which governs the children, indicating an abnormal state. The planet of
the births, the Moon, are in mutual reception and square with Venus. Mars in
the eighth house, which indicates the form of death, is square with
Mercury in the fifth house, which we just said governs the children, and
points out the use of instruments, blood loss, and a great shock
on the nervous system on the occasion of childbirth. She must have been very
near the death gate at such a time. But at the same time that Saturn in
conjunction with the Sun absorbs and undermines vital forces, also imparts and lends
great tenacity towards life. Such people, unfortunately for them, do not
they die quickly; they are in prolonged agony and almost burden themselves
unbearable for the people around them and for themselves. No one
make it more worthy of pity and pity. But the long years of indicated disability
by Saturn in conjunction with the Sun in the sixth house, they must, necessarily,
compensate your soul with some quality which is lacking and which has
refused to cultivate in another easier way, otherwise our Father in
the Heavens would never have taken such an extensive means to teach him the
needed lesson.
From the point of view of the doctor or curator, a case with Saturn and the Sun
in conjunction in the sixth house, he is almost, or perhaps completely, desperate,
especially if there is a fixed sign on the cusp, because the patient will be
antagonistic, skeptical and recalcitrant to such an extent, that it will do more than neutralize

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all the efforts made by the doctor to help nature restore
harmony. The main work should be directed to cultivate in this patient a
adequate understanding of the spiritual cause of their state. If you can
convince him to pray and ask God for the light necessary to see the lesson and to
give you a chance to correct your mistake, whether it's from this life or from a
Lastly, the change in your mental attitude will also cause a change in your
physical state, with which it will be achieved, either the cure, or the death more than
In the meantime, a patient like this must be provided by a class
of food containing the ether necessary to nourish the nerves. Milk, lukewarm and
fresh from the cow, it contains this substance abundantly, and also the
raw vegetables. Under the compatibility law a doctor who has Aries or Leo
going out, and whose Saturn is not in Gemini, will be the most successful
with this person.
Woman; was born on February 7, 1866, at 3:30 AM
Sagittarius is the sign found on the Ascendant in this horoscope. In
page 75 9 of "The Message of the Stars" this sign is said to produce
two distinct classes, the lofty and lofty fellow who directs and points his bow at the
stars, and the guy who responds to animal instincts and has great indulgence
with his bestial wishes. The last guy thinks nothing about the future, just like
that a child will have fun until satisfied, living the day completely, without
reserve anything for the days of skinny cows. Give one of these people a
million dollars already in spite of it will become a destitute. Its worst
enemies will be their own appetites.
In the horoscope we are considering we find that the ruler,
Jupiter is in the sign of his fall, Capricorn, and in the first house. Jupiter
it is also in conjunction with the igneous Mars, in its sign of exaltation
Capricorn. This gives Mars more force for evil than it otherwise would. The
planets have a reflex action and often affect the opposite signs to
them, as it is in this case in which the sign of Cancer receives the effects of
Mars in conjunction with Jupiter. These planets denote great volume, and when
affect the sign of Cancer, the person is prone to make a god of his
stomach, and your diet should be the best, the richest, and seasoned
The ruler of Cancer, the Moon, is afflicted in the fixed sign of Scorpio, the
which governs the genitals, by a conjunction of Saturn and a square
of Venus and the Sun. The Moon is the planet of fertilization, of fertilization, and
when found in the sign of Scorpio in a woman's horoscope, it is
an indication that you may have multiple children. But when the planet of the
obstruction, Saturn, is also in the same sign and afflicted, the organs
genitals are sometimes smaller than normal, as is the case with
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This lady. During the birth of her first and only child, she spent three days
I give birth, suffering greatly. This pain left her with a great fear of having children, what
which led her to take recourse to abortion, the most dangerous and vicious of all
practices. Because the Moon is in Scorpio this woman conceived very
frequently, and the great fear she felt for childbirth, as we have said, the
induced to use means to destroy the fetus. By this act, in the sight of God,
became a criminal. Continued abuse has lately become a
very dangerous case of blood poisoning, which destroyed his health and
became an invalid person.
Due to the rich food that she had eaten during her years of life, her
system was overloaded with poisons, and since Venus, which has
the regency of venous blood, and Jupiter, which has that of arterial blood, are
both afflicted, all impurities were attracted to that part of the body in
where these two planets were placed, that is, in Capricorn and Aquarius.
Slowness or laziness is always noticed in those corresponding body parts
to the signs in which Venus and Jupiter are afflicted, because at such points it is
where ashes are generally deposited.
This lady was unable to walk for five years before her
death, which occurred in February 1920. We have not been able
determine the exact day of your death. However, we will say that the Moon
progressed in the month of February it was forming a square with the
Radical Venus. However, the progressed aspects alone cannot
cause death, and we must look for the cause in those planets
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exciting: transits. The full moon on February 4 fell at 14 degrees and
16 minutes of Leo, in opposition to the radicals of Venus and the Sun, and in
squaring the radicals of Saturn and the Moon, believing that these
aspects were the causes of the death of this woman.
How wonderful accuracy can be achieved by means of the planets
to make a diagnosis! Every time this sick woman went through a severe
illness crisis, which happened frequently, his relatives indicated
it was due to a case of peritonitis. However, we do not find
no affliction on the small intestine, but very severe afflictions on the

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Woman; was born on June 21, 1899, at 5:30 in the morning; A.M
This horoscope is the birth figure of a young girl, the daughter of wealthy parents, like
indicates the Sun, which is the ruler of the second house, and is triune with
Jupiter. First we will analyze the mental caliber, since it is the
main consideration in each and every one of the causes of the disease.
The Sun is in the twelfth house, which indicates that the spirit is
finds himself imprisoned in one way or another. It is also in conjunction with
the Dragon's Tail, whose element is of Saturnian influence and tends to establish
further obstruction. All these circumstances rob the lives of their
joys and jovialities and fill the soul with melancholy and fear, with forecasts
sad and gloomy and thoughts of impending and inevitable evils. Mars in
squaring with the Moon, which is the ruler of life, indicates that there is a
rebellion against this state of mind. The square of Mars with Venus, without
However, it increases and adds to the tendencies that subtract the life of its
satisfactions. The trill of the Sun with Jupiter and the sextile of Mars with the Sun, Mercury
and Jupiter are influences that mitigate such melancholy, which gives some light and
life to the existence of this poor soul. The amenities that could
provide due to the wealth of their parents, as these aspects point out,
contributed to making his life a little more bearable than it would have been in
opposite case.
Regarding the physical health of this person, we find first of all
Cancer, a weak sign, in the Ascendant. There are four planets that are
grouped in the twelfth house, which in this case denotes confinement in
the bed of pain. Saturn in the sixth house, which is related to health, is a
sufficient indication that this will be a life of suffering. Saturn the
main indication in this regard, indicates that diseases will be placed
very deeply and they will be chronic. The Moon, which is the peculiar index of the
health in a woman's horoscope is within the six degree radius of the
cusp of the sixth house, whose testimony reinforces all of the above. Mars in
squaring the Moon near the sixth house, subject the native to probability
of undergoing operations. The Sun in conjunction with Saturnina Dragon's Tail in the
Casa Dozava will make those operations excessively dangerous, because the
sick woman does not have the vitality to resist them or to recover from
they. In addition, the Sun in 1914 had progressed to the orbit of
a parallel with the Saturn point at birth. In this way the native had in

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that moment less vitality than he had enjoyed in previous years.
Since the Moon came to form an opposition to Saturn in the house
sixth in the month of October 1913, we can very well conceive that the situation
this patient became critical at such times.
Mars governs the muscles and motor segment of the spinal cord, and this
planet is here square to the Moon, which governs the nervous system
sympathetic, and also square with Uranus, whose appearance causes
jerky movements. So it is evident that the nerves are
affected and that this young woman does not have very reliable control of her legs.
Neptune rules the spinal canal, and is in opposition to Saturn, the planet of
obstruction. This configuration occurs in the Gemini and Sagittarius signs,
and in the sixth and twelfth houses. It is therefore evident that there is some
spinal abnormality: an obstruction, as denoted by Saturn.
The obstruction will be found in the region indicated by the conjunction of
Neptune, the Sun, and the Dragon's Tail in 24 to 29 degrees Gemini, this
is, the dorsal region. The doctors were not able to diagnose this case, and
sad to say, it is incurable by all physical means. There is only one
method, that is, dilation of the spinal canal by means of repeated
manipulations from within carried out with the materialized fingers of
Invisible Helpers.
Every time this sick woman did not ask us for her cure, we have the
disgust at not being able to lay our hands on it, but if this were
submitted to us, we would advise a practitioner with Scorpio coming out and

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his Saturn was neither in Cancer nor in Sagittarius, at the same time that this
doctor or healing agent was placed under the direction of the Elder Brothers,
who would then do the rest.
Male; was born on February 1, 1918, at 12: 3 0 AM
Here we have a boy's horoscope that has fixed signs on all
the four angles and the Martian sign of Scorpio in the Ascendant. Our
first thought when looking at a horoscope in order to diagnose the
disease, is to see if there is will power, so that the patient can
contribute with the doctor to his healing, because if he has persistence to fight for
his life, if he follows the instructions that the doctor tells him, then this
you have some cooperation and the task is easier. However, this work
it is doubly heavy in the case of a patient with Saturn
elevated in the tenth house, in conjunction with the Midheaven, square with the
Ascendant, and in this the stubborn and stubborn sign of Scorpio. The effect of
a cure operated against the stubborn will of a patient who gathers such
circumstances can certainly be classified in the category of miracles.
As an invariable rule we seek to find out the evil planet
more powerful when we diagnose by horoscope. In this we find the
obstructive and restrictive Saturn in conjunction with the Midheaven, and also in

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conjunction and in parallel with Neptune and in opposition with the giver of life, the
Sun. Saturn is in the sign of the Sun, Leo, and the Sun is in the sign of Saturn,
Aquarium. When the planets are in mutual reception, that is, they have
exchanged signs, as we see Saturn and the Sun in this horoscope, and
especially they are in angles and in fixed signs, then we can fear that the
The disease is very deeply situated and persistent in nature.
We are told on pages 285 and 313 10 of "The Message of the Stars"
that Neptune governs the spinal canal and that Leo in turn governs the spinal cord or
core, respectively.
In this horoscope, we see that the ten degrees of Leo occupy the peak of
the tenth house and the Sun that is in opposition to Neptune, Saturn and the
Midheaven. Can we find a heavier affliction than this,
especially with Leo who rules the spine and Neptune the canal
spinal, the latter being filled with the spirit of spinal fire (the liquid
cerebrospinal of Medicine), the life of the Father?
When we find this fire spirit obstructed by Saturn and the Sun,
we can agree that this affliction is the result of serious mistakes made
in previous lives. The waste of vital fluids, the abuse of the faculty
procreative, is a sin committed against the Holy Spirit, and carries over
Ego the most severe punishment, as is the case with this boy who was attracted
towards parents who were suitable instruments to give him a body
that would compel the spirit to suffer for its past sins. And what a future
most miserable and pitiful awaits you!
This unfortunate boy has never spoken or walked, he also
He must feed him, and he has no positive control over his body.
Now, is there any hope for this boy? Yeah right
point. The planet of reason, Mercury, however, has no aspect, for
whose reason we can't expect much help from this section of the horoscope.
But Mars, which is the ruler of the Ascendant, and of the sixth house, whose
factors govern health, it is the most powerful and best-looking planet in all the
horoscope. Mars is in Libra and in the eleventh house, in conjunction with the Moon,
and trill with Jupiter, and we can also say that Mars is in sextile with
Saturn, although apparently out of orbit, because Saturn is "retrograde"
and therefore, sending its influence to Mars. We can also expect that
Mars receives some benefit from the Sun, because, as we know, the orbit of influence
of the giver of life is greater than that of the other planets.
When a patient has fixed signs at all four angles and a good Mars
Aspected, he will make a greater effort to overcome his ailments than one who does not
have these influences.
This boy should be placed in the care of a nurse who has
Scorpio or Aries in the Ascendant, and away from their parents, because the home, under the
father's rule, it is not suitable place for this young man. With such change and care
and due treatment it could be that he achieved at least a partial control of his
body and get to walk and feed on its own; but anyway never
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he would have a lucid mind and to some extent he will always be a burden to
His parents.
Woman; was born on March 17, 1889, at 7:04 AM
The fire and Martian sign of Aries is found in the Ascendant, with Mars,
the ruler of the horoscope, in his own sign and in the first house, which lends
great energy and momentum. Mars is also in opposition to the erratic Uranus,
which will make this woman unable to use moderation in anything, but will be
like a rocket which rises into the air with great force, but as soon as
It has lost the initial energy falls to the earth off and lifeless. With the giver of the
life, the Sun, the ruler of the sixth house, representing diseases, in the
negative and aqueous sign of Pisces, and placed in the twelfth house, in opposition to
the aqueous Moon, which is in the house of the disease and in the common sign and
terrestrial Virgo, this woman does not have enough vitality to resist the urge
of the double influence of fire that we see in the Ascendant, and soon it is seen
exhausted in its robustness and strength.
Mercury is in sextile with Mars acting from the fixed and mental sign of
Aquarium. This makes the native very active and mentally fast, but in
anything that this lady takes interest she does with such force that her system

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nervous suffers. This is increased because Mercury squared with its eighth
Superior, Neptune, is placed in Taurus.
The Sun afflicted and intercepted in the twelfth house in the sign Pisces, we
would indicate a restricted and very unhappy life in early or tender childhood, and as
the Moon, ruler of the fourth house, the mother's home, is afflicted, it
would indicate that much of this restriction would be caused by this influence. I know
He has told us in the Rosicrucian teachings that we build in this
life the archetype of the body that we will inhabit in the Future life, and that we are
attracted to parents who are, physically, mentally and morally, better
prepared to equip ourselves with the body that meets the conditions required by
that archetype.
In this case this young girl was taken to a mother who was selfish and
neurasthenic, because the afflicted Moon in Virgo and in the sixth house would represent the
mother. The Moon also afflicts the small intestine, causing assimilation
of very poor food, which decreases vitality. We also find
Saturn, the ruler of the tenth house, representing the father, squared with
Venus in her own Taurus sign, which rules the throat and palate, which
indicates that the father was a friend of the wine; indeed, he was a drunk.
This would corroborate the indications, indicated by the afflicted Sun above the
Ascending, from an unpleasant life with many deprivations in childhood.
Now let's see how the afflictions between Saturn and Venus would affect the
Health. Since Leo is the sign that governs the heart and spinal cord, Saturn
(the obstructor), when placed in this sign, in square with Venus, the
which governs venous blood, causes circulation to be restricted. I know
says in "The Message of the Stars", page 278 11 , that Saturn in Leo gives the
tendency to curvature and spine disease.
The physical body is the crystallized counterpart of its finest vehicles and
subtle. The vital body is what keeps the physical atoms together and coupled.
This vital body, which is ruled by the Sun, surrounds and interpenetrates the body
physical. If the Sun is afflicted in a person's horoscope, the vital fluid remains
obstructed and the vital body becomes ill, since this invisible force gains the
entry into the body through the spleen, which is also governed by the Sun.
Therefore, we can easily see that the vital fluids were
clogged from childhood.
The case of this young woman was diagnosed by doctors as
tuberculosis of the spine or spinal column; Pott's disease. In the months
December 1918 and January 1919, he had severe attacks of inflammation of
the spine, undergoing several very painful operations on this organ.
It will be very difficult to cure this patient due to her great impulsiveness and the
waste of your vitality. With the Sun and Moon afflicted in the sixth and
twelfth, she will dissipate her strength and will rebel against the restrictions that are
She has Venus in the first house, in the sign of Taurus, trill with
Jupiter, which is at the apex of the Midheaven. This, with Neptune in Taurus,
sextile with the Sun, would give her great musical ability and the ability to compose and
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to improvise music. The disorganization of his physical body and suffering
consequently they will soften their nature and bow to the spiritual side of life.
Neptune is trilling with the Moon, and as a result of this aspect this
girl can develop her musical talent of inspired and spiritual character,
which could provide a great soul development. This soul will get in
this life of suffering a spiritual progress greater than what could be achieved
in three ordinary lives of perfect health.
Male; was born on January 18, 1919, at noon.
In this lesson we will try to demonstrate the reason why doctors,
who can observe only the physical and external signs and who
they depend for their diagnoses only on the symptoms, they can be wrong
in the diagnosis, and at the same time how the science of astrodiagnosis tests the
functional weakness even from birth: "A chain is so tough
as is its weakest link ”, is a proverbial expression, and so precisely
it happens with the physical body. We can go many years without alteration
some, apparently enjoying good health, when suddenly we feel
some alarming symptoms in our body; one link begins to weaken; he
effort that we have subjected to our physical body causes
manifest through that weak spot.

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This horoscope is that of a boy with the fixed sign of Taurus on the
Ascendant, and with the Sun in Capricorn, on the cusp of the Midheaven. The donor
of life, the Sun, however, does not form any aspect, except the conjunction
that it has with the Midheaven, therefore, the boy this cannot have
high hopes for the benefit that this planet can give you. We find
Uranus in his own Aquarius sign, "raised" in the eleventh house, in
conjunction and in parallel with the dynamic Mars, and in opposition and in parallel with the
obstructive Saturn, which is found in the fixed sign of Leo and in the fifth house.
We also have the Moon in the same sign, in conjunction with Saturn and in
opposition with Mars and Uranus.
We read in "The Message of the Stars", page 278 12 , that Saturn
afflicted in Leo gives a tendency to suffer from spinal diseases and sclerosis
of the spinal cord. The Moon has rulership over the synovial fluid, and with the
affliction it has with Saturn, which has government over the bone structure and
the ligaments, and with the Moon and Saturn, both in the sign of Leo, a sign that
has rulership over the spine, we can predict that the seat of
the ailment will be in this last region. Saturn dries up and causes atrophy; for the
Therefore, we can diagnose this case as a lack of synovial fluid for
lubricate the vertebrae of the spine, and also a loss of strength in the
ligaments that connect the bones of the spine.
The result is that this child is healthy and well-formed.
and apparently of a moderate constitution, still and everything could not with the weight
of his legs, dragging them whenever the babysitter tried to teach him to
walk. This affliction, which comes from fixed signs, will be very difficult to beat
unless a miracle is operated by means of a spiritual healing, although for
a patient manipulation with olive oil on the spinal region and a diet
very strict and select vegetarian, some help could be given to this child until
certain point.
Male; was born on December 13, 1868.
This horoscope leads us to a very different diagnosis. Because the
time of birth is unknown we employ a simple figure.
In this case we find the Moon in conjunction with the obstructive Saturn,
but in the sign of Sagittarius, which rules the hips. Saturn is in conjunction and
in parallel with Mercury and in square with Mars.
In 1914, after a typhoid disease, this man
could not walk, needing to do it on crutches, and without being able to
stand upright without bending over. Doctors believed that this weakness
was in the spinal cord, but the astrological diagnosis tells us that it is a
case of complete dryness of the synovial fluid of the hip joints.
When the weight of the body falls on the pelvic region by standing, by
incline or descend, or by any strained position, the bones of the
12 Digital edition, Upasika Library.

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pelvis tilt out of place and thereby press on the sciatic nerve, the
which controls the sacral plexus and legs. A pressure on this nerve can
cause what is called paralysis of the lower limbs.
However, such a case is curable. A slight reset made
by an osteopathic doctor or a “chiropractor”, you can remove the pressure on the
sciatic nerve.
Here we can see how vast a difference there is between astrodiagnosis and
medical diagnosis. Therapist who knows the influence of planets and their effect
on the physical body, you can see a big difference in the cases that on the other
Some may appear to have the same physical or external symptoms. It is also a
Often very effective and very favorable to have knowledge of the fit of the body.

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Male; was born on March 6, 1831, at 4 PM
This is the horoscope for a man with the fixed and fiery sign of Leo on the
Ascending, and with the cause of the obstructions, Saturn, in Leo and in the
first house. Whenever Saturn is placed at an angle, a fixed sign, or
near the Ascendant, its influence is much more destructive than the others
cases, especially when this fixed sign is Leo, which governs the heart. In that
In case we fear that the person is lacking in vitality.
This is the case with this man, since we find Saturn in square
with the dynamic Mars, and Mars is in its “fall”, and near the top of the
tenth house, where its destructive influence may result in the greatest of
damage, particularly as we find these two powerful and grieving

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planets in Leo and Taurus, two of the most powerful signs in the horoscope.
These planets are of opposite natures: Saturn is cold and wet, while
that Mars is fiery and dry. Therefore, we can predict that the
The result of all this will be suffering for the body.
The Sun, the ruler of the Ascendant, is located in the eighth house, in the
negative sign of Pisces and square with the Moon. Here we also have a
indication of lack of vitality and energy depletion.
Now let's see how these afflictions work. The tenth house indicates the
father, and Mars afflicted by a square with Mercury and Saturn, and placed in
Taurus, near the apex of the Midheaven, would indicate the death of the father by
accident. At the age of twelve, when the Moon passed the Midheaven and the
conjunction of Mars, the father died falling from a tree, leaving the mother with
three small children without money. This forced the eldest of the sons, whose horoscope
is the one we are analyzing, giving your contest to help you win the
livelihood for all, being placed as an assistant to a blacksmith in the vicinity, and
he was forced at the tender age of twelve to do a man's jobs
mature wielding the heavy hammer of his blacksmith trade. How
As a consequence, the heart valves did not fully develop.
That man suffered for years and every time he reached some relief
financially, his health was suffering forcing him to leave work and change
weather for relief. Some doctors diagnosed the case as
tuberculosis, and others like asthma. Although he had all the indications of a
Asthmatic, however, the symptoms of this ailment came and went. During the cold
of winters he was always forced to spend some time in bed for
pneumonia or congestion of the lungs.
Here we see the effect of the Sun's affliction squaring the Moon,
Placed these planets in the common signs of Pisces and Sagittarius. Likewise
we find Mercury in the fixed sign of Aquarius, in opposition to Saturn and in
squaring with Mars in Taurus (the throat), which will give some tendency to suffer
some twitching of the trachea.
Now, we have found the afflictions of the planets, which
point to a condition of the heart valves and weak lungs, but
this man died of an abscess of the liver. Where then will we find the
indication of liver disease? Mars in Taurus is in its "detriment".
This planet is the most powerful in the horoscope, because in fact, Mars may be
considered the ruler of life in this birth chart. When it is found
in the sign that governs the throat, it gives a desire to flatter the palate and a thirst
which often leads to strong drinks. In this case we have to Mars
it is in sextile with the Sun and in trill with Neptune. Neptune rules and sometimes
predisposes to drug use. This influence resulted in an abnormal desire to
drink coffee alone and heavily loaded, and instead of quenching your thirst with water, this
man drank cold coffee in very large quantities.
Mars in Taurus, likewise, causes an abnormal appetite, and indicates a
person of those prone to gastronomy. With his weakened vitality, due to
affliction of the heart, this man could not do manual labor, for which
Reason could also not digest and expel excess food.
Consequently, the liver needed to do a lot of work

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laborious and constant, becoming a receptacle for the poisons created
for that excess food that could not be absorbed by the blood. Jupiter
is the ruler of the liver, and we see that it is in conjunction and in parallel with
Uranus in the sixth house, that of diseases, and also in parallel with the
Moon; all of which indicates that the liver was working lazily and there was
easily recharged.
If this man had lived normally, he might have come to a
very advanced age in spite of the planetary afflictions, because with Mars
elevated and its sextile with the Sun, with the Moon in sextile with Jupiter, and with fixed signs
in the angles, there is no reason for him to die in the first half of
Male; was born on November 13, 1885, at 8:52 PM
We will first judge the mental caliber so that we can appreciate
better the physical state of our patient, because the basic qualities and
disposition of the mind have a great determining influence on the way in which
people see their diseases, and we must be prepared to
work out and understand their ideas so that we can inspire confidence by
Mercury rules the third house, which governs the lower mind. Its parallel
with Saturn, the planet of obstruction, represses this innate impulsiveness of
person concerned giving it depth, but this aspect also provides
the tendency to look at the dark side of things, among whose results
we have melancholy and pessimism. Mars in the Mercurial sign of Virgo, in
squaring with Mercury, makes the native cynical and quick for anger.
Saturn in Cancer, the sign of the stomach, shows us that digestion
is clogged. His opposition to Venus and the square of both with Uranus in the
Libra sign, indicates that the venous circulation is also obstructed,
especially that of the renal veins, which carry blood from the kidneys
(Uranus in Libra), and the part of the portal vein system that carries the blood of the
stomach (Saturn in Cancer) to the liver. Saturn rules the gallbladder and its
position in Cancer, square with Uranus in the sign of the kidneys (Libra),
indicates that there is concretion of sediment in these two organs. Same as him
brick is clay kneaded and then hardened by fire in the kiln, as well
this sediment is cooked and forms the stones and true stones by the action
restrictive of Saturn when anger is ignited by Mars. The outbursts of
helpless internal anger and the feeling of revenge waiting for the opportunity
to take revenge, the nutrition of the offenses instead of trying to calm the anger and
then forget it, although this is difficult, they are the true cause of one of the
most dangerous diseases of which meat is heir.
Jupiter's trill with Neptune points the way to liberation, by
from the appeal to the higher nature, for there is here a basic benevolence
that can be invoked.

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Physical treatments can be applied and should be given without a doubt, but
Despite how effective they may seem to be, they are mere palliatives, since even
that the native does not change his mental attitude there can be no real cure. The
outbursts of anger when they occur again will form new stones that
they will take the place of those eliminated or dissolved by those treatments.
The first obligation of the health adjuster astrotherapist is to record
deeply this fact in the patient. Damage has been caused in the case
present and the cultivation of serenity can only act to correct evil.
But if you notice a setting like this in a child's horoscope, we
parents should be warned that this character trait needs to be removed
prevent your child from thinking, remembering and nourishing about offenses or injuries
done to him, before he clings to him once he's a little
higher. Prevention is always better than cure. Is not sufficient
precisely to favor and help people to restore their health;
our main desire must be to teach them the way of living in harmony with
the laws of love and life so that they are never sick again. until
we do not fully understand this and practice it, we will be
losing the most important part of our privilege.
A person with Scorpio dating should be our first choice
to take over the cure for a case like this, and immediately
then one with Taurus. But none should have Saturn in degrees and
signs of which correspond to the first and sixth houses of the patient. The
both mental and physical treatments must be applied in one hour of sunshine,

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being of great help taking large doses of olive oil or copious sips
of hot water.
Man; was born on April 23, 1850.
This is the horoscope of a Supreme Court judge, whose time of
birth we could not find out, but that due to the events of his life
we judge Capricorn to be the sign to be found on the cusp of the
Upward. Although we don't know this man personally, yet
Judging by the indications of his home, he must have been born around 9:30 or 10 PM.
would place us to Jupiter and the Moon in or near the Midheaven or in the ninth house, what
which would correspond to his character, because from the reports of his friends he
he was a very efficient and fair judge. He had a lot of disharmony in his home,
which would be indicated by Saturn and Uranus in Aries, in the fourth house, that
They would describe his wife as nagging, cheeky, and street friend. Saturn
is in square with Mars in Cancer, in the seventh house, which in turn is another
manifestation of disharmony and struggle with the marriage partner.
This judge also suffered greatly as a result of the vices of
her only son, who wasted his days on drunkenness and immorality and
spending money with the opposite sex. This is indicated by the situation of
Venus in the fifth house, the house that governs children and also pleasures.
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Venus is very strong in the sign of Taurus, which governs the palate, and is also
in sextile with Mars in Cancer, which in turn governs the stomach.
People who have Capricorn dating and with the ruler, Saturn,
distressed, they always have a tendency to see the dark side of life and to ruminate or
meditate on it, and when Saturn is square to Mars, there is a lot
genius but not of the explosive class. The people of Capricorn, as a rule,
they cannot forget or forgive. Anger continually suppressed for many
years the bile will crystallize in the gallbladder, which will have the tendency to form
small stones, producing intense pain when removed. East
lord suffered from such stones about twenty years.
Around the year 1894 the progressed Saturn came to a square
exact with radical Mars, which marked the time of the beginning of the formation
of such stones. This patient passed into higher life on January 1, 1916,
when the planet Saturn by transit had reached the square of its own
place at birth.
Woman; was born on December 14, 1855, at 10 AM
This is the horoscope of a woman who had Capricorn in her
Ascendant, and the ruler of this sign, the planet Saturn, is in the fifth
house, and square with the inflammatory Mars.

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We have noticed in the horoscopes of many of the patients of
our file of those who have suffered from stones or gallstones, who had to
the planets Saturn and Mars in conjunction or quadrature.
Saturn in this horoscope is in the house that governs the children, the fifth,
and squared with Mars in the eighth. The ailments and sufferings of this woman
were caused by the aggravations of the children of the first marriage of his
husband; stepchildren. Let us note how clearly this is indicated by Mercury and
the Sun in the eleventh house, which governs the stepchildren, square with
Neptune, the ruler of the second house.
Anger and disharmony occurred at home due to finances
of her husband, and, as is common with the natives of Capricorn who do not
they can neither forgive nor forget, this woman kept the resentment inside her
until she paid the penalty in 1903, when she suffered the first attack of
calculations, followed by another attack fourteen years later, in 1917 soon.
The progressed Moon was in Sagittarius in 1903 and in Gemini in 1917. The time
exact disease has not been indicated, but the opposition and conjunction
of the Moon with Saturn, without a doubt they would touch the hour of those attacks.
This disease is one of the most painful afflictions. When the
stones pass through the gallbladder pressing the tiny duct that is going to stop
to the duodenum, they often pass through this duct but remain parked
in him, making the patient suffer intensely.
A safe and often very beneficial remedy is having half a glass
olive oil and the juice of one lemon. Put the alarm clock on
that it sounds at 3 in the morning (AM) and at that time drink all the oil already
Then the lemon juice. Refrain from eating breakfast and eat
very little during the day. Repeat this for three consecutive nights, and
third night take a purge. For some, a tablespoon of salts has been used
Epsom with excellent result. If this cannot eliminate the
stones, repeat the remedy again when two or three weeks have passed.

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Woman; was born on April 24, 1862, at midnight.
The Ascendant in this card is occupied by the Saturnian sign of
Capricorn, with Saturn, the ruler, intercepted in the eighth house. When
finds the ruler of life so feebly and afflicted, we may presume that
it is a person who is very likely to become a victim of
circumstances instead of being an overcomer of them; person who will tolerate that
planets rule her instead of her ruling the planets. When
Saturn is afflicted in the house of limitations, the native is very melancholic and
sad, and always contemplates the dark side of life, and if you suffer physically, it is very
prone, like those of Virgo, to yield and be prey to the disease. In
wherever Saturn, the planet, of the obstruction, is placed in the
horoscopes, we can fear some ailment or suffering.

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In this case we find him in the sign of Virgo, which governs the small intestine,
and in conjunction with the planet Jupiter which governs the arterial circulation.
Jupiter also governs the adrenals. The secretion of these glands is
necessary to tone the blood, and when restricted by Saturn,
we may fear that arterial blood will be disturbed.
But we do not judge by Saturn and its influence alone. We
we see the planet Venus, ruler of venous blood, in conjunction with the Moon,
ruler of synovial fluids, the lubricants of the body. Venus and the Moon are
as opposed to Jupiter and Saturn. What, then, would be the effect on the body of
the afflictions of the four previous planets? Due to the influence
restrictive of Saturn we can expect some inconvenience with circulation
arterial. With venous blood also restricted there is no freedom for the current
blood, and the effect is the same as when a stream is blocked,
which becomes marshy and poisonous plants are born in it. So we can
presume the blood to stagnate and become contaminated.
We extract a certain amount of minerals from our
foods, which during childhood can be used to build the
bones but after we have reached maximum height and the body can
use very little of such minerals for growth, if taken in excess
it is then deposited at the joints in the blood stream, adhering to
the surface of the tiny blood vessels, just as it happens
inside pots or containers where water is boiled. If the circulation is
good and blood is free to flow through the arteries and veins of
In a natural way, this deposit is very light; but in old age or when
circulation is altered or interrupted, these minerals are deposited in the
blood and cause what is commonly known as sclerosis, that is
hardening of the arteries. In this case, the walls of the blood vessels
are covered with a hard mineral substance, and therefore the circulation
the blood is hindered; muscles and joints become stiff and
painful, and gradually, as this condition becomes chronic, the person
he loses the use of his arms and legs, ending up becoming an invalid
In this horoscope we find Jupiter and Saturn placed in Virgo,
sign that governs the small intestine. This thin tube, although it has a
length 20 to 25 feet (6 to 7 meters), it is coiled in a small space
of the abdominal region. It is lined with a mucosa and tiny glasses
tongue-shaped that contribute to the digestion and absorption of
food elements, subsequently distributing the various minerals
extracted from food and turning it into the red and white fluids of the
Body. If the mucosa and this villi of the intestines are obstructed by
Saturn, as in the case of this lady whose Moon has an opposition with that
obstructing planet, then the secretion of lymph and chyle, white fluids
of the body, are clogged, and as a consequence, blood receives very little
This woman suffers greatly from heart palpitations, pain
head, high blood pressure, with constant pain in the back and
legs. When the blood is poor and full of ashes it is very reasonable

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let the heart suffer, because when, due to great excitement or anger,
excess blood is attracted to the heart, and the state of obstruction of the vessels
of the blood prevents its free circulation and that it leaves this station quickly
central, the natural result of palpitations, hypertension of the
blood, accumulation of it to the head and other various ailments.
Now, what can we do to remedy such a situation?
First of all, we would advise a very simple and light diet with very
few starches, less sugar, but more raw onion, lettuce, spinach,
etc. As long as the intestines are kept free and give the body a massage or
dry rubbing with a pair of bath gloves every morning when you get up and
night before going to bed. Unfortunately, a woman with the Sun without
aspects, as in this case, and with afflicting planets in Virgo and
Pisces will make no effort to get well. For them it is much easier and
it is less inconvenient to let yourself be disabled.
Woman; was born on April 9, 1851, at 1:58 AM
First of all, as usual, we will judge the mentality of this
sick. Aries, the head sign, has more planets than any other, and two
of these are malefics. Even if this were all it would be quite unfortunate and a
indication of unfavorable characteristics, but Saturn's affliction in Aries
with the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Uranus and Jupiter, it tells us that this is a person
double and unreliable, and sadly indifferent to the dictates of morality,
truth and justice, and there is nothing particular or strange about how
pronounced mental characteristics have a marked effect on the
organic functions, especially since afflictions are all in signs
Saturn, the planet of obstruction, makes the native cunning and suspicious,
mentally speaking, by its conjunction with Mercury and by squaring the
Luna, and also protects him from "being discovered". This same configuration
obstructs the circulation of the nervous force and this causes a numbness
of both nervous systems, the sympathetic and the voluntary, which are
ruled, respectively, by the Moon and Mercury. The main field of activity
Saturn will be found in the pneumogastric nerve, which is normally
saturnine and suppressive in its action on the heart, stomach and other organs
vital. Saturn's conjunction with the Sun is compounded by the fact that
They are in parallel, located in the first cardinal sign, Aries, sign that governs the
head, square to the Moon in the second cardinal sign, Cancer, which
rules the stomach, and in opposition to Jupiter in the third cardinal sign, Libra, which
in turn governs the kidneys. If it weren't for the trill that Mars forms with the Moon
and placing the Sun in its sign of exaltation, Aries, would have been very difficult
that life could have been kept in this nature so severely

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This person suffers from slow and awkward circulation, indigestion, and
nervous constipation due to the aforementioned planetary afflictions and even
This and everything is far from being his worst ailment. The conjunction of the planets in
Aries, the head, and its opposition to Jupiter, which governs the arterial circulation,
clearly indicate how the nerves and blood vessels are blocked in
the most important part of the body, the head. As a consequence there is
a shortage of nutritional elements for the construction of various organs and
also an accumulation of waste materials. We all know
that a sick stomach reacts on the eyes, and when we consider the
effect of the Sun and Saturn in Aries, in square with the Moon in Cancer, we will see
that there is nothing strange that both eyes are afflicted with saturnine
obstruction known as cataracts.
A Taurus healer or therapist would be most appropriate to treat this
case, and it should be made very clear to this patient that the frankness
and a strict adherence to the truth are absolutely necessary for their
reinstatement. Even if he resented the former, some considerations
made in a loving and attentive way aimed at making her observe these faults and
its effects would likely provide a change. A religious mental attitude
it would loosen the tension of the nerves, thereby granting organic functions
greater freedom. The patient should be given uncooked food in proportion and
quantity as large as it tolerates, because the ether that the food contains in
such a state is necessary to build and nourish the nerves. Onions are a
primary factor for this nutrition and pineapple is unrivaled as a stimulant

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digestive. But in this case, the physical factors, although of vital importance,
darken compared to the benefit to be achieved by due
appreciation of the moral factors that have produced the disease, and the
adequate understanding of the urgent need to alter course and
inclination of the mind before permanent relief can be achieved. Not
the healer must not despair, nor conceive the idea that achieving this is
similar to that the leopard can change the spots of the skin, because the
afflictions are of cardinal signs and, therefore, movable. Requires energy and
meditation studying a plan to conquer and deceive, but if this energy
is transmuted into good, it will be a factor of equal strength to bring the light of truth
to the life of the sick and make such a light illuminate others.
(The above description is the diagnosis of this case in 1915. The result
1919 is given in Horoscope 2BX, page 58.)
Woman; was born on January 17, 1875, at 7 AM
This letter is from a lady who has the Saturnian sign of Capricorn on
the Ascendant, with the ruler of life, Saturn, in Aquarius, where this planet
he is in his "home" and is very powerful. As it is in the first house and, so
Therefore, angular and in a fixed sign, we can consider that Saturn is the one with
the greatest influence on the life of the native, as well as on his health.
We find that the planet Saturn is forming an aspect of
squaring with the inflammatory Mars. This last planet is at the top of the
Midheaven and also angled as well as in your own Scorpio sign on
where it is very powerful. Mars is square to the spasmodic Uranus, the
which is in the sign of his "fall", the fixed sign of Leo, and is also angular, all
time it is located in the seventh house. Therefore, these three malefics
Planets placed so strongly at fixed signs and at angles will be very
difficult to beat and counter.
Mars in the Midheaven will dominate the actions of this woman, and as it is
squaring the impatient and restless Uranus, he will incline her to excessive
social activity. With the egotism of a native Capricorn increased
by the influence of the Sun and Mercury in the first house, occupied by the sign of
Capricorn, squaring Jupiter and Neptune, this woman will aspire to shine in
society. This will be true, especially since we see Venus in the
active sign of Sagittarius and in the eleventh house, that is, the one that governs the
friendships. With Venus in sextile with Saturn this woman will long to show off in
games and stand out in social things, within which you will enter with all the
momentum of a Mars-Uranus nature.
Capricorn people are not very robust, and with the Sun and Mercury
in the Ascendant, in the sign of Capricorn and afflicted by the square that
form with Jupiter and Neptune, whose planets are located in signs
Martians, thus giving momentum, the lady in question is prone to
dissipate its strength, with the result of a physical breakdown of the organic part more

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weak. The greatest afflictions of this horoscope are in the region of the
knees, Capricorn, and in the lower organs, that is, in the lower limb
of the legs, Aquarius, which cause the veins to dilate. Varicose veins are
caused by interference in the venous circulation, resulting from
tightness and strain on muscles and nerves in certain parts of the body.
However, Venus is the best-looking planet and is free of
afflictions or adverse aspects, and is placed in the sign of the
sports, Sagittarius, and in the eleventh house, that of friends, in trill with Uranus and
in sextile with Saturn and with Mars, the latter being very powerfully
influenced in the Midheaven, indicates that this lady was very enthusiastic about the
games, as well as inviting friends to parties, because the moon is very good
Aspected by the Sun and Mercury, and is located in the Venusian sign of Taurus, and
in the fourth house, that is, the one that governs the home, where this woman
he would waste money and be very lavish at parties he gave in honor of his
friendships. The consequent errands of those moments would cause her
a great effort in the functioning of your heart. Uranus in Leo, in
squaring with Mars, and in opposition to Saturn, indicates a heart condition
organic, causing blood to spurt through the aorta and out of the way
spasmodic. The interference of the natural circulation of the blood through the
heart will cause a disturbance in the veins and other distressed parts of the
body, as in this case, where we have a dilation of the veins in
the lower part of the legs.

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This woman requested assistance through our department of
healing in the month of September 1920, while undergoing treatment
doctor in a hospital, after having a second operation for
varicose veins. At that time the progressed Venus had reached a
conjunction with the radical Sun, and the progressed Moon was also in that
part of the horoscope. The Sun, Mercury and Saturn by transit were in
conjunction in Virgo, the sign of health. Saturn by transit was in
squaring with the radical Venus, which brought the last attack and was the cause of
subject her to the operation.
Ordinary cases of varicose veins can be alleviated and even
cured by bandages, and by the elimination of pressure, so that the
Blood circulation can be carried out more normally. When the
scalpel, however, healing is impeded by him, as in this
Woman; was born on April 13, 1862.
In this horoscope the time of birth is missing, but as the time of
birth they give us is frequently inaccurate, due to the difference in
time of the clocks, unless you have some data by which you can
correct the horoscope, you have almost the same security using a simple
figure diagnosing only by planets and signs. Can be taken out
a very true horoscope by this method. Only when the
Observe the crises that are feared to occur in order to help the
patient goes through a critical period, it is only when it is necessary to know the
exact time of birth. This is then required in order to observe the
Progressed moon and the aspects of the planets by transit.
Here we have Saturn, the malefic, in conjunction with Jupiter, in the sign
Virgo, Virgo is the natural sign of the sixth house, and therefore governs health and
the disease to a very high degree. We have seen that people
who are primarily governed by Virgo are prone to thinking a lot about
their health and they often become hypochondriacal. When several
planets in this sign, we can find the clue to the cause of the
disease with the help of this part of the horoscope. The small intestine is the one
he distributes the nutrition, and he must go the food to be distributed throughout the
organism through the blood. The intestines are to the body what the
Quartermaster Corps is for the Army, therefore Virgo is necessarily
a very vital part of the horoscope. Jupiter is the planet that governs circulation
arterial and liver glycogen, and Saturn has regency over the gallbladder
and the pneumogastric nerve, the most important of all the nerves, which sends
its branches to the three most important parts of the body, that is, the heart, the
stomach and lungs. Here they affect the distribution and digestion of food
in the small intestine due to slowing down and slowness of the gallbladder
to supply the necessary amount of bile and also because the movement

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peristaltic is altered. As a consequence, the tiny vessels
that are distributed throughout the internal intestinal surface remain
deprived of their nutrition, and the blood flow becomes deficient and the
Subsequent awkwardness causes anemia.
This is especially true because we also find Venus, which rules
venous blood, afflicted by a square with Uranus; these being found
planets in the common signs of Pisces and Gemini. Uranus also forms
square aspect with Saturn and Jupiter. This will cause the deficient
oxygenation of the blood when this substance passes through the capillaries of the
Before midlife these afflictions can be expressed as
colds, pneumonia, and painful periods, but after that time,
When the body begins to feel the weight of years, these afflictions may
cause anemia, arteriosclerosis and hypertension of the blood. This woman has
suffered from these last three ailments, and at the age of sixty he was
threatened with paralysis on the right side. He has also had pain from
head that caused dizziness and dizziness.
A doctor or therapist should advise this woman to stop taking
stimulants, such as coffee, tea, etc. Skin stimulation derived from
friction would be very beneficial, using a pair of bath or
mane, night and morning, and rubbing with them the whole body until it takes a color
alive and warm. Likewise remove all worry from the mind, all
excitement, melancholy and sadness; adopt a light vegetarian diet and

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carefully selected, and drink plenty of pure water between the
Woman; was born on August 12, 1886, at 5 AM
We will use this horoscope to record in the student's mind the great
need to recommend to the sick the proper diet that should
follow each one in its particular case. Ninety percent of those who
suffer and have broken health they are sick not because of lack of
food, but because of the wrong combinations of it or a large
dietary excess. This woman has the fixed sign of Leo in the Ascendant, and the Sun,
the regent of it, is at the top of the first house. We also find the
obstructive Saturn in the sign of its "detriment", the sign of Cancer, sign that
rules the stomach. Venus, the planet that governs venous circulation, is
in conjunction with Saturn and in opposition to the negative Moon, which in turn
It is also found in its "detriment", in the Saturnian sign of Capricorn. How
since Saturn and the Moon are both in the signs of their "detriment" and in
mutual reception, the force for evil of these two planets is increased
greatly. The opposition falls in the sixth house, which is the one that governs
diseases, and the twelfth, which in turn governs hospitals, the
confinement or seclusion and self-ruin. We can clearly see that this
poor soul has been the cause of his broken health. She has been secluded
in bed due to paralysis for a long time, because he could not use the
legs, and doctors have diagnosed her case as arteriosclerosis.
We find that Jupiter, which governs the arterial circulation, is afflicted by a
conjunction that forms with the planet Uranus in the sign of Libra, and that Venus, which
governs venous circulation is in square with the planet Mars, being
these last two planets in the sign of the kidneys and the stomach. Mars is
also in square with the Moon in the house of diseases, the sixth. With
such planetary afflictions on the stomach there is a tendency to eat
too. The opposition of Venus and the Moon gives a great desire for liquids and for
sweets, and Saturn provides an abnormal desire for artificial food and for
excessively take pastry, starches, etc. This woman's body was like
a stove that was loaded with paper; when the paper burns it gives a heat
terrifying, but this heat is not lasting and the stove is immediately full of
With Saturn in Cancer, there is a lack of gastric juice in the stomach. Leo
it is rising, and the Sun and Mercury are in the Ascendant and in sextile with Mars.
These positions give an unusual amount of energy, but also the
tendency to dissipate it. When the body is tired and exhausted, the stomach does not
can digest the food, and if he then takes a lot of food, his
decomposition inside, especially if the food is made up of elements
inharmonic foods. In the present case, the stomach that was already weak from
Yes, he would stuff him with food until he overflowed and then he would drink cold water or

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hot tea with sugar, resulting in a fermentation of all this in the
stomach, and food instead of nourishing the body became poison. Is
woman at the age of twenty-four was invalid or paralyzed; his body was
clogged with ashes and since it had both the venous and arterial circulations,
completely altered, it was impossible for the blood to remain pure. She
he dissipated his energy and could not have any restraint; indulged in excesses of
all kinds; food, games, mental work, and the result was that the body
He could not get rid, expelling them, of as many accumulated ashes as
consequence of a lot of food and lack of compatibility between it.
If she had contacted a doctor who would have
prescribed a rational and rigorously selected diet and would not have given it
poisonous narcotics, this woman would have avoided many sufferings. He
man often becomes impoverished in the midst of abundance recharging his
stomach, while the body is really exhausted from lack of
assimilation, as was the case with this lady. She lived to please her
appetite, but he didn't give his body food that would form pure blood.
Their joints became stiff; his body became sore and in about
how many years she was decidedly paralyzed, being now confined in a
hospital. If it were taken to a clinic or Healing House where it would be applied
a scientific dietary treatment, she could still be a useful woman again.
When we face such unfortunate beings, it is a
duty for us who aspire to be helpers and healers of humanity,
using our efforts to guide you in the right direction.

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Male; was born on August 14, 1912, at 1:30 PM
Here is the horoscope for a young man who has the Martian sign of
Scorpio in the Ascendant, with the ruler of life, Mars, in the tenth house,
in sextile with the Ascendant and in conjunction with the watery Moon. When we see
a very close conjunction of an igneous and inflammatory planet with another cold and
aqueous as it happens in this case, and especially in the Virgo sign, which is the
natural sign of the sixth house that governs disease, we can expect
that this is a starting point for disease, because fire and water
they produce steam.
Virgo is the sign that has rulership over the small intestine, and the
intestines are among the main organs of digestion, assimilation and
food distribution. The inflammatory Mars in this sign causes the
inflammation of the intestines. Since Mars is in conjunction with the Moon, and
it has regency over the lymphatics, we can think that the vessels and glands
lymphatic will be altered in their functions. These organs are the means of
communication between body cells and blood, and not only transport
some of the nourishment from the food to the blood, they also act as
purifying agents, attracting a part of the waste matter and taking it where
can be eliminated from the body through the excretory organs. When the
Luna is afflicted by the inflammatory Mars in Virgo, we can fear that the
lymph organs are inflamed and are not fit to carry out their

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working so that they help the blood in its work. The Moon has
regency over the chyle, or white fluid that has been extracted from the food by the
intestinal villi. This mixes with the lymph and passes into the circulation. These
white fluids, which are so necessary in the work of feeding the
blood, they are obstructed in the case of this boy.
We still find another affliction that is mixed with the purification of the
blood stream. Saturn, the obstructor, is found in the sign of Gemini and this
sign has rulership over the lungs. Saturn is also in opposition to the
planet Jupiter, which governs arterial circulation, and squared with Venus,
planet that has rulership over venous blood. The lungs are the bellows of
body, through whose tiny capillaries pure air passes and blood
oxygenates and aerates for this reason. Pure oxygen passes into the lung vesicles, the
poisonous carbon dioxide is exhaled, and in this way the body gets rid and
purifies from a large portion of such poisons. Wherever we find
Saturn in the sign of Gemini, especially if that planet is afflicted so much
by Jupiter as by Venus, we can foresee and rule that the blood is
insane and impure, for Saturn, the obstructor, is stationed at the door of the
respiratory system, partially repelling air outside the body and
also partially conserving carbon dioxide within the body.
With such planetary afflictions we can diagnose from the point of
view of health, as a case of impure and anemic blood, and also the
tendency to intestinal inflammation that will oppose proper assimilation and
food distribution. This boy at the age of eight suffered from redness
and skin rashes. Since the Moon has rulership over the synovial fluid,
we can see how the conjunction of Mars with the Moon caused rheumatism and
descent or dilation of the aortic arch, an indication that Mars burns the
oil that is necessary to lubricate the joints of your legs and feet with
object to move smoothly.
Oh, what a shame the boy's parents had no knowledge
of astrology science! If so, they would have known why
they would lead such planetary afflictions, and by a special diet, a lot of air
cool and deep breathing exercises this boy could have gotten rid
of much pain and suffering.
According to all the indications, a pulmonary tuberculosis will appear if they have
negligence with the health of the subject in question, leaving him to sit and
expose to cold, because with Saturn afflicted by Venus and Jupiter from signs
common, the patient has become accustomed to shallow breathing, which
it will tend to induce some ailment in the lungs.
(We will use two horoscopes to point out the way in which
planets placed in different signs can cause the same
symptoms, the actual causes of the disease being different.)

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The native is a woman who was born on March 16, 1865, without being
you have found out the time of birth.
Here we find the planet of fire and discordant Mars in conjunction with the
restless Uranus, in the nervous sign of Gemini (arms and shoulders), and in
square with the giver of life, the Sun, and with Mercury, which are in
conjunction in the watery sign of Pisces. Mars and Uranus are also in
opposition to Jupiter, which governs arterial blood, and Jupiter, in turn, is
in square with the Sun and Mercury.
This patient has always had some discomfort from the obstruction that
suffers from circulation, especially in the arms and legs. Afflictions to
They often act through the influence that squares and
oppositions, and as an example of this we here see very altered the
assimilation in the small intestine.
Venus, the planet that governs venous circulation, is in opposition to
the Moon, which we see in the Martian sign of Scorpio, which governs the
elimination, the anus, the urethra and the genitals. Saturn, the planet of the
obstruction, it is located in Libra, the kidneys, and as it is placed in the last
degree of this sign he obstructs the elimination by means of the ureters, that is
the small tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.
With such a series of obstructions in the organs of elimination of
waste materials, and the imperfect assimilation of food, has nothing to do with

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extraordinary that this lady when she reached the age of menopause, that is,
at the natural cessation of menstruation, it will lead to much suffering in the
body and blood became so stagnant, slow and impure that it resulted in
rheumatism. His body stiffened, reaching almost the extreme of being impossible
moving from one point to another, feeling the pains more especially in the
arms and shoulders.
The native is a man who was born on December 6, 1870, near
7:30 PM In this horoscope we find four planets in the Sagittarius sign in
the fifth house, house that governs pleasures and appetites. The Sun, ruler of
Ascendant and Venus, the ruler of the house of friends, are in conjunction
and squared with the impulsive and discordant planet Mars, indicating that this
man is a friend to have a good time. His taste for love and women has
been his downfall; this man has kept all kinds of indulgences with his low
appetites and he is now surely paying the price for such a genre of
Jupiter in the nervous sign of Gemini, afflicted by the opposition that forms
with the obstructive Saturn and the nervous Mercury, as well as squaring with the
inflammatory Mars in the sign of Virgo (which governs the small intestine), they are all
indications similar to those observed in the previous horoscope, 11H.

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Sure enough, this man suffered from numbness in his arms and hands. He
great effort that he has subjected to his organic system and the abuse of his poor
stomach have caused a neuritis, as can be assumed to see afflicted
venous and arterial circulations, from the signs that govern the nervous system.
The instructions for these two patients should be similar, this
is, a simple vegetarian diet, with elimination of meats, drinks
alcoholic and richly seasoned foods, eating plenty of vegetables
green and raw, especially lettuce and onions. Onion is a wonderful
nerve tonic as well as a great body cleanser. If you eat by
night, in the form of a sandwich (sandwich), when the stomach is empty,
It will purify the kidneys and liver, and nourish the nervous system by rebuilding it.
A light massage with a pair of bathing gloves at night at bedtime and
get up in the morning, to keep your skin pores open and
stimulating circulation is an excellent recommendation. In the previous case, the
11H, the intestines and kidneys must be kept free of obstructions, and
You must take a food that acts directly on the liver and kidneys.

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Male; was born on September 11, 1885, at 1 AM
The authors believe that horoscopes 12A and 12B, which are two
brothers, will give students and readers a very effective lesson for the
diagnosis of the disease and show them that although the causes
underlying and external appearances of both cases are of nature
similar, even so and all these cases are completely different when
scientifically diagnoses.
In both cases the relatives of these brothers requested from the
General Residence the cure of the horrible disease that these
wretches suffer.
In horoscope 12A, we find the watery sign of Cancer in the
Ascending, with the Saturn obstructor near the cusp and square with
Uranus that is placed in Libra.
Here we have two planets which by their position and aspect indicate a
eruptive blood disease, and point to the two seasons where the
Poison is generated, that is, Cancer (the stomach) and Libra (the kidneys).
Saturn in Cancer interferes and alters the peristaltic action, which is so
necessary in shaking and grinding food in the stomach. Saturn has
also the tendency to dry up the body fluids, and when in Cancer, the
What is the sign of its "fall", this planet is weak and, therefore, very bad.
Uranus is the top octave of Venus, and just like Venus rules nature
morality of the lower planes, likewise Uranus rules or governs the balance of the
morale at higher levels. Uranus is in the sign of the planet Venus, that is,
Libra, and forms a square with Saturn, whose affliction would indicate a lack of
moral balance, which would be greatly the cause of the physical ailment of this
Uranus has rulership over the pituitary body or "pituitary". This tiny
organ that is so beautifully protected in a crib-shaped bone
inside the brain, it consists of two small lobes, the anterior and the posterior. He
anterior lobe reigns over sex or creative force and over the fiber of
the nerves, while the posterior lobe contributes to the control of circulation
of body fluids, especially the kidney circulation.
With Uranus in Libra, a sign that has rulership over the kidneys, in
squaring with the obstructive Saturn and both in cardinal signs, as well as by
there are impulsive cardinal signs at all angles, we can presume that

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there are excesses. With Mars, the planet of dynamic energy and momentum, in the
first house and in the sign of Cancer, square with the planets of pleasure and
of self-indulgence, Venus and the Moon, (Venus is situated very
preeminently and in his own sign of Libra and the Moon is ruler of the
Ascendant, and is square with its own house), we can agree that
this man as a consequence of his excessive desires and commissions of the
sensual pleasures taken to a very great extreme, made the functions of the
pituitary body will be greatly impaired. However the body
pituitary regulates the assimilation of food and how Saturn and Mars are afflicted
in the stomach sign (Saturn in Cancer gives abnormal tastes and appetites, and
Mars in Cancer indicates a gourmet), we can boast and fear that this
man is prone to make his body a sewer.
With Venus and the Moon in conjunction and square with Mars in the sign
Cancer that is in the Ascendant, and with Saturn at the top of this
Ascending, it is easy to predict that this person will be very dirty and
sloppy. This is a person who will neglect the cleanliness of the body and
places where you move and live as well as removing poisons
colon, kidney and skin toxins. All of this would eventually fill the
body of poisons that would ultimately cause an eruption.
The skin would become dry and insensitive, since the pituitary body, with the
assistance of the thyroid gland, nourishes the skin. When these glands are
tired and exhausted by sexual excesses, the state of the skin, as well as
of the circulation of the body in general, they are very altered and their function is very

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imperfect the mentality is very obtuse and stupid and the energies of the
mind and body. In this case the result was leprosy.
This horrifying disease made its first appearance after the Flood,
when vegetation was sparse, and Noah and his family were forced to reverse
to the use of the card as a means of food. This together with the excesses and the
degeneration relative to the creative function was the cause responsible for this
disease was so common among the ancient Israelites and the Egyptians. Is
ailment was classified as unclean, and those unfortunates who remained
attacked by it they were ostracized, to live far from the cities,
and excluded from the church.
It is certainly a disease that is caused by customs
unhygienic and impure life, and only those who, as in the case
of this man, they are gluttonous and careless in their personal habits, they are
afflicted with it. Now we will analyze horoscope 12B, to illustrate another phase of
this sickness.
Male; was born on March 19, 1896, at 7:50 PM
During the times of the ancient Israelites the Jews considered the
leprosy as a special disease sent to man by God. Was recognized
as a sign of disgust from God for some great sin committed and looked at
like a horrendous moral illness. Those attacked from her were separated from
the others by the priests, who used purification ceremonies for the
cure of those who suffered from such a filthy disease.
We can see indications of depravity in this horoscope
moral and dirty. We find Saturn "retrograde" in the sign of Scorpio, the
sign that governs the secret parts, as the organs are commonly called
genitals. Saturn is square to Mars, which is in Aquarius, the home
Saturn. Uranus is also "retrograde" and is in the sign of Scorpio. These
three planets, Saturn, Uranus and Mars, are in mutual reception, that is, Mars
it is in a sign of Saturn, and Saturn and Uranus in a Martian sign. Uranus is
parallel to Mars and is in opposition to the Moon, and both planets, Uranus and the
Moon, they are in their signs of exaltation, in angles and in fixed signs; so
well, they are very strong, both because of the position they occupy and because of the sign, and,
therefore, they are very powerful in the afflictions they produce.
When Saturn afflicts Mars from Scorpio, and Uranus afflicts Mars already
the Moon from the sign of sex, you can diagnose the case immediately
as of venereal disease, but it was of such a malignant nature, that it was believed
it was leprosy, because all the symptoms and external appearances so
Certain forms of venereal disease go hand in hand with the horrifying
leprosy disease; when the blood stream is poisoned, the system
glandular is also affected, which instead makes pregnant and prevents normal
whole body metabolism.

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The Jews in the past times did not use medicines for this
unclean disease. They claimed that such a disease withered all the
desire for grace and spiritual life; therefore the only cure was prayer and
spiritual purification.
In the Gospel of Saint Matthew, chapter 8, we read: “When He (Christ) went
Coming down from the mountain, a large crowd followed. And see that a leper came and
worshiped, saying: Lord, if you want I can be clean and cured. And Jesus
put his hands on it and said: I want, be clean, and immediately the leper
He was cured and clean. "

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Woman; was born on August 22, 1899, at 1:30 PM
This woman's affliction is paralysis of the legs and arms.
We first observe that this state is indicated by the Moon,
planet that is the main signifier of women's health. In this horoscope
We find it in Pisces, sign that governs the feet, and in square with Saturn, the
planet of obstruction, which in turn is placed in Sagittarius, which
rules the hips. So we can see that the entire region of the
lower organs is afflicted.
The Moon is also square with Neptune and the saturnine "Cola del
Dragon ”, which is located in Gemini, the sign that governs the arms. The giver of
life, the Sun, is square with Uranus in Sagittarius and with the Ascendant, and

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these afflictions are all very powerful because both the Sun and the Moon
They are angular, one near the zenith, the Midheaven and the other almost at the same nadir.
Thus, very pronounced trends are indicated in this horoscope for
suffering from ailments in the arms and legs, dropsy, paralysis and
exhausting or wasting diseases.
These conditions did not become apparent until the patient was
eighteen years old. At that time the progressed Sun had reached
the 16 ° 33 'of Virgo, then forming a square with the radical Saturn.
This brought the latent weakness to the surface and resulted in a gradual loss of
mastery of the legs, forcing her to prostrate herself.
The conjunction of Neptune with the saturnine "Dragon's Tail" in Gemini, the
sign that governs the lungs, causes an asthmatic state, and the Moon afflicted
in Pisces it tends to suffer from dropsy swells, which also
are indicated. So at that time she was imprisoned in the
stocks of a state that seemed incurable. But it is noteworthy that all
afflictions come from common signs, and this gives the astrologer a ray of
hope that when the Sun has passed the critical points of affliction
can heal and reuse their arms and legs even if it's not
For the time being, everything possible should be done to promote
circulation by manipulation and massage in the arms and legs. A diet of
fresh milk, food that contains a lot of ether, and raw vegetables, of which
can extract the mineral salts, it is most certainly very beneficial for
help the legs retain their natural shape and to avoid atrophy,
so that by the time the current planetary woes pass, the aspect of the
sextile of the radical Sun with Jupiter can restore circulation.
This patient may be better treated by a doctor or therapist who has
Aries or Leo going out and whose Saturn is not at any point where they are
including the degrees of the first and sixth houses of the patient.
Male; was born on February 9, 1855, at 9 PM
First, we will study the patient's mental qualities. To such
effect, we observe that the Moon is in conjunction with the "Dragon's Tail", a
Saturnian influence, and Mercury is square to Saturn. So the
two indicators of the mind are afflicted by a melancholic influence and
obstructive, which also operates on Mars and Venus by means of squaring
Saturn. Furthermore, Saturn is placed in the ninth house and in the sign of the
lower mind, Gemini. So we see that there is very little joy for this
man; everything in the world seems sad and gloomy, and receives all the people
and to all things with mistrust and sullenness, always being afraid
make a change or make a determination for fear that you may
something bad happen.

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This mental attitude is the foundation of all his ailment, since there is no
no one who feeds such thoughts of fear and concern that may be
healthy. The more cheerful and optimistic we are, the more we act
magnets to attract good things, becoming what people
they call a “lucky”, and conversely, those sad and negative attitudes, such as
the one that dominates this subject, they are very apt and on purpose to bring us misfortunes
and ailments. He believes he has reason to be concerned, and superficially
It may be so, but the bad thing is that he confuses the effect with the cause. He
The doctor's first job should be to point out this fatal mistake and teach
smile or at least try to do it.
Precisely, like joy, it promotes circulation and
elimination, keeping the body in health, likewise worry,
restlessness and sadness produce crystallization by preventing the elimination of
waste matter, and therefore, an unhealthy state of the body follows. There are
three points on the body of this patient that are affected by this influence
saturnine. First Saturn is found in the sign of Gemini, which
rules the lungs; is squaring a square with Mercury, Mars and
Venus, and consequently Saturn obstructs the expulsion of carbonic acid and
prevents the proper oxygenation of the blood. The Moon has a particular rule
about body fluids, and in this horoscope you are in the last part of
Scorpio, in conjunction with the "Dragon's Tail". So we can fear
obstruction of urine and crystallizations in the bladder. The Sun and Jupiter are in
Aquarium. Uranus forms a square with Jupiter and the Moon another with the Sun.

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effects of these aspects are noted in the opposite sign, Leo, which governs the
heart. The Sun is in parallel with Uranus, and therefore the action of the heart
it is very uncertain, the circulation very poor, and the blood is poisoned and very
thickened by waste matter that cannot be removed by
due channels, whereupon these ashes adhere to the walls of the
arteries, and over the years the condition known with the
name hardening of the arteries or sclerosis, and the body dries up and
lose weight.
The horoscope is the clock of destiny, which indicates when trends
marked at birth should materialize. In the month of August 1910, the Moon
she had progressed to a conjunction with the radical place of herself.
This configuration excited the action of the conjunction of the radical Moon with the "Tail
of the Dragon ”, as well as its squaring with the radical Sun and its opposition with
Radical Uranus. This was how the disease that had come
preparing for several years he took a serious referral and began
painfully disturb the native. In the month of January 1912, the Moon
progressed came into opposition with the radical Saturn and formed a square
with Mars and Mercury, vivifying and encouraging the state indicated in the letter
native. Mars and Mercury govern the nervous system. Mars has rulership over
the motor nerves and Mercury on the sensory nerves. Affliction
Progressed anterior obstructed the vital flow along the nerves and paralyzed the
Jupiter was parallel to the radical point of the Sun during the years
1912-14, and the conjunction of the Sun progressed with Mars in the month of January
1914, served to give more energy. These influences should have been
timely countered. The patient should live if possible in the
field, on a farm, with a diet in which sour milk entered in great
quantity, and above all should be forced to cultivate a cheerful and
joyful. This with manipulation of the spinal nerves, probably
they would induce life in the paralyzed limbs and could restore great
health measure with the help of good progress.
Woman; was born on April 13, 1912, at 9 AM
This horoscope corresponds to a young girl who has the watery sign and
Cancer cardinal in the eastern angle, the Ascendant, and the planet of fire
Mars in conjunction with that point, in the first house. Mars is on
squaring with Venus and trilling with the Moon, which is the ruler of the Ascendant.
Mars, in turn, is the one that governs the sixth house, which has rulership over health;
therefore we must study and consider Mars as the indicator of the
health in this horoscope.
Mars in Cancer, afflicted by a square with Venus, and Venus in the
Martian sign of Aries, would indicate a gourmet, a person who, due to

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at a very rich and highly seasoned diet, he would suffer from indigestion and
inflammation of the stomach.
Neptune in Cancer, afflicted by a square with the Sun and Mercury,
It would tend to cause nervous ailments and lack of nutrition for the native. But this
girl has been enjoying the best health, with digestive organs in
the best condition. The conjunction of Mars with the Ascendant in Cancer and the
squaring with Venus has had very little effect on her health.
The birth of this girl was prepared in the purest conditions and
in the most careful way. Parents had prepared for this moment
even before the conception of the body for this Ego, because they wanted to attract
at birth to an advanced and pure Ego. Throughout the antenatal period the
mother received the greatest care, and the infant was desired in the physical world
by pure and advanced parents. This girl during her childhood was
truly beautiful, healthy, smiling and much more advanced than the
average of those of his age, and in mentality he was much superior to the other children of
his same years.
In the summer of 1922 he began to suffer from frequent nosebleeds
and severe headaches. The best doctors were consulted, who
They did their best to determine the cause, but without success. The
facial muscles on the right side began to relax, manifesting
finally a facial paralysis, greatly disfiguring the beautiful face of this
girl. After trying all the practicable methods to cure it, the parents
They took the girl with them on a trip through southern California, waiting

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that the sea coast and a low altitude could alleviate it, which occurred until
certain point.
Having read the Rosicrucian books on Astrology and having
knowledge of our method of healing and diagnosis, they visited
our Residence in the hope that the author of this book could
diagnose the case and help them in that ailment. This hope was realized.
As soon as the girl's aura contacted me I was impelled to
lay the girl down on the side of the sick face and run my hand over the
Thorn. Although I am neither an osteopath nor a chiropractor, I could notice some
irregularity in the region of the upper cerebral vertebrae, as well as in the
center of the dorsal region.
During this diagnosis, whether we call it intuitional or spiritual, parents
they were silent observing all my movements and changing
glances from time to time. When I mentioned that the spine was
Irregular, the father burst forth at once: "Oh, his thorn is perfectly fine!"
When asked if the girl had undergone any adjustment of the vertebrae,
They both said that they were chiropractors and that they had been practicing it for a long time.
two years. When asked if they had not practiced on the
girl, they had to admit, confusedly and ashamedly, that indeed,
been, with the result that the motor nerves had been overstimulated.
Through this wonderful keyboard of the human body (the one of the column
with thirty-one spinal nerves), a skilled and skilled operator
can, by manipulation, unnerve or stimulate almost all parts of the body
human, as well as an operator without experience or knowledge of what he does,
it can cause unspeakable suffering. Such was the case with this delicious girl. Their
parents who had lovingly drawn her into existence, who would have
sacrificed their lives for hers, they ignorantly touched the
spinal nerves, exciting them to overwork, and after
the damage occurred they were not adept enough to know the method that
they had to use to undo what was wrong.
We will take the rulers of the 4th and 10th houses to indicate to the
parents. Neptune is the ruler of Pisces, which is in the Midheaven, and Mercury
the ruler of Virgo, who is at the top of the fourth house. The planets
previously named they form a square aspect to each other. Mars in the
Ascendant indicates accidents, injuries, etc. Mars is square to Venus
in the head sign, Aries. The cardinal signs act on each other.
The parts affected by the squares, such as the head (Aries), the
stomach (Cancer), they are in bondage to each other. Although the nerves of
stomach would have been overstimulated, so a
excess blood to the head that would have been caused by bleeding
nose, by knowing the proper and proper fit an osteopath or
Skilled and experienced chiropractor could have coped with quite a few
Treatments master this drawback and avoid this ailment. The Auxiliaries
Invisibles of the Rosicrucian, by the materialization of a hand, can make
this same operation.

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Horoscope number 13D., Corresponds to a man who was born on the 25th
March 1876, at 2 AM
Now we will use for this lesson the horoscopes of a man and of
a woman who have afflictions in common signs, in order to illustrate the
why a patient will succumb to disease and become paralyzed,
while another that has many more afflicted planets becomes superior to
themselves and thus enables them to lead a useful and active life.
First we will diagnose horoscope number 13D, in which
we find the common sign of Sagittarius in the Ascendant, with its ruler, the
planet Jupiter, "retrograde", and placed in its own sign, and in the house
eleventh, in trill with the giver of life, the Sun, but in square with the
obstructive Saturn, which in turn is placed in the sign of Pisces which is
also a common sign. We found that only good aspects form the
Sun and the Moon. The Moon is in conjunction with the "Dragon's Head", which
it has a Jupiterian influence, likewise, a sextile with Mars and Venus and a trill
with Jupiter. These configurations should give a lot of vitality and be a factor
Powerful for good health in this horoscope. Now why would a man
with so few afflictions must he become an invalid?
We only see two afflictions that can have an effect
to the detriment of health; these are squaring Saturn with Jupiter, and
Venus in conjunction with Mars in Taurus and square with Uranus in Leo. But

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with the common sign of Sagittarius in the Ascendant the will of this native does not
was strong enough to resist the temptations indicated by the
conjunction of Venus with Mars in the sign of Taurus (the larynx), sign that
it also represents the genital organs, and by squaring Uranus of the
referred planet Venus. Dissipation in eating and drinking filled the blood with
impurities, which altered arterial circulation. Saturn in a common sign,
square to Jupiter, which is also in another common sign, Sagittarius, sign
that has the regency of the sacral region, indicates that the fifth lumbar nerve and
Sacral nerves were obstructed in their function. Naturally, this
got pregnant and impeded proper circulation in that part of the body
causing paralysis of the lower limbs; the legs. The man of
common sign naturally follows the line of least resistance, which leads you
to be an invalid.
Here we have horoscope number 13E, which corresponds to a woman who
it has the fixed sign of Leo coming out, and Mars is on the cusp of the Ascendant,
but in this case we find the ruler, the Sun, as well as the Moon, both afflicted
by an opposition with Neptune and a square with Uranus.
Venus, which has the regency of the venous circulation, is placed in
the common sign of Virgo, squared with Saturn, found in Sagittarius, the

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Jupiter's home. Sagittarius in turn governs the sacral region. A person with
dynamic Mars in the Ascendant, in the fixed and impulsive sign of Leo, is full
of energy and ambition, and naturally he would use a lot of potentiality in his
things and as a consequence of genius and drive would dissipate much of his
vitality. With circulation restricted in the sacral region by Saturn, why
This woman did not suffer from such conditions that afflicted the man of the
horoscope previously examined, number 13D?
In that man's horoscope we find conditions that indicate
a phlegmatic and lazy person mentally speaking. With the Moon and Mercury
in conjunction in Pisces and sextile with Venus and Mars, and with Jupiter in trill with the
Sol, all things came to him without great effort on his part.
He was especially impelled or taken to people indicated by the houses
fifth, seventh, and tenth — musicians, theater people, and cinematographer actors,
who led him to enjoy a life of pleasure.
As for the woman of horoscope number 13E, we see that she has
great willpower and has great ambitions, and to whom his desires to
healing and helping humanity led her to study medicine.
But he always had a constant fight to prevent his joints from
made hard, stiff and sore. With Saturn obstructing circulation in the
sacral region she suffered extraordinarily for having had some granulations
at the joints of the shoulders, hips and feet. Venus or Jupiter
afflicted from common signs tend to suffer paralysis of the legs,
but with a fixed sign in the Ascendant the native will not succumb to the disease.
Therefore, it is the most necessary at all times when diagnosing by
a horoscope to observe the salient sign and the aspects that form the Sun, the
Luna and the ruler of the Ascendant.
One who suffers from such afflictions as indicated above should
make the necessary efforts to maintain your normal circulation while eating
very lightly from simple foods, exercising a lot and using
rubbing of the legs and other limbs in the morning and at night with a
pair of bath gloves. This treatment can often abort or prevent a
case of paralysis.
Male; was born on July 7, 1908, at 2 AM
Here we will examine the sympathy of the aspects of the planets in
the cardinal signs. We see in this horoscope a very
interesting that gives an idea of the sympathy and antipathy of the planets when they are
placed in signs that are square or in opposition to one of the
This young man's horoscope has the common Gemini sign on the
Ascendant, with Mercury, Venus, Neptune, the Sun, Mars and the "Head of the
Dragon ”, all in the sign of Cancer, a sign that has rulership over the
stomach. Four of these planets, that is, Mercury, Venus, Neptune and the Sun

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they are in opposition to Uranus and square to Saturn. The Sun is in parallel
with Uranus and Neptune; Neptune, Uranus and the Sun, meanwhile, are in
squaring with the Moon in Libra and in the sixth house.
According to our first observation we can diagnose this case as
of stomach affection, because with Venus in conjunction with Mercury, Neptune and
the Sun afflicted in Cancer, we can fear and expect very poor digestion.
When Neptune is one of those who cause affliction, especially when he,
instead, it is afflicted by Saturn, there is a tendency to underdevelopment, and
affected organs are often smaller than normal or
deformed. With Saturn squaring Neptune and Uranus, and the latter
planet in the sign of Capricorn, which is in opposition to the ruling sign
stomach, this child could not digest his food, which was often found
in pieces when evacuating the belly. Parents, being ignorant of the cause
of the child's state, they made the mistake of allowing him already at the tender age of two
years the one who ate whatever he wanted, feeding him solid food from
he was very young.
With Neptune in the stomach sign, in square with Saturn and in
opposition to Uranus, the tiny glands that secrete gastric juices from the
stomach and which are so necessary to facilitate the lubricating mucus as well
like the digestive fluid, they were lacking vitality and prone to function
spasmodically, so that Uranus causes sporadic action; Saturn
slow and lazy action or operation and Neptune decreases or decreases the
size and causes abnormal operation. Therefore, we can expect that

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the blood in this case will not receive the proper nutrition of the food. He
body, for this reason, will be deprived of the necessary elements for the due
Damage in similar cases generally materializes where it is
placed the planet that has the worst aspects. Here we find
Uranus in Capricorn forming various evil aspects as we have already done
observe. Uranus receives no aid or good influence from any other
planet; therefore it is natural that we can presume that the place of so afflicted
planet will be the focal point of this vicious circle. Capricorn has regency
on the legs and joints, especially the knee joints.
At the age of two, this young man suffered what doctors call infantile paralysis,
Which caused him the loss of the use of his feet. Infantile paralysis is a
disease that is diagnosed by doctors as inflammation of the matter
gray of the spinal cord, but this could not be proven. Some of them
they are in doubt about this and they are looking elsewhere for the cause.
No two children have the same effects from this disease
childish. From an astrological point of view, there are not two children who suffer from it.
have exactly the same planetary woes, not necessarily the
same sign coming out. The author has found in seven children's horoscopes
afflicted with such ailment that Neptune has been the main factor or the one that most
afflicted in all cases. As it is said in "The Message of the Stars",
Neptune has rulership over spinal fluids and the pineal gland, and depends
of the planet to which Neptune afflicts the way in which this disease manifests itself.
This, of course, confuses doctors, and they cannot yet
explain why one child is paralyzed with one leg, another with both legs
and paralyzed arms and a third with a completely insensitive side. But
the planets tell us the reason for all this diversity of external expressions.
Woman; was born on January 6, 1911, at 8:20 PM
Here we have to analyze the horoscope of a girl who has the
common sign of Virgo in the Ascendant, with the Sun in Capricorn and the fifth
House. We read in "The Message of the Stars", page 272 13 , that the Sun governs the
vital fluid, which enters the body through the spleen and the way in which it
life-giving fluid nourishes and nourishes the entire organism. The Sun in this case is
afflicted by an opposition to Neptune, which is placed in the sign of
Cancer. Cancer has rulership over the stomach. The Sun is also afflicted
by a parallel with Mars and Uranus. Here we can see that the entrance of the body
through which that solar force must penetrate in order to make possible for the
vital body restoring the destruction that the desire body commits, has not
normally acted already from the same birth. When the Sun is afflicted
by the spasmodic Uranus, the numbing effect of Neptune and the
inflammatory conditions of the igneous Mars, it may be feared that at some point
13 Digital edition, Upasika Library.

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of the native's life, when the laws of nature have been broken and
when the influences of the progression of the planets lead to afflictions to the
action, which manifests itself in the weak part of the disease and disease.
In the beginning of the year 1923, the progressed Moon was passing through the
sign of Virgo and formed a square with the radical of Mars, located in
Sagittarius. This disturbed the metabolism of the digestive region, which due to
resulting inflammation was unable to supply or supply the blood of the
adequate amount of mineral salts. This combined with the disturbance of the
solar force caused by an afflicted Sun, deprived the bones and muscles of
their nourishment. In January 1923, the New Moon fell in conjunction with the
radicals of Venus, Uranus and Mercury, square to Saturn, and in opposition
with Neptune. This phase of the Moon excited the latent cause induced by Neptune in
Cancer, the Sun, Uranus, Venus and Mercury in Capricorn, and the evil Saturn in
Aries, which formed a square with the last three planets. Add to
all these afflictions the radical of Mars in parallel with Uranus, Neptune, Venus
and the Sun, and once all this is properly considered, it will not be strange
for us that this girl was afflicted with the painful
rickets disease, which is a condition in which the bones are
lacking mineral materials and, also, with tetanus, which is a disease
caused by a nerve contraction of the limb muscles.
If your parents had any idea of the latent trends in the
horoscope of her little daughter when she was still young and they would have selected
carefully her gender of feeding, so that the girl would have extracted

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as much nutrition as possible of the least amount of it,
avoiding the excessive use of sugar, starches and proteins, using
place more quantity of the purest articles that nature offers: vegetables
green, they would have contributed in the most effective way for the girl to have
managed to build better bones and muscles. Unfortunately, many of
our Northern countries do not have green vegetables throughout the year,
as we have here in sunny California, where you can find
abundance during the twelve months of the year.
When prescribing a diet for a patient suffering from the above disease,
all heavy proteins should be removed from it, giving the patient much
quantity of pure and fresh goat's milk, carrots, lettuce, onions and
spinach, adding a small amount of whole wheat bread each day to give
volume and ballast. Also, this patient must stay as long as possible
possible lying in the Sun, giving it especially on the spine, and
rubbing her limbs to stimulate circulation.

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In order to demonstrate to the student how the same disease will leave
different effects later, we will use these two horoscopes. These two
Birth charts prove the claim that we have always made that
there is no more perfect method to diagnose a patient's disease, nor
none as reliable as that of astrodiagnosis.
Both patients requested their cure by the Invisible Helpers, and
both were attacked by that horrible disease that has claimed so many
lives around the world and which has caused more victims than the world war; the
disease that doctors call influenza or flu.
Male; was born on June 3, 1855, at 2 AM
In this horoscope we have the ambitious and fiery sign of Aries in the
Ascendant, with the Sun in the restless and nervous sign of Gemini, in the house of
finances, in conjunction with the persevering, diplomatic, frugal and
Greedy Saturn. The ruler of the horoscope, Mars, is in the last degrees of
Taurus and square with Jupiter. This planet of Jupiter has great taste and
attraction to finance. The native likes this aspect of the economy and so
So, you can do great things in financial matters; being, in addition,
benevolent and liberal in all his things. We see that this man has a
great desire for riches and after having passed the influenza he submitted to his
physical body to such an effort in order to earn money that he suffered a
state of severe nervousness, from which he is suffering now.
This man has the shifting Moon in the Midheaven, on trill with the
irresponsible and inventive Uranus, giving him a great wish for speculation and
to interfere and figure in all the projects to get very rich
quickly. But Neptune, the planet that shrinks from corporations and
speculation, it is square to the Sun and Saturn in the second house,
indicating that the native has always been speculating with large companies and
has always lost.

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Venus in Cancer, in the fourth house, as opposed to the Moon in the
Mediocielo, gives a way of being extravagant, frivolous, indolent and dissolute in the
home, indicating that money is wasted and used by fools and madmen, which
gives the native a greater desire to earn even more money. This man sacrificed his
vitality for the dollar.
Since he was a telegraph operator, he used his brain and the tips of his
fingers excessively, causing uneven nutrition of the system
nervous. The result of all this was nervous exhaustion.
Male; was born on April 15, 1865, at 8:22 AM
With the nervous sign of Geminis coming out and the restless, unconventional
Uranus in the Ascendant, in opposition to Jupiter, ruler of arterial blood,
this man was easy prey for pneumonia, because the capillaries of the lungs
were contracted, which makes oxygenation of the blood
The Sun, the giver of life, is found in the eleventh house, in Aries, in
opposition to Saturn, which is "retrograde", and is placed in the sign of
Pound. Saturn in the sign of Libra is in his exaltation and, consequently, is
very powerful. For this reason, we would ordinarily seek the most serious condition
in the corresponding part of the body. This man sometimes must have
suffered from kidney disorders, because the body was very obstructed and loaded with

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impurities, and the kidneys have not been removed perfectly for a number of
years. In addition, the native has always eaten a lot, since having Mars in
Cancer and squaring Neptune, has never kept moderation and has
observed a very abnormal indulgence of his appetite, being also very given
to liquids.
Planets frequently act at opposite points. In this case
we find that the sign of Aries is the seat of the main affection, having
I was paralyzed after being able to master the effects of pneumonia.
We can see the difference between these two cases. The native of the
horoscope 14A is better able to dominate the disease, by having the sign
fiery and ambitious Aries on the Ascendant. It also had circulation in
better conditions, because we see Mercury and Jupiter that form an aspect of
The native of horoscope 14B, by contrast, has the planet restless and
emotional Uranus in the sign of Gemini in the Ascendant, distressed very
seriously, and as a consequence it is very difficult for him to remain still and
calm, and his emotions always drag him into committing excesses and reaching
Both patients should undergo a strict diet, since they
they have freely eaten of all the good things on the table. The diet to prescribe
It would consist mainly of vegetables, including raw onion, parsley, and
First horoscope patient, 14A, suffers from exhaustion
Complete nervous, while that of the second horoscope, 14B, is paralyzed.

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We now turn to consider a couple of very similar figures and
interesting, both with similar aspects and symptoms. Firstly
We will analyze the horoscope marked with the initials 14C, which corresponds to a
boy who was born on November 25, 1899, at 12:30 AM
In it we find the vacillating and negative Luna in the nearby twelfth house
of the Ascendant, planet that is the ruler of this horoscope. It is forming
a square aspect with the Sun and Uranus, whose last planets are in
conjunction in the sign of Sagittarius, a sign that has rulership over the hips, the
sacral region of the spine and coccyx bone. Sagittarius also rules the arteries
and iliac veins, sciatic nerves, and locomotor muscles of the hips and
of the thighs. We also see Mars in this hip sign ,, and in
conjunction with Venus, Mercury and Saturn. Venus rules venous blood, and
Wherever this afflicted planet is found, the circulation corresponding to such
part of the body is impeded. Mars burns and consumes, while Saturn
restricts, contracts and dries out. So we find that circulation is
hampered by these two afflicting planets, and however Mercury
rules the nerves we can fear and conclude that this boy
will suffer from restrictions in the hip region.
Neptune, the upper octave of Mercury, acts on the nervous system and
governs the spinal canal. In this Horoscope Neptune is placed in the tenth
house, that is, at an angle, where its strength is greater than when it is
located in a cadent or successor house. We also note that it is placed in

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the mercurial sign of Gemini, which governs the spinal superior nerves.
Since Neptune is in opposition to Venus, Mercury and Saturn, and
in parallel with Saturn, Mars and Uranus, through this planet that has
so many aspects and the greatest number of them with afflictions, we can place in it
the seat of native ailment and with the diagnosis of system obstruction
nervous and spinal fluids (cerebrospinal fluid from Medicine).
This boy has never been able to walk other than
staggering, just like a drunk. As Gemini is the sign of speech and
Mercury the planet that governs this faculty, Neptune in Gemini, has prevented
that this unfortunate Ego has learned the use of it. With the Moon, the
ruler of life, afflicted in Virgo (the Moon has rulership over the fluids
targets of the body, and Mercury, the small intestine), it is very doubtful that this
young man can master such afflictions, because a negative sign is coming out and
as afflictions proceed from angles they are stronger than the will of the
This second figure is that of a man who was born on March 17,
1900, at 1 AM, and which has the energetic sign of Sagittarius on the Ascendant,
with the planet Jupiter, the ruler of life, in his own sign, Sagittarius, in the
twelfth house, and in conjunction with the nervous and erratic Uranus, which is the
co-ruler of the horoscope. These two planets are also in conjunction with
the Dragon's Head, which is of a Jupiterine nature. There are such planets
afflicted by a square aspect that they form with Mars, from the sign
Pisces, and also by a parallel with Neptune and Saturn. With these afflictions of
Jupiter that governs arterial blood in the two jupiterine signs, Sagittarius (the
hips) and Pisces (feet), it is not possible to expect anything but blood
arterial is obstructed in the legs.
Since Uranus' action is spasmodic, it indicates that only in
certain times is when this boy suffers from nerve cramps
engines. But we see that Saturn, the planet of obstruction, is located very
strongly because it is in its own sign of Capricorn, a sign that governs the
knees, but he is also afflicted by a square that forms with the Moon,
placed very close to the Midheaven and for another square that it has with Mercury
in Aries. Since the joints of the body are largely governed by the
Capricorn sign, especially when Saturn is placed in this sign
and distressed, we can expect the lack of strength and control from the bottom of the
We find Neptune, the planet that rules the spinal canal and the spirit of
spinal fire, squared with the giver of life, the Sun. This aspect acts
on the body as a disconnect cable does on a telephone set:
communication cannot be established. Vital fluids cannot circulate
freely through the spine, and the upper and inner parts of the
body can be compared to two disconnected cables. This boy, at

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just like the one in the previous horoscope, you cannot walk except by using
crutches, but this affliction was very slight until he reached the age of seven
years, when the progressed Moon reached the conjunction with the radical of Saturn;
then he lost control of his legs completely.
In the Epistle to the Galatians, chapter 6, verse 7, we read “that
that a man sow is what he will reap ”, and in this case we can
we asked: "How can these two boys be responsible for those
diseases that have attacked them as children so young? " But
we have been told that this life is not the only one, that we have lived
many times already, and that we are born of parents with whom we have tied ties in
previous lives. They are mere instruments through which we
we receive our lessons. As we delve into the lives of
these two unfortunate souls we see this exemplified. These two Egos have
been attracted to parents who could provide them with physical bodies made up
in such a way that they respond to the archetype that they previously built
when they were preparing the descent to this plane to be reborn. We
We observe in horoscope number 14C, that Neptune is in the house
tenth, in opposition to Saturn, Venus and Mercury, which are in the house
fourth, indicating lust and drunkenness in both parents; While in the
horoscope number 14D, the Moon is afflicted in the ninth house by an opposition
with Mercury, and Saturn is due to the square it forms, both with Mercury
as with the Moon, indicating by this a drunk father and a nervous mother and

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I wish these poor boys born with bodies so
miserably conformed to learn their lessons, for afflictions
they are to the soul what fire is to gold: a refiner! Surely from
so the experiences of this life will bring you much purification and
development of their souls. God forbid!
Woman; was born on December 5, 1873, at 8:45 PM
This horoscope has the positive, vital and fixed sign of Leo in the Ascendant,
with the ruler of such a sign, the Sun, in the fifth house, on the cusp of which is
the Sagittarius sign. The Moon and Saturn are very strong because they are located in their
signs. Saturn, the planet of obstruction, is in Capricorn, in the house
sixth, the house of diseases.
We generally search on that planet and in the position that
occupies the key to the disease. Saturn is square with Neptune, planet
which is in a "retrograde" direction and which forms a conjunction with the Midheaven,
being situated in the impulsive sign of Aries. Neptune is the top octave of
Mercury and is in the ninth house, which governs the higher mind. In that
case we can expect the native to have brain storms or some other
abnormal ailment of the mind.
The Moon is in its own sign, Cancer, square to Jupiter. For the
Therefore, the native cannot expect much help from the Moon, and, for this reason,
we must observe the planet Mercury to see if the mind can receive any
benefit by its influence, to counteract or dominate the square that forms
Neptune with Saturn. Mercury is in a "retrograde" direction, which causes its
influence is latent, and, also, placed in the sign of its "fall", the sign
common and negative of Sagittarius. Mercury, however, despite being weak by
sign and being "retrograde" is favored by the sextiles it forms with
Jupiter and with Saturn. These aspects will save the native from insanity.
Uranus, the planet of the impulse, appears "retrograde" and is on the impulsive
Leo sign, in conjunction with the Ascendant, and in opposition to the igneous Mars.
Mars and Uranus are at angles, the first and seventh houses, and have the
tendency to manifest outbursts of genius and spasmodic emotions. This
causes the heart to function irregularly.
Neptune in Aries, square to Saturn, makes the mind very
selfish, and since childhood this woman has wanted others to satisfy
each and every one of their whims and desires, reaching the extreme of suffering
spasms and cramps until her parents grant her what she
wanted to. This habit grew in her and as she reached the mature age of menopause,
that is, from the normal suspension of the rules, this lady had no
Mastery or control of your emotions. The doctors diagnosed her case as
of exaggerated hysteria.

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When the progressed Sun reached the conjunction of radical Mars and the
Radical Uranus opposition, a heart condition such as
consequence of the efforts and contortions to which he had subjected his
body throughout his life for his selfish outbursts. With Neptune in Aries, in
squaring Saturn, and the Moon without any aspect, this woman lacks the
mind control and consent to emotional Uranus and fiery Mars dominating
completely his life.
Here's a case in which parents should be censored for having
allowed his girl to do as she pleased. If they had known
direct, convince and govern when starting as a child to reach those outbursts and
follies, even if they had been forced to use severe methods to
to counteract her will, they would have helped her to become superior to her
emotions and to dominate them. But since, on the contrary, they tolerated that she
do your liking, they have been responsible for the unspeakable suffering that this woman
she has suffered and that can bring her a fatal result.
This is one of the cases in which the patient rushes himself into the
illness through their violent actions. Indeed, there is no reason
some so that you have poor health with only three afflictions, namely the
squaring Saturn with Neptune and the Midheaven; the conjunction of Uranus with the
Ascendant and opposition with Mars, and squaring Jupiter with the Moon, in
so much so that we have in his horoscope fifteen good aspects including the
parallels and the sextile of the Sun with Mars, together with the fact that in the angles there are fixed
and cardinal. It can be said, with good reason, that this poor woman is digging
his own grave. Let us meditate deeply on the archetype that he will use in his

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next incarnation, for which he is now laying the foundation, and we will see
that it is no strange thing that there are souls born with chronicles and
incurable diseases.
Woman; was born on April 4, 1915, at 5 PM
In this horoscope we have in the Ascendant the common sign of Virgo, thus
as common signs at all angles, with the further peculiarity that
all afflicting planets are located in the common signs. By rule
In general, the planetary afflictions of these weak signs are more easily
expired than when they come from cardinal or fixed signs, but when the patient
has common signs at all four angles will not make the necessary efforts to
fight against planetary influences.
We see the Sun in the Martian and impulsive sign of Aries, and in sextile
with Uranus. This last planet is very strong because it is placed on its own
sign, Aquarius. The Moon, for its part, is placed in the restless sign of
Sagittarius, and the ruler of the Ascendant, Mercury, is in conjunction with the igneous e
impulsive Mars.
The positions of these various planets will give this girl a way to
be very impulsive, restless and ambitious, a character that will want to go forward

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always, and everything this person does will be quick and impulsive.
Lack of control is well marked. This woman will eat quickly, without chewing the
food properly. This haste and impulsiveness for everything will have very
bad, because Mercury, which governs the nervous system, is in conjunction with
Mars and square to the Moon and the destroyer Saturn, which will make the
This woman's nervous constitution is greatly impaired every time she
become very nervous, angry, excess food, or any
another reason that can produce an effort or tension in the nerves.
The Moon has rulership over the esophagus and stomach, and Saturn, which
it is placed powerfully in the Midheaven, it has government over the nerve
pneumogastric. Saturn is in opposition to the Moon, hence we can
expect conditions or ailments of. the ramifications of the pneumogastric nerve or
vague. The two divisions of this great nerve, the ramifications of the esophagus and the
gastric, they are obstructed in their functions by Saturn, and this interferes or prevents
regular peristaltic action. The slow functioning of the esophagus and cardia
make the food move very slowly through this tube before it
reaches the stomach, and therefore this organ retains it long before
digest it, because Saturn makes these organs work very lazily,
all of which can result in a major disaster.
This girl has suffered intensely from the stomach once every six u
eight days, at various times. These crises can be attributed to the effect of
transit of the Moon through common signs forming conjunctions, oppositions or
squares with the planets in such signs. The transit of the Moon over the point
radical of Sagittarius, on Mercury, Jupiter and Mars in Pisces, and by Saturn in
Gemini, will cause those periods of grief to manifest once every
Parents consulted a number of doctors, each of whom gave
to the case a different diagnosis. One of them was sure that it was
cancer and wanted to operate on it. Between these crises and attacks of pain to the stomach the
The girl seemed to be in a very good state of health.
In such a case, the utmost care must be taken to avoid all
undue excitement and also during the times when the Moon passes through the
afflicted planets. Great caution must also be exercised in choosing the
food you take. All foods that are rude and difficult to digest
they must be eliminated from the patient's diet, and everything that the patient eats must be
chewed very well before it passes into the esophagus tube.

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Male; was born on November 11, 1886, at 6:36 AM The sign of
Sagittarius is found in degrees 24:24 of the Ascendant in the present horoscope and
the inflammatory and destructive Mars, the planet of momentum, is at the top
of the Ascendant and, therefore, in the delusion-loving and giddy sign
Sagittarius. This man was especially fond of horse racing.
Mercury is in the twelfth house, in the sign of Sagittarius, in sextile with
the impulsive Uranus, placed in the eleventh house, the house of friends, which
encourages speedy action, speed racing, fast driving
of vehicles, etc. Mars, the ruler of the fifth house, which has government over
the pleasures, form a sextile aspect with Jupiter. This man suffered a
horse accident. We found that at the age of 21
years this boy's progressed Sun and the planet Venus reached a
conjunction with the radical of Mercury, just as they formed a sextile with Uranus,
just then just overcoming the progressed Mars one aspect
square that he had with Uranus, and reached a sextile with Venus,
indicating all that the native would enjoy with his friends of very good and
pleasant moments. But the progressed Moon was danced in one aspect of
squaring with the radical of Neptune, in a sextile with Mars and in opposition
with the Midheaven. This caused him an accident, in which this man was
thrown from a horse, the results of which were never restored again,
being paralytic of the legs. This man was rarely pain free,
and in 1916 the doctors removed a part of the femur from his leg
right, because the fall had bruised the bone and it was affected by
We see that Saturn is in the eighth house, in the sign of Cancer,
and square to Jupiter, which is the ruling planet of the Ascendant. Moon
is in his sign of exaltation of Taurus, sign that governs the palate, and in the fifth
home, hence this native had a penchant for drinking. By
indications that we observe of the eleventh house, that of the friends, he drank wine
and he ate too much, until eventually his body was loaded with ashes.
Now when this is the case and the body is unable to eliminate the
excess strong ingested food, toxic products settle in the
weakest point. With Jupiter afflicted in Libra, which has dominion over the
kidneys, these organs had to work excessively and even then they were not able
eliminate toxins and poisonous materials. The bruised femur naturally

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was the point that attracted this poisonous poison, and the decomposition necessarily
After several operations, the native died in June 1918,
when the progressed Sun was close to a conjunction with the Ascendant,
and the progressed Moon was in Cancer, in conjunction with Saturn in the
eighth house, that of death; likewise the progressed Mars was then
within one degree orbit for an opposition to Saturn.
If this man had put himself under the care of a doctor who
would have properly adjusted the bruised femur and subjected it to a
strict vegetarian diet, eliminating all meat and all highly seasoned food,
In order to keep the blood pure, there would have been a good chance of
that his life had been prolonged and that he had not become a paralytic.
But unfortunately it was in a very small town in New
Zealand, where proper treatment could not be given. The bone was neglected
dislocated and bruised, and his diet consisted mainly of food
meat, because vegetables were very scarce there at that time.
Woman; was born on December 4, 1899, at 8 PM
This woman has the watery sign of Cancer in the Ascendant, with the Sun in
the common sign of Sagittarius.

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It is the rule that when investigating physical illnesses taking the
ruler of the sixth house, which is the house that governs disease, and
study the position of such a planet and its aspects. In this horoscope we find the
28 degrees of Sagittarius at the cusp of the sixth house, but the influence of this
sign is almost faded before reaching this house. Therefore, we must
consider the sign of Capricorn, the sign of the seventh house, which has in the
cusp of it the degree 28. Most of this sign is, therefore, in the
sixth house, and for this reason, we must consider Saturn as the planet that
it has, in this case, the regency of the house of the disease.
We find that disturbing and crystallizing planet of Saturn in the degrees
Sagittarius 24:37 in conjunction with the inflammatory Mars, and in opposition to
Neptune and the Dragon's Tail. On page 285 14 of “The Message of the
Stars ”, it is read that Neptune governs the gas of the spine, that is, the spinal fluid,
as the doctors call it. We see Neptune in conjunction with the Tail of the
Dragon in the sign of Gemini, which has rulership over the arms and region of
the 6th and 7th cervical vertebrae and on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd dorsal vertebrae. We find
to Mars and Saturn in the region of the lower end of the spine, the
sacral or Sagittarius region. Saturn when afflicted by Neptune gives a
deep-seated diseases, ailments which, for this reason, are
difficult to understand. Saturn when afflicted also dries up the fluid
synovial joint wherever it is located. When you
found in conjunction with Mars in the sacral region one may fear some
14 Digital edition, Upasika Library.

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inconvenience or discomfort, as Mars is hot and inflammatory and Saturn is cold and
humid, with restrictive influence.
We also have Uranus, the Sun and Mercury in conjunction and in parallel
in this same part of the body, that is, the sacral region ruled by Sagittarius.
Wherever we find two hot or fiery planets, such as the Sun
and Mars, we can expect that much of the vitality and warmth of the body will be
induced towards such a region, and when the restrictive influence of Saturn is
opposed to the abnormal and ossifying influence of a afflicted Neptune in the region
opposite, that is, the upper end of the spine, both exert a pernicious
influence, and we can compare the spinal fluid of the patient to a current of
water that has been cut at both ends. No water can flow there
fresh and new, and therefore the first water must remain stagnant there,
therefore it will rot. As most of the afflictions of this
horoscope will be found in the sacral region naturally most of
impurities will stay there too.
This young woman contracted arthritis of the hip joints at an age
very early, partially due to the negligence of the parents, who were
very inharmonious. The father was a drunk and a libertine, and the mother was careless and
abandoned home obligations, spending a lot of time away from home
home and leaving his three little daughters to make up for themselves. Not achieved
never find out if the beginning of this disease was due to an accident; but
the stars indicate a fall, which undoubtedly broke the bone of the
hip or sacral bones, and was probably the first cause of
disease. Gradually her right leg atrophied, and her spine
twisted. In 1917, this girl requested help from our Healing Center
from Headquarters to heal a hand that had been damaged in a
accident. Here we can also notice the influence of Mars and Saturn on
conjunction, which have their effect on the opposite sign, Gemini, and caused the
broken finger. The bone was affected and the doctors could not do anything
to cure it. However, with the help of the Invisible Helpers and a strict
Vegetarian diet was managed to restore from this harm to the girl. But she had
impure blood by inheritance from his father. Notice Mars, the ruler of the
tenth house, the father, in conjunction with Saturn and in opposition to Neptune,
which would indicate the father's affliction; that is, the horrible disease called
gonorrhea. Parents with this disease frequently attract souls to them.
reborn that they must suffer from thorn diseases, blindness, etc. "The mills
of God they grind very slowly, but they do it excessively often ”.
Male; was born on January 9, 1898, at 8 AM
This lesson is based on a man's horoscope for the sign
Aquarius fixed on the Ascendant, with signs also fixed at all angles,
indicating a nature with a strongly developed will, the

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Sun placed in the Saturnian sign of Capricorn, indicating that the
native has great persistence to resist disease. How good this
man has managed to succeed in such a fight is demonstrated by the appearance between
the Sun and Mars, which often points to the extent of the damage that we have done
been able to infer our physical body. Any aspect between Mars and the Sun, even
when it is a square or an opposition, it is better than the one that does not
there is none. Strong signs in the angles and the Sun in a certain sign is
a hint of power to master physical restraints. But in this case the Sun
is lacking in aspects with Mars, thereby indicating that the disease has
domain over the native.
Mars, which is exalted in Capricorn, is in conjunction with
Venus, squared with Jupiter, and elevated in the eleventh house, indicating
accident proneness. Mars in the eleventh house also indicates that the
friends will be responsible for your ailments because they are the ones who will drag you into
We see in this horoscope a very preeminent Uranus, which is
near the apex of the Midheaven, in conjunction with Saturn, in sextile with
Jupiter and trill with the Moon, indicating such circumstances that the native is a
person who wishes to shine or appear in society, being highly regarded by their
friends, and also one who will go to extremes to please and distract you.
Uranus in Sagittarius indicates momentum that finds expression in sports,
especially with those related to four-legged animals. Saturn rules the

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In the year 1917, the progressed Mars had reached a conjunction and a
parallel with the radical of the Sun, which was found in Capricorn 19:21 and in
the dozava house, the house of the ruins and its own fainting. The same
time the progressed Venus was in parallel with the radicals of Saturn and
from Uranus. This indicates that during the aforementioned year of 1917, meeting with
friends and riding a horse this man suffered a bone injury
of one leg, which although at the time of the accident only seemed to have
bruised, however, it was a very deep wound.
Now we will see how precisely and clearly the “clock of destiny” marks the
events. On December 3, 1918, there was an eclipse of the Sun in the
Sagittarius 10:31, in conjunction with this man's Saturn radical. He
The effect of an eclipse lasts for the whole year that follows.
In 1919, we see the Sun progressed in conjunction with the Ascendant, the
Venus progressed in opposition to the radical of the Moon, and Mars progressed
in conjunction with the radical of the Sun. Here we have three afflictions during the year
that followed the eclipse, and when the Moon by transit on June 5, 1919 formed
squaring the place of the eclipse, at the same time that it formed a
squaring with the radicals of Uranus and Saturn, the person in question
she became ill with severe pain in her right ankle, followed by chills and
fever From that moment the leg began to swell and formed on it
a large abscess, which was healed by a doctor. As soon as an abscess
one of them was cured, another was formed and in eight months he was operated by
such abscesses at least ten times. Towards the year 1920 the pus began to
come out of the ankle through small holes and the doctors diagnosed the case as
On April 26, 1924, this man entered a hospital again to
undergo another operation and then several splinters were removed from the bone of seven
inches up the leg.
In August 1924, when he requested healing by our Headquarters,
He returned to the hospital to undergo another operation.
Unfortunately there are many doctors who do not conceive that operations
in the human body or the removal of organs from it cannot produce a
permanent cure, until the patient does not undergo an adequate diet.
The author recently visited a friend of hers in the hospital,
who was seriously injured in a car accident. Although she was a
strict vegetarian and disliked meat, doctors forced her to eat
lots of meat, steaks with plenty and to take many broths, while
wounds were in the process of healing.
In the horoscope of this young adult before us, we
We find Venus in conjunction with Mars in a Saturnian sign, Capricorn, and
square to Jupiter. Venus and Mars are the rulers of the 4th and 10th houses,
which the parents point out, from which the native inherited a blood
scrofulous. So we can understand that no matter how many bones
doctors can remove from his leg, the real cause of the disease is
in the blood, this patient can be cured only by prescribing a diet
strict vegetarian or frugivorous.

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Male; was born on April 27, 1868, at 6:37 PM
In the horoscope before us we will consider first the
mental qualities, which are pointed out in particular by Mercury and the Moon.
Mercury has three aspects; the conjunction with its higher octave, Neptune, the
which occurs in the sign of the head, Aries; a sextile with Venus in the sign
Gemini mercurial, and a square with the Moon in Cancer. We also notice
that Mercury marches before the Sun. This indicates a benevolent disposition and a
quite good reasoning ability, although the native will not use the process
ordinary reasoning, but will use the Neptunian method in all its
mental operations.

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The Moon in the ninth house, in the psychic sign of Cancer, which is her home,
and in conjunction with Uranus, it gives a marked intuition. Saturn in Sagittarius, the
sign of the ninth house, trilled with Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, will help the
native to bring order to his thoughts, with the result that it will be much
more balanced than what inspired people are generally. Without
However, he will always be away from the crowd, because he is a dreamer
very marked. Uranus and the Moon in conjunction in the ninth house, the house of the
higher mind, they will dominate everything else. But the other settings that
acting on this aspect will save you from becoming a fool and being the target
from all the teasing.
Regarding your health, we note first that the ruler of Aries
it is near the cusp of the sixth house, and in conjunction with Neptune. Neptune
forms a conjunction with Mercury, which will make this man very sensitive and
irritable, in this sense sometimes nullifying the benevolent disposition denoted
by the sextile of Mercury with Venus. The Moon and Uranus in Cancer, the sign that
rules the stomach, they show that it will be very difficult to be content with
regarding food, and the square of Mars with this configuration gives us away
You are likely to suffer from gastric conditions when the resistance of the
body is gone. You will also long to drink strong alcoholic beverages, and
if you indulge in this tendency and indulge in such a habit, experiences
Psychic delusions will be inevitable.
Control spirits are very apt to take possession of the body of
such people, even apart from drinking, because the squares of the
Moon and Uranus with Neptune and Mars favor such a trend, and temporarily by
the least the madness is likely to manifest.
Part of these predictions have already been made, since this patient has
addressed to the Healing Center of our Headquarters, to be preserved from
the undesirable attention of spirits that he has attracted in spirit sessions. East
man rebelled a lot against the diet that was prescribed and could not be achieved
to send us the weekly letters with due regularity. Nevertheless,
there is great hope that the Ego will be freed from external influences by the
aspect of the Sun in sextile with the Moon and Uranus, although naturally such
undesirable influences will cause the native many more inconveniences than
if he had continued on our healing list until he had achieved his
total balance and restoration, instead of doing what has been done and that is repeated
with so many.
By the time such people achieve the slightest relief they think
that they do not need any further help from others. This is not a bad
attitude, because continuously on the "Path of Development", we are presented
as an ideal the cry of "If you are Christ, help yourself". There are many
indolent people who do not want to shoulder their responsibility, who dodge the shoulder
from the load as much as they can, who are always asking for help even when
just suffer from a toothache; some have even been
telegraphed for a headache and other such simple and common illnesses
that go as far as ridiculous. Therefore it is always better to encourage the sick
so that by themselves they heal and start as soon as possible when

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notice the ailment, because in this way they gain spiritually although
physically their progress is slower.
In a case of this nature, the simplest diet should be prescribed with
object to calm the nerves; lettuce if possible and onions by
night in any case. A similar diet and the corresponding exercises to
give flexibility to the spine, especially in the lumbar region, where Saturn in
Sagittarius holds a prey, as if it were a stocks, in the sciatic nerves, with
time will restore the health of such a patient, provided, of course,
give up liquor and stay away from spirit sessions.
Woman; was born on August 17, 1881, at 9 AM
This horoscope is that of a woman who has the sign of Libra on the
Ascending, with cardinal signs at all four angles. The Sun in the sign
fixed and positive Leo indicates that this woman will have the power of determination
well developed. This determination, however, can be expressed in the
form of stubbornness or stubbornness, because Mercury is in the Leo sign and in the tenth
house, square with Saturn and Neptune, these last two planets being
in the fixed and stubborn sign of Taurus.
The squares of the three previous planets, Saturn, Neptune and
Mercury, they act from the natural house of Capricorn and saturnine nature,

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that is, the tenth, which is a dominant position, and on the eighth house, the
What is the natural house of Scorpio or Mars, so we can expect
that this woman will be very fixed in nature and determined to follow his
own inclinations. Your ideals or desires can be manifested through
Venus influence on Cancer, in conjunction with the Midheaven. The planet Venus
forms a sextile aspect with Saturn, Neptune and Uranus, and another in parallel with the
Moon and Mars. This provides the power to indulge in art or music, and
he also has a taste for costumes, and for ostentation and display, and as Venus is
the ruler of the Ascendant will also give a kind and attractive personality,
coupled with the beauty of face and figure. According to the diagnosis of psychoanalysis,
this woman during the teenage years when the forces of life
They flowed and arose and their latent talents looked for the way to express themselves, what
which would naturally be through art or music, did not find its place or
sphere of action, whereby his ideals withered and destroyed, and the
spirit believed contracted and dominated.
We can see here that Saturn, the ruler of the fourth house, that
indicates to the mother, she is constraining Neptune, the regent of the sixth house, that
indicates the service that we must render and render. Mercury in the tenth, the house of
the profession is square with Saturn and Neptune, being able to see in this the
proof that this girl's mother did not sympathize with the profession that
she had chosen, and forced her to carry out positions that the spirit felt
that were harmful to him, also containing his instincts
artistic. In the case of a weak and negative personality this is sometimes
for his benefit, plus the spirit is not considered enslaved, but
with a fixed and positive nature like the one offered to us in this horoscope,
with five planets in fixed signs and with cardinal signs in the four angles, the
case is different. When such a woman sees that her ideals are
broken and destroyed, he finds it very difficult to adjust to the
will of others, and the impulses contained for this reason, find very
easily way to manifest in some other sense.
In this case we see Neptune and Saturn trilling with Uranus; so the
psychic side can then be a means of relieving this soul of its
content feelings. Uranus is square to Mars, and the Moon forms a
conjunction and parallel with Mars. These afflictions, along with those of Saturn,
Neptune and Mercury gave this woman a negative development, and mediumship
it was very attractive to her. For a short period of time she had the greatest
joy and the greatest joy because its development was very fast, which
we can deduce from the trill formed by Neptune and Uranus, which indicates psychism.
But if this poor woman had had astrological knowledge and had
If she could see the dangerous signs on the planets, she would not have given herself to
this negative phase in her spiritual development and she would not have forced her
development as we have been able to verify that it forced it. As it was a
positive character, the Invisible Helpers were able to alleviate it, through their
cooperation, in a short time of a very serious case of obsession, of which
he had become a victim as a consequence of the practice of mediumship.
The advice given to this woman through the Center was that
eat very moderately and that their diet consists mainly of

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vegetables and fruits, eliminating proteins and starches, and that conserves
his mind and his active body, without forgetting prayer and devotion, since prayer
it is an extraordinary help and a protection against the adverse psyche.
We also find in this horoscope a very important lesson with
regarding heart disease. We see Neptune and Saturn in conjunction
in the sign of Taurus, which governs the throat and larynx, and square with
Mercury, placed in the sign Leo; we also see Jupiter in Taurus, in
squaring the Sun in Leo, indicating that the throat circulation will be
altered on some occasions. Wherever we find Saturn and Neptune
in conjunction there will be some difficulty in the development of the corresponding organ.
This woman had very severe tonsillitis access and underwent a
operation in which the tonsils were removed.

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Now we will use simple horoscopes in both cases
following, since the time of birth is unknown. This will not alter the
diagnosis of the disease, but, nevertheless, it is necessary to know the sign
outgoing to determine the will of the patient. When the patient is for
having a crisis is good to know the exact time you were born in order to calculate
the place of the Moon and its relationship with the planets in their transit. These planets
they act as the minute hand on the Planetary Clock. They determine, by their aspects
with the radicals of the planets and their progression, if the disease
It has reached a critical point. Especially the new and full phases of the Moon
they point out when changes can be expected.
Woman; was born on April 25, 1877.
In "The Message of the Stars" we are told that Neptune is the eighth
superior of Mercury and that governs the pineal gland, while Mercury has
rulership over the thyroid gland. In this horoscope we find Venus, which
it governs the venous circulation, in its own sign of Taurus, ruler of the throat, in
conjunction with Neptune and the Sun, and also in square with Mars, in the sign
of Aquarius. Neptune when afflicted by Saturn, as in the other
horoscope number 17B causes atrophy or does not let the organ
corresponding to the part of the body where it is by sign reach its
full measure. If it's in Leo, it can cause a heart valve to be
smaller than the others, making circulation abnormal. In this
horoscope, however, we find Neptune between Venus and the Sun, which gives
volume or size increase. The Sun provides heat and a greater amount of
blood to the part of the body where it is placed by sign. In this case the
Throat is the part that receives excess blood flow. When Mars
is in square with the Sun or Venus, we can have an abnormal increase in
corresponding body. Mercury, the planet that governs the thyroid gland, is
located in Taurus, in square with Uranus, in the fixed sign of Leo. Uranus in this

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sign also has a tendency to enlarge the organ affected by it. Jupiter the
which governs the arterial circulation, is in square with the Moon.
This woman suffered from dilation or enlargement of the thyroid gland, which
it reached such a size that it impeded the normal circulation of the blood and caused
the action of the heart was very deficient.
Male; was born on September 26, 1863.
Venus is in conjunction with the Sun, Mars and Saturn, whose four
planets are in the sign of Libra and all in opposition to Neptune. Is
configuration, especially the obstructive influence of Saturn, caused the
alteration of the thyroid gland, which, however, did not increase in size
as in the previous case, but its functions and circulation were altered. This
caused this man to suffer from weak memory, kidney collapse
and dilatation of the prostate.
What could we advise to alleviate these patients?
ask us. In the case of the woman in the first horoscope, where a
excess blood in the throat and both Jupiter and Venus are afflicted,
causing the arterial and venous circulations to be very scarce, we
we would recommend a quick friction of the lower limbs with a couple of
bath gloves, and also warm foot baths, to make blood

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circulate more freely towards the lower part of the body, and, consequently,
remove pressure from the throat. We would also decrease the amount of food
which forms more meat, such as white bread, cakes, sugar and so on
the style.
In the second horoscope we find the Moon in Pisces, a water sign, what
which gives an inclination towards the liquids. It is forming a square with
Uranus, and this, together with the conjunction of Venus with Mars, the Sun and Saturn indicates
that the lower nature, especially sex, has been ruin and disgrace
of the native. We would advise the elimination of food highly
seasoned: liqueurs, tobacco and meat, and to make a simple life with much
outdoor exercise.
Male; was born on August 16, 1918, at 1:45 AM
This is the horoscope of a young man who has the cardinal and watery sign
Cancer in the Ascendant. People with cardinal signs in the
Ascending are more tense, that is, we can qualify them as impressionable,
and they are more sensitive than the others. They feel more intensely and acutely. Not
only their feelings and suspicions are hurt more quickly, but
their bodies are also more sensitive to pain, and their suffering is more intense.

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This boy has the magnanimous and jovial planet of Jupiter in
conjunction with the Ascendant, and Jupiter is in parallel with the Moon, which is
ruler of the Ascendant, also being in mutual reception. The soft and
loving Venus is in the first house, which will give the native a shape and a face
beautiful with a kind and attractive personality.
At the age of approximately twenty months he fell ill with meningitis, the
disease is an inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain and the
spinal cord. He recovered from such illness, but his head began to
grow and also lost his sense of hearing. The enlarged head is
it became so pronounced that some operations were necessary. In two
Occasionally, being a little older than three years of age, he underwent two
surgical interventions. (We judge that this must have happened
when the progressed Moon reached 27 degrees of Capricorn, which led her to
form an opposition with Venus, or two months later, when she reached
squaring with Mars). A tiny piece of bone was removed from each temple,
forming an opening to the brain. This caused water to flow out of the brain and
seemed to relieve the child for some time, but later the
need to also relieve the back of the head, for which
they made two surgeries just behind the ears, one in
each side. We cannot specify the exact date of these operations;
however, we believe that aspects of the Moon would record them. We found that
about twenty-five months after the first operation the Moon
was in opposition to Saturn, which registered another disturbance, which

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we believe that it probably marked the time of the operation in the part
from behind the head.
The parents took this child from the center of the West of our country to
Los Angeles, and put him under the treatment of a famous osteopathic doctor,
who directed the operations and treated him with the scientific manipulations of the
excellent modern healing method known as osteopathy.
His parents also put him on our healing list under the direction of
the Invisible Helpers, hoping that the child could enjoy again
of the sense of hearing, which he lost at the approximate age of a year or a year and a half. Me
I wasn't aware of the boy's past until I had the chance to do the
diagnosis of the case with a friend, so that is another check of the
so exact way that the planets tell us the state of the human body.
Venus, which governs the "thymus" gland, is powerful because it is placed
in the first house, although he is afflicted by a square with Mars, and this
planet is almost on the cusp of its own sign, Scorpio. Mars
prophesies injuries or accidents, and Scorpio is the sign that has rulership over
the therapists. The delivery of this creature was very laborious, desperate to save
both the life of the mother and that of the boy. Today's doctor doesn't
admits that childbirth is a natural thing if it steals a lot of time, because he
he is too busy and must quickly return to his office to see
other patients, and as a result of this haste a large proportion of
deliveries are rushed through the use of instruments. In this case the
forced birth caused damage to certain nerves and vessels
unnamed blood vessels, which carry blood to the brain through the gland
With Saturn in conjunction with the Sun in the sign of Leo, which has
rulership over the spinal cord, and both in opposition to Uranus, the fluid
Spinal was obstructed and very heavy. Uranus, which is the upper octave of
Venus has rulership over the pituitary body. This body is connected
directly with the sheath or outer covering of the spinal cord, the durameter.
Uranus as it is afflicted by the Sun and Saturn has greatly impeded the functions of
spinal fluids.
The thymus gland in a young child regulates blood flow
from and to the brain through the innominate artery and veins. At birth the
This child's neck was injured or damaged in any way, causing the restriction
of the blood stream, and when circulation was restricted, the head was filled
of water accordingly. The most interesting proof of this is that being
removed those pieces of bone from the temples, and also those from behind the
head, there was no red blood in the wounds, which left the perplexed
doctors. The osteopathic therapist has been very active in his manipulations and
treatments on the thymus gland and the spine, showing that their
diagnosis coincides with ours.
The boy is apparently in good health, but he has lost his hearing,
although there is some hope that he will get it back. When I get to the
age of puberty and the thyroid gland take over the functions of the gland
Thymus, the nerves and blood vessels that serve the ear may be
stimulated, and through the help of the Invisible Helpers can achieve

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hear again. However, there is some danger that the operations
carried out behind the head have permanently damaged the nerves,
which would therefore affect the ear.
Woman; was born on November 27, 1905, at 1:15 PM
This lady has the negative and aqueous sign of Pisces in the Ascendant, and
Jupiter, the ruler, is in the sign of Gemini, and goes “retrograde”, and is
in the third house and in opposition to the giver of life, the Sun. This, suddenly,
announces a very pregnant and restricted regent, and is an indication that
this soul has incurred in past lives debts of fate that have matured
and expect to be satisfied and liquidated during this incarnation, because if the
ruler of life is afflicted by the most powerful planet, i.e. the Sun as well
as for the square that it forms with Saturn and the parallel that it has with
Mars, on the other hand, receiving very little help, since it only has one aspect
helper, that is, the trill with Mars from the twelfth house, then we can
infer that this person will have to pay those debts in this life, and not
You can enjoy freedom until they are liquidated.
We see Mercury very well aspected in the tenth house, by the
conjunction of the Moon, the Midheaven and Uranus, and by the sextile with Saturn. Moon,

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which has partial rule over the mind, is in conjunction with the Midheaven,
giving the native a sharp and quick mind.
From the mental point of view this girl might be able to carry
do whatever your mind sets your mind to, and you marvel that such
mind apparently does not accomplish or accomplish anything. What is the cause?
We see that it has common signs at all four angles; he
ruler of life, Jupiter, march "retrograde" in the common sign of Gemini,
sign that is its "fall", and the Sun is also in a common sign. These are
indications that this soul is satisfied with letting go of the current.
Any advancement and progress in this life will be due to
Stinging influence of the father, signified by the tenth house.
Jupiter rules the arterial circulation, and its afflictions tend to restrict the
free circulation of the blood stream. Jupiter also has rulership over the
adrenals, those two tiny glands of internal secretion or endocrine
that are on the kidneys. These two organs, like the thyroid gland,
contribute to the good state of the blood, because when passing through them it receives the
corresponding supply of the secretion of the adrenals. This discharge
it energizes the body and makes fluids flow more freely. Glands
adrenals are the organs that stimulate the body, and when we find that
Jupiter, which has rulership over these organs, is the ruler of life and so
severely distressed, as is the case in this horoscope, we can expect that
the patient is lacking in energy, that is, he is a negative person and without
Neptune, which is the upper octave of Mercury, acts on the system
nervous, and governs the pineal gland and spinal canal. In this horoscope march
"Retrograde" and is in opposition to the spasmodic and erratic Uranus, the
planet that governs the pituitary body. So, we can presume that there is
a complete disorder of the endocrine glands. We see an alteration of the
adrenals, which are excited by emotions, causing the
circulation of their secretions is uneven, which sometimes results in
convulsions, and in others the opposite, that is, producing this woman a
comatose state, according to the character of the emotions, without dominance and control
For her part, what this sick person feels.
This girl is the daughter of a wealthy father and a willing mother and
selfish, who is addicted to the use of tobacco and liquor. When her mother was
pregnant with this girl, it sometimes happened that when she saw her husband coming from his
She simulated a spasm or syncope in order to inspire pity and
attract his sympathies, with whose ploy he managed to fill and
satisfy all your selfish desires and whims.
We have learned in the Rosicrucian teachings that the Ego is
attracted to parents through whom he can learn the lessons
that it is necessary to receive in such an incarnation, and in the case that concerns us
we can say that this girl found in her mother who provided
many sad lessons.
If this girl is contradicted or finds opposition in anything, she
it quickly rages, and ends up in a paroxysm or attack very
similar to epilepsy. However, it does not foam at the mouth or gather the

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jaws ,, as occurs sometimes in the indicated disease. The genius and the
outbursts of temper make the fluids of the adrenals flow very
rapidly into the blood, and the excesses of this fluid cause jealousy and
We see two different conditions expressed in the outbursts
under which this girl falls. Jupiter is in opposition to the Sun and in
parallel with Mars, which sometimes causes excess secretion, giving
origin and means for the aforementioned condition to manifest. In
other times he completely loses consciousness in his fainting spells, being so
insensitive. and as stiff as if she were dead. This last condition is
manifests when the adrenals stop the secretion of their fluids in the
blood, end indicated by Saturn in square with Jupiter. When it falls low
the condition mentioned first has the appearance of an obsessed and is very
cruel to those around him. This is also noted in the horoscope
by Neptune's opposition to Uranus.
The father has spent a fortune testing one doctor after another, but
without achieving any benefit. The girl is perfectly normal when not
falls under the influence of these outbursts or paroxysms. She, like her mother,
He also goes to such lengths to win the sympathies of his
parents and their sisters.
The latest diagnosis from doctors says it is a tumor that is
growing in the brain near the cerebellum, and both the patient and her mother
want to carry out the surgical intervention that the doctors have indicated, in
So much so that the father stubbornly opposes it. What has to happen is still
about to see. If she decidedly submits to the scalpel, as she herself is determined
to do so, she may be forced to remain for the rest of her life in
some institution as a mentally ill person.

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Male; was born on May 11, 1913, at 6:59 AM
The subject of this reading is a boy who was about fifteen months old when
this horoscope was originally made for which we speak throughout the
horoscope referring to his age of fifteen months. Ordinarily it would seem
It is superfluous to judge the character and mentality of a person of such tender age.
However, when we consider the body from the point of view
spiritual and as the temple where a divine spirit dwells, we will understand that the
builder and architect of that temple must be taken into account from the first
moment of his life until the silver cord breaks.
The mercurial sign of Gemini is coming out, but the
ordinary Gemini nature because Saturn in Gemini puts its obstructive

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hand over this creature and it will give you a tendency to melancholy and a disposition
withdrawn, that is, a desire not to live in society.
Mercury and Venus in Aries, squared with the Moon and Neptune, give a
tendency to hide and retract, but the sextile of Saturn with Mars and the trill
Saturn with Uranus, make the mind idealistic and energetic. This in general
forms good material for parents to work on. They by all means
Within their reach, they should try to combat the tendency to withdraw and stimulate their
idealism and make your child play with his friends. It seems very likely that the
child is inclined to seclude himself, so from childhood
he must be inculcated and told to go with the other people. Not owed
allow more to come out alone than is essential and cannot be avoided.
Children at this age generally sleep the same overnight.
morning, that from morning to night, and as soon as they have been given the
food they go to the land of dreams where the assimilation of it can
perform better. But this is not the case with our little subject; The insomnia,
restlessness and nervousness are the results suffered by the influence of
opposition of the Moon and Neptune to Jupiter, and the squaring of these three planets
with Mercury and Venus placed in Aries, the sign that governs the head. Of
so that his whole nature is trembling, so the child cannot achieve the
necessary rest, and hence he is ill.
The biggest drawback comes from the conjunction that the Moon forms with
Neptune. This interferes or alters the normal distribution of the fluid essential for
assimilation, that is, the lymph. Jupiter is afflicted by these two planets, and he
governs assimilation. Due to these two reasons the child cannot grow so
quick as you would otherwise. He has very peculiar and strange notions
about your food and these ideas will develop as you grow.
This trend is one of the things that must be more firmly mastered,
because squaring the Moon with Venus gives abnormal appetites; the moon and
Neptune in Cancer will make this child have desires and longings for something that
never find, and this can lead to the formation of habits that can come
to be extremely dangerous. It doesn't matter how much I can protest and even if
ordinary food seems to be inconsistent with its nature, however
should be taught to eat everything that is healthy that is put into the
table, because the formation of a strong and good appetite will dominate and
counteract the strange tendency that is latent in its nature. The sweets
in moderation they will be beneficial.
Circulation is influenced by the affliction between Neptune and the Moon
with Venus and Jupiter. Saturn and Uranus are strongly configured by the trill and
parallel from aerial signs, which in addition reacts on the circulation
and it makes it spasmodic. The heart has a propensity for
palpitations due to the presence of Uranus in Aquarius. So this poor
child is considerably distressed beforehand. However, there is no reason
to be alarmed and saddened, for the Sun is triune with Jupiter and sextile with
the Moon and Neptune. The fact itself that it is in the wonderfully vital
sign of Taurus, it is enough for his life to be assured, and even until
Saturn in the Ascendant lends persistence and resistance to disease,
giving tenacity towards life.

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Of course there will be crises in your life, that with the knowledge of what
Before it will be easier for parents to be prepared to bear them. The
The most severe of them all will occur at the time of puberty, when the
Progressed Moon will work on the eighth house, the house of death, and will be found
in opposition to his place at birth, in appearance with Neptune and in square with
Mercury and Venus. This is a serious position but not to be afraid of,
due to the fact that the Sun is very powerful in this horoscope. Besides the trill
Saturn with Uranus and the Saturn sextile with Mars give an elasticity and
excellent energy to nature, so that there is no fear, because although the
boy be seen at the gates of death, he will have the resistance to
reestablish with amazing speed.
At the present time, it should be investigated whether the mother is
breastfeeding the child, and if she has felt nervous and exhausted. If so, the
child should immediately undergo lactation of goat's milk, which
will contain the necessary ether to compensate for the lack of lymph, and although the creature
You do not like this milk at first, however, you will get used to it.
Male; was born on June 3, 1865, at 3 AM
Here we have the horoscope of a man with the fixed sign of Taurus in the
Ascendant, and the ruler, which is Venus, placed precisely on the
Ascendant, in the same sign, but in the twelfth house. Venus forms only
two aspects: a conjunction with the Ascendant and a square with the
inflammatory Mars, which is placed in the sign of Leo and in the fourth house.
The Taurus sign rules the neck, throat, lower jaw, larynx
and the tonsils, and its opposite, Scorpio, rules the rectum, the descending colon,
the uterus and also the nose. These signs of Scorpio and Taurus are the signs
most vital of all twelve. Note the strange coincidence that resides in the
fact that Taurus rules the largest portion of the lower part of the head and
the neck, and the adjacent organs at the upper end of the spine,
while Scorpio slides its influence up to the nose although
its focal point resides in the organs near the lower end of the spine
vertebral. Leo, the sign that forms the square with those of Taurus and Scorpio, rules
the river of life, the spinal fluid, the fluid of which connects or unites the organs
ruled by Taurus and Scorpio.
Now, in the horoscope that we are analyzing we see the inflammatory
Mars in Leo, square to Venus in Taurus. Venus, however you are
in his home in such a sign, he naturally draws upon himself the inflammatory influence of
Mars, whether Mars is in Taurus or Venus is afflicted by Mars in
such a sign. In this case we may fear inflammatory conditions in the throat,
genitalia, or in the rectum. We can also expect them to occur
polyps, which is a peduncular development that grows on the mucosa of the
nose, and it often closes the path to nasal distillations, making very
difficult and painful breathing. It also sometimes grows inside the vagina or

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of the rectum. The habit of breathing through the mouth in children because of frequent
such developments of the nose when there are planetary afflictions in the horoscope. The
membrane of the nose then has abnormal sensitivity and is subject to
irritations, which can cause these polyps, also producing
Hay fever or asthma.
The patient before us has suffered from these vegetations
in both nasal passages, forcing you to breathe fully through your mouth.
The Moon is in the 4 degrees and 19 minutes of Libra and in the sixth house, which,
as we know, it is the house of health. The Moon is the natural ruler of Cancer, the
sign that governs the stomach. At the age of 28, when the Moon
progression had reached its point of birth this man fell
seriously ill with saturnian colic or painters, who later
degenerated into a permanent condition of the kidneys. The latter is due to the
Moon and Saturn in Libra, whose sign governs the kidneys. This general weakening
health increased the vegetations in the nose, which gave reason to perform the
polyps operation when the progressed Moon reached the sign of Scorpio and
was in opposition to Venus.
By eliminating meat, tobacco, liqueurs and all kinds
of condiments and living a life as close as possible to the laws
natural, this man is enjoying good health again.

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Woman; was born on July 13, 1871, at 5:30 AM
Leo, a fire sign, is here on the Ascendant, with the ruler of the
life, the Sun, in the twelfth house, in the sign of Cancer, in conjunction with Mercury
and Uranus, and square with Neptune. We know from our reading of
"The Message of the Stars", that Cancer governs the stomach, where it should
do most of the work of digesting food. This organ is the
central supply station through which the body receives its livelihood.
Cancer also governs the esophagus, the tube between the pharynx and the stomach, and the
thoracic duct, the main duct that carries lymph from the body.
We notice in this horoscope Uranus afflicted by a square
of Neptune placed in the Midheaven and in the sign Aries. With Mercury and the Sun
also in conjunction with Uranus and squaring Neptune, we can expect
that the native has an abnormal or radical mind, and when an idea is formed it is
taken to extremes. This woman can't find a limit on anything,
And we see that this trend is indicated in regards to food.
With the sign of Cancer on the cusp of the Dozava house, the house of misfortunes
and of the limitations, and with the previous afflictions of Uranus, Mercury and the Sun,
we can fear that this lady is very impulsive and has a tendency
determined to eat too much.

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The planets found in the twelfth and sixth houses when they are
afflicted are very harmful to health and in this horoscope we can
consider that the stomach is where the seat of the disease will be found.
Let's see if we find the reason for this statement:
The Moon, who is the ruler of the Dozava house, is in the house of the
friends, the eleventh, and squared with Venus, which is in the second house
and in the sixth sign, Virgo, which governs work and disease. This we
clearly points out that this woman was very hospitable, that she liked to distract
her friends, looking happy and happy when she could give them away and, according to
We have indicated, it went to extremes in this regard. Venus squared with the
Luna indicates an abnormal desire for pastry, sweets and sugar, and indicates a
person who having eaten a rich and abundant meal, would end up with
ice creams, mantecados and chocolatines, and other diverse prepared by the style,
producers of ash and foreign substances or impurities in the blood. Is
person belongs to that type of women that we often meet, whose
greatest pride is in the art of cooking and they are never as happy as
when they host a sumptuously prepared feast. The
Cancer people are very good cooks and generally have great
satisfaction in providing for the needs of the stomach.
In this horoscope we see Saturn, the planet of obstruction, in its
own sign, Capricorn, and in the sixth house, that of health. Saturn is on
Opposition with Jupiter in the stomach sign and in the twelfth house. The
planets and their afflictions often reflect their effects on opposite signs, and
when Saturn is in Capricorn some luck may generally be feared
discomfort in the stomach, because its effects are very similar to those of
Saturn in Cancer. With Jupiter, who rules the arterial circulation, afflicted by
Saturn, it is possible that some alteration of the circulatory system of the
stomach, and with the spasmodic Uranus in conjunction with Mercury, the nerves
They are also sensitive and some form of nervous indigestion is indicated.
Now when Saturn afflicts the stomach, there is a lack of pepsin and
the stomach fluids by which food is digested. Saturn in Cancer or
in Capricorn it gives an abnormal appetite and makes the native very fond of cakes,
especially sugar, just like Venus squares it with the Moon
previously mentioned. Like vegetarians, such people find it
it is very difficult to keep their bodies in good condition, because they generally refuse
taking raw vegetables, preferring starches and sugars, which results in
that the body does not receive the proper amount of mineral elements and blood
very soon it is loaded with ashes, and when it is stored in the blood a
overabundance of waste materials, the body must seek means
to remove and unload the foreign matter it contains. If the system does not
find an outlet to expel impurities, and if the intestines, in turn,
refuse to do their job, as is often the case when consumed
much more food than necessary, then disease ensues.
We frequently see cases of colds, skin diseases,
ulcers, etc., which are merely a resource that the body uses to
dispose of excess ash.

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In the case of this woman we see that the gums remove pus and descend
towards the roots of the teeth; disease commonly called pyorrhea, or
Riggs disease, which is increasing alarmingly in America.
Fifty years ago it was little known, but since then it has been
has shown such madness and fury over various sugars and chocolates that the
Humanity is paying the consequences.
To control this disease, a well-balanced diet is advisable,
simple and vegetarian, free of sugars and starches, and careful cleaning
gums daily with lemon water.
Male; was born on November 4, 1882, at 11:49 PM
This horoscope belongs to a man who has the aqueous sign of Cancer
in the Ascendant. It is customary to diagnose observing the sixth house, which
has the rulership over the disease, and its ruler, to find the key to the
In this horoscope we have the sign of Capricorn at the top of the
sixth house, with its ruler, Saturn, in the tenth and in conjunction with the "Tail of the
Dragon ”, which is of Saturnian influence. Saturn is also in conjunction
with Neptune in the sign of Taurus. They are all in opposition to the

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inflammatory Mars, planet that is powerful in its own sign, Scorpio, which
It has rulership over the rectum and genitalia. This affliction is very
dangerous and subtle, increased by the parallel of Neptune with the Sun in the sign of
Scorpio, and indicates an irrepressible passionate nature that during childhood
He found his way out through the secret vice of masturbation. This over time
exhausted vitality, contained the development of mentality as well as the development
physical, and subsequently caused many health disorders.
Scorpio rules the rectum and vital organs and when they are committed
excesses often cause inflammation in the rectum that results in
intestinal hemorrhoids, preventing elimination and causing laziness
general in the excretory duct.
We have the spasmodic Uranus in Virgo, the sign that governs the
bowels; it is also the natural sign of the sixth house and the one that governs the
diseases. Uranus is square to Venus, which rules the blood
venous. Here we have indications of restricted circulation in the intestine
thin. Jupiter, the planet of opulence, the planet that requires things in
large amounts, is in Cancer, the sign that governs the stomach, and in the house
dozava, the house of ruins and misfortunes, in sextile with the regent of the
Ascending, the Moon, indicating that this man has eaten excessively.
He dissipated the life force, during the period when most need
had from it, having also consumed more food than the organs
they could digest and distribute. Naturally when the organs of elimination
they refuse to work, as we can very well presume in this case, the current
blood is loaded with impurities, causing granulations in the
joints as a result of excessive heat generated in the body
due to too much protein. This heat also dried or consumed the oils
of the body, causing granulations on the eyelids, rheumatism and
a state of general weakness throughout your body.
Our advice to this patient would be to eliminate meats and
starches, taking very little of the protein and eating mainly fruits and
vegetables, and also that it made a chaste and pure life. Must be special
Take care that everything around you is very clean and that you sleep in a room
with enough renewal and freshness of air, because when Saturn is afflicted
by the "Dragon's Tail" and Neptune in the sign of Taurus, they indicate the tendency to
despise the cleanliness of the body and everything that surrounds the native.
Male; was born on August 4, 1862, at 11:30 PM
Taurus, fixed and tenacious sign, is in the Ascendant of this horoscope, with
the ruler, Venus, in the aqueous sign of Cancer, squared with the igneous e
impulsive Mars, and parallel with the ruler of Cancer, the watery Moon. Venus is
also regent of the house of diseases, the sixth. Mars is in the
twelfth house in its own Aries sign; being able to search to find the key to

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the ailment in the configuration and positions of the three previous planets,
that is, Venus, Mars, and the Moon.
The planets that are in a position corresponding to the part of the
body in which the disease is found, are not only the cause of it. If a
pickpocket enters our home and takes our jewelry, the first step you should
given to find the author of the robbery, is to determine the place from which he entered.
Similarly, we must find out the entry of the cause of the disease.
Venus, as we know, is the planet that rules sweets, sugar, etc. Taurus is
the sign that governs the throat, the palate; therefore Taurus has great
influence on appetite. Venus is in Cancer, the sign that controls the
stomach and thoracic duct and is afflicted by a square with Mars. East
planet when it is afflicted by Venus and when it is in its own Aries sign,
causes dissipation and gives the desire to overeat, especially when
Venus is in the stomach sign. The natives of Taurus are generally
very given to the good things of eating and drinking; they are very good
Gourmet and prone to gluttony. Therefore, with the
previous afflictions this man may eat and drink excessively.
Uranus in Gemini is in a very nervous position. This planet
excitable, nervous and restless, especially since it forms an aspect of
squaring Saturn and Jupiter from another mercurial sign, Virgo, will have a
very marked effect on the nervous system.
So with Venus, who has rulership over venous blood, afflicted
by Mars, and with Jupiter, which, in turn, controls arterial blood, afflicted by the

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conjunction of Saturn and the square of Uranus, this man has a circulation
very lazy, especially in the stomach and small intestine. Besides,
with Jupiter and Saturn placed in the sign of Virgo, what can we
wait, but the disease is presented to the native, when any
Affliction touch one of the two planets indicated?
At the age of 39 this man's progressed Sun reached
squaring of Uranus, which caused a nervous alteration. At the same time the
Sun was within one degree of the orbit of a conjunction of the radical of
Saturn. The Sun needs three years to pass a conjunction; a year in shape
“Applicant”, another year in conjunction and another year to separate or move away from the
influence. Therefore, this name went through a double affliction in that
era, which resulted in severe peritonitis disease. He failed
quickly recover from this ailment, because due to their ignorance of the
causes were not contained in his habit of eating and drinking excessively. In the year
1918, when the progressed Moon came to form a square with Saturn and
Jupiter and an opposition with Uranus, a disease appeared, which left him
with a strong intestinal cold.
If it happens that a patient of this type requests from a probationer
advice and treatment what should i do? First I would find the
cause, and as this one here it is evident that it obeys the excesses of the food and
drink, you should advise abstinence from food for a short time,
especially that kind of diet ruled by Mars, that is, the
richly seasoned items and condiments. Liquor and tobacco must be
completely suppressed. Also, you should advise a diet strictly
vegetarian, with plenty of open air and sun exposure to help in the relationship
of the nerves. When the circulations of Venus and Jupiter are slow and
lazy, a friction bath is highly recommended.
Male; was born on July 27, 1856, at 5 AM
As has been frequently stated in our books and lessons from
Astrology, man is the master of his destiny. He has all his life before him, well
for your benefit or for your injury.
Here we have before us a horoscope to diagnose him speaking
by himself, one whose person has all things in his favor with only two
Adverse aspects throughout the horoscope and all other good and favorable ones.
In it we find the Sun and Venus in conjunction, in the sign of the heart, Leo,
one of the strongest signs of the twelve. Both planets are in sextile with
the Moon and in trill with Jupiter, this planet that is very close to the Midheaven.
The mindset is decidedly strong and sharp, especially regarding
metaphysical lines. Neptune is in his own home, the sign Pisces, in sextile with
Uranus and trilled with Mercury. The Moon is also well aspected and in a
mental sign, Gemini. This man had a great start in life and brought
I get from other previous lives very good qualities.

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It is also said in Astrology books by ancient and trustworthy authors,
that Jupiter in the Midheaven offers many favors to the native, and surely this
man was very likely to come out well in this incarnation.
So why did it fail?
First we will say that we find Saturn in Cancer, and according to
read in “The Message of the Stars”, page 138 15 this “indicates that the stomach
is weak and the gums subject to pyorrhea, having the inability to
properly digest the food. " The stomach is lacking in the necessary juices
for the aid of digestion. The native is also rare in his likes and dislikes
when it comes to food, and this is the key to your bodily afflictions.
We see Saturn squaring Jupiter, which rules the blood
arterial, and as manifested on page 141 16 of “The Message of the
Stars ”, under this aspect the native is“ indolent and inclined to be carried away
by the current; often it even becomes a parasite of society,
seeing himself confined in poor people's homes or in prisons. This aspect also gives
tendency to arteriosclerosis ”.
In the horoscope that we now have to diagnose we find the planet
rude, combatant, discordant, passionate, angry temperament of
Mars in the sign of Libra, which is a Venusian sign, which when afflicted
externalizes its own low nature and also that of the same class of Venus,
15 Digital edition, Upasika Library.
16 Ibid.

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consequently creating an abnormal attraction to the opposite sex.
Since Mars is the co-ruler of the fifth house and is forming a
square with the impulsive and egotistical Mercury, the disharmony of the native and his
furious and fiery temperament leads him to execute excesses. Instead of
express the musical, artistic and beautiful nature of the Sun and Venus in conjunction
with the Ascendant, in the sign of Leo, and in trill with Jupiter, this man has
used an excess of love and vitality in the wrong direction. It has also
ingested too much rich food and has used a lot of its energy for
middle of the fifth house: the pleasures. Also at home there has been a lot of lack
of harmony and cordiality, caused by his temperament and his conduct;
resulting from all this that the blood has been tainted and is now in a state
very advanced arteriosclerosis.
In order to find out the time of the disease, we will take your forty
four years old when the progressed Moon had reached the sixth house in
the first degrees of Capricorn. There this planet formed an opposition with
Saturn, placed in the twelfth house, and in the sign of Cancer, that is, the
stomach, and a square with Jupiter in the Midheaven. At the same time
we found that progressed Mars had reached Scorpio 24:51, forming
an opposition with Uranus in the sign of Taurus. His impulsiveness and the excesses of
a fast and dissipated life in such moments altered and exhausted his system and from
So this man has been an invalid, a perfect disabled person,
mounted on a wheelchair on which he is transported and confined in
hospitals, due to the influence of Saturn and Mercury in the twelfth house, which
it is that of the ruins and seclusions. But he has always found some woman
kind-hearted friend who has sought to care for him and care for his
needs. He has also been a truly difficult patient to treat, since
his temperament has become insufferable and fearful. Due to his sufferings he
has voluntarily allowed such a state of irascibility, and instead of
responding to the beautiful influence of Venus has given rise to the influence of the
squaring Mars with Mercury.
In order to improve you should have a nurse with Saturn well
aspected, one of an aquarian nature, cold, calm and calm, master of himself, who
could appease him, quiet his temper and with great diplomacy lead him to
live a righteous life. At any moment he asks for a certain kind of food, since
unless the nurse gives it to him, he is attacked by a horrible fit of anger and
moodily. This man should be treated so that he does things with
willingly and voluntarily, as you are ordered or told not to do this or that
it will only awaken and excite in him the spirit of contradiction.
It would also be beneficial to apply a quick massage with a pair of gloves
rough in order to open the pores of the skin and stimulate circulation. Likewise
the right food and assistance to help you master your
temperament, over time could help dominate your state.

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Male; was born on December 29, 1900, at 12:45 AM
In this horoscope there are four cardinal signs at the angles, with Mars
in trill with the Sun and Saturn. These testimonies indicate a person endowed with
good vitality and of an active and ambitious nature but the aspects
Opposites are strong too. The Moon is square to the Sun and
Saturn, Mars forms a square with the ruler of the horoscope, which is Venus,
and most of the planets are under the Earth, which counteracts and
decreases the general resistance of the person. Neptune's opposition to
Jupiter and Mercury in mental signs, Gemini and Sagittarius, indicates that the native is
of a very nervous temperament. Neptune in the ninth house usually gives
the tendency to form castles in the air, born from the native a dreamer, a visionary
who thinks illusory things instead of those practices at his fingertips and
which are tangible. Neptune's opposition to Mercury, the planet of reason,
indicates that in this case this trend will be greatly accentuated. Moon
in Aries, squared with the Sun and Saturn, also on its side will make the
mind be fickle and unstable.
Mars in Virgo, aspected with Uranus, both good and bad
configurations, makes the person prone to intestinal disorders. Mars
it is the planet of inflammations and fevers, causing operations and
other violence. Aspects of Mars with Uranus have been observed to produce
not only typhoid and gastric fevers, but also very often Mars

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causes the rupture of the peritoneum and results in the person having an abdomen
very pronounced. The man whose horoscope we have before us
now she suffered from typhoid fevers as an initial illness, when the Moon passed
the conjunction with Mars by progression occurred in the eleventh house. Then the
Luna formed a square with Neptune, Jupiter and Mercury, and simultaneously the
The native's thorn began to weaken. The student may notice that the opposition
Neptune with Jupiter and Mercury, it is from the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius, the
which cover the region of the spine. The Moon later progressed to form a
opposition to its own place at birth, and however the radical Moon in Aries
it has particular dominion over the cerebellum, which is the organ of coordination
of movement, it will be easily understood that this causes the patient to have
great difficulty walking.
This is a curious case of intertwined afflictions with good aspects,
for it should be noted that whenever the two main afflicnts (here
Mars and the Moon), they are beaten by an adverse aspect, there is always a good game
of settings to reduce the bad effects, and if it were not for this you are
severe afflictions would undoubtedly have caused this man to succumb
long time. The square between the Moon and Saturn is of singular malignancy.
The Moon progresses around the horoscope in 28 years, when calculating a day
for a year. Saturn actually goes around the circle of the Zodiac in about 30 years.
So the progressed Moon and Saturn by transit are always obliged to
follow each other very closely. When they are square
at the birth of a person, they maintain the same relationship with each other for
a considerable number of years. So the good looks in a
such a horoscope are counterbalanced by the fact that the Moon
progressed it stays square with Saturn in its transit, and the aspects
adversaries are accentuated in the same way because of this wretched
quadrature. So, anyone who has this unfortunate
aspect will certainly be under the whip of Saturn throughout his life. Even the
good aspects that we noticed in this horoscope and which, without a doubt,
they are powerful, they are to a certain extent nullified by the square of the Moon
with Saturn.
Saturn always indicates that part of our destiny that we drag from
previous lives and is almost unalterable. Therefore, unfortunately, you cannot
do a lot for the native in this case. Baths and massages applied by
a doctor who has the Aquarius sign coming out and whose Saturn is not in Libra
or Pisces, would be, perhaps, the most effective and beneficial agent.
Woman; was born on April 7, 1880, at 7 AM
Here we have before our diagnosis a very interesting case, that of a
woman with the fixed sign of Taurus in the Ascendant, and with the ruler Venus, in the
watery sign of Pisces, intercepted in the eleventh house, in conjunction with the
Moon and square with the fiery and destructive Mars. This planet, at its

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once, he is the regent of the dozava house, the house of seclusions and confinements,
and Venus, in addition, is the ruler of the sixth house, that of diseases.
In about 1904, this woman underwent surgery to perform the
removal of a kidney. She cannot indicate the exact year, but from the aspects
planetary we certainly believe it was in 1904 when the Sun progressed
had just passed a conjunction with the radical of Neptune, close
of the Ascendant, and the progressed Moon was forming a square with the
Neptune's radical and with the Sun progressed. Currently this poor woman, who
she is 44 years old, expects to be a mother in three months, and is struggling
with all her might to overcome the horrendous vice of a narcotic that she has
acquired for about six years, as well as the habit of smoking.
In this horoscope we are presented with a very interesting principle.
Neptune in Taurus near the Ascendant, is trilling with Uranus in Virgo and in the
fifth house. These planets are placed in signs of mutual reception,
that is, that Neptune (the upper octave of Mercury), is in a Venusian sign,
Taurus, and Uranus (the upper octave of Venus), is in the mercurial sign Virgo. He
trill of these two mystical planets would indicate the development of the two glands
of internal secretion represented by them, that is, the pineal gland by
Neptune and the pituitary body by Uranus. When these two glands meet
for some reason weakened and the soul does not respond to the requirements of life
superior, but is inclined to be carried away by sensual and worldly currents,
his awakening in such conditions frequently leads to the grossest

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indulgences of the lower nature — sometimes drink or narcotics —
as is the case with this poor woman.
Venus and the Moon are in conjunction in the sign of Pisces. Venus, how is it
the regent of the sixth house, the one that governs diseases, and Mars the regent
of the dozava house, which governs the hospitals, would indicate that someone in
some hospital was responsible for the habit of taking
narcotics, whose vice is suffering, and whose someone we believe is a
a doctor friend of yours who treated you in an illness. At the time when she
says he acquired the vice of using narcotics we see that Mercury
progressed was trill with Uranus and Venus progressed in conjunction with
Neptune. These influences may have been the cause of the alarm clock
glands previously mentioned and give rise to a great emotional hunger, which
in the case of this woman it was confused with a desire to get into flights of the
soul through the use of narcotics rather than by living the life of
But the fight now comes to get re-established when
she is in the weakest, most dejected and deplorable state due to access
flu, complicated with pregnancy, nervousness and insomnia; likewise the removal
by the only kidney it has left, it is now altered by the influence of Saturn on
conjunction with the Sun, in Aries, influence that is exerting its effect on the
Opposite sign for Libra.
The only ray of hope is the effect of the Sun progressed into orbit
of a sextile with the radical of Jupiter, and the Mars progressed in trill with the point
radical of the Moon. These aspects are very favorable for the help of
Invisible Helpers, who can do much more work under aspects
planetary favorable than otherwise. Especially it is likely that
get beneficial results because your spirit is so eager to
overcome her physical condition, despite the fact that she has no faith regarding our
healing method. She was persuaded to ask us for help because of her
own doctor, who had been cured through our Auxiliaries

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Woman; was born on June 12, 1897, at 9 PM
We have tried at all times to record in the mind of
our students of the Rosicrucian Fraternity, the great need that there is
always look to the bright side of life, and at all times bring rebirth
the hope of all the unhappy and afflicted. If we aspire to be
auxiliaries of humanity, operators of the great vineyard of God, we always
we must throw the cable of salvation to the man in danger of drowning, that is,
suggest that hope, that kind of help, which means life for him.
The astrologer who predicts his patient's death sentence and rips off the
last ray of hope of the one who is suffering and reaches him, perhaps, as
Last resort, he's a little less of a killer. This may be giving you a
qualifier too strong, but I think this point will never be emphasized what
To give an example of the danger that the prediction of death represents
we will make the following story:
"A woman wrote to the Residence stating that she had no
more than two years of life, because astrologers had predicted that, and the woman
He was addressing us asking if it was worth starting the study of the
Rosicrucian philosophy and also of Astrology, or if it would be preferable for her
continue its development with the School it had started, or it would be best
abandoning everything and preparing properly for the next event,
that is, the passage to the beyond of your physical body. We can say that
We wrote this woman a letter surrounded by powerful vibrations that
completely destroyed and expelled the thoughts of death that she
housed, with the subsequent result that she became a student of our
philosophy and is currently an active and healthy woman, destined to
reach a very old age. The astrologer who had predicted her death
could have been blamed as a criminal, but fortunately by putting himself in
contact with one of our disciples who advised her write to our
Residence, this prediction and danger were conjured ”.
In horoscope 19A we have a case of a sick woman who has many
weak and afflicted planets, so the astrologer should use the greatest
diplomacy to encourage the native. In the first house we find the melancholic and
pessimistic Capricorn, with the ruler, Saturn, in the Midheaven, afflicted by a
conjunction with the negative, visionary and concerned Luna and the irresponsible and

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fanatical Uranus, and to make these three planets even more miserable,
found in conjunction in the fixed and Martian sign of Scorpio, the natural sign of
the eighth house, a house that, as we already know, is the one that governs death.
Mercury, the ruler of the mind, is in the taciturn and stubborn sign of Taurus,
in opposition to those afflicted planets in Scorpio. Could anything be given
most miserable for a mental condition? When Taurus is afflicted
contributes with Capricorn to enlarge and exaggerate the dark and gloomy side of the
life and to increase their worries and ramblings about their imaginary
diseases so we can imagine the temperament of this
poor woman, being, therefore, in a state in which she needs to be very helped
to get out of it. Her request to be cured came to us in the month of
November 1916, at which time he was in such a state of mind that he had
tried to commit suicide, being unable to do anything but cry and being surrounded
everywhere for imaginary misfortunes. But she faithfully observed the
necessary condition to write every week a letter to the Residence and
He did his best to cooperate with his curators. When she requested the
healing, his progressed Mars was square to the radical points
of the Moon, Uranus and Saturn, located in the sign of Scorpio, and whose
influences had caused this mental disturbance. But luckily the
Moon progressed at that time was at 25 degrees Cancer, trill
and in sextile with the afflicted planets of the tenth and fifth houses
respectively. This was the lifeline that was arranged for
was thrown at her and with which to render aid.

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2. 3. 4
Note that the radical of the artistic, harmonious and musical planet Venus is
he is placed in his own sign of Taurus, and trill with the reverent and optimistic
planet Jupiter. The only window into the light that was left open for this
Sick was this good look: music and art. It was necessary to bring harmony to
her poor and unbalanced mind and our advice given to her and her
friends so that there would be music in the house and ensure that the sick person
interested in art. At the time of his request for help his progressed Sun
was at 9:50 degrees Cancer, forming a good appearance with the radical
of Venus. This was the influence by which the patient's reason was saved. In the
May 1917 she wrote us saying that she felt much better and that
I no longer needed the provision of treatments by our agents
Here we can see the wonderful work that can be done as
consequence of a true and correct knowledge of Astrology. If I had
this woman stumbled upon an unscrupulous astrologer and would have predicted the
that he would commit suicide, whose danger was so clearly indicated in his figure, he
It could have been his killer. Therefore, dear friends, we hope
that you will take this as a lesson to use Astrology to
auxiliary and to heal, and not to harm and harm.
Woman; was born on January 7, 1868.
Although we cannot predict the dates of the crises in the
illness of this patient due to the lack of time when she was born, even so and
all the aspects between the planets in your horoscope indicate well enough
the nature of their illness and annual crises. We find the erratic and
eccentric Uranus in the psychic sign of Cancer, as opposed to Mars, the
planet of impulse and impatience. Uranus is also in opposition to the
giver of life, the Sun, and with Mercury, the planet of reason, both placed in
the violent and belligerent sign of Capricorn. All these four planets are
in a square aspect with Neptune, which is placed in Aries, the
sign that governs the head and brain.
We see that Jupiter's benevolent ray is muffled by its
placement on the dozava house sign, Pisces, indicating sadness, annoyances,
drawbacks and ruins. There it is in conjunction with the Dragon's Tail, which is from
Saturnian nature, and square with the Moon, the giver of visions and the
imagination, making the mind morbid. It is also square with
Saturn, the planet of melancholy and mists. As a result of all
these adverse, perverse and perverted influences this poor woman has always
he had a weak mind, he was impulsive, he was restless and he was sad,
erratic and visionary. In 1915 things suffered a crisis, when the Sun
was found in Pisces, the natural sign of the Dozava house, which governs hospitals
and asylums. The progressed Moon was then in conjunction with the Sun and the
Saturnina Dragon's Tail, and all of them square to Saturn, which

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caused this poor woman to go wildly mad and had to be
confined in an asylum, where it has remained ever since. Has not been
manifested no improvement or in any case very little, at least in what
as regards mentality, and the state of his physical health is also delicate.
However, this is not a desperate case, as the main
enemy influences are from cardinal signs whose strength is expended
relatively soon, and the rest of the influences are from common signs or
flexible, which are subject to change. Note that Neptune, the
planet of the spiritual mind, is in sextile with Venus, the planet of music, and
with the Moon, the planet of impressionability. Venus and the Moon, in turn, form
a trill, which tells us that the native likes music and that it can be
assisted by it.
Regarding physical health we find the Moon in Gemini, the sign that
governs the lungs, which gives the tendency to suffer lung colds. Uranus is
in Cancer squaring Neptune and in opposition to the Sun, Mars and Mercury,
which indicates nervous indigestion, because Cancer governs the stomach. This can
be attenuated by ingesting an adequate diet, and if this is
Doing so will also contribute considerably to clearing the mind.
In dealing with the issue of insanity students should remember that it
it is a complete or partial break in the chain of the bodies that link or
they connect the spirit with the physical vehicle. When the break occurs between the
dense and vital body, or between the latter and that of desires, we have the idiot
harmless. When the break is between the desire body and the mind,

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violent, restless and impulsive desire nature takes over the vehicle
lower, and then we have the crazy and violent maniac who must be
fastened by the straitjacket and confined in padded cells. But when
the rupture manifests itself between the mind and the spirit, the cunning and the malice of the
mind is externalized to take control of low personality. A crazy person
of this kind can live meekly in society for years conspiring and
deceiving with skill and skill so accomplished that you can never suspect
of her who is in abnormal conditions, until she executes some diabolical plan
and then he laughs and delights in the ruins, pain, sadness and suffering that
has poured on its victims.
Male; was born on January 30, 1889, at 12 noon.
This horoscope was sent to us by the relatives of the interested party, with the
permission to use it as a lesson. We find in him some
interesting points, which may be useful for our study of the
science of astrodiagnosis.
Two special points must be taken into account in the horoscope of
a patient: the sign that is on the Ascendant and the planet Mercury. He
Ascending indicates the power of the personality. If there are fixed signs on all four
angles, that is, the first, fourth, seventh and tenth houses, then the
patient is likely to cooperate with the therapist with their willingness to dominate
the illness. If, on the other hand, the signs occupying the angles of
a horoscope, in which case the patient is of a nature that tends to get carried away
by the current and prone to surrender to the hands of the Invisible Helpers, without
that he put no effort on his part. To achieve the highest degree of
cooperation of a patient it is very necessary that the mind pay
voluntarily your help. In the case of a person who is weak-minded or
stubborn, the patient can make many efforts to twist and distort the
treatments and works done in their favor, as, precisely, it happens in the
horoscope before us.
Since Mercury is in a fixed sign in the tenth house and squared with
Neptune, his influence here gives a stubborn and dominant mentality. This is one
person who will not support interference or domination over it by others.
He is by nature devout and religious, but instead of following the ideals of the
soul, which are expressed by Jupiter in Sagittarius, and by its sextile with Mercury in
Aquarius, his stubborn and ambitious mindset led him to respond to the vibrations of
Venus squared with Jupiter; Mercury squaring Neptune and the Moon
square to Uranus.
Venus is exalted in Pisces, the sign of ruins and misery, and in
the eleventh house, square to Jupiter, which is strong in its own sign
of Sagittarius, the sign of religion. This indicates that a woman friend with her
flattery and attentions signified by Venus, was the cause of tearing him from his
religious ideals instead leading to metaphysical studies and speculations

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negatives. Also, the versatile and restless Luna trills with Neptune in the
occultist house dozava, which gave him the wishes of the hidden knowledge, but
the Moon, being square with Uranus, dragged him to his ruin.
A person with the planetary positions and aspects that we see in this
horoscope is not satisfied with following instructions or attending
warnings from those who know what there is to hidden matters but
who needs to pounce on the unknown by herself and investigate for her
same. The Sun in the Saturnian sign of Aquarius, as opposed to Saturn in the
sign of Leo, gives a vein of skepticism, a nature that demands the
evidence in everything, and that you must prove everything. This spirit was his
doom, and as the Sun and Saturn are in mutual reception in the tenth houses
and fourth, respectively, increased and strengthened this trend.
With the Moon trilling with Neptune and squaring Uranus, this man
developed in mediumship very quickly and came to contact
with the invisible realms, but unfortunately he directed his steps incautiously
towards dangerous directions. Although the teachings of "yoga" can be
safe for the people of the Fourth Race, the Orientals, and even for those of
the western races that are still on the lower rungs of the
evolution, however, for a sensitive person of the western type such
Eastern teachings are very dangerous. This man became attached to a group of
Indians, from whom he received instructions for breathing exercises and for the
physical development. He also took an active part in spiritism in whose midst
encouraged him to exercise his mediumship.

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After a few years the progressed Moon reached opposition with
the radical of Saturn and later the conjunction with the radical of Mercury.
Neptune, because it is the upper octave of Mercury, acts greatly
on the nervous system, and any improper stimulation will cause some
times mental imbalance if Neptune is square to the mental planet
Mercury, often manifesting as religious mania. This poor man
He repeatedly proclaimed that he was Jesus reincarnated. Especially will give this
Neptune tendency when in the twelfth house, where frequently
The native carries seclusion in institutes for the unbalanced or in madhouses.
The Moon in the ninth house and in the sign of Capricorn, square with Uranus,
evil here increases by the attraction of undesirable entities to its already weakened
mind, seeing itself easily expelled from its body, giving all freedom to these
obsessive entities to take possession of it.
To add to all these adverse conditions, this unfortunate, who has
He has been confined in an aliens' asylum for some years, he is dying
slowly from the fearsome disease called tuberculosis. This is indicated by
Jupiter in Sagittarius (Jupiter rules arterial blood), square to Venus (which
in turn governs venous blood), in Pisces, both common signs.

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Male; was born on August 15, 1915, at 2 PM
In this horoscope we see the Sagittarius fire sign on the Ascendant, and
his ruler, Jupiter, in his own home, which is the sign of Pisces. This planet
He is at home in two signs, Sagittarius and Pisces. When the planets are
located in the first, fourth, seventh and tenth houses, their influence is much
more powerful, stronger, for both good and evil, than others
horoscope points, and especially if they are on fixed signs or on their own
homes. Jupiter is in his own home and in the fourth house, an angle, and rules
arterial blood. It is forming a square aspect with the planet of fire
Mars, which is in the sign of the lungs, Gemini. Mercury, the ruler
of Gemini, which governs the air that passes through the lungs, is in conjunction
with the Sun and these two planets are placed in the igneous sign of Leo, the
which rules the heart. Now what can we expect as effects
physical for the afflictions indicated above? It is necessary to enter a
a certain amount of air in the lungs in order to supply the oxygen that
it is needed to give life to the blood that feeds the heart. With the regent of
Gemini, Mercury, scorched by the heat of the Sun, and the capillaries of the lungs
full of fire from the afflicted Mars fever, we find a chest
congested and feverish, and the blood is heavy with impurities and the
slow and lazy circulation, causing a spasmodic action as it passes
through the aorta. The lungs become feverish and the breathing becomes labored,
causing spasms. We see that Mars is parallel to Saturn, that it
It is placed in the stomach sign, Cancer, and in the eighth house, indicating
a weak and poor assimilation of food. We also have that the planet
Venus, which governs venous circulation, is found in the fiery and fiery sign of Leo,
in opposition to the spasmodic Uranus, planet that is heading
"Retrograde", and that it is powerful because it is in its own Aquarian sign,
causing the action of the heart to be abnormal.
This boy will suffer more or less throughout his life from the disease
that doctors call asthma, and during the first years of its existence
suffered greatly from spasms. You will also be subject to colds and coughs,
symptoms that, however, will never degenerate into wasting or consumption, as occurs
very often in such cases. By the influence of Mars that governs the lungs, the
native always has a stuffy and feverish state in the capillaries of
such organs, which consumes oxygen. But luckily the planet Mars
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here it is in sextile with the Sun, placed in the sign of Leo, for which reason the
native will reset very quickly. You will also enjoy better health
that generally in spite of so many afflictions and will reach a very old
Male; was born on August 15, 1869, at 9 AM
We will first judge the character of this person, and for this purpose
We will observe that the four cardinal signs are in the angles. This is a
great factor to make people mentally alert and well balanced, but
unfortunately we find here that Mercury, the significator of the mind, is
in "combustion", and the Moon in conjunction with Saturn. This makes the mind
be slow and given to melancholy, subject to fear and worries about things
which of course never come true. Uranus is in elevation and in
squaring Neptune, which gives the tendency to undergo control of elements or
spirits, but we have the trill of the Sun with Neptune to lessen the danger. He
native has a strong love nature as indicated by the trill of Venus with
Jupiter, but the conjunction of the Moon with Saturn indicates that its companion
marriage is likely to be very cold and dismissive as well as request
advances. Mars's opposition to Neptune from the first and seventh houses

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clearly indicates that there will be quarrels and annoyances at home, all of which will have a
great importance on diseases and their causes.
The Sun in Leo, afflicted by Jupiter in Taurus, indicates that the arterial circulation
it is weak, which will be somewhat diminished and improved by Jupiter's trill
and Venus, the two planets that govern circulation. But the rhythmic motion of
breathing is seriously altered because Uranus is in Cancer and in
elevation. This planet is spasmodic in its action and affects the diaphragm
when located in Cancer. Here in this horoscope we have it highly
elevated and squared with Mars and Neptune, both at angles, that is, a
configuration that is very strong. The rhythmic descent and elevation of the diaphragm is
absolutely essential for regular and proper breathing, and how is it
action is harmed to some degree by the afflictions indicated here,
The state known as asthma occurs.
It is well known that those who suffer from this disease sometimes
they spend some time without being able to sleep as a result of not being able to stay
thrown out. Morphine is often applied to relieve their condition and make them
rest, which they request and long for with all their being. The danger of this drug
it cannot be calculated in any case, but it is greater for a patient who has
Jupiter in Taurus afflicted by the Sun, like this one that concerns us, because this
appearance always gives an inherent abnormal appetite, and the tendency to become
extremes in everything that is swallowed orally. So there is nothing
strange that this person has become addicted to the use of morphine.

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However, there is some hope, so it follows from his
horoscope. The Moon governs the digestive tract and responds from the passage of food to
through the digestive region. This satellite is in conjunction with Saturn, and,
This naturally causes the intestines to act very slowly. Uranus in
Cancer works on the stomach in a way that periodically distends it. Of
so with a full colon, a dilated stomach and a working diaphragm
intermittently, there is nothing in particular that the heart refuses to send the
vital fluid to the lungs, and take it back from them. Means must be used
heroic to cleanse your body and keep your system clean. Although this does not
improve the spasmodic action of the diaphragm, however, it will remove from all
modes the pressure of the apex of the heart and this will materially contribute to the
abnormality to be reduced. Mars forms a sextile with the Sun, therefore the influence
that derived from this aspect can strengthen the heart. Also in sextile
with Saturn, indicating the possibility of ensuring at least a better
circulation and functioning of the digestive region.
The worst condition of all in this horoscope, the most difficult to master,
is that of Jupiter in the sign of Taurus, square to the Sun. We have
experienced that even when people are found to have appetites
abnormal and although they admit so, they generally refuse to amend their
customs. Since the affliction above is manifested in fixed signs, it is
overly difficult to master your influence. However, the best
assistance that could be given to the native would be by the trill that Venus forms with
Jupiter, which stimulates the loving nature and makes the native ductile and
sensitive to kindness and love. The tender care of a woman perhaps would
more than any other treatment to help you. break the habit that has
formed. A therapist or healer who had the Aquarius sign coming out and whose
Saturn was not in Pisces, it is very likely that he exercised the most beneficial
effect in this case.
HOROSCOPES Nos. 20C, 20D and 20E. - ASTHMA
The disease designated as asthma is one of the most
difficult to diagnose, since there are many who suffer from symptoms that
diagnosed by doctors as asthma, due to shortness of breath,
fatigue and cough, when very often the disease that is
attacked a person with such appearances is not really asthma. There are various
kinds of this disease. For example, there's hay asthma, which manifests
in the autumn season when hay and grain ripen. Sometimes it
produced by the harmful pollen of poisonous flowers, which causes the contraction of
the pulmonary bronchioles; organs that remain inactive fill with
mucus, making breathing very laborious. Then we have asthma
of the heart or stomach, which is often the result of irregularity
of blood circulation through the heart valves, causing
very labored breathing and contraction of the chest and lungs. Of
So the astrologer will see that it is very difficult to diagnose this condition.
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In this lesson we will endeavor to give a few pieces of information that indicate,
according to the afflictions, the difference in the diseases they can have
Identical external symptoms, but the causes of which may be different.
Case 20C is that of a man born on March 6, 1831, at 4
PM The horoscope for this subject is 10A, page 147, which we reproduce here
also, in which we have the disturbing planet Saturn in Leo, a sign that
rules the heart, square to Mars in the sign of Taurus, which in turn
it has rulership over the throat, and in opposition to Mercury, which is in
the nervous sign of Aquarius. Mars is also square with Mercury and in
parallel with Neptune. This configuration of planets and fixed signs would indicate a
spasmodic action of the heart, because the opposition of Mercury with Saturn
would cause the heart valves to contract, which would alter the excessive
circulation of the blood stream caused by squaring Mars with
Saturn. We also find that the Sun is in Pisces, a common sign, in
squaring with the Moon, which is in turn in the sign of Sagittarius. The signs
common when afflicted disturb the organs of respiration, giving the
tendency to suffer ailments of the lungs. This man suffered greatly from
the condition that some doctors call asthma and others like a heart condition,
in addition to being frequently afflicted with severe constipations. Astrology
indicates that he had a valvular heart condition and that it was not an actual case of
asthma. This man died of an abscess of the liver. For more details about
of this case we refer the reader to number 10A, page 148.

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Max Heindel and Augusta Foss de Heindel - Astrodiagnosis
The case of horoscope number 20D, corresponds to a man who was born on
August 25, 1867, on whose birth map we see the planet Saturn in the
Scorpio sign, which is a fixed sign, and squared with Venus and Mercury
found in the sign of Leo, a sign that governs the heart. Again
we find the same drawback with the incomplete function of the heart, but the
most disturbing affliction is danced in the stomach, because the Moon and Uranus are
in conjunction with the sign of Cancer, which has rulership over this organ, and
both are square to the inflammatory Mars; Uranus is also in
squaring Neptune and all of them in cardinal signs.
In this horoscope we find the seat of the ailment in the stomach,
indicating that the native has impulsive and unnatural habits regarding
to food, with the tendency to swallow it without chewing, as well as to drink with
excess during meals, which would cause bloating, which
it would oppress the heart and prevent its breathing from being normal.
In horoscope 20E, which is that of a woman who was born on June 23
from 1898, we found a very different cause, and this we can do
diagnose as a real case of asthma.
Neptune is in conjunction with Mercury in the sign of Gemini, which,
as we already know, it is the one that governs the lungs. By the indications of its appearance
Personally it can be assumed that this woman has Virgo dating, with Gemini in
the Midheaven, with which we would have that the ruler of life would be the planet
Mercury. Neptune, as it is the upper octave of Mercury, has rulership over
the nervious system. Neptune's influence is similar to that of Saturn; this

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Max Heindel and Augusta Foss de Heindel - Astrodiagnosis
is, constraining and astringent, and when in Gemini, we can expect
a disturbance of the bronchioles, especially during the summer months,
as was the case with this woman, whose ailment was caused by inhalation of the
pollen from certain herbs and flowers.
However, it will be seen that in many cases of asthma there is a circulation
abnormal and poor. The blood flow is slow, indicating an affliction of
Venus or Jupiter. When the blood is impure, the elimination will also be slow and
Great care must be taken in the choice of food. The patient should
eat very lightly and only from those foods that are easily
digested, but that, nevertheless, provide the proper nutrition. Especially
this should be done with the evening meal, because asthma attacks continue
invariably to a heavy dinner. A few raw onion sandwiches with
bread, eaten as a last thing in the evening, will cut off the phlegm and grant a
healthy sleep.

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Max Heindel and Augusta Foss de Heindel - Astrodiagnosis
Woman; was born on July 14, 1897, at 4 PM
Sagittarius, a common sign, is found in the Ascendant of this horoscope, and
the ruler of life, Jupiter, is in the ninth house and in the sign of Virgo,
being also forming a square with the Ascendant. The people that
have common signs at all four angles, rarely make the effort
necessary to master the obstacles of life, and when the
afflicting planets in these common signs, and the Sun in the aqueous sign of Cancer
and in the eighth house, we find, as in the case of this woman, with a
person who would rather become an invalid than not make the effort to
keep your body healthy, and we can see how weak it will be
the effort to overcome.

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Max Heindel and Augusta Foss de Heindel - Astrodiagnosis
First of all, people who have the Sun and Moon in Cancer are very
friends of the pleasures of the table, and when the Moon is also trilling with
Venus, which increases your desire for food, there is a strong tendency to
overeat. So let's see what the result will be.
We have the planet Venus, which has the regency of venous blood,
in the sign of Gemini, and in the seventh house, in square with the inflammatory
Mars and with Jupiter. Jupiter, planet that governs arterial blood, is afflicted by
a conjunction of Mars, hence the circulation is very obstructed,
especially since Jupiter is in the sign of Virgo, which has
dominance over the small intestine. When a sick person eats profusely (and in
particularly in the case of those born under the sign of Cancer who are very close friends of
starchy foods), having obstructed circulation and assimilation of
food in the small intestine very disturbed what is it that we can
find us but the intestines are full of putrid matter, in which
fermentation enters, consequently causing the decomposition of everything
the circulatory system? Saturn, the obstructor, in conjunction with Uranus in the sign
Scorpio, which has government over the rectum, and in the twelfth house, the cause
of ruins and misery, as well as that of hidden things, is a
indication that this woman acquired secret vices, which caused much
irritation in the eliminatory organs and which has degenerated into cancer of the rectum.
This woman spent a long time in great pain from
all the lower intestines and the lower end of the spinal column. Whether
asked us the question, very natural on the other hand, if there is any cure for
fearsome cancer disease, we can answer yes; but when he is
in the early stages, by removing all food for a few days,
drinking only pure distilled water, given with a little juice of
lemon, and doing a complete intestinal lavage by means of copious enemas. TO
continuation of this start with a single diet (monodiet), continuing it
for three weeks if the patient can bear it, but in no case
exceed this deadline. The patient of this class should not eat anything other than
carrots. That vegetable can be prepared in several ways to do it
palatable; grinding and drinking it as juice, steaming or
well in salad given taste with a little olive oil and lemon. The carrot
has a very pronounced healing effect, especially when used as
a poultice, having great healing power in ulcers and growths
Male; was born on December 14, 1857. The place and time of
birth is unknown, but from his personal appearance and the traits of his
character we have placed the Sagittarius sign in the Ascendant. The positions of
planets, according to GMT noon (Greenwich Mean Time).
The doctors told this man that he had cancer, and nothing could cancel
his belief that he would one day die from this fearful evil. He kept

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Max Heindel and Augusta Foss de Heindel - Astrodiagnosis
regularly sending your letters weekly to our
Healing for several months, but they were always full of doubt with
regarding our healing and disheartening methods about the future.
He also rebelled against diet restrictions claiming that he was very
weak and sick to be able to live without his daily steak and chips.
Later, with the help of his son, who was working on
our typist offices, this man with his wife rented a
country house at a point near the grounds of our Residence. With
so that it would be possible for his father to enjoy healthy food
vegetarian that is served in our dining room, the son requested for his father a
gardener square in our garden.
The first weeks this poor man was a great annoyance to him
cook, because when he could not get him to give him what he asked for, he would withdraw
from the table hungry. This lasted only a few days, until hunger and
necessity forced him to eat what there was. His request consisted of two eggs
fried in butter, a large bowl of puches or porridge cooked with various
tablespoons of sugar and lots of cream, chips, white bread and two or three cups
of coffee alone and heavily loaded, with several tablespoons of sugar in each of
they. The sugar bowl was empty after every meal he made. East
Ill greatly tempted patience for both Max Heindel and me. But
son, who had supported his father for several years, was
desperately anxious both to help us and the author of his
days. After a few weeks the patient was balancing and adjusting, and

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Max Heindel and Augusta Foss de Heindel - Astrodiagnosis
immediately his health began to improve. Rashes on the face and
chest slowly began to fade, and the return of his health began and
general robustness.
During the day it was observed that he was constantly eating candy,
seeing that his pockets were full of such sweets. Before coming
At the Residence he ate two to three pounds of them every day, because he thought that
It was necessary for him to maintain its robustness and vigor.
We see a conjunction of the Moon and Venus precisely by
above the Ascendant in the negative sign of Sagittarius. The Moon and Venus in
conjunction, no matter at what point in the whole horoscope occurs, they give wishes for
sweets, cakes and the like.
In this case we see Saturn placed in the stomach sign, Cancer,
and going back to a square aspect with Mars, which is located
in a Venusian sign. This man for many years ingested his body
excessive amounts of starches, protein and sugar, and due to the affliction of
his Saturn progressed in the sign of Cancer, he was unable to extract the
vitamins from their diet, acquiring the habit of eating a lot and of
gobble it down without chewing it, with the natural result that your body stored
inside the excessive amounts of food eaten. Her stomach refused the
digesting those excesses of food, or rather, was too weak for
do such work, in addition to lacking the juices necessary to carry out the
digestion. Also, a large amount of waste material was accumulated that
the organs of elimination failed to detach from it.
Mars rules the rectum, as it is the ruler of Scorpio, which has the
regency of such an organ, and however Mars is afflicted by the obstructor
Saturn's progressed planet, we can fear that this man will suffer from
Now, with all this accumulation of ashes in your body,
Is it not to be feared that the system will tend to find a way to get rid of it? So
it happened, and in this case the outlet valve was the skin of the nose, the skin of the
throat, face and chest (Mars runs Aries, face, Scorpio the
bridge of the nose and Saturn in Cancer the chest), the parts of which were used
as a dumping ground for waste matter. After eight months of
stay in Mount Ecclesia taking from the food served here, this
sick returned to the city without any trace of cancer in his body; all
sores had been completely healed and through the influence of Mars on
sextile aspect with the giver of life, the Sun, attracted new vitality. Whenever you want
that there is a good aspect between these two planets, there is great hope that
master the disease.
Saturn in Cancer, in the eighth house, the house of death, will be
probably the cause of the death of the native, together with the Moon and Venus in a
common sign and in the house of misery and ruins. Over time his inclination
towards sweets and rich foods will probably induce you to excesses, which
It will be the cause of his death.

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Max Heindel and Augusta Foss de Heindel - Astrodiagnosis
The Rosicrucian healing work is carried out by the Elder Brothers of the
Rosicrucian Order, through a band of Invisible Auxiliaries to whom they
they are instructing. The work is carried out according to the commandment of Jesus Christ:
"Preach the Gospel and heal the sick."
These are highly spiritual beings through whom the Spirit of
Christ is working for the benefit of humanity.
Invisible Helpers are those who live a meritorious life of relief
and flattering during daylight hours and while in their bodies
physical, and whose evolutionary development is such that they have earned the privilege of being
utility and service through the instrumentality of the Elder Brothers
during the night, while they are working in their etheric bodies, according to
stated in a paragraph from the Rosicrucian Night Service: “Tonight while
our bodies are in peaceful rest during sleep, hopefully we can
As Invisible Auxiliaries we find ourselves working faithfully in the vineyard of Christ ”.
These Invisible Helpers meet in groups or bands according to their
temperaments and their abilities. They are under the instruction of others
Auxiliaries who are doctors, and all of them act under the guidance of the Brothers
Elders, who naturally are the driving spirits of the whole work.
It happens quite often that patients are aware of
the presence at his side of the Invisible Helpers.
Invisible Helpers never refuse to respond to any request
of healing and aid to them, but in order to attract the Healing Force

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Max Heindel and Augusta Foss de Heindel - Astrodiagnosis
Divine patients must embrace the gospel of living a righteous life; they should
make pure meat-free meals; they should do that in their rooms and
bedrooms have pure and fresh air; they must see to it that their minds emit
pure thoughts and that your ordinary lives are full of pure actions. The
Divine Healing Force is pure, for which reason if such Force is requested to
flood to relieve us of our diseases, we must observe and
conform to the natural laws of purity. Pure air, pure food,
pure thoughts and pure lives !!! If we ignore these great factors of
health we will call in vain to the healing force of God!
All the healing force comes from God, our heavenly Father, the Great
Physician of the Universe. It is latent everywhere and is put into action and
directs the patient through prayers and concentration; manifests through mediation
of the Master, Jesus Christ, and is sent when the weekly meetings are held in
the Temple of the Residence of the Rosicrucian Fraternity. Through the work of
this supreme force the Invisible Helpers raise the vibrations of the patient to
a higher note, for which, firstly, they enable the patient to
flush the poison of disease out of your system, and secondly, the
rebuild each and every corpuscle of your blood, fibers, tissues and
organs until your entire body is renewed. This is done, not in one
miraculously, but in accordance with the laws of nature. If he
patient continues to violate such laws, and as a consequence of his erroneous
way of life, accumulating poisonous substances in his system, he frustrates the
healing work.
The wonderful organism called the human body is governed by
immutable natural laws. All illness is the result of rape
voluntary or ignorant of the laws of nature. The men are sick
because in this incarnation or in some other previous terrestrial life, they have not
taken into account the fundamental principles on which the health of the
Body. If the man wants to return to health and keep his body in
Such a state of vigor, you must learn to know these principles and regulate their
daily habits in accordance with them.
This is what the Master of Healing, Jesus Christ, meant when
He told a man who was paralyzed: “You are healed; don't sin
more so that nothing worse happens to you ”(Saint John 5:14). Even the Christ could not
make lasting cures unless the one receiving the healing force abstained
from doing the wrong things that are the cause of the disease and lived in
obedience to the God-given laws that govern the body of man, as well as
also their relationships with their peers.
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Max Heindel and Augusta Foss de Heindel - Astrodiagnosis
Some people "demand" perfect health and claim they have
right to it. But they forget that, either in this or in another previous life, they have
“Pawned” or have lost that right granted by God for having
disobeyed the laws of nature, which are nothing but laws of God.
Now through pain and suffering they must gain obedience and submission
to such laws, and when you have learned your lesson well and are desirous of "no
to sin more ”, the right to perfect health will be returned to them.
The Divine Healing Force is constructive; the ways of life that not
take into account the laws of nature are destructive.
The omissions and transgressions responsible for the ways of living
wrong are many, and below we point out the main ones:
Unnatural foods; eat a lot; non-compatible foods or
provided; lack of fresh air and sun; lack of cleanliness; lack of exercise;
lack of rest and sleep; lack of self-control and self-control; sleeping in
rooms without ventilation; feed, maintain and nurture thoughts of anger, of
anger, hatred, rancor and resentment; let yourself be carried away by a fit of evil
humor; gratification or enjoyment of low desires and appetites; harm or hurt others,
whether they are human beings or the other lower life waves; the abuse
of the sacred procreative function.
However, all the organs and functions of the body are
interdependent, that is, they depend on each other, abuse and grief
consequently one part hurts and hurts the others, promotes and contributes to the
accumulation of disease venom throughout the system and lowers vitality
altogether. The local symptoms are only evidence that the whole body is
altered. Therefore, every cure is true, so that it offers results
lasting, it is directed, not at the suppression of symptoms, but at the elimination of
Causes symptoms to appear.
Spiritual healing operates on the higher planes of being, but is accomplished with
strict adherence to the natural laws that prevail both above and below;
therefore all natural therapeutics applied on the physical plane are
in harmony with the work of the Invisible Aids on the higher planes.

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Max Heindel and Augusta Foss de Heindel - Astrodiagnosis
However the body is built and nourished by physical substances that
are introduced into the blood via food, hence it follows that the
due and adequate food is the natural medicine that the patient must take with
object to cooperate with the Invisible Helpers in their task of restoring
her body.
Before the Invisible Helpers can treat the patient, they must
dispose of some effluvium from his vital body, which is the etheric counterpart of his
physical body and sphere of action of vital forces. That effluvium is obtained from
the letter that the patient must send each week to the Residence containing
a few words or lines written in pen and ink. This is important,
because a pen loaded with the ink fluid is a better conductor of the
magnetism than a dry pen. The ether that thus impregnates the paper
about which the patient writes week after week, gives the indication of the state
where he is at the moment and supplies an entry key in his
system. It is something that he has voluntarily given and with it express purpose of
facilitate access to Invisible Assistants, and unless the patient makes his
In this sense, the Invisible Helpers cannot do anything to help them;
so, for this reason, it can be understood that it is of the greatest
importance of sending weekly letters to the Residence without interruption
Instantaneous cures that Invisible Helpers are very frequent
They perform when called upon to act in the event of an acute illness.
When it comes to chronic diseases that are long overdue and that
have taken many years to manifest or develop, it may happen that
a certain amount of relief is immediately experienced; restoration
complete, however, which is equivalent to a renewal of the entire
system, can usually be achieved only by gradual states. How
we said earlier, the healing work of the Invisible Helpers is not suppression
of symptoms but the reconstruction of the whole body, and for this to be
performed requires your time, as well as the loyal and constant cooperation of the patient
along the lines indicated above.

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Max Heindel and Augusta Foss de Heindel - Astrodiagnosis
In the Rosicrucian Residence healing meetings are held at night
in which the Moon enters the cardinal signs of the Zodiac. The service time is
Coming soon at 6:30 in the afternoon (PM). The virtue of the cardinal signs
is that of dynamic energy, which they infuse in each company that is started
under his influence, and therefore, the healing thoughts of the auxiliaries of
everyone is endowed with additional power when they launch into their works
of mercy under this cardinal influence.
Anyone who wants to join this work can sit in
seclusion and stillness when the clock at his own place of residence marks the
indicated time: 6:30 past Meridian, meditate on HEALING and pray to the Great
Physician, our Father who is in Heaven, for the restoration of the health of
all those who suffer, especially those who have asked to be
I treated them from our Residence. At the same time that you meditate, try to
visualize the Ecclesia, the Temple of Healing of Mount Ecclesia, where finally
all the aspirants' thoughts are concentrated and where they are gathered by
Big Brothers and employees with the indicated purpose.
Page 255
Max Heindel and Augusta Foss de Heindel - Astrodiagnosis
o Aries - 7
o Taurus - 7
o Gemini - 8
o Cancer - 8
o Leo - 9
o Virgo - 10
o Pound - 10
o Scorpio - 11
o Sagittarius - 11
or Capricorn - 12
o Aquarium - 12
or Pisces - 13
o The anatomy and physiology correlated with the Zodiac - 14
o Pathological qualities of signs - 15
o Physiological afflictions of signs - 16
O The anatomy and physiology correlated with the planets - 17
o Pathological qualities of the planets - 17
O astrological affinities of the sense organs - 18
o Triplicity diagram - 19
o Quadruplicity diagram o The Vicious Circle - 20

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Max Heindel and Augusta Foss de Heindel - Astrodiagnosis
o Diagram of twelve different types of fingernails - 39
o Diagram of specific disease nail types - 40
o The thumb - 41
o Diagram of the thumb - 41
o Indications derived from fingernails - 42
o Horoscope No. 1A. - Ears and Nerves - 48
o Horoscope No. 1B. - Ears - 50
o Horoscope No. 1C. - Ears. Abscess in temporal bone - 52
o Horoscope No. 2A. - Eye conditions - 55
o Horoscope No. 2B. - 2BX - 57
o Horoscope No. 2B. - The eyes - 57
o Horoscope No. 2BX. - The eyes - 58
o Horoscope No. 2C. - The eyes - 59
o Horoscope No. 2D. - Eye conditions - 61
o The eyes - 63
o Horoscope No. 2E. - The eyes - 64
o Horoscope No. 2F. - The eyes - 65
o Horoscope No. 2G. - The eyes - 66
o Horoscope No. 2H. - The eyes - 68
o Horoscope No. 3A. - Tonsils - 70
o Horoscope No. 3B. - Adenoids - 71
o Horoscope No. 3C. - Throat and tonsils - 73

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Max Heindel and Augusta Foss de Heindel - Astrodiagnosis
o Horoscope No. 3D. - Mumps and tonsils - 75
o Horoscope No. 3E. - Mumps - 77
o Horoscope No. 3F. - The vocal organs - 78
o Horoscope No. 3G. - Loss of speech - 80
o Horoscope No. 4A. - Tuberculosis - 83
o Horoscope No. 4B. - Tuberculosis - 84
o Horoscope No. 4C. - Tuberculosis - 86
o Horoscope No. 5A. - The Heart - 88
o Horoscope No. 5B. - Heart. Kidneys - 90
o Horoscope No. 5C. - The Heart - 91
o Horoscope No. 5D. - Heart condition - 93
o Horoscope No. 5E. - The Heart - 95
o Horoscope No. 6A. - Stomach involvement and tuberculosis - 98
o Horoscope No. 6B. - Stomach involvement and inflammation of the
kidneys - 100
o Horoscope No. 6C. - The Pylorus - 101
o Horoscope No. 6D. - Stomach and kidney involvement - 103
o Horoscope No. 7A. - Kidneys - 105
o Horoscope No. 7B. - Kidneys and mastoiditis - 107
o Horoscope No. 7C. - General depression - 109
o Horoscope No. 7D. - Kidney stones - 111
o Horoscope No. 7E. - Renal circulation - 112
o Horoscope No. 7F. - Bladder involvement - 114
o Horoscope No. 7G. - Diabetes - 116
o Horoscope No. 7H. - Diabetes - 117
o Horoscope No. 8A and 8B. - Sex and throat - 120
o Horoscope No. 8C. - Sex - 122
o Horoscope No. 8D. - Gonorrhea or gonorrhea - 125
o Horoscope No. 8E. - Gonorrhea - 127
o Horoscope No. 8F. - Venereal disease - 128
o Horoscope No. 8G. - Venereal disease - 130
o Horoscope No. 8H. - Uterine action - 132
o Horoscope No. 8I. - Births - 134
o Horoscope No. 8J. - Abortion - 136
o Horoscope No. 9A. - Spine involvement - 139

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Max Heindel and Augusta Foss de Heindel - Astrodiagnosis
o Horoscope No. 9B. - Spinal involvement - 141
o Horoscope No. 9C. - Tuberculosis of the spine - 143
o Horoscope No. 9D. - Inability to walk - 145
o Horoscope No. 9E. - Inability to walk - 146
o Horoscope No. 10A. - The liver - 149
o Horoscope No. 10B. - Gallstones - 150
o Horoscope No. 10C. - Gallstones - 152
o Horoscope No. 10D. - Gallstones - 153
o Horoscope No. 11A. - Heart palpitation - 155
o Horoscope No. 11B. - Lazy circulation and cataracts - 157
o Horoscope No. 11D. - Varicose veins - 159
o Horoscope No. 11E. - Restricted circulation - 161
o Horoscope No. 11F. - Pernicious anemia - 163
o Horoscope No. 11G. - Rheumatism and blood impurity - 165
o Horoscope No. 11H. - Rheumatism - 167
o Horoscope No. 11I. - Rheumatism - 168
o Horoscope No. 12A. - Leprosy - 170
o Horoscope No. 12B. - Leprosy - 172
o Horoscope No. 13A. - Paralysis - 174
o Horoscope No. 13B. - Paralysis and arteriosclerosis - 175
o Horoscope No. 13C. - Facial paralysis - 177
o Horoscope No. 13D. - Paralysis - 180
o Horoscope No. 13E. - Paralysis - 181
o Horoscope No. 13F. - Infantile paralysis - 182
o Horoscope No. 13G. - Rickets and Tetanus - 184
o Horoscope No. 14A. - Nervous exhaustion - 187
o Horoscope No. 14B. - Paralysis - 188
o Horoscope No. 14C. - Defective walk - 190
o Horoscope No. 14D. - Difficult walking - 191
o Horoscope No. 14E. - Hysteria exaggerated - 193
o Horoscope No. 14F. - Pneumogastric nerve obstruction - 195
o Horoscope No. 15A. - Wound of the femur - 197
o Horoscope No. 15B. - Arthritic muscular atrophy - 198
o Horoscope No. 15C. - Osteomyelitis: inflammation of the marrow of the
bones - 200

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Max Heindel and Augusta Foss de Heindel - Astrodiagnosis
o Horoscope No. 16A. - Obsessive or controlling spirit - 203
o Horoscope No. 16B. - Obsession. Tonsils - 205
o Horoscope No. 17A. - Affection of the thyroid gland - 208
o Horoscope No. 17B. - Affection of the thyroid gland - 209
o Horoscope No. 17C. - Thymus gland - 210
o Horoscope No. 17D. - Adrenal glands - 213
o Horoscope No. 18A. - Lymph deficiency - 216
o Horoscope No. 18B. - Polyps and kidney conditions - 218
o Horoscope No. 18C. - Pyorrhea - 220
o Horoscope No. 18D. - Self-poisoning - 222
o Horoscope No. 18E. - Peritonitis - 223
o Horoscope No. 18F. - Arteriosclerosis - 225
o Horoscope No. 18G. - Typhus and spinal condition - 228
o Horoscope No. 18H. - Narcotics. Tobacco - 229
o Horoscope No. 19A. - A mental case - 232
o Horoscope No. 19B. - Madness - 234
o Horoscope No. 19C. - Madness, obsession and tuberculosis - 236
o Horoscope No. 20A. - Asthma - 239
o Horoscope No. 20B. - Asthma. Morphine Hobby - 240
o Horoscope No. 20C, 20D and 20E. - Asthma - 2 42
o Horoscope No. 21A. - Cancer - 246
o Horoscope No. 21B. - Cancer - 247
o How the Rosicrucians cure the sick - 250
o The Big Brothers - 250
o The Invisible Helpers - 250
o The righteousness of life is necessary for healing - 250
o Healing force - 251
o Cause of disease - 251
o The right to health - 252
o Violations of health laws - 252
o Spiritual Healing - 252
o Own food is natural medicine - 253
o The effluvium transmitted in the weekly report - 253

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