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Maria José Montecinos


“Every one has he right to life, liberty and security of person”

“12 years a slave” is a movie that won several awards. This one is a about a black
man called Solomon who lives in New York with his wife and his children.

Solomon is a carpenter but he also has a big talent playing the violin. He earns a
living this way. One day Solomon assists to a concert in Washington DC invited for
two men. Unfortunately he is drugged and kidnapped.

After that he is brutally beaten and he loses his freedom even though he was a free
man. All his rights were violated.

Suddenly he becomes in a slave. His life changes completely. He is in the hands of

Burch a cruel slave trader. This is the most shocking event in the movie. In fact
Solomon is cowed into submission but is inconsolable about his new situation. He
and several other slaves are taken to Louisiana to be sold. This was the beginning
of his tragedy ……..A new life full of abuses, tortures and inhuman treatment.

This movie is a symbol the manifestation of fighting and equality of rights between
black people.

Is slavery completely abolished today? The truth is that although slavery doesn´t
exist as such currently exist others kinds of abusive acts that attempt against
physical and psychological integrity of the people.

At present we can appreciate abusive treatment in many labour areas. In China,

India, Pakistan and others countries exist labour exploitation where men, women
and children are used as cheap labour in conditions nearly to slavery.

Illegal immigrants in many places of the world are suffering exploitative working, so
it is important fight against the illegal employment to prevent these abusive

In other hand we also find many cases of sexual exploited, traffickind and the big
demand for sexual services are inexorably linked.

We can´t tolerate the fact that children are sexually abused or exploited. We need to
combat this scourge in all its forms through international cooperation. It is really
necessary to do the impossible to prevent and protect the weakest.
12 years a Slave is a heartwarming story that demonstrates the tragic and
miserable life that slaves had in the past. It is admirable their courage and bravery
to faced so many abuses to preserve their roots and race.

“No one should be subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or

punishment.” Article 3 from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

“Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person” Article 5 from
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

“No one shall be held in slavery or servitude, slavery and slave trade shall be
prohibited in all their forms” Article 4 from the Universal Declaration of Human

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