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JFM14410.1177/1098612X11429645Hambrook and BennettJournal of Feline Medicine and Surgery

Original Article

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery

Effect of pimobendan on the clinical 14(4) 233­–239

© ISFM and AAFP 2012
Reprints and permission:
outcome and survival of cats with
DOI: 10.1177/1098612X11429645

non-taurine responsive dilated


Lydia E Hambrook and Peter F Bennett

This retrospective study was designed to assess the effect of pimobendan on the median survival time (MST) of
cats with non-taurine responsive dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Thirty-two client-owned cats with a left ventricular
internal dimension at end systole (LVIDs) >14 mm, a fractional shortening (FS) <28% and a lack of response to
taurine therapy were included over a 9-year period (2001–2010). These cats were divided into pimobendan (n=16)
and non-pimobendan (n=16) treatment groups. All cats received standard treatment with frusemide, taurine and
benazepril or enalapril. Nine cats in the non-pimobendan group also received digoxin. The MST of the pimobendan
group (49 days; range 1 to >502 days) was four times that of the non-pimobendan group (12 days; 1 to 244 days).
The difference in survival between the two groups was statistically significant (P = 0.048). Hypothermia and FS
<20% were associated with a poor prognosis. No adverse effects to pimobendan were noted.

Accepted: 22 August 2011

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is an uncommon condi- are thought to be more reliable than plasma taurine
tion in cats that can result in congestive heart failure concentrations; however, false positive results may still
(CHF), aortic thromboembolism (ATE), arrhythmias and be obtained with prolonged fasting or anorexia, and
sudden death. In 1987 taurine deficiency was identified false negative results may be obtained with postpran-
as a major cause of feline DCM.1 Subsequent supplemen- dial sampling, a recent dietary change or recent throm-
tation of commercial cat food with taurine has drasti- boembolism.2,9,10 Myocardial taurine concentrations also
cally reduced, but not eliminated, the incidence of fail to correlate with the development of overt DCM.7
feline DCM.2 Other proposed aetiological factors include Concurrent central retinal degeneration (secondary to
myocardial dysfunction secondary to toxic insult, infec- taurine deficiency) is an inconsistent finding.2,10
tious myocarditis, metabolic errors, immune-mediated Given the limitations of the tests used to identify
disease, infiltrative disease, chronic volume overload, taurine deficiency, taurine supplementation is recom-
chronic tachyarrhythmias, end-stage hypertrophic cardi- mended in all cats with DCM regardless of the whole
omyopathy and microvascular injury. Genetic links have blood (or plasma) taurine concentration.2,10,11 Assessment
also been proposed in cats and established in humans, of the response to taurine supplementation appears to
mice and Portuguese Water dogs.3–5 Non-taurine respon- be the most reliable method of identifying taurine defi-
sive feline DCM is often referred to as idiopathic as the ciency. Clinical improvement is typically observed
cause of the myocardial dysfunction is rarely apparent at within 2 weeks, however, significant echocardiographic
the time of diagnosis. The aetiology of DCM may also be
multifactorial, given that experimental induction of tau-
rine deficiency in cats failed to result in overt DCM.1,6,7 Melbourne Veterinary Specialist Centre, Glen Waverley, Victoria,
The prognosis of feline DCM depends on the response Australia
to taurine supplementation. Predicting whether an indi-
Corresponding author:
vidual is likely to respond to taurine is problematic.
Lydia E Hambrook BVSc, MACVSc (Small Animal Medicine),
Taurine deficient diets may be difficult to identify as bio- Melbourne Veterinary Specialist Centre, Medicine Department,
availability may vary with heat processing, potassium 70 Blackburn Rd, Glen Waverley, VIC, 3150, Australia
depletion and acidification.8 Whole blood taurine assays Email:;

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234 Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 14(4)

improvement is not usually detected until after the first for LA and LV outflow tract respectively.18,19 LV dimen-
4 weeks of treatment.10,11 Those cats which respond to sions were measured from the right parasternal short axis
taurine supplementation and survive greater than 30 view in M mode at the level of the chordae tendineae. An
days, have a favourable prognosis as a complete recov- average of at least three leading edge measurements was
ery is anticipated.1,10,11 The prognosis for non-taurine recorded. If sedation was required to facilitate echocardi-
responsive cats is grave, with a median survival time ography, a combination of butorphanol (Dolorex;
(MST) of just 11 days.12 Intervet), acepromazine (ACP 2; Delvet), diazepam
Historically, treatment options for non-taurine (Pamlin; Parnell) and/or ketamine (Ketamine; Parnell)
responsive DCM cats have been limited. Congestive was administered to effect.
signs are controlled via diuretics and angiotensin con-
verting enzymes (ACE) inhibitors. Thoracocentesis and Treatment and outcome
oxygen supplementation may also be required. Digoxin, Treatment methods were also reviewed. All cats received
a positive inotrope, may have a small, but significant, standard therapy with oral frusemide (Lasix-M; Sanofi-
positive impact on left ventricular (LV) systolic function, Aventis), taurine (Taurine powder; Musashi) and either
but it does not appear to have a beneficial effect on sur- benazepril (Fortekor; Novartis) or enalapril (Enalfor;
vival.11,13 Pimobendan, a calcium sensitiser and phos- Merial). Pimobendan (Vetmedin; Boehringer Ingelheim)
phodiesterase inhibitor with positive inotropic, lusitropic was administered to 80% of cats diagnosed after 2005.
and vasodilatory effects, significantly improves survival As pimobendan is not registered for use in cats, it was
times in dogs with DCM.14,15 While several abstracts administered with the informed consent of the owners.
have reported that pimobendan therapy is well tolerated Some cats in the non-pimobendan group also received
in cats, studies evaluating the effect of pimobendan on digoxin (Lanoxin-BG; Sigma Pharmaceuticals) as a posi-
survival are lacking.16,17 The purpose of this study is to tive inotrope. Response to treatment and outcome was
assess the effect of pimobendan on the survival of cats determined by a review of patient records and phone
with non-taurine responsive DCM. communication with owners. Survival times were calcu-
lated from the time of diagnosis to the time of death.
Materials and methods
The medical records of client-owned cats diagnosed with Statistical analysis
overt DCM between February 2001 and July 2010 at The comparisons of survival times, prognostic factors
the Melbourne Veterinary Specialist Centre, Melbourne, and differences between the groups at the time of diag-
Australia were retrospectively reviewed. Inclusion crite- nosis were statistically assessed using a commercially
ria included M-mode echocardiographic evidence of LV available software program (Statsdirect statistical soft-
dilation (LV internal dimension at end systole, LVIDs >14 ware version 2.7.0). To assess differences between the
mm) and systolic dysfunction (fractional shortening, FS groups prior to treatment, Mann Whitney U tests were
<28%),2,11,12 clinical signs attributable to DCM (including performed on the parametric data and Fisher’s exact
CHF and/or ATE) and an intention to treat. Exclusion cri- tests were used for dichotomous data. Survival data
teria included a clinical or echocardiographic response to were collated using Kaplan Meier plots. Median survival
taurine therapy, prior treatment with pimobendan, evi- times and Brookmeyer-Crowley 95% confidence inter-
dence of congenital heart disease and a lack of follow-up. vals (95% CI) were determined. Given that the propor-
tional hazards assumption was satisfied, differences in
Diagnostic evaluation survival were assessed using the log-rank test with right
The signalment, history and clinical findings were censoring. Statistical significance was indicated by a
reviewed in all cats along with haematological, radio- P value <0.05.
graphic and electrocardiographic (ECG) findings where
available. Echocardiography was performed by one of Results
three internal medicine specialists (Drs D Merrett BVSc, A search of the medical records between 2001 and 2010
MVS, FACVSc, R Labuc BVSC, MVS, FACVSc and co- revealed 35 cats that met the inclusion criteria. Three cats
author P Bennett, BVSc, FACVSc, DACVIM) using one of were subsequently excluded because of a clinical and
two ultrasound machines (GE Healthcare LOGIQ5 Pro or echocardiographic response to taurine (n = 2) and a lack
Toshiba Corevision). Standard echocardiography using of follow-up (one). None of the assessed cats had any
2D, M-mode, colour flow and pulse wave Doppler was evidence of congenital heart disease. Of the 32 cats
performed.18 Between 2001 and 2005, left atrial (LA) and included in the study, 16 were treated with pimobendan.
aortic outflow (AO) Dimensions were measured in the
right parasternal short axis M mode view, but from 2005 Signalment
onwards these parameters were measured in the right The majority of cats were mixed breeds (15 domestic short-
parasternal long axis 2D view with the image optimised hair, five domestic longhair, two domestic mediumhair),

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Hambrook and Bennett 235

but Burmese (four), Siamese (two), British Shorthair (one), median dose 0.26 mg/kg q12h; range 0.16–0.37 mg/kg)
Somali (one), Russian Blue (one) and Ragdoll (one) were and nine cats received digoxin (31.25 µg PO q24h, median
also represented. Two-thirds were male (20 neutered, one 7 µg/kg; range 4.85–11.1 µg/kg). Seven cats did not
intact), the remainder were de-sexed females. Median age receive a positive inotrope. None of the cats receiving
was 10 years (range 3–16). Weight ranged from 2.8–7.75 kg pimobendan received digoxin. Prior to presentation at
with a median of 4.7 kg. the specialist centre, 17 cats (eight cats in the pimobendan
group and nine cats in the non-pimobendan group)
History received frusemide therapy for 1–5 days (median 2 days)
All cats were being fed a wide range of commercial cat and four cats (one in the pimobendan group and three in
foods and home-cooked diets. Most cats had indoor and the non-pimobendan group) received an ACE inhibitor
outdoor access. A range of pre-existing medical condi- for 2–4 days (median 2 days).
tions were identified including; feline idiopathic cystitis
(n = 4), prior hyperthyroidism treated with radioactive Differences between the non-pimobendan and
iodine (two), trauma (two), bronchitis (two), chronic pimobendan groups
low-grade renal disease (one) and herpes keratitis (one). Assessment of variance between the pimobendan and
None of the cats had any prior history of cardiac disease. non-pimobendan groups revealed a significant increase in
All cats were euthyroid at the time of presentation. the LA and LA:AO in the pimobendan group at the time
of diagnosis (median 24.3 vs 20.6, P = 0.038 and median
Presenting signs 3.21 vs 2.76, P = 0.007, respectively). Fourteen cats in the
All cats presented with clinical signs attributable to pimobendan group had echocardiographic evidence of
DCM including an increase in respiratory effort (n = 28), valvular insufficiency compared to eight in the non-
ATE (three), ascites (two) and collapse (one). The median pimobendan group (P = 0.03). No other variables were
heart rate (HR) was 180 bpm (range 116–250). Thoracic statistically different between the two groups (Table 1).
auscultation revealed abnormalities in 31/32 cats (96.9%)
including a gallop sound (n = 23), systolic murmur (11), Outcomes
muffled heart sounds (one) and an arrhythmia (nine). Each of the 32 cats demonstrated persistent/recurrent
The median respiratory rate was 40 bpm (range 18–80). clinical signs and/or echocardiographic evidence of DCM
despite medical treatment. In the non-pimobendan group,
Diagnostic investigation all 16 of the cats died. A total of seven episodes of ATE
Eighteen cats required sedation to facilitate echocar- were recorded in four cats (two at the time of diagnosis
diography. Valvular insufficiency was evident in and five following the instigation of treatment). Twelve
22 cats (11 mitral and tricuspid, 10 mitral, one tricus- were euthanased due to refractory CHF (8/16) or ATE
pid). Spontaneous echogenic contrast (smoke) was visi- (4/16) and four died suddenly (presumed to be cardiac
ble within the left atrium of three cats. A pleural effusion related). The survival times ranged from 1 day to 244 days
was evident in 22 cats. Pericardial effusion (n = 4) and with a MST of 12 days (95% CI; 4–33 days, see Figure 1).
ascites (three) were also observed. Radiographic find- Of the 16 cats in the pimobendan group 15 died. One
ings included cardiomegaly in 13 cats and pulmonary cat remained alive at the time of writing (502 days after
oedema in 11 cats. Of nine cats with audible arrhythmias, diagnosis) and it was censored from the outcome analy-
seven had ECGs performed. These revealed ventricular sis. Two episodes of ATE were reported. One cat demon-
premature contractions (n = 3), paroxysmal ventricular strated clinical evidence of ATE within 24 h of diagnosis
tachycardia (one), atrial premature contractions (one) and a second cat developed an ATE 111 days into treat-
and supraventricular tachycardia (two). ment. Eight cats were euthanased due to refractory CHF
(n = 5), ATE (two) and seizure activity (one). Sudden
Treatment death was observed in seven cats (presumed cardiac
All cats received frusemide (5–20 mg PO q8–12h as related). The survival times ranged from 1 day to >502
needed, median dose 1.9 mg/kg; range 0.9–3 mg/kg days. The median survival time of the pimobendan
q8–12h), taurine (250 mg PO q12h) and either benazepril group was 49 days (95% CI; 11–164 days). The differ-
(n = 31) or enalapril (n = 1) therapy (1.25–5 mg PO q24h, ence in survival between the pimobendan and non-
median dose 0.48 mg/kg; range 0.32–0.89 mg/kg). pimobendan groups was statistically significant (P =
Two cats also received spironolactone (Aldactone; Pfizer: 0.048). No adverse effects were reported.
12.5 mg PO q24h, range 2.6–3.5 mg/kg) and aspirin
(Aspirin; Mayne Pharma International: 25 mg PO q72h, Prognostic indicators
range 4.4–6.8 mg/kg). Fifteen cats required thoracocente- Clinical and echocardiographic variables were com-
sis and 11 required oxygen therapy. Sixteen cats received pared to survival in an attempt to identify prognostic
pimobendan (0.65–1.25 mg PO q12h, 1 h before food, indicators. Hypothermia at presentation (<37.2°C) was

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236 Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 14(4)

Table 1  Comparison of the baseline clinical variables between the non-pimobendan and pimobendan treatment groups

Variable Non-pimobendan group Pimobendan group P value

Median (range) Median (range)

LVIDs 17.55 (14.0–22.4) 17.6 (14.3–26) 0.48

LVIDd 20.65 (15.6–25.7) 22.15 (17.7–28.5) 0.26
IVSd 3.4 (2.5–5.7) 4.15 (2.7–5.4) 0.19
LVFWd 4.6 (2.6–6.2) 4.5 (1.9–5.4) 0.33
FS 14.35 (3–26) 16.9 (7–27) 0.23
LA 20.4 (11–27.5) 24.3 (15–31.4) 0.038*
LA/AO 2.77 (1.6–3.35) 3.21 (2.24–5.24) 0.007*
ATE 2 1 0.61
Heart rate 180 (116–200) 200 (120–250) 0.17
Temperature 37.6 (34.1–39.8) 37.7 (33–39.3) 0.56
Bodyweight 4.38 (2.8–6.44) 4.83 (3.4–7.75) 0.36
Age 10 (4–15) 10 (3–18) 0.72
Female 7 4 0.30
Male 9 12 0.30
Valvular insufficiency 8 14 0.03*
Gallop 14 9 0.06

*Denotes P values <0.05

LVIDs = left ventricular internal dimension at end systole, LVIDd = left ventricular internal dimension at end diastole, IVSd = interventricular sep-
tal thickness at end diastole, LVFWd = left ventricular free wall thickness at end diastole, FS = fractional shortening, LA = left atrial dimension,
AO = aortic outflow, ATE = aortic thromboembolism

Pimobendan appears to have a positive effect on the sur-
Pimobendan vival of cats with non-taurine responsive DCM. While
Non- the MST of cats in the non-pimobendan group was con-
Pimobendan sistent with that of previous studies (12 days), a four-
Survival fraction

fold increase in the MST of cats in the pimobendan group

(49 days) was observed.12 Similar to previous studies,
digoxin did not appear to have a significant effect on
As it currently stands, this is the largest study of non-
taurine responsive, feline DCM.12 Unfortunately, the rar-
ity of DCM in cats prevents the accumulation of large
sample numbers, and post hoc analysis of the power
0 200 400 600 of this study was low (0.22). The retrospective nature of
Time (days) this study led to a lack of blinding, standardisation and
randomisation of the treatment groups and, as a conse-
quence, the results should be interpreted with caution.
Figure 1  Survival times of cats treated with (n = 16) and
without (n = 16) pimobendan. Cats in the pimobendan group
While 80% (16/20) of the cats diagnosed after 2005 were
had a significantly longer survival (P = 0.048) than those in included in the pimobendan group, it appears unlikely
the non-pimobendan group that their improved survival is a function of advances
in supportive care and/or monitoring over the study
associated with reduced survival (P = 0.0081). A low period because cats in the non-pimobendan group that
fractional shortening (<20%) at presentation was also were also diagnosed after 2008 had poor survival times
associated with a reduced survival (P = 0.0045). Other (MST of 6.5 days).
variables (including LVIDs, LVIDd, IVSd, LVFWd, LA, Significant differences were evident between the two
LA:AO, ATE, BW, age, sex, HR, digoxin and pimobendan treatment groups at the time of diagnosis. LA and LA:AO
dose) were also assessed, but none had a statistically sig- were increased in the pimobendan group when com-
nificant effect on survival. pared to the non-pimobendan group. The significance of

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Hambrook and Bennett 237

this difference is difficult to interpret because the method with reduced survival in studies of cats with hypertrophic
of measuring the LA and AO changed in 2005 from cardiomyopathy and dilated cardiomyopathy, ATE did
the right parasternal short axis M mode to the right not have an adverse effect on survival in this study.11,21,24,25
parasternal long axis 2D view. While this change in Hypothermia at the time of presentation was associ-
methodology may artificially increase the LA:AO ratio ated with reduced survival, which is consistent with
in cats assessed after 2005 (80% of these cats were in previous studies of cats, dogs and humans with heart
the pimobendan group), LA measurements tend to be disease.11,15 Severe systolic dysfunction (FS <20%) was
smaller when measured in the long axis 2D view. also identified as a negative prognostic indicator. While
Consequently, the change in methodology should not reduced FS has been associated with a poor outcome in
have lead to an increase in both LA:AO and LA unless a humans with DCM, this finding has not been previously
genuine increase in LA dilation was observed.19 reported in cats.26 Right ventricular internal dimension
As DCM progresses, dilation of the atrioventricu- at diastole (RVIDd), hospitalisation and concurrent
lar annulus can also lead to valvular insufficiency.12,20 hyperthyroidism have been previously identified as
Fourteen (87.5%) of the pimobendan cats had echocar- prognostic indicators in feline DCM, but these factors
diographic evidence of valvular insufficiency, compared were not assessed in this study.11 In dogs with DCM,
to eight (47%) in the non-pimobendan group. While this ascites, atrial fibrillation and a young age at presentation
difference may have reflected improved echocardio- have also been identified as negative prognostic indica-
graphic detection of valvular insufficiency via the use of tors.27, 28 While none of the cats assessed in this study had
a more advanced ultrasound and improved technique in atrial fibrillation, the presence of a dysrhythmia was not
the second half of this study, the concurrent increase in associated with reduced survival. Age and the presence
LA:AO suggests an increased incidence rather than of ascites did not affect outcome. While previous studies
enhanced detection. While none of these variables had have indicated that body weight correlates with survival
an adverse effect on survival, the increase in LA, LA:AO in cats, dogs and humans with heart disease, this trend
and valvular insufficiency in the pimobendan group was not observed in this study.29
may suggest that these cats had more advanced disease Where possible thoracic radiographs were per-
(with annular dilation). None of the affected cats had a formed post thoracocentesis. While 22 cats had evidence
history of a pre-existing heart murmur or echocardio- of a pleural effusion on ultrasound, 14 had evidence of
graphic evidence of valvular pathology to suggest that residual pleural effusion on thoracic radiographs. Five of
the valvular insufficiency and DCM were secondary to the cats with low volume residual pleural effusion had
chronic valvular disease (eg, dysplasia or endocardio- radiographic evidence of concurrent cardiomegaly and
sis), although this remains a differential. pulmonary oedema. The presence of a moderate volume
While the degree of LA dilation was not a prognostic pleural effusion in the remaining nine cats prevented
indicator in this study, a positive correlation between accurate radiographic assessment, and consequently the
the incidence of ATE and the degree of LA dilation true incidence of cardiomegaly and pulmonary oedema
has previously been reported.21 Despite the apparent could have been higher than previously stated.
increase in LA dimension in the pimobendan group, the While diets were not standardised, all cats received
incidence of ATE was reduced (n = 2) compared to taurine supplements throughout their treatment. Primary
the non-pimobendan group (n = 5), but this difference taurine deficiency appears unlikely in this population of
was not statistically significant. In vitro studies using cats given that all cats continued to exhibit congestive
feline platelet rich plasma, have demonstrated that signs, died suddenly or were euthanased due to car-
pimobendan exerts an anti-platelet aggregation effect diac related issues despite taurine supplementation.
(thought to be mediated by inhibition of thromboxane Cats which demonstrated a clinical and/or echocar-
A2).22 Pimobendan may also theoretically reduce the risk diographic response to taurine supplementation were
of thrombus formation by improving LA functional indi- excluded from this study. Follow-up echocardiography
ces (including LA appendage inflow/outflow veloci- was not routinely performed and consequently a partial
ties).23 Unfortunately, the low numbers of ATE observed taurine response cannot be excluded. Interpretation of
in this study prevented assessment of the effect of follow-up echocardiography may have been difficult
pimobendan on the incidence of ATE in cats with DCM. because improvement may be due to either pimobendan
Aspirin was administered to two cats in the non- or taurine therapy. Unfortunately, the poor prognosis of
pimobendan group. Both of these cats presented with these cats meant that there was not enough time to trial
ATE at the time of diagnosis and both experienced recur- taurine therapy prior to the introduction of pimobendan.
rent ATE despite aspirin therapy. Prophylactic aspirin Strict inclusion criteria were applied to enable com-
therapy was not administered to any other cats because of parison with previous survival studies.2,11,12 While echo-
a distinct lack of clinical data to support its routine use in cardiography was performed using sedation in 19 cats,
feline cardiomyopathy.24 While ATE has been associated previous studies have indicated that, while sedation

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238 Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 14(4)

may decrease FS, LVIDs is unaffected. Consequently in 5/161 cats treated with pimobendan (0.08–0.42 mg/
sedation should not lead to incorrect diagnosis of DCM kg q 12 h) in combination with a range of other medica-
when two strict criteria (LVIDs >14 mm and FS <28%) tions (including frusemide, ACE inhibitors and anti-
are applied concurrently.30–32 Echocardiographic error thrombolytic agents).17 These adverse effects included
was also minimised by recording an average of at least agitation (n = 2), anorexia (n = 1), vomiting (n = 1) and
three measurements. constipation (n = 1). The treated cats were reported to
While 22/32 cats in this study had echocardiographic have congestive heart failure secondary to hypertrophic
evidence of valvular insufficiency, 2/32 cats had tach- (n = 62), unclassified (55) and dilated (27) cardiomyopa-
yarrhythmias and 1/32 cats had evidence of mild, focal thy but the diagnostic criteria were not specified. The
hypertrophy of the left ventricular free wall (6.2 mm, median survival time of all cats treated with pimobendan
IVSDd 5.6 mm), it is not known whether these changes was 102 days (range 9–870 days). Survival benefit could
relate to the cause or effect of DCM.33 Given that post- not be assessed in these abstracts due to the inclusion
mortem examinations were not performed, the inciting of a range of cardiomyopathies and a lack of a control
cause of DCM and cause of death were not confirmed. population, however, both reports concluded that
An increased incidence of DCM has previously been pimobendan therapy was well tolerated in cats. No
reported in DSH, Siamese, Persians, Himalayans and adverse effects were observed during this study.
Abyssinians, but no breed predisposition was observed
in this study.2,34 The percentage of domestic mixed breed Conclusions
(68.75%), Burmese (12.5%) and Siamese (6.25%) cats with Pimobendan therapy appears to improve the survival
DCM was similar to that of the general population pre- of cats with non-taurine responsive DCM. While
senting to this referral centre (66%, 7% and 4%, respec- pimobendan therapy appears to be well tolerated in cats,
tively). More male than female cats were included in this determination of the pharmacokinetics of pimobendan in
study, but the proportion is not statistically different to cats is also needed to ensure that the dose and dose fre-
the hospital population (P = 0.18). quency used in this study is adequate. Further investiga-
Pimobendan has demonstrated positive inotropic and tion of the effect of pimobendan on the incidence of ATE
balanced vasodilatory effects in cats during experimen- and the survival of cats with DCM is also warranted.
tal studies.32 In dogs, pimobendan is thought to have a
very rapid onset of action (<2 h) following oral adminis- Funding  This research received no specific grant from any
tration and consequently, it is indicated for used for funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit
acute stabilisation of decompensated heart failure.36 An sectors.
abstract presented at the European College of Veterinary
Internal Medicine (ECVIM) 2010 reported that the phar- Conflict of interest  The authors declare that there is no con-
macokinetics of pimobendan in healthy cats following a flict of interest.
single oral dose (0.23–0.35 mg/kg) was very similar to
that previously reported in dogs, although the maxi- References
mum plasma concentration was substantially higher 1 Pion PD, Kittleson MD, Rogers QR, Morris JG. Myocardial
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times as long.37 Given that such a rapid onset of action is
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collected on the basis of an intention to treat. findings to taurine deficiency. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1992;
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extrapolated from the canine dose range and limited by 3 Lawler DF, Templeton AJ, Monti KL. Evidence for genetic
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rather than the capsules (which tended to adhere to the 4 Møller DV, Andersen PS, Hedley P, et al. The role of sarco-
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pimobendan use in 11 cats (1.25 mg/cat q12h) with con-
6 Novotny MJ, Hogan PM, Flannigan G. Echocardiographic
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8 Dow SW, Fettman MJ, Smith KR, et al. Taurine depletion 24 Lunsford KV, Mackin AJ. Thromboembolic therapies in
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