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Jhonny Alexander Aramburo Ramirez

Evidence: Something I will always treasure

My most valuable treasure is a ring that I wear with me every day, the ring was given me
by my father seven years ago, my father gave me the ring because he has always believed
in the energies. The gift story is very funny, because the ring wasn’t expected by me.
We were in the mall “Santa Fe” in the north of Bogotá, my father approached to jewelry
store and he asked for the two rings, at that moment I noticed in a ring and I liked so much.
After a while I got distracted and I started to play with my mother, we went for a walk in
the mall while my father stayed in the jewelry store. The rings were bought by my father
and he give me one.
From that day I don’t take off my ring, even I use the ring when I travel. Never I have been
asked to sell it, but if they asked me I would never, because the ring has a very big meaning
for me.
The ring means a lot to me, because the ring represents the Union with my father, the ring
was made of steel, which represents the strength of our relationship. It is an article very
appreciated by me because it reflects the emotional bond that I have with my father, a few
years ago he suffered from a tumor in the head and when he was in those difficult
situations, I just looked at the ring and felt that my father would get over it. At present my
father is very well and for this reason it is a gift that I will treasure for a lifetime.
I hope that in the future I can share it with my son and give it to him, it is also like a
treasure that I hope to have the privilege that goes from generation to generation, this object
is very important for me and I hope that my son understands the importance of the ring.
That is the story of my greatest treasure, the ring I do not take it off at all in the day and if
for some reason I do not have it I feel that I need something indispensable.
It is the ring that was given me by my father

I hope you liked the story


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