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Belladonna leaf, belladonna herb, folia belladonna, deadly night shade leaves, black
Biological source:

Belladonna consist of fresh or dried leaves and aerial parts of the following plant
atropa belladonna also called European belladonna (family – Solanaceae)
European belladonna is indigenous to England and southern European region. It is
cultivated in Europe (England) and USA.
Cultivation, collection and method preparation
Requirement or cultivation
Altitude – 1400 meters

Soil - well drained, calcareous and loamy

Fertilizers – farmyard manure, potassium or sodium nitrate and superphosphate.
European belladonna is propagated by seeds. These seeds are obtained by
crushing the fresh berries or pressing the dry berries between the fingers. the seeds are
soaked in water and kept at 00 c in a refrigerator for a week to enhance their rate of
germination. The germinated seeds are sown in nurseries between January and February.
After a period of about 1-2 months seedlings are transplanted in open fields .
The harvested drugs consists of leaves, small stem and flowers which are
immediately dried in artificially heated kilns (barns).about 48hours are required for drying.
Improperly dried leaves deteriorate rapidly and liberate ammonia.
a) Leaves
Colour –dull green to yellowish green
Size - Length:6 to 10 cm
Width :2.5 to 12 cm
Shape - ovate

Nature –thin and brittle in nature

Colour – purplish green
Size - diameter more than 5 mm

Nature – slightly flat

Stem – bears alternate scars of surface leaves.
Alkaloids are the main constituents. Hyoscyamine is the chief alkaloids present
(75%) and the rest atropine.
Volatile bases like pyridine and N-methyl pyrrolidone are also present.
Vitalis test (for tropane alkaloids): Tropane alkaloids such as those present in
Atropa. Hyoscyamus and Datura answer this test .A drop of fuming nitric acid is added to an
extract of the drug. It is then evaporated to dryness on a water bath. After cooling, two
drops of alcoholic potassium hydroxide is added. A purple colour shows the presence of
tropane alkaloids.
Because of anticholinergic effect, it can be used as

a) Mydriatic
b) Antispasmodic


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