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Name : Khusnul Izzah faraby

NIM : 180210303054

Analysis of Karst Aquifer Development Levels in the Gunung Sewu Karst Area, Special
Region of Yogyakarta and Rengel Karst, Tuban, East Java Based on Hydrograph Analysis

Karst aquifers have complex and unique hydrogeological characteristics compared to

other aquifers, including three porosity properties, namely diffuse, fissure, and conduit; high
level of heterogeneity and anisotropis; and high hydraulic conductivity (White and Elizabeth,
2003; Ford and William, 2007). As secondary porosity develops in the form of conduit tunnels in
a karst aquifer, the older the age of a karst region or in other words the degree of karstification is
also increasingly advanced (Haryono and Adji, 2004). This karstification process is generally
controlled by geological, climatic, hydrological, and vegetation factors (Daoxian, 2013). More
specifically, karstification that develops in tropical karst areas is influenced by high rainfall,
warm temperatures, dense vegetation so that high CO2 concentrations and the magnitude of
groundwater potential (Nguyet, 2006).
The level of development of this karstification will determine the nature of the aquifer
in releasing its water reserves. The higher the karstification process, the conduit channel will
develop with high hydraulic conductivity and fast flow properties, whereas the lower the level of
karstification development, the flow will be dominated by diffuse types with low hydraulic
conductivity and slow flow properties (Baena et al., 2009). Therefore, the degree of karstification
plays a fundamental role for sustainable management of water resources.

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