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Face to Face Staff Development Reflection

For my face to face staff development, I created an assessment to end my lesson. I

created the assessment on Google Forms. This assessment had 6 questions that covered the basic
information about Keynote and creating a Frayer Model in Keynote. When I looked at the data
from the assessment, there were some questions that the participants missed. One person
answered the question “When creating a frayer model in keynote do you start out with a blank
page?” wrong. Two people answered the question “When inserting shapes to your frayer model,
are you limited to just shapes?” wrong. Lastly, two people answered the question “Can the frayer
model be used in more than just academic subjects?” wrong. Two of these questions that were
answered wrong were assessing things that were addressed in the basics of Keynote section.
I also created an evaluation survey to get feedback from the participants in the staff
development. I think that the survey was a great way for the participants to let me know how
effective my instruction was. The survey also let me know how they feel about using Keynote
now. I created the survey on a five point scale. 1 was very little or do not agree, and 5 was a lot
or strongly agree. Most participants answered with 4’s and 5’s on the survey. One participant
answered with 3 on “After learning about Keynote I feel confident enough to use this in my
classroom.” Four participants answered with 3 on “After learning about keynote I feel
comfortable allowing my students to use keynote in my classroom.” Lastly, one participant
answered with 3 on “After learning how to create a frayer model in keynote I am confident that I
can create my own frayer in keynote for my class.” I added a short answer question to the survey
also. This was so that the participants could give me any suggestions on how to better my staff
development. There were only two participants that completed this question. One participant
said, “I would like to see some examples of how I can use more Frayer models in math.” The
second participant said, “Maybe there could be a follow up session.”
I was happy with the results of the assessment and the answers to the evaluation survey.
There were some questions that I could have covered the information better to make sure that the
participants fully understood the content. Also, I could give more examples for the participants to
view. These are things that I can change for the future. I will make some corrections to this staff
development before using it to teach again.

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