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SSE TEE = ‘The Great Crusade came in the wake of the Age of Strife, long and terrible era during which Mankind unleashed and was laid low by ‘weapons of starazing destructive power and genocidal scope, many ‘born of the preceding Dark Age of Technology. When the Emperor's (Crusading forces pushed back the darkness that had befillen the worlds of Mankind, evidence ofthese ancient and terible artefacts were found and studied by the tech-savants ofthe Mechanicum, who ‘coveted them greatly. Occasionally, one of these examples f ancient archaeotech would be recovered and taken up by the heroes of the Great Crusade itself becoming a potent reli, ts name and legend as widespread and celebrated asthe Crusaders who bore it ‘As the Great Crusade continued ever onwards, mukiple examples of some types ofrelicwere encountered and great effort wis committed tocataloguing their class, understanding their nature and replicating their function. Oien, however, the Mechanicum could fathom the technology underpinning relic, but could not ereate a functioning ‘copy. Nonetheless, the effort to decode the ancient technological foundation of sich artefacts continued, with other discoveries made in the process expanding the canon of the machine exponentially. Many of these relics ofthe Dark Age of Technology have pased through numerous hands throughout the decades ofthe Great ‘Grusade, becoming associated wit one particular body or institution In some cases, individual bodies have come to favour specific clases of reli finding they complement their own batle doctrines or demeanour. This is particularly rue of the Legiones Astrtes who, ‘having found uriity ina particular class of relic, devote great efforts to ‘obtaining other examples of that type, even taking advantage oftheir clevated stars within the Emperors armies to coerce other bodies to surrender relics they have come into possession of ReLics oF THE Dark AGE OF TECHNOLOGY ‘Ustye Retcs oF re Dank Act o¢ Tecrnotocy Relics ofthe Dark Age of Technology may be purchased by Independent Characters atthe point cost provided and within the limitations stated in each. They may not be taken by special characters (Le, models with the Unique type). Only one ofeach relic may be chosen per army, 1 plying a campaign, only one character per player may take a Relic ofthe Datk Age of Technology and this must be purchased forthe character at che start ofthe campaign, Death of a Relic Bearer Should a character equipped witha Relic of the Dark Age of ‘Technology n fatality, the relic ise is not necessarily lost with them. In this case, the side that slew the character The may choose to play the Relic Hunt mission, provided on ps winner of this mission recovers the lost relic and i is permanently signed toa character oftheir choice. Note that this may result in cbatacter gaining relic normally reserved for another amy. Ifthe mission fs Draw neither side claims the relic and itis lost to history ‘once more, perhaps to be uncovered by furure generations. Uncovering New Relics (Once per Campaign phase a the beginning ofthat phase, each side may decide to commit resources to scouring the region for archacotech, In order to do this, one Wat Zone-assigned Character {s reassigned t lead an expedition to find such artefacts, ancient wisdom and employing the servic of the most skilled Rogue rs Militant, itinerant void-trackers or even xenos guides, the enemy on their tal throughout the entire endeavout, In this cas, the Relic Hunt mission is played. The War Zone-assigned Character must be fielded inthis mission and may not be used in any other missions played chat phase ‘he winner ofthis mission rolls on the following table to determine which relics uncovered, Note that this can result in the same relic boeing catred by multiple characters in an army ~this is acceptable and arate example of more than one of the given type being, ‘uncovered. Relics obtained in this fashion do:not cost the bearer any points ‘The Relic Uncovered Table De Relic Uncovered 1 Nanyte Blaster Warp Shunt Field Phase-walker Combat Augment Array Cloaking Array Void Shield Harness Naor Bustex (4005) Thissabull-dheped weapon of geaing met thts hve containing ‘many millions of nanoscopic machines. Upon release, they are capable of srg ay target scone! ats in an inant. The Mechanica tndertands the icp onc the anya bao aw hy relate within thee forall so hve temp to study the proces have be aad theme te machin eng nln sured he secret hirreton Range Str AP Type Nanyteblaster 12" =, Asaulr1,Fleshbane, Uncontrolled Replication ‘Uncontrolled Replication: Should a model be slain bythe nanyte ‘lester roll Dé. Ona 4s, centrea Large Blast (5") marker onthe models position and resolve a Blast marker attack a Stes AP 2 Further casualties may themselves rigger further Uncontrolled Replication resales Waar Saunt Few (35 00813) ‘fearful lybrid of dsplacr fil and void shield teehnoogy the warp shunt ‘savelicof the Dark Age of Tehology tha the Mechanicum have failed to replicate despite understanding the principles ofits function although oun tes subjects have ben incinerated rendered to biological sludge or tured inside oun the afemp) The device projects localised warp interface Sel ohh is activated wie t etc en incoming high energy attack Enemy shots ave absorbed through extremely shored, microscopic warp ‘openings, saving the bearer from harm. Furthermore, when the mcr-portals ‘pent absorb the enemy attack, they project bri but tense lance of ure ‘material warps along the trajectory ofthe enemy’ shot, withering the body nde the bale ge ofthe abs, ‘The warp shunt field provides the bearer witha 3 invulnerable save against Shooting atacks only. In addition, for every 6 rolled when saving against an enemy attack chat drawsa diect line of sight berween shooter and target, the enemy unit that fired the shor takes De Str AP- hits. ae = Plasterer (45 rons) ‘Very ew examples of his echnology have been recered and thos that have are highly coveted by the imitedmurbero pri eras to have somehow pained posesionofone. there ublissa phase dation generator that lows the barr to hase’ from one lation fo the net nan instant and without passing through he intereening space, mang it highly prized by asosins, saboteurs and others with need and cause move unseen through an enemy’ defences Instead of moving normally inthe Movement phase, the bearer may be removed and replaced anywhere else on the table so long as they. sve not engaged in an assault or inside a transport vehicle or building. 1f the model is to be repositioned in location that is within thei line of sight, they are simply positioned where the player desires. If the target location is outside of the characte’ line of sight, make a ‘Dangerous Terrain test for every solid abject along the path (including. all models, vehicles, terrain pices, buildings, et) and so long asthe character survives, place them inthe desied position. Having been ‘moved, the character counts as having deployed via Deep Strike,and so counts s having moved, bt may shoot, run, et, as normal (Conner Avcwenr Amat (35 90818) Wis posted tha his device sas once wed to transform entie planetary -popalaions nt killing machines ta single command enabling simple colonists to beomt wnstorpable super-sldiers during the incessant wars fought og before the ise ofthe Imperium. Though dangerous to sede to ‘the aray’s mvasive manipulation of nero pathway, arena glands and musculature, extant examples command high price indeed, though many. rogatd their wea dishonourabeofothandy ‘Once per game, declared at the beginning ofthe controlling player's player tun, the character may count any dice rll as automatically rolling 6 Atthe end ofthat player turn, the model should make a “Toughness est for every wound they have remaining. Each filed test result inthe character sustaining a wound, with no saves of any kind ‘or Feel No Pain rolls possible. ‘Chonxan Annas (40 roms) “This ri generate highly laid erat el that dots ight nd many ther forms of eacrmagnetic radiation suck way so ender the Bearer nuit the naked ee and mes forms ef machine sense ‘Once per game, at the beginning of any game tun, the cloaking array may be activated. For that entire game turn the bearer may not be targeted by shooting or declared as the subject ofa charge, Enemy models with the Payker or Daemon rule ate not affected by ‘the cloaking array, as they have other meansof perceiving theit fe. ‘Should such a model shoot or assault the bearer, the cloaking array ‘eases to function immediately The bearer may not use the array if joined to another uni, engaged in an asaul, nd may not move, shoot, charge or declare any other ations while isin effect. “Though bordering on the esoteric void shield technology is broadly understood bythe Mechanica and sed to protect sai installations and lage wer machines sucha Titans This particular example, however, recover by “Mechanicum Questor the lading ee ofthe Gret Cras reprisens “a minatrstion ofthe technology that date has not bn ceslly replicate. The harness mourted generator poets gimp force | shld that pots the bearer and thse nearby, but wih can be dangerous to si ifetastrophicalyoeloded by enemy fi ‘The void shield harness has an area of effect equal oa Large Blasts") ‘marker, centred on the bearer. Any shooting attack that originates from outside ofthe protected area and hits a target inside it instead ‘its the void shield - which has an Armour value ofr2. glancing ‘or penetrating hit (or any hit ftom a Destroyer weapon) causes it to collapse. Once the shield is collapsed, further bit stike the original, target instead. the shield is collapsed, at the end ofeach ofthe controlling player's player turns roll a Dé. On aro of s+, the shield is instantly restored. ‘When rolling to penetrate the void shield result of Explodes! indicates catastrophic overload. In this instance, resolve Large Blast (s?) attack centred on the bearer at Str 6 AP 4 Pinning, after which the shield may not be used again for the remainder ofthe game, Covtactum Mecca ~ Mscucow ost (30 pont “This ec sthe subject of much doctrinal schism within the many cls and secs ofthe Mechanicur Many eh-adeps ropa its very existence as heresy, awhile others lok upon i sa wonder passed down from long lst age. The CContagium Mechanica is machine via’ transrated by motle nanyes and ‘able to overvhelm the mechanisms of alma! any arial system i comes into contact with ‘The virus is directed ata vehicle using the profile below. Ifthe damage ‘esultsin the vehicle losing a Hull Point bur not being destroyed, there sachance the virus wll spreed to another vehicle. Soong as the vehicle is still in play inthe bearers next Shooting phase, every vehicle (friend or foe) within 12 of the original targer sustains a single Haywire attack. The process is continued in each ofthe bearer’ Shooting phases, with every vehicle that loses a Hull Point but which isnot destroyed ‘infecting’ the next, until no more vehicles are cligible tobeinfected. ap. Range Ste ‘Type aa Assault x, Haywice sre ere CConrica Pas ~ Mecitasicow ont (30 rons) “The Cortca Primus isa bionic implant that replaces most of Tech-Priest’s largely wns temporal abe and sends invasive neuo-prbes throughout thei rain and central nervous atm. At the expense of ome depree of subjectivity the device facials high level of rteration with eyereic systems such asthe mighty avlomata fled by he armies ofthe Mechanicum. ‘The Cortica Primus counts as 2 Cortex Controller. In addition, ifthe bearer uses a Cybertheurgy power to target fiiendly unit, the effect of the power used applies not ro one model in that unit, but tal eligible ‘models inthe unit. Ifthe power i fuled however, the subsequent roll on the Cybertheurgy Mishap table is modified by the number of ‘models over the fist it was attempted on. For example, ifthe target, uniteonsisted of three Butle-automata the oll on the Mishap table ‘woul be modified by +2 ‘Merarasic ReanenSovan Auras oy (45 00s) ‘The metaphasc reader ili an input device abet detect almost every form ofenegy known to the Mechenicunn, aswell as several the Magos ofthe ‘Omnis have no knowledge ofall The unit, as well as any Solar Auxiia unit from the same detachment within 12", gains the Interceptor special rule. ‘Arex Dcrax Weare ~ Souan Aux oxy (3520113) Amongst the Imperius burgeoning aristocracy digital weapons are highly sought afer asa sign of prestige and wealth and ofthese the apex dass weapons ae the most coveted ofall Though ach appears tobe a harmless decorative ring ofthe rarest. they aren fact miniature weapons ofthe mos fearsome potency, able fo unleash the power of suns and incinerate any fo wit but a gesture surmounted with the mos precious of ems The apex digital weapon counts a¥ a normal digital weapon. In addition, once per game it may be fired as ether a lascannon, multi rielta, plasms cannon or volkitecaliver Prax Exsasis~ Dan Avcats ont (40 0st) small but weighty casket manufactured atthe very ls ofthe Dark Age of Technology itis hld by some thatthe By Extasis was meant axa ser weapon for holding at hay the oncoming horrors ofthe Age of Strife. The Byrx ‘antains a psycho-dsrapive resonator that acs upon the mos primal wetons of ait rain to indice feng of ter dread end in ther mind transform the bearer intoafiqure fom nightmare ‘Once per game,at the start ofthe Fight sub-phase, the bearer may ‘open the Pyrx Extasis and subject thei foe to is effects, Every enemy ‘unit engaged in an assault witha unit from the bearer side must make a Fear test. aa et ecto Brane~ ure’ Coie eu (49 rones) Buta haf of hese supremely balanced and mastefllywrough weapons renown to exist ant dte al hae ben aquired by far means feu by the champions ofthe Legines stakes Emperors Children. The Lai aes repose of pisant machine spt which se ay vee dangerously lose transgresing the ancient proscription gait ele mains By integrating with the Bearer power armour aan the movements ofboth weapon and bearerarecorinaed ata eve none bu the mos ucomplihed swordsman con hap to multe Range Str AP Lucid blade Oe a ea ‘Type Melee, Master Parry, Specialist Weapon Master Parry: When fighting ina challenge, the bearer may exchange attacks they have yet to make that phase for bonuses to any invulnerable save they have (or to gain an invulnerable save of 6 if they have none). For example,a model with four atacks and an invulnerable save of s+ might sacifice one attack to improve their invulnerable save to 48 two to improve it to 3+ and 0 forth, No invulnerable save may be improved to more than 2 ‘Tae Buno Huu orm Buack Junces— [non Wasttons ont (40 ot The Blind helm was torn bythe ons of Perturabo from the carpe ofthe Black Judes, andi binicaly-ssiiatd armoured helmet hat integrates with Astares power armour thanks to shared Standard Template Construct, heritage. The hela contains a compact resonator that generates a diletic ‘ovonaldcharge whic any fo that etm to sie the Type Blind helm rs 3 Assault 2D6" “The Blind used fo me Overwath tacks only ond ths ave resale at he bearers alist Skil Tice Paxrouan Senrewt ~ Wire Scat ont (0 rots Recovered from the quantun-scaled tbute-vuuls deep beneath the Khum Karta mountains of Chogors, he Parthian Serpent bow that isthe ‘equal of many highly advanced bllstic ystems. The weapon fre bolls of highly energised matter generated and unleashed bythe bere releasing a Projectile through a highly localised mico-gavitational lens aay. Range Str AP aia Type Heavy 1, Skyfite, Precision Shots Interceptor, Pinning, Pretexnatural Targeting Parthinian Serpent is always used at Bums Cues -Seacs Worves ox (40 rons) “he wickedly ured superconducting tines ofthe el ight as ‘urn with a heal intense, they can cut through ck eth contemptuous case. The armoured coulng ofeach law comcels a cmp fusion esclor —— and a powerful magic containment eld an thee of ts contraction have not yet been revealed the Mechanic, forthe Legions Asates Space ‘Wolves have na intention f depriving theses of ths aly mighty weapon of war. Range Str AP Type Burning claws - 4: 3 Melee, Shred, Specialist Weapon, Mastercrafted, Armourbane Ixpowrtas Mass ~ arent Fists ost (50 00) Along cloak of heavy chainmail the few Indamstan mantles known to exist, ‘wer all recovered from the sub-sinaa inks fhe his of Invi Each and every lnk is inset with micr-sigis capable of bleeding ff and dspating many different forms of eng: ncuing thermal, kineicand vaiant attacks ‘The Indomitan mantle grants the bearer the Eternal Warrior special rule, aswell as 3+ invulnerable save against any weapon with the Melta type Nosraauaw Mancarcusn ~Nicit Loans ont (40 ros) The origins ofthe mancaher remain « mystery though some lai thats ‘was wrought not by human hands but was reald dep wilhin the Ghoul Stars argon of sce know tb haunted by countess lien hors etely sath to sari. Several xamplsof th device have been recovered and he ight Lords have found particular use for them when they would woner take ‘het fai, bu fr wha ll purpose onl they know. Range Str AP Type Nostraman Melee, Two-handed, Ensnare rmancitcher ng Ensnare: A character beating the Nostraman mancatcher nominates single enemy infantry model in base contact bafore any atacs (including Hammer of Wrath andthe like) ae resolved at the start of ‘each Fight sub-phase. The target must make a Strength test for every tack tis eligible co make that phase. For each tes filed the target loses an attack cha phase. Paoronic Buaos—Buooo ANouis ont (50 rons) "This sword sa doublehandedweupon s heavy thal ony the ight of vari cam ht it tis pen les main mas Bin he searing white photonic reaction tat wreathes is meta and which few victims can ‘withsar. The weapon thought have be created by neo the to sides, Sighting in the cil war that consumed the Baltes as ld Nig fll and thee eal mee fom he ral ses thal wl realy Gav Gaui Io Hans ont (40 rons) ‘hay wrist mounted eration of the ravton gun the fast known examples the gra gail were reovered by Mechanicury Expl os probing the eastern marches ofthe golactic cove. Witnessing the weapons ent fect upon weno bastions, hey were later ceded the Erimarch ofthe Tron Hands in ecagiton of th aid hs Legion granted othe orcs of he ‘Mechanic that arduous campaign. Range Str AP Type Template * 3 Assault 3, Concussve, GGraviton Pulse’, Haywire, Ruination Gray gauntlet ‘the templates lft in plac afer the attack as deseribed inthe Gravion Pls special ru see pope 2. aoe Ruination: Unlike normal Haywire attacks this weapon may be wsed against buildings as wel 2s vehicles The weapon adds D3 to any result rolled on the Building Damage chart. Ifthe aack damages 2 bullhead or wall section of terrain and destroys it remove that section from play if possible ‘Tae Baar: Brea Test - Wont Eason (50 ron “This weapons overlong haf i inset ith a potent seismic accwulator and = when tis cast othe ground adits mighty tines plunged into the es, he planet's crust itlf heaves and cies ut in agony as ver mone power es aves radiate outwards in al dietions The World Eaters made devastating te ofthis weapon inthe extermination of the horrrshrouded ex-stains of the Larkay Rift Range Str AP Earth Breaker trident ‘Type (Melee) ages Melee, Unwiclay i Specialist Weapon (Thrown) os Assaul, Instant Death ismic Destructor, One Use Seismic Destructor: Once per game the Earth Breaker trident may be used asa missile weapon, afer which it may not be wsed (in melee ‘orasa thrown wespon) again in thar game, Should this attack slay a foe or destroy a vehicle or building, place a marker to represent the trident’ final positon. All ground within 12° ofthis point is counted as dangerous terrain and any buildings inthis area automatically lose a “Hull Point at the star of ech and every subsequent game turn. CGeaons Isis — Uranus ony (40 ron Thuis road-Maded,artificerwrought short sword has ben carried by the champions of Ulramar for many generations, having been vcouered fom ancient human ruins one ofthe outer werd ofthe Prandin sytem. The ndutor thet make it fendishly ‘weapon inlgates canning gyroeopie iia o maser, bul wich makes trast nigh imposible forthe enemy o predict or counter Range Str AP Type Gladius Invictus aoa Rending Shiekd-mocket Duellists Edge Shield-mocker: Enemy models may not claim saves of any kind that are derived from carried shields including combat shields, boarding, shields ete ‘Ducllist's Edge: When fighting in onus to theit Initiative value Tae Ruan Tau This takes the form of ah Dest Guaxo ont (40 00st) iv hal rom the top of which hangs on a chain a large perforated metals fi and extraction mechanism that draws ven microsepically small he atmosphere felmente are then projected n a wide area about the bearer slaying anyone not stably protected ima hidoous, painful and Lingering manner All units without the Legiones Astartes (Death Guar) special rule ‘within "ofthe bearer sufer a1 penalty to their Toughness ~ this does not affect a model’ Instane Death thresholds, In ition, any ‘enemy unit that sustains even a single casualty from shooting whilst their Toughness is modified inthis way must make a Morale check at the end ofthat phase, regardless of how many casualties are caused. Lunanarenous Resoxaror ~Toustvo Sox ont (35 0815) “Thislambent crystal device is worn about the neck or tino the pal oF bro, ant wet focus the bearers native psomic capability orto substantially amplify at of practioner ofthe pyc arts allowing ther to bast thei {foes with raw mental foc. Several examples have en recovered acos the scattered worlds of humanity andthe warriorsavants ofthe Thousand Sons Legion goto great lengths to recover them in the furtherance of ther ceases quest for knowledge Range Ste AP Type Luminiferous resonator ww 3 Silwos/6 ‘he vies Strength values comyred to the targets Leadership insted of Toughness. The weapon has no fet on vehicles or any motel without a Leadership characteristic Tuas Caramsact Punts ~ Soxs oF Honus ont (50 00) The Cataracts Primus represents the very earls example of Cataphractt ‘armour, modified from suits which were designed to survive inside operational plasma reactors. Whileone of these suits relained by the Martian ‘Mechanicum and another he Legion’ ow Forge, he thind is tradtionally sworn by «Sons of Horus assault cata who has ren through the ranks of the Justarn Terminates, s superior power generation and transmission systems grunting the wearer protection fr above thal of other pater of Terminator armour, The Cataphracti Primus sa suit of Cataphracti armour, In addition to the standard rules for this armour type, the wearer gains the Eternal ‘Warrior special rule and adds +2 to their Toughness characteristic against Shooting attacks, Cowreasion Dissoxaon ~ Won Beansas oxy (4o rons) This entirely novel, some tech-savants would say eo device interferes wth a wade spectrum of eld effets, cluding those generated bythe ite tuderstood alien erates so del within the dimension of aw energy ‘that ithe Warp Use of the conversion dissonatoris declared at the start of any game turn, and is used for that one game turn only. While in effect, ll {invulnerable sives, applicable to friend and foe alike, within 12" ofthe bearer sulfer a moulifie of-2(a save of sor 64 is negated entirely). Zenort ConDuctor Site. ~ SMLAMANDERS ONL {50 F018) “Thishuge shield houses hrm conductor dowered by Magos Kl of the Compuvaré Cal and wile he never sucessfully replicated function, other examples were uncovered Unroughout the curse of the Great Crsade, ‘cluding several by the LegimesAstartes Salamanders. When the Zertlis reactor activate, the shields outer faces transformed into a searing white plane snes hat amy scape thal ries it rendered agi a ‘nse, assuming the attacker isnot Blinded attempting olan the blow. ‘The Zeroth conductor shield is counted asa combat shield, Any ‘enemy unit chat charges the bearer of the Zeroth conductor shield sustains Dé Ste 8 AP 2 Blind hits at Initiative step 10, Fiycrat Hanaow anne ~ Rave Guan one (35 rons) “The ultimate tration ofthe mono-moleclar edged weaponry wed thoughout the Imperium’ lta orcs several examples ofthis weapon type were dicoered asthe Grest Crasede pesed outwards int the galas every fst however, us recovered long before the Unifzation Wars, for they were gly valued bythe Neve tbesmen from whose vanks the earliest reer into the XIX Legion lately the Raven Guard) were drawn Range Str AP Type Faculhanowbade - 41 3 Melee, Rending, Bloody Ruin Bloody Ruin: Every wound caused by the bearer ofthe fractal harrowblade is counted as two wounds fr the purposes of determining assault results Tir Daakasa~ Aura Leow oxy (45 P00 “The Draaina ica singular pistol weapon, pater etinelyamknown fo STC canon and poss even of ens provenance, Not unlke a eae ps ‘a operation, the Drakaina fies a hybrid irs xin so virulent cam slay in seconds alto the non vito fore what remains ofthe body has even struck the ground. How the Alpha Legion obtains or syntheses this toxin but one of cunt mysteries rounding this most shrouded of Legions Range Str AP Type TheDakiia 12" gg stl Poitomed ‘Rending, Flesh-phage Flesh-phage: A unit which suffers one or more casualties from this sveapon must take De Toughness tests atthe start of every subsequent [Alph Legion Shooting phase, Each failed test results in a wound: ‘being sustained, with no saves of any kind. This effect ceases should a Shooting phase pass without any such wounds being sustxined. Tue SOLAR AUXILIA CrusADE ARMY LIST |The Batlesin the Age of Darkness expansion macnn treshandne ch iu interlocking campaign systems ~ for your games of Warhammer 40,000 set ‘nthe deadly miliew of the Horus Heresy [rpresentsits own distinct way of playing based on the armies which fought each | other for control of the nascent Imperium and the battles which decided Mankind’s face in this dark age of wat. Battles in the ‘Age of Darkness games use all ofthe core rales presented inthe Warharamer 40.000 rules excepe where noted inthis of general rules, and where shown in the various campaign rules found in the Horus Heresy volumes. These take precedence ‘over the Warhammer 40200 rulebook where ‘exceptions tothe rules found there are made. ‘Army Selection/Force Organisation (Charts: Bete in the Age of Darkness games use heir own special core Force ‘Organisation char (se page 241,88 wells special optional chars found in the vatious lous Heresy volumes. These replace the standard Bate Forged army system resented in the Warksmer 400 rulebook ‘ach Bates in the Age of Darkness army is composed of single Feimary Detachment, and may alo contin a numberof optional (Secondary) Detachments 8 shown on the relevant Force Organisation chart, Unlese specified by particular missional ofthe units chosen as par ofthe Primary and Londs ‘of War detachments must be fom the sme amy list and same Faeton (in the case of Space Marine Legion, they must also have the same version ofthe Legones Asartes special ule swell where elevang) Allied Detachments should be chosen according tothe Alliesin the Age of Darkness chart and be ofthe same Faction (se page 253). Fortification Detachments may be chosen from any Impecalype foruifentions shown in the Warhammer 00 Song expansion at wells hose in Forge Worlds Imperial Armour and ors Heresy books Designer's Note: Other Foree Organisation chat (aswell as formations and detachments) rom the Warkammer §o000 rulebook and other game expansions, as well | ts Unbound armies, are noe designed with ‘Battles in the Age of Darkness in mind and should not be used in Batles ofthe Age of _ Darkness games unless by the mutta prior consent of ll he parties involved. Note sing Unbound armies etcan bea “great del offun and make fora range of anata esti rhi las +. NN Eli opt adh {interesting options but will likely throw up rules anomalies and inconsistencies between play styles and the close narrative framework ‘of the Horus Heresy campaign rules, so caveat empror! Scoring Units: Unless specified ina particular mission, in Battles inthe Age of Darkness games only units tan from, the Troops choices and those specifically noted in their entries (other than Dedicated ‘Transports are counted as scoring units, ‘They may only score Victory points for objectives if present within "ofthat objective so long as enemy scoring and denial units are nor also present in this radius Denial Units: All other units in the game which ae nor scoring units, immobilised, currently Falling Back, Zooming Flyers/ Super-heavy Flyers or Swooping Monstrous CCreatures/Gargantuan Monstrous Creatures are counted as denial units, This means that if they are present within the listed scoring range ofan objective, an opposing ‘unit cannot seore Victory point from the objective or claim it, Size of Battle: A points total of around 44750-3500 points per players an ideal ‘game size for use with the Batles in the Age ‘of Darkness rules, bates of larger size may benefit from using the Apocalypse rules or standard games using the rules found under the Choosing Your Army section of the ‘Warhammer joo00 rulebook instead. Smaller ‘games may benefit from the use ofa more restricted Force Organisation chart such as that provided by the Strategic Raid mission rules found on page 176 ofthis book or the Zone Mortals rules found in The Hous Heresy Bok Thnce— Exterminetion Factions “he Factions system found inthe ‘Warhammer jop00 rulebook is not used in conjunction with che Bates in the Age of Darkness expansion. Instead, during the Horus Heresy there are in effect only two Factions: Loyalist and Traitor and an army's forces must be chosen from one or the other ofthese (but never both), In the various Age of Darkness army lists, certain characters and units are marked with ether an Aquila (Loyalists) or the Bye of Horus (Traitors) ‘meaning that they can only be chosen by armies ofthat Faction. Ifa character or units shown without one ofthese marks, they may ‘be selected by either Faction. Lords of War ‘The Lords of War system, originally developed by Forge World, has since been ‘expanded into other formats within the ‘Warhammer 40,000 range, however the bespoke version which is presented here {is designed 10 be used in conjunction with Horus Heresy gaming. Inaddition, in Battles in the Age of Darkness ‘games, Lords of War use the following special rule: The Price of Failure, ‘The Price of Failure (Lords of War Secondary Objective) As well asbeing colosslly powerful and destructive units capable of turning | the tide ofbattle on their own, a Lord of Waralso represents. substantial strategic asset 1 theit oven side, the loss ‘or destruction of which can have dire implications for their army's cause ‘Asa result, unless specifically exempted or modified by the special rules of Battlesin the Age of Darkness mission, destroying an enemy Lords of War choice always represents secondary ‘objective inthe game. This secondary objectives worth 2 additional Victory points tothe destroying side inthe case ofan Engine of Destruction, Great Beast ‘or Primarch or 1 additional Victory point each per vehicle/eresre in the ‘case of War Machine Detachments, ‘Monstrous Hordes and Sub-orbita Strike Wings Psychic Powers During the later days ofthe Imperium’ Great Crusade and the early wars ofthe Horus Heresy, the secrets of Malefic Demonology were known to only aselect few and the grasp ofthe Ruinous Powers ‘onthe galaxy had waned. Asa result, unless specifically noted in their entry, Malefic Demonology psychic powers are not available to any model with psychic powers, Lords of War availability ‘The 25% rule: This means thatthe “what truth can a man ever know but Ina Battlesin the Age of Darkness game maximum points value of single Lords treachery? Fathers betray sons, sons thelr | of 2,000 points o greater, Lords of War of War choice in «Battles in the Age of Jathers brothers turn upon brothers master choices will be available to an army based Darkness game for some common army ‘ts dwn servant, servant murders master ‘upon the specific Force Organisation chart sizes sas follows: ‘Whether by malice, by weakness by far, being used. These choices must he bought by jalousyor by hate; the daggers just from the army's points taal as normal, + 21000 points ~ 500 points asdeep” and may noc make wp mote than 28" of the army's total points cost foreach Lords cof War choice, unless specified as being ‘otherwise bythe mission that is being | played. Lords of War are only available ro sn army's Primary Detachment. 2,250 points ~ $63 points 2,500 points — 625 points “The Dramaturge Blok the Reviled, Mas 2.7$0 points ~ 688 points 3.000 points ~ 750 points 3250 points 813 points 53500 points ~§75 points BATTLES IN THE AGE OF DARKNESS FORCE ORGANISATION CHART Games which ae played based upon Heresy series have been designed with this Primary Detachment (Required) the Bates the Age of Darkness rules Force Organisation chat in mind. Further + Compulsory: 1 HQ, 2 Troops expansion use the following Force advice on selecting your army and its + Optional: 12 HQ, +4 Troops 4 Elites Organisation chat which offers the composition canbe found inthe Warhammer «3 Fast tack, +3 Heavy Support widest degree offlenbiley nd shouldbe apeo rulebook. However, note that the considered the standard form of play while Force Organisation charts presented the Fortification Detachment (Optional) using this rules expansion. The various Horus Heresy srlestake precedence over + 1 Cholce army lists presented in Forge Worlds Horus thos listed in the rulebook Lords of War Detachment (Optional) + 1 Choice Pramany Detactient Allied Detachment (Optional) qu + Compulsory: : HQ, 1 Troops + Optional: +s "Troops, +2 Elites, “Ht Fast Attack, +1 Heavy Support Fomnrcanos Tonisor Wax ead a oe @ | the Horus Heresy Allies Matrix “The Solar Aula army it may select alles ore alled th sing the imperil Army Hie ofthe lies in he Age of Darknes table Ge page 253). Usine THE Army List ENTRIES Each unit entry inthe army list contains the fllowing information Unit Name: At the start of each army list entry you wil find the name the unit alongside the points cost ofthe unit without any upgrades Unit Profile: This will show the profil of any models the unit can include, even ifthey are upgrades, Unit Type: This refers tothe Unit Type rules in the Warhammer jooo0 rulebook. For example a unit may be classed as Infantry, Monstrous Creature or Vehicle, which will subject i roa numberof rules regarding movement, shooting, assaults et. Unit Composition: Where applicable, this section will show the number and type of models that make up. the basic unit, efore any upgrad ‘muy only include one of this unit in your army. sare taken. IF the Unit Composition includes the word ‘Unique’ then you ‘Wargear: This section details the weapons and equipment the models inthe unit ae armed with, The cost for al ‘models and their equipment is included in the points cost listed next o the units name Special Rules: Any special rales explained in further detail subsequently ori the Special Rul apply tothe models inthe unit ae listed here, These special rules are Options: This section iss al of the upgrades you may ad tothe unit you wish todo so alon | points cost for each. Where an option states that you may exchange one weapon ‘and/or’ another, you may replace either or both provided you pay the points cost for each Dedicated Transport: Where applicable, this option refers to any Transports the unit may take These have their own army list entries. Dedicated Transports do not use up any Force Orgensation chart choices, but otherwise function as separate units. The Transports section of the Warhammer jo000 rulebook explains how Dedicated Transports work Warlord Traits: Sometimes an entry will have a specifie Warlord trait, in which casei willbe listed here in Lords of War and the Solar Auxilia: The Solar Ausilis has access toa number of Super heavy vehicles as shown in its army lst s Lords of War choices, In addition, it has access to Super heavy Walkers from, the Legio Titanic (se The Horus Heresy Book 1~ Betnayal) or Knights chosen from the Civestris Knight Crusade Army lis the Household ranks inthis case are not used) These may comprise either a War ‘Machine Detachment (1-2 Super-heavy vehicles with the same unit type, with 8 otess Hull Points) ora single Engine of Destruction (a Superheavy vehicle ofany type with 9 Hull Boints orless) Note tha several lighter’ Super heavy vehicles ate alteady integrated into the Solar Aub army lists standard Heavy Support choices — these do not count as Lords of War forthe army (nor are they subject to the Price of Failure special rule), It should always be made clear your opponent atthe sartof the battle Where this is ors not the case! Soar AUXILIA SpeciaL RuLes The tactics ofthe Soar Aula have long been formulated on civ defence; the expectation sat in bate they ae most key tobe outnumbered and under direct aack, with the basic response of drawing the tnerny onto their guns and to reak upon their ines like waves against unyielding rocks. eis this that has won the Solar Ausilia their fierce battlefield reputat be expected to prevail albeit often a great cost Key to this is thei ability to stand shoulder to shoulder and maintain volleys of disciplined fre with rapidity and accuracy regardless “unwavering as itis harshly enfo wha unholy terrors are boiling down on them. This regime and cial dctine sas Disciplined Fire Models with tis special cule may fire Overwatch Snap Shots at 8S 2 when using Pistol, Assault and Rapid Fire weapons. lose Formation Fighting So lang 2 at least two fiendly models with this special rule are in base they may fight at +1 WS. bose contact duting an assault Superheavy Command Tank Ifthe vehicle is upgraded toa Super-heavy Command tank, all allied units within 24"of the vehicle may re roll fled Morale checks | Disciplined Command The Solar Ausilia regiments adhere to a strict chain of command in ther battlefield deployments terms, this chain of command determines your choice of Warlord where the Solar Aula forms your army's Primary Detachment, unless your army aso contsinsa Unique character with rules tothe contrary jour Warlord + fyourarmy contains a Lord Marshal, this must + four army contains no Lord Marshal but does contain one ot more Legate Commanders, one ofthese must be your Warlord «If your army contains nether a Lord Marshal nor any Legate Commanders but does contain one or more Avila Tactical + Ifyour army contains none ofthe above, but does contain one or more Aula Tank Commanders then the Aula Tank Comamander attached tothe tank with the highest points value countsas your Warlord bur does not gain a Warlord Trait. mand Sections then a Strategos from one ofthese units must be your Warlord. Hold the Line ‘While a squad with this rule is within 12" ofanother squad from the same Terio which isitselfnot already Falling Back, i in the Psychic phase or Shooting phase re-oll any dice resultsof a 6 agtinst Pinning tests and Morale checks caused by attacks Soar AUXILIA REGIMENTS RLORD TRAITS ‘When generating their Warlord Trits,a Solar Ausilia Regiment may either rollon one of the Warlord Traits Ds Etablesin the Warhammer 4000 rulebook, or instead rll on the following tble Sovak Avnaua Recaveys Waren Tras Ta ‘Warlord Trait Uncanny Survivor The Warlord has outlived many enemies by fa means and fou, and both the cruel laws the xens an he Hades of ial and courtly assassins have fe olay them lo The Watlord gsins the Eternal Wartior special ru Shattering Bombardment The Solar Aula armoured reserves rei deny fect to which tet fepower an While the Warlord salve selecta single weapon ina unit within 6” of them inthe Shooting phase that has the Ordnance special rule. That weapon counts as being twin-linked for this player turn Bitter Blood Warlords ab ave not to be underestimate When fighting in a challenge the Warlord gains the Hatred special rule Blind Barrage with a heavy barrage of smoke rv the da righ in which he Solar Awa have already prepared ther lds offre ahead of time odode ardment athe stato sila units gain the Shrouded special rule for the Warlord’ controlling player may choose to unleash « Blind bo the game. If hiss done,all friend Void Master The Warlord hos ough al argue these) a of the blll ‘The Warlord gains the Stubborn special rue, and they and ey join gains the Move Through Gaver special rule Siege Master “The Waronl isa veteran of w vulnerabilities hit one’s defences tthe start ofthe game,after deploy dof terrain in the enemy's deployment zone (note that this cannot be Fortification purchased for their my). The cover save provided by this terrain i lowered (e, made worse) by-1 (ef, 5 becoming 6, ete) ned sieges and knows with almost pratematral sil the but before the game begins, nominate a single piece era ‘SoLAR AUXILIA WARGEAR Ravcen Wearoxs ‘Archaeotech Pistol Despite the renaissance of human power in che galaxy thatthe Great Crusade has created, there remains much of Mankind’sancient might and arts thats lost to myth and legend, save fora few relics that have survived Old Night. One ofthe more common types found are sidearms of surpassing firepower and elegance. Be they bespoke slug throwers utilising micro-stomie munitions or searing killrays that,

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